Ghost in my house



Member, Female
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the house where i Live has double bedrooms and between the two bedrooms their is a partition which divides hall , kitchen , one bedroom , balcony on one side and the other bedroom with attached bathroom on the other side of partition so this side lives a grandma the mother in law of my owner who is sick needed to be taken care but only after 4 days we shifted the grandma died , so the owner asked us to stay out for two days because they need the whole place that they rented us to host funeral activities so we put lock on our bedroom and bathroom stayed at my uncles house when we comeback the funeral is completed but weird things started to happen im very curious person so at night i climbed up the partition to check how is it like on the other side so i saw the grandma bedroom door is not closed since its night that to after 12 so we turned off lights on our side to sleep the place is very dim the only visible light is from grandma room and the light is too dim not the bright and its green in colour suddenly the atmosphere is very creepy for me and all the courage has vanished from by body and i nearly fell from the partition if it weren't for my sister holding me from below, im already very scared and what i saw later had me scared so much that my soul left my body because i saw a flashing shadow on that room and expect me , my mom , my sister nobody in the whole house including grandma room so whose shadow i saw , i cant properly see the shadow i even taught my eyes deceiving me or its just my delusion because my eye site is not good but it can occur once But not twice after few secs passed i saw it again and then i climbed off the partion very fastly and clung to my sis in fear i love watching horror movies but i dont like it experiencing it in reality and that night i couldnt sleep no matter what i usually sleep by myself but that day i lay down between my sis and mom with a blind fold on my eyes so do i dont see anything i even put some god chants in phone but still i couldnt sleep i was really very very much scared i stayed up until dawn when i saw morning light only then i got asleep and this issue is just starting because after that many things started to happen like sounds of door opening , water running in bathroom , incense smell these are all very normal daily things but when these happens on other side of partion where nobody lives its abnormal so we gradually realised its the grandma ghost and she still hasnt left because of that we prayed to god and we also prayed to the grandma even though we cant see , talk , hear her only can feel her presence , we prayed to her to not harm us , to not haunt us but as days passed by nothing happened , she just kept up to herself didnt do anything so taught she is friendly ghost not the scary onces i taught so gradually im no longer scared we managed to coexist peacfully and i hope this continues like this

My eng is not good , sorry if it has grammatical or spelling mistakes