Esha's past time



☄your favorite meanie࿐ྂ, Female
Blog Posts:
Can anyone be more self-obsessed than esha? I doubt.
Such narcissism *coughs*

Anyway since I already exhausted my daily data pack, what I could to do was to keep on listening to the same song on Spotify for like *counts* it has been more than eight times...I have been listening to it since then...anyway so I had this thought of like ah! Why don't I just record my voice singing!
Bad choice, I know I know...

I swear....I sound like dying pig! *Coughs* did I overdo it? I can't sound that bad...? Can I? Anyway, *thinks* I used to uh my aunt is a singer like the more classical type...Me and my cousin used to learn from her...I thought maybe ah we can do it...

But...the time I remember the incident where I wanted to apply for this group song brutally was kicked out from it.....I wannnnaaa cryyyy ahhhh it's sooo sksksksk funnyyyyy... Ahem but both friends got in tho..good for them...good for them...ahem

So back to present! Maybe...maybe I still am a better bathroom singer(?) Well tho my dorm friends brutally on my face said how badly I sing!!! Huuuuu damn you, P! I will pester you more with my horrible voice!! You just see!! Orz

It's fine ah esha...we can try dan—
*Cuts scene*

Late night thoughts are always like believing you are celebrity and posing in bed.. orz that's stupid...

[ Extracts from Esha's daily life ]
[ 12:33 ]


    1. GH_98 Apr 22, 2023
      @Esha07 oh myy goddd this is one of my favorite songs !! It’s really good and the melody is so addictive to the point that pushes you to sing it over and over again!
      Esha07 likes this.
    2. Esha07 Apr 21, 2023
      *hugs @AliceShiki*
      Yes what matters is your feelings for them!
      Fufufufu tho I was surely not wondering to sing songs for anyone~
      AliceShiki likes this.
    3. Esha07 Apr 21, 2023
      UnknownTakuaN likes this.
    4. Esha07 Apr 21, 2023
      GH_98 likes this.
    5. AliceShiki Apr 21, 2023
      *hugs* I can relate to not liking one's own singing much... Or well, in my case it's more my voice, but... Well, it's similar~

      I still sang a song to my last boyfriend on his birthday anyways. I didn't care that it was bad, I just wanted to do something for him, so I did something for him~

      I don't think one needs to care about being good/bad at stuff like singing. As long as you're doing something that makes you happy, it's all good~
      Esha07 likes this.
    6. GH_98 Apr 20, 2023
      The way I relate to this lol . What is the song though?
      Esha07 and One Perfect Veteran like this.
    7. Esha07 Apr 20, 2023
      And yeah I am still listening to that one song till now!
      One Perfect Veteran likes this.