Spoiler Baby Squirrel is good at everything

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by iamwhoami, Aug 6, 2021.

  1. Meizey

    Meizey Well-Known Member

    Feb 4, 2021
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    Ah, it looks like a complete and unnecessary loophole now that you explained it. Basically a useless rule for one person and all of that in order to get her first life miserable. Still he could have found a way through a servant or something if he was interested.
    Now I just don't understand why she even had to live that life, she could have just started happy, but in all these stories there has to be some sad and depressing star in order fir characters to achieve ultimate love and happiness
    Mi shiru and magical_al00 like this.
  2. Missy Mischief

    Missy Mischief Well-Known Member

    Feb 29, 2020
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    He was confident that they would provide her all the love and safetiness cause they are her mom's family but didnt realize they are in coerce with the Queen and Second Prince in bringing his family down. They basically brainwashed her in her first life that she was alone and was thrown away by the Duke and if i remember correctly, they even said that she was not fully his daughter (which was a lie)... All in all, it was a scheme by the royalties and one of his aides is a spy from them.
    Dofu, augacutan, Kezi and 1 other person like this.
  3. Meizey

    Meizey Well-Known Member

    Feb 4, 2021
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    I understand that, but I don't see how a loving father could never go visit her, send someone to check up on her, call her up to the near by city or something, it's not like he doesn't have any money nor is it like there aren't any options for them to meet in person at all for years and for him to not even hear from her at all. Put the brainwashing aside that they did to her, but the father and brother never tried to personally check on her, like that's illogical completely. I guess I would have liked the story more if it just started from "and she was born there and had a loving family". It just kinda feels nicer in this case, idk
    ValReads, Corunee and magical_al00 like this.
  4. Missy Mischief

    Missy Mischief Well-Known Member

    Feb 29, 2020
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    he was on a war so he can't go in person and he just trusted his wife's family a little bit too much to believe the reports he received from them
  5. its0k

    its0k Well-Known Member

    Aug 2, 2020
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    As another commenter has mentioned her aunt was providing wrong information to the duke, making MC look like an ungrateful spoiled brat. But there was also a person in the Duke’s household who was supposed to supervise the aunt in some way, but he was embezzling part of the budget dedicated to MC and was the aunt’s accomplice.
  6. Desperate

    Desperate Desperate for spoilers <( °-° )>

    Mar 13, 2021
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    Hopefully they are full on biological siblings... :blobsad:
  7. Leilacus

    Leilacus Zzzzz

    Jan 22, 2017
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    They are. It's in the spoilers given.

    I'm sorry, but really, it's only a 5 page spoiler section. The contents are really easy to find and the spoiler has given us many clear information as to Beatty's ancestry and family lineage. It's really a good spoiler read!

    I see your point there. But look at it this way.

    You have a daughter with an illness that you think will possibly endanger your precious baby's life. And then you, the mother/father is working abroad with full-on responsibility to point that lives are hanging on it. And on the other hand, the in laws you trust with your child that has constant information with you gives you reassurance that your child is doing well. Obviously, both of you have a correspondence pretty much constantly.

    So, in that scenario, would you leave everything behind to see your child? In reality, no. Because as an adult, sacrifices are made. Cruel as it may sound. Even in this present age, some parents, despite their strong love for their children, will not be able to make time to see their kids because of the heavy responsibilities they have, which leads to many misunderstandings and a sad life for the child deprived of a parent's attention despite the current technology.

    In this story, yes, a loophole it may be but not as bad as the other novels wherein you'd wanna burn it. And you said, why didn't the duke send someone to check on his daughter? Or like, use the globe-telephone-thingy? Why so? Probably because he trusted his in laws too much.

    Also, I mean, why not the brother visit her? I haven't read the reason for that. Could be that if he leaves, the North is going to be very vulnerable? Considering that the father is still in a 5 year war and the North is a warzone so the son serves as an anchor for the people?
    Last edited: Sep 10, 2022
  8. ZodiacTemplar

    ZodiacTemplar Well-Known Member

    Mar 10, 2019
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    As much as I find this story cute, I’m dropping it cause I’m done with stories were they nuke the mother out of existence just to make everything more dramatic. Like, I can ignore all the other clichés and the fact that I'm starting to worry about Korean families since parents don't know how to "parent" in any of this stories.... but.... why the fuck do they always have to kill the mother? Is there any title in the "I'm back to being a child, now my family is obsessed with me" genre were we have a not-villain blood-related mother alive? Is there even ONE story were the dad is dead and the mother takes the role of badass parent that was useless in the first timeline but it was all a misunderstanding?

    I'll just leave this here after actually googling about the subject. Interesting. "In a 2014 interview, even Lion King producer Don Hahn attributed its use to Walt Disney's own childhood trauma. According to Hahn, Disney deliberately wrote out, killed off, or replaced maternal figures as a consequence of the guilt he carried about his own mother's death."
  9. Laly95

    Laly95 Well-Known Member

    Nov 18, 2021
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    There is one that the mother was very bad and goes back in time and the father is a basura who "died" and the mother changes to better take care of her daughter.
    My Mother Got Married By Contract.
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  10. Ggukiieee

    Ggukiieee Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2020
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    Is the side story completed on this story?
  11. ZodiacTemplar

    ZodiacTemplar Well-Known Member

    Mar 10, 2019
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    Oh! I'll definitely check it when they release the Webtoon. Thank you for the recommendation!
    Laly95 likes this.
  12. Laly95

    Laly95 Well-Known Member

    Nov 18, 2021
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    I don't remember if the Webtoon was released, but the novel is already finished on the official website.
    ZodiacTemplar likes this.
  13. MangaCommission

    MangaCommission Well-Known Member

    Jul 6, 2020
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    You raised really good points. These kinds of things are often ignored. Either author also forgot, or it’s a conscious effort

    Someone brought up the points where people keep cutting her off or gushing over her, but never stop to think why she escaped and keep chalking it up to a “rebellious phrase”. Is this done on purpose and going to be thoroughly addressed later on? Or is author just forgot/ ignore these?

    The mom is human? Then by that standard, the other shapeshifters are not considered “humans” ?? Then what are they? Immortals?

    Do none of the other constellations do hibernations or something? Is that why they were so clueless?
    Is that ‘save’ power the reason why she was basically poached for her stone?
    nicomcla1995 likes this.
  14. soseol7

    soseol7 Well-Known Member

    Jul 3, 2021
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    np!~^^ but I'm so sorry, just want to correct that it's not mtl TT it's my own human translation since i know Korean aoweinfaoweifjaweoifjawef just want to clarify TT so pardon me if i make any mistakes as well TT

    i think they thought like that because they trust the aunt a lot, especially when she's also giving updates about Beatty to her family. but then, they know about the reason she came to the Aslan territory, because she slapped ritter (at the beginning), at after they know about her abuse, they just focused on how to eliminate those capital hoomans... :" I'm not sure bout whether it's on purpose on not, but it isn't really addressed again later on the story.

    and by the meaning of mom is 'human' means like she can't turn into an animal form or back as she wishes. she can only be in her human form (although she does have a bit of the squirrel shapeshifter blood... but since she's not born as a shapeshifter, so no, she can't change forms). and for the rest, they are shapeshifters, can turn into their animal form, can turn back into their human form, and can pop out some of their animal body parts on their human form (like father's half lion form, or when beatty's tail came out unknowingly, etc)

    and i think, they may be other 'shapeshifters' who hibernate, but since in the first place, the number of shapeshifters isn't that much(only the aslan family and the royal family are shapeshifters in the kingdom)(and it is mentioned even in the continent there aren't many), and not all animals hibernate, so that might be one of the reasons they are clueless.
    I'm guessing the stone you mean is signum. and i don't think so... i think i kinda forgot if it has been mentioned or not, or it was really not mentioned. but i don't think beatty nor anyone else knows what power does beatty have in the first timeline... being she grew up confined and hearing that she's not a 'real shapeshifter' so i hardly believe she could even awaken her powers in the first timeline. so i think the reason why her signum is poached is just to ruin the aslan family...(?) :"""
    Last edited: Sep 11, 2022
  15. IK_Reads

    IK_Reads Well-Known Member

    Sep 5, 2021
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    The mom is human but has shapeshifter blood( basically its just like if ur mom has blonde hair and your dad has black hair and u have the same as ur dad, ur child can be a blonde even if ur husband is also black haired because the gene is there only less dominant)

    In the story, I only remember lions, snakes, squirrel and dragon. In real life snakes & lions do not hibernate, snakes do something called brumation. squirrels on the other hand do. (according to my best friend google.com)
    An example is Doctor's resignation, yes the MC's mother is exactly as u mentioned BUT does the ML's mom count? ML does not have a father anymore and ML's mom is sort of the mother figure for the MC
    nicomcla1995 and ZodiacTemplar like this.
  16. Lucy scarlet

    Lucy scarlet Well-Known Member

    Aug 12, 2021
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    Even though FL's dad is such a powerful person he was not able to send one person to get info about FL when she was in the capital like how she was doing. In the past life she died when she was already an adult, did he not have that much time to go and see her daughter.

    And also can someone spoil me about dad's reaction after FL died in the previous time line? I know the reaction about ML, I want to know about dad's reaction and what happened to that snake bastard like how did he died in the first time line.
    Pls spoil.
    Naant and Tarniaesquetta like this.
  17. Corunee

    Corunee Well-Known Member

    Nov 5, 2019
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    I believe that we should not look for logic in these types of stories. Because it does not exist and its justifications are absurd. The only answer I found was that he didn't care about his daughter (he realized late), they were irresponsible or they preferred to forget her with her aunt. if they have so much money they could even heat a sector of the mansion just for her. but there is no logic in their actions
    nicomcla1995, Meizey and Leilacus like this.
  18. ZodiacTemplar

    ZodiacTemplar Well-Known Member

    Mar 10, 2019
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    I guess Doctor's Resignation would still fall into the same cliché cause the MC's mother is dead, but having a mother figure is definitely a step in the right direction. Thank you for the recommendation, I'll check it out.