Spoiler A Saint who was Adopted by the Grand Duke

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by Mengapa, Jul 27, 2020.

  1. CatCat19

    CatCat19 Well-Known Member

    Oct 1, 2018
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    hmmmm why I think Ester maybe Deheen's daughter? Someone please spoil me :blobpeek:
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  2. AnnaArpa4

    AnnaArpa4 Well-Known Member

    Jun 14, 2020
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    That's not possible. Deheen loved his wife and after giving birth to Dennis and Judy Irene died. I am a bit confused about this part but Deheen visit the slum where Ester lived before. He find the slum leader and took away a pink locket from him. The locket looked like a family heirloom and that leader told Deheen that the locket was with Ester when she came.
  3. AnnaArpa4

    AnnaArpa4 Well-Known Member

    Jun 14, 2020
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    I jumped to chapter 90 to peep at the contents, but I am really shocked!! Ester is really a noble and not only that she is an
    illigimate child of a trash .
    Ester is Duke of Brions illigimate child. The duke had fun with her mother for some time and then abandoned her. At that time Rabienne was already 2 years old. The next saint was supposed to came out from Brions family (the first saint made a promise about that) and Ester was that prophecd saint.
  4. SayuriMou

    SayuriMou Well-Known Member

    Nov 3, 2019
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    Woah! What a shocking twist! :blobsleepless:Fortunately, Ester was chosen saint rather the power hunger of the trash duke! :blobangery:
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  5. Sitron17

    Sitron17 Well-Known Member

    Apr 21, 2020
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    no so she is rabienne half sister ? seriously really a trash
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  6. AnnaArpa4

    AnnaArpa4 Well-Known Member

    Jun 14, 2020
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    Ester went to Noah's house in Tersia to give him holy water (Noah moved into Tersia territory to keep in touch with Ester). The diamond mine was near Noah's house. Originally Ester planned to go alone there but after meeting with Noah, Noah complaind that the diamond mine made noise which disturbed him. Ester felt bad for Noah so she took him with her too. In the mine, Ester taught Noah about how to dig up diamond. They had fun together and Ester laughed a lot. When they were taking rest Noah revealed to Ester that he was the seventh prince of the empire. At first Ester was surprised but later decided to treat Noah as usual.
    In the carriage, Ester gave three handcarchief to Deheen, Dennis and Judy. They were happy to get that. After that they took a tour in whole Tersia territory. Everyone was cheering them. Ester was throwing flower petals and everyone felt that it was warm and special. At the party, Ester entered with Dennis and Judy. When Dennis and Judy was going to cut the cake, they called Ester too and shared the knife together. Ester wished to stay with her family a little longer. Ester danced with Dennis and Judy at the party. There was a photo exhibition of Ester. Ester drew a family portrait of Deheen, Dennis, Judy and herself as a present for the twins birthday. She wrote family as a caption in the picture. Deheen was so moved to see that. When Ester was alone in the terrace, Sebastian asked for a dance but Ester refused him because she promised Noah her first dance(At first Ester didn't recognized him because he loose weight). After Sebastian was gone, Noah appporced Ester from the garden. He gave her a yellow bouquet. At that moment Dennis came in and Noah hide behind a tree. Dennis was suspecting Ester so Ester took Dennis away from the terrace.
    When Deheen was going to imperial palace Ester asked him to take her too. Deheen thought Ester wanted to see the imperial palace like any other child. Ester needed imperial support to destroy the temple. So she was nervous to meet the emperor but when she saw him her nervousness faded. The emperor had similar personality like Noah. They talked and the emperor praised Ester for her painting. Ester offered the emperor that she will draw a portrait of him too and the emperor was happy to hear that. The emperor told Ester that she can meet with princess Reina and Ester agreed. Princess Reina was sitting alone in the garden with a sad mood. When Ester asked her if she was sad because of Noah, princess Reina ignored her. She thought Ester was trying to comfort her like everyone. Ester told her that she met with Noah and Noah was fine. Hearing this Reina hold Ester's hand and cried. She really cared for Noah but couldn't do anything when Noah was being kicked out of the palace because of the disease. Reina thanked Ester. Ester thought she was being late so she bid farewell to Reina and went back to Deheen. But Deheen was still busy with the Emperor so Ester decided to take a walk in the garden. Victor was escorting Ester. In the garden, Ester bumped into third prince Damon. Damon looked like he was at the same age as Victor. He was arrogant and rude. He asked Ester where did she came from and the reason why Deheen adopted her, which was rude questions. Ester was annoyed and told him she didn't know. Then she greeted him and left. Damon thought Ester was interesting.
  7. Leilacus

    Leilacus Zzzzz

    Jan 22, 2017
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    I really wonder...why do these characters like others who ignore them? Like...uhhh, what's so interesting in being ignored? I mean, I get it. They get the attention and stuff but getting noticed because of that reason is too cliche and shallow. But meh. That's just me.
  8. AnnaArpa4

    AnnaArpa4 Well-Known Member

    Jun 14, 2020
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    There is a time skip of 1.5 years. Now Ester is 14 years old and Rabienne is 16. Cespia tried to buy more time for Ester but Rabienne lost her patience and revealed her true face to Cespia. She directly poisoned Cespia. Before dying, Cespia cursed Rabienne with all her heart. After Cespia's death, Ester completely aweken as a saint. Now she can control her power well. Ester was sad for Cespia who died alone. Ester decided not to run away anymore and face the problems. She went to Cespia's funeral. There she met with Rabienne. Rabienne asked Ester to have a talk in the garden and Ester agreed. Rabienne thought since Ester was now the daughter of grand duke and was a easy going person, it would be nice to use Ester. Ester met with Rabienne separately in the temple garden. Rabienne asked her to be a friend and Ester dryly agreed. Ester agreed because she thought it would be easy to deal with Rabienne if she watch her closely. When Rabienne left Damon came out of the garden. He asked Ester if she and Rabienne were close. Ester tried to avoid Damon but he blocked her way. Suddenly Damon asked Ester to be his fiancee. Ester flatly refused and left. Damon was angry at Ester since she was lowly born and dared to reject him. But he thought it would be good to have Ester as his fiancee. Damon wanted to be a crown prince. The emperor didn't like Damon because Damon liked entertainment and wasn't fit for that position. That's why Damon thought if he had Deheen on his side, it would be easier to be a crown prince. Damon went to Deheen and asked for Ester's hand. But Deheen was cold and told him even if he is a crown prince, he won't allow it. Damon was afraid of Deheen and left.
  9. AnnaArpa4

    AnnaArpa4 Well-Known Member

    Jun 14, 2020
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    On their way back to the mansion, Ester told Deheen that she was the real saint. At that time Ester and Deheen was alone in the carriage. Actually Ester was afraid that Deheen won't believe her like others. She was afraid to be abandoned by Deheen and her daily life would be ruined. At first Deheen was surprised to hear that. But when he saw Ester's nervous face, he comforted her. Deheen asked her if Rabienne and temple was bothering her. He was going to turn the carriage back and punished them but Ester stopped him in time. She was happy to have so many people on her side unlike past.

    The Crystal ball was the source of the power to hold the unity of the empire. If there is a crack in the Crystal ball, there will be many disaster like monster attack, epidemic etc. It needed the divine power of a saint to repair it. That's why the temple was important in the empire. But since saint Cespia was ill for over two years, there was a crack in the ball. As a result the chain which hold the monster back was loosen. The Crystal ball only allow the saint to touch it. So when Rabienne went into the room where the ball was and touched it, she was thrown away. The high priest Lucas was also with her and understand that she wasn't a saint. But Lucas told Rabienne that it was okay. She will be the saint even though she didn't had divine power. Lucas knew Rabienne's true nature and someone like Rabienne was perfect for the temple's profit. Lucas decided to hold a prayer to know who was the saint.
  10. Deleted member 265239

    Deleted member 265239 Guest

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    Thank you so much for the juicy spoiler!!!
    You made my day, I love this and will waiting for your update!
    MiserableSOUL and AnnaArpa4 like this.
  11. AnnaArpa4

    AnnaArpa4 Well-Known Member

    Jun 14, 2020
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    You're right. Ester's mother is a relative of the duchess. That's why when Deheen met Ester for the first time, he felt some sort of connection with her.
  12. Lusine

    Lusine 〖A little sweet, a little mischievous♡〗

    Sep 28, 2020
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    thank you soo much for the spoilers:blobpeek::blobmelt::blobmelt::blobmelt:
    Zayden likes this.
  13. sakurasakura

    sakurasakura Well-Known Member

    Sep 20, 2020
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    Thank you so much for the spoilers~
  14. spchntrt

    spchntrt Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2020
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    why the name is rabienne? it's like rabies :D ahahaaha.. the author's really creative
  15. L0GIC

    L0GIC Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2020
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    I already suspected that Esther's mother must be related to the late Duchess somehow, and it's finally confirmed! I wonder why Rabienne is so obsessed with being a Saint? I also wonder why the temple is so obsessed with Rabienne being the Saint.. I mean, if they are aiming for the glory and power of and for the temple, then why not just accept the real Saint? Why do they have to go through so much complicated things just for a fake Saint? Isn't Esther, a child that's an orphan, becoming a Saint a good thing? Not only will she be favored by the nobles but also by the commoners since she was also a commoner... Man, the temple is very dumb. I know I'm not supposed to say this, but I'm kinda relieved that all these things happened just so our Esther can enjoy a happy life with her family. I hope that she will be very happy in this life.
  16. AoMay

    AoMay Well-Known Member

    Nov 22, 2019
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    Maybe... Because she is an orphan? From previous chapters, even though she's being bullied, no one believed her nor helped her. All because she is an orphan. I guess the temple wants power and glory from powerful ally while MC doesn't have background. And not every noble has respect for commoners, I think.
  17. L0GIC

    L0GIC Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2020
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    Yeah it could be because she is an orphan. But maybe not all of the people in the temple knew she was the Saint. They must have known but yeah her background is 'bad' to them which is why they look down on her... Now that she has the backing of the Grand Duke of Tercia, nobody can look down on her anymore. I heard that a 'Grand Duke' or the family of the Grand Duke must be related to the Imperial Family, which gives them a chance to be successors. Idk.

    Anyways, most nobles and even good nobles tend to seek power so of course they'd want the Saint to be on their side.. That doesn't mean they like her though. The can just pretend they're good and that they like her so that Esther would think they're nice people and side with them if ever there's any troubles.. She's a child, so for them it would be easier to trick her. MC doesn't have a background, which could give the impression that she's unworthy or disgraceful for some nobles, but she could capture the hearts of the commoners and other orphans. Commoners are the foundation of a Kingdom or an Empire. The better the Commoners' livelihood, the better it is for the image and power of the Empire. If there were no commoners, then what's the point of the nobles and royal family?

    Majority of the commoners don't discriminate and since this temple is very famous that even the Imperial Family want to take over the temple then this must mean that their religion is famous throughout the entire empire or the entire continent. The commoners must be religious too. So how can they not love Esther especially since her background almost fits their category? They'd be like "Oh our Goddess has blessed us with a very kind and holy Saint, please bless us Saint-sama" right? They'd be very respectful and treat her as if she was a treasure. And, from what we've known so far, there can be only one Saint per generation right? So that means in a 1 in a billion ratio there can be only one Saint which all the more gives reason why Esther is so so precious. Again, now that she has the backing of THE Grand Duchy of Tercia, then those annoying losers can finally see that the turns have tabled.
  18. tashabells

    tashabells New Member

    Oct 12, 2020
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    I have been waiting for the spoilers of this one
  19. AoMay

    AoMay Well-Known Member

    Nov 22, 2019
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    And that's why she was imprisoned and died 14 (?) times... She was deceived and because of her background, she couldn't escape.
    About why the temple didn't want her to appear in public, maybe because that Rabies? I think not only nobles, the temple also wants power. Rabies' family has enough money or power to bribe the higher people in temple?

    What did I write? Don't mind me... :blobdizzy:
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  20. DSR

    DSR Active Member

    Oct 2, 2019
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    Does the duke know about Mabel's life in the past? can you spoil again I like your spoilers thanks
    Ceilo27 likes this.