Spoiler Sister, In This Life, I’ve Become The Queen

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by Rin.rinaaa, Aug 11, 2022.

  1. Queen of manhwa

    Queen of manhwa Active Member

    Mar 7, 2024
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    I love how this is going In Alfonso favor , he won’t let Philip get away after all he has done , it looks likely that he will kill philip next chapter or capture him and let him rot in a dungeon for the rest of his life . I hope once defeated galico will belong to Ari and Alfonso moving the story along to begin their crown prince and princess arc
    Tad1989 likes this.
  2. seaurchin

    seaurchin Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2024
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    I will be busy next weak I will post summary of whole weak on next Sunday...
  3. Grandmaster Luke Skywalker

    Grandmaster Luke Skywalker Member

    Oct 6, 2023
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    In big 2024 people still wants Cesar and Ariadne to end together crazy people ngl and also Isabella really became a c*m toilet to every 2nd person in this novel lmao?

    Isabella really is a failure as a character, feelin so bad for her fans if she has some

    Last edited: Jun 16, 2024
  4. Queen of manhwa

    Queen of manhwa Active Member

    Mar 7, 2024
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    We will miss your summaries , hope to see you on Sunday

    Isabella could have been a great villainess , the first time we saw her she actually spoke facts and sounded like she was a well thought out character . After Ari went back Isabella started making childish paybacks for small things Ari did , and they all backfired . After marrying Octavio she just let herself be treated like a prostitute , FTL Isabella would have not done that as she holded out so many years to Cesare and I felt she would have found a better way to get the money . Isabella hasn’t been smart in my opinion at all exept that one scene we first saw her in the tower
    arwax, Starlight900 and Tad1989 like this.
  5. Tad1989

    Tad1989 Well-Known Member

    Apr 19, 2023
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    At least part of it can be explained by age, you’re comparing a 32 year old woman to a 17 year old girl. Of course a child isn’t going to be as smart and capable as someone with a fully developed prefrontal cortex! Ari has been exploiting her youth and inexperience to disadvantage Isabella.
  6. Queen of manhwa

    Queen of manhwa Active Member

    Mar 7, 2024
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    Isabella could have been a great villainess , the first time we saw her she actually spoke facts and sounded like she was a well thought out character . After Ari went back Isabella started making childish paybacks for small things Ari did , and they all backfired . After marrying Octavio she just let herself be treated like a prostitute , FTL Isabella would have not done that as she holded out so many years to Cesare and I felt she would have found a better way to get the money . Isabella hasn’t been smart in my opinion at all exept that one scene we first saw her in the to
    I’m also talking about when Isabella an adult after a timeskip . For example she became the mistress of an old aging king ? He will die soon and when he does she out of power , Cesare don’t want her and Alfonso waiting to kill her first chance he has . Yes Ariadne has a huge advantage because of her mental age but Isabella made bad decision after bad decision . So far her plans are mostly influenced by agosto so I’m wondering where her schemes will go now especially with the coup and installation of Alfonso and Ariadne as crown prince and princess . I hope the author does give Isabella some great villainess moment before her defeat because she was dumbed down from her adult self in FTL
  7. Tad1989

    Tad1989 Well-Known Member

    Apr 19, 2023
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    True but she’s also younger than she was, and Ari’s triumphs against her have shaped her differently than she used to be. Remember in the FTL, Ari really did think she was a sweet kind girl up until meeting Isabella in the tower. Ari has done a good job of ripping away the mask she wore in front of everyone, and right now no one but the king is fooled by it. Because Ari was like a loyal dog, Isabella could keep her headstrong impulses she got from Lucrezia in check. With Ari refusing to lay down and take any abuse, Isabella couldn’t control her temper, and that has led her into more situations where she couldn’t keep her temper, which is why she’s in the situation she is of being an old king’s whore and not married to a handsome young prince.
    Lulus_tea, arwax and Starlight900 like this.
  8. seaurchin

    seaurchin Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2024
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    I will post a summary on Sunday, but for now, here's the conclusion: Alphonso has won the war. He did not kill Phillipo as a sign of his monarchy. Ari is the first to receive the news, and Alfonso has asked her to come to Trevero with him. It looks like Ari is on her way to becoming a princess and empress

    Syphilis lost his chance to get on good terms with Alfonso. After winning, Alfonso paid homage to his mother for taking revenge for her and stated that the next person on his list is the one who has caused his mother the most sadness i.e. Syphilis This marks the official start of Alfonso's rise, as he no longer cares about Syphilis, official downfall of Syphilis and there is a high chance the kingdom will be plundered while Alfonso and Ari and their black knights are away. Every one of us wanted Alfonso not to leave Ari behind.
  9. Starlight900

    Starlight900 Member

    Mar 23, 2024
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  10. Queen of manhwa

    Queen of manhwa Active Member

    Mar 7, 2024
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    I’m so glad Alfonso finally won the battle and will take revenge for his mother. Starting to think that in this timeline the ones to act the coup will be Alfonso and Ariadne, but without bloodshed. Either that or Alfonso will force syphillis to make him and Ariadne as crown prince and princess positions and from there Alfonso will slowly take power and the king looses himself .
    arwax likes this.
  11. seaurchin

    seaurchin Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2024
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    Chapter 598-600
    It was Alphonso. Phillipo said this was a matter between him and the Pope. Alfonso replied with nothing. Seeing no reply from Alphonso, Phillipo tried to please him. He said he is borrowing will leave Ertuscan in a few hours and will leave in 6 hours. Phillipo lost 2000 light cavalry and 150 heavy cavalry in the war with Alphonso, and Alphonso captured 6 cannons and gunpowder. Phillipo was trying all means to persuade Alphonso with all his humility.

    Then he thought about Jean. Jean is the only reason for Phillipo's existence; he will go and hug him. Phillipo said, 'What are you getting from Terevero to stop me?' Alfonso said that he has no interest in Terevero; he is doing it for him. Alphonso remembered the assassination attempt on him in Jesarche. The blade used by the assassin is similar to Phillipo's. He asked him about that, and Phillipo turned blue. Phillipo abused Alfonso and again called Alfonso for a one-on-one fight. Phillipo thought Alphonso would deny that fight, but Alfonso quickly became ready. Phillipo's face became distorted. Alfonso pulled out his holy sword. Phillipo was mesmerized by his sword. Alfonso swung his sword, and decorations from Phillipo's horse were removed. On seeing this, Phillipo thought if this continued, he would fall quickly.

    Alphonso attacked again, this time it collided with Phillipo's armor in hand, causing him a lot of pain. Phillipo asked for forgiveness again, but Alfonso attacked him again, this time breaking Phillipo's sword in two pieces with a single strike. One of Phillipo's knights gave his sword to him. This time, Alphonso aimed at Phillipo's right shoulder, which got cut, and Phillipo fell to the ground. He removed the armor from Phillipo's face with his leg. A lot of blood was coming out of Phillipo's mouth. Alfonso said this was his revenge for cutting elko hand and killing his mother

    Alfonso looked toward the sky and prayed to his mother for returning half of his revenge, hoping she would enter reincarnation. He thought the only person left to take revenge on is the parson who made his mother always sad that is Syphilis. He did not kill phillipo for future negotiation ,as sign of monarch and as he not just a son now but now also a husband, and he has to protect Ari and has a kingdom to rule

    Alfonso sent 10 messengers to inform Ari that he has won the battle. , Sancha and Felicite jumped on the news of victory, and Ari told Sancha to prepare her clothes as Alfonso had asked her to come to Terevero by the first ray tomorrow. In a letter, Alfonso complained to Ari that she did not trust her man. Ari grumbled how can she know the future? The future she knew has already changed.' Actually, Ari sent multiple letters to Alphonso discussing all scenarios of negotiations and negative point but she not discussed about capturing Phillipo in plane. Sancha started to prepare for Ari's departure. Sancha asked Ari to seek the deep blue sea heart; Ari denied, saying it's national treasury, but on repeated persuasion from Sancha, he agreed to take the deep blue sea heart necklace. Felicite was accompanying Ari there. Felicite thought she had no jwellery to wear there. Terevero was all closed; only the back gate was open. Then someone entered from the side gate and said he has returned
  12. Queen of manhwa

    Queen of manhwa Active Member

    Mar 7, 2024
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    I can’t wait for Alfonso to personally let Ariadne know about his victory and what this will mean for them going foward
    Mylzx likes this.
  13. seaurchin

    seaurchin Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2024
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    Chapter 601
    Terevero envoy just returned to Terevero. They don't know that Alphonso has captured Phillipo.The Pope was crying. They explained everything: that the Etruscans agreed to send help and what happened to them with syphilis. The Pope was deeply worried about the demand for syphilis.Simon has taken up gardening work at Chaiarini Diose. He was growing peas and preventing Prince Louis from ruining them when Raphael appeared.

    (Today's chapter was mostly about the demand of syphilis and everyone's opinion about that)
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2024
    Mylzx, luliibunny and Latarana like this.
  14. seaurchin

    seaurchin Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2024
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    Chapter 602
    At the diocese of Chiarini, people focus on meditation, and they remain silent for one month. He personally came to deliver a letter to hide the gaze of others on Prince Louis, and he wanted to know the content of the letter personally. Ari has written a letter to Raphael asking him to take better care of Prince Louis, and she has asked the cardinal to accompany her.

    The messenger of Syphilis arrived at Syphilis. He said Alfonso had left for Terevero, but then he said Alfonso is not loyal to Syphilis because he was already prepared for war. Although Sir Bernardino was there, the messenger only cared about his prize. Syphilis was initially happy that Alfonso left on his order, but when he heard he had left early, he became very angry, and his blood pressure started to rise. Sir Delphinosa tried to control Syphilis's anger. Suddenly, Isabella arrived with a strange drink (God knows how many babies they will sacrifice to make that drink). Agusto had prepared that drink, and initially, nobody was willing to allow Syphilis to drink it without tasting it on animal but Isabella offered it without tasting. When she was giving the drink to Syphilis, Delphinosa watched her with doubt. Upon realizing Delphinosa's thoughts, Isabella angrily shouted at him, and Syphilis gestured for him to leave. Delphinosa did not want Isabella to interact with Syphilis because he thought Isabella would plan something nefarious against her sister and her husband.

    Sir Manfredi has come to escort Ari on the trip.
  15. Queen of manhwa

    Queen of manhwa Active Member

    Mar 7, 2024
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    Unless they explained what the drink is because I can’t access the actual naver novel I’m gonna theorize that drink is going to kill the king slowly. I have a feelings maybe this also happened in the first life as well ? When the coup happened syphillis was bedridden and sick , what’s not to say someone also been poisoning him slowly ? Cesare did accuse Alfonso of it in the first life and used it as an excuse to the people on why alfonso died. I don’t know if it was ever clarified if the king was actually being poisoned, and it was Cesare and Ariadne behind it , if that was not cleared up what if it was Isabella slowly killing him ? She could have been poisoning syphillis go make alfonso inherit the throne faster. This is just a theory as I don’t have access to novel so I don’t know if this have been cleared up . Also is anyone else active on this forum ? Been a while since people shared theories and thought except for this wonderful person giving us spoilers
    Tad1989 likes this.
  16. seaurchin

    seaurchin Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2024
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    I think it is a magical potion, not poison. She has not allowed anyone to taste that potion. She is trying to control Syphilis. It looks like Alfonso will choose the path of forcefully removing Syphilis from the throne. Because of the environment created by Isabella, things will be easier for Alphonso. Isabella will never kill Syphilis; he is her only supporter in the palace. I think in the future, she will be declared a witch and burned alive. Isabella is a mistress who hasn't even slept with Syphilis.

    Cesare indeed gave poison to Syphilis in a past life, but according to Ari, even if Cesare had not given him poison, he would have died very soon.

    I think Isabella will demand Syphilis to make her queen.She is just damaging remaining thinking process of Syphilis.She is making him more dependant on Herself
    Mylzx, Queen of manhwa and Tad1989 like this.
  17. Queen of manhwa

    Queen of manhwa Active Member

    Mar 7, 2024
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    I feel dumb as I forgot Isabella really does need the king alive. Then I think the potion is definitely something to control him or make him more mentally unstable to the point she might order him to maybe kill rubina and make her queen . Isabella already expressed she was Cesare and Rubina gone , especially rubina. Isabella getting burned as a witch would be a fitting ending but I think author might have her locked up in the tower and killed by Alfonso on Ariadne orders , mirroring Ariadne own death
    Starlight900 likes this.
  18. seaurchin

    seaurchin Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2024
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    I think it was Alphonso and the Black Knight who controlled the pirates from running rampant in Ertuscan. When Ari and Alphonso are away from Ertuscan with their entire Black Knight, things are going to spiral out of control in Ertuscan. This will be their only chance if they want to succeed. The author has already hinted that Syphilis will become weakest in Ertuscan, and also that Syphilis will have no money as the feudal lords will deny taxes. I believe there is a high chance that the Moorish Empire will also attack Ertuscan at the same time.

    I am saying that people will burn Isabella because she is a mistress with no value in the hierarchy. Through Terevero and Gallico, Ari and Alphonso will solve their morganatic marriage. Ari still doesn't believe it, but the way people prayed for her during the miscarriage shows she has the strongest support among the common people of Ertuscan. Ari already has all the cards to play against everyone, but she is suffering from very low self-esteem because she can't give a legal heir to Alfonso. Isabella is meddling too much in full public view in the internal affairs of Ertuscan. Sooner or later, people will know that she killed a child to regain her beauty.

    Every revolution in human history needed a leader behind whom they could stand. When people have reached ultimate suffering and when Alfonso returns, the entire Ertuscan population will rise against Syphilis to support their future king. Alfonso is not just a war hero; he has now returned the lost pride of Ertuscan from the previous Gallico attack and will have strong public support. I think the public will offer the throne of Ertuscan to Alphonso themselves."
    Latarana, Tad1989 and arwax like this.
  19. seaurchin

    seaurchin Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2024
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    The current manhwa chapter is very emotional. The chapter also proves why nobody can replace Alfonso when it comes to love for Ari. Alfonso loves Ari because he wants to cherish her, and he always proves it. Cesare wants Ari because he wants to feel gratification from her. After returning to San Carlo, Cesare met Ari face to face twice. In both meetings, he tried to humiliate her in some way.

    Cesare has given his lilvine brook to a jeweler to change it into a necklace that can suit Ari's neck. The way the story is going, I think he will try to give it to Ari again and Juliana will catch him doing that. Obviously, Ari will reject it but will get hate from Juliana in return. I think through this, Juliana will learn the reality of Cesare."
    Mylzx, Latarana and Tad1989 like this.
  20. Tad1989

    Tad1989 Well-Known Member

    Apr 19, 2023
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    Finally! While it’s been beneficial to Ari, I’ve been frustrated by Julia Helena being under that misconception of which de mare sister was engaged to Cesare.
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