Try Not To Eat Challenge - Anime Food / Studio Ghibli



Well-Known Member, Male
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Watching these videos make me so famished/hungry for..... :blobdrool::blobdrool::blobdrool::blobdrool::blobdrool:

Try Not To Eat Challenge - Anime Food | Teens & College Kids Vs. Food

Try Not To Eat Challenge - Studio Ghibli Foods | People Vs. Food

Try Not To Eat - Studio Ghibli PART 2! (Spirited Away, Kiki's Delivery Service, Porco Rosso)

I wish I am a capable good cook :blobcry:

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    1. Sheri_Yui_Chan Aug 16, 2023
      I mainly cook vegan or vegetarian food because my place we don't eat meat frequently and also because my dad is a vegan so we usually prepare vegan and its not hard because my home country must have ome of the richest amount of recipes for vegans and vegetarians.
    2. CreativeCriticalThinker Aug 16, 2023
      @Sheri_Yui_Chan :aww::aww::aww::aww::aww:
      One of the best way to get connected with or make people like you is to get to their stomach.
      Food in Chinese Cinema | Video Essay

      Accented Cinema - Episode 6 It's Chinese New Year, which means Chinese people around the country are gathering around the dinner table and enjoying a lavish meal with their family and friends. Food is such a key part of Chinese culture, it is found in almost any and all situations, from weddings to festivals to funerals. And the food often has greater meaning than just fuel for your body. Today, we'll take a look at foods in Chinese movies, and discuss the meanings behind. Sit back and relax, and bon appetit.

      By the way, can you pull off full Vegetarian or Vegan?:blobsweat_2:
      Sheri_Yui_Chan likes this.
    3. Sheri_Yui_Chan Aug 16, 2023
      @CreativeCriticalThinker I had additionally done a professional diploma in French pastry after my high school so I do have to say I am not bad in pastry and likewise my culinary skills aren't bad either my family ,friends and guests are pretty pleased with what I have made till now (Won't deny there have been flops but I keep trying till I make the best version and I do love cooking so I guess my passion makes it taste better)
      Plus the best gift I can get is people who are happy and satisfied eating my food its a blessing to see that joy .
      If there is a cooking area I am weak in it would be meat since my family doesn't consume any thing other than fish and chicken.
    4. CreativeCriticalThinker Aug 16, 2023
      @Sheri_Yui_Chan And how good is your cooking skills? Are you proud of your self-cooked meals?
      Sheri_Yui_Chan likes this.
    5. Sheri_Yui_Chan Aug 16, 2023
      For me who has been helping mom and dad in the kitchen since I was 9 its kind of ingrained by my 20's to do complicated stuff (even though it was kind tiring in the beginning I am glad I was there in kitchen since young so now I can try various recipes and cooking methods more easily).
      Basics of cooking (Various Chefs/ teachers are available online though if you can afford practical lessons its way better)