Spoiler About Ascendance of a Bookworm

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by Yumika12345, Mar 16, 2017.

  1. Mintsiroot

    Mintsiroot Member

    Feb 18, 2023
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    The opposite. Rozemyne was draining her mana so they matched.

  2. saix2

    saix2 I'm seeing things

    Apr 28, 2020
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    It was not her mana (Mesti and Various). And she is not matching him, but going back to her normal state (base).

    (5-11LN) From 665-668(WN) Rozemyne has a quarter of what is left of Mestionora's mana. They tried to relinquish it for few days. When she looses 1 level (according to her), she gains 2 levels (when she sleep). This is also the time she felt Ferdinand in the living room of Rainbow Lessy. That means they are not gaining any momentum in dispersing the mana. Like the things they do is just a waste becoz the speed of mana recovery is fast for her. What do you think this mean to other person trying to catch up to Mestionora's mana? It means he level up as well. Becoz when they leave Ehrenfest dorm (665), she never gave the same comment she felt when she sensed Gervagio(645/668).

    Like I said its not only about mana sensing before you have to also notice the things she used (the improved magic tools -anti god). The person that made that have to put a lot of effort so the Gods mana wont turn it (magic tools) to gold dust. If you can pulverize the magic tools, you already, whether you like it or not, overpowered that person.

    They also have a comment about Rainbow Lessy, that it will be useless when the God's mana leave her body unless Ferdinand where able to make it usable by synthesizing.
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2023
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  3. YumenoJigen

    YumenoJigen Well-Known Member

    Aug 8, 2022
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    So, I read P5 V6.
    Hartmut's antics are as fun as usual. I so so SO want to read his bonus SS about how he discovered Rozemyne's origins and was made to sign the magic contract. I really hope it'll come out in a new SS collection (as it would then be translated by j-novel and we wouldn't be able to read a good translation otherwise... given MTLing the korean blog doesn't make much sense)

    Detlinde is already dumb and delusional enough and now she's also affected by Trug? And now we see how much of a pushover she can be on some occasions... what with how easily flattered she is... The more time goes by, the less brain cells she seems to have.... I've once said and her and Wilfried would spell the end of their duchy. Her and Sigiswald would spell the end of Yurgenshmidt.
    So yeah, as expected Sigiswald's reactions pissed me off in Sylvester's SS. I mean, what else could you expect from him?

    But the most precious and bittersweet was the 'mother and daughter' chapter. Coupled with Elvira's SS from Drama CD 5 and I was :meowpuffytears::blobsneeze:::bloblove::

    I am also glad to have read Lieseleta's SS and that made me so damn curious as to the man she'll choose as fiancé in Alexandria. And how Elvira dealt with Thorsten's family.

    + + + + + + + + + + +
    On another note, after hearing Gervasio's voice in the part of Drama CD9 I'm doing, I got mixed emotions. I keep associating the voice to Ryo Fui/Lu Buwei from Kingdom, so I when I see Gervasio's picture, I'm like :blob_tilt::meowpuffyhuh: since there's no resemblance at all, lol. I feel like it fits Ryo Fui better too, but that might be only by force of habit so I get even more confused.
    Callumcortes likes this.
  4. Mintsiroot

    Mintsiroot Member

    Feb 18, 2023
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    Oh sorry i should've i explained more of what i thought.

    I just meant that it is not Ferdinand matching Rozemyne but Rm matching Ferdi cause she was draining the outsider mana.
    I visualize it as a glass of water. Outsider mana is the water while rozemyne mana is the air inside it. The more water is poured, the less space the air have, and that air matched Ferdinand's mana quantity therefore sensing him. Does it make sense? Haha

    That's how i understood it. I say match cause it makes sense in my head and dont know the english vocab appropriate for it since it's not my first language. Apologies for the confusion
  5. Hadosh

    Hadosh Well-Known Member

    Apr 23, 2023
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    I watched the anime months ago and now I can only remember Main. I haven't read the novel yet but I'm glad there's a spoiler thread that I can come to.
  6. saix2

    saix2 I'm seeing things

    Apr 28, 2020
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    I like your interpretation anyway, whatever angle we look onto it, he as the male lead needs tremendous effort to save and satisfy her through whatever means.

    welcome, if you are anime only be careful with the spoiler section as it had various opinions/interpretation/mis of different individuals. Better read the whole novel for yourself. Start with p1 as it skips lots of content that is still relevant till the recent part (5). Enjoy reading.
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2023
  7. YumenoJigen

    YumenoJigen Well-Known Member

    Aug 8, 2022
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    I found another site with some translated honzuki SS, notably ToBooks bonuses from P5 LN and manga P3 and P4. They have some minor inconsistencies as they're deepl mtl but nothing really problematic for those who've read the LN. At least they're much smoother and make a lot more sense than the mtl I saw with the korean blog.
    So just check this out.
    teal08, saix2 and ichigofanz like this.
  8. saix2

    saix2 I'm seeing things

    Apr 28, 2020
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  9. ichigofanz

    ichigofanz Well-Known Member

    Nov 27, 2016
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    I just read P5V6, I don't know why, but this volume somehow feels like a filler chapter to me :blobsweat:, maybe because I know the future volume will be quite intense.
    Wilfred is actually a good soul, too bad he has bad eye and bad timing, he's actually kind of like a carbon copy of Sylvester, except, he doesn't have Sylvester luck. I hope he found his own path. By the way, I don't support him marrying Hannelore, two people with bad timing is a recipe for a disaster, if you asked me. Also, I'm curious who'll be the next knight commander after Karstedt, do Lamprecht qualified? He's a bit shortsighted IMO, but the better candidate, Cornelius will be with Rozemyne, it's really concerning...
    Poor Damuel, he's desperate to get married, and misunderstood Philine's intention, good thing Rozemyne set him straight. It'd be too funny if Philine really took a page from Clarissa and swipe Damuel off his feet (literally, plus the knife, don't forget the knife) to propose to him. :blobjoy::blobjoy:
    Detlinde POV is rage inducing, I skip most of it actually, I really want to say a piece of my mind to her delusional self. How, how, how, just how did she ever see Ferdinand interested in her? Ugh, her stupidity is unreal, is there nothing in her mind beside narcissism? And did she really take Leonzio as her lover? :meowfacepalm::notlikemeow: Her retainer is also stupid and useless, they deserve each other, really.
    I love Lieseleta's POV, I'm so happy her effort was acknowledged by Elvira, she also make sure that Rozemyne convey her intention (very cutely, might I add) honestly to her, I'm sure Lieseleta will take good care of Rozemyne, she only need to find archnoble husband and became an archnoble herself.

    The most recent Hannelore 5th grade is quite enlightening, I didn't realize that in Hannelore view, she was chosen to help Rozemyne in real ditter against Ahrensbach not just because she needs to bury her past ditter mistake with new ditter, but also because she's a candidate that can be reasonably cut loose if things goes wrong. It's quite a scary and sobering thought. She really is an archduke candidate from a higher duchy, who knows that she needs to prioritize her duchy interest.
    Her two fiancé candidate is growing on me, is it possible that Hannelore will have two husband? It's allowed, right?
    The next chapter will be conversation with Ortwin, I hope it'll come out soon,,
    saix2 and Jukki like this.
  10. nesi

    nesi Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2018
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    Another small talk between the author and her editor:

    The color insert for the last book has arrived. As I requested, it was a scene from the last chapter [Returning Home]. We have Rozemyne & Ferdinand & Myne's family & the Plantin duo, so the illustration is packed to the brim.

    Editor: ...So we have [Returning Home] for the color insert.
    Miya: Well, this is the last volume after all. Of course we need to show the place Myne always wants to return to, no? I mean, Ferdinand is also there, isn't he?
    Editor: That's right, but... *sigh deeply*

    The part where the men sit over drinks is done very well. My personal favorite is Benno's expression there. (This illustration) really signifies 'the end.' Truly excellent.
    A big news will be revealed tomorrow (25th). Please look forward to it.

    The editor really wants to push Rozemyne x Ferdinand while Miya Sensei is all about Myne, Myne, and Myne. Their interactions are pretty hilarious :blob_grin:

    And regarding Hannelore's last update... I wonder if Sigswald would back off from the Ditter. Personally speaking, I'd love to see him finally manly enough to take responsibility for his actions... and go on to fight Ditter's battle with Aub Dunkelferger, Lestraut, and Hannelore's other male relatives lol.
  11. ichigofanz

    ichigofanz Well-Known Member

    Nov 27, 2016
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    So, I just read some parts of P5V7, and something just occurred to me.
    Rozemyne had to held dedication ritual before her magic circle, which appear above the royal academy after she pray to each god's shrine, activated. While I'm not sure that this is a prerequisite to go to the garden of beginning via Mestionora statue, since Rozemyne didn't pour her mana after she tour the shrine and before she do the dedication ritual, but it seems that this magic circle did have something to do with acquiring Grutrissheit. Then why can Gervasio receive Grutrissheit, did he pray at the center of the shrine too?
  12. YumenoJigen

    YumenoJigen Well-Known Member

    Aug 8, 2022
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    Alright everyone. This is for you. A picture of the cover art for P5 V12

    I must say that I originally had some support for editor-san who wanted a cover with Ferdinand. But now that I see this.... I gotta admit this cover is just the best way to close the circle. And if you compare it with the cover of the first book, well, yeah. You can just see how far she went from the little commoner girl to Aub Alexandria with GH and an engagement necklace at a glance. Still, I'll be waiting for the color illustration... But know that no matter how fitting this picture is for a last volume, it won't stop me from IMPATIENTLY wanting/hoping/praying/demanding/waiting for part 6....!!!

    And this is for Drama CD 10:
    With her family, Ferdinand, the branches of Erwaermen, and the magic circle for the large healing ritual across the duchy.

    Both book and drama cd will come out on December 9

    Also, try and check this page about Drama CD 10 once a week. I don't know when they'll start but they should update a sample weekly.

    Oh, right, right, and it seems the TO Books bonus SS for the book will from Trauerqual POV "from Zent to Aub" and the drama cd's bonus SS will be Effa's POV "Myne's return home". Must say I'm looking forward to both.
    Last edited: Sep 30, 2023
  13. RennasS

    RennasS Well-Known Member

    Sep 17, 2016
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    We don’t yet have pov from Gervasio but they have group of knights under the drug. So circle the small shrines and perform ritual shouldn’t be hard for them.
    It’s also possible that Erwaermen allow him to skip some steps due to foundation damn need Zent.
  14. Reflores

    Reflores Well-Known Member

    Jul 17, 2021
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    She mentioned in the garden in the beginning that the magic circle was necessary to obtain the book of Mestionara as it allowed Erwaermen to turn from a tree into the shape of a human, and communicate with the gods. Ferdinand was able to activate it proper so as long as the circle is activated, you don’t have to go to Farthest Hall.
  15. ichigofanz

    ichigofanz Well-Known Member

    Nov 27, 2016
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    Actually, I did read the MTL, but have forgotten the details, or the details may lost in translation. I think Gervasio also did the ritual, he's following exactly what Rozemyne did after all, moreover, he has Raublut, the traitorous knight commander, who know each of Rozemyne step.

    Quite, Rozemyne didn't go to the Farthest Hall either, right? She end up there after going back from the Garden of Beginning.
  16. animegeeker

    animegeeker Active Member

    Jun 26, 2021
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    was how Ferdinand made a telepathic link to Rozemyne ever explained? it feels both random but similar to the Lutz message during the trombe hunt
  17. ichigofanz

    ichigofanz Well-Known Member

    Nov 27, 2016
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    It will be explained when Rozemyne got Ferdinand's 'telepathic message', I believe Justus POV in P5V8 prologue will explain this phenomenon.
    So, this 'telepathic message' is known as 'last will' via magical means, sometimes happens when the sender is in extreme distress or believed that their life is in danger, this 'will' is usually unintentional, and often happened in the middle of a battle or just before an execution. The person who receive this 'will' is usually someone with whom the sender had the strongest connection, the receiver could see the situation of the sender, but since the sender is almost never rescued, this was considered as a 'last will'.
    And... I just remember that yumenojigen shared a link for translated ss & extras that have Sylvester's POV when Rozemyne receive Ferdinand's 'will', it was explained what it was there. Here it is: Honzuki P5V7 SS The Resolute.
    As for why Lutz receive Myne's 'will' at the time, it's because Myne is genuinely fear for her life, and at that time, the one whom she has the closest relationship is Lutz, I believe as Rozemyne, the one who has the closest relationship with her is now Ferdinand. ^^
  18. YumenoJigen

    YumenoJigen Well-Known Member

    Aug 8, 2022
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    Okay, so, I just finished listening to the 3rd and last part of Drama CD 9. It lasts 52 minutes and 39 seconds and there are more unfamiliar vocabulary and turns of phrases so it'll take longer still to translate. The things that don't appear in the WN are details on the conversation between Anastasius and Raublut at the start of the battle of the auditorium with the prince narating. We have Ferdinand's POV during the Zent race, his scheming, his ordering EVERYONE around and his taking Anatastasius and Hartmut to the Sovereign temple, capture of Immanuel, taking the various keys, and having the prince destroy Gervasio's medal. And then his return talking to Rozemyne who had rested well.

    I know we have those in the LN but there might be some additional lines or details in the Drama CD... we'll know when we get j-novel's translation, lol.

    Still, one thing that shocked me and I wanted to know if it was in the LN or not:

    Hartmut [talking to Immanuel] : "I've always thought it would be good to crush those unpleasant eyes that scare Lady Rozemyne..." *sound of a blade forming, followed by Immunuel's stiffled screams*:
    Anastasius: "Ferdinand! Stop Hartmut immediately!"
    Ferdinand: "then in exchange for stopping Hartmut, please cooperate with me."

    Did Hartmut try to gouge out Immanuel's eyes in the LN too?

    Speaking of Hartmut, I recall that many called him dangerous, and it's true that he wouldn't hesitate to cross whatever line or dirty his hands for Rozemyne. His antics are usually fun but they can be quite scary too. And isn't he for Rozemyne what Rozemyne is for books? (who wanted to hold a blood carnival for those 'hurt' and 'kidnapped' books again?) I believe Ferdinand would call them dangerous extremists. It is certainly a show of skills to be able to stop or guide the rampages of those two. And thanks to the translation of the SS 'the price of overstepping' I believe he'll stay an archnoble to the core. However kindly he may treat commoners he actually doesn't care one bit about them. He really doesn't care about anything that is not or no longer related to his one object of interest. Looks like he divides people in 3 categories : useful to Rozemyne - (potentially) dangerous to Rozemyne - others, whatever.
    kiara8, saix2, redplatform and 2 others like this.
  19. PeanutButter and 23 others

    PeanutButter and 23 others Purple Platypus Bear w/ Pink Horn & Silver Wing

    May 17, 2021
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    Can I ask something?
    Anastasius is the son of 5th prince (king Trauerqual) and Eglatine is daughter of the deceased 3rd prince. Doesn't that make them a first cousin? With that incest marriage, do they not know their children and descendants will be born with some kind of genetic disease?

    I wake up at midnight and overthinking about it.
  20. redplatform

    redplatform Active Member

    Sep 24, 2019
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    Yes, they are cousins. 3rd and 5th princes have the same father, but probably different mothers as they often comment on how little mana he has. In their world, it's only incest if they are related through the matrilineal line. Ferdinand and RM talk about it when she protests his marriage to Dietlinde. He's her Uncle. The two princes have different mothers, so their children can marry. Ferdinand is not a descendant of Veronica, so they can marry.