Spoiler Death Is The Only Ending For The Villain

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by LockedPuppet, Dec 20, 2019.

  1. Ilannah

    Ilannah Well-Known Member

    Jun 21, 2020
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    Thanks @Elyriona
    each chapter I fall in love more with Callisto:X3:
  2. Chebcheb

    Chebcheb Active Member

    Jul 11, 2018
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    Does Elyriona translate on this thread? Also thank you for replying!

    Does asianpotato have a site?
    Asianpotato13, Ilannah and Elyriona like this.
  3. Elyriona

    Elyriona Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2018
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    @Keblance Yes, I do. I translate this novel and posted translated part here. But I bought novel at Ridibooks store not at Kakaopage so my divided translated parts may not be the same as the ones one the Wattpad/Kakaopage.
    Jukki, Ilannah and Chebcheb like this.
  4. Chebcheb

    Chebcheb Active Member

    Jul 11, 2018
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    Ahh okay!! Thankyou for explaining it to me ❤️❤️ Can’t wait to start reading your translation
    Elyriona and Ilannah like this.
  5. TishaCat

    TishaCat Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2020
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    @Spade_Ladyz thank you!(y);)
    :rolleyes: Callisto is such a romantic))) at the beginning of the novel you will not say that about him)))

    "It's my choice to stay here, your Highness. You are not at fault."
    For the sake of these Penelope's words we can tolerate her bandit actions, right?:p
    Asianpotato13 likes this.
  6. Novelupdatesaccount1

    Novelupdatesaccount1 Active Member

    Mar 28, 2016
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    Just had to reply to this because I find the idea that it's somehow partially her fault for never "confronting" her abusive family in her past life incredibly repugnant. The same goes for 'Penelope' not confronting her own family. The only reason either of these arguments seem to be somewhat true is because this is fiction and the author's worked very hard to try and justify that sort of logic.

    You're basically arguing that abused kids are at fault for not confronting their abusers. And given that Penelope's 'tantrums' don't count as confrontation - that abused kids are at fault for not confronting their abusers in a calm and respectful manner.

    It is a parent's duty to look out for their children, adopted or otherwise. If your child is being clearly abused - for years - in your own home - and you don't notice... that's either a kind of neglectful abuse in itself or you know and just don't care.

    This is an incredibly toxic take and if the author has any kids I honestly hope they get investigated by South Korea's version of CPS because this whole story really just seems like an abuser's attempt to show how they weren't entirely to blame. The fact that this series isn't widely panned honestly makes me lose a whole bunch of faith in humanity.
    Danigurl, OtomeAddict and Upsadaisy like this.
  7. Lamune44

    Lamune44 Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2020
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    I don't think the story is giving this kind of message because the author makes it clear that they were at fault and that Penelope not only don't have the obligation to forgive them but should not forgive at all. If the author really intended to put the blame on Penelope she would have justified their actions way more and made her make amend with them. Instead we got abusers finally realizing how awful they were and the victim not wanting to put up with any of them anymore. I think the author rather intended to show that not all kind of abuse are made out of actual physical violence or that it does not necessarily come from ill-meaning actions. That a toxic environment can come from a lot of various situations and the victim can rightfully not forgive and go away without having to feel guilt. The "explanation" of the abuse seems more like an exposition of their twisted logic.
  8. Upsadaisy

    Upsadaisy Well-Known Member

    May 29, 2020
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    I think you've misunderstood what my post was about. I was simply making a parallel of the two family situations and pointing out what was different in the circumstances between her and them. I don't think anyone here condones the behavior of either family nor blames Penelope for what happened.

    My point is that the only reason that the circumstances changed with the Eckart family was because she confronted them and made them aware of their treatment towards her. Was it something she should have had to do? No. But it was the trigger point of her improving her situation in the house. At the end of the story, the fact that she didn't forgive them was the most satisfying read because it went against typical stories where they brush off the character's past abuse and pretend it didn't happen.
  9. Novelupdatesaccount1

    Novelupdatesaccount1 Active Member

    Mar 28, 2016
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    Perhaps I'm just a bit sensitive to this kind of thing but the amount of payoff makes it feel exactly like one of those stories where they brush of past abuse. Would I have liked to see her skin them alive, sure, but just the fact that she hasn't gone 100% no contact - that there is still some hope of a strained relationship eventually is enough for this to feel like they're somewhat pretending like the abuse didn't happen or wasn't too bad.

    My distaste is further exacerbated by the fact that the author tries to reduce their culpability through hand-wavy explanations like "they weren't aware of the extent of the abuse" or it was due to a curse PLUS the fact that the severity of things they were guilty of are repeatedly lessened. It really reminds me of this common example of an abuser's mantra " That didn't happen. And if it did, it wasn't that bad. And if it was, that's not a big deal. And if it is, that's not my fault. And if it was, I didn't mean it. And if I did... You deserved it.". One example that sticks with me is when her brothers in both lives admitted to their wrong-doings(bullying/framing), for example - why weren't these treated nearly as seriously as pretty much anything she did. Why do her other brother and father in both lives not instantly disown the guilty sibling?
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2020
  10. Ettoine

    Ettoine Well-Known Member

    Jun 19, 2020
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    I wouldn't say it "brush off" past abuse... Since after all Penelope will never forgive them and doesn't want to anything with the duke and his sons.
    I think it was the most appropriate, reasonable and mature response the one that Penelope did.
    If she lashed out against them and pursue a route of vengeance hoping they suffer the same way she did, she would look like an immature child throwing tantrums saying saying " wah wah I'm gonna be mean to them because they bully me. They must suffer the same way I did ". And screaming how the world isn't fair it's just very pathetic and childlike reasoning. :cool: not to mention sociopathic.... From being bullied you become the bully. Then emerge the debates of "who are you talk about abuses when you do the same? "

    I personally find that sort of reaction very immature and destructive.
    The author made it sure to point out she will never forget those abuses.... just because she didn't make them go through the same suffering doesn't mean she's condemning what they did to her as something she brushed off.
    She cut all connection she had with them and from my understanding of the spoilers, after the confrontation she never see or showed any interest in being in the same room with any of those people anymore.

    In other words, I cannot agree with your statement since Penelope didn't at all put aside or forget the abuses she received nor she thinks the brothers is not a fault. She just used a different and more peaceful approach to teach them they screwed up big time and there's no turning back. (she no longer expect anything from them).
    Resorting to the eye for eye logic (I mean for me you sound like you're implying she should have given a heavier crueler paybacks) is not equal to justice.
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2020
  11. Elyriona

    Elyriona Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2018
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    @Ettoine It’s the main story. Yes, this part happened before coming-of-age ceremony.
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  12. TishaCat

    TishaCat Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2020
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    Eclise scares me. He's very obsessed with Penelope ... And Reynold can't be taken seriously, I think. :coffee:
    Sarehime and Mercyliana like this.