15 facts about Bunnies



Fighting my final semester battles ⚔, Female
Blog Posts:
Feeling a little under the weather today , so instead of a fashion Blog I decided to do a bunny blog aren't bunnies adorable.

1. A single bunny is a lonely bunny
Rabbits are social creatures and are happiest in the company of their own species. The best combination is a neutered male and neutered female. They can become extremely sad and depressed if kept on their own.


2.They can live for up to 12 years
Pet rabbits can live between eight to 12 years. So it's good to think about whether you can look after them for this amount of time before getting rabbits.

3. They're masters of hearing
Most rabbits can actually turn their ears 180 degrees. This rotation can pinpoint the exact location of a sound.


4. Their eyesight isn't bad either
Rabbits have almost 360 degree vision, but they are born with their eyes shut.

5. They're closer to wild rabbits than you might think
These pets may come in domesticated colours and breeds, but their perspective on the world remains very close to that of their wild relatives. Because they're a prey species (they're hunted by other animals in the wild), life is all about survival and they are in a constant state of alert. This explains why many rabbits don’t like being picked up and may run away, hide, nip or bite if you try – your hands are not too dissimilar to the claws of a bird of predators swooping down to catch them.


6. Rabbits communicate using a secret code
Well, it’s not actually a secret code, but you could be forgiven for thinking it is because their body movements are so subtle. Rabbits clench their facial muscles and change their body position when they are feeling worried; signs you wouldn’t notice if you weren’t looking out for them. This is one of the main reasons they’re so often misunderstood and don't get the correct care.


7. Baby rabbits are called ‘kittens’
Cute. Female rabbits are called 'does' and male rabbits are called 'bucks'... in case you're wondering.


8. Rabbits and guinea pigs don’t make good pals
These small pets used to be sold as a perfect match. But experts now agree that the species should be kept apart. Both animals use different methods of communication, so they can’t understand each other and they also need different diets. Plus, rabbits can and do injure guinea pigs.
  • The bacteria, Bordetella bronchiseptica, is the most common cause of respiratory disease in guinea pigs. Rabbits, cats and dogs can carry this bacteria, which can pass to guinea pigs and cause disease. Guinea pigs therefore shouldn't be housed with rabbits, and should be kept away from dogs and cats.

9. Rabbits are banned from some ferries
Legend has it that rabbits being transported for food chewed through the hull of a 17th century ship, causing the deaths of many sailors. To this day, you cannot bring your rabbit with you should you wish to cross the Channel on Brittany Ferries. (Not that you would want to as rabbits find travelling even on short car journeys extremely stressful.)

10. Overgrown teeth are common in rabbits
But most overgrown tooth problems are preventable. Many owners end up making multiple trips to the vet because their rabbit has developed a tooth or associated mouth problem, like abscesses. But the vast majority of rabbit tooth troubles can be prevented simply by feeding them the right diet, although some are genetic.

Rabbits need a constant supply of hay or fresh grass to nibble on – in fact, 90 per cent of their daily diet should be made up of the stuff. An endless supply of hay and grass is essential if they're to maintain digestive and dental health.


11. Bunnies ‘binky’ when they’re happy
You’ll know a rabbit is binkying because of the happy hop in the air, twist of the body, and kicking of the feet look unmistakably like pure joy.

12. They need lots of space to stay healthy
Young rabbits that don’t have enough space to run about are more likely to break bones, according to studies. This is because they don’t get the right opportunities to build up their bodies properly.13. Hypnotizing a rabbit is actually really traumatic for them

Sometimes called ‘trancing’, the action of placing a rabbit on their back and stroking their back legs was thought for a long time to make them happy and relaxed, and recommended to help develop a bond between pet and owner. Sadly, the total opposite is true. When a rabbit is held in this position they go into ‘tonic immobility’. They are trying to convince the predator (in this case the person ‘hypnotizing’ them) that they are dead, so they will be let go. Studies have found hypnotized, or tranced, rabbits show physiological responses similar to those who have experienced a traumatic event.


14. They're very clean
When rabbits grab their ears and bring them down across their faces to give them a wash, you are officially watching one of the cutest animal behaviors in existence.
If your rabbit has poo around its bottom area it may be a sign of a health problem, so it's a good idea to take them to the vet for a general check up.

15. Carrots aren't the best food for them
Bugs Bunny has a lot to answer for. Root vegetables aren’t a natural part of a rabbit’s diet, and carrots are high in sugar so should only be fed occasionally and in small amounts.


Have a good day everyone . Will continue the fashion series tomorrow.


    1. noblesse.wilde Dec 15, 2022
      Very informative... I learnt a lot... I hope you don't eat rabbit stew (popular in France)... after making such a cute post ... ^^
      Sheri_Yui_Chan likes this.
    2. Anra7777 Dec 15, 2022
      Number 10 has got me questioning things. My mom convinced me when I was I teen that I have a cat allergy when I was visiting my aunt who owns cats and started showing allergy symptoms. My aunt also has rabbits. I’ve known since I was 11 that I’m allergic to hay. Maybe I’m not actually allergic to cats?!?!
    3. Sheri_Yui_Chan Dec 15, 2022
      hypersniper159 and Issis like this.
    4. Issis Dec 15, 2022
      Take care!
    5. hypersniper159 Dec 15, 2022
      Get well soon
      Thanks for sharing
      Sheri_Yui_Chan and Issis like this.