

delulu reader

Reclusive Hermit, Female
Blog Posts:
It's me I'm back again after a month long self isolation.

I've been wondering about a lot of things these past few months and my brain is scattered.
It goes without saying my brain is flooded with BL esp the passing days.

The question is HOW DO EUNUCHS PEE? You know,they were castrated and stuff.I feel stupid for asking this.Yet again it's quite questionable to ask,do they stop peeing once and for all?

Like,hey Bob today's my last day of taking number 1.Won't need to pee anymore but hey,you win some you lose some.:blobjoy:

Also a fan of ABO bls and idk if people are purposely avoiding this question or my mind is a resident of the gutters,HOW DO OMEGAS GIVE BIRTH?!

Definitely not the anus.
I'm guessing they cut the belly open? Damn it's giving twilight.With the technology advancements in ABO settings this could be plausible.If a man can get shagged,ey he can give birth too!

I wonder what pheromones smell like.I've read a bunch and apparently some smell like lemons,chestnut,liquors,fried meat??? Imagine going into heat because you smelled food :blobjoy::blobjoy::blobjoy:

Also wondering if I leave a bad review and cuss at the author of my fav book,will I transmigrate?! Collect dem handsem men! Collect dem pokemons~Watch gay men fight(in bed:blobtaco:)
I really wish Isekai was a real occurence.

And last but not least,if you went to outerspace will you age faster or age slower than the people on earth???

[PS:It's been a rough month and idk what I'm doing with life.My apologies for the delayed responses in the dms:blobghostcat:]


    1. delulu reader Apr 23, 2024
      @no preservatives allowed so practically,they shit babies like taking a dump...I can't even begin to imagine what life would've been without the female genetalia:blobscream: wait if you think about it carefully,we were peed out by our moms!! In a sense...

      @DojaDoge Yes,Storks did exist.How could I ever forget such an important thing? :blobwob:
    2. delulu reader Apr 23, 2024
      Voidiris likes this.
    3. DojaDoge Apr 19, 2024
      Welcome back!
      Eunuchs peed more than they wanted too. Meaning, they couldn't hold it and were incontinent. The more important eunuchs always had a spare pair of pants in case of accidents. But most just stunk and had soiled pants all day. They had a really hard life.

      As for omegas, doesn't the stork just pick up a kid from a cabbage patch and drop it off?
      delulu reader likes this.
    4. no preservatives allowed Apr 19, 2024
      Welcome back, dearest daughter! I've missed you.

      For your first question, I think it's very important to note that being a eunuch does NOT mean you don't have your urethra anymore. For the second one, it goes out where it comes in. For the third one, you do age slower, but it's not substantial at all.
      delulu reader likes this.
    5. Voidiris Apr 19, 2024
      You reminded me of the fact that most people are easily replaceable.
      delulu reader likes this.