Spoiler Baby Tyrant

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by Arie Sun, Jun 13, 2020.

  1. crunchberry

    crunchberry Well-Known Member

    Aug 23, 2019
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    Michael is the Pope, not a god. He has the highest amount of Divine power (besides Mable), and as Pope, he gets all of the past memories of the previous Popes.
    Aidan IS God Ades, but he had lost all of his memories. What happened is, Veron Devlica (the Devlin Emperor) came up with the idea to claim that Aidan was his heir and that he needed to be sent back there (as part of his scheme in becoming god). So Mable came up with the idea that Michael should say that Aidan was his son, and that Devlin had stolen him when he was a child. The people believed this because of they both have red eyes.
    The Seed of God is the savior of that world. Ades's power was corrupted by curses placed on him by Julius the III, Veron Devlica's ancestor. As such, Ades came up with the Seed of God, who would then kill him and save the world. Obviously, Mable would not kill Aiden, so she came up with a different solution.
    MC is human.
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2023
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    IIVISS Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2022
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    Does this novel end yet?? And if it end I wanna ask about the father..will he alive till the end??:cry::cry:
  3. Dominicanan

    Dominicanan Well-Known Member

    Apr 18, 2023
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    I absolutely dislike this work for one main reason - the parents' attitude towards Oscar.... I don't understand how you can show favoritism to the one child so much and ignore the other!! for me, the emperor is absolutely a bad father, and the work deifies mc too much
    manhwas of a similar genre begin to infuriate me, where fathers ignore or do not like sons, but at the same time they are ready to kill everyone for the sake of mc
    I really hope that Oscar will be given at least a love line so that at least someone loves him ...
    I love Oscar with all my heart and I hope the emperor will change or this work will die for me
  4. DOHere

    DOHere Well-Known Member

    Apr 15, 2016
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    His father loves him too. Tho he does love Mabel more.
  5. Dominicanan

    Dominicanan Well-Known Member

    Apr 18, 2023
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    that's what I don't like, I don't like fathers who have favorites...
    for me, he is a disgusting character, and I'm so sorry that because of the emperor, I won't be able to enjoy this story..
    unfortunately i left it
  6. Butwhoareyou

    Butwhoareyou Well-Known Member

    Dec 12, 2021
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    See now that's what I've never seen someone point out, the fucking author thought following the same plot as other writers would be a good idea, we get it's a fucking protagonists genre but sometimes it's getting out of Line. child favoritism isn't a topic that should be traditional in these mother fuckers story
  7. DOHere

    DOHere Well-Known Member

    Apr 15, 2016
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    How ridiculous it is for a 1 year old to become emperor.
    Normally, if the next heir was underage(say under 18!!!) and the current emperor was dead, even then a proxy would be elected until the heir would be of age.
  8. Dominicanan

    Dominicanan Well-Known Member

    Apr 18, 2023
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    that's right, from the very beginning they receive love and all the attention, but the sons ones will not even receive normal treatment ....
    I think sometimes they are completely forgotten...
    I read in spoilers that even Oscar’s mother would prefer mc, I don’t understand why, you have a child of your own, can you at least devote time to your son..
    trash parents, purely my opinion

    I don't understand his decision?
    he's a goddamn emperor, he can protect her by any means necessary, he's literally the most powerful person in the empire, what the hell is making a one year old an emperor....
    his son spent his whole life preparing to become the heir, but he so easily took this title away from him for his FAVORITE child
    that is, he could not protect her from the church and the aristocracy, but he could put a child on the throne who one year could?!
    it turns out that the aristocracy would not go against this?!
    complete nonsense...
    and again I will say how sorry I am for Oscar and how I hate the emperor ..
    Reinnhildr, Atheris, Vidiah and 3 others like this.
  9. aliceyriz

    aliceyriz Well-Known Member

    Jul 19, 2020
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    Thank you for pointing it out. The reason why i didnt read this manhwa yet is also bcs how the emperor decided to make mc as emperor. Like, dude? Why didnt the author stick to the brother as emperor and doesnt make the mc as a savior of the world and mary sue for once? Cant they stop make everyone simping for mc atleast? Why most of child-care novel with sibling always like this :facepalm: and with her brother as her knight, i guess we got a god-tier mc and "normal" brother with kind heart (cmiiw)? If they want to show favoritism, should make her brother more powerful, dont make mc take all the good things (god favorite, savior, high position). But who i am to judge, it just my opinion tho :blobcry:
    Atheris likes this.
  10. zoomzoom27

    zoomzoom27 Member

    Jan 28, 2023
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    honestly any other story the father would be a villain. At the end of the day he was a cheater and a neglectful father to one of his children. Sometimes I feel like the author was a neglected child trying to fulfill some uprooted favoritism fantasy with these types of stories.
  11. lovepanicy

    lovepanicy Well-Known Member

    Mar 16, 2022
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    Not sure why people gotta try to filter a fantasy novel through the negative lenses. The emperor obviously favor MC more due to her being the child of the person he love and how the mother died after birth. The man was traumatized and fear of losing his daughter, the only thing he got left of his love. He love his son as well even if he showed to be more strict to him. This is purely gender stereotypes rather than favortism. They are kids, but they are being treated as adult in early age purely because of their strict education in preparation for the throne. Now yes, it is unfair in a way, but why are people projecting their own trauma on Oscar? Oscar is perfectly fine with loving his sister and glad he is no longer pressured and suffering to be the perfect crown prince and the heir anymore. Sure, asking a 6 yr old child to make the life decision is unfair, but to begin with this was just a title that get passed around. Like Oscar mom said, if there was greed, the person would have competed to the end. Plot armor made it went by so smooth and people get frustrated, but we should not just discredit the characters feelings. Being king arent always pretty and desired. Plenty of stories about how people suffering for it. This is just a wholesome family story of everyone loving the MC and how much it take to fix a child with trauma from childhood. I guess so many stories with MC being mistreated that people dismissed how actual trauama children are very very distrustful and scared of intimacy with other. It take so much unconditional love and test after test to give that reassuring and confidence back to the child to move forward. MC felt the absurdness just as readers felt the absurdities from all this overwhelming love from everyone. Everything else are just comedic reliefs and exaggeration for comedic reliefs. And geez, MC was just a baby at the time all of this happened, what do people expect she be treated :/

    And sure, father and mom being strict and not know how to show proper love to their kids are just frustrating and bad, but that is more an example of how heir are just being treated unfairly :/ being put into an adult role at early age, being made to withstand pressure and learning not suitable for their age. And then the child get used to such treatment. Oscar is such an angel.
  12. LumenMint

    LumenMint Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2020
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    Are we all even reading the SAME story? Lol the FATHER clearly had TALKED with Oscar that if HE *WANTED* the throne he won’t give it to FL and find ANOTHER WAY to keep her instead. He made SURE that OSCAR thoughts and wants will NEVER be ignored nor compromised just because of Mabel.
  13. Vidiah

    Vidiah Member

    Feb 23, 2023
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    Finally, someone said it I hate the father The emperor. He is a disgusting character, a trash parent plus a cheater on the top. I feel so bad for Oscar. This is the reason I'm actually dropping this. I can't with this story. His father clearly has his favourites. Even Oscar's mother too nobody to stand for the poor boy. His son spent his whole life preparing to become the heir, but the shitty father so easily took this title to give it to his Favorite child why because it was a child from the woman he loved. Authors should really stop this kind of favouritism stories. I don't what Authors are even thinking.
    Reinnhildr, Atheris and Dominicanan like this.
  14. AnimeHuntress

    AnimeHuntress Well-Known Member

    Nov 6, 2017
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    I don't really get it. The first marriage was a political one and completely contractual. His first wife seems completely okay with that, which is actually way more normal then those stories that have one sided loves and such. The father openly communicates with his son and doesn't neglect him nor is he overly harsh. The strictness was his mothers doing and I'm guessing its part of the contract. It's even explained that his mother isn't good with kids and only knows to give a strict education, but at the same time she pays enough attention that she is understanding when Oscar agrees to give cede the throne. It's obvious from the first encounter with the father and son that they have a good relationship. The kid would have been far more formal if they didn't. Yes we have a focus on the FL but considering the two absolutely adore her that's not surprising. Since they openly compete for her affection and attention it just proves that Oscar is far from neglected. He wouldn't have the courage to compete or wouldn't be so open around his father if he felt neglected. As for the fathers actions... Would you give your newborn baby girl to a country just because they said so? He went to extreme lengths for sure, and some of it is flat out silliness like the grandpa thing, but he even states that he would find other ways if Oscar is not okay with it. If this were another story like MANY of the ones out there that follow exactly what you'd describe, I'd be nodding my head along and agreeing, but this is definitely not that.
  15. Atheris

    Atheris Well-Known Member

    Sep 19, 2021
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    Thankyou you prefectly pointed out everything I wanted to say. I recently started reading this. I'm seriously frustrated. I did mistake of reading it. It's been mentioned by someone here, that he doesn't cheat on his wife, but I have to disagree. The emperor's actions make it clear that he's far from an ideal husband and father. I'm not going why because you already explained it in your post!!!

    For instance, he asked his young son to give up his throne, a decision that a young child is in no position to make. It's absurd to think that a six-year-old or a seven year old child can make a decision as massive as giving up his throne, no matter how "mature" he may seem. Like the emperor basically took the decision for him. Well all know why. It's evident that the emperor prioritizes his favorite child, FL, above all else.
    The emperor claims he's sparing his son from the stress of responsibility, but it's painfully obvious that he's playing favorites. He's perfectly fine with his daughter taking on the pressure, but not his son.
    This character portrayal bothers me so much that I find it hard to enjoy the story. It's no surprise that this manhwa has faced backlash on various forums everywhere I read. I find it so uncomfortable reading it just because of the Emperor, He is bad Husband plus a bad father to oscar. I can't enjoy the story and I drop it already it.
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2023
    Dominicanan and Creolenerd like this.
  16. Creolenerd

    Creolenerd Well-Known Member

    Sep 19, 2019
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    When I saw how the princess mom and his uncle was treating him so cold but they're going to treat the princess I dropped it Where can I see some of the back lash
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  17. Vidiah

    Vidiah Member

    Feb 23, 2023
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    what irks me the most of this trope is that the authors always make the brother(s) a pretty shallow character who inmediately accepts and even agrees with people showering his sister with all the love in the world while forgetting him. If FL was in that position everyone would feel bad and rightfully call dad out but when she's the golden child then all's right in the world. A good father would be equally devoted and move mountains for both of his children regardless of gender/birth order and i'm sad that we have very few of these kind of Terrible DILFS in OI. That authors repeatedly used this kind of trop. I personally stay away from reading such stories but I find the art very good so I thought to give it a try.

    But the comments about how "nooo he actually loves his son, he is cold to him" NO he is a terrible Father. From what I read he sounds like a not so good parent at all.

    I can't like him because of how ridiculously over the top he is with the FL and yet he's not like that with his son.
    Favoring the FL to a ridiculous degree while still being cold/indifferent to her older brother(s) is a super common thing in childcare manhwas, and I hate it. I remember reading a chapter when he was destroying national treasures to make stuff like a mobile for the FL's crib, and that made me think "If he had to make it now, and if people are surprised that he's doing it, that must mean he didn't do anything like that for his son, right?"

    As far as I've read, it's hard for me to view him as a very good dad when he showers the FL with overwhelming love and affection and wastes absurd amounts of money, time, and resources on her, and yet he's not like that with his son.

    I hate seeing manhwa dads be massive simps for their daughter, but be all business with their son(s). His blatant favouritism he has for his daughter is ridiculous, which is what bothers me because I have gone through something similar and it just hits home to me which is why I can kinda sympathise with the son more about this.

    I would love to read a story where it's actually in the perspective of the brother and how he is treated and it ends with him leaving his shitty father and having the happy life he deserves with people that actually love and care about him like I would love that for once but honestly this trope is getting mad repetitive. Althought They now it's a cliche but the author very intentionally exaggerates it to the point where it's like just 1 step behind parody. Anyways I'm dropping this it's sad cause the art is nice.
  18. Dominicanan

    Dominicanan Well-Known Member

    Apr 18, 2023
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    I know right?!... this manhwa for me is the crappiest in its genre, since in this work the main character is quite colorless and boring... her father is the worst character and his favoritism towards his daughter really infuriates me. ...even Oscar's mother's relatives are obsessed with her, which I don't understand at all and, frankly, condemn
    Reinnhildr, Atheris and Creolenerd like this.
  19. sokmean0708

    sokmean0708 Well-Known Member

    Apr 24, 2022
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    Wait what? Did you even read the story?
    the emperor let mc take the throne so the divine kingdom would stop pestering the empire to send mc there. Because if mc is the emperor then the divine kingdom
    (Forgot the name) will stop sending letter
    asking to take mc because no country will send their emperor to another kingdom.

    btw, it’s the mc dad who takes care of all the work. So mc is only emperor in name.

    i don’t know what you’re on about.
  20. chemicoleRXN

    chemicoleRXN Active Member

    Mar 1, 2021
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    ❗❗The father was never a cheater

    The emperor met fl's mom AFTER the divorce. It was already finalized and they were just waiting for the right moment to announce it. We can see a glimpse of it in chapter 142 and people jumped to conclusions that he cheated during their marriage but we see the entire thing in the side stories.

    Basically it went like
    ·Sienna(2nd wife) and Pacifica(1st wife) meet and become friends
    ·Pacifica and emperor marriage agreement
    ·Oscar's birth
    ·Pacifica asks for divorce. They divorce but not announced.
    ·Emperor and Sienna meet and fall in love
    ·Divorce announced
    ·Sienna finds out she's dating her best friend's ex and starts to avoid him
    ·Sienna begs for Pacifica's forgiveness. Pacifica was like "it doesn't matter" she doesnt explain much bc the agreement was supposed to be secret between her and the emperor.
    ·Sienna still feels guilty and avoids the emperor
    ·Emperor can't get close to Sienna to explain so he begs Pacifica to talk to her about it.
    ·Pacifica shows Sienna the prenuptial agreement. Told her to make a choice that will make her happy.
    ·Misunderstanding is solved. They get back together. Sienna's dad annoyed the emperor wants to marry his daughter

    From beginning to end, Pacifica had no interest in love. Let her be the aro/ace icon that she is