Even if you are distant with your parents, is it normal to experience this?



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This month, I've been suffering from insomnia and nightmares. I hadn't had a good night's sleep in over 10 days and spent my nights reviewing my work or reading novels.
Yesterday I accompanied my mother. I slept really well. Somehow, when I was with her, I felt really calm and peaceful.

I have never been particularly close with my parents, and me and my mother seldom talk without getting into an argument. I don't get along with her to the point that I avoid working in the kitchen when she is around, our daily conversations can easily turn into arguments. The only time we don't argue is when we are talking about an annoying relative or discussing work, or when I accompany her to whole sales or hospital.

I was really surprised when I woke up. because I was no longer fatigued and wanted to lay with her for a few more moments. I haven't felt like that in a long while.

Is it normal to experience this? Especially when you are distant with your parents? I don't spend my time with them, and don't stay with them as often.
Even as a kid, I've never been clingy and often stayed away from home. I am not a emotional person.

But when listening to her heartbeat, I slept well. I've thought about this before and even searched about it, and found that babies stop crying immediately when they recognize their mother and sleep easily in their mother's arms.
The same goes for animals. Especially dogs. Puppies often cry if they are separated from their mother, this is why owners send a piece of clothing carrying the mother's scent when giving away puppies.


    1. Servant to One Jun 7, 2024
      @LittleFool I can't say anything, but this shows that there is still a hint of care ot whatever it may be
      LittleFool likes this.
    2. Servant to One Jun 7, 2024
      It's not bullshit, if you take a reductionist approach and suck out all the life of being a mother to a child as them just needing to feed them and cloth them due to their biological inclinations and chemicals in the brain to do so for sake of our species. Humans regardless always seek a deeper meaning.
      LittleFool likes this.
    3. I Am Made Of Memories Jun 6, 2024
      That’s bullshit reason but semi accurate your predisposed to feeling calm/relaxed hearing your mothers heartbeat cause of your time in the womb it’s not romantic as connection that can’t be broken it’s evolutionary instinct like the heart beat was basically all you heard for 9 months
      LittleFool and Servant to One like this.
    4. LittleFool Jun 6, 2024
      @Servant to One If a safe space was extremely toxic and covered in barbs and wires, then yes, my mother is my safe space.
      Servant to One likes this.
    5. Servant to One Jun 6, 2024
      Yeah, your mother is basically your safe space, you were in her womb, that's a connection that cannot be broken.
      LittleFool likes this.