Discussion Yuri/Subtle Yuri/Female friends/Canon yuri shipping anime list

Discussion in 'Anime Discussion' started by M I S O, Aug 23, 2023.


Does anyone know of the website I'm talking about?

  1. Yes

  2. Never heard of it

  1. M I S O

    M I S O Well-Known Member

    Jan 6, 2021
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    I'm kind of looking for a website or a list.

    Back when I was in school when I first found anime and I was getting into BL and GL, I leaned more towards GL. There was this website that no longer exists now. All I remember was that it was a very pink themed website. It was a forum site btw. And if you're thinking it's okazu, nope not okazu, it's a different website (I don't even think there was an option to even talk on this site, maybe just to list anime.... it's been many years so my memory is blurry).

    And the way it would categorise the level of Yuri, was something like yuri (or was it shoujo ai), then moderate shoujo ai, subtle shoujo ai, friendship...

    So there were anime that wasn't even Yuri but I loved that some animes had like a badass female protagonist and it just got listed on the site anyway. Like for example, I discovered "kaleido star" and this has nooo Yuri but I think people shipped the main characters Sora and Layla so it got listed on the site. Oh! I remember now, it also listed canon shippings/fan canon shippings from animes as well. It didn't list any male protagonist amines, it was for Yuri fans only.

    So now years later I miss some of the anime I used to watch. I don't care if these animes are considered ancient, they were so good but I can't remember any of their names, just vague images of them.

    Does anyone remember this site? Does anyone have a copy of the list from the site?
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2023
  2. Mr. Meh Man

    Mr. Meh Man Subtly suggests yuri

    Sep 19, 2016
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    I would recommend you go to Dynasty Scans and ask on the forum or discord about this. There will almost certainly be someone who knows.
  3. M I S O

    M I S O Well-Known Member

    Jan 6, 2021
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    Thank you, someone found the website, it's called shoujoai.com
    ThomasWilkins likes this.
  4. M I S O

    M I S O Well-Known Member

    Jan 6, 2021
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