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Beauty Standards Are Bullsh*t. [RANT]

Karolina Żebrowska - 27.04.2021

The fact that beauty standards change so much over the course of just a single decade makes the push for people to permanently alter their bodies via surgery extra worrying
The first time she asked “so what is the ultimate beauty standard?” My brain automatically printed “they are all signifiers of wealth”
When I was younger a boy I liked told me I had a “forgetful face”. That stuck with me for years until I realized how dumb it was to be upset about it.
Animals are not ugly, we appreciate all of their unique and beautiful existences. Why can we not appreciate ourselves in such a light
My mom stopped wearing makeup and dying her hair a few years after I was born. She raised me with the phrase: "your looks will go in and out of fashion, but you will always be beautiful"
"Remember: It's all bullshit" can be applied to most things

The Long History of "You're Not Ugly, You're Just Poor" [RANT]

Karolina Żebrowska - 26.10.2021

"What are we?" "Regular people!" "And what do we want?" "Bread to feed our eleven Victorian children!"
"Imagine you're a peasant" gurl I don't have to.
At 70 something years old, Dolly Parton was told "Wow! You look like a million bucks!" Her response: "Good! That's about what it costs!"
Another important thing to remember is that celebrities can afford to have ALL their clothing custom fitted, so if you're wondering "why does this garment look so much better on them?" it's probably because it fits really well. The mass produced clothing that most people wear isn't going to fit perfectly because it's made to standard sizes and humans come in a wide variety of shapes.
At 70 something years old, Dolly Parton was told "Wow! You look like a million bucks!" Her response: "Good! That's about what it costs!" She is my queen.

I had said it to my friends a lot, I was raised in a "old fashioned, strict house hold". My mom didn't allow me to see "teenage" shows because she thought they would create body images not good for me, no social media. I am from Argentina but 3 of my grandparents are from Italy and one from Austria. They had always told me how my "doe eyes" were cute and how my "rosed" cheeks made me always look blushed (I have rosacea). University came, I moved along, 2016, I was 17. My classmate made me an Instagram for me to be in touch of "what is the Kardashians do" ... Everything went down hill, I didn't have mate tan skin, my cheeks were always blushed, my eyes weren't lifted, sharp and almond enough. I was too fat in my legs but not in my ass, etc etc. Suffered severe ED. My grandmother couldn't believe it, she was desperate because she couldn't understand why would I feel ugly. I told her that I wanted to look like "her" show her a picture and HAHAHA oh boy she put the most "wtf" face and said with her Spanish mixed with Italian "you want to look like an alien? Those people aren't real, I have never seen a person look like that" Mind changing.
The thing that bothers me the most is that I, as a POC, grew up being told that "my skin was too tan" and "my brows were too thick". 15 years later, it's in fashion and people are paying big money to look like I did when I was being bullied for it. And u bet ur ass it's all gonna change drastically again in another 15 years. So it doesn't even matter if you conform to societal beauty standards or not right now, they'll change and you'll have to get more stuff done to keep up. Or maybe you'll just fall into what's in fashion at that moment, it really doesn't matter.
Oh yes, cats are just so naturally beautiful. No Photoshop, no operations,not fillers. Just fluff and sass and naps.

The Beauty Double Standard Between Men & Women | Salari

Salari - 26.12.2020

It's well known that when it comes to appearances there has been a double standard between men and women for as long as we can remember. This video looks at why these continue to exist, how they're perpetuated by the media and cosmetics/fashion industries, and why even though men are pressured to look good, it's worse for women.
Every high school movie was like "I'm just your average plain looking girl who no one ever looks at" and it's a literal supermodel wearing glasses.
I noticed from a young age that even though the "husbands/dads" in movies were generally unattractive (or had beer bellies, etc.), the "wives/moms" ALWAYS had to look like beautiful supermodels in perfect shape. Same thing with a male protagonist; he could be completely average-looking, but the girl he was chasing always had to be perfectly beautiful. It's just so unrealistic... It sends the message that only skinny, fit and conventionally beautiful women are worthy of love.
I noticed from a young age that even though the "husbands/dads" in movies were generally unattractive (or had beer bellies, etc.), the "wives/moms" ALWAYS had to look like beautiful supermodels in perfect shape. Same thing with a male protagonist; he could be completely average-looking, but the girl he was chasing always had to be perfectly beautiful. It's just so unrealistic... It sends the message that only skinny, fit and conventionally beautiful women are worthy of love.
I love reading books because in books people are not sexy and ridiculously attractive. Characters who are attractive are usually only slightly above average or are only beautiful because it fits the plot. I love to see flawed people more than seeing flawless people. I want to see your scars and the textures of your face when you express yourself. I don't get impressed when I see someone at their best if their best is all I ever see.

The unrealistic toxic beauty standards are deadly.


y’all, if toddlers call their skin ugly something is obviously wrong with our society
the racist beauty standards really hit hard. I’m an Arab girl with tan skin and a big nose and a really hairy body. I’m constantly put down and told that caucasians and white Eurocentric features are prettier than me and prettier than the features I have. the features my own ancestors gave me. it’s so hard for me sometimes to feel beautiful. I feel like I’m always gonna be the second choice when it comes to a white girl or a girl who’d pass as white. I’m only 13.
“brown skin looks nasty for some reason, but i don’t know what reason.” BROKE MY HEART
I’ve struggled with being underweight in my early twenties, was called anorexic even though I ate normally. Was constantly told to gain weight. Then, due to health issues, I’m 25 pounds overweight and deal with being called a fatty. Been on both sides, and all I can say as a woman is that there’s no winning.

The dark reality behind male beauty standards

Ibrahim Kamit - 07.01.2021 #BODYIMAGE #MASCULINITY

Eating disorders in men and boys really is not talked about enough. They’re human too. They have human emotions and human struggles.
As a woman, I'm annoyed with other women saying "well it's not as bad as what women go through bla bla bla". This isn't a competition on who has it worse or who should get more sympathy! This is a real issue and men are being silenced. They are being forced to fit into one mould of the ideal male beauty and are bullied into being a manly man who cannot express their insecurities and mental health issues. Whether it's men or women struggling with beauty standards, we are all victims of society. Instead of competing, we need to support each other!!
Boys and men should be allowed to say: "I don't feel good." or "I'm scared", "I feel vulnerable", "I like to wear makeup", "I'm afraid to end my life alone", "I don't want sex", "I like my love handles", "I'm gonna cry", etc. Seriously, as a woman, I felt so relieved when the hastags for women free speaking liberation appeared, it feels so good to say what's wrong in our society, and I don't understand that guys still have to shut up about their problems because "you have to be a MAN." That's so freakin' dumb and dangerous. Guys, today society doesn't need Spartians or Vikings, it needs honnest guys, who're not ashamed to exist the way they are, with their strenght and weaknesses. Because believe it or not, your "weaknesses" can be your strenght, if you do a better use than just hide them behind your dick. We love you, guys. Be yourselves.

The Dark Side Of Hollywood Body Transformations

Josh Brett - 03.03.2021

Chicken broccoli and rice, gruelling training sessions and insanely rapid transformations. Nobody does body transformations quite like Hollywood.
But when the cameras and lights go down, what goes on? This video explores the general narrative behind celebrity body transformations, how and why they achieve such rapid results. But more importantly why you should not look to Hollywood for your fitness advice.
Part 1- The Pledge: What is the ‘ideal’ physique and how do you get there? It’s a matter of fact that taking care of your fitness will improve your life drastically, But what is this ‘Hollywood physique’ which everyone talks about? Commonly referred to as the golden ratio physique, this represents the ‘ideal make proportions’ for aesthetic symmetry and while this often takes the most dedicated a century to achieve, actors seem to be getting close, often in less than a year… So how do they do it?
Part 2- The Turn: After reading many magazines, articles and celebrity interviews, how they say they achieved their results warrants respect. With actors such as Zac Effron BLENDING HIS CHICKEN and chugging it their dedication is unquestionable. But the diet of only chicken broccoli and rice, 4 hr training sessions and wildly intense training plans just make gaining muscle seem like an impossible process. While you may get results training like a maniac, this is not the only way! Even better, its not even close to optimal! Part 3- The Prestige: So, what is going on behind the scenes in many of these transformations? While nobody can say for sure, it is extremely likely that they have some extra ‘assistance’ Which allows them to train harder for longer, while gaining above natural levels of muscle.
Part 4: Signs of PED’s As much as I don’t want to be that guy calling people out for taking ‘stuff’, its important to look at some of the signs of PED usage, while 1 or 2 alone is definitely not conclusive, when many coexist together you have the right to get suspicious… (Its also important to note that many of these celebrities are probably going to be able to avoid most of these side effects with the help of top doctors).
Part 5: The Consequences This is the part which matters most! A common misconception is that the people making natty or not videos are just jealous haters. However, I would argue that the frequent exaggeration and lack of transparency of how these transformations are achieved have many consequences: - Unrealistic body expectations - Increase in PED usage - Decrease in mental health (especially if you try to follow some of these routines) - Increase in eating disorders - Increase in companies profiting off of ambiguity (e.g. snake oil supplements)
While Hollywood body transformations may inspire millions and have a net positive effect, its important to be aware of the other side of things. Hollywood is an industry built on illusions and I strongly advise you to get your fitness advice from qualified professionals as opposed to Hollywood actors and those speculative magazines (more spews for views). Many of these Hollywood body transformations are wildly exaggerated and are by no means realistic for your average person, but that should be okay, you can still achieve incredible results, and achieve close to the golden ratio physique naturally, just don’t go expecting to look like Chris Hemsworth in a year…

Please DON'T Follow Celebrity Fitness Advice

Josh Brett - 18.12.2021

It needs to be broken into two categories - the fitness industry - the aesthetic industry Needs to be clear, for young people especially
I remember Henry cavill and Zac Efron both stating that the workout regimen is brutal and wouldn't encourage it. Efron even said that he wouldn't work out to look like that ever again unless it was for a role that he thought would be worth going through that routine., that they are two very different things.
Great video! As a psychologist, I do appreciate the effort you put in highlighting the issues! I see a steep increase in BDD (body dysmorphic disorder) and multiple eating disorders, depressive mood states caused by low self-esteem. And it is a product of our toxic culture in which aesthetic appearance is sold health. Couldn't be any more further from scientific truth, so thank you for using your platform to spread awareness!

celebrities need to STOP creating beauty brands!

Mina Le - 22.06.2022

In the 2000s, it was perfume. In the 2010s, it was make-up. The 2020s will be about skincare post pandemic.
Like someone said; "Skincare, holistic health and beauty is becoming like fast fashion."
As someone from the 3rd world, I must say: most of the world's plastic waste (single-use plastics) is sent in sealed containers which are opened in Latin America countries or even insular Asian countries. That's how this trash "disappears". If by any reason this traffic doesn't get to its "original destination", then trash is thrown in the middle of the ocean, on international waters.
I agree about Rihanna’s brand. It was definitely needed. As a dark skinned black woman, in the past so many brands overlooked people my skin tone and darker until Fenty. After Fenty, the companies that used to ignore us finally increased shade range. As if we just came into existence.
The most hilarious thing about Harry Styles's stupid cosmetic line (besides the name) is that it's like 40 bucks for the most piss poor excuse of a yellow nailpolish you have ever seen. Nothing about this is Pleasing, Harold
i think the funniest is when celebrities who are millionaires and have already great skin, decide to open a skincare brand like as if it’s their product that is the reason why their skin glows
Right? I agree, plus not to mention they have the access to the best dermatologists
JLO just uses olive oil what do you mean

Matt Learns the Truth About Wearing Makeup to Work - Corporate

Matt is forced to decide whether he wants to remain ignorant about his physical flaws or learn the horrible truth.
"Every evening I destroy my face and every morning I rebuild anew."
"Doesn't matter what mother nature gives you. All women are taught at a young age to hate the way they look"

How Men Get Ready vs. How Women Get Ready - Corporate


The reason Matt is looking dapper is because he got enough sleep.

Celebs don't age anymore. Is that bad for the rest of us?

The Take - 07.07.2022

Aging is an unavoidable part of life - or at least it used to be. But this doesn’t seem to be true for today’s celebrities. On the one hand, Hollywood worships the trappings of youth as much as ever, but on the other, it loves some relatively old stars. From Sandra Bullock to Tom Cruise to Will Smith, big stars in their 50s are everywhere you look. So is it simply a great thing that actors' careers aren't dead after they hit a certain age now – or does it not really count if we’re embracing middle-aged and older actors if their continued popularity depends on them not looking it?
00:00 Are Hollywood actors still getting parts as they age?
02:34 The stigma of getting older in Hollywood.
08:44 When growing old in Hollywood can be a good thing.
12:48 Could aging in Hollywood actually be an advantage today?
14:52 Embracing age in Hollywood.


I really hope this means that we are starting to accept people aging especially women. It’s time we get rid of the idea that once women reach 30 we are old and no longer valuable unless we are mothers. I’m only 26 and I get told I look “ young for my age” even though I’m still in my 20’s.
Remember, folks. We’d age well too if we had plastic surgeons, fitness coaches & nutritionists on payroll, and have lots of money. So you’re not ugly, you’re just not rich.
It’s unrealistic to want a women to not age. We associate youth with beauty when we should associate beauty with authenticity.
I remember former supermodel Joan Severance, who is in her 50s, sharing her skincare routine in a Vogue YouTube video and a lot of people commenting on how "terrible" she looked for a woman in her 50s. The typical 50-year-old does not look like Halle Berry or Jennifer Lopez.
people on tiktok really think saying that a beautiful female celebrity ’hasn’t aged’ is the highest compliment you can give a woman it makes me sick to my core lol
I think the problem is there's almost no stories about old people. No songs talk about them, no movies. That should change, we should investigate what stories are good to tell in that lifetime period for accurate cast to portray it. You can't blame it on actors. Speaking as an actress myself (I'm 29 and already injecting things to my face to keep myself younger) it's already pressure enough as it is for us to keep working anywhere, we do our best. We just need more and better storylines.
C.S. Lewis warned about this in 'The Screwtape Letters' years before ageism and body-shaming even existed as terms. He wrote "we are more and more directing the desires of men to something which does not exist-making the role of the eye in sexuality more and more important and at the same time making its demands more and more impossible."
Nicole Kidman recently played Alexader Skarsgard's mother in The Northman and, not only she is only 9 years older than him but they played husband and wife in Big Little Lies. I thought it was very disturbing to see. It's alarming we don't see that kind of casting for male actors.
I didn’t know who Jessica Lange was until I saw her in American horror story and I love that they showed her as a good looking woman and nothing about her being older. That’a what made her so interesting to me. She exudes confidence.
Let's all agree to stop commenting "X doesn't age!", "X doesn't look a day older than 30!!. Like, we can find better ways of showing our support to our fav celebs.
I wish we didn’t think this way in society. The younger the better is praised in Hollywood. Being older and looking older is demonized. We praise older women for looking young in their careers. It’s toxic, it’s like we can’t escape wanting to look young at an old age. Older actresses are beautiful and should be allowed to have complex characters given to them. The older the better in my opinion.
I think mortality and aging should be more embraced. I think it’s appalling to use a hologram of dead singers or actors. Its INCREDIBLY messed up. They treat artists as if the person behind them didn’t even exist. Like they’re some kind of folktale. Which is why the continuous exploitation of someone like Marilyn Monroe, who has been exploited her entire life even in death bothers the hell out of me. Let people rest. Let people retire. Let people age.
They age, they just have millions of dollars to spend on stuff to make them younger. And yes, it's bad for the rest of us.
In France, there's an old saying: Women don't truly blossom till age 40...
In Russia there is a popular phrase from the movie: After you're 40, you just start to live.
@mariaschukariova3438 in Italy we say: "Life starts at 40" (if you are 40; if you are 50, you say "Life starts at 50"; if you are 60... well, you get it!)
Like fine wine.

Why Young Celebs Look Old and Old Celebs Look Young

The Take - 09.02.2023

Older celebrities are looking younger, younger celebrities are looking older…it seems like no one wants to actually look their own age. Martha Stewart’s recent no filter selfie launched what seemed like a full scale social media interrogation of her beauty regime, and whether or not she’s had any work done. And people like Kylie Jenner have seemingly gotten so much work done in their early years – they end up looking like they’re in their thirties long before then. And the most recent, troubling trend, buccal fat removal – is something plastic surgeons say they might seriously regret as they get older. So, in our heavily filtered, face-tuned world, are we all in danger of trying to reach for some idea of perfection that forces everyone to turn away from their natural looks?

00:00 Young & Old stars seem to both be aiming for middle age looks
01:22 Older celebs are aging in reverse with insane regiments
03:51 Younger celebs are maturing fast as plastic surgery accelerates
07:15 Stars who actually own their age
10:16 Are these trends forever?


There needs to be more older women on TV looking their normal age it becomes normalised. You usually see young women on adverts & TV, and older ladies are either not there or have had an awful lot of work done, and look unnatural. I think seeing normal women looking beautiful naturally on TV regularly would go a long way to helping people know it's ok to look your age and not get work done as the norm.
It's simple, half of the people don't want to age gracefully and the other half want to be another person.
The fact that many teens look so adult has really warped people's perception as to what people actually look like beneath all the makeup and fashion - and fillers etc. I'm a nearly 28 y/o who looks naturally younger, and some teens today look OLDER than me. This means I get mistaken for 16ish all the time, even by actual 16 year-olds. I just want to look my age, I'd be totally okay with that. :/
The problem is, youth is associated to beauty. (Which we know, you can be beautiful wrinkly and gray. we will never say our grandmas are ugly, and not just because we love them). That's for the Older half. For the younger half, even if they don't look their age, they don't look old. They just look "otherworldly" beautiful. If you don't have wrinkles naturally, good for you. If you take care of yourself that's amazing too, but the world won't crumble because you lived, had emotions and your face testifies of it. It's a blessing.
I can't help but feel sorry for anyone, "celebrity" or not, who feels so insecure they have to literally have themselves cut and re-stitched into another person. No one knows the true long-term effects, physically or mentally of any of these procedures.
Also something I think hasn't helped is for many many years teenage characters on screen were not played by teen actors. They were instead played by grown adults in their 20s and even 30s. Meaning teens growing up never got to actually see real adolescence on screen. We need teen characters to be played by teen actors. And for them also to be styled and dressed like actual teenagers off screen.
I got botox and under eye filler at 29, and have been wearing sunscreen religiously since I was a teen because I wanted to ward off aging. The internal pressure to look young is overwhelming. Sometimes I'm thankful I'm not wealthy because I would certainly overindulge in cosmetic procedures to "fix" all of my insecurities.
We need stories of older, single women having interesting lives (and by interesting I don't mean workaholics only, or cougars only). People don't just disappear when they get 50+. We need fun rolemodels that also happen to be old. (I love the Spice Girls because they are mature women with interesting lives, for example.) We need more movies, series, and even influencers who embrace age.
I wish we lived in a world without these beauty standards, without the Jenners/Kardashians, Bella Hadid, Hailey Beiber, and all the others adjacent to them. These “it girls” are trendsetters and their trends are TOXIC to ALL of society. I’m turning 30 this year and feel myself giving into these beauty standards, not wanting to look like I’m aging. We need to accept beauty and aging for what they are. And we need to accept we all have natural beauty that does not need to give into any of these toxic standards that are somehow STILL getting worse after the last 2 decades of my upbringing and shaping of my own beauty standards.

You're NOT Allowed to Age! - AvenueX's Rant About C-Dramaland

AvenueX - 22.07.2018

It's the sad truth that society devalues older women. Like they just expect you to die when you hit 30 or something. And it's 100% because women aren't treated as people by the media, you're either sexually desirable or you're the mother figure who's only there to provide occasional guidance (or as an obstacle for the main couple). It makes me so angry because not only is it frustrating, it also has the very dangerous side effect of endangering young girls. They're are told, repeatedly, that they've peaked at the age of 17. That they are at the height of their beauty, and worth when in reality they've maybe just finished puberty. No one reaches their "peaks" until they're at least in their 30s, and it's just a fertile ground for people to prey on young girls. All the while the media validates and normalizes this fucked up reality (angry face emoji)
Yang Mi really has been playing the stereotypical “innocent virgin girl” for over 15 years. I’m not even a fan of hers but watching her playing the same role over and over and OVER again for a hundred times still makes me feel bad for her, and so many other beautiful mature actresses in China like her. They need scriptwriters and production companies that dare to create stories about real women over the age of 25. And in all honesty, that is kind of the age range where life truly begins, for both the the housewives and women who focus on their family life, AND the office ladies and female entrepreneurs who venture into the “man’s world” and their workplace, as more or less the underdogs. Just imagine the great stories you can draw from these settings, instead of the same old high-school-romance or college-romance over and over and over again.
I think this is why Bai Qian as a character worked out so well well for Yang Mi. Both Su Su and Bai Qian were of indeterminate age and as a "goddess" she had the luxury of literally being ageless. It allowed Yang Mi to really lean into a slightly jaded/cynical persona whose lack of life experience was because she was lazy and introverted, not because of youth and actual inexperience. That actually makes a great example of how to tell a story of "experience" without having to rely on "youth" as a trope. That said...fear of aging is a common storytelling trope and it does create a lack in diversity of stories. But c-drama in and of itself tends to be extremely shallow when it comes to personal development.
Yang Mi even said in an interview that she doesn’t want to act these young roles anymore.
This is a really sad thing but according to psychology and common misconception, people think people in their 40s+ lives in a stagnant stage and is reflecting their life before they die and that is insane lol. 40 isn’t even that old. Most people still look beautiful and young at 40, and things still happens at 40. If anything, at 40 you have twice the story to tell than an 18 year old person.
I'd wish that in dramas that they start portraying second female leads and other supportive female characters in a more positive light and have more varied motivations, than destroying said female lead's career and romances. I mean if guys could become rivals and friends at the same time, why can't women be the same? Also, I find it that the female protagonist usually develops her career with the help of her potential love interest. Sure it's a way to bring them together and show that he's "perfect" for her because he knows her potentials, but it's as if she has to always rely on her man to succeed. So it'd be helpful if other people in her circle become her mentors, supporters and investors, especially women and men, other than her suitors, experienced in her field. Finally, the fact the female protagonist is loved by many men do not highlight her personality, like AvenueX mentioned in another video. I find it actually does the opposite, particularly when her characterization is weak or too "Mary Sue-like", and it makes her look as she has qualities that only please men.
I think Liu Tao's career is a good example of a quality actress playing varied, age-appropriate and meaningful roles. The main problem is the Asian audience doesn't care to fight the status quo on this issue. I hear females complain about other female actresses being "too old" at age 30. Instead of supporting the need for age-diverse and strong female leads they just want pure fantasy escapism. I see the trend start very young, when you look at the young female leads in the high school dramas they are basically the same character over and over.


Mina Le - 30.11.2022
The Ideal of Feminine Beauty in Medieval Literature, Especially "Harley Lyrics", Chaucer, and Some Elizabethans by D.S. Brewer
“Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the ugliest of them all?”: The Elderly as "Other" in Countess Dracula (1971) by Jennifer Richards
Wellness in Whiteness by Amina Mire
Botox Nation: Changing the Face of America by Dana Berkowitz
Aging With Disney and the Gendering of Evil by Nada Elnahla [​IMG] / erasing-your-wrinkles-isnt-empowerment

0:00 - intro
5:01 - the definition of beauty
16:57 - botox nation
27:37 - the pressure to stay young


my mom is 57 and has no wrinkles in her face. people often comment about it with her and ask if she's had any plastic surgery and etc. the reality is that she's had depression her whole life and rarely ever smiled or showed any emotion. whenever people comment on how awesome it is, she says it's not, it's tragic. wrinkles are your body's way of showing the world that you feel things intensely, and in the end that's what matters in life, isn't it?
As a woman I realised my fear of looking old wasn't out of Vanity but out of the knowledge of how society treats older women. I didn't want to suddenly become invisible, to be regarded as a outcast. I also realised that for many women putting great amount of effort into thier appearances out of survival , they don't want to be pushed out of society.
Once a 99-year old woman told me that ”You wouldn't even be able to imagine what this body has been able to do and endure for the past 99 years. The thing I could least care is my looks. But I do love a good red lipstick!”
Ageism is something that needs to be talked about more seriously. Why is the society treating our elderly so poorly when at the end of the day, we all end up old?
its funny because when you are young you are pushed to look older and more sophisticated and when you are old you are told you need to look vibrant and youthful. so basically the narrative is always changing to make you feel inadequate..
I think its very unhealthy pushing all these anti-aging everywhere. The younger people will think when they get older they won't be considered "beautiful ". Also feel like when you get older you wont find love or even be worthy of love.
My friend is dying of cancer at 37. Whatever marketing tells you, it’s a privilege to get older.
Anti-aging should primarily be about health- feeling young and functional in your 70s, 80s, 90s+. Looking as good as you can is a bonus.
One thing I love about the goth community is that you see people up into their 60s and 70s at the club, wearing whatever the fuck they want, wearing black lipstick on their proudly wrinkled faces, rocking hair that's either naturally silver or dyed fun colors like purple and green, just enjoying life. Some are happily married, some are going more the "Blanche Deveroux" route, some are just there to enjoy the music, and it's great to see. While online, the goth scene may seem very young, thin, and paper-white, what I've seen near me at shows is much more diverse on all fronts, especially regarding age. Hanging out with aging punks and goths has totally changed my perspective on things.
The industry has a serious obsession with womens’ age. We constantly see old men dating all these young girls. Ariana posted one picture where she looked a little older in the photo and the comments swarmed in about her looking “ill”. Aging is literally normal and human? Are we not humans now? Well I guess women have always been objects for people to judge from the outside. Constantly seeing women who look so young in the media has really changed the way people see women even more. Why do we treat women as if the minute they hit 30 they’re trash. Even when they are older, the celebrities that stay relevant tend to STILL look young. Since that’s all we see we start to think it’s abnormal to age while nobody bats an a eye when men age. It’s so weird and its just another dumb standard for women used to poison the minds of women to rack in money from the consumerism. It really pisses me off how many things the patriarchy nitpicks just to make us all feel so insecure to the point we are willing to go as far as possible to prove ourselves. Nothing is ever perfect enough. We will never truly love ourselves like this. I feel so bad for the young girls growing up with social media now.
It's sad how much racism is still prevalent in the medical industry. I am biracial Nordic and Arabic and I had an ER doctor tell my mother, when I was 16, that I was faking my period pain. He said ethnic women don't really feel pain so because of my Arabic heritage I wouldn't have pain like that. Turns out I have endometriosis and it's horrifically painful. I'm 34 now and decided to see a dermatologist just because I never have. The first one I went to I saw only once. He told me it was shocking I still looked young and I should feel lucky to be mixed because my Nordic genetics will help me look younger as ethnic women age faster.... what the actual hell. Both those doctors are apparently time travelers from the 1800's.
Leena Norms' video essay explaining why Mamma Mia is revolutionary in its joyful, silly, fun depiction of single middle aged women is both heartfelt and analytical and I highly recommend it to viewers who need to see a more positive depiction to cheer them up, and to reinforce the idea that the way we view older women is not normal and remind ourselves that our current way we see older women doesn't have to be normalised in the way it so often is.


    1. CreativeCriticalThinker Sep 1, 2023
      @Nia2760 What I find very insidious and hypocritical is the fact that most of the CEOs, Managers & Marketing Team behind all these whole brainwashing toxic beauty standards sells are allowed to or have the privilege of looking quite "average / ugly". :blobdevil:
      So the actors, models and pop stars have to suffer a lot to sustain an impossible unhealthy beauty image to make lots of money for the higher ups, while these shareholders of a company/conglomerate can just let themselves go..........................................
      Nia2760 likes this.
    2. Nia2760 Sep 1, 2023
      I wholeheartedly agree with you beauty standards are bullshit they change over the decade and people get various plastic surgery just to look pretty for that era