Spoiler Death Is The Only Ending For The Villain

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by LockedPuppet, Dec 20, 2019.

  1. biha

    biha Mr. Callisto's soulmate

    Feb 22, 2020
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    I've tried it and it says about requesting access? Are you okay? I mean you don't have to burden yourself :blobtired::blobtired::blobtired:
  2. Thyy

    Thyy Well-Known Member

    Jul 6, 2020
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    I opened the access
  3. biha

    biha Mr. Callisto's soulmate

    Feb 22, 2020
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    YOU DID ITTTTT:blobparty::blobparty::blobparty::blobparty::blobparty::blobparty:

    Edit: may I download this masterpiece? :blobuwu::blobuwu:
  4. TuranTHESuperstar

    TuranTHESuperstar Well-Known Member

    Sep 20, 2019
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    Mercyliana likes this.
  5. Thyy

    Thyy Well-Known Member

    Jul 6, 2020
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    Yes of course
    biha likes this.
  6. Thyy

    Thyy Well-Known Member

    Jul 6, 2020
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  7. Ettoine

    Ettoine Well-Known Member

    Jun 19, 2020
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  8. Upsadaisy

    Upsadaisy Well-Known Member

    May 29, 2020
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    No they're two separate groups of people. The cult members are people who worship Leyla and are under Yvonne's command.

    The slaves mentioned here are just people from Eclise's defeated home country which were also based in the village were he did his sword lessons. They're not cultists or followers of Leyla.
  9. Thyy

    Thyy Well-Known Member

    Jul 6, 2020
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    Does Yvonne Brainwashed cult members to worship with her to ressurect Leila.
    Last edited: Jul 8, 2020
  10. Upsadaisy

    Upsadaisy Well-Known Member

    May 29, 2020
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    Once again - if I'm mistaken about anything correct me guys. I believe the cult members we seen during the hunting competition and the kidnapping incident on Soleil island were legitimate followers of Leyla so I don't think they were brainwashed. Personally I think Yvonne's brainwashing ability relies on the strong emotions a person has - I was originally going to say she manipulated "negative emotions" but I don't think that's the case as it wouldn't explain how she brainwashed Vinter. As in his case, she tried brainwashing him into trusting her by having him believe she's the kindest person ever which isn't a negative emotion so I feel describing it as her manipulating people's "strong emotions" may be more apt.

    So in the case of Marquis Ellen, the second prince, the queen, and those aristocrats who helped her in the final battle, I believe she manipulated their lust and greed for power to have them follow her. She first tried to brainwash Eclise using his distrust in Penelope but that didn't work. So she instead manipulated his lust for Penelope to have him follow her orders. Similarly, she used Derick's guilt for losing her during the festival and also his distrust/anger towards Penelope to brainwash him. However, he broke free from her manipulating his feelings for Penelope during the interrogation scene following the poisoning incident (She gave him a strange look after he becomes more emotionally erratic once learning Penelope drank the poison to commit suicide; which I take it as her realizing the brainwashing wasn't working) so she instead had to rely on his guilt in losing her to continue brainwashing him. In Reynold's case she also manipulated his distrust in Penelope and tried to heighten this by having him believe she pushed her over in the forest. But following Penelope and Reynold's argument over this, Reynold appears to try to put aside his mistrust in her as he knows he's wrong and Yvonne doesn't seem to be able to brainwash him again after this.
  11. Spade_Ladyz

    Spade_Ladyz Well-Known Member

    May 21, 2020
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    *Note: Because I collected all of the side stories translated by many other people- @Asianpotato13 , @the Legendary Frog , me ٩( ᐛ )و and some other translators (sorry i didn't list all) so the POV would change due to the translator's script. And also I seperate each chapters so don't get confused at the number :3 Hope you enjoy!


    After the battle with the Layla, Callisto has been extremely busy due to the sudden death of the Emperor. He’s taken charge of everything, but is exhausted because of his wounds from the battle with the Golden Dragon. They’ve called sorcerers from around the empire, but none of them can heal Callisto’s wounds (I think this is what the translation said). Penelope is worried about him and tells him to rest, so he sits next to her and buries his head into her neck. They start talking about how the other nobles are doing after everything, and Callisto mentions something about Penelope’s demon-like Duke bothering him and how everything would be easier if he were on the battlefield. Then Penelope tells Callisto that she had Cedric hide his sword (I think) and that he should go to bed because his face is so haggard.

    Callisto tells her that he can’t sleep because he’s worried that she’ll leave him. She asks where she’d go and he says, “Anywhere.” Penelope thinks about how after Yvonne’s death, she couldn’t take a step out of the Crown Prince’s palace. The Duke has also been nagging and bothering Callisto at every meeting about his daughter coming home. Penelope is like, “I gave up my other life for you, why would I run away?” Callisto laughs and asks Penelope if they should just drop everything and go on a trip together. He asks her, “Didn’t you say that you wanted to go abroad last time?” Penelope looks at Callisto and tells him that she isn’t going anywhere and Callisto kisses her hand (?). She then says, “Didn’t you say that you’d follow me everywhere, no matter where I go?” Callisto stares at her and says “I’d follow you to the end of hell.”

    Penelope and Callisto are looking into each other’s eyes before Callisto grabs her hand and rests his head on her shoulder again. Penelope tells him that he’s heavy. Callisto changes the subject and asks her what she did today. Penelope says that she went to a meeting with the palace wizards and is trying to remove all of the artifacts from the Archina Island. Penelope knows that Callisto doesn’t like it but thinks about how all of the relics the wizards brought together today were the remains from the broken Mirror of Truth. Callisto whines about how Penelope has been working to save another man while he’s been working his ass off all day. Penelope is calm and tells him that of course she has to try and help Vinter. Callisto argues that she could just leave it to the palace wizards. Penelope says that she’s the only one that can do it, and anyways, Vinter is a capable man who could help state affairs.

    Since the game ended when Yvone died, Penelope doesn’t know what’s going to happen now. She felt bad for Vinter, but also thought that if he was alive, he would be a valuable ally to Callisto due to his magical powers. Callisto is still whining because he wants all of Penelope’s attention (?) and says that he doesn’t need anyone else. Penelope tells him not to be a baby (?) and that as Emperor, he should be more tolerant (?) of others. Callisto asks her, “Did you forget that we were nearly baked side by side and eaten by the dragon?” He then mentions the rose that Vinter gave her and Penelope is surprised that he knows about it.

    He asks her, “When did he give you the rose? Wasn’t I the first one to find you after you ran away from the Duke?” Penelope stutters and Callisto opens his eyes to look at her. He tells her that she’s suspicious. Penelope thinks that Callisto would stop her from looking for Vinter if he knew about Vinter’s feelings for her. She then reminds him that Vinter reversed the clock so that the world wouldn’t have been destroyed. She also says that everything happens for a reason (?). Callisto is still jealous and says, “So on your Coming-of-Age Day, that weird magic necklace was something he gave you. Why does he give you such crude things?” Penelope replies, “Stop, stop! Your Highness, I’m tired. I think I should go to bed.” She jumps up and says, “You should go back and wash up and sleep. It’s late. You’re busy tomorrow, too.” Fortunately, his bedroom wasn’t very far from where Penelope was staying. However, even with Penelope hurrying him, he doesn’t budge. Penelope decides to leave first.

    “Penelope Eckart.” Callisto suddenly calls with a hoarse voice. Penelope is startled and looks back at him, where Callisto was still sitting on the couch and staring at her. “I’m sick.” Penelope reaches out to him, only for Callisto to grab her wrist. He puts her hand to his cheek and says, “I can’t lift a hand because I’m sick. I don’t even have the strength to take off my clothes.” Penelope is silent and Callisto continues, “So you should help me wash today.” Their eyes meet and Penelope shuts her mouth (?). “Hold your mouth shut, wash up and sleep?” (I don’t really understand this part, but I think Penelope is questioning Callisto) He shrugged his shoulders with a brazen face and Penelope thinks about how this quick-witted man was evil. Penelope looks into his red eyes and sees that her face, which is clearly reflected in it, is gradually turning red. Penelope replies in a small voice, “...Okay.”

    Haven't update Extra chapter 2 yet, will coming soon**


    Penelope could feel Marienne’s bright eyes on her.

    ‘How did she know?’

    Penelope thought that they hid their relationship well (girl what), although Callisto’s crazy ass used to tell his men the “protect the Crown Princess” shit. But even then, the men would freak out, and Penelope never mentioned it.

    Because she previously had countless problems with the Crown Prince, Penelope had never really thought about it before. She had been out of her mind trying to survive the damn game.

    ‘It’s only been a few days since I've started living in the palace. What kind of marriage?!’

    Penelope stuttered as she tried to answer Marienne’s unexpected words.

    “Oh my god! I’m talking to the future Empress, aren’t I?” Marienne clapped her hands as if she had realized something new before bowing to Penelope.

    “Please take good care of me, Your Majesty.”

    Her random behavior began to draw attention to where Marienne and Penelope stood.

    “Ah, stop it before everyone misunderstands!” Penelope frantically reached out and pulled her up.

    “Who, who said that? Cedric, by any chance? Or is it that bastard again…!”

    “Hmm, who knows? It’s easy to tell (?).” Marienne’s secretive smile shocked Penelope a second time.

    ‘I’ve only been here for a few days now, were we that obvious?’

    It couldn’t have been. During the day, most of their communication had been through Cedric. They hardly had the time to meet each other privately. They had worked hard to defeat Yvonne, and now Callisto had to recover and prepare to become Emperor (?).

    It’s obviously a public partnership (This part’s translation was a little weird).

    “Don’t worry, Princess. I’m the only one who thinks so.” (I think she means that she’s the only one who notices it?) Marienne quickly added as she noticed Penelope’s bewildered expression.

    “He’s the 39th ruler of the Imperial Household, who swept away the silent battlefield(?).”

    “What? What’s that?” Penelope tilted her head as she didn’t understand the sudden change in the conversation.

    “He’s the only one who’s so obedient. How can he seem like a man of great ability?” (Basically, I think she means that people were wondering why the great Crown Prince was so obedient and protective towards Penelope.)


    “And the people who were angry with the princess’s magic attack said, in fact, that there’s a rumor going around that she’s (referring to Penelope) a monster. That’s why the Crown Prince is making the palace be on guard.” (People, after witnessing her magic, were saying that Penelope was a monster.)


    Penelope was devastated. The Eckarts' crazy dog, the crossbow incident, and now she was the Empire’s monster?

    ‘Crazy, and the relationship rumors make it worse!’

    As much as she had tried to hide their relationship, Penelope hadn’t realized that the rumors going around were worse. Their relationship wasn’t even hidden.

    One of the five capture targets was seriously injured, and it was unknown whether the other two were dead or alive. The aftermath had left Penelope no time to be idle or to hear rumors.

    But still, what on Earth were they talking about? Penelope was filled with anger by the increasing rumors. Marienne, noticing Penelope reaction, quickly said,

    “Well, perhaps I shouldn’t have said that, Princess.”

    “No, thank you for telling me. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have known.”


    “By any chance, do you remember the asshole who said that?” Penelope gritted her teeth and smiled at Marienne. Marienne shook her head with a frightened look.

    “Well, I’ve heard rumors, too, so of course I didn’t believe it!”

    Marienne tried to patch things up in a hurry, but Penelope had already made up her mind. She was going to kill whoever was talking nonsense.

    The rumors between her and the Crown Prince were so fierce.

    ‘How the hell did Marienne know?’

    As Penelope wonderingly looked at her, Marienne, who had noticed her gaze, looked somewhere else and smiled.

    “If the relationship between you and the Crown Prince was a rumor, why would he visit you everyday?” (This part’s translation is a little weird.)

    “Lady Penelope*!” Someone called out to Penelope.

    As Penelope turned her head, Cedric, who had just entered the scene, found her and ran to her in a hurry.

    “My Lady, the Prince has a pressing matter to discuss with you regarding the restoration of the relics.” Cedric, who was now in front of Penelope, breathed hard as he confessed his business. It seemed to everyone that he was in a hurry.

    “It’s a very important matter, and he wants you to visit as soon as possible.”

    ‘Something that he had to discuss urgently, just around the same time as lunch....Of course, an important matter would require me to see him right away…’

    Marienne smiled. “I guess it is lunchtime.”

    Suddenly, Penelope realized that Cedric’s untimely visit might be seen differently by others.

    “What do you say, My Lady?”

    “Oh, let’s go!”

    Penelope hurried to put space between the two and pulled Cedric along with her. Two people with bombs in their mouths will only do bad things (I think she means Marienne and Cedric will make her relationship with the Prince even more obvious, lol).

    Cedric was embarrassed at suddenly having his arm grabbed, but fortunately, he smoothly followed Penelope.

    “But My Lady, are you sick? Your face is so red.”

    “You said it was urgent. Stop nagging and let’s go!”

    “Have a good time, My Lady!” Marienne waved as she saw off Penelope.

    It was quite far from the Crown Prince’s palace to the worksite. While she was on her way to see Callisto, Penelope was in deep thought. After the last quest, she knew that the perception of the Crown Prince and herself in the capital had changed, but it was actually a long and rare experience. The Crown Prince was to blame.

    ‘I thought being quiet would help calm the strange rumors.’

    In common sense, now that the Emperor was dead, there would be rumors surrounding the Crown Prince and the throne. The Eckarts’ reputation could also be tainted by the rumors, and the Duke would not let it go.


    Penelope changed her mind. Perhaps the Duke welcomed the rumors. He supported the Crown Prince, but he didn’t like it.

    ‘What should we do now?’

    To calm rumors of the prince’s new political opponent, Penelope felt that they had no choice but to publicly announce their relationship. But like Marienne before, Penelope didn’t want to be treated as the future Empress. It was completely different from Penelope’s plan to start studying and quietly walk the path of learning when the work to confirm the fate of the empty space was completed.

    ‘No, come to think of it, we’ve just started our relationship. Why is Marienne jumping into a sudden marriage?’

    The thoughts were getting mixed up in Penelope’s head.

    “...Um, Lady Penelope?”

    Penelope was startled by the sound of someone calling her name. Looking to her side, she saw Cedric staring at her with round, curious eyes.

    “What? Did you call me?”

    “You suddenly stopped walking.”

    “Ah…” Only then did Penelope realized that she had stopped in the middle of the road. She was embarrassed. As she kept walking, Cedric looked at her and opened his mouth.

    “Princess, can I ask you something on the way?”

    “What is it?”

    “Do you remember the city near Archina’s port? Not long ago, there was an incident where an island called Soleil was buried.”

    “Ah.” Of course she remembered clearly. Penelope was the one who’d buried the island.

    “...Why there?”

    Unfortunately, she only had bad memories about that place. Cedric smiled and continued to speak despite Penelope’s unpleasant reaction.

    “As winter approached, there was a great famine in the lower regions, mainly in that city. The lords of each region clamor for gold and supplies, and we’re in the middle.”


    “What solution would you use if you were given the right to solve it?”

    ‘Here we go again.’ Penelope thought. Since Cedric stayed in the palace, he often asked her these questions for unknown reasons. She thought he was simply asking for advice over state affairs.

    “What do I do? I’ll release the national treasury.” Penelope answered with a shrug. It was a one-dimensional method that everyone would think of.

    “It’s harder to collect national taxes than ever because the situation is in a state of affairs. If we release the state coffers now, it’s going to be hard to support areas suffering from cold weather in the middle of winter.” Cedric was embarrassed as he pointed this out.

    ‘Then what am I supposed to do?’ Penelope wondered. Even if she tried to come up with another plan, it sounded like it was someone else’s (?).

    “...Are you advising me to donate?” Did he think that the diamond and emerald mines made her rich?

    Cedric opened his eyes wide in embarrassment and waved. “No, I mean, it’s all… I was wondering if there was money.”

    “Other funding measures?” What else to finance the treasury, other than national taxes? When she thought of it that way, Penelope had a realization.

    “Oh, you mean the property of the queen’s family?”

    “Thank you!” Cedric cried out as he snapped his fingers.

    *Cedric refers to Penelope as 공녀, which MTL to princess. However, I think he actually means that she’s the Duke’s daughter. Therefore, I’m switching it from princess to lady from this point on.


    Cedric pressed Penelope with sparkling eyes, as if to tell him the answer now that she knew everything.

    ‘Why are you trying to get an answer from me?’

    Penelope answered with a wry voice, “Then let’s do that.”

    “Okay, that’s what you do right now! Thank you very much for coming up with a solution.”

    He thanked her again and again as he took out a notebook and wrote something down. He always had this ditzy behavior that would easily come to an end after she answered the question. It was all very suspicious, but Penelope pretended not to know because she had a hunch that she would be in trouble if she began to dig deep into Cedric’s strange behavior.

    “Oh, and recently the Queen of the Kingdom of Baien asked for her own diplomatic relations with the Imperial Palace. What should I do with this?” Cedric, who had been dragging along for quite some time, soon moved slowly and asked another question.

    “The Kingdom of Baien?”

    “Yes, the Kingdom of Baien has many small mines, so the pottery (?) culture has developed well.”


    “The vessels made by the craftsmen of Baien are so beautiful that they are admired everywhere, but most of the ore being mined is inferior. It’s not worth much.”

    “I see.”

    “We want to monopolize the delivery of utensils (?) used in the Imperial Palace. They’re trying to take advantage of the Empire’s reputation and make it.” Despite Penelope’s soulless response, Cedric remained undaunted and continued the conversation.

    “But it’s not a very bad offer. It’s not a bad idea to lead a new trend in the Imperial Palace, which is completely different from the old one.”

    Penelope was about to continue, but then hesitated. The remark made some sense. The first thing to do when the administration changes is to erase the former administration. But it wasn’t something that she had to argue about.

    “Your Highness the Crown Prince knows what to do.”

    “Haha, you know your charges well. He’ll probably just say, “What are you going to buy for me and use it for?” And he’s going to say, “Shut the dead men’s throats and send them back.’” (?)

    It was a terrible thing to say, but Callisto would have done enough.

    “What if it’s about the reign of the late Emperor?”

    “Then he’d order us to buy it without looking at the treasury and spend like water. Maybe it’s going to have to be the money that’s going to be spent.”

    Cedric was a really outstanding aid.

    ‘I can’t believe that he has such a perfect grasp of his master.’

    Penelope slowly thought it over, lamenting the fact that such a fool was the next emperor to lead the empire ahead (?). Thanks to the crazy system, she was almost a semi-automatic calculator when it came to money.

    “...It doesn’t make sense to buy low quality essentials.” For a moment, Penelope thought about a good way.

    “I’d like to charge you with the right kind of gemstone mined in the Empire.”

    “What? You mean jewelry?”

    “Yes. You said the ore in the bowl was worthless?”

    “Ah…” Cedric seemed to understand the meaning of Penelope’s proposal. He let out a sigh.

    In the magic-commercialized empires, most of the jewelry was used to enshrine magic. Therefore the stones, big or small, weren’t treated very well.

    “I didn’t think about that, My Lady…that’s really great?” It was an admiring tone. Cedric was soon scribbling in his notebook like crazy.

    Penelope didn’t know that the knowledge learned from being the owner of the mines would help in this situation. It wasn’t that bad to her.

    “The Empire doesn’t trade at such a high price, so the budget won’t be wasted much. I’ll have to contact the relevant departments right away and ask them to buy the remaining stones from all over the country.”

    “Yes, but it shouldn’t be too cheap, so something like emerald would be good.”

    “Emerald, emerald. Thank you very much, My Lady."

    As she looked at the big “emerald” written in Cedric’s notebook, Penelope laughed delightedly.

    ‘I’ll call the butler as soon as I get back.’

    They were just entering the garden behind the Crown Prince’s palace. Callisto, who was looking at a document with a grimace on his face at the table, jumped up to his feet and ran. (Excited puppy!!)

    “Why are you coming so late?”

    “Have you been waiting long?”

    “No, the food isn’t cold.”

    Penelope felt a little sorry, looking at his sulky face. It was true that she had taken a while to talk to Cedric. She quickly clasped Callisto’s hand and led him to the table. The prince’s temper lasted quite awhile when he was upset. Penelope made a gentle apology.

    “I’m sorry. The worksite is quite far from here.”

    Fortunately, Callisto sat in front of the food again with a more relaxed face, as Penelope holding his hand had worked.

    “Bring the food back,” he commanded his servants.

    Penelope looked at Cedric, who was pitifully picking up the documents that had been thrown away carelessly.

    “If you’re busy, simply bring refreshments.”

    “Who’s busy? And, to deal with evil spirits, you have to take care of your food.”

    Penelope felt like she was going to deal with something more there, but couldn’t say anything. It was the moment when Cedric picked up all of the documents that had fallen to the floor and stood up.

    “By the way, where did you leave the carriage I gave you for a comfortable ride?”

    Callisto attacked the aid as if he’d been waiting. Cedric’s shoulders noticeably flinched (Poor Cedric lmao).

    “I have an urgent matter to attend to, so I’ll leave first.”

    Callisto grumbled at the sight of Cedric’s back as he shot out of the garden. “That goddamned basted treated his master’s horse like a dog’s bone again. I need you to take a look at my hand.”

    “Don’t do that too much.” Penelope tried to help Cedric out a little.

    “I feel comfortable walking. Don’t send the carriage.”

    Callisto wriggled his eyebrows as if he had no idea what she was saying.

    “You sent it back last time, what the hell is wrong with you? It’s hard to walk.”

    At that time, people’s attention was burdensome, so she did so just in case their relationship was spread widely. But the fact that the rumors were so worrisome…

    Now, if she took that carriage he had sent, it would have spread rumors that the Prince was closely monitoring the political situation.

    “There are rumors about our relationship now, but…”


    As she was about to cry out in frustration, Penelope managed to wake up to his inquiring voice and shut up. If Cedric and Marienne were just carrying a bomb in their mouths, Callisto’s mouth itself was a nuclear bomb. He may post a hand-written poster across the country.

    “Tell me. What’s the rumor going on between us?”

    Penelope shook her head quickly at the sight of him beginning to interrogate her with curious eyes.

    “...Oh, nothing.”

    Fortunately, the newly heated food distracted him from the conversation. Penelope quickly grabbed the steaming soup the servants brought over.

    “...Whatever, don’t send the wagon now. I’ll go back on my own when the time comes.

    “It’s crazy to be considerate.” Callisto hit the teacup with his fork, with a very upset look on his face. The sound from it rang out.

    “I don’t like it.”


    Penelope burst out laughing. “You’re not a kid. Who’s going to be crowned as the Emperor soon? Use only pretty and nice words (?).”

    “I’ll never know if you’re my mother or my wife.”

    “I keep getting confused, but we haven’t even gotten engaged yet.”

    “Why are you so mean? You never let me get away with a word.”

    ‘You’re not letting me get away with it.’ Penelope took a deep breath, barely chewing up the piece of meat in her mouth.

    ‘Let’s put up with it. I’m an intelligent woman.’ Even if there was a distance, the servants who were waiting on them must be listening to all of their conversations. Callisto isn’t (?) a human being, but how unfair would it be if she were to fall into the same class?

    Callisto burst into laughter as if it were funny to see her gulp down the cold water.

    “Your feet. Does it hurt anywhere?” It was a casual tone, but Penelope knew. When he first went to the restoration site, he made a fuss after she limped with her heels peeled due to a wrong choice of shoes. But it didn’t feel too bad.

    To Penelope, it was a very strange and embarrassing feeling that someone cared for her so deeply.

    “I’m not even wearing shoes. It’s okay.”

    “Keep him out, so be quiet in the palace.” (This part has a strange translation.)

    As she smiled, Callisto grumbled with a frown. That warm voice and eyes. It’s so ticklish and precious to her now. Penelope didn’t regret the decision to stay there today.

    “You don’t listen to me, anyway.”

    “Same as you.”

    “It’s very much the same. It’s an insult to the imperial family.”

    Except for that mouth from hell, of course.


    After quarreling with Callisto, the meal was almost over. Even eating the melon sherbet, which was served as dessert, was hard.

    “Your Grace, I’m sorry. I have something to tell you…”

    “What is it?”

    But one of Callisto’s lieutenants stormed into the dining room. If he did that while knowing his superior’s personality, it must mean that the matter was urgent.


    Callisto, who heard the report from the lieutenant, frowned and said a curse word.

    “I’m sorry, My Lady, but I’ll have to leave now. A meeting was arranged in a hurry.” Callisto apologized as he prepared to get up.

    Penelope, having just finished, put down her spoon. “It’s alright. I should go, too.”

    “Why? You should eat more. You eat like you’re scared someone will steal the food from you.”

    “Well, wasn’t that neat?” Penelope was glad to have dessert after a long time, but unlike what Callisto said, she didn’t eat it with such a fuss.

    Callisto stood up completely and smiled pleasantly. Penelope recalled that there was a more important meeting than a farewell meeting.

    “You didn’t forget that the senator (?) was supposed to visit you after dinner, did you? Be sure to see a doctor.”

    “...Well.” Callisto dodged Penelope’s eyes with a look on his face that said he’d forgotten. From his childhood, he hated getting a medical checkup or taking medicine.

    ‘Not a kid…’

    He was still a stern patient. If Penelope didn’t say it two or three times, he would have avoided seeing a doctor under the pretext of being busy.

    “Promise that you’ll go after work.”

    “My Lady, come here for a moment.”

    “No, don’t change the subject. Just make an appointment. We’re waiting.”

    “Really? Then I’ll go.” Smiling, Callisto narrowed the distance between him and Penelope.

    “Look, you got it on you.”

    “What are you doing?”

    A confident man stretched out his hands at once. A warm thumb touched Penelope’s lips before Callisto brought it back to his own mouth. (The body parts were a little weird here because it said something about being bitten, but since it didn’t make sense, I took creative liberty and wrote it so it made more sense)

    “You’re not a child, but you’re clumsy.”

    Penelope was so shocked that her face turned red. As he said, it was so delicious that Penelope didn’t even know that she was eating in a hurry.

    ‘No, he’s changing the subject because he doesn’t want to take medicine!’

    It was embarrassing to Penelope because she was only treated like that by Callisto, not by anyone else.

    “Who’s going to say...!”

    It was then.

    The roughness of lips touched as Callisto kissed her. Penelope didn’t know what just happened, so she just blankly opened her mouth and froze.

    “Sweet.” Callisto looked at her and grinned. Only then did Penelope looked around.

    “...Are you crazy?”

    Fortunately, they were covered by his large build and the servants and lieutenant could not see her. But Penelope’s face was still burning hot. What an absurd thing to do in broad daylight.

    “No? I’m sane enough to kiss my fiancée.”


    He was a shameless fellow! But before Penelope could vent her anger, Callisto put her closer.


    Her forehead knocked squarely against the hard chest.


    Penelope struggled to get out of his arms, who held her in a relentless way.

    “Hmm… I don’t want to go,” Callisto mumbled as he rubbed his forehead against Penelope’s shoulder. (The staff rn like


    “I’m afraid we’ll have to postpone the examination until evening. It’s not an excuse, it’s true.”

    True or not, Callisto had said it in a tired voice. Penelope touched his golden blonde hair. In a half-hearted manner that neither shook him off nor held his face, or even hugging each other, Penelope asked,

    “...Are you that busy?”

    “I’m afraid the coronation will break my bones.”

    “What about the coronation?”

    “The old men there are all annoying. That’s why it’s not working.” Callisto, whose face was buried in the nape of her neck, breathed heavily and whispered jokingly.

    “At this rate, even I’ll object to my ascension of the throne.”

    Callisto was the only Prince left in the Empire right now, so that wasn’t possible. Penelope knew that it was a joke, but she was still upset.

    “What kind of crazy person are you?”

    He had risked his life to protect the palace from the dragon, even though he said in his usual manner that it would not matter if the empire was destroyed immediately. Even if Marquis Ellen had been purged, who dares to be such a fool (?)...?

    “Oh, let go!” In an instant, Penelope became serious and struggled again to get out of his arms. But Callisto only laughed and did not untangle himself from her.

    “I’m just saying.”

    “Are you just saying that?”

    “Who would dare disagree with me? Standing next to the hero that gave me the throne, who killed a terrible monster that would destroy the world, and gave me her support.” Callisto gave a sly smile and kissed her on her cheek.

    “Do you know how reassured I am?”


    Penelope desperately avoided the attack of his lips and grabbed a handful of his hair to tear him off.

    “Don’t say that even if you’re kidding. Do you know what’s going on between us?”

    “Ah, ah!” The fine forehead of Callisto was wrinkled. He shouted,

    “If you’re going to treat me like this, why would you make me the Emperor?”

    “I’ve told you many times, but I don’t care about the imperial throne.”

    “I don’t really care either. Didn’t you say it’s okay to be recorded as a rare evil with you?”

    “No thanks!”

    Penelope finally escaped from his arms. She shouted,

    “I’m sure I’ll see your grand coronation even if there’s dirt in my eyes.”

    It wasn’t just to dismiss his nonsense. Before Penelope decided to make a new start in the world, she had decided to see Callisto become an emperor. It was the same when she received the last quest from the system. In this world, there was not only Yvonne but also assassins and distractions. She wanted to see him rise to the throne, just as he had dreamed.

    At the time, she was relieved to see him smile, and now Penelope can realize that everything is over.

    ‘The dream of being a perfect emperor seems to be gone....’

    Maybe it was because he was staring at her with a grim expression. Callisto soothed her and said in a friendly voice,

    “Don’t worry too much.”

    “...” Penelope looked up at him without answering, dissatisfied. Callisto took one step closer.

    Penelope tried to avoid him because she thought that he’d embrace her again, but fortunately he stopped.

    “And again. Don’t be so sullen.” A large hand rubbed her forehead. Callisto shrugged in response to her gaze that meant, “What are you doing?”

    “You know, those rumors. They’re bullshit that’ll go away once you get married anyways.”

    “Hey, did you know about them?” Penelope was about to say something because she thought he was pretending not to know. But then a strange word flashed across her mind.


    “Yes, I’ve had a lot of trouble with the coronation and the wedding at the same time.” He explained why trouble with the old people happened insignificantly.

    “Oh, it’s unprecedented, so the old people worry about it.”

    “Wait. Whose wedding is it?”


    Penelope couldn’t stand it any longer, so she hurriedly interrupted his words and asked. Callisto answered as if he were puzzled.

    “It’s our wedding, of course.”


    “Who would be the crazy people, if not the Emperor, to marry at the Emperor’s coronation?” Callisto looked at Penelope’s expression. Penelope blinked her eyes and blankly asked,

    “Is this…a proposal by any chance?”

    “Why must we do such a cumbersome thing between us?”

    “...Huh.” It was a false note (?). If it were a proposal, Penelope would rather refuse. But it wasn’t like that either.

    In addition,

    ‘Such a cumbersome thing…?’

    Where in the world is a man who gets married like this? Penelope was so dumbfounded that she stammered for a long time before giving her retort.

    “Who’s getting married at will?”

    “When the Crown Prince becomes an emperor, naturally the Crown Princess becomes an empress.” The Crown Prince spoke in a tone as if he were explaining things to a child.

    Penelope grit her teeth.

    “Why am I the Crown Princess?”

    “You won’t do it, then?”



    “I’m not going to marry you.”

    The smile faded on Callisto’s face. It made her feel sick to look as if she had just been informed of her marriage.

    “If you don’t marry me, who will you do it with?” After a while, Callisto soon stammered and said,

    “Tell me, so I can kill the bitch.”

    “What are you saying, Your Highness? I’m planning to live alone.” Penelope shrugged her shoulders and struck lightly. Then he asked back immediately,

    “Then what about me?”

    “How do I know that? You have to live on your own.”

    “Ha!” Callisto burst into laughter. Finally, he lowered his voice.

    “Penelope Eckart, are you serious?”


    Penelope and Callisto stared at each other without saying a word. The tension in the air reminded her of the hunting competition.

    “Your Highness, I’m sorry. There’s been a lot of delay.”

    Callisto’s lieutenant stepped in between them with round eyes. When Callisto’s fierce gaze turned to him, he was stunned.

    “...That’s enough of your pranks.” Callisto tried hard to manage his expression, as he didn’t want any of his subordinates to see.

    “Let’s go. We can finish the rest of the conversation at night.”

    “It’s not a joke. And you didn’t even ask, but I said it anyway.” There was no way that he didn’t know that he was trying to skip the game (?).

    Penelope rushed out,

    “Your Highness, no, Callisto Regulus.”

    Callisto opened his mouth, shocked by being called his full name.

    “I won’t marry you!”


    Penelope left the shocked Crown Prince and returned to her room alone. When she arrived, her anger rose. She thought back to what he had said.

    “Why must we do such a cumbersome thing between us?” (Flashback)

    Penelope was offended. Her wedding will be held on the day of the coronation. During her weeks at the Imperial Palace, it was news that she never heard of.

    In addition,

    “Who are you going to marry if you don’t marry me?” (Flashback)

    Didn’t it sound like he was saying that he was the only one who would marry her?

    “Ha! Who’s going to marry you? I didn’t have the slightest intention of marrying you. Ugh, you golden-headed bastard!” Penelope shouted and pointed as if Callisto were standing right in front of her.

    “I won’t even marry you if you beg on your knees! I’ll do whatever I want!” Penelope stomped around the room and was soon exhausted. Too much has happened since this morning. Lying helplessly in bed, Penelope sighed at the clutter.


    How did this happen? Never had Callisto acted like that since he’d opened his eyes. Perhaps that’s why the servants came as soon as possible, but Penelope didn’t feel too comfortable.

    “In the end, what Marienne said was true…” She stared blankly at the ceiling. It wasn’t that she didn’t see her future with Callisto. She chose to stay there because she loved him, and thought that she would be willing to have a relationship with him or get married. But not like this. Penelope hadn’t thought about engagement, but she thought marriage was in the distant future.

    Now that she was completely out of the system, she had a whole life to live. Just as Callisto had a dream of being the “perfect emperor,” she also had a dream. To be honest, she was sorry for her grades and major she had left behind in her present life. Now that Penelope’s goal of living safely and going back home had disappeared, she wanted to achieve her original dream here.

    Fortunately, now she didn’t have to study all night in a moldy apartment room after working part-time all week like back then.

    However, she did not even mention that she wanted to start studying because she was so busy.

    ‘I still don’t know what’s going on in this world. I can’t even tell who the aristocrats and nobles are…What kind of marriage and empress...?’ It was unfair and irritable.

    But at the same time, Callisto’s last expression came to mind.

    ‘...Was I a little too much?’

    He was still unwell. Moreover, the general was standing right in front of them. Maybe Callisto couldn’t say what he really wanted to. Regretful thoughts came late to her, as if she should have endured more.

    ‘No, it’s weird to say yes to a guy who didn’t even propose to you!’

    Penelope soon gave up thinking about it because of her mixed feelings.

    “Oh, I don’t know! Why should I be worrying about him?” Her worries were all useless and caused emotional exhaustion.

    “So why did he discuss and plan it on his own…” Penelope came to a calm conclusion after dissatisfied muttering. When Callisto comes back in the evening, they would have a rational conversation. If they were to only act emotionally with each other, the Cold War would last.

    ‘Don’t get angry, You just have to tell him about your position and plan it well.’

    “I’ll make it happen. Whether it’s magic or archaeology, everything you want to do.” (Flashback)

    “So, can’t you just think about going back and winning?” (Flashback)

    He had said it from his own mouth. Penelope was sure that he’d keep his word.


    “Unfortunately, he said he’s going to be back late from work today.”

    It was Cedric, not Callisto, who visited her room before dinner. Penelope looked at him and asked,

    “He’s not upset, is he?”

    “Well, how could he be?” Cedric shook his head as he avoided her gaze.

    “It’s true that he’s busy. The meeting continued and he skipped dinner. However, he did manage to keep his promise to get a checkup.”

    “Huh.” Penelope turned her head with a snort.

    ‘Childish guy. This is how it comes out, right?’ Penelope didn’t have any regrets.

    After the attack (?), there weren't many people left in the Palace. It was to the point where they were even planning to ask the Duke for help.

    “My Lady, you...I don’t know how to say this, but I think you’ve been very shocked.” Cedric carefully opened his mouth. Penelope asked back as if she didn’t know,

    “What kind of shock?”

    “You were rejected at dinner.”

    “Ha, what kind of rejection is that?” Penelope was dumbfounded.

    “Refusal is a word used when you ask for something. I’ve never heard of that.”

    “Your Highness is a little slow-witted.”

    It was not like Penelope didn’t have any sense. She questioned Cedric,

    “You did that for a reason, didn’t you?”

    “Did what…?”

    “You often asked me about situations of foreign affairs. Didn’t you mean to test if I could be the Empress?”

    “What? Oh, no!” Cedric jumped and waved.

    “How could I dare to test you! Don’t say that, My Lady! I want to live a long life!”

    “Then why did you do that?”

    “He, uh…” Cedric, who had hesitated, soon closed his eyes and told the truth.

    “Your Highness, the Crown Prince, has put some of the agenda items as the Crown Princess’s agenda.”

    “What!” Unknowingly, Penelope forgot her dignity and screamed. The answers that she had told Cedric without much thought were actually executed under her name.

    ‘Everything! No wonder everyone thinks that I’m crazy!’

    Penelope shouted, with almost a desire to grab Cedric,

    “No, crazy...does that make sense? If the Eckarts’ crazy dog, who doesn’t know shit about politics, has solved it, what will everyone think?”

    “However, if you’re involved in advance, you will be able to marry the prince without any objection.”

    Penelope knew of her notoriety, but Cedric just smiled and confided,

    “As you know, your last name is a bit scary. Ha ha…”

    Penelope had a headache. She sighed and thought of the Duke, who would be furious by now.

    “What did my father say?”

    “What? Your father…”

    “Duke Eckart, my father! Hasn’t he said anything, in the meantime?” The Duke was somehow quiet. It was disturbing.

    “Oh, the Duke of Eckart…” Cedric, who had been thinking for a while about whether he had forgotten that Penelope still had an enemy there, soon explained.

    “Your Majesty seemed to be reluctant to know, but he seemed satisfied that your status is getting higher and higher by day.” (This part’s translation is a bit wonky.)

    Penelope was relieved to hear that for a moment. She was ready to accept the next bomb right away.

    “My father…does he know about the coronation?”

    “Oh, yes, as of this morning.” Cedric replied with a face of regret.

    ‘That’s why.’ The realization came. An assistant who came in a hurry even though the meal was not finished.

    “I’m afraid the coronation will break my bones.” (Flashback)

    “This is why all of the old people can’t do this (?). That’s too long to do...” (Flashback)

    Now, it was only then that Penelope frowned. The pieces were starting to fit together.

    “...My father must have been in a hurry to find me.” As Penelope muttered to herself. Cedric replied with a determined look.

    “Your Highness the Crown Prince has barred outsiders from entering the palace in advance.”

    “That’s a good thing…” Penelope was relieved that he had avoided the emergency situation.

    “Ha…” Penelope grabbed her like she was crazy. Cedric glanced at her.

    “I...My Lady.”

    “I was the only one who didn’t know anything.”


    “The rumors between us, the fact that my wedding was being arranged without my knowledge.”

    Penelope felt like a fool. When she burst out with a broken smile, Cedric suddenly cried,

    “My Lady, please take a look.”


    ‘You’re talking to me right before I open my eyes and get my nose cut.’ (I didn’t understand this part, but I think it has to do with a Korean saying that means being kept in the dark or that the person is extremely busy.)

    When Penelope looked at him with her eyes wide open, Cedric closed his mouth shut. But soon, he spoke in a solemn tone of voice, as if he had made up his mind.

    “Your Highness seems to be very anxious.”


    “My Lady...may leave this place at any time if she wants to.”



    It was simply absurd. Is that why he went ahead with a secret wedding even though she knew nothing about it?

    “Well, then why am I left in this fucking place?” The anger that had been put to rest suddenly soared. Penelope had had enough.

    She had given up her original body, which was dying of cancer, saved Callisto’s life, and lived in fear until he awoke. He had told her not to leave, and so she had remained in the palace without any objections. What else should she add?

    “You ungrateful bastard! I gave you my body (?), my life, my college, all of it! What are you doing!” Penelope forgot that Cedric was in front of her and used abusive language.

    “Can I say that it remained entirely for your own sake?” Cedric asked in a businesslike tone. Penelope suddenly looked up at him.

    “...What does that mean?”

    “You’re thinking of leaving the palace, no, somehow, the capital city.”


    “That’s why you must have been admitted to the Academy without a word (?).”

    “That’s…” Penelope was speechless because she hadn’t talked about it much in front of Callisto.

    “How do you do that?”

    “I don’t think you knew that he’d notice.”

    No, she really didn’t know. Penelope didn’t know that Callisto was watching her close enough to see through the things he recognized as a way to kill time.

    “If it’s your job, you’re the one who runs out in battle,” Cedric added with a bitter smile.

    “I...haven’t decided yet.” Penelope muttered an excuse.

    “I’m just waiting for what I want to do.”

    Cedric grinned at her sullen reply.

    “I’m not blaming your plans. Rather, I would support you no matter what you do if you could get your head on straight.”


    “But no position, no honor, no money. I don’t care about anything.”


    “How can you catch him?”

    Callisto understood Cedric, but at the same time did not really understand him.

    “...but why would he tell me like that?” Penelope was afraid that she was going to leave. If everyone gets married, the whole world would be a couple (?).

    ‘Oh, right. This game is about dating.’

    As Penelope was going through a dirty (?) experience of realizing the contradiction of her words at the same time as the sarcasm, Cedric nodded his head gently.

    “I agree with that.”

    “I don’t want to get married that way.”

    “Of course, I am very sorry that you were rejected by the prince based on his short, dim thoughts and his foolish behavior.”

    “...You curse so openly (?).”

    Then Cedric continued.

    “But please look kindly on me, my Lady. If you’re not the princess, who else is that...would you like to live with?” Even though the room was empty, Cedric whispered secretly.

    Penelope thought she had a lot of fun living, so she answered with a big smile.

    “...I do (?).”

    Cedric departed as the night deepened. Callisto still didn’t show up. Penelope waited for him as she read a book, but she couldn’t concentrate either.

    Penelope left the room with a shawl. Because she couldn’t she thought about reading outside. Outside the palace, the chilly wind swept across the body (?). Penelope shifted her shawl. The duchy was formidable, but the Imperial Palace was really a huge site. If you went the wrong way, you would get lost. As the possibility of getting lost was high, Penelope walked towards the place where the relics were restored.

    “Who is here?” Surprised, Penelope looked around, and the lights that were lighting the way disappeared. Only one dark building with the lights on was standing out.

    Few people in the Imperial Palace were interested in the ancient relics, except one person.

    “Then, it is Marienne?”

    There was a good chance that she would still be there. Marienne knew about the Mirror of Truth and was excited about it. Penelope thought of going back for a while, but soon moved to the entrance. She thought she’d say hello since she was already there, and to check the progress of the work done after lunch.

    There must be someone inside, but the door wasn’t locked.

    “...Marienne?” Penelope crept through the opened door and called out.

    There was no answer back. Penelope scanned every inch of the building, but the inside was empty without a trace.

    ‘So what is the source of this light, then?’

    There was no problem distinguishing the direction of the light. Penelope followed the light source to check it out.

    “What is that…” Penelope’s head went blank. The source of the light was none other than the Mirror of Truth.

    The complete restoration was still a long story (?), with each piece of the broken mirror fitted together. However, the white light was pouring out of the small areas that were fitted with a frame.

    ‘How is that possible? Isn’t the game over? But ancient magic, I’m sure…’

    Thoughts lingered in Penelope’s head. She couldn’t even restore it, but she was confused about how the Mirror of Truth worked. Penelope agonized for a short time.

    Should she check now or just go back and check with the wizards tomorrow?

    ‘But what if it stops working overnight?’

    The thought drove Penelope straight into action. Fortunately, the ancient wizards (?) did not harm her.

    ‘I’ll give you a damned quest…’

    Penelope completely went through the door and moved without delay to the site of the relic. As she approached, the light of various branches poured out of the mirror, which was as small as the frame, and became clearer. Stopping a few steps before the Mirror of Truth, Penelope looked at it carefully.

    It was then.

    A dull noise was heard from somewhere. Surprised, Penelope immediately found the sound.


    The box containing the mirror rod that Marienne had placed near the mirror that morning. Penelope crumpled her face. Why did it sound like that in a box of broken sticks? Penelope had an ominous premonition. It would be strange to come all the way here and go back without confirming anything. Furthermore, Penelope couldn’t live with fear that the game system might pop out again.

    ‘Yes, if it’s a new quest, let’s bring it to a conclusion!’

    Penelope crouched down without hesitation and stretched out her hand. When she unlocked the lock and opened the lid of the box, white light poured out from inside. The top of the broken rod, a hand mirror, was vibrating with light.

    “Why do you have such a terrible shine when you’re broken, huh?”

    Half resigned, Penelope reached out and grasped the broken rod under the hand mirror. The baton vibrated in her hand as if she was resonating (?). When she looked up, the light and vibrations from the hand mirror grew. It was easy to notice that it was because it was close to the Mirror of Truth.

    Standing in front of the Mirror of Truth with the mirror rod in her hand, she turned her head for the last time and looked back.

    ‘I wonder if Callisto’s back yet.’

    She hoped so. If only she could have worked all night. Penelope could not imagine the fuss he would make if she was not in the room.

    At that moment, the mirror rod shook harder.

    “Oh, okay! I will!”

    Hopefully, it would all end quickly before dawn. Penelope brought the mirror rod close to the Mirror of Truth.

    At that moment, a strong light burst out and turned white in front of her. When Penelope opened her eyes, she stood in a black void (?). She found someone staring up at her, crouched in front of her.


    Penelope looked at the lovely pink hair and sea blue eyes. She opened her mouth.



    Was it a vision? Penelope’s eyes were wide open.

    Yvonne should be dead.

    After a fierce struggle on the spire, Penelope had pushed her down the tower and defeated her.

    “How did you…”

    Were the Leila alive in the Mirror of Truth?

    Penelope didn’t understand.

    The ancient sorcerers and the Leila were two extremes. But how was it possible to do that? Confusion and doubt were solved by Yvonne’s popping up from her seat.


    Penelope doubted her eyes when she saw that Yvonne’s height barely reached her waist. Even with pink hair and blue eyes, Penelope couldn’t recognize it right away.

    ‘She’ was not like Yvonne. She had a big face and a small body.

    “Are you, by any chance...Yvonne Eckart?”

    Once the name came out of Penelope’s mouth, Yvonne, or pink-haired stranger, shuddered. Penelope was sure of the look.

    ‘It’s not Leila.’

    To be exact, it was the ‘real Yvonne’ before she was eaten up by Leila. She was maybe about eight years old. Penelope was bewildered by the appearance of a child much younger than expected, and soon stumbled to open her mouth.

    “You...were you alive? How the hell did you get here?” Penelope was confused. There was no such story in the original game, even in the hidden ending of her possessed normal mode and hard mode.

    As soon as Penelope took a step closer to Yvonne, something strongly vibrated in her hand. The broken mirror rod that had led her there was emitting its own light. And at the same time, Penelope and Yvonne looked back at the hand mirror in her hand. At that moment, the child twitched her face and sharply glared at Penelope.


    Penelope faltered under the torrent of naked hostility.


    Suddenly, Yvonne snatched the hand mirror from Penelope’s hand and then turned around and ran.


    As Penelope was in a flurry over what had happened in a blink of an eye, she began to run in unison.

    ‘Why are you taking that away all of a sudden? By any chance, Leila, not Yvonne? That’s why?’

    While following the child who was disappearing beyond the black space, the angle(?) of life passed through Penelope’s mind. However, the distance did not narrow even though she pursued it with all of her might.

    “...Hey! Why are you running! If you’re going to wrap up, let’s fight here!” Penelope shouted furiously as she breathed through her mouth. Yvonne didn’t even look back.

    ‘Oh, I’m not even a fist(?) away.’

    Yvonne, who lost her relics and became young, was able to cope without magic. That’s why Penelope thought she was running away like that.

    Suddenly, at the end of the space, where only endless darkness unfolded, there was a square door emitting a white light. Yvonne stopped in front of Penelope as if she were teasing her.

    “Yvonne! Wait, talk to me! What’s wrong with you!”

    Despite Penelope’s earnest cry, Yvonne soon disappeared beyond the bright light.

    “No! If you’re going to go, give me the mirror rod! Hey-!”

    At the same time, wasn’t the square door starting to disappear like hell?

    'Crazy, crazy!’

    Penelope clenched her teeth and accelerated her pace. Just before the light completely disappeared and as she barely flew into it, Penelope thought countless times about how Yvonne became a child.

    Penelope’s eyes saw white.

    When Penelope opened her eyes again, the quiet black space disappeared and the daytime place(?) unfolded before her eyes.

    ‘What is this? Where is this?’

    Penelope soon realized where she was. It was a busy street near the duchy.


    Once she came to, Penelope could easily guess what the situation was. The dark streets that should normally be few and far were crowded with countless people. A row of restaurants, miscellaneous goods, and fancy decorations caught in the air. Everything felt as vivid as it was when Penelope came with the damn Eckart brothers before saving Eclise.

    '...It’s not real.’

    There was no such thing as a celebration in the capital ahead of the emperor’s coronation. People passed Penelope standing in the middle of the street.

    ‘Where’s Yvonne?’

    To get out of there, Penelope first was going to find the rude kid that dragged her out. She began to wander around, walking through crowds of people.

    “Brother, look over here!”

    “Yvonne, don’t run!”

    The name Penelope was looking for suddenly stuck in her ears. She turned her head in that direction.

    “Look at this, isn’t it pretty?” Yvonne, who Penelope had been searching for, was smiling brightly with a hand mirror in front of a general store. Although some of the decorations were missing from the original dazzling appearance, Penelope recognized at a glance that it was her mirror rod.

    ‘Hey, you…!’ Penelope was running to the side and shouting, but suddenly she stopped. There was no voice. She reached out to snatch the hand mirror, but she just went through Yvonne like an invisible person.

    ‘What the hell is wrong with you!’

    She was embarrassed. Then, someone came up to Yvonne panting and shouted,

    “Don’t run! I said it was dangerous because there were so many people!”


    Penelope looked back at him and opened her mouth wide. Rennald, who looked like an elementary school student, spoke with a grim look on his face.

    “We can’t get back home if you do this.”

    “I’m sorry, brother…” Yvonne, who heard the admonition of her older brother, replied with a sullen look.

    “...Where are you looking.”

    Penelope took away the hand mirror and Rennald and Yvonne were holding and looked at it quickly. The two lovely pink-hair kids looked like twins.

    “What’s so pretty about this stuff? It’s widely spread.”

    “It’s crude. It looks like it’s made of low-purity bronze.”

    Following Rennald’s words, someone added with a hard voice.


    Penelope literally gaped. The reason she was more shocked than when she saw young Rennald was because Derrick looked like a teenager. She was amazed to see Derrick’s face as an adult.

    “I like this one...Take a good look, brother. It’s shiny and pretty compared to other mirrors.” Yvonne pouted her mouth cutely. The owner of the store was worried.

    “Your eyes are correct! This is not an ordinary mirror! This is a mirror used by ancient people of the far west, with mysterious power.”

    “Wait here, Yvonne. I’ll get you something much prettier than this."

    Rennald ran to a nearby accessory shop.

    ‘You were the same..when you were a young kid.’

    All of them. Penelope stared at the pink hair that was moving away. She had a vague idea of what the illusioned represented.

    This was the day they lost the ‘real’ Yvonne.

    “...You really want this, Yvonne?” Derrick asked as he pointed to the hand mirror that Rennald had left behind. Yvonne nodded, her eyes glistening.


    “Hey, what’s the price?”

    "Well thought out. It will be three silver coins!”

    Despite the exorbitant price, Derrick paid without saying anything. Having received the mirror from the merchant. He gave it to Yvonne. He asked,

    “Come on, be careful not to get caught. It will be a disaster if it gets to Father’s ears.”

    "Wow! Derrick’s the best!” Yvonne jumped with a happy face and grabbed her brother’s hand. Derrick smiled and stroked his cute sister’s head. Penelope opened her eyes wide with inward surprise. She couldn’t believe that he, with expressions almost always like a robot, could smile. Penelope suddenly heard a loud noise from afar. A crowd of people dressed in colorful costumes were walking in the middle of the street.

    “Yvonne, hold my hand tight.” Derrick held out his hand. It was a very small hand, unlike what was held out to Penelope. Of course, it was much bigger than Yvonne’s hand, but the years of a decade ago could not be hidden.

    “What about brother Rennald?”

    “He’s not a child, he’ll come on his own.” The brother and sister, holding hands tightly, had a conversation and retreated to the roadside. In the meantime, the parade went with them. Penelope had a rough idea of what would happen next. But in her invisible state, there was nothing Penelope could do.

    ‘This is a long past.’

    While thinking so, things happened as little as they were. Unlike Penelope, who had held onto a button because of her awkwardness, Yvonne was easily swept away by the crowd, even though the siblings held hands tightly.


    “Yvonne!” Derrick shouted in a low voice.

    “Get out of the way!” He pushed through the crowd, reaching out to Yvonne. It wasn’t enough. (Never go to the festival with Derrick unless you want to get lost smh)

    As Yvonne passed before her, Penelope also tried to reach out and grab her hand.


    But it only passed through. The blue eyes filled with tears quickly disappeared from view.

    ‘...What should I do?’

    Penelope walked quickly through the crowd to follow the missing Yvonne. Something on the floor suddenly caught her eye. The hand mirror and her mirror rod were rolling around on the floor. As if it knew that she was watching, a faint light began to creep out of the mirror at that moment.

    ‘Be damned.’

    Penelope ran over there, grinding her teeth.Just before someone’s feet had crushed the mirror, she managed to snatch it up. Unlike everything else, the mirror did not pass through and was fully in her hand.


    At that time, there was a wail. Looking back, Derrick was the only one standing in a devastated position as the parade swept away.


    A face with red eyes and cold sweat.

    Never had Penelope seen Derrick’s face so desperate. She felt a little queer. No matter how much she hated him, no one felt happy to see him lose a member of his family. At the same time, Penelope understood a little bit as to why he had looked so desperate when he saw her moving away from the festival.


    Then, from somewhere, Rennald popped out. As Derrick said, maybe he had been in a safe place by himself, but in his hand was a necklace for his younger sister.

    “Yi, Yvonne?” He was suspicious of Derrick who was alone, but soon became angry because he knew the situation by the look on his brother’s face.

    “You idiot! What are you doing standing here? We should find her quickly!”

    Rennald moved quickly as he pulled Derrick’s arm. Maybe that’s when Derrick started looking for Yvonne.

    “Yvonne! Yvonne, where are you!” The brothers spent the whole night searching nearby alleys for Yvonne. But as the crowd gradually disappeared, and even as the rows of miscellaneous goods closed their doors, no hair of Yvonne could be found.

    “...Brother, what should we do now?” After seeing the reddish dawn, Rennald burst into tears.

    “It’s all because of me. I shouldn’t have said to sneak out.”

    Penelope watched with strange eyes at the weeping Rennald.

    “Don’t cry, Rennald. Eckarts are not weak under any circumstances.” Derrick was tired too, but he tried to soothe his brother like an adult.

    “Let’s just go back. If we bring the knights with us, we’ll be able to find her.”

    “Father will beat us to death…” Rennald whined as he followed his brother.

    ‘Do I have to follow you?’

    Penelope stared at their retreating backs. It was then the hand mirror in her hand vibrated and a white light poured out. The light seemed to point somewhere, as it went straight ahead in the air.

    ‘What do you want from me?’

    Penelope sighed. It was a pity, but there was nothing she could do about the past. She had come to check whether Vinter was alive or not. But to get out of there, she had no choice but to find Yvonne, who had brought her there. She walked in the direction of the tattered light. How long has it been?

    As Penelope walked where the mirror told her to, she reached a dark alleyway which had not yet seen the hazy dawn. And that’s where she found the pink hair that the brothers were looking for. Sitting crouched in a corner, the child was eating something hard.


    As Penelope approached her, she suddenly stopped in a sense of incompatibility. What was in front of Yvonne was not food, but a man.

    “Delicious, delicious! This is it!” Yvonne mumbled as if she were out of her mind, glued to the neck of an unknown man. (I actually went wtf at this part)

    As she munched and the grotesque chewing spread, the large-sized man lying in front of her shriveled little by little.On the other hand, Yvonne’s little body began to bloom with an unknown amount of blue energy around it.


    Penelope had goosebumps, not knowing what it meant. While her brothers were desperately searching for her, Yvonne had already been taken away by Leila.

    ‘Stop it!’

    Penelope reached out to stop Leila from eating human beings like a madman, but she just went right through. There was nothing she could do. Meanwhile, as she had finished her meal at last, Leila rose from the side of the dead body, which had dried up like a mummy.

    “Ahhh!” It was then the child screamed as if she were playing a game, as if it was a lie that she had just devoured a body.

    “Hey, what’s this...Brother Derrick!”

    Did she come to her senses? Yvonne burst into tears and began to look for her brother.

    “Derrick! Rennald! Is anybody there?”

    Penelope was surprised. She never thought that Yvonne, who was taken away by Leila, would return to her senses. It was then.

    “Loud! No! No!” Yvonne suddenly sank onto her knees and grabbed her ears.Penelope couldn’t hear it, but it seemed to her that the wild Leila had whispered something.

    “It hurts! No! Oh my God! Father, I’m sick…” With her body bent over, the child sobbed in anguish. Penelope stared blankly. Penelope was also unhappy to know that it had already happened. She blinked a few times because her vision seemed to be blurred. Then the scene turned around. Perhaps over time, Yvonne grew a little bit more than before. But like a beggar, she was a terrible person.

    With her clothes worn out to the point where the original shape could not be imagined, and her scattered hair, Yvonne walked around dark alleys. There were humans who often had bad minds and chased after the run-of-life. But each time, a monster hidden inside her came out and ate the humans. The stuffed monster fell into a deep sleep.

    Every time the ‘real’ Yvonne managed to regain consciousness. When she found out that she did not remember what she had done, she cried.

    “Daddy! My brothers!”

    Penelope clenched her teeth as she watched the child desperately searching for her family. She didn’t know why the Mirror of Truth was showing her this, but it was cruel for her to just watch Yvonne’s past helplessly.

    As time went by, Leila’s power grew stronger and stronger. Now, it was rare for Yvonne to come to her senses, even if she ate up human beings. Penelope closed her eyes again and opened them. The scene changed. What unfolded before her was the messy Penelope lying face down on the floor.

    “Penelope, baby. Come with me to the duchy.” It was the figure of the Duke reaching out to her. And Yvonne, standing in the not-so-distant alley, was watching the scene. Penelope, who hesitated with her mother’s body behind her, quickly clasped his salvation-like hand. The Duke held Penelope in his arms.

    “...It’s my dad.” Yvonne, looking at the figure, muttered with a half-mixed face.

    “He’s my dad...” Then she suddenly collapsed and grabbed her head.

    “No! No!” It sounded like Leila was taking over again. Penelope sat next to Yvonne as she continued. It was then.

    「...You lost.」

    Like the noise in the wind, the washing(?) of the island touched her ear.

    “Oh, no! That’s my dad! Derrick! Rennald!” Yvonne snapped and shouted wildly. Penelope listened rigidly. In line with Yvonne’s sobbing, a very small whisper flowed into her ear.

    「You’re abandoned. You’re abandoned. You’re abandoned. You’re abandoned. You’re abandoned. You’re abandoned.」


    It was a hoarse voice. Penelope could finally hear the whisper that Yvonne had heard all the time.

    「You’re abandoned. Your father abandoned you like your brother.」

    Yvonne shook her head and resisted Leila’s Lord-like whisper.

    “No, no. That can’t be true. Dad said he loved me the most in the world.”

    「Don’t you see it yet? Why haven’t they found you yet? You’ve been in the capital all along. I mean they can’t even find you.」

    “No, no…”

    「You can’t tell from that? They left you and found a new daughter because you were bruised and useless. More beautiful, smart, new daughter! Penelope!」

    Yvonne, who was sobbing at the constant stream of violent words, began to gasp. Nevertheless, Leila did not stop. It was to annihilate the child’s soul and spirit completely.

    「Now the only daughter of the Duke is Penelope, not you! Penelope, Penelope Eckart! Her name is so pretty! Hahaha! Hahaha!」

    “No, ah…”

    Penelope could feel the sound of Yvonne’s breath, the life of Yvonne, which was stuck together in a thin way. She couldn’t take it anymore. Knowing that it wouldn’t work anyway, Penelope stretched her arms out to Yvonne.

    “Don’t listen.”

    Penelope’s hand, which had been passed through countless times so far, this time held the child like a lie. Unsurprisingly, with her hands clasped strongly against Yvonne’s ears, Penelope said,

    “It’s all a lie. Your father and brothers have never forgotten you.”

    Yvonne’s spasming body stopped at that moment, and her breathing became quiet. At the same time, scenes in the surrounding alley began to split. Penelope accepted the situation more calmly than she thought because she had been through it before. The surroundings splintered and shattered.

    Finally, only Penelope and Yvonne were left in the black space.

    “...You took everything away.” Sitting crouched, Yvonne looked up at her resentfully and sniffed.

    “And...I’m trapped here.”


    Penelope finally knew it. Why the Mirror of Truth showed her Yvonne’s past. Penelope put down the hand that was covering Yvonne’s ear and moved it calmly.

    “...I don’t know if it’ll comfort you.”


    “I’ve never been happy taking your place.” Penelope couldn’t do anything because she didn’t take anything away. Unlike Yvonne, who was trapped here after her death, Penelope was alive until she was reset.

    “Don’t lie!” Yvonne exclaimed, as she did not believe what Penelope said.

    “You took over my dad and brothers! My house! And my seat!”

    Penelope was in a bind. No matter that she was an adult who’s lived longer, she didn’t have the knack to soothe a crying child. Yvonne stared at her with a suspicious look. After a long time, the child opened her mouth.

    “I don’t know.”

    “Because I look like you.”


    “They imagined you alive through me. So they didn’t forget you.” Penelope told the truth calmly. Perhaps it was an unexpected answer, but the watery blue eyes opened wide.

    “W, were you similar to me?” Yvonne looked at Penelope. “Your hair color, eye color, they’re all so similar.”

    “That’s right.” Penelope replied with a short smile. “Your family didn’t care about me because the more I grew up, the more different I got. I was left unattended and abused.”


    “So I die miserably every time. Just like you’ve been here all the time, dead over and over again.”


    “Is it comforting now?”

    Yvonne looked shocked at Penelope’s words. But Penelope didn’t mean to dismiss it as a joke. It didn’t matter if Yvonne sincerely believed it or not. She shrugged and waited silently for Yvonne’s shock to subside. After a long time, Yvonne asked with some confusion,

    “...Why are you here? You’re dead and trapped like me?”

    “No, I’m alive.”


    “I’m here to pick up Vinter Berdandi. You too, because I can get out of here.”


    Penelope didn’t miss Yvonne’s blue eyes shaking.

    “You know where he is, don’t you?”

    “...Hey, I’m not going to tell you!” The child turned her head with a look of pain.

    “How do I believe what you say? He said he was going to die because of you!”


    “Well, to be exact, he said he’d die if you didn’t succeed…”

    Penelope did succeed. She stared at Yvonne without a reply. Suddenly, Yvonne tilted her head.

    “...But what can’t you succeed?”

    Penelope managed to swallow the question with a near burst of laughter(?).

    ‘You’ve got a bit of Rennald’s temperamentality.’

    Penelope was a little appalled at the thought of the two being siblings. She turned her head from Yvonne.

    “You won’t tell me either so why should I tell you?”

    “Well, that’s…”

    “Oh, I don’t know. If you can’t believe it, you can come and see how I died like me.” Come to think of it, it was unfair. Why should Penelope be the only one who suffered from divine pain watching other people’s death, and she was not enough to soothe the child? Penelope sat down in desperation. When the conversation stopped, she was naturally worried.

    ‘...Is Callisto back? Probably back.’

    It was too late to know how time went in there, but it was already late when Penelope had left the palace. She was already tired at the thought of Callisto, who would make a fuss about her disappearance. But now she didn’t expect everything to be solved if she found Yvonne, who had stolen the mirror. There was nothing she could do right now. It was when Penelope was quietly organizing her thoughts with her eyes closed.

    “...It’s not fair.” Suddenly, Yvonne, who was restless and idly laying next to Penelope, murmured with a small voice.

    “I’m dead, why are you alive?”

    Penelope opened her eyes and looked to the side.

    “I miss my dad. Brother Derrick, Brother Rennald…” Maybe because the child was a child, but Yvonne was about to burst into tears as she pouted.

    “Don’t cry.” Penelope’s voice was filled with words that she didn’t want to see much. But,

    “Wouldn’t you be given a chance to get out of here first?”

    “...How can I get out?”

    “Well, I don’t know. First of all, we have to stop the guy who keeps turning the clock.”


    Fortunately, Yvonne did not burst into tears, as if the idea of stimulating the child was a good thing. Penelope closed her eyes again. It was time to get her thoughts straight. It was then a cool touch wrapped around her right hand besides her.

    “...Come here.” When Penelope opened her eyes and turned her head, she saw that Yvonne had grabbed her hand with a sullen face. Penelope rose up without saying a word.

    As they walked for some time through the black space holding onto Yvonne’s hand, Penelope saw a white door similar to the one she had faced earlier. Yvonne let go of her hand and went in without any hesitation. Penelope slowed down in front of the door. She was afraid that the helpless situation would repeat if she crossed it.

    “What are you doing? Come on!”

    But Penelope was encouraged by the voice she heard from inside the white light. She closed her eyes and advanced forward. When she opened her eyes again, the place welcomed her.

    Leila’s tomb was a vast space where a huge pillar and a floor were built under a staircase full of skeletons. Penelope turned her head and looked back. She could see that the Mirror of Truth looked fine. The door that Yvonne followed seemed to be connected to it.

    “Excuse me.”

    Yvonne, who had led the way first, ran to Penelope and shook her dress, staring blankly behind her. Penelope came to her senses and looked in the direction that Yvonne was staring. She could see the figure of someone lying not far away.


    She had finally found him. She walked quickly towards him. The huge magic circle she had seen before was still embroidered to the floor of the altar clearly. Fortunately, it was no longer burning. So was the vacant lot in the middle.

    “My Lord!”

    Penelope ran across the magic circle to the vacant lot. Vinter’s face was as dry as a sheet(?). It was hard to see.

    ‘No way…”

    Penelope’s heart sank when he did not answer her.

    “Stay with yourself(?), Marquis!” Penelope reached out and shook him, regardless of how she was crossing the middle of his chest. But the empty space only shook helplessly and did not open his eyes. Normally, Penelope would have checked his breath with her hand under his nose, but she had lost her reason because she thought that he was dead.

    “My Lord!” Penelope patted him on the cheek.

    “The Marquis, please wake up!”


    Fortunately, his eyelids trembled as if he had come to his senses. Penelope was deeply relieved that he was not dead. She didn’t stop patting until he completely came to his senses.

    Clap. Clap, clap—! (Penny really slapping a nearly dead man back to his senses)

    “The Marquis! Wake up!”

    “I’ve come to my senses…” Yvonne’s muttering words next to him was ignored. It was then.

    “Uh… Lady?”

    “Marquis, are you awake?” Penelope flung down her raised hand. As Vinter blinked his eyes, he asked,

    “Am I dead already? Maybe the world was destroyed, and we all came to heaven together.” (Fits perfectly with Callisto’s “Are we dead yet?”)

    “I can’t. A few more hits. You’re gonna get it together.”

    “No!” Only then did the man raise his upper body. Vinter looked at Penelope over and over again to see if it was unbelievable, if it seemed possible whether it was a dream or not.

    “My Lady, how the hell did you get here?” Vinter suddenly stammered and touched his body, as if something was wrong.

    “The magic circle...is no longer on fire.” The ash fluttered along with his movements. Looking at it with a shocked face, Vinter finally raised his trembling blue eyes and looked at Penelope.

    “Did...did you succeed?”
  12. Upsadaisy

    Upsadaisy Well-Known Member

    May 29, 2020
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    Reading List:
    Thanks for compiling them @Spade_Ladyz! I've quoted a few of the scenes I skipped in the summaries as they were elaborated in other comments!

    Eclise discussion/ the prison scene

    Yvonne and Penelope's confrontation scene in her bedroom
    Callisto meeting Yvonne at the greenhouse

    Their conversation actually ended when she told him she didn't want that as his aid called him away but he told her he would wait until her coming of age ceremony for her answer. But after Yvonne came back to the house and before the ceremony, Callisto visited the house because he was dropping off gifts for her birthday (and I think he was worried about her as he discovered Yvonne was back).
    After he seen that Penelope had again lost weight he tries to beg her to come to the palace with him and leave her mistreatment in the Duke's house behind. But Penelope refuses. The conversation returns to the marriage proposal but Penelope rejects it again. Callisto knows they have a crush on one another so he couldn't understand why she was rejecting him. But to Penelope, she hates that she doesn't have his love - because a crush is not love. She has lived in fear of when she will be kicked out of the Eckarts estate so she wants someone who loves her enough to take her away from this hell. As Callisto wants to be the perfect emperor it's better he picks someone who he could enjoy time with and have pleasant conversations but not required to love - so Penelope suggests Yvonne. Callisto needless to say is furious at the suggestion. But Penelope wants love and can't understand why he is so angry if he doesn't love her.
    She then asks him to leave and in future to pretend that he doesn't know her. To not give her gifts or talk to her in public - they're essentially strangers.Callisto then says that he always thought they had the same mind, walking on the same path together and that while he knew she could reject him, this rejection left him feeling dirty. But he'll see at the coming of age ceremony. Penelope tries telling him that as he already gave her a present he doesn't need to come but he has already started to walk away.

    Just as a happier note to that depressing spoiler - Yvonne meets him as he left the greenhouse and tries to hold him back by grabbing on to him but he threatens her at knife point to not carelessly touch a member of the royal family if she wants to survive. He only stops because he remembers Penelope is still inside the greenhouse and he knows she doesn't like blood. As he walks away Yvonne is clutching the thing she uses to brainwash people trembling because she realizes that she can't manipulate him AT ALL. His feelings for Penelope are too strong so he appears to be completely immune to Yvonne

    @yaywww coming of age ceremony post

    Coming of age ceremony cont.

    Last edited: Jul 8, 2020
  13. Spade_Ladyz

    Spade_Ladyz Well-Known Member

    May 21, 2020
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    Reading List:

    Penelope answered in a sullen voice.

    “It sounds like you’re sorry for my success.”

    “Well, it’s not like that…”

    “Unfortunately, it’s been a while since I’ve killed Yvonne, which means that it’s been awhile since the magic circle, which was holding you back, stopped working.”

    Penelope didn’t know it, but she was asking him if he was sleeping. However, when she saw that Vinter didn’t understand and was staring blankly, she was filled with anger.

    “Why don’t you get up? Do you know how hard it was to find the Marquis?” Penelope yelled. Only then did Vinter rise completely. He still had a puzzled look on his face. Having thought about the situation for quite a long time, he finally opened his mouth and spoke.

    "...I thought it would fail. So I gave up everything and waited for the end.”

    Penelope was speechless. The eyes of the sorcerer, wandering beyond the distant air, slowly moved to Yvonne, who was standing next to Penelope.

    “From some point on, this kid’s eyes are numb…”


    “I thought it was a past illusion of guilt So I thought that time was up…” So Vinter had laid in the magic circle, giving up everything, not knowing if it had stopped. Penelope was angry, but it wasn’t like she didn’t understand. She decided to let it go. The fact that he was alive anyway was of paramount importance, because it was the first step in the real future that had nothing to do with the game.

    “...She’s the real Yvonne.”


    “I think she was locked in space in the timeline soon after she was taken away by Leila.” Penelope first explained Yvonne’s identity to Vinter. It suddenly occurred to her that perhaps the ancient wizards under the guise of the system held up the young Yvonne’s soul. It was as if they had brought her to another dimension to collect the broken Penelope’s soul.

    ‘So that’s why you’re only returning to Leila without Yvonne.’

    On one hand, it was fortunate. Little Yvonne would have been unable to bear the destruction of her soul at every moment by Leila.

    “...I see.” Vinter nodded heavily as if he understood.

    “Now how do we get out?”

    “Well, I think...that Mirror of Truth seems to be a passageway connected to the outside.” Vinter pointed behind Penelope. Penelope nodded lightly. She had been working through the mirror that was being restored, so she thought it would be. The only thing left was Yvonne.

    Penelope looked at Yvonne and said, “Then before you go out, think about what to do with her.” Now that the system is gone, there must be a solution. Wouldn’t it be better for everyone to have a happy ending?

    Penelope wanted to take Yvonne out of there and, if possible, send her back to her original family. But as Vinter stared at Yvonne, he shook his head with a dark face.

    “Unfortunately...there is no way.”


    “You succeeded in stopping Leila. But because of that, there is no body for the soul to return to.”

    “That’s…” Penelope was speechless. She knew what would happen by magic, but had never thought about such a realistic problem.

    “What are you talking about?” As Penelope and Vinter looked at each other with serious faces, Yvonne jumped in to ask. Penelope was afraid of saying something she couldn't do in front of the child, so she quickly reached out and blocked Yvonne’s ears.

    “You don’t need to know.”

    “What can’t I know? Let go!”

    “Oh, I’m in trouble,” Penelope said to Vinter as she stopped Yvonne from struggling to get her hands off of her.

    “...I didn’t look for it, but the remains must have been picked up.”


    “Can’t you do anything about it?”

    “...My Lady.”

    “I can’t let you stay stuck here like this. You’ve only seen the moment you died…” When you see it, how do you leave it? Penelope whispered as her face was distorted, and Vinter also hardened his complexion.

    “Fool, there's no way a ghost(?) won’t shut up your ears.” Suddenly, a loud voice came from a distance. Penelope could see a pink-haired head stick its tongue out at her from the back.

    “Why are you making fun of an adult?”

    “I know how to get out of here.” Yvonne’s words made Penelope hesitate.

    “What…? How?”

    “Sometimes a strange square window pops up and asks. If you accept, you can go to a better place and be reborn.”

    “Accept…?” Penelope stared blankly at Yvonne. It was curious to her that someone besides her could see the system window. At the same time, what she had just guessed became true.

    ‘As expected...the ancient wizards did a trick.’

    If Yvonne was born again, would she be born in a different dimension like Penelope? Gazing at Yvonne with a complicated look, Penelope opened her mouth heavily.

    “...But why didn’t you accept it?” The child’s face snapped.

    “I didn’t want to go.”


    “If I go, I can’t see my dad or brothers again…”

    Penelope managed to swallow her sigh. Even with the suggestion of the ancient wizards, Penelope could see why Yvonne was left alone in that dark space. It was to see the face of the family that appeared in the repeated death of one’s own. Penelope didn’t have enough affection to bear such pain, so she couldn’t understand that Yvonne.

    “...Do I have to go?”

    “You don’t have to go if you don’t want to.”

    “My Lady.” Vinter called Penelope in amazement at her hard answer. Instead of trying to make him understand, Penelope took something out and gave it to Yvonne.

    “Now, your mirror.” It was Penelope’s mirror rod, or Yvonne’s hand mirror that she had gotten as a present from Derrick.

    “I picked it up. Don’t lose it now.”

    The child only looked at the mirror with a surprised look. Soon after, her blue eyes filled with tears. Yvonne looked up at Penelope with wide eyes.

    “Your father and brothers care.” Penelope didn’t want to tell her how they were looking for their own daughter. Yvonne had a miserable death, but so did Penelope. Penelope had lived in anxiety all the time and feared being kicked out once the real Eckart daughter was found.

    ‘But, what’s so pretty about it?’

    But Penelope had grown up too much to put such meaning in things. Now she had the confidence to be happy without them. Now matter what she did, she made a slow move, thinking desperately about the person she loved.

    “...Every year when they lose you, they have a hard time missing you. Just in case you find out, you’ll be sad.”


    “Especially your father...the Duke, wherever you are, always prays for happiness and comfort everyday.”

    “Hng, haha…” Unlike Penelope, who had no expression on her face, Yvonne’s soft cheeks dripped with thick tears. Penelope uttered the last word of silence to persuade the child.

    “...By the way, if you’re still here, I can’t tell you my news.”

    “You…” Yvonne gasped back her watery breath. “...You don’t hate me?”

    "Why would I hate you?”

    “My family...I told you I killed you.”

    “You weren’t even there. You, you were irrelevant.” Penelope answered rather cynically. She added shortly thereafter,

    “No matter how much time has passed, they had a lovely little sister like you…”


    “How could they forget?” On the last day of the festival, Rennald had criticized Penelope for going up to the attic to see the fireworks. She couldn’t forgive Derrick, who had always been silent and watched over Penelope for everything she did as he did not want her to take Yvonne’s place. But Penelope could understand why they did it. If she had lost such a kind and lovely sister, Penelope would hate those who were trying to take her place. She would have gone crazy, too.

    “Ah...” Yvonne, who was wiping her cheeks with her small, soft hands, suddenly looked up into the air. Penelope could see nothing, but she had a hunch.

    The system window came up.

    “Whether you stay or not, it’s up to you to choose.”

    Yvonne’s eyes looked at Penelope. After a long silence, she managed to open her mouth.

    “To my dad and my brothers…”


    “I’m fine...can you tell them that I love them a lot?”

    Penelope nodded slowly. She couldn’t help but tell Yvonne what they’ve been up to.

    “And...tell Brother Derrick thank you for buying me a hand mirror, and I’m sorry that I lost it.”

    “Yes, I will.”

    “Then...I’ll go.” Yvonne finally said goodbye, never taking the hand mirror Penelope had given her. The awkward waving of hands as her lovely pink hair fluttered. Soon after, her small body began to be enveloped in a bright light.

    Penelope silently waved until Yvonne was completely gone.

    “...Are you alright?” Penelope stopped waving as Vinter approached and spoke to her. She stared at the empty spot and turned her head to him.

    “There’s nothing wrong with it.”

    “I always see the Lady’s smiling face and her sweet tearful face.” At his words, Penelope raised her hand belatedly and swept her face. When did it happen? There was a lot of water on her fingers. Penelope stared at it with a look of dismay.

    “I’d like to give you a handkerchief, but I don’t have one.”

    “It’s alright,” Penelope said as she gave a light smile to Vinter, who looked very sorry.

    “I can wipe it with my hands.” Penelope was going to pretend that nothing happened, but she was embarrassed because she was caught. Vinter, who had been silent for a while due to Penelope’s actions, suddenly froze as if he were talking to himself.

    “...Now I know how to wipe away tears.”


    “I won’t have the same kind of consolation I used to have.”


    “...The Marquis.” Penelope looked back at him with a little dazed look at the words that came in suddenly. Vinter calmly faced her and opened his mouth.

    “Even when you didn’t cry, you always had a sad face.”


    “So, from the very first time I saw her, even when I suspected that she might have been associated with Leila, I couldn’t bear to look at you.” A pathetic glow came over his thin face.

    “But...you don’t look like that anymore.” Penelope’s eyes widened at his words before she asked back,

    “Now...how do I look?”

    “You look relieved.” Vinter answered without hesitation. Was it that obvious? Penelope was inwardly surprised. Perhaps noticing how she felt, Vinter laughed bitterly.

    “While I was stuck here, a lot of things have changed.”

    “...” Come to think of it, Penelope had forgotten that Vinter had been locked up there all along because of Yvonne. He was right. So much had changed. Put unlike Penelope, who moved forward little by little, Vinter was stopped at that time.

    “I know I have to be forever sorry and grateful to the Lady for killing Leila and freeing the soul of the real Yvonne. By the way…”


    “Most of all, it must have been hard for you to come here to save me from being locked up.”


    “I’m so happy.” There was a tingling pain that passed through his blue eyes when he said so.

    “If I say that I want this time to last forever, you’d think that it's ludicrous.” Only then did Penelope realize that he still harbored feelings for her. Even after the game was over, it was surreal to find out that one of the capture targets still liked her.

    ‘...Now it’s really real.’

    With belated enlightenment, it occurred to Penelope that it had been quite harsh for Vinter. She was always too busy taking care of herself every time, and so she didn’t think deeply about what he had been through. And Vinter was dragged here without a moment’s delay. Now it was time for him to break the lingering affection for her and move on.

    “The Marquis.” Penelope managed to open her mouth.

    “Well, I like the Crown Prince.”


    “More than I thought. Even enough to give up trying to run away from Leila.”


    “...I’m sorry I couldn’t tell you in advance.”

    Vinter’s eyes shook faintly. Not confident of facing his slowly blurring face, Penelope looked at him. Suddenly she had regrets. If she had refused more so clearly then, could he have brushed her off more easily?

    —...Didn’t you just say you were interested?

    —I’m sorry, but I can’t take it.

    At that time, Penelope had honestly wanted to hurt Vinter more. It was hard to suspect that Leila was a villain who had tried to kill Yvonne because she was not enough. It was ridiculous to say that Penelope liked him and that she had betrayed her faith that she had kept for her whole life. But now he was neither ugly(?) nor funny. She said she was sorry she couldn’t tell him in advance, but Penelope wasn’t really sorry to refuse. Just, Vinter also needed to be released from everything now.

    “...I see.” After looking at Penelope a long time at her words, he finally sweetened(?) his lips.

    “I wasn’t expecting it. You said you were going to the north, where you(?) were. And…”


    “When the Lady made her debut, the Crown Prince visited my mansion three times.”

    “...What? Why your mansion…?” It was the moment.

    —When I heard that you had disappeared from the Duke’s, I cut off the Imperial Palace wizard and ran like a madman to the capital.

    When they had reunited on a ship to the Archina Islands. The voice of the Prince, who was shouting with an angry face, vividly played.

    ‘Crazy, then…’

    Penelope looked back at Vinter with a grim face. It was dizzying to imagine how badly Callisto, who had wrapped up his visit in a good way as a ‘visit’ but stormed into his home looking for her, would have done.

    “...I’m sorry to trouble you, Marquis. That crazy...no, I apologize on his behalf.” Penelope apologized to Vinter in a hurry. It was then.

    “...I’m glad to hear that.” There was a low laugh at her side.

    “Now, His Highness is by your side to make the Lady laugh.” Penelope slowly raised her head. Whether he meant it or now, Vinter was smiling at her with warm eyes. Penelope stood dazed for a moment, and his gaze swept down to the ground. She thought he must have been frowning at Callisto’s atrocities, but she could feel his loose facial muscles. After avoiding his gaze for a moment in a sense of embarrassment, Penelope soon moved to face Vinter.

    “I trust you now. So…”


    “Don’t feel guilty about me anymore.” Penelope waited for him, trying not to see his teary dark blue eyes, and tried to soothe his feelings. After a long time,

    “...If we get out of here, the contract will be thoroughly fulfilled without any changes.” Suddenly, a big hand came out in front of Penelope.

    “I’m confident that I’ll be able to carve and distribute the purest jewelry.”


    “You trusted our top(?).” Penelope realized that he was asking for a handshake as the master at the top.

    “That’s obvious.” Only then did Penelope smile and clasp their hands together.

    “You owe me your life. You know I’m thorough with my calculations, right?”

    “Oh, dear.” Vinter groaned with a look of dismay.

    “You’ll have to be ready to pay off that debt,” Penelope said solemnly, glancing at him. She shook his hand vigorously. In her head, as well as the Baien Kingdom, her emeralds and diamonds stretching out into three dimensions were painted brilliantly.

    “Okay,” Vinter replied, as if he had lost to Penelope’s words.

    “Then let’s go now.” Penelope turned around without hesitation. She could feel Vinter staring at her hand, but Penelope approached with Mirror of Truth. When she stood in front of the fine mirror, unlike the broken one on the other side of time and space, Penelope realized the end. She had a hunch that she wouldn’t have to face the fucking mirror.

    ‘...It was dirty to meet you, so let’s never see each other again.’

    Penelope muttered to the spirits of ancient sorcerers who might be somewhere in a restless mood.

    “We can be caught between different time and space as we go out. It’s a hassle, but please hold my hand tight.” At that time, Vinter suddenly came up to her side and reached out his hand once again. Penelope held his hand without hesitation. They both jumped into the mirror at the same time. The white light flashed before their eyes. When Penelope opened her eyes again, she saw a new scene.


    The worksite was filled with knights.

    “...Your Highness?”

    In the middle of it all was the figure of the Crown Prince standing tall with a distorted face. The man who was holding the sword Penelope had hidden in the bedroom slowly lowered it. A cold sweat dripped down on his forehead.

    ‘Are you sick?’

    At that moment, Penelope was about to approach him with a sudden worry. His gaze glanced down somewhere.

    “...Penelope Eckart.” Suddenly he called her with a very low voice. Red eyes glistened.

    When Penelope realized that his gaze was nailed onto her hands, which was holding Vinter’s hand, Penelope felt a chill.

    “Oh, Your Highness, this is, you know, when you’re asleep…” Penelope tried to explain to him.

    “Collapse.” A low voice was heard. The royal guards moved without delay at the crown prince’s orders. They immediately surrounded Vinter and tied his arms with a thin rope.

    “The, the Marquis!” Vinter was taken away without any particular defiance. Penelope was dumbfounded and stammered, looking at the scene. She turned around.

    “What are you doing now? What’s wrong with the guy who just escaped?!”

    “What are you doing, Lady Eckart?” The Crown Prince cut her off coldly.

    “...Your Highness.”

    ‘What about me?’

    The guards moved toward Penelope. Penelope stared down at the rope tied to her hands, blinking blankly.

    “I will personally escort her.” Callisto, who took over the end of the rope, spoke in a rather muted voice. Penelope was bound and personally taken to the palace by the Crown Prince


    When I arrived at the Imperial Palace, the dawn was already rising. 'You've been in the damn mirror for a long time... ‘

    It was about time to think blankly as I watched the faint dawn reflected out of the hallway window.

    Suddenly, he came to his senses, and the Crown Prince was already dragging him to his bedroom, tired of my visit (?)

    The Prince's Palace at dawn was still as if it were empty.

    But Callisto threw me into my bedroom as if someone was chasing him, and then walked to the door and locked it.

    "Your Majesty."

    "Stretch out your hand."

    He, who walked straight to me, said suddenly. His expression was still not very good.

    Even if I didn't ask, it was clear that he had been looking for me all night.

    When I saw it from a bright place, his hair was so messy that I could see his hair covered with dust and his eyes were clearly covered with tiredness.

    Just by looking at it, I could see how desperately Calisto had been looking for me.

    My heart sank heavily.

    'That's why I was brought in without any rebellion. ...'

    Of course, without any hesitation, there was no time to rebel, shocked by his words.

    "What are you doing, you're not going to hold out your hand, and you're going to be tied up like a dog?"

    As soon as he stood still without moving, he urged me to do so.

    ‘I'm not sure if I'm talking to you....’

    Anyways, I'll let you go(?). I wanted to wash up quickly and get some sleep.

    (not sure what exactly is going on here)

    Callisto memorized the starter(?) straight away and unwrapped the magic tools that tied my (?) hands and neck.

    I didn't think much about getting angry because I was tired.

    He muttered as he stared at me, releasing the ropes tied together.

    "I'm tired, but I want to go to my room."

    "Don't tell me anything."

    He stopped moving at my words, and he quickly began to loosen the ropes.

    "Because you are now a sinner."

    "Why am I?"

    "Why am I ....?"

    Callisto's eyebrows shook fiercely, as if my question (?) had offended him.

    At last, he released all the ropes and soon spat out my sins like a muck.

    "You will soon be on the throne of the empress. For forgetting your situation and acting your way, the baby flower in the middle of the night (?) is guilty of causing damage to the members of the imperial family, so be gentle and pay for your sins."

    "I said I wouldn't marry your Majesty, so I didn't sin."

    "Stop the bullshit."

    "Stop it yourself. Who's been talking nonsense since before?"

    "... ...what?"

    The Crown Prince opened his mouth when he was hit by a calm voice.

    “… huh! Are you just going to go out now? "

    "...Huh! You're just about to leave now? "

    "You just left first, didn't you


    "What did I do?"

    "Didn't you tie Lady's arms in a row (?) and drag her like a dog, whether people see it or not? "

    "When did I ever..."! "

    When he answered in a nonchalant manner, Callisto shouted with a very unfair face and suddenly closed his mouth.

    And then.

    "... Are you sick? Are you hurt? "Look. "

    I was very careful with the hands that changed my day and watch my wrist(?).

    "I told him to try to tie up gently, and how safe are these dog-like guys?"

    "I'm not hurt."

    He replied in a sullen manner, who murmured relentlessly as if he were going to jump out with a knife.

    'Well, Why do you tie it when you're going to do this? ‘

    Even though I was not hurt, Calisto kept gently touching the tied spot.

    "Stop it. It's okay."

    "I think it's a little red. I'm calling a member (?) right now."

    "It's because you keep rubbing it. "

    I was adamant to say so.

    I thought it was too much, but Callisto didn't let go of his hand holding my wrist.

    I sighed as I looked at the dusty golden hair that had fallen under my eyes.

    “…..It wasn't a big deal. I happened to go there while I was taking a walk, and I was just standing in the mirror and looking at it. "


    "Today or later,it would have happened once at least once anyway."

    "You should have at least told the servant you were going for a walk."

    As he quietly listened to me, he shook his head and quietly shook his head.

    "When it comes to you, you're the Crown Prince, and you're acting like a madman to me...…"


    “You should have been talking, Penelope Eckart.”

    The red eyes looking at me shook after losing blood to go (?).

    Only then could I feel his hands still holding me trembling intermittently.

    I told you to go when you let me go.

    When I was a man (?), he said he didn't know what to do with anxiety every time.

    As I retreated, I had no choice but to apologize this time.

    “I'm sorry about that…. "

    "You look very sorry."

    He snorted if it sounded sincere.

    And added sullenly.

    "Tomorrow I'm going to smash that thing."

    "What… ..”

    I didn't know what he was talking about, but I quickly asked.

    "Dark vision (?) , are you talking about the mirror of truth?"

    "Yes "

    “Why? .. Why do you ruin the hard-to-do restoration?"

    I've had a hard time restoring it with Marienne!

    I spoke with a grimace.

    "Leave it alone so you can use it as research material."

    "You lost it twice because of it, but let it go. You have to cut the shoots and avoid it."

    "Your Majesty."

    I was a little embarrassed when he came back to me as if he was going to do so from the beginning (?).

    "Leave it alone so you can use it as research material."

    "You lost it twice because of it, but let it go. You have to cut the shoots and avoid it."

    "Your Majesty."

    I was a little embarrassed when he came back to me as if he was going to do so from the beginning (?).

    '...... was he this obsessed?'

    However, on the other hand, I felt that I couldn't give Callisto that much faith.

    But on the other hand, I thought I didn't give Calisto that much faith.

    I shared some secrets with him about Leila, but I couldn't tell him everything about my present life and the game system.

    It was not within his grasp that confiding was not enough for him to understand, because he judged that there was no need to redo what had already been done.

    I hurriedly opened my mouth and dissuaded Calisto from treating the "mirror of truth" as the enemy of the world.

    "That won't happen anymore.. It's all over. I can't go back even if I want to go back now."

    “So it doesn't matter if it breaks? And, you said you didn't know it was going to work today?”

    "that's …. "

    That's right.

    It was a moment when I was overwhelmed by strange logic and I was stunned.

    "I've made sure he's still alive, whether he's the Marquis or evil spirits, so there's nothing else to do."(I think he is referring to Vinter)


    "I'm getting stuck here until the coronation day. I'm ready to get married. I'll give you a teacher,and you'll learn a little bit about palace manners.”

    He brought back the restraint and marriage stories he had put off for a while. It was a starting point after all. (?)

    I responded coldly right away.

    "I do not like it."

    "If you hate it, I can't help it. Who can refuse the Crown Prince's orders?"

    "I'm just confined. I'm going to run away with magic."

    "Wear it. (?) But unfortunately, the Imperial Palace is enchanted with magic to neutralize unidentified magic, what will you do?"

    He laughed at me and shrugged.

    I said with a laugh at him.

    "Why would you reveal all that? They'll break it down and run away. She's the Duke's oldest daughter. Can't you do that?"(????)

    "... Damn it. "

    Realizing that he had done something stupid, the Crown Prince rolled his foot once, saying, "Boom!" because he couldn't beat me.

    Then, he stared at me and shouted.

    "What's the problem? Is it the proposal or something, because of that?

    Of course, it also played a part.

    But when I said yes, I felt a little sad.

    Ultimately, it's not the reason, and it's more difficult if you ask me out and then beg me.


    As he stared at each other with his arms folded without saying anything, the crown prince slipped away from his gaze.

    Then looked back at my arms with a calm expression.

    "....The ring is still not finished"

    Something came out in front of me.

    A ring with a large turquoise bead on the large palm of a calluse was held without a case.

    Callisto said, pointing to the ring with the other hand.

    "I'll cover this side with all the diamonds."

    What he points to is the ring portion of the ring.

    Unlike the turquoise beads, which are decorated like a flower bud, wrapped around in a golden leaf shape, the ring part was empty without any decoration.

    'Are you saying this is a proposal?'

    I didn't know what to do, so I stared at the ring, and when Callisto answered, I opened my mouth again.

    "This is the tears of a mermaid ,which is a legend in the West Sea of Gaspar. Doesn't it look just like the color of your eyes?


    "It brings eternal wealth and honor to the owner."


    'Oh, that's a little harsh.'

    The prince's face became brighter, as to whether his eyes were clearly different from the sound of wealth and honor.

    "It was hidden in the treasure chest of the palace of Gaspard, but the offense(?) was a little late because only the royal family could solve the curse. "

    During the conquest wars, I was a bit murdered and struggled to find a bloody man.

    Somehow he added in a slightly excited voice.

    But I was more concerned with other words than his excuse.

    "That main? What..."

    "It is said that the companion of the person who possesses it is bound to the other forever."

    Before complaining whether he was going to give him something like that, he replied first.

    "You can't even escape death. So when I cut off King Gaspar, the queen died with me."

    A strange glow of joy rose in his silent eyes.

    I looked at him like that, then lowered my head and looked at the ring again.

    "So, this is the wedding ring, and I couldn't propose to you because it was too late.'

    When I roughly sorted out his babbling.

    It felt strange to see the ring again after knowing the background. 'When you die, you die together at one o'clock every day, what's that?'(?)

    I was a little chilled by Callisto's obsession with feeling again and again.

    Whether or not you know me, Callisto opened his mouth again.

    “….. There is a ring that descends from the empire, but I didn't want to give it to you. "


    "It's bad luck because it was worn by the Queen, and it's tacky because the golden dragon is heavily engraved. … . Shit. "

    He himself, who was well off to himself, sweared abusively without hesitation.

    I took my eyes off the ring in amazement and looked up at him.

    "...'I didn't mean to say that in the garden. Because that fucking rumor seems to be what you care about it.…."

    The prince, who had been sweeping up my bangs with a confused face, suddenly fluttered.

    My knees boiled in front of me.

    Not one knee, both knees.

    He literally knelt down like a sinner.

    "Penelope Eckart,"


    "Please marry me."


    The Crown Prince held onto my skirt and recited as if begging. It was more of emptiness than a proposal. Even though it was an unfinished ring, it wasn't even given out like a marriage proposal.

    ”....Your Majesty. "

    I looked at him kneeling in front of me with a bit of amazement. He was an indomitable crown prince who led the conquest war to victory and proudly returned to the capital. It was so strange to see a man who would become an emperor with absolute power, without any interference, desperately begging me to marry him....

    "You didn’t have to kneel on both knees"

    "It’s a question, answer me quickly. Will you marry me? Huh?"

    Let's just look down at him. Callisto spit out as if chewing.

    The face that seemed impatient came unfamiliar.

    'I’m so embarrassed' (?)

    Suddenly his words gave me a smirk and a smile. I was so angry when he pushed for marriage. Seeing you looking up at me pitifully, it's a little...

    'It’s kind of cute.'

    “...You know I’m teasing you, right?"

    I shook my head and said, "I'm finally tired."

    “I will reach Cedric(?) "

    "It doesn't matter."

    I knew Callisto was going to fly up in a fit of rage. But he still muttered with a stiff face without getting up. "If I could catch you, what's the big deal with such teasing?"

    “And what do we do to cut off those who are fidgeting?”(?)

    'Yes, of course.'

    My heart, which had been pounding for a moment, quickly returned to its original state. I looked at him with a cold face, sighed and slowly sat down in front of him.

    "Your Majesty. "

    The prince's face was white because of what he imagined when he saw me making eye contact without giving answers.

    I stretched out my hand and brought it to the trembling red eyes, and swept it gently.

    Then, with a quiet voice, I confessed what I had never said before.

    "Well, I want to study."

    "..... is it archeology, are you saying that?"

    "Yes. I told you, I was the chief in the place where I lived."

    Callisto wriggled his eyebrows if he didn't like what I said.

    But he managed to listen quietly without stopping me.

    "I want to do what I've been doing here. There are many relics and civilizations that have not been discovered yet, right? Maybe there's a place that needs my help."


    "You've already forgotten? I told you to stay because I'll do whatever you want."

    After I stopped talking, I stared into Callisto's eyes.

    "You said it, but you won't say it in one bite(?)."

    The crown prince's lips opened long after.

    "I'm not telling you not to."


    "They're all things you can do after you get married."

    "As you already know, I'm also interested in entering the academy."...

    "You can do that after the wedding."

    I shouted dumbfounded at him who was being unreasonable.

    "Does it make sense for the Empress to attend the academy?"

    "Why not? We can make sense. If it bothers the eyes of the beholder, you can bring all the professors to the palace."


    I never thought of that.

    Embarrassed by Callisto's appearance of a scale beyond my imagination, I managed to answer. "I don't want to be such a nuisance. And that's not the only problem."

    "So there's something else."

    "I want to go to the remote areas and explore the ruins! I want to learn how to excavate human bones!" "

    I will move it into the whole palace."


    His words did not make sense at all. I raised my eyes and growled. "

    You didn't intend to let me out of the palace in the first place, did you?"


    Calisto had no answer as if I had hit the nail on the head.

    I glared at him with a persistent glare, asking why there was no answer. Soon he held his hand together on my hand, which was touching the corner of his hand in hand.

    And then slowly rubbed his cheek against my palm and said,

    "It's all your fault."

    "What is?"

    "I tried to let you go. But you didn't choose me after all."


    “So I have to bear my anxiety.”

    "That's not...."

    It was a moment when I was angry about whether it was sophistry.

    Callisto looked up at me with a strange languid look on his face, and suddenly--

    He turned my head and kissed my palm.


    I opened my eyes when I noticed that he was trying to get away with it.

    But instead of stopping, he started to kiss my wrists and arms inside my hands and arms.

    "Well, it's not just magic that can make you sleep in the bedroom."

    *mwah* *mwah* (onomatopoeia)

    Because of the tickling and creepy feeling, I managed to press the trembling body barely.

    "Oh, I don't feel like it. I told you not to. If you keep doing this, I will go to my room and sleep."


    I shook off my caught hand and warned, and Callisto stepped back with both hands raised.

    "Okay, let's just hold hands and sleep."


    "Because of you, I've been searching the palace all night. You can do that."

    As he glared without saying anything, he begged with a desperate look on his face.

    "...please stay by my side."

    I conceded, and eventually nodded slowly.



    When I opened my eyes, it was noon, when bright sunlight was pouring through the curtains.

    In the end, I couldn't sleep holding hands.

    When I opened my eyes to the strange feeling of sleep, my eyes met with a pair of eyes staring at me.

    And … ..


    I grabbed my screaming body and managed to get up and sit.

    Suddenly, the sheet flowed down and found the exposed skin, and it was a big surprise.

    "Crazy golden-headed bastard! Are you a dog?!"

    Tears ran across the red traces that were so dense that bare skin was barely visible.

    'Isn't this one day that I look like me and disappear?

    "It was when I was pounding on my stiff back, shivering with a chilling imagination.

    Knock knock- "Lady, did you cough? May I come in? "

    Someone knocked on the crown prince's bedroom door.

    "Come on, wait! "

    I panicked and looked for my clothes. But I couldn't see the clothes anywhere near the bed.

    'I don't think it was ripped.'

    There was a memory of desperately defending it as a precious garment.

    Biting my lips, I was forced to cover myself with the sheet

    "... ...come in. "

    The door opened and a heap of maids came in. They were bitten (?) because they threatened me not to come to my room if I was going to do this every morning.

    I came by the city (?) like a ghost because my room has changed.

    "Did you have a good dream last night? I've prepared some bath water. Crown Prince ......No, Lady."

    That's why I don't like it! ‘

    The baroness, the nanny of Calisto and the head maid (?) of the Crown Prince's palace, has already treated me as if I were the master of the palace. I couldn't help but feel uncomfortable about it.

    "Do you want to sleep more? If you don't mind, go into the bathroom."

    The baroness handed me a gown and said to me, "Don't walk around in a sheet (?)"

    Instead of answering, I asked back and forth.

    "Where are my clothes?"

    "If you are taking a bath, I will prepare clothes for you to wear."

    "I want to go to my room to wash."

    "I'm sorry, but the clothes you wore yesterday were already in the wash.... "

    The baroness replied with a sorry smile all over her face.

    'Then why don't you bring me some clothes to wear?'

    A question mark came up in my head, but I was soon handed a gown.

    Having endured the prince's dog-like temper for many years, she was a formidable opponent.

    It was definitely different from the dumb maid of the peasant (?) who protected Leyla.

    'Let's wash up quickly and go back, rather than make a fuss.'

    With such determination, I got up from my seat and said.

    "It's done."

    ".....Okay. I'll be waiting outside, so call as much as you need. "

    The baroness left with a strangely sad face.

    Fortunately, the clothes I wore on my bed were neatly laid out after washing.

    It was a light yellow light dress.

    It was also time for the maids to come and hang around.

    Maybe it's different,*knock knock*, and a knock sounded like a ghost.

    "Lady, if the bath is over, may I come in to wait on you?"

    My hair was a little less dry, but I didn't want to look at it roughly because I was in a hurry.

    "Come in."

    It's not even my room anyway, so I readily allowed it.

    When I saw the baroness, who again dragged in a flock of maids, I opened my eyes slightly.

    "The Crown Prince. No, lady. how would you like your meal?"

    'I'm not sure what you noticed.'’

    At times like this, it was best to bounce. (lmao)

    "No thanks. I'll go to my room and eat."

    I shouted that and ran straight across the bedroom.

    "Well, now, wait! Princess...!"

    The baroness, who had not predicted my unexpected behavior, tried to stop me in a hurry, but it was too late.

    I quickly arrived at the door and turned the door knob without hesitation.

    "What is this?"

    Big bars crossed in front of me.

    "Go in. Lady, it's dangerous outside, so you can't come out for a while."

    Five generals surrounded the door, blocking the entrance with windows. It was the crown prince's personal guard.


    It was a time when I couldn't even speak because I was absurd and couldn't speak like a guppy.

    The maid who had been chasing behind, shook her head.

    "Lady, I... I'm sorry, but His Majesty the Crown Prince ordered you to stay here until the coronation ceremony for your safety."


    Real confinement?


    "Get out of my way. I'm going to see the crown prince right now."

    But the knight in front of me didn't budge.

    "His Royal Highness said, 'If she said so, tell that I'll be back as soon as I'm done, so I hope you stay calm.'


    'You fucked-up bastard. So this is how it is, huh?'

    I wiped my laughter and clenched my teeth.

    "Then do you deliver my message?"

    What was left of it was war.

    "Wha, what?..."

    "Go to the Crown Prince and tell him clearly."

    "... ...yeah?"

    "I definitely warned you yesterday, so don't regret it."

    It was a very rude remark to the Crown Prince's direct subject. But I also shut the door hard

    'Gwang -!'

    in the face of the bewildered knights.


    The maid-in-law, who came after me late, called me carefully with a white face.

    "Woman, take the paper and the pen with you right now. Because I have something to do."

    After a moment's thoughtfulness, I was soon struck coldly.

    "Eh, just fix it, princess! Decide later, and eat your meal first.."

    "I feel like having a light meal right now. Get me a pen and back off."

    "Well, then how about having refreshments with Lady Therosy?"

    "No need-····."

    While trying to reflectively say no, I suddenly looked back at the woman-in-law's with the mention of the familiar name.


    "Yes, She's been waiting for a meeting with the princess in the drawing room for hours."

    The maid-in-law quickly added with a small voice, looking at me.

    "Fortunately, the ban on outsiders of the palace has been lifted."

    It wasn't a good thing at all. You'll only let those who have been thoroughly censored out.

    In other words, dangerous figures such as the duke will still be off limits.

    I frowned and asked back with a disapproving voice.

    "How many hours has she been waiting for? Why say that now?"

    "His highness ordered not to wake you up until you wake up yourself."

    "Your master is so generous that he gives me the sickness and then the medicine."


    The maid smiled awkwardly at my snorting and muttering.

    I thought for a moment.

    I was going to write to the duke right now. But soon I changed my mind. The letter was more likely to be caught by Callisto.

    'If you're letting Marienne in, you'd be happy to have her flirtight?' (?)

    It was the prince's shallow water to know that I had gotton quite close to Marieenne recently because of our common interests. (?)

    I stared sharply into the air and laughed.

    "Please bring me some refreshments to the drawing room."


    The prince's bedroom was equipped with a small drawing room where only close-knit people could enter and exit.

    It was total confinement.


    When she opened the door and entered, Marieenne greeted me with pleasure.


    "I'm sorry to keep you waiting so long. I slept late.…"

    "It's all right. I've been waiting......Uh, far away!"

    When she apologized with an apologetic face, she suddenly blushed with a burning voice.


    Sitting across the table, I just tilted my head because I didn't know the reason.

    Then Marienne coughed in vain with a flushed face.

    "A lot, hmm. Yeah, you deserve to oversleep. I understand. We're adults."


    I was shocked when I inadvertently lowered my head along Marienne's line of poetry staring at me. (?)

    I couldn't properly check the clothes that the maid-in-law brought me because I was busy wearing them quickly.

    My skin, which was revealed by the open shoulder type dress, was red and blue as if I had chickenpox.

    "Crazy..." (She loves this word)

    The clear lines of interest whitened my eyes.

    'Don't leave any marks, you bastard! If you come back later, you'll die!'

    Marienne smiled strangely at me as I was dead.

    "You must have had a great night." (Indeed)

    My face was swarming with heat, as before it was about to burst. I shouted hurriedly, raising the hem of the fabric by my shoulder.

    "Eh, this is....! Err, It's a giant bug bite!"

    "It must have been a huge, fierce golden bee." (omg lmfao)


    "Ho ho ho. I'm kidding, princess."

    "Hey, is the car still far away? Bring me a shawl when you come. Quickly!"

    Dangling, dangling.

    Marienne's pleasant laughter spread through my voice calling for the maid. After a while, the maid brought refreshments and shawls.

    "What brings you here?"

    Drinking warm chamomile tea and trying to calm my excitement, I asked Marienne why she came to see me the day before yesterday.

    Then she replied in a flurry.

    "What a surprise! What happened at the workshop last night?"

    ""Oh, that's..."

    "I went to finish the restoration this morning and, well, wouldn't the building itself be off-limits? How fiercely the guards stood in the way."

    She looked at me with curious eyes as if she wanted to know what was going on right now. Recalling what happened last night, I roughly picked out the details and said only the key.

    "I'm sorry, but it's a bit complicated to explain. Just the mirror of the truth suddenly triggered and rescued the Marquis of Verdandi for his original purpose." (?)

    "Oh, my God, the princess herself?"

    Surprised by what I said, Marienne immediately looked at me with admiration. As if saying 'As expected..'

    "Yes, well... it just happened."

    I said with an awkward smile.

    "And I don't think I can do the restoration anymore."

    "Gasp, why?"

    I couldn't say with my own mouth that it was because of the prince's obsession.

    I skipped my reason and froze it moderately.

    "......Even if I finish, I probably won't be able to step in any more."

    "I see...."

    Fortunately, Marienne seemed to accept it easily.

    Anyway, since the main purpose, Vinter bereudandi, has been rescued, it's meaningless to belong to the restoration system.

    "I'm sorry, Marienne, you must have expected a lot."

    I'm wasn't showing my feelings, but I gave her a boring apology.

    "No, Princess. Rather, It's better now."

    Fortunately, Marienne smiled and shook her dog.

    "In fact, the reason I'm here today is to tell you that we can no longer work together after the coronation of the Crown Prince."

    "What? Why..."

    "I'm on my way back from the academy.

    "What?! You, all of a sudden?"

    Marienne's successive bombshells opened my eyes wide.

    'I'm sure you've been asking me to enter the archaeology department until yesterday.'

    It was time to look at Marienne, who became unemployed after a day, with a grim face.

    She suddenly dropped her eyes shyly and let out her innermost thoughts.

    "In fact, I kept feeling ashamed of myself ever since I met you."

    "You mean... me?"

    No, what the hell do you mean? I couldn't quite understand. Fortunately, Marienne immediately released my bewilderment.

    "Yes. The appearance of a princess who was purely happy while putting her hands on the work."


    "It was obviously a good start, but from a certain moment onwards, I found myself only pursuing achievements. I lost my original feelings with some deceiving words."

    She mumbled with a bitter smile.

    "However, it's such a sudden decision. How did you get in there?"

    I spoke to her carefully.

    I did it because I liked it, but wasn't it too important to decide on my own side?

    However, Marienne smiled broadly in response to my worried eyes.

    "Anyway, there was no hope because there were only rotten guys, but I'm going to hit this and start a new one!" (?)

    "New start?"

    "Yes! There's a So-so-im (?) studying archaeology. So far, it has been scattered all over the country, so it has not been active, but this time, we have set up an ancient historical research team."


    "I'm going there as an advisory professor. Of course it's a small salary, but I'm not completely unemployed. Ho Ho Ho!"

    Maybe because she is also a positive person, Marienne quickly shook off the shade and said cheerfully.

    I was a little envious of her like that.

    She boldly gives up what she wants to achieve what she wants to do, without regreting her decision. (?)

    It was quite different from me, who was just hesitating without being able to do so.

    They were envious of each other. It was when I was staring at Marienne with a strange feeling that I didn't know why.

    "You don't want to get married yet. Would you like to come with me, Princess?"

    Suddenly, Marienne made an unexpected suggestion.

    I opened my eyes wide.


    Leaving the capital where the duke is, and doing what the I originally wanted to do.

    That was my original purpose.

    It was something I could do without having to leave the capital. Rather, it would've been wiser to use the duke's full support.


    I didn't want to live in that house anymore or face those people.

    'Now that the game is over, my part is over.'

    Of course, until then, I didn't even think of being married to Callisto and living in the Imperial Palace. (??)

    And now,

    "I can't leave the capital for long."

    "How come?"

    I struggled and shared some of my worries with Marien.

    "His Majesty... does not sleep well at night."

    "Becauee the princess might not be there?!"

    Despite my unkind words, Marienne understood perfectly. (?)

    I nodded faintly.

    Since when did it start? It became apparent that Callisto was not sleeping well.

    A man who came at dusk with a hurried knock on the door.

    — I can't sleep.

    一 I'm afraid you'll disappear while I'm sleeping.

    At first I thought he was trying to crawl into my room.

    But at some point, when I opened my eyes with a feeling of something cold in my sleep, I often saw red eyes shining brightly in the dark.

    — What is it... What are you doing still awake?

    — ......Just. Never mind, go back to sleep.

    His insomnia has been getting worse ever since I started the restoration work to confirm the fate of the vacant lot.

    The reason why I kept pretending that I couldn't win over and over again, was because I wanted him to sleep with less anxiety.


    “Even in the world, there was such a situation.”

    When she was contemplated with a serious face, Marienne nodded as if she understood it. Then she spit out with a disgruntled face,

    “Yes, it’s so unfair to forcibly give up what you want to do!”

    "Well......... it is." Penelope agreed with a helpless voice.

    Anyway, Penelope had to find a way and make a decision in the near future. No matter which direction it is in to give up.

    “Don't be too burdened to go with me, My Lady.”

    Did Marienne read Penelope’s complicated feelings? Marienne relieved her burden with a warm voice.

    "You don't have to be locked up like an academy for three years, you know, it can be like an exploratory meeting? We’ll get together, we’ll study together, do some research, and when the time comes, we'll go our own ways."

    It was a light consolation, but surprisingly, it was a lot of comfort.

    Penelope smiled and nodded her head.

    “Thank you for the suggestion, Marienne. I'll seriously think about it.”

    “I would appreciate it if you would! Anyway, I can’t leave until after the coronation anyway, so think about it.”

    Penelope was puzzled by the words of her which had been thrown out when she had acted as if she would leave right away.

    “Why after the coronation?”

    I wondered if the prince's crazy plans to go to the wedding ceremony at the coronation were already widespread.

    “I’m now unemployed and going home, aren’t I? My father said that he would set fire to my research materials if I didn’t attend the coronation. Hohohoho!"

    But fortunately it didn't seem like that.

    “I'm the only single daughter of Countess Terocchi. But give me a signal and I’ll run when you feel safe.”.


    Penelope had no idea that Marienne was a countess, so she just smiled awkwardly.

    ‘I haven't seen it, but Count Terocchi must be pretty upset…’

    If he knew that his only daughter, who finally returned home, was planning to go away again, wouldn’t he collapse?

    At the same time as that thought, the face of the work came to mind for some reason.

    The reason was unknown.

    “So think about it and tell me, My Lady.”

    Marienne, whose business was finished, stood up.

    “Oh, Marienne.”

    Penelope was about to see her off, but rushed to catch her when she remembered what she was forgetting.

    "I'm sorry, but I have a request."

    "Yeah, what request?"

    “Wait a minute.” I whispered little, conscious of the prince's guards, who might’ve been listening secretly.

    “By now, it is time for the inquiry to be over. Go to the conference hall and to the Duke of Eckart.”

    Fortunately, Marienne understood Penelope’s intentions at once with sparkling eyes.

    “...Can you do that?”

    “Yes, that’s it. Trust me, My Lady!”

    With a trustworthy commitment, Marienne left the Prince's Palace.

    Penelope was upset by being incarcerated by Callisto, but she was hungry.

    'You must eat well to escape.'

    Penelope fought off a late lunch that was much richer than usual. Then she sat at her desk in front of the prince’s desk on the other side of the bedroom. On the desk, there were piles of unknown documents piled up like a tower.

    Penelope was grumpy, so she knocked them down. The documents were scattered and mixed on the desk.

    'Let's make some trouble.'

    Of course, Cedric would take over the problems. Still, Penelope felt a little satisfied.

    "If you are free, My Lady, would you like the book you were reading?" Recognizing Penelope’s discomfort, a maid brought her the book that she had been reading.

    Penelope dared to go through the book with a reckless attitude as she put her feet onto the desk. She had enjoyed reading it yesterday, but couldn’t now due to her nervousness.

    'Did Marienne deliver it well? The Duke is....’

    Penelope thought about it while shaking her legs. Suddenly, the absurd situation made her laugh. It wasn’t scary, it was all about fighting her boyfriend and being able to return home.

    ‘What a spectacular thing to do...’

    Callisto interfered so that they wouldn’t have to meet again, but he had to meet the Duke again anyways. Penelope prayed that Marienne would be able to deliver her message. It was when she was thinking that a maid interrupted her.

    “Dear Lady, Marienne told me to return the book she had borrowed last time.”

    Whether Marienne delivered it well, the maid handed Penelope a book.

    “Really? I was just in time to read it, and that’s great. Go out.” Penelope replied nonchalantly, but opened the book as soon as the maid left. It was about the middle of the book that was handed over. Something fell between the pages of the book. It was a thin token and a note with an unknown pattern and jewel.


    After Penelope recognized it, she opened up the folded note.

    [The sorcerers who work on the bonds of the Imperial Palace will be replaced at 3 p.m. Hold the amulet and shout Biratio(?) Eckart!]

    After looking at the contents of the note, Penelope knew that Marienne had delivered her story well and that the Duke had made a move.

    “...But why is it Biratio?” Penelope muttered disgruntledly, staring at the section where the starter words were written. The game was over, but why couldn’t she get away from the crazy spells? But there was no way to get out of there. Time went by as scheduled, and finally the grandfather clock in the prince's bedroom rang at 3 p.m. Penelope wrapped her cardigan tightly around herself and grabbed her things before she immediately grabbed the amulet and shouted,

    “Biratio Eckart!” her vision turned white.

    When her vision came back, she heard someone cry out to her.


    The first thing Penelope saw was the face of the Duke. She was in the Duke’s office.

    "Father." It was the moment Penelope thought that she must have arrived well.

    “Oh my God!” The Duke suddenly hugged her as if he was unbelieving.

    "Do you know how surprised this father was? Incarceration! How dare he detain my daughter!"

    Penelope was very embarrassed because she never expected to have such a violent reunion.

    'I didn't deliberately say that I was incarcerated, but what did Marienne say to him? What the hell!

    “No! Tomorrow, we’ll withdraw the support for the Crown Prince and put someone else in his place before the coronation…!”

    In the midst of thinking, Penelope was distracted by the Duke’s extremes.

    “Father, father! Calm down!" Penelope hurriedly hugged the Duke’s arm to dissuade him.

    "I'm fine. I've been doing well in the Imperial Palace.”

    "Doing well while you're imprisoned! Are you okay? You aren’t hurt, are you?”

    Only then could Penelope face the Duke, who had pulled her off his arm. While she was with the Crown Prince, the Duke’s face seemed to be worried.

    “Your face…!”

    On the other hand, Penelope’s face reflected in the furious blue eyes was clear.



    “...You've gotten a lot better, hmm!” The Duke must have been ashamed of himself, so he lowered his hands and coughed loudly.

    The people of the Imperial Palace were very hospitable. If Penelope had eaten better and had been doing better than she was there, she could not have been worse. She found the Duke’s concern even more strange.

    “I'm fine.” After Penelope answered calmly, the Duke offered her a seat, saying that she should sit down for now.

    As soon as the maid left, he asked, “Do you know how surprised I was to hear from Lady Marienne?”

    “Thank you for your help. I’ve had some trouble.”

    “Is it because of the coronation? Every day of my life I oppose him ascending to the throne. Maybe he’s under a lot of pressure, too. Is that why he’s scared?”

    When Penelope heard the Duke’s constant stream of words, she suddenly burst into laughter.

    -The demons like your father won't let me go.

    Penelope thought that she’d call the Duke a demon if she’d been bullied, but now she thought that she shouldn’t have said it..

    “It's not like that, Father. Don't do that.”

    “Then how on earth will you explain what happened today? And! How can a man who has separated a father and his daughter for weeks be a benevolent monarch!” The Duke had come to the castle and failed to see her due to the prince’s interference.

    But it wasn't just Callisto's way. Penelope also didn’t find a reason to meet, so they didn’t have the chance to. Of course, she didn’t expect the Duke to react so violently because of it. By killing Yvonne, no, by killing Leila who had taken over Yvonne’s body, she had thought that their ‘family role play’ was over.

    “So tell me the truth. You’ve been locked up in the Crown Prince’s palace, and you haven’t seen your face at home?

    “Father, what I inevitably asked for today…” The Duke had asked Penelope if the detention was true, but because it was true she did not answer and turned her back.

    “I have something to tell my father.”

    Fortunately, she managed to divert the Duke’s attention. When he stopped talking, he looked at Penelope with curious eyes.

    'Is this really right?'

    Penelope couldn’t get a word out of her mouth when she tried to say it. But she had to say it. Because she already made a promise.

    “Well, I met Yvonne.”

    “What is that….”

    “Not Leila.” Looking at the slowly growing blue eyes, Penelope was calm.

    “The real Yvonne my brothers lost when they were kids.”


    The blue eyes that looked at Penelope shook.



    “What are you talking about, Penelope?” The Duke could not speak easily. He struggled to move his lips. He stretched his lips as he struggled to stretch his lips.

    “Yvonne...Yvonne must have, then…”

    “She’s dead.” Penelope replied calmly on behalf of him, who could not even say the words. Then the Duke’s face turned white.

    ‘He and I know that I omitted the ‘I killed’ after ‘dead’’

    “At that time, do you remember what I said?” Penelope opened her mouth timidly, looking at the confused Duke.


    “The real Yvonne would have already died at the time when she was lost, and what I killed was Leila, who had taken over the body.”


    “I met my father's biological daughter.” As soon as Penelope spat out the words, the Duke’s eyes hardened. She felt him stop breathing. After a while, he whispered quietly.

    “Is Yvonne still alive?” A voice filled with a faint hope trembled. Penelope lowered her eyes to avoid the desperate gaze, and soon shook her head slowly.



    “As I told you, after losing her, her body was taken over and killed by Leila. I saw the past.”


    “Fortunately, the mirror of Truth held onto Yvonne’s soul, which was about to disappear.”

    “...Ha.” A sigh came from the Duke’s lips, as if he were about to cry.

    Penelope slowly raised her head and met the eyes of the Duke. He was breathing hard as if he were trying to subdue his feelings. The grief and misery of parents who had lost their children. Penelope looked at him and decided not to say anything. After a long time, the Duke spoke with a hoarse voice.

    “I heard that the Marquis of Berdandi...has been rescued as of yesterday.” The Duke couldn’t have known because Callisto had made that mess last night. But Penelope didn’t react and listened quietly to what he was saying.

    “I know I have no shame in saying this. But…”


    “But, like the Marquis of Berdandi, maybe…Yvonne might have a way to survive?” There was still hope in the eyes of the Duke, who stuttered out his sentences. Penelope knew what he wanted her to say, but she couldn’t say it. And at the same time, it was amazing to her that it was not as painful to see the Duke as she’d thought.

    ‘Is it because I expected it to happen…”

    Before the coming-of-age ceremony, it was so hard to see the Duke strangely discriminating against Yvonne. Every time she faced him, Penelope had to swallow something like a hot fire that ran up her throat. However, seeing that she was so heartless as to deliver the news from her own mouth, Penelope thought that she had seemed to grow up a bit.

    No, maybe...she might be ready to give up the handful of love that she’d been hoping for.

    “That's impossible, Father.” Penelope no longer felt any hesitation. The Duke’s face was distorted by Penelope’s resolute answer.

    “Well, why…. Is this because the Imperial Palace wizards are useless? If so, I will give all the support I can from the duchy…”

    “Because I killed Leila, Yvonne’s body died as well.”


    “So you can resent me.”

    The mouth of the Duke, which was spilling words with haste, slowly closed. A huge shadow overtook him as the dark reality hit him. Penelope watched it dryly. It would be no surprise to her if the Duke would suddenly slap her across the face, as she was the person who’d killed his daughter and told the truth. Penelope thought that if it wasn’t that bad, she’d be furious and blame herself.

    ‘Anyway, when I look at it, I'm no different…’

    Penelope hadn’t intended to come without a resolution, so she stayed silent and waited for the Duke to take action. As expected, he closed his trembling eyes to see if he could control his emotions. After a while, Penelope couldn’t find any sign of resentment in the eyes of the Duke, who had finally opened his eyes.

    “Yvonne...was she doing well?” Penelope’s eyes curled and became wet.

    “Are you crying? Didn't you blame Father...?”


    "To the end...the ugly father who couldn’t find her until the end...an incompetent father who couldn’t even see what his own child went through…”

    “Yvonne.” Penelope spoke firmly, blocking the Duke that was about to collapse.

    “Yvonne’s doing well, Father.”

    Because it was different from what she wanted to convey. Yvonne didn’t want her family to live with guilt all their lives because of her.

    “Yvonne, whom I met, was a nice and lovely little girl, probably as her father remembers.”


    “When I was a child, I had hoped for a moment that she wouldn’t come back, and I was ashamed of myself.”

    Whether he recalled Yvonne of that time, the Duke embraced his face with his shaking hands.

    “She didn’t have any resentment towards her father and brothers. Rather…”


    “She will be fine in the future, and wanted me to tell you that she loves you a lot. And then, she went.”

    “Um where, where did she go…?” At the end of Penelope’s words, the Duke asked her urgently, lowering the hand that had covered his face. His hands were wet, but Penelope replied, pretending as if she had never seen them before.

    “…Where Father wanted, a place that she could rest in peace.”

    “Hup.” Finally, the Duke gave up his pent-up groans and put down the feelings he had endured for years. Penelope’s heart sank at the sight of the Duke, who blocked his eyes so she could avoid seeing him, but couldn’t block the tears flowing down his face.

    “…I’ve made a scene in front of you.” After a long time, he pulled his handkerchief out of his arms and shook his emotions. He was still the head of a family, even thought he heard of the complete death of his child.

    With a restrained face, he said something Penelope wasn’t expecting.

    “Thank you for finding Yvonne...me, Penelope.”


    “Now, I’m ashamed to face you.”

    Penelope stared at the Duke with eyes wide open in surprise. The Duke was still in sorrow, but he seemed somewhat relieved.



    “I don’t…you’re not resentful?”

    “How can I blame you?” The Duke laughed bitterly at her question.

    “I haven't heard of any news over the years. I’ve poured out so much money, but I didn't even know if she was dead or alive...”


    “What can I do when you’re the one who found my peace?” Suddenly, he made eye contact with her and repeated the same words.

    “Thank you, Penelope. You are a benefactor to me.” A benefactor. Penelope couldn’t bear to feel weird about that remark. She wished that she had been angry, because Penelope hadn’t come there to hear that. As soon as she saw whether the Duke had all of his emotions in control, Penelope slowly opened her mouth.

    “...Unfortunately, this is the end of Yvonne's words, Father.”

    “...Alright.” He nodded with a look. There must be a lot more questions, but Penelope had nothing more to say. Yvonne, who longed for her family, was at peace and had left for a new life. And it was also necessary for Penelope to deliver the words.

    “Now I have something else to tell you.”


    “Father. No, Duke.”

    The Duke’s eyes grew wide again after hearing the title, which she hadn’t used in a long time.

    “All I have to do here and what I can do is done.”

    Penelope knew that it wasn’t a good idea to say it, but if she didn’t do it now, she would have no chance later.

    “So I want to find my life and leave now.”


    Penelope was not asking for permission, she was giving him a notification. She no longer asked for permission from the Duke.

    “...Penelope.” The Duke hurriedly asked her with a surprised look.

    “Where the hell are you going, to leave the duchy? Huh?”

    “Anywhere.” Penelope muttered quietly after some time.

    “…You won’t be able to dig up.”

    “Penelope!” The Duke’s face turned pale as if he had met Yvonne.

    “I didn’t finish the story last time. No matter what anyone says, you’re my daughter. How does it make sense to cut the bond between parents and children!”

    “I thought you would say that.” Penelope nodded her head.

    “Then now, please do not care what I do.” The game was over, and now Penelope had to go through the unknown future in this world.

    "Wherever I go, whatever I do there, even if I marry someone you hate."

    “Penelope Eckart!” The Duke opened his eyes and shouted.

    “Why is that? To not care…” The Duke, who had been questioning her, suddenly shut his mouth when he saw Penelope’s expressionless face. He seemed to have figured out why. The Duke, who had been silent for a while, soon opened his mouth with a tired look.

    “…I admit that I brought you here and have not taken care of you properly.”


    “But...now there is nothing left. I have just lost Yvonne, and now hearing about this? It is like a nail into Father’s heart.” The Duke’s expression, full of grief and sorrow, made Penelope’s heart flutter.

    The Duke was a man of great responsibility. Besides, he felt guilt towards her, so it would make sense that he would be more protective of her. Of course, Penelope knew that his words and actions toward her were not simply due to responsibility and guilt. Now that she no longer wanted their affection, maybe they’ve accepted her as real family. But because of that, she had spent hellish days with her heart divided into two. The desire for affection and the desire to be recognized by them. The feeling of them driving her so crazy with hatred that it made her miserable. Her self-esteem that had been broken every time.

    Whenever Penelope saw the Duke, she struggled with conflict between the two feelings.

    “I asked if you don't blame me for killing Yvonne.”


    Even when Penelope got there, she was a little afraid that they would blame her.

    “I also need time and forgiveness for the Duke not to blame people, Father.” They never once asked her like that. How she felt. The Duke’s eyes widened, as if he had never expected to hear that from her.

    The Duke, whose lips were tightly frozen, managed to squeeze out after quite a long time.

    “…Penelope, sweetheart...”


    “Do you still resent me?” The Duke’s blue eyes shook in silence..

    Penelope looked at him like that, and finally accepted.


    “Ha…” The Duke slowly raised his hands to his face. Perhaps because of the shock, his fingertips were shaking. But smiling as before, Penelope said nothing to reassure him. He was a very affectionate parent to Yvonne, and sometimes he was like that to her. But he was mostly a harsh father to Penelope.

    “I cannot forgive you.”

    No, to her.

    “Everyone in the duchy, including Derrick and Rennald, who have abused me.”


    “And the Duke who has neglected and tolerated all that.”

    From a point of view, the Duke may not be much at fault. He adopted a poor orphan with a good heart, but it must have been the same that she had been troubled. He is not a man who does not have common sense. In fact, as Penelope behaved differently, the relationship with the Duke quickly improved. The same was true of other humans. Maybe contempt and treatment were what stupid Penelope brought on herself.

    '...But Penelope is me afterall.’

    The distinction was no longer meaningful. Even Penelope, who had decided to remain in that world, denied it, then her death, which she repeated until her soul was crushed, would be. Unfairness and yearning, sorrow; despondency. Who the hell can recognize them?

    “...Penelope.” Her calm words forced the Duke to call her. His white complexion, open eyes.The Duke’s appearance was like that of a dead man’s.

    “Why, why now... In the meantime…” He’d been fine, but why was he saying that now? From his point of view, Penelope thought that it might have been quite a sudden notice. Until now, she seemed to have no problem with the Duke, so she had been moderately like a family.

    “From the Duke's point of view, I think it's not easy. I haven't expressed much interest in that time, and it's true that I sometimes stupidly pressed against my family.” Penelope shrugged and said lightly. As if there was something to say, the Duke wet his lips. But Penelope resolutely stopped him and continued to speak.

    “But you never asked me once.”


    “When Brother Derrick was hostile to me for no apparent reason, when Rennald painted me as a thief, when you found out that your employees were involved in my meals and caused me to starve every time.”


    “You never asked if I was really okay.”


    “I didn’t act like I was okay because my wound was healed. I just buried it because there was something bigger than that.” To survive, Penelope had to desperately bow down and pretend nothing was wrong. And it got more and more cumbersome over time.

    Because she was expecting more and more from the Duke, Penelope hadn’t wanted to be hurt when the real daughter came back. When Penelope thought about that time, her heart was drenched.

    ‘It’s alright. It’s over now.’

    Penelope took a deep breath and poised herself. Then she poured out the remaining words she had prepared.

    “But after meeting Yvonne, I thought I could understand the Duke’s feelings, why the brothers were doing that to me.”


    “I didn’t think that all the attention you gave me replaced Yvonne, so I’m leaving.” The Duke’s expression slowly fell apart at her words. Penelope finally dropped her head when she saw his eyes turn red.

    “Do...do you have to leave?” The Duke asked her with a teary voice.

    “If I stay by your side...and apologize every time...maybe you can forgive me then.”

    “I want to be comfortable... now.” Penelope slowly shook her head at the Duke’s faint hope.

    “I hope that the day will come when I will be able to treat my father sincerely, not the pretense I have made out of everything.”


    “So, stop confronting the Crown Prince under the pretext of me. I have no intention of getting married to His Majesty anyway.” The words that stood up for her people jumped out somewhat calmly. The Duke, who had opened his eyes wide open and stiffened at her words, shouted one step late.

    “...Penelope, sweetheart. It's not like that. I, I just want to tell him...!” He, who was vehemently denying it, suddenly stopped talking. It seemed bitter.

    “…No, no. Maybe this again sounds like an excuse to your ears.”


    “Now I will try to not do that as much as possible.”

    It didn't matter whether the Duke really did it for her or not. Callisto was still anxious enough, and Penelope didn't want to add to the anxiety that she was going back to the duke.

    “I’m telling you not to do anything for me, Duke, political matters have nothing to do with me.” Penelope soothed the grieving Duke with a muted expression.

    Honestly, Callisto's fiery personality could lead to annihilation of the country or the annihilation of nobles, so a proper check of the Duke was necessary. At her words, the Duke nodded faintly with a dark look. Now he seemed to understand everything Penelope had said.

    “Then I’ll get going.” Penelope tried to get out of her seat and stand up.

    'You should have noticed by now.'

    Penelope was jittery at the thought of going back before the palace was overturned again.

    “Well, wait a minute.”

    It was then. The Duke rushed at her readying to go back. Then he lifted something from under the table.

    “Take this, Penelope.”

    It was a large wooden case, slightly larger than two palms combined. For some reason, it overlapped with the time he had offered her a crossbow.

    “What...is this?” Penelope looked at the Duke curiously. Instead of answering, the Duke advised cautiously.

    “Would...you like to open it?” Penelope was just going to carry it, but her heart became weak at the wrinkled face that looked desperate.

    'This is the last one.'

    Penelope reached out to unlock the wooden case and opened the lid. And when she saw what was in it, her eyes widened.


    “...It's a kit for excavating artifacts.”

    Tweezers, magnifying glass, tape measure, various kinds of brushes, hammers, chisels...

    Various tools were neatly placed onto a soft cushion. The Duke quietly added an explanation.

    “Because there is light magic, it will be easy to carry. What’s more, each tool has its own conservation magic, so you can dig safely without scratches.”

    Penelope stared blankly at them, and slowly raised her head.

    “Why is this…” She looked at the Duke with shaking eyes. It was today that he had met Marienne and heard the story. Penelope didn't know how the Duke knew and gave them to her.

    “A few days ago, I ran into the Crown Prince in private.” The Duke spoke quietly without properly meeting Penelope’s gaze.

    “I’ve only known you as the one locked up in the Imperial Palace because of him, no His Highness. But you haven’t been in touch for weeks, except a letter from the butler.”

    “That’s…” Penelope was speechless from the Duke’s tone. After a conversation with Cedric, she had secretly sent it, but she didn’t know the Duke would know that she had sent a letter to the butler.

    ‘You’re such a tactician…’

    She was thinking about the source and made a look of dismay.

    “So I asked him to let you return home, and he said...oh no, His Highness was mocking me for not knowing where you’ve gone, and if I was going to look for you, to look for you myself.” The Duke pumped his fist. Perhaps conscious of what Penelope had just said, he bared his anger while treating the Crown Prince with respect. But he didn’t go much either. Suddenly, the Duke smiled dejectedly and translated it into words himself.

    “I’ve been your father for six years…”


    “I’ve never noticed that you were interested in archaeology.”

    Penelope gave him a look of surprise.

    “Duke, that’s…” It wasn’t his fault, whatever else. The old Penelope, no, she wouldn’t have been particularly interested in that sort of thing in her previous life.

    “Because…I didn’t mention it.”

    “No, it’s all because I was careless.” Despite her sincere denial, the Duke’s face distorted with guilt.

    “Maybe, as you said, I don’t deserve to be called your father anymore.”


    “I’m sorry, sweetheart. But still…”


    “But will you accept it as the last gift from your father?”

    Penelope turned away from him and looked down at the excavation kit.

    ‘...What happens when I get this?’

    To be honest, Penelope was worried. She had come to break off the bad relationships, but if she received it, she didn’t know where it would lead. But in the end, it was useless. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t find a reason not to answer.

    “...Thank you.”

    Locking the lid of the case and standing up, Penelope bowed lightly.

    “Be healthy, Duke.”

    “Yes, you too, please…” He couldn’t speak and covered his eyes with one hand.


    It was the real farewell to the Duke, who had not realized it at the coming-of-age ceremony.


    After exiting the Duke's office, Penelope walked straight to the hall with the central staircase to climb into her room. It was as soon as she had left the long hallway that she heard something.


    A familiar voice called her. It was the butler. Penelope paused at the scene in front of her. From the entrance of the hallway to the central staircase, all employees of the duchy stood in rows on both sides.

    “What are you doing?” Penelope looked around and asked. Everyone was looking at her with strangely tense faces. At that moment, the leading butler suddenly bowed in front of her, shouting loudly.

    “You had a hard time coming. Welcome home, young lady.”

    “Welcome back, Young Miss!” As soon as the butler’s cry came to an end, all the employees bowed down and shouted loudly. It was a hearty welcome, as if they were welcoming the royal family

    ‘Did you have any orders from the Duke? You’re all doing things that you haven’t done before.’

    Embarrassed, Penelope stared at them blankly. She saw a mix of employees, who had not greeted her each time she passed by or face-to-face, bow down. In the past, this change would not have been too bad. It would have been proof that her fame had risen.

    But maybe it's because she had a pretty satisfying life at the Imperial Palace. The sudden change of attitude of the Duke’s people was not very touching.

    'Now it's really over.'

    At the same time, Penelope felt that all of the lingering feelings from the place were all gone. Rather than regret or anger, she was just relieved.

    “Get up and do your jobs. I just stopped by because I had something to do.” Penelope spoke in a cold voice as she walked towards the middle. The butler, who was bending over, hurriedly followed.

    “Young Miss,. I prepared a meal when I heard that you were coming...”

    Meanwhile, when she arrived at the stairs, Penelope stepped up the stairs and indifferently responded.

    “Don’t worry, I’m going back to the Imperial Palace to eat.” As she looked back at the butler, Penelope could see him look at her with a puzzled expression.

    It was the same with the butler.

    Like people she hadn’t seen in a long time and didn’t know that she’d be so cold-hearted.

    ‘That's funny. Why did you think I would eat at this corner of the house?’

    She had been through some things for dinner. What’s the matter with them? Contrary to what she thought, however, she didn’t actually get a false note. But it wasn’t like a blow that would make her feel better.

    Penelope just didn't feel anything.

    Like a distant stranger, just like it was originally.

    “…Oh, I see, My Lady.” The butler, who had been silent for a long time, answered with a heavy voice. He asked again, trying to hide his sad face.

    “Would you like to go up to your room, then?”

    “Yes. But where is Emily?”

    “It seems like she is still cleaning your room. I have been informed that you were coming all of a sudden...I will tell them that you are going up and to come down now.”

    “Okay. Well, I'm going up.” Penelope didn't intend to stay long anyway. She turned around without delay and climbed the remaining stairs.

    “Is there anything else I can do?” The butler asked as he annoyingly followed her. Penelope slowed down for a moment, as a thought had struck her.

    “The last time I saw you! Did you get the letter? I need you to bring me the mining ledger in a few minutes.”

    “Okay.” When she gave him something to do, the butler, who was in a state of anxiety, finally fell off with a slightly brighter face. Penelope quickened her steps up the stairs. She could feel the gazes watching her in the back of her head, but she was indifferent.

    As always, it was none of her business.

    As the butler said, her maid was cleaning her room. It was already clean, but it seemed to show the enthusiasm in the owner’s visit.

    “Emily.” When Penelope called out to Emily, who was frantically arranging the sheets, she jumped into place.

    "Oh, Young Miss!" Emily came running to Penelope at once with a bright face. Fortunately, she didn’t seem to have been hit hard or become sick from the day’s work.

    “Hey, how long has it been? How have you been? Oh my God, look at my mind. I didn't even know that it was time for you to come!”

    “How have you been?”

    “Yes, of course! Thanks to the young lady, I came back safely to the Duke’s residence…” Emily made a fuss and burst into tears, as if she was moved by a reunion after a few weeks. Still, Penelope was glad to see that she was affectionate.

    “Really, Lady. How could there be no connection to me doing well? If you had given me the opportunity to come, I would have been perfectly prepared and understood if you told me you were coming...!”

    “Don’t be sad. That’s why I deliberately stopped by to see your face.”

    Emily replied to Penelope with a startled look.

    “Are you going back to the Imperial Palace? Didn't you come back to me?”

    “Yes, I’m just dropping by for work. I snuck out, so I have to go back.”

    “I mean, does that mean it’s really true, Young Miss?!”

    “What?” There were many false rumors, so Penelope asked.

    “Why, that I may defeat the prince and take the throne?”

    “No. My lady....maybe our lady might be the Empress...Ooh!”

    Penelope was aware that the door was still open, and she quickly closed Emily's mouth.

    “Who, who said that? No, that crazy, no, Your Majesty came all the way here last night...?!”

    “Oh, uh!” At her sudden act, Emily shook her head with her eyes wide open like a rabbit.

    ‘Otherwise, how did the rumors spread all the way here in half a day?!’

    Penelope fumbled at Emily in confusion.

    “So what is it?!”

    “Oh, um…” When the maid made a strange sound, Penelope realized that her hand was still blocking her mouth and quickly put her hands away.

    “Fooha! No! His Majesty did not come…”


    At Penelope’s unfamiliar momentum, Emily seemed hesitant before killing the sound and answering carefully.

    “Over the course of several days, the Duke instructed the butler to burn all the letters from the Imperial Palace. Then Lena discovered that she almost picked up a letter to you…”


    “The other dozens were letters of proposal.” Lena is a bit picky. Emily added with a puzzled look. Penelope knew very well that the woman who had helped her with her business whenever she went out was very familiar with the stories she picked up from the other maids.

    Sometimes I knew that the maid who helped my service whenever I was out was picking up stories from other house maids.

    ‘Somehow, why did you leave so much trouble?’

    Penelope recalled the previous situation and grabbed her forehead and muttered.

    “...It must have spread widely over the mansion.”

    Emily, who was looking at Penelope, tried to get up.

    “But...how many things from Marquis Ellen are left to deal with?”

    It had been a while since the strange battle of nerves between the supporters of Count Ellen and the Duke after the hunt. Penelope had been in a hurry to finish the game so she hadn’t cared about that at all. The masters of the house had put their power together to push them back (this whole section’s translation doesn’t make sense).

    “...That's a good thing.”

    Emily’s elated expression left Penelope’s bitter face and caused her to smile. In any case, the Crown Prince could not hide the fact that he was a rabid dog forever. So, it wasn't that shocking that everyone knew. Penelope took a step and sat down on the sofa, looking for Emily.

    “Rather, are the children doing well? The guardian was rescued alive last night.”

    “Of course.” Emily replied quickly, as she knew who Penelope was talking about.

    “they’re still staying in the place the Duke gave me. The butler and I take care of them on a daily basis.”


    “Raon's condition has also improved, so he plays well with his friends.”

    “I'm glad.” Penelope was relieved of her anxiety and smiled for a while. Despite being in the imperial palace, Raon, who had been shocked by the brainwashing, had remained on her mind and was not forgotten.

    ‘Now that your teacher has come back, everything will be back to normal.’

    Penelope was relieved at such thoughts.

    “Happy, Young Miss?” Emily suddenly asked.

    “...Huh?” As Penelope turned her head at the random question, she saw Emily was looking at her with an unfamiliar look.

    “You’ve gotten a lot brighter in the meantime.”


    It was similar to what the Duke said.

    ‘That's the face. What is different?’

    Not feeling well at the awkwardness, Penelope swept her face with her hands. Emily hesitated several times and opened her mouth.

    “The Imperial Palace is better than here, right?”

    “...Well.” Penelope’s voice was awkward, just like how she felt.

    “At least, I don’t worry about being stabbed with a needle to wake up.”

    “Oh, Young Miss!” Emily turned pale as she answered.

    “That, that thing… that thing is mine….”

    When Penelope saw Emily crying, she thought that she should stop making fun of her.


    Penelope took her hand off of her cheek and reached out to grasp Emily’s hand.

    “In the meantime, you have done well enough as my dedicated maid.”

    Honestly, it was beyond expectations. When she first decided to use Emily as her right hand, Penelope never imagined that Emily would help her even in danger. Thinking of her, who had supported her for a long time, Penelope spoke calmly.

    “So I will forgive you now.”

    “Oh, My Lady…”

    Was it unexpected? Emily just looked at Penelope with a blank expression at her words. But not long after, her brown eyes filled with tears. The back of Emily’s hand, which began to tremble underneath Penelope’s palm, told Penelope the magnitude of Emily’s guilt. After keeping her mouth shut for a while, Emily finally squeezed out a nasal sound.

    “When you are married… I can’t even ask you to take me to the Imperial Palace.”


    "But...you'll still come over to the duchy, sometimes? Since the young lady rescued us from the evil monsters...everyone has been deeply reflecting on themselves.”


    “Me too, Young Miss. I always do.” Emily confessed her sins to Penelope, unable to hold back as she shed tears.

    “I shouldn’t have done that to you, I should have been nice to you from the beginning, at least I shouldn’t have done that...I’ve always regretted it.”

    She grabbed Penelope and cried for a long time, only as a complete acquaintance.

    “Wherever you are, you should always be happy.”

    Unlike Emily, covered in tears and a runny nose, Penelope answered with a smile.



    Because of the magic that made it so no one but Penelope could open, the last drawer of the desk remained the same. Penelope left the room with everything in it.

    The last stop before leaving the duchy was the incinerator behind the mansion. She opened the door of the incinerator and put the items in her arms into the kiln. The scarf and magic bracelet that Derrick gave her, the magic necklace, and the mask that Rennald had bought her.

    And the paper that recorded the information and favorability fluctuations of the capture targets. It was all of the miscellaneous items Penelope had from the game. She had put them in a drawer only she could open, but Penelope was still a little nervous about leaving them behind. So before she left, she decided to burn everything.

    ‘It’s kind of a shame to burn everything…’

    After looking at it for a while, Penelope soon closed the door and turned the lever without hesitation.


    At the same time, a flame rose over the small side window on the door. Unlike burning a piece of mirror, the fire created by magic ate everything that could be firewood. Listening to the sound of flames burning, Penelope waited for the moment when the last remaining traces of the game to dissipate.


    Suddenly, someone called out to Penelope with an overly low voice, making an appearance behind her back.


    This had happened before. Penelope’s heart sank with a bad sense of deja vu. As she slowly turned back, she saw a tall figure on the road leading to the incinerator.

    Fortunately, it wasn't him.

    “...Young Master.”


    Penelope stared at Derrick in amazement. She didn’t know why, but he was breathing hard because he had been in a hurry to find her. His pale complexion and the sweat on his forehead were extraordinary.

    ‘Why is he so sick?’

    Unconsciously, she glanced at him and found a bandage rolled around his waist. No, he was sick.

    “I think it’s bleeding.”

    “Ah.” Pointing at the bandage, which was faintly reddish, Derrick looked down and checked. Then he answered bluntly.

    “...It’s nothing.”

    It seemed like a big deal, but Penelope said nothing. Whether the wound bursts or the blood leaks or spills, it was irrelevant to her. Due to injuries, Derrick’s face was gaunt.

    ‘Anyway, it’s strange that he’s okay when his belly is pierced…’

    It occurred to Penelope that he had been attacked by Leila and had been in therapy for quite some time.


    A moment of uncomfortable silence fell between them. Penelope was wondering how to get out of the incinerator naturally.

    “What...are you doing here?” Derrick opened his mouth first.

    At the same time, Penelope suddenly recalled what she had forgotten and answered obediently.

    “I was sorting out my luggage.”


    “Yes, I don’t need to leave anything here.” Penelope’s bright blue eyes glanced behind her. It had been a long time since everything in the kiln was engulfed in a raging fire, but it also included what Derrick had given her, which made her feel sick. It was time to stand in the way of the door with fear of him seeing a part that had not yet been burnt through the side window.

    “I was told that you're leaving the duchy…” Derrick suddenly spoke in a cautious tone.

    ‘Did you get the message already? It's fast.’

    However, after Penelope left the office, she wondered if the Duke immediately called Derrick.

    -You won't do it.

    -I can't forgive you. Everyone in the duchy, including Derrick and Rennald, who have been abusing me.

    ‘I dropped the bomb that I was leaving, but they wouldn’t have let it go.’

    She nodded without an answer. Then, Derrick was hurried.

    “...I can't do it.”

    Penelope, who didn't expect to hear from Derrick again, looked at him in a daze. He must have felt her gaze, but he continued talking.

    “Why don’t you....think twice about leaving the duchy?”


    “The situation in the capital is not yet stable. Especially since it happened, all the attention has been on the Eckarts…”

    “Did you follow me up here just to say that?”


    Penelope’s expressionless face and sarcasm caused Derrick’s mouth to suddenly shut. In fact, it wasn't surprising. Wouldn’t it be creepy if his personality had suddenly changed?

    ‘But you’ve made progress? You didn’t send someone to ask me to come to your office, you came in person.’

    It occurred to her that it was not funny. She snorted coldly.

    “I told you last time.”


    “It’s no longer a matter of your involvement.”


    “I’ve already finished talking to you. Of course, even if you know that…”


    “If I go, I go.”

    She never needed his permission.

    Even if she wanted to voice her complaints, she swallowed it.Penelope thought that she would leave after pouring out the buckets of abuse she had endured, but he didn’t have the right to do so. When she looked back behind her, she noticed that the flames that had been roaring in the kiln subsided quite a bit.

    ‘That’s enough.’

    Penelope turned to Derrick again and nodded unceremoniously.

    “If you’re done talking, bye.”



    “Where are you going?”

    Derrick cut her off in a hurry to ask. Penelope frowned at the excessive interference.

    “That too.”


    “That’s something you don’t need to know.”

    “Is it because of me?”

    Heck, he took one step closer to her. His face, which had gotten closer, was still filled with agitation and cold sweat.

    “The day of the ceremony… I picked up Yvonne and brought you to death?”

    “Well.” While answering like that, Penelope was inwardly surprised.

    ‘Like it’s not his fault.’

    The man who escaped from the brainwashing seemed to be aware of the atrocities he had committed. Maybe it wasn't because of brainwashing, but a change of heart after being pierced by the hands of a monster in his sister’s skin.

    “I can't say no, but it doesn’t seem to be just for that reason.” Penelope replied very slowly.

    When he brought Yvonne with him, Penelope was really going crazy...

    But she wasn't very angry enough to remember. Strangely enough, from one point on, feelings for Derrick had disappeared, as if they were washed away. Expectation, disappointment, anger. Maybe it's because Penelope thought the idea that she might be like that would be overwhelming.

    “Don’t worry. It’s just time.”

    “Don’t play with words and tell me a reason that makes sense.”

    Penelope didn’t want to blush while she was leaving. She didn’t blame him by speaking as lightly as she could, but Derrick rushed again and questioned her.

    “Where are you going to go away to, and why are you going back to the palace after you’ve come all this way…?”

    “Why am I?” Penelope firmly cut off his tedious tone.

    “Why should I convince you?”


    “If I answer to the person who seems to have a contemptuous way of speaking, the attitude of arrogance is terrible enough to be disgusting."


    “Then what’s the difference?” Derrick’s shoulders flinched noticeably at her words. The reddish bloodstains on the bandage around his waist began to deepen.

    ‘This is killing me.’

    Penelope’s words seemed to hit harder than she thought. His pale complexion was like that of a white sheet. She laughed at the desire to pour out more.

    “But sadly, I don’t have enough interest in you to feel that way.”


    “This.” She took a steps closer to the man who repeatedly called her name. Then she pulled something out of her arms and pushed it out.

    “I wasn’t sure how to deliver it, but this is fine.”

    “This…” Derrick’s blue eyes, looking down at what Penelope held out to him, began to quake.

    It was Yvonne's mirror.

    ‘I was going to give it to the care of the butler before I left…’

    Penelope thought that she’d give it to the Duke, but he wasn’t the one that Yvonne wanted to convey her message to.

    -Please tell Derek Brother that I’m thankful to him for buying the hand mirror, and I’m sorry I lost it.

    Recalling her crying voice, Penelope translated it in a heartless way.

    “As you’ve already heard, I met Yvonne yesterday. It wasn’t Leila, it was your little sister.”


    “It's the thing that she gave me. She said thank you for buying it, and she wanted me to tell you that she was sorry for losing it.”

    At the end of the magic wand, the splendid decorations disappeared, and there was only one old, faded hand mirror with cracks. It was just like her relationship with Eckart, irrevocable to anything.

    Derrick's face slowly crumbled as he looked at the mirror in her hand.

    “Yvonne…” The dilated pupils shook endlessly. He was unlikely to bleed a drop of blood even if stabbed, but he also had a trauma of losing his sister with his own hands. Penelope didn’t want to see his despair, even though he had acted like an idiot to her.

    ‘Think about it. I have to go, so hurry up and get rid of it.’

    Penelope waved the hand holding the mirror in a hurry. However, he just stood there without thinking about accepting it.

    ‘You’re annoying till the end.’

    With a sigh, Penelope reached out and held Derrick’s hand, forcing the mirror into his hand. Perhaps because of the shock, the trembling warmth under her palm was a little disgusting. Of course she didn’t express it.

    “Just think it's all my fault, as always. I accidentally killed Yvonne, and that’s not why I’m leaving, but getting kicked out.” If they thought like that, won’t people feel sorry for them?

    Derrick was originally a man of narrow-mindedness, and now she wasted time facing him. Unlike the Duke, she had no reason to talk to him. If they passed like distant strangers as they had done so far, it would be fine.

    “Then.” Penelope finally grabbed the hand of the man who held the mirror, closed it tightly, and then released it neatly. And it was just a moment when she was just about to walk past him.

    The empty hand suddenly clung to her. Penelope raised her head in amazement.

    “...If I say I regret all the things I did.”


    “Can you forgive me a little?”

    He was holding her with the hand she had just released. Yvonne’s mirror, which she had forced him to hold, lay on the floor.

    As he held her hand tight, he said,

    “I will kneel at your feet and beg if you wish.”


    “Will you not leave?”

    ‘Is he crazy?’

    That was the first thought Penelope had. She couldn’t hear what he was saying because she was stuck on the mirror on the floor.

    “Let it go.”

    Penelope tried to shake his hand off and bent to pick up the mirror.

    It was that moment.

    The tall man's face went blank in an instant.

    When Penelope came to her senses, Derrick was kneeling before her.


    She was dumbfounded by the black-haired head near her waist.

    “Don’t go.”


    “I was all wrong.”

    Kneeling wasn't enough either, so Derrick began to say things that were unbelievable.


    “Yes. You’re right. Maybe I’m the one responsible for all the misfortunes you’ve gone through.”


    "But...I’ll still try. As soon as I recover enough to be able to move, I can change. I promise I will compensate you as much, or more, as you have suffered.”

    Penelope had never seen him speak so long and fast. He spoke with a desperate face and without taking time to breathe, as if he thought that she would disappear as soon as he stopped talking.

    “I'll put it all back. I'll make you won’t be bothered again.”


    “Don’t marry the Crown Prince.”


    I gaped my mouth at the unexpected thing I just heard. Those pair of blue eyes which were staring at me shook lightly in despair.

    I did not know what to say but barely ask aloud:

    "...Did you hurt your head?"

    If you didn't, it would make no sense.

    'How come?'

    If the game was still in a full swing, this definitely was the situation that I would take note off of to try to raise my predilection.

    But then it was all over. Including my relationship with the Eckart, and him.

    'What's wrong with this bastard?'

    I thought about it and was confused for a moment.


    Suddenly, Derrick opened his mouth and soothed his voice.

    "Despite being the next heir of the Eckart, I was a contemptible man who killed my little sister with my own hands."


    "I admit, everything is my fault."


    "You... when you came to the mansion instead of Yvonne..."

    "Stop there."

    Derrick's next words were predictable. I could guess it.

    I couldn't hear any of his desperate confession since the goosebumps sprang all over my body. I hurriedly told him to stop.

    "Please stop. I don't want to hear it."

    "I was such a fool, a fool with blind eyes."


    "I can not repeat that twice."


    He wasn't talking about Yvonne.

    I bursted out a cold laughter just when I understood everything.

    "What are you going to do, then?"


    "I hate you, to the point that I am going crazy. What will you do?"

    His face got even paler after those words of mine.

    As I looked at him, I clenched my teeth and titled my head abruptly.

    "What? In order to hide your affection for your step sister in front of people, you make them abused and despited her until she committed suicide, and now all you going to do is confess?"

    "... Penelope."

    "Or, you keep procrastinating and lock me up like a bird in your room?"

    Did you think that I am not aware of the meaning of it?

    As his blue eyes wide open, a vivid expression rapidly passed his face.

    Whether it was shameful or agonizing, it is not my problem.

    "Obviously, you can't do that. But if you do, I will marry the Crown Prince immediately."

    Fortunately, or unfortunately.

    Not only that I had no sympathy for his feelings, I also knew how to blow his fuse effectively.

    "Penelope Eckart!"

    As expected, he revealed his true self and completely distorted his face.

    Even if I didn't want to marry Callisto, he still hoped to quickly hand the throne to me.

    But for him, a man who wished I would not get married, saying this was the most ideal strike.

    "I don't need that protection of the 'authoritative Eckart' that you keep talking about. I'm going to climb up to a stronger, higher noble position and hold it."

    Derrick's complexion changed as if all the blood was flooding out of his stomach.

    I slowly bowed towards him, still frozen like a statue, and whispered at his ears.

    "So, before I do that, you should keep the line, young duke."


    "I told you, go and hug your little sister for the rest of your life."

    After gently stroking the dark pink hair flowing down due to the bowing behind my ear, I reached out to him.

    He might have thought I would hit him, so he stiffened his shoulder.

    But I brushed him off and picked up the hand mirror that had fallen near his lap.

    "If you understand, take good care of it. It's a relic from your little sister."

    However, my hand, which was about to retreat without hesitation, was held back this time.

    "...How can I ask for your forgiveness?"

    He said, with an expression like when he begged Yvonne to come back. A face blurred in pain as if his stomach just got pierced.

    "Please forget it. All I said before... was a slip of tongue."


    "But how can you do that...?"


    "Can you call me 'older brother' like before?"

    I stared at Derrick in amazement.

    'Whenever I call you older brother, you hate it so much that it drops your favorability every single time...'

    How ironic it is, for you begging me to call you by that phrase.

    'What would Penelope, who called her older brother till death, say now?'

    Would she like it? She had finally been accepted as their 'real' family.

    Unfortunately, I would never let those words went through my lips again.

    "It seems like the young duke have no idea about this..."


    I quietly shook my hand off, as if I had just touched a dirty bug.

    "Just pretend that you don't have a damn clue about what you have been doing so far."


    "Please take care of that repulsive feeling by yourself, you know."


    "My, there are many things that probably are much more important for the young duke. The honour of the Eckart, the reputation, this family, the judgment of others."

    I gave back those words that he reminded me all the time, looking at his wilt eyelids, flinched.

    I didn't even feel sorry for him, so I shrugged my shoulder whilst slowly tortured him by extinguishing his hope.

    "Even when it came to a day you acknowledge my existence, you are not compelled to treat me as a part of the family."

    "That day..."

    Derrick barely made a stifling sound as if he had been chocked.

    "Are you really gonna go?"


    "I want to stay by your side... even as a brother..."

    "I have never known that an Eckart could be so shameless."

    Just then. Both me and Derrick flinched by a voice, not from us, but from the one who just stepped in the incinerator room.


    Step. Step.

    That person approached us without any hesitation. His fluttered golden hair shined resplendently in the afternoon sunlight.

    It was the crown prince.

    "Hey, shouldn't this 'stage of forgiveness' has already ended? Just think about all the shit you have done to princess up untill now."

    Callisto came towards me with a gaze of a murderer. He quickly grabbed and hid me behind his back as if Derrick, who was kneeling, was a menace.

    "Ah, your Highness."

    I panicked and patted him on his back to stop.

    The coronation is about to come soon, and it would be a big deal if he stabbed the Eckart young duke.

    Nevertheless, Callisto stayed still and sprained his head, acting like he was spitting at the kneeling Derrick.

    "Just be thankful that she saved you from the Leila and leave her alone. If I were the princess, I would have sharpened my sword to kill you right from the hunting contest."


    "Stop embarrassing her. You knew that your knees is not valuable enough to get her forgiveness, right?"

    Callisto stretched out his and and clutched on Derrick's shoulder.

    I could see blue tendon, appeared at the back of his hand, like he would break his neck right away.


    I hastily pulled back his hand and told Derrick:

    "Please stand up, young duke."

    Fortunately, Derrick was a smart man who knew that he shouldn't act carelessly in front of the crown prince.

    He rose from his spot, straightened his legs, which had just knelt down.

    His face, as if all those pleadings before were all lies. He erased all his mien, back to the expressionless demeanor as usual.

    "This is our family issue. It's not something an outsider could argue about, your Highness."

    As expect, he replied without any deference.

    In response to Derrick's answer, Callisto suddenly pulled me by my waist.

    As he stroked his hair, just like he was looking for something, he muttered with a rude expression :

    "Damn it! I left my sword behind!"

    'Yes, exactly. I was wondering what you were looking for.'

    A chill ran through my back as I thought about stopping Callisto before he lost control and killed Derrick.

    "Both of you, please stop. Young duke, I will pretend that i did not hear anything you said today. Take good care of yourself. Then, excuse me."

    "...Penelope, I still need to hear from you..."

    Even after all of that, he took a step closer and spoke to me in a low tone. I wondered, was there still something left to talk about?

    "Get lost."

    But before he even reached me, Callisto blocked him and started to warn him with a frown.

    "Stop behaving so impulsively and start using that wise head of your, young duke. You only have one life, yet the Eckart still have someone left to enherit the dukedom."


    "Well, you shouldn't leave this world before you had a chance to treat me as your brother-in-law."

    "Your Highness!"

    I glared him while blocking them since he kept threatening about killing the next heir of the Eckart.

    Fortunately, Derrick understood the situation, he turned and left the incinerator room, holding Yvonne's mirror in his hand.

    It's seemed like he also couldn't hold it longer, as his pale complexion and the bloodstain on the bandage grew wider.

    'I'm glad that he is not the crazy type of guys as Eclise and Reynold...'

    As I looked at his forlorn back, I thought silently.

    In a way, Derrick lost to the prince, but at least it didn't end up as a conflict like Reynold and Eclise.

    "...As expect, I should have put an end to this by using the knife and tear up the other half of his stomach."

    Just like me, Callisto, who also looked at Derrick's back, gave a completely different reaction.

    I frowned while scolding at him:

    "Don't say such terrible thing."

    "Because you let him live, he keeps talking about those bullshit."

    "Nevermind. Why are you here?"

    He closed his mouth abruptly when i stared at his sullen face with my arms crossed.

    'How the hell did you come here?'

    It was high time he went to the meeting, he should have see those political affairs and officer staffs by now.

    I purposefully set to the time that he could not track me right away, but seeing him acting so hastily, I guessed he was quite upset.

    In addition, his complexion wasn't better than Derrick at all.

    I somewhat felt bad since every male leads look as pale as a ghost whenever they saw me.

    "... I came here to pick you up."

    I thought that because he felt very uncomfortable.

    Unlike to the time when he bluffed at Derrick, he mildly murmured as he glanced at me.

    "...When you are done, let's go back to our palace."

    "Go back... Is this all you gonna say?!"

    I widened my eyes as I looked at him said 'Let's go back, when you are done.'

    I thought I was actually going crazy.

    As I were suffering from the headache, I gently shook his hand, which held my fingers and corrected his words.

    "It's your palace, not 'our'."


    The Prince called me with a morose face.

    I thought about it for a while, but it didn't fit me to remind him what was wrong, one by one. I did not want to.

    "Is there anything I would need to know?"

    In the end, I asked him directly.


    Fortunately, he admitted that his attempt to sneak out was not futile.

    "I understand it now."

    "So where are you going to lock me up this time? A place that neither birds nor rats know?"

    I had time and skill to deal with that, you know?

    Even though pretending not to know what had he done, Callisto's face became even paler after those threats of mine.

    "No. Damn it, I'm all wrong."

    As if I was going to disappear right away, Callisto rushed to me and embraced me with both of his arms.

    "I understand. Goddamn it, don't pick more fight, it's driving me insane."



    Penelope’s back was crushed. Callisto hugged her with a great deal of force, as if he were trying to crush her into him. His breathing next to her ear was very rough.

    ‘You bastard, are you crying?’

    Penelope shoved his shoulders as hard as she could with a feeling of doubt.

    “Let go!”

    “If I let you go again...”

    “Say something instead of locking me away. Next time, I won’t go anywhere as easy to find as the Duke’s.”

    Callisto grumbled and reluctantly let her go. Penelope immediately took a few steps back and faced him. Fortunately, he wasn't crying badly. Instead, there was a strangely cold sweat on his forehead. He looked dissatisfied at the distance, but he looked as pale as a sick man.

    Just like Derrick, Penelope opened her eyes and asked.

    “…Are you hurt?”

    Whether it was good or not, Callisto responded with a smile.

    “While I was running out of the conference room, I confronted some of the guys who wouldn’t let me go.”

    “Cedric must have suffered again.”

    “Huh. You’re more worried about him than me? I'm sick, Penelope Eckart, I think the wound is open.”

    “That's really a pain.”

    Yeah, he should have been treated in time. Penelope turned her head away and answered in a sullen tone.

    “Are you...okay?”

    “Yes, I’m fine.”

    After Callisto opened his eyes, Penelope was always sensitive about his health and treatment. Penelope didn't know she would come out like this, but the prince muttered with a shocked face.

    “How...how could you do so much to me?”

    Penelope laughed at the slightest provocation.

    “I’m still angry. And I’m seriously thinking about it.”


    “Shall I break up with you and just go live my life, or shall I come to an agreement and return to the palace today?”

    “I'm going to break up with my Majesty like this and just go live my life, or I will agree to go back to the Imperial Palace today.”

    “Penelope Eckart! You really…!

    At her extreme words, Callisto shouted in speculation.

    “I told you I was wrong. While I'm investigating the evil spirit, the crazy man, the Marquis of Berdandi, I can't help but keep you safe...!”

    “Keep the distance.”

    As Callisto strode towards her, Penelope took a few steps back.

    “I said I was still thinking. Don't be excited, let's have a conversation as intelligent people.”

    Callisto barely managed to stop coming forward, even as he grumbled roughly at her words. He rubbed his face with both hands as if he were crazy. Then, the red eyes, which had been half turned, became a little clearer.

    “Have you had any regrets?” Penelope sincerely asked him out of the blue.

    -Go to the Crown Prince and tell him clearly.

    -I’m sure I warned you. Don’t do that.

    As warned, Penelope escaped from the Prince's bedroom by avoiding the Imperial Palace’s magic. Of course, it would have been impossible without the help of Marienne and the Duke. Anyway, wasn’t it her ability to grill them to help her?


    Understanding what regrets she was talking about, Callisto wriggled his eyebrows and nodded his head. As someone seemed to force him to do so, Penelope raised her eyes and asked back.

    “Then tell me what you learned from this situation.”

    “...I can't hold you back by forcing you to be locked up.”

    “And again.”

    “No matter what I do in the future, I can’t stop you from doing what you want to do. Because it’s always been that way.”

    Still, he hit half of the mark. Penelope nodded with a slightly muted look to encourage him to keep going.

    The weak man, who knew her condition quickly, breathed out a deep breath now that the tension was finally gone.

    “…Ha. I don't know what spirit came to the Duke.”

    “You must have had a mind big enough to notice that about the Duke.”

    “Isn’t it just with her that she was leaving her in moderation? You complained about her being talkative.”

    Ignoring her sarcasm, he asked furtively.

    It was the story of Marienne.

    The day Penelope first met her, she remembered saying that she thought her ears were torn by Marienne’s praise for her and admiration for ancient magic.

    Unaware that there was a deep consensus between Marienne and Penelope that both were ‘the scapegoat’, Callisto would simply misunderstand that she would be spared from Marienne.

    “I never dreamed you’d be able to bake such a cute act in that short tea time.”

    “There’s always a connection between women.”

    Penelope laughed at him and folded her arms.

    “So, that’s it?”

    “...Actually, I still don’t know.”

    Penelope realized that when asked about it, Callisto’s face suddenly darkened. After hesitating to speak for a moment, he asked in a subdued voice.

    “How can I keep you?”

    “Are you still saying that?”

    Penelope appealed with a grimace over her frustration.

    “What are you holding onto, there’s already some left!”

    “I love you, Penelope Eckart.”

    At the sudden confession of love, Penelope looked back at him with her eyes wide open.

    “I would kneel down to you a thousand times to say thank you, and a hundred times for your choice of me.”


    “But now that you want to leave, I honestly don’t know what to do.”

    “...Your Highness.”

    “Now, I have reached the point where I can't sleep properly because I'm afraid when you will disappear.”

    Finally admitting to his insomnia, he murmured low with a slightly distorted face.

    “You don’t like marriage, you don’t like the throne, you don’t like it even if I do whatever you ask.”


    “I have absolute power and military power to wipe out other countries, but I have never felt more helpless than I am today.”

    He grinned bitterly, with a fierce look.

    The sudden silence of his appearance, which seemed really powerless, sent a sudden surge of anger.

    “When did Your Majesty do everything I asked for?”

    “I didn’t say I’d move the entire Academy and the ruins to the Imperial Palace.”

    “When did I ask you to do that? Your Majesty, you insisted!”

    “Penelope Eckart.”

    Suddenly, Callisto wiped the smile from his face and stopped Penelope from talking.

    “All I want is...it’s just you by my side.”

    With a weary voice, Penelope looked at him with a little surprise. The mask, which was always hard and as tempting as steel, disappeared, and he stared at her with a desperate look that seemed to collapse at any moment.

    Just like what she saw in the tomb of the ancient Leila.

    “...I’ve never had anything certain in my life. I knew it could be taken away by the 2nd Prince, so I never hesitated.”

    “...Your Highness.”

    “All I had hidden in my palace was a few of my mother’s belongings or things I received in the days when I believed in her financial condition.”


    “But you're different. I can't even compare you to the jewels at the top, so you always shine so brightly. Everyone is trying to take it.”

    Penelope was dumbfounded by his self-contradictory remarks.

    “What is that…”

    “The slave who saved and left you with Vinter Berdandi, just a piece of war.”


    “You thought that I didn’t know. I’ve been holding back what I want to kill because you seem to draw the line on your own.”

    Callisto glanced at the direction in which Derrick had disappeared. Penelope kept her mouth shut with a prick inside of her. She thought he’d know something, but she didn’t know that he’d be using it like that.

    “I want to keep you hidden so nobody can see you.”

    He looked at her with a white face as if he were suffocated, and vented the emotions that had been suppressed.

    “If not, I want to announce that you are my lover so that everyone else in the world knows. No one will ever think of taking you away."


    “I'm new to these feelings, so I don't know what to do.”

    He again held his face with both hands before speaking again.

    “If I've been thinking about this all day long in the conference...would you curse me as pathetic?”

    Like a man struggling with answers, Callisto looked really confused. When Penelope heard his childhood stories, she felt really sorry for him. It was the same for her that she was constantly frustrated and confused.

    “...What the hell are you trying to hide me from?”

    “From everything that tries to take you away from me, including you.”


    When she heard the answer that came without delay, Penelope touched her forehead in frustration. Still, hearing that made her head feel clear. She thought she knew why he was acting like a madman.

    ‘From those who want to take me, including myself…’

    After thinking for a moment, Penelope took her hand off her head and called to him.

    “Your Highness.”


    “Come over here for a moment.”

    The man, who stood there and looked at her, widened his eyes.


    “Come over here for a second.”

    At her sudden call, he looked confused. Penelope was more dumbfounded by it.

    ‘You always told me to come back whenever I changed my mind.’

    Fortunately, the Crown Prince approached her without hesitation.


    “Please look here.”

    A strange strain of tension ran over Callisto’s face as he bowed to Penelope and motioned her to adjust her eye level.

    What was he imaging? Callisto faced her and closed his eyes.

    ‘Crazy, what did you do?!’

    Penelope burst out laughing and stretched out her arms as if she was going to kiss him.


    She grasped his golden hair in her hands.


    Callisto's eyelids, which had been tightly closed, flinched and went up again. Red ruby-like pupils were revealed.


    She didn’t understand what was going on in his head right then, so she was very curious.

    “I love you too.”

    He was only three years older than her. What did they do to treat him so hard?

    Penelope pronounced every word clearly.

    “I love you too.”

    “...What is this?”

    “Are you the only one who’s anxious?”


    “I’m anxious to stay here believing you, too. I don’t know what’s going to happen, so I’m going to make a hole in the back.”


    Eventually, Callisto screamed as she pulled out his golden hair.


    The Crown Prince hastily cried out, tapped on the back of my hand, which was holding his hair.

    "Princess! Le, let me go and we could talk!"

    "Let go of what? The only way to get rid of your worthless doubts is to tear off your hair!"

    "This, this is royal assault! You think you will get away after all of this?"

    If we were in the imperial palace now, someone would have noticed us and would probably tried to pull me away from the prince. But fortunately, we were in the incinerator room of the duke's mansion.

    In other word, it was my zone.

    I laughed and replied coldly.

    "Huh. Then let's cut your neck!"

    "Ugh! Penelope Eckart!"

    Callisto yelled while struggle to get out of my hands.

    But he didn't put in any strength to pull me out.

    So i just kept holding his head and shake his hair as soon as it tear off.

    'What would you do if i didn't let go?'

    Looking at him being beaten like a fool, my mind filled with grief. I pulled it to the point that it feels like I am going to pluck all of his hair.


    I thought about his desperate scream in the background game and suddenly realized that i have never told him that i liked him, nor loved him before.

    Even when he nearly died from struggling with a dragon, and I have to chose whether to stay here or go back.

    At some point, he would say as if he was the only one who offering all of the affection in this relationship, and if he didn't hold onto me like a madman, i would leave immediately.

    I couldn't understand why he being like this.

    'I told you that I chose myself, why are you so anxious about that?'

    But now I considered that, I think i got just a little bit of it.

    - .... I'm scared, what if it's because of me that you have to give up on everything and stay back.

    - If you cry later on, and wishes that you should have come back in regret, what should i do?

    What did i told him back then?

    - I didn't give up. I just selected what's better.

    - ...Selected?

    - Yes. I chose the advantage of being here, which is better for me.

    Compare to my previous life, my fortune is much more plentiful, and so was my goal. But Callisto still concerned about my choice, whether it's right or wrong.

    So was myself, I afraid once I go back, I will lose all of the warmth and all the things Callisto shown and made me feel...

    - Then how could you say, you left everything for his majesty?

    When Cedric said so to me, he was a little irritated. It was unfair.

    'Then who am i going to blame for leaving the body which were suffered gastric cancer?'

    Now that i looked back, his words are somewhat correct.

    Contrary to my inequitable feeling, I excluded Callisto unconsciously when I were planning for my future.

    I was nervous. My life here, what will happen, how will it go, I have no idea.

    'I don't know what will happen to us. What if we break up later and...'

    I planned that if I had to live alone without the Eckart or Callisto's help, i would have to get a job, just in case.

    'But if you inherit the throne, money wouldn't be a problem, and achieving my goal would be a piece of cake.'

    On the other hand, this Prince always paint his future with me in the center.

    I wishes that his affection for me would last forever.

    So of course, I'm scared that this tenderness would break one day, yet he never once care about this.

    Eventually, in the absence of this primitive faith, we were anxious about the same thing.

    And so we blamed each other.

    "...Is it over yet?"

    At one point, I stopped pulling his hair completely.

    The warmth of his hand overlapped on my half-strengthened fingers.

    "You can continue."


    "Keep going, until you please. From the moment i ran out of the meeting room, I was prepare for this."

    The crown prince, who gave me his own ragged hair with his hands, shook lightly.

    'Not to mention he was in the state of being beaten unilaterally...'

    It was not pleasing to see at all, to say such a thing while his hair was torn apart.

    I could see his gaze staring at me. Two dark rings under his eyes from those sleepless night were quite visible.

    It feels like my eyes were blur with hot tears.

    I bit my lips hard, hesitantly open my mouth.

    "Your Highness."


    "Do you remember when i said...I am not Penelope?"

    I honestly don't want to talk about my nasty background.

    'But what's left isn't important anymore.'

    I thought quietly.

    The Crown Prince, who was briefly contemplating the reason why I suddenly said this, quickly nodded his head.

    "I remember."

    "Do you think that's a lie?"


    This deceitful man replied immediately.

    "I could still help you taking lead to destroy this empire if you confessed you are one of the Leila."

    "Stop declaring your wish to me."

    "Was it that obvious?"

    The Prince chuckled with his expressionless face.

    "In fact, given those piles of work I've been through lately, I don't know why I killed the Leilas. I'm a bit regret."

    "Watch your mouth! Don't talk so seriously like that while we are still in the Duke's mansion."

    Still, he pressed my fingers in his hands to pull out his hair one more time, and he groaned while replied as if he was falsely accused.

    "Isn't it better for me to shriek than you to hold the crown prince's head in the dukedom?"

    "It's fine. Everybody here hates you."

    "...It's understandable how you treated a member of the Royal family like this since you learned manners from the Eckart."

    He grumbled with a sulky look since he couldn't refute any further.

    I ignored him and asked while turned his face towards mine.

    "Do you remember why I wanted you to have the Golden Dragon's Fang?"

    "So that I could officially take over the emperor's dominion."

    "Yes, and because of that, I saved his Majesty who was dying and have to stay here."

    "It would be a life ended by suicide anyway once you gone... Ouch!"

    Callisto continue to shriek as I pulled his hair out helplessly, he quickly clenched his teeth and corrected his words.

    "I am very grateful and deeply indebted to you who saved me. I've been in debt for a lifetime that I can't pay by my whole existence."

    'At least you knew that.'

    Nodding my head with a satisfied face, I soon erased my expression and calmly told the truth.

    "That's right. I'm the only lifesaver who revive your life."

    "Yes, ma'am."

    I asked the Crown Prince, who nodded quietly as if he agreed.

    "Then what do you think about my original body which I used to lived?"

    Whether it's hard to understand what were I saying or not, Callisto reacted a bit slow.


    "I am not the real Penelope, so i must have my own body, too."


    "Why would I need the Golden Dragon's fang once I gone back to my original world?"

    I tried to speak as gravely as possible, but the end of my voice was quavering.

    I couldn't help it. Who would take care of my death?

    And honestly, I still don't believe it.

    I have to die so foolishly in my old body, which had suffered so much.

    Just by thinking about it, my mind suddenly filled with grudges.

    'I wonder if you realize that you fell in love with a person that you didn't even knew her face.'

    I glared sulkily at the Crown Prince.

    "That... What are you talking about?"

    Calisto, who seemed to have reconsider my words with a confused face, suddenly lowered his hand which was holding mine and wrapped around my cheek.

    His red eyes shook outrageously. For a while, he still manage to ask while barely biting his lips.

    "Don't tell me..."


    "Were you dead?"

    I didn't expect him to be that appalled.

    Callisto's response, with a face turned pale, seems a little strange.

    I was confused, but this thing* probably had been organized quite a while ago.

    [*She meant that her old body probably intended to be out of use soon.]

    This obscure feeling inside me settle down faster than I thought.

    As soon as I opened my mouth, a dry voice came out. Just like we were talking about other people's affair.

    "I saved your life and stayed here, so by now I probably did."

    "...Oh my god, Penelope Eckart."

    Callisto called me out with a sigh just when I confirmed what he thought was true.

    He, who could not continue to speak, let out a small squeal.

    "Ah, fuck this... Why don't you tell me sooner?"

    "I thought it was not that important."

    "How can it's not important, it is a matter of your life!"

    "Because I didn't regret saving you."

    At the response, he lost his words and stared at me in bewilderment.

    The feeling of guilt and regret vividly passed through his magenta red eyes.

    "...I don't know what to do with you."

    He stretched his hands touching my cheeks as he murmured with a painful expression.

    "I'm fine."

    I meant it. So I reassured him with an moderate voice.

    I told him that so he wouldn't be anxious about my choice, and I won't ever regret choosing it.

    But still, Callisto's hand showed no sign of unraveling.

    When my eyes met his, it was filled with an unfamiliar sorrow. I adjoined to the end of the reassurance.

    "I told you before. Even when I want to go back now, I can't."

    "How can that be the same thing...! Ha..."

    He suddenly stop talking and take a long, deep sigh.

    A short silence fell in the incinerator room.

    I still clenched the crown prince's hair, and he graped my cheek in a monstrous posture that would scared anyone.

    And we stared at each other for quite a while, like a fool.

    "...Did you get it know? I told you didn't give up on anything."

    By the time Callisto's concern and thought were sorted out, I silently open my mouth.

    "So, stop all the doubt and disbelief in me. I was upset whenever your Highness did that, to the point I want to tear out all of your hair."

    "I didn't know. Whether you made such a choice."

    At my words, he distorted his face and a moan leaked out of his mouth.

    "If I knew all of this... I would never told you something like 'don't stay'."

    "It was crazy, and I was going to take care of it by myself, then."

    I thought I was talking to myself, but when I came back to my scenes, I have already spitted it out.

    But I didn't take it back.

    When I hold my head down and stared at him, he seemed to say 'Huh. So you gonna keep it that way.' with a brief grin.

    Then he opened his lips as a frown appeared on his face.

    "I'm always afraid."


    "I'm afraid you will blame me for just sitting there."

    I sighed at his words and finally let go of his hair.

    "It's my choice to stay here, your Highness. You are not at fault."

    I firmly drew a line and dropped his hand around my cheek, too.

    As I spoke, I took a step back from him.

    "It's your yesterday behavior that I wanted to blame."


    "I understand. You were anxious. It's partly because I didn't speak probably about it...Your Highness and I, everything is new."

    I shrugged my shoulders as I tried to shake off my hair that was tangled between my fingers.

    I didn't realize dating was this hard until now. But I forced myself to swallow the lament and continue my words.

    "...But I will repeat, if you just keep acting this way, it actually made me resented myself for stayed here."

    A relationship that have failed to overcome each other's anxiety will continue like an egg on an awl. And it will become inevitably fragile in the future.

    It is time for the Crown Prince to face it.

    "Maybe I'll leave you, or I maybe I'll find a way to get back to my original world."


    Callisto shouted in contemplation at my words.

    "I, I am all wrong."


    "Don't say so. I swear I won't do that again, huh? Please forgive me."

    In a second, those words of apologize poured out of his mouth rapidly while he narrowed the distant between us.

    As he lose his temper easily, the cold sweat dripped down his face, and he looked desperate as if he was dying.

    I loved him like that.

    You're an arrogant, arrogant man, but you're a fool who's willing to give me the world.

    'But you are lovesick, and you just can't let it go.'

    That I thought a couple would not fight in the early state of the relationship.

    "Only with those words?"

    I asked the Crown Prince, who apologized one after another.

    "I'm more angry than I thought, ha."

    "Then... What should I do so you won't be angry anymore?"

    "Well, who know..."

    "Penelope Eckart."

    At Callisto's impatient voice, I pretended to think and laughed reluctantly.

    "You just saw the Duke, didn't you?"

    His eyes widened as he glanced down at the door.

    "Are you telling me... to kneel down?"
    If you wanted more detailed spoiler, please turn back from page 28.
    I will update the rest soon.