Spoiler Death Is The Only Ending For The Villain

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by LockedPuppet, Dec 20, 2019.

  1. Elyriona

    Elyriona Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2018
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    Yeah, next post will be about Callisto being shown up in front Penelope and Derrick ;)
  2. Shirayuki..

    Shirayuki.. 〖13th Princess Of Chaos♡〗〖Your Oneesan :3〗

    Jun 23, 2020
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    ill be patiently waiting for it well not really patient..but ill wait..cuz i have no choiceT^T
    Ilannah, Elyriona and Needyneedle like this.
  3. Needyneedle

    Needyneedle Crimson's Melissa and the Blackjack of Chaos.

    Apr 2, 2020
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    I spent like two days to read everything on this thread. Thank you so much for all the spoilers. I should have not judged this novel by its synopsis. It's truly a wonderful novel! I can't wait for someone to translate this fully. :blobok::blobok::blobok:
  4. Shirayuki..

    Shirayuki.. 〖13th Princess Of Chaos♡〗〖Your Oneesan :3〗

    Jun 23, 2020
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    sooooooooooooo glad you liked it *huggies*
    Juli Kidman, Ilannah and Needyneedle like this.
  5. Smtha

    Smtha Well-Known Member

    Jun 6, 2019
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    Aww the prince play rouge,and steal her 1st dance.lol thank you for the chapter.
  6. Kezi

    Kezi Well-Known Member

    May 3, 2020
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    Just wanted to pop in to vent the thoughts running through my head as someone who's only read a few chapters and seen 2 spoilers. If
    the heroine is secretly evil
    , then it actually makes perfect sense that
    Penny ends up with the crown prince
    . Of all the capture targets, he's the only one not predisposed to
    love the heroine
    . The 2 brothers are obviously out, the knight is loyal to the family, and the wizard is the one who
    found and brought in the heroine in the first place
    . That leaves the crown prince as the most neutral party, and Penelope's most trustworthy ally. I haven't read much of the story, so this is only my analysis from the beginning chapters and 2 spoilers I saw. I hope the author surprises me (in a good way). Not too much angst plz, Penny has been through enough
    _etro_, Kesa098 and perez like this.
  7. AnnaArpa4

    AnnaArpa4 Well-Known Member

    Jun 14, 2020
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    Can anyone teach me how to add spoiler tag?
  8. Ettoine

    Ettoine Well-Known Member

    Jun 19, 2020
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    I have some questions. After reading the confrontation between Penelope and Derrick, I was wondering what about Rennald (not sure it this is the right name, bc the translation group I read from started calling him Leonard).
    I mean before she left the mansion, where was he? What was his reactions?
    I read in the spoilers that after he misunderstood or rather was blinded by assumptions due to a dream, he was codify used by the protagonist. Then after he lost her trust but still realizes he was in the wrong. Then with poisoning accident he sorta he silence Yvonne to not make things difficult for the protagonist.

    - Anywya I was wondering what about when the protagonist left? I mean she talked with the duke, Emily and then with Derrick. What about Rennald?

    - Also i read that she proposed to the Prince after revealing she was pregnant. Does that mean she'll eventually contact and see the the duke and his sons? Since in wedding the father accompany the bride sort of tradition?

    - I don't understand the bird scene with Derrick either? What does she mean he keep her around like the caged bird?
    Didn't he want her out of the picture (executed /prison) since if he believe she was the culprit he must be aware he basically sending her to her doom the moment he didn't take her side during the trial.
    So I don't get the bird caged becoming metaphor for his treatment of her. I'm sorry I don't speak English very well.

    Lastly, why does the Duke hate so much the idea of the Penelope marrying the Prince? I mean I can understand Derrick being jealous but the father.... Didn't he said their family was neutral?
    I mean like the ackwardness of meeting the girl they mistreated and cast aside everytime they go the palace. She became queen right?

    Feeling very sad for Eclise (?).... But her not getting that 1% Does make sense. He can love her all he wants but both of them know she didn't love him back. So either way, it couldn't be a happy ending of only Eclise loves her one-sidedly. I kinda love that idea that a true happy love ending must require equal high affection of both partners.
    Still its sad that Eclise's affection wrapped and distorted because both of them were in away at fault : her raising his affection intentionally and him having hope and chained by the idea he doesn't want a future where they don't end together.

    Also thank you for all the spoilers! This story was intense and a roller-coaster of feelings, expectations....
    I love how the author made the reader believe this is like those kind of novel where after causing some doki doki moment with the brothers things will be alright but in truth she wasn't safe at all from dangers and betrayal.
    Like the story goes from very bad start (bullying, her bro/duke hates her) —> she gains their attentions and they show care for her —> she met appealing love interest —> everything seems doing well and she starts seeing the brothers in bit better light (getting them gifts)—> we gain some good love scene between her and Ml —> then bam bottom line again —> then the story reminds how she thought things were better and they care a bit about her—> etc-etc.

    I kinda like that up and down situation and internal/emotional conflict. I also like this story didn't end with a poor storyline of girl being bully so she bullies back....(not fully a fan) Idk I always liked those kind of stories and find an big emotional character development when the protagonist confront the pain and hate, face on. Not with anger or revengeful spirit but with clear mentality and growth to say no the dark thoughts like "they should pay / die/ get r*p*d / die in poverty" and retaliate with reasons and words. After all words / memories /regret cut deeper and stay longer than any physical wound. And I'm sure the brothers and duke will live on with many regrets. Just like in Requiem of the rose king.... Live and despair is more terrifying than despair and die.

    I really like..
    I been againts vengeance or eye for eye mentality since usually it leads to a further suffering that get others that has nothing to do with wrong involved. Ex. You killed my mother so I'll kill yours. They look equal punishment but in another perspective that make it that the one that get wronged get an innocent person involved probably the mother is not even aware what's going on. the father will retort back and decide to avenge the mother by killing that person's sister/family. It's just lead to a hate that escalate while you let go of the hate is the moment the chains stops.
    I often read people saying "well no one is a saint and the world isn't flowers and rainbows, so it's okay to be bad". The thing is the world will continue to be horrible if you gave up on it to begin with. Nothing will change. Another example is in court, if a criminal gets away with a crime, does that mean it's okay to let it happen again because it's common?
    I honestly cried a lot. Penelope had gone throw a lot and I do believe not forgiving them is the best option rather than going through a killing route, leading a lonely tiresome life made of hate, deceit etc.
  9. Ilannah

    Ilannah Well-Known Member

    Jun 21, 2020
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    thank you, have a lot of fun with this episode. Callisto always surprises me.:ROFLMAO::D

    Elyriona likes this.
  10. Upsadaisy

    Upsadaisy Well-Known Member

    May 29, 2020
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    The side stories are divided as follows:
    Chapters 1 - 6 = Callisto
    7-12 = Vinter
    13-16 = Callisto
    17-21 = Derick
    22-24 = Callisto
    25-26= Reynald
    27 = Callisto
    28 = Vinter
    29-32 = Callisto
    33-36 = Eclise
    37-40 = Callisto

    So we'll get Reynald's reaction to Penelope's leaving within the next 3 chapters.

    The bird reference relates to when Derick caught the bird during the hunting competition which feathers are the same color as Penelope's hair. By keeping the bird in a pretty cage it was a metaphor of what he wanted for her - he wanted to keep her locked up in the house where only he could see her/look after her. He very much wanted to keep her IN the picture. He didn't want her murdered or imprisoned - he wanted to keep her locked up in the Eckart estate. He wanted her to leave it to him to save her during the trial. But his way of saving her was to blame her and say it was her temporary insanity. He would then pay whatever the Royal family wanted of the Eckart's and in return they would have been allowed to take Penelope back home safely.

    The Duke has never liked Callisto. When Callisto originally cut Penelope's neck in the maze, the Duke wanted to be able to use this situation as something they could use against him. Callisto also antagonized the Duke a lot throughout the series. Their conversation during the hunting competition, when he went to visit Penelope right after the hunting competition.. the poisoning incident. All their conversations are pretty confrontational. So the idea of Penelope marrying Callisto wouldn't exactly make him happy.
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2020
  11. Ettoine

    Ettoine Well-Known Member

    Jun 19, 2020
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    Thank you very much for answering! And also for translating the special chapters!

    And damn.... Derrick...
    Run Penelope... Run....

    I don't know what to comment to that reasoning. If I read correctly her real brothers in Korean did the same... And wow. All of this was cray cray but so good. My heart strings were stirred.:cry:

    I've read some anghst novel with Mc that were torture and executed but damn I felt more sorry for Penelope while in other stories the emotion that often were fueled in me were mostly anger towards the ones that wronged them —but in this story I truthfully wanted her to be happy and have a family that will care for her.

    AnywAy :love: I'll watch this thread for new spoilers. Thank you all so very much for translating!
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2020
  12. Chebcheb

    Chebcheb Active Member

    Jul 11, 2018
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    Heya guys! New reader here, and I'm sooo confused on what is happening with the translation of story. I feel like its a secret to know where to get the chapters :eek: or I'm just confused? I was reading it on CatlovesTowels then on milkbread on wattpad but it stops at chapter 80. Could somebody help me out chaebal :cry::unsure::unsure:
  13. Chebcheb

    Chebcheb Active Member

    Jul 11, 2018
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    @Mercyliana Thank you!!! ❤️
    I have the first two but I will check out the other two! Is there translations outside wattpad?
    Mercyliana likes this.