Spoiler Death Is The Only Ending For The Villain

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by LockedPuppet, Dec 20, 2019.


    AAIISSAA New Member

    Jan 14, 2023
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    In the battle with the eclipse dragon, he was seriously injured and lost his protector, and then I think the mercenaries will save him :/ ... When Penelope saw him, she was very surprised and then realized that he had lost his memory... And the point is that Callisto was watching them from a distance :cookie:
    All survived except Yivone Of course, the king and queen also died and I don't know Callisto's brother... There were long side stories and about Penelope's marriage with Calebsto and having a baby and blah blah blah but there was no scene :) And in the end, Penelope also treated the brothers He also became very soft towards his father and forgave them... Of course, it was because of Judith, because Judith loved them very much (Judith is Penelope and Calesto's child) and about Winter, I must say that he became Judith's magic teacher...
    Of course, some of these were not in the side story and specific parts of the novel that were published later :aww:

    In the war with the dragon, Eclipse was seriously injured and lost his memory, and then I think the mercenaries will save him :/... When Penelope saw him, she was very surprised and then realized that he had lost his memory. .. and the point here is that Callisto was watching them from a distance
  2. Cheshirecat04

    Cheshirecat04 Well-Known Member

    Oct 28, 2022
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    Thank you.

    Well, I'm disappointed the older brother (Derrick?) didn't suffer enough. I forgave the second one (Reinold?) for a while (after the hunting contest) since I understand why he acts like a jerk. I don't find him excuses but I understand. He resents Penny for taking his sister's place and he thought she was happy that Yvonne was gone. And don't forget he has a nasty temper to begin with. He is impulsive, fierce but when he get to know Penny better, he took her side.

    But Derrick...oh dear... what a piece trash. He has no excuses, he is an ass through and through.

    For the other targets... well, I was mad at Winter for bringing fake Yvonne back and for not trusting Penny enough but I understand his reason.
    It's sad because he has the potential to be the male lead. Besides Callisto, he was the only decent character.

    I feel pity for Eclise and I'm glad he survived. Of course, he betrayed Penny but it was because, to him, she betrayed him first. And to be honest, Penny didn't really care about him. She always saw him as a tool to survive. She was nice to him in order to increase his favorability ans nothing more.
    Eclise truly love Penny but with her behavior, his love became twisted obsession.

    Anyway, it was one of the best transmigration story I have ever read.

    AAIISSAA New Member

    Jan 14, 2023
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    Ummm I agree with you :aww: But in the new timeline, Winter didn't bring yyoone , but Eclipse brought her :blobawkward:
    But the love part between Callisto and Penelope was the best part:blobnosebleed::blob_blush:
    Janu123 and yukihibari like this.
  4. callisto eckart

    callisto eckart Member

    Jan 17, 2023
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    At the birthday party of the Crown Prince, after Penelope gave Callisto a gift, there was a conversation between them, but it ended with Callisto leaving while Penelope was sad. Does anyone know what he said to her? Or what happened?

    AAIISSAA New Member

    Jan 14, 2023
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    Sorry I had spelling mistake and I'll say it again ..
    First of all, at the birthday party, Callisto proposed to Penelope... and told her that I don't believe in love and want an arranged marriage Although he was in love with her, he didn't know about hir feelings...:blobconfounded:
    And Penelope rejected his request:facepalm:... and said that I will only marry someone who loves me from the bottom of heart and will get me out of this hell.:blob_teary:
    im_trash42, Jukki and Thamalasca like this.
  6. callisto eckart

    callisto eckart Member

    Jan 17, 2023
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    هل هناك أي لحظات جميلة بين كاليستو وبينيلوب ، أو أي رومانسية بينهما

    AAIISSAA New Member

    Jan 14, 2023
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    نعم هناك مشاهد رومانسية جميلة جدا.:blobnosebleed: من الفصل 120 فصاعدًا ، هناك العديد من المشاهد في الرواية ... والفصل الأخير هو الأكثر رومانسية.:aww:
  8. theilikepie

    theilikepie Well-Known Member

    Jun 1, 2017
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    Rate my doujin guis download.jpeg-24.jpg 76iq1s.jpg download.jpeg-25.jpg 76iqdf.jpg 76iqhv.jpg 76iqks.jpg 76iqsd.jpg

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    AhziezSchryjver likes this.
  9. Red and Mad

    Red and Mad Well-Known Member

    Jul 26, 2020
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    I will leave again the links where the novel is currently being legalized:

    On Piccoma under the title of "悪役のエンディングは死のみ(ノベル)" (It can only be accessed if you are in Japan or have a VPN):

    On MaReads under the title of "เป็นตัวร้ายก็ต้องตายเท่านั้น":

    知翎文化chilin is currently publishing the physical books of the novel in Taiwan:
    Book 1: https://www.books.com.tw/products/0010940381
    Book 2: https://www.books.com.tw/products/0010945402
    E-book 1: https://www.bookwalker.com.tw/product/155886
    (Image from Twitter: usuduki)

    It will soon be translated into Portuguese-BR by the publisher NewPop Editora:
    Home page: http://www.newpop.com.br/
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2023
    CaelumBlue and cklaighe like this.
  10. Amaryllis bubblegum

    Amaryllis bubblegum Well-Known Member

    Sep 12, 2021
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    Is derrick still alive until the end of novel?
  11. Red and Mad

    Red and Mad Well-Known Member

    Jul 26, 2020
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    Yes, he assumes the position of Duke Eckhart, but in the side stories he has a few brief scenes and is hardly mentioned in the extras of the story.
    LyRogers likes this.
  12. Amaryllis bubblegum

    Amaryllis bubblegum Well-Known Member

    Sep 12, 2021
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    Thank you for answering ☺️
    Tbh I lil bit disappointed why he don't died already but I'm quite happy to know that he appeared less in ss (which is truly happy ending for Penelope)
  13. cklaighe

    cklaighe Well-Known Member

    Oct 5, 2018
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    Me being so happy I'm a webtoon first because Derrick novel is just my type and he is the most detestable character there.

    CALLISTO ALL THE WAY! :blobhero:
    LyRogers likes this.
  14. mxdea

    mxdea Active Member

    Apr 9, 2022
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    Does anyone know where to read a proper translation of the novel? Just like the one in this site? But in an app form or file? You do not need to send me it directly, just tell me where to find it or send me a pm!
    Thank you!
  15. LyRogers

    LyRogers Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2021
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    Derrick had a love-hate relationship with Penelope. He had fallen for Penelope, but that had been twisted due to his own flaws and their circumstances. He started finding her atrractive as she grew but viewed those feelings as betraying Yvonne/Ivonne's memory. Moreover, he also felt ashamed of being attracted to his step-sister. A lot of his actions stemmed from keeping Penelope close to him, no matter what and honouring Yvonne/Ivonne's memory by rejecting Penelope. He simply used honouring the reputation of Eckhart/Eckart duchy as an excuse, otherwise he would have opposed the tretment of Penelope by the duchy's servants, a long time ago. In fact, her bad reputation and fragile psychecould be utilised as a weapon to keepr her chained to him for a long time. Furthermore, any man capable of showing her affection and helping her was envied and resented by Derrick. When Penelope was in jail, he wanted to 'rescue' her while still condemning her, both feelings causing a flurry inside him. If Penelope listened to him, he would be her hero (a fact which could be held over her) and also kept her enslaved to the duchy, away from suitors and beholden to him. </
    Marane101, mart7206, p3c and 8 others like this.
  16. LyRogers

    LyRogers Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2021
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    Okay, this is gonna be tricky but I'm gonna try my best to stay neutral.
    Ecklise was a slave and after Delmain was defeated, grew up in horrible conditions. When Penelope brought him, he knew that she was using him, just as he was using her. Their dynamic was toxic yet ironic, from the beginning as both of them wanted to use each other to gain their freedom. As Penelope lavished Ecklise with gifts and attention, he knew that she had ulterior motives, but as a man, he was in essence attracted to a pretty lady, especially one who didn't treat him like the dirt beneath her boots. Penelope cut a tragic figure in his perspective, and while she didn't fall for him, he fell for her, seeing her as his reflection. This, in turn, made him yearn to be her sole dependence, just like she had been his. He stopped caring about her feelings and was assured that she would grow to love him as he had done. After all, they were mirrors.
    Penelope, on the other hand only saw him as a character who could be exploited to return home. After all, she had escaped hell in Korea to only be captured in another hell in the Eckhart Duchy. This relationship was built on subterfuge and selfishness and only crashed and burnt after that, as evidenced by the threats of r*ape by Ecklise (he did say something about having her 'outer', if he can't have her heart).
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2023
    p3c, yukihibari, Nikha and 2 others like this.
  17. LyRogers

    LyRogers Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2021
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    I really, really hated Derrick but then I just ended up feeling that he was pathetic However, I'm glad he is suffering knowing that the woman he loves is in love with someone far better than him and is indifferent to him.

    Nope, you can't find one. Sorry, but better read the manhwa

    My face turned red.
    I stared at him with my hand covering my lips, trying not to get caught.
    ‘You said you weren’t in love with me. You said you wanted a political marriage -a partner. What’s wrong with you?’ A blush covered my face.
    However, Callisto was standing still with a brilliant smile and warm eyes, looking at me.
    My heart was pounding.
    I nervously took off my wet robe and mask that I couldn’t even pick up and lift and felt like a fool. Since it was quite heavy and damp, it would likely be too much to carry on the road.
    Then I searched through the bag I was carrying. The inside of the bag was intact as it was enchanted.
    I took out a pouch of gold and gave it to the ship's captain who was staring at us with bewildered eyes.
    “You did a good job. Go back and fix your ship and use this to heal the injured.” The man’s eyes widened and we shook his hand.
    “Oh, no! That’s not fair! Ah, you’ve saved so many lives. how can I…”
    “There has been a loss of life and we should keep the remaining safe, shouldn’t we?” Penelope said
    “Oh, thank you, thank you!” The man replied profusely and, accepted the boon.
    Facing the far-off Arkina Islands, I stretched out the magical map before me. ‘Where should I go?’
    The map had a red dot on the edge of the island, at the very top of the hill. However, I did not know the geography, so I didn’t know where to go.
    I recalled the last time I used the map and I tried to touch the spot on the map.
    As if it were a tablet PC, th spot I touched expanded. The more I checked inside the island, the more I flustered. ‘Where is it?’
    The mysterious island that seemed to have hidden huge secrets, only had sand, no matter how much I looked around.
    ‘I thought the Leila’s followers were everywhere....’, yet it was a desolate desert no matter how much I looked at it. It was then that Callisto interrupted her train of thoughts, “The Leila temple is probably right in the middle of the Island.”
    The Crown Prince pointed his finger at the centre of the map.
    The part was magnified straight away. But the sand dunes were the same.
    “How do you know?” I asked
    “When I was planning a military operation, I scouted through the wizards holdings multiple times.” He added.
    “I’ve barely gleaned the surface because the barrier is extremely strong. Still, if you want to take as little trouble as possible, you’d better take the central area into account.”
    “…………” I was speechless
    “That area is a wasteland, where a single blade of grass doesn’t exist. When you start wandering, you will find yourself lost, as if there's no end.”
    His words made sense. No matter how many magic maps you have, you can’t wander around like a needle in a spacious desert. It was time to look sideways at Callisto, who gave me unexpected help.
    Suddenly, my eyes were blinded by the light.
    <SYSTEM> If you want to use the Ancient Magic Map, shout the spell, pointing out the area that you want to move in the map.
    (The old language: Yala Bula Artino)
    ‘What’s wrong with the spell?’
    It was as if I was constantly given a weird spell.
    “Do you know the spell as well? Then go ahead,” The crown prince spoke vaguely, pointing out on the map.
    I had had a new realization, “…Are you coming with me?”
    “Well, I’ve come all the way here because of you. Shall we go back to cutting the octopus legs?” He glared.
    “Well, you have to go back. If nothing else, then think of the suppression of the rebels…” I said
    “If a country can’t stop a single rebellion without me, it would be better if it is destroyed.”
    “Your Highness……”
    “This is more important to me. And I don’t need your permission to go to the Arkina Islands?” Callisto said arrogantly with his ferocious look.
    Actually, it was true.
    Whatever the purpose was, the Crown Prince, was going to do what he wants, and I could not going to stop him.
    “You don’t want to go with me?” he asked
    I just kept quiet because I was confident in my abilities, but Callisto hurriedly added, overshadowing what he just said.
    “Then you can go alone. I have a map’s copy, too, so I’ll take care of it.” His face, looking up at me again, covered in nervousness. Like a child who didn’t want to be left.
    “You don’t know the spell,” I muttered
    When I calmly pointed out at his mistake, he swept his bangs up roughly and calmly opened his mouth, “Take me with you too.”
    Even though he was in a position of command and he didn’t look like a man asking for a favour at all; I could see the burning tips of his ears. “Are you laughing?” His eyes blazed.
    I pretended not to laugh, and quickly spat out the freaky spell, “Yala Bula Artino.”
    <SYSTEM> Do you want to use the [Scroll Ancient Mage Map] once to move to your area? [Yes/No]
    When I pressed [Yes.] without hesitation, my eyes went blank.
    When we opened our eyes again, we stood in the middle of the desert, in the blazing sun. As if trapped in a steamer, a sizzling hot wind slapped our faces.
    By the time I gained my bearings, the Crown Prince had raised his head with a reflexive frown. "There,” he pointed
    Through the haze rising above the distant sand, was a barely visible building. I was relieved that I would face less trouble as the Crown Prince’s words rang true.
    Flop-. Something fell over my head.
    “Uh, uh,” I stammered
    “The sun is hot.”
    In the midst of my musings, the Crown Prince had silently wrapped his red cape tightly around my head and face.
    Only his handsome long face was exposed under the blazing sun.
    “What about you?” I hesitantly asked.
    Then the Crown Prince replied with mocking grin, “I think, Princess needs to think more about mice that play when cat is away.” (expression that describes how people will behave badly or as they like when a supervisor or other authority figure is not present.)
    “I don’t think you’ve ever been in a desert during a war?” Callisto interrupted
    The building in the middle of the desert wasn’t that far away, but the hot sun was still left me sweltering. Moreover, I felt strange about him prioritizing my needs and comfort.
    ‘If I knew this would happen, I would have brought the robes.’
    By the time I was despairing, the Crown Prince was encouraging me, “Stop thinking. Deserts have short days.”
    I started the short journey with him. It was when we had just reached the top of the last dune, that we saw the temple in front of us. Even though I didn’t walk long, I was covered in sweat and I felt tired.
    “Ugh, ugh….. Wait a minute.” I panted shallowly while kneeling.
    It was funny to do this with the destination just around the corner, but I couldn’t see anything when I was out of breath.
    Callisto waited silently for me without making a fuss.
    When I had got a handle on myself, I uttered words that had been tickling my tongue the whole time, “Why didn’t you question me?”
    “What?” Callisto asked
    “Just this and that, about our journey, about our quest,” I said
    I knew that due to his nature Crown Prince would surely be suspicious.
    What was the poison, what wass the reason I was here, what is my relationship with the Marquis….. There were so many questions he could ask, yet he said nothing, even when he was prompted. His red eyes asked for nothing, and I sat down in a rough sandy plain. “If you’ve been to the capital, you’ve heard the many rumours floating about me.”
    “Oh. Do you mean the duke’s stepdaughter who beat the real duke’s daughter and ran away from home?” He asked
    “Wait, what?”
    “The Young Duke’s eyes have been red and he’s looking for you.” He said, naturally frowning.
    ‘A disgusting man. What did he want from me after all that humiliation?’ I was fed up.
    “Don’t worry about it. Do whatever you want to do. If you want to catch the demon, I will catch Leila for you. If you want to kill her, I will kill her for you,” he said
    “Let me stay by your side.” The Crown Prince replied.
    I hesitated and looked up at him, “I don’t know why Your Highness is doing this.”
    Even in broad daylight, the red-coloured gauge bar gave off its own distinct red colour.
    At the coming-of-age ceremony, I thought I had predicted all the emotional possibilities.
    The hard mode was done with, and now all I had left was the story for the normal mode.
    Why are you here..…….
    “My reasons are my own, you do not have to know.” The Crown Prince said with a distorted expression.
    “You’re such a jerk.
    'You don’t have to know.’( she’s mimicking him here). That’s not what matters to me anymore.” I started angrily
    “In the end, without any help, you got yourself out of dukedom, all by yourself.” I don’t know how he knew, but he was right.
    Once upon a time, I thought that one of the male leads would save me, and I considered the favourability figures as an absolute indicator of my escape.
    But now both favourability and my way to escape this place were gone. What matters to me now was….
    ‘What’s important to me now?’ I didn’t knew and somehow this drove me insane.
    “The important thing is that we have the same goal,” Callisto clearly said his intentions.
    “Do you know what I can do?” I asked
    “YOU can do anything. Are you trying to wake up all the dead Leila and conquer the world?” He asked back in a playful voice. I still looked at him with baffled eyes.
    “You’re the Crown Prince of this Empire.” I said decisively and my sole reason for rejecting his offer.
    “You wanted to be an ideal emperor.” I added
    “I don’t know what it was.” He shrugged and answered lightly.
    “Like the Crown Prince, I can take everything lightly too, then. Maybe I should become an emperor. I’m not kidding,” I said imploringly
    "As long as you stay by my side?” He cut me off and asked nervously.
    His face, which had always been full of confidence, had suddenly turned desperate.
    ‘Callisto was not brainwashed.’ I gave in.
    Only then did the man regain his composure and laughed. The heart that I thought I had killed, began to beat again.
  18. TrinigirlStar

    TrinigirlStar Member

    Aug 16, 2022
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    Unpopular opinion...
    I know everyone is just so happy with her and the crown prince but he's terrible she literally gave up her life to be with you and you restrict her lock her up and say you're afraid of losing her?!? Sir where tf can she possibly go you are her only real tie to this world and she has interests that she wants to pursue its sad she gave up everything to end up with that but I guess she's "happy" I really feel sorry for people who think this is "love"
    teargrants and Herbie420 like this.
  19. Red and Mad

    Red and Mad Well-Known Member

    Jul 26, 2020
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    It's not unpopular, it's just your opinion. You just made it clear to us that you didn't keep reading the side stories to realize that Penelope and Callisto talked about it (since Penelope realized that she had not MENTIONED to him that she had died in the real world) and worked it out.
    But well, I feel sorry for you who really feel sorry for people who have their own opinion of "love"
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2023
  20. TrinigirlStar

    TrinigirlStar Member

    Aug 16, 2022
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    Nope I read everything and he is still very much a piece of crap.... Its " fantasy love" in real life none of the people I'm around stand things like that so yeah buff and don't feel sorry for me feel sorry for everyone that thinks that's what healthy relationships look like
    Herbie420 likes this.