The Fictional Death of Tech Billionaires Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg & Elon Musk



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Blog Posts:
For everyone who can't stand Billionaires anymore ;) ;) ;)

Inside Job - Jeff Bezos death:D

Elon Musk And Mark Zuckerberg Have The Best Cameos In The Show - Harley Quinn 4x04:ROFLMAO:

Why Billionaires Won't Save Us

02.12.2019 #PatriotAct #HasanMinhaj #Netflix
The wealthiest Americans are often celebrated for their prolific giving, but is it altruism or is it all just hype? Hasan dissects how the ultra-rich use philanthropy to get richer, distract from the injustices on which they built their fortunes, and dictate politics and policy.

21.05.2021 #Billionaires #Capitalism #ClimateChange
Why billionaires won't save us from climate change. Support OCC and get 20+ bonus, ad-free videos by signing up for Nebula:
In this Our Changing Climate climate change video essay, I look at why billionaires won't save us from climate change. Specifically, I look at how the elite philanthropy of Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, and Elon Musk function as more of a billionaire preservation of wealth and self than as an act of altruism. Elite philanthropy from Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos in particular seem to solidify their political and social power even more. Bill Gates and his foundation have steered the realm of global health for quite some time (especially during the pandemic) and it seems as if he is using his billionaire wealth to do the same for climate action. Jeff Bezos' $10 billion Earth Fund seems to be functioning in a similar way while also whitewashing the destructive nature of Amazon, aka how Jeff Bezos made his money. Elon Musk is also jumping on the billionaire philanthropy train with a carbon capture prize that is measly compared to his massive wealth. At the end of the day billionaires and billionaire money are not solutions to climate change and the climate crisis, we are.

Rich People on TV: Satire or Good PR?

Wisecrack - 20.01.23
When We Laugh at the Rich . . . Do they laugh back?
Shows like The White Lotus and Succession have a ton of fun making us laugh at ridiculous, petty, wealthy characters. But are they really as critical of systems of power as they seem on face? Or are they actually perpetuating the status quo? Let’s find out in this Wisecrack Edition: On Watching Rich People On TV


    1. my opinion is irrelevant Aug 11, 2023
      i hate that they beat the system. and even more than that, i hate the fact that i'd be exactly like them if i were a billionaire (except elon musk, he's fucking stupid).