I've barged into a red flag rendezvous



Looking at the tea too lazy to pick it up
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At what point does continuing to power on with reading the novel become not worth it if it's starting to be subpar?

"Story of the guy who gives out overwhelming amounts of money for things others don't think are that precious and rips himself off"

"Story of the guy who was supposed to be detached from mundane things but gets involved in complicated shit every time a girl looks at him with teary eyes"

"Story where the entire plot devolves into a guy running around collecting things for his disciple to become stronger faster (although there's no urge) when all that the disciple character does is exist."

I could go on but you get the point already.

Some days, I wonder why I started reading fantasy web novels meant for people with the attention span of toddlers.


    1. iampsyx May 6, 2024
      I have 3 criteria when it comes to dropping stories: if the MC is not/no longer compelling, if the story arcs are getting formulaic/stale/repetitive, or if it feels like I'm forcing myself to continue reading (usually caused by the first two). At that point the novel's no longer worth my time.

      There's so many stories in the world; the faster you move on, the sooner you'll meet a new favourite.
      Lovelivedieforyaoi and 3db like this.
    2. Butterfly_Snowflake May 6, 2024
      Clichés exist in every story and nonsensical things also do. It’s just some people’s brain circuits like this and some people’s nerves stretch when then see it.
      That’s why it’s important to search for a long time to find a jewel in the stones rather than seeing stones one by one.
      Lovelivedieforyaoi and 3db like this.