How Cults Use Language to Control | Otherwords



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How Cults Use Language to Control | Otherwords

Storied - 20.06.2024
If there's one thing cult leaders do, it's talk. A LOT. Language is an integral part of how cults keep their members bonded, isolated and obedient.

Otherwords is a PBS web series on Storied that digs deep into this quintessential human trait of language and finds the fascinating, thought-provoking, and funny stories behind the words and sounds we take for granted. Incorporating the fields of biology, history, cultural studies, literature, and more, linguistics has something for everyone and offers a unique perspective on what it means to be human.

Host: Erica Brozovsky, Ph.D.
Creator/Director: Andrew Matthews & Katie Graham
Writer: Andrew Matthews
Producer: Katie Graham
Editor/Animation: Andrew Matthews
Executive Producer: Amanda Fox Fact Checker: Yvonne McGreevy

Executive in Charge for PBS: Maribel Lopez
Director of Programming for PBS: Gabrielle Ewing
Assistant Director of Programming for PBS: John Campbell

Stock Images from Shutterstock
Music from APM Music Otherwords is a production of Spotzen for PBS Digital Studios.
© 2024 PBS. All rights reserved.



"Us vs. them" language is a huge red flag!

This episode proves why critical thinking should be a mandatory high school class instead of an optional college course.

6:50 Scientology having a 300 page dictionary you're forced to study is definitely a thought killing exercise.

Wow. A PBS production outright calling Scientology a cult. I predict a new round of 'defund PBS' nonsense by a certain group of egotistical actors...

One mantra that sticks in my craw: "Do your research." After spending most of my working life in industrial laboratories, I can assure you there's more to research than browsing your favorite social media platforms for opinions matching your own.

The use of jargon is widespread in corporate team building and business seminars.

In Islamic fundamentalism, I was always taught "الله علم" ("God knows"). This cliché would always be used when I found a contradiction that the imam couldn't answer.

I'm so glad MLMs were brought up because man, do they go all-in on the culty behaviour

This is giving me flashbacks to a cult I was in when my mom dragged me into it when I was 15. They used the verb “to evolve” or the word “evolution” to refer to being a better person or changing for the greater good. It makes my skin crawl to remember that.

Cults use loaded language
Cults use thought-terminating cliches
Cults have a strict "us" vs "them" mentality, with special jargon to promote a feeling of exclusivity

daisukenowaifu likes this.


    1. Servant to One Jun 26, 2024 at 9:04 AM
      There's a difference between a cult and religion, one is esoteric with it's books and teachings and the other is exoteric. The answer of a only God knows is a valid answer because in Islam there is the unseen and the only one who has knowledge of the unseen is God like the future and the likes in private.
    2. daisukenowaifu Jun 26, 2024 at 7:31 AM
      Any place that needs complete surrender and obedience to the leader, and any form of thinking and questioning the principles is labelled as disobedience and rebellion, is a cult.