When people rate 1 stars

Discussion in 'Translator's Corner' started by freeonlyonholidays, Apr 21, 2020.

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  1. freeonlyonholidays

    freeonlyonholidays Member

    Dec 31, 2019
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    Do you get bothered as the TL?

    How do you deal with feeling this way?
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  2. reagents 11

    reagents 11 disaster personified

    Oct 29, 2016
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    If it affecting the views then just remade the page with fresh rating. Don't let it bother you since it's just the internet. People learn that being an asshat or an imbecile or an idiot in the internet mostly don't giving direct backlash to them IRL.
    Shizukani and freeonlyonholidays like this.
  3. freeonlyonholidays

    freeonlyonholidays Member

    Dec 31, 2019
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    :') thanks
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  4. canaria23

    canaria23 『  』

    Oct 21, 2015
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    You can do that? download.jpeg
  5. Frozen ink

    Frozen ink Legally had harem『Cathulu』Power of Love & Evil』

    Jan 24, 2016
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    ignore ratings on the negative scale those are usually people who are butthurt about genre, trolls, or asshats who say ooohh ive read like 1000 novels like this etc you know the wannabees~
  6. InvincibleDespair

    InvincibleDespair Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2017
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    Well, you can see how a novel is if there is too many 1-star review.
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  7. ludagad

    ludagad Addicted to escapist novels

    Oct 31, 2015
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    Honestly, if it's a shitty novel, I'd drop it from my projects. Especially if the reviewers have read ahead of me and written what they didn't like in the review, I might change my mind about the novel. If people don't like it, but I do, I'll keep translating it. There'll still be a few people who are following and waiting for updates.
  8. Raebit

    Raebit Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2018
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    I don't do translate, but if I do.
    Depends, 'I will research why', is the novel in future 'become trash' and I dislike it or it is just different taste after all?
    If just different taste, I continue to work, I won't bother seeing the review.

    If it is about my way of writing/grammar/translating skill.
    Well my writing sucks, I will give the warning of my skill, and stay translating.
    For this you should ask yourself, what is your reason for translating?
    - Language practice? then you should only focus yourself, 'the star review wont affect you', I mean your goal are polishing yourself.
    - Only sharing what you like? Then don't open the review, you just share things you like, don't let the negative review affect things you like then starting to hate it because of it.
    - Searching for reader? Well you should look at it and review it carefully to polish yourself to become more popular, it may hurt, but some of review maybe helpful to correct yourself.
    Martialegg and Greater thunder like this.
  9. asaade

    asaade Well-Known Member

    Nov 13, 2015
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    just ignore most 1 star review and look for those who write criticism in their review, and study it and think why they criticize you about that. if you think you can't handle the 1 star review just post your work in qi so you can delete all those review so it wont hurt your ego and have only 5 star review
  10. reagents 11

    reagents 11 disaster personified

    Oct 29, 2016
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    Having a third party that can wipe off the troll reviews would be better than when the page maker the one that dictate their ratings but it still much better than leaving them free for all to make. At least the ratings should be chapter per chapter rather than free for all since it'll make the review more objective.
    Martialegg likes this.
  11. freeonlyonholidays

    freeonlyonholidays Member

    Dec 31, 2019
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    Thank you for your responses. ^^
    It would be ideal in this world if these handful of 1 star raters put in a logical review so I can review it and see if it is due to my own translations. But unfortunately, not one of them did.
    It is not the ratings I can't handle. It is the trolls that might have put it as 1 stars without even thinking about it, not realizing how much effort we TL put into our work.
    With that, I can only put these 1 stars down to a "difference in tastes", since there doesn't seem to be any constructive criticisms from them. (There are only 10% of them, and I have read through the whole novel, so I assure you this is not a conclusion made without thought)

    As for Raebit, thank you for your response. I know very well what I am to do with my work (charity), and I do orientate myself around it.
    Things are not as clear-cut as non-translators might think and view them from outside, however, as most translators put some degree of themselves into their work, and it is extremely difficult, if near impossible, for one to not feel upon seeing those ratings.
    Still, I appreciate your attempt at trying to guide me with that response, so thank you for that :)
  12. Raebit

    Raebit Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2018
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    Yeah! I know similar feeling, since I like to draw.
    At first when no one likes my art it is very sad, I mean did my artwork that bad? I work really hard on it.
    But when I see other side, I want to draw to improve or just sharing my work, not because of fav, I stop checking the favorite section, and I start I feel better >w<)

    With this, you can maybe have same concept of mind(?)? idk, people are different after all.
    You are the harshest critique and the one can make yourself better, see your past work and improvement, notice small things you don't realize when you focus on translating.
    You will realize all those rating or comments are just bonus. I mean the one who proud or happy with your finished product or appreciate it the most are you!, when someone else like it, it is like bonus appreciation.
    Hopefully you can overcome it.

    I hope I'm kinda helpful I'm bad at wording, and giving advice

    - Raebit
  13. Martialegg

    Martialegg [World's most powerful Egg] [HazyPrecise's Senpai]

    Dec 30, 2017
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    Imo, you just take it in logical manner and do not take it to heart. This doesn't only apply in translations, but pretty much on almost everything. My seniors always tell me that we should take criticism, but do not take it directly to heart.
    At the time, I don't really understand what he meant by not taking it to heart, since I thought it is impossible to not be hurt if someone criticized me harshly.

    But, later on, I finally understand what he truly meant. Basically, you must always be aware of the criticizer intentions.
    90% of people that criticized you will always have a slight of selfish subjectivity in their opinion. So, you need to filter it and do not let it in without any thinking. Focus on increasing your ability, instead of being depressed by your weakness.
    Because for every weakness that you realize, then you should be happy that you still have room to improve. That is the key to increasing your ability.
  14. freeonlyonholidays

    freeonlyonholidays Member

    Dec 31, 2019
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    Nah, you're not bad at it :D I'm slowly but surely making my way towards that stage as well. Hopefully, someday, I'll be confident enough to stop posting my insecurities. ^^;;

    Still, I'm very grateful for the supportive community that's here on NU :))
    Raebit likes this.
  15. Kiriko

    Kiriko Well-Known Member

    Feb 16, 2017
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    There will always be differences in preferences for novels between people, so I don't think any novel can have a 100% positive rating, leaving all the trolls and stuff aside. Try not to pay too much heed to them and if you're worried about your translations needing work, check the reviews of the people who actually cared enough to write them - I think those evaluations are more meaningful since it takes more time to actually make them rather than just clicking a few buttons. Do whatever makes you happy as a translator, honestly. If you like the story yourself, don't care about what other people think about it. If you find that you don't like it anymore, you don't need to feel obligated to translate it. Enjoy yourself, and remember, you're the one being an awesome person bringing content to people who might not have been able to read it otherwise, so be proud of yourself! :)
    freeonlyonholidays and Raebit like this.
  16. Raebit

    Raebit Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2018
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    Wish you all the best <3, you can do it! fighting!!! <3
    freeonlyonholidays likes this.
  17. mio

    mio just me

    Dec 25, 2015
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    If they just give 1 star and nothing more, ignore it, if they give an actual review, look into it and see if what they say makes sense.

    everyone here seems to want to be the good guy by comforting you, but the truth of the matter is, tastes are different, and some people will dislike what others like. But even then, no story is perfect, so a bad review should not be ignored. read it, see if you can learn from it, and if not, ignore it.

    I myself usually read 1-2 star reviews to see what about the story bothered people and whether it would bother me too. If it's something i strongly agree with (like a rapist mc, for example) then i will probably drop it before even reading.

    So it's important, yet also something that you should never take personally.
    freeonlyonholidays likes this.
  18. asaade

    asaade Well-Known Member

    Nov 13, 2015
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    before i forgot one of the most common reason most people rate 1 star in a novel because of the genre, for example beta mc most jap novel have this kind of mc so if your work is based on this kind of mc expect 1 star review, there's also ntr which is much severe compared to beta mc you'll be drowned with 1 star because of this and there's rape, if the readers favorite female lead was rape it will be automatically 1 star review but if its only someone insignificant only a few to none will rate you 1 star
    freeonlyonholidays likes this.
  19. freeonlyonholidays

    freeonlyonholidays Member

    Dec 31, 2019
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    Haha thank you, everyone, for your helpful replies! ^^
    I'm not a TL of a Group, so the TL forum on NU is really the only one I can turn to with regards to TL-ing concerns.
    It's really nice to hear what you guys had to say about it!

    Yeah... ^^; I suppose that's why. The novel I have is a BL + MOBA Gaming novel. So that really makes sense.
  20. nonononononono


    Feb 8, 2017
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    Before I translate dark blood age

    Rating(2.3 / 5.0, 57 votes)
    5 26% (15 votes)
    4 5% (3 votes)
    3 4% (2 votes)
    2 5% (3 votes)
    1 60% (34 votes)

    And the only review gave one star rating and it had 70 likes

    After I translated dark blood age

    Rating(3.2 / 5.0, 293 votes)
    5 48% (140 votes)
    4 6% (17 votes)
    3 5% (14 votes)
    2 5% (15 votes)
    1 37% (107 votes)

    The only one star review now has over 400 likes.
    So I guess one star review doesn't bother me.
    freeonlyonholidays likes this.
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