Spoiler Bastian

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by Rin.rinaaa, Jan 13, 2023.

  1. mayairreal

    mayairreal Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2020
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    Well, not only Solche's works. I ever read an author informed their reader that Naver monopolize her novel that get webtoon adaptation by Naver. Her novel can be bought not only in Naver Series before, but also Ridibooks, Kakaopage, and other web/app. But when it got webtoon adaptation, novel's selling from other access were terminated, so the reader only can purchase from Naver Series.

    Btw, there are audio book version in Korean Language of CYEB and Problematic Prince
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2023
  2. Jo_al7

    Jo_al7 Well-Known Member

    Mar 27, 2020
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    Today’s finally we are getting new chapters! Its only been two days but it felt like a week :blobparty:
  3. Cookiemonster_007isback

    Cookiemonster_007isback I need them cookies

    Jun 30, 2022
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    This is for the user/lurker who got hurt over my harmless replies. I wanted you to know that never for once I berated any character not it was my intention to hurt your feelings. I wasn't the one to brought him up, I think you might probably know who I am talking about. I feel a little bit upset that instead of reaching me out, you forwarded my messages to someone else. That person is however sweet but it hurt me too because I never intended to berate any of your fictional character.

    I just merely posted two replies to the user who brought that character up and even defended/spoiled that same character despite not having much interest in him which I think was not enough to satiate your anger.

    I thought to let it pass by, but I think it's too much for me, as an overthinker, this happened especially on a thread where I got very much involved and was enjoying the conversation, which dampened the mood for me. I've decided to log out for a while and step away from this forum to cool down and I promise you to never revert/reply over this character, never ever, even if it is a harmless opinion and a defend.
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2023
    mushishinature likes this.
  4. Diraaroo

    Diraaroo Well-Known Member

    May 19, 2020
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    I keep refresh this page waiting for @Elyriona post
  5. mushishinature

    mushishinature Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2023
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    Come on, don't do it it is not worth it. You have to be here for new chapters.
  6. tifftiff2121

    tifftiff2121 Well-Known Member

    Aug 18, 2021
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    Is anyone familiar with the "fire in the swamp/flowers blooming in the swamp
    HAPPY MONDAY FRIENDS!!! The weekend was too long
  7. emiliablair27

    emiliablair27 Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2023
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    I played a lot of songs in spotify while reading CEBIYB, I love how the Solche well-written the dialogue of every characters, the scenes of FL and ML are really ! I’m not liter
    Thanks for bringing it up about "Problematic Prince' I wil read this next since I'm done with CEBIYB

    Glad I've found few people who are invested in these types of men, only us can actually understand each other. Matthias is truly a poison!

    Glad I've found few people who are invested in these types of men, only us can actually understand each other. Mat
    Omomomo123 likes this.
  8. Anmarii

    Anmarii Well-Known Member

    Oct 12, 2018
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    No, I don't think the emperor can force Bastian about divorce. Above is the conversation between Emperor and Bastian, it's about the reward for Bastian for which Bastian did not claimed yet.
    IIVISS, mavi and mushishinature like this.
  9. mushishinature

    mushishinature Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2023
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    He is avoiding her, I got sense of emptiness reading this chapters and I'm sad it seems we are close to end.
    IIVISS, yoro3shi, Omomomo123 and 2 others like this.
  10. codyman495

    codyman495 Well-Known Member

    Mar 31, 2017
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    … I would like Odette to leave and live with Countess Tier. She needs emotional stability, kindness, and to be away from the person who caused her pain

    Bastian needs to be taught a lesson, and actually losing Odette would do wonders

    Now getting back together is fine, but it needs to be, in my opinion, taking place over a few years of courting and proving he has changed. Cause he has not proven anything, still keeping everything to himself.
    Big gestures are nice and all, but it’s really the little things that add up to make you who you are
  11. luliibunny

    luliibunny Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2021
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    What if he uses his reward to make the emperor do something that would give Odette her reputation back,like uncovering Franz and Sandrine bad deeds?
    I think he will leave for the war after it(since it takes place at the same time of cebiyb)
    This will give time for Odette to heal,catch feelings and they they will stay together once he's back.
    mavi likes this.
  12. mushishinature

    mushishinature Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2023
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    I think he has no courage to face her, he is avoiding her. He probably believes she wouldn't want to see him ever again.

    I think best for both of them would be to leave that stupid country, I know Bastian is officer so it is not possible. Emperor has no shame, if Bastian now divorces Odette, hers and child's life are ruined, they would be removed from society and face huge discrimination.
    its0k, yoro3shi, luliibunny and 3 others like this.
  13. Justpassingthrough

    Justpassingthrough Well-Known Member

    May 8, 2018
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    Franz's bad deeds are already well known which is why it's destroying even his father. Sandrine's actions would be considered distasteful if revealed but unlikely to help the situation. The problem here is the society itself. Much like in The problematic prince where everyone was judging and comparing Erna mostly because of her family situation, the portrait has already been seen. In situations like these, people tend to care less about the truth and more about what would make and interesting story. The emperor can't really do anything that will immediately restore her reputation. And Bastian's reputation is falling because his business rivals and conservative nobles who don't want to see him succeed because of his background are actively trying to undermine him.

    For Bastian the situation would mostly get resolved if he divorces Odette, Odette was unfaithful, which is why she ran away, and the whole Franz situation could be cleared up without involving Bastian, which is why the Emperor made that order. As the countess herself thought, it was to protect Bastian, the hero of the Navy not because he cares about Odette.

    Odette's case is harder. Society tends to judge women more harshly in these types of situations. Regardless of who was really at fault, if Odette really gets divorced in this situation, people will always say she seduced Franz and that she was unfaithful and the whole situation is her own fault. Reputation-wise her best option would actually be to remain married.
    In the earlier chapters there are hints that Odette might have had a soft spot for Bastian which could have developed into love if the whole betrayal thing didn't happen. With the recent rescue and if Bastian and her sit down and have an honest heart to heart, they actually could be happy together. Whether Bastian would have to go to war for that to happen is the question.
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2023
  14. 1Rene

    1Rene Well-Known Member

    Sep 15, 2022
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    So many misunderstandings would not have happened if Bastian communicated with her properly. That time when he just left her waiting at the fountain although at some point he did want to inform her or when he wanted to take her with him to that Island where he was posted but took too long to say it and eventually the plan got ruined due to the betrayal news, or even the ribbon incident. If he doesn't speak Odette will obviously think man is indifferent to her and only interested in profit gained from the marriage. How does he expect her to fall for him in that case? He knows Odette very well but on the contrary his character is mysterious for her.
    Anyways i just hope he makes it clear to her soon that he isn't going to marry Sandrine. But reading the latest episode i guess it will stretch a bit as we have an upcoming divorce drama as well .
  15. mavi

    mavi Well-Known Member

    Jun 1, 2019
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    Exactly, getting divorce will help bastain but ruin oddette to a greater extent and the bad reputation will continue to haunt her child in the future but her still married maybe will help this to subside over time cause who will still keep his wife if she cheats and have someone else kid?
    After reading all the replies , I don't really think they will get divorced but also there won't be much development to thier story before going to war although her dream hint that it might be their final goodbye ( what if the author went with a sad ending for this , bastain dying in war and oddette naming her child bastain?)
    Hence the name ? The story doesn't have a tragedy tag right ?
  16. mushishinature

    mushishinature Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2023
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    I would be sad if that happens, who would thought I would be sad if rapist dies, I guess that is thanks to good writing. :blobawkward: Dream also might have different meaning Odette was happy when he gave back dog, same for child. Will she be happy if he leaves her, divorces, dies or something like that?
    mavi and 1Rene like this.