Spoiler Duke Ashillean’s Contractual Marriage / The Duke of Ashleyan's Contractual Marriage

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by Rin.rinaaa, Aug 31, 2021.

  1. cchan

    cchan Active Member

    Jun 9, 2021
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    I read some comments and arguments about the lil sis of fl. Sure, she is a lil bit sus, but just from my point of view, I think the fl loves her sis and her sis loves the fl. They love each other as sister. That's why the lil sis who is now an emperor, I think will probably not sacrifice her sis though the fl's husband is another matter. Well that is also why the fl want to/need to please her lil sis so one why or another her husband can be spared and so, she got many works bcs of tht

    And about cadric, the duke of felthard (the sad boy ), he loves fl for a long time but from what I read and understand, the emperor knows that and she is not giving Cadric blessing to court her sis bcs he ever injured the fl and other governmental reasons. Well, the sad boy still cannot accept tht ofc, and from the mtl tht I read, he sent ppl to assasinate Ruimond in his wedding with fl. And ofc his wifey protect him.
  2. kurosereon

    kurosereon Active Member

    Nov 26, 2018
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    Hallo, could someone pin the MTL translation? Is already finished? Bcs what I see in the Novelupdate description the novel is already ended.

    And after reading many comment in this section I also want to say something.
    From what I get in the first chapter, the old sis didn't get to tell the Parent about give up her Titel, right? Bcs the Parent unfortunatelly already died.
    And from what I see, the grandmother and another person from her families want the old sis to take the Titel. What I guessed from this part, maybe the Family is already knew that the lil sis is a ambitious one, and at the time (when the tyrant rules) is really dangerous.
    So, what my point is, she is ambitious. Is that wrong or right, I cannot say either. She is really suited to be a Ruler, a nice a good one, but at the point of family, is really not too nice.

    What I mean, are you really want your family controling over you at every part of your life? Is really what you want? Then, she is a "good" sister for you. I cannot saying that kind of sister is good or bad, but it suits for someone, and it's also didn't suit for somebody too. Also me, I do not like someone else controling my life.

    And this what happend to the sisters in my opinion. The old sis has her own plan, murdering the emperor for revenge, and maybe end her own life or just disapear to nowhere. (This what I guess from the manhwa, but dunno if Novel or you have another guesses)
    But her lil sis, just from 4 years, turn to be a really different person, (she is still ambitious one, but with a different behavior, from what I see)

    I mean, drawing is not easy, so every pannel and every word, really have a meaning. The part when she is bitting her own lip, is really have a meaning, I'm not sure what is it.

    Bcs hey, not every people is a good or bad, we have a good side and also bad side. The old sis is to naive for me, but bcs of that, I really like her.
    Even become a FL is really have a meaning right?

    That lil sis and blonde guy, just have a similar personality, really same, I think, maybe also me hahaha.
    Thats why she didnt want her old sis marrying to the man, not only because she is ruined her arm. But simply because she didnt want that.

    At the line "he will loyal to my sister" is really show that she just didnt want a loyal man for her old sis. Bcs, if two important duke marrying each other, of course is really bad for her politic side. I mean, lets be honest, the lil sis really know about the posibilty the old sis can be a Emperror to.

    She really didn't want to be happend, that's why, she didn't want anyone to changes the political construction that she already made.
    At Political point, is really nice move, like ordering your sister to rule the bad region, and fight with the dragon. Is really just for the lil sis power, right? Are the old sis have a power now? No.
    Is that bad? I cannot say. Bcs the old sis really didn't want to make any conflict with her lil sis.

    Even at the beginning, is really show that the old sis just give up, as a person, she really want a power. But she just giving up.

    This Novel/Manhwa for me just show if the people have what their really want, what kind a people they become. And if you really want something, but just give up for any reason. What kind of people do you turn into. And is really interesting, for me especially.

    So for me, the lil sis is not bad or good, but not a person that I can have a good relationship.
    Tbh, I will minimalizing contact if possible. She is scary. Hahaha.
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2022
  3. PattyCakes

    PattyCakes Well-Known Member

    Feb 25, 2021
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    It's complete and the mtl already done. @chastity098 posted side story too. You just have to start from page 1 of this thread.
    chastity098 likes this.
  4. kurosereon

    kurosereon Active Member

    Nov 26, 2018
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  5. WoonaOnTheMoon

    WoonaOnTheMoon Well-Known Member

    Aug 10, 2020
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    (Credit to Chastity098 for spoilers)
    FL knows the SML likes her after a while and rejects him.
    He tells her that he's willing to sacrifice his title to basically be her mistress and she asks him if he is really willing to do that. That if she dies will he really follow her in death?
    He cannot answer her.
    The fact is SML is not only very dutiful to his people but he also loves them a lot. That is why the Emperor did not give him Western territory he originally ruled but another region. The West is also so loyal to him and his family that they will still follow the Empire for his sake even if he is not in direct control of them. His skills and manpower can then be distributed to somewhere more unstable.
    FL will always be the third person in this relationship.
    SML can never put her first in the same way FL can never put SML or even ML first.
    Him thinking about giving up his title is more like comforting yourself with something you wish you could have but know deep down can never happen.
    FL says even if he did try to give up the title what the West wants is not his relatives but him. If turmoil eventually happened to the West, SML would not be able to stop himself from running back to help them.
    If the interests of the Queen and the West ever clashed, FL and SML would turn on each other.
    Remember that SML was willing to follow the tyrant who slaughtered his family to protect his people. He was also hesitant to follow sister until he saw she had potential to be a better ruler.
    Additionally, their personality flaws are too similar. Eg. two aggressive people often fight, two reserved people may never take initiative, two scheming people will stab each other in the back
    FL knows that over time seeing the traits they hated in themselves reflected in each other will hurt them.
    “If you die, can you die with me?”

    Rubiana asked first.


    Kadric, who was about to give up the Duchess of Feldharg for Rubiana's sake, hesitated for a moment to answer.

    The thought that had flashed across Kadrick's face for that moment, Rubiana couldn't be ignorant of.

    The vassals who have been loyal to the Feltharg Marginal Family from generation to generation. the vassals of that vassal.

    their families. The people of the West who still respect the Marquess of Feltharg like a messenger from the gods.

    He had too many things and too many responsibilities.

    They made him live.

    He made me loyal to the tyrant who killed my parents and brothers, and made him follow Kalena, Count of Luxen.

    And now, he was supporting him to live as Duke of Feldharg.

    Cadrick could not abandon them all and follow Rubiana to death.

    Abandoning the Duchy of Feldharg to marry Rubiana?

    Even if he is no longer Duke of Feldharg, the vassals of the House of Feltharg and the people of the West will still follow Khadric.

    And when the situation comes when they need Cadric, Cadric, not Duke of Feldharg, will stand before them again for them.

    That was perfectly normal.

    So, to say that Kadric would abdicate the Duke of Feldharg was a kind of deception. A clumsy deception that tries to deceive not only others but also oneself.
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2022
  6. WoonaOnTheMoon

    WoonaOnTheMoon Well-Known Member

    Aug 10, 2020
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    As of episode 10 of the side stories the sisters are still together.
    They mention the emperor clamouring to see her nephew/niece
    I'm seeing 8 new extras after those 10 but you have to pay for them.

    The sisters definitely love each other. They would quite literally kill for each other.
    -When FL promises her child in the beginning, sister blows her out of the water and says it was completely unnecessary.
    -FL was not just slacking off in the monastery. She knew this faction of the church was more involved in worldly affairs and had access to a militia. She arranged(secret from everyone) that should the rebellion fail, some of the monks would drag the sister away over the border.
    -When the remnants of the tyrant's faction rebelled towards the end of the story, sister holds back the other dukes and allies so that they would not get in FL's way. This was also for FL to "not share any of the glory" of suppressing the rebellion and become immortalised as a war hero.
    -The reason why sister kicked away FL's suitors was that she thought they were unworthy of FL. Sister thinks of ML as a thorn in her eye both politically and personally but what wins her over, in the end, is that she acknowledges he genuinely loves FL. Originally sister planned to sacrifice him but was willing to change all her plans (something she never does) so that he would live and be with FL.
    -FL is forced to save either ML or sister from the rebels. She chooses sister. (That was an ouch moment for me even if I know why she did it. You can kind of see how that affects ML and FL 's relationship in the side stories)

    However, at the same time, the sisters' relationship is not as pure as it used to be.
    FL is willing to do almost anything for her sister, even morally ambiguous things, partially because of this love and partially because she feels guilt for leaving sister and going to the monastery. Sister understands why she had to leave her logically but feels some resentfulness in her heart for being left alone at the centre of the power struggle. They have a heart to heart talk during the tyrant's faction rebellion about this. While this does not perfectly repair their relationship, you can tell they will not fall apart any time soon.
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2022
  7. Ruta yifla

    Ruta yifla Well-Known Member

    Jun 1, 2020
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    Dude. That man love her sis so much. She even acknowledge that he would be a faithful husband to her and they might live happily later on. He said he have prepare all the years to search for his lost relative so he can passed on his title to marry the mc. Bcs 2 dukes can't marry each other. The lil sis knew the mc was interested in the blond guy as husband candidate before she thought that he like the emperor. He fuken had no chance to tell the mc that he love her bcs of the sis emperor.
    Yeah, the good thing of her action is that the mc met the male lead and all. But so what?
    The emperor also plan to execute him (the ml) too even knowing that her sister choose him as a husband!!! (The mc didn't tell her that it was a temporary for 3 years ).
    All of her motives just indicate that she didn't want her sister to be happy. Like for fuken what? She gave everything for you!! That's why she's so sus.

    Also for people who saying that she might resent mc a little bcs she left her to live comfortably. No. The reason is not bcs of this.
    The mc gave her title for her to be save. Bcs if a women has no title then she might get into danger since the kingdom they live in was such a fuken mess and rotten. And other hand, the mc is really strong so she cam take care of her self whenever she was.
    She was willing to gave her title bcs she wanted to save her lil sister. And she thought that her lil sister is also really smart so the mc think she deserve the title. She has expecting that the lil sis might rebel and that's why she always practice in the back of the monestry every night when no one knows.

    Agh i hope the emperor is not the villain bcs i hate and tired of this kind of plot. But up until now what she done to her big sis was too much cold.

    I do prever the mc to be with the second ml (another duke who's blond) bcs he just an upright man who live to protect his own people and when he met mc he decide that she was all his life. And i think that was enough.

    I do not refuse the main ship of ml and mc, but i think the act of the emperor was too much. She saying that he hurt her big sis was bulshit

    Oh i love this. I would continue to wait for this to end then. I plan to drop it, if it was another sis againts sis. Thank you!

    Oh i love this. I would continue to wait for this to end then. ITI plyou!
    Really agree on this. The blonde dude should've got a chance at least. The mc also interested on him at first for making him husband candidate. Sigh..
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2022
  8. Reiujii

    Reiujii Well-Known Member

    May 22, 2021
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    sny spoilers about the relationship progression between fl and ml
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  9. Fostofina

    Fostofina Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2021
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    Ouch indeed! How does it affect them exactly? Is there a lack of trust or is their relationship more strained?
  10. AnotherDayAnotherStory

    AnotherDayAnotherStory Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2021
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    I read some more. Currently almost 4 chapters are complete by chapter 20 of the manhwa.

    The manhwa didn't go deep in it but novel explained how trash Roymond's maternal family is. Roymond's mother (Anisha) was from house Grahm, she was the only sister of 3 brothers and grew up with very much love. She was described as beautiful and delicate (much like Roymond except hair and eye color). When she grew up, the sadistic tyrant set his eyes on her. Previously, this tyrant had many wives and many victims who had given him kids. The drunk tyrant approached Anisha and forced himself on her. He kept her in his room for 3 days, after 3 days he brothers and father came to find her. But seeing that she has been with tyrant already, they came up with a plan.

    They thought about using this as an opportunity to get a heir of Grahm in Royal family. They basically sold her to tyrant, they thought he would keep prefering her and would ultimately make her his Queen. Anisha who didn't want to be with that tyrant was forced by her family, they kept saying that she is ruined good and we are doing it for her sake. Seeing that the people she loved had threw her away, she become dead on the inside. Now she was like a doll. When she went to tyrant she didn't protest she just lay there and let things happen. However, seeing this kind of Anisha, the sadist tyrant lost interest and threw her away.

    When she came home she was sick and stayed in bed for a long time. When she finally woke up her family looked very happy instead of being worried about her health. They found out that she was pregnant and were again hopeful. Anisha who is didn't want the tyrant's child tried to jump out of the window after her family left but a gardner caught her. This gardner was later killed by family cause he laid hand on Royal heir. Anisha again tried multiple times to commit suicide but failed, her family ultimately tied her to bed till Roymond was born.

    Some time after this, the mad tyrant king heard about the child and was again pissed for some reason. He was like Anisha dared to go find another man and have his child. He kinda cut off the funds for Grahm territory. Anisha's father took Roymond to tyrant and showed he has white hair and black eyes that only Royals can have. Only then did the tyrant accepted his son but the lives of both Anisha and Roymond turned into much worst hell because of the Queen and her son. Anisha drank a poisoned wine knowing there was poison in it when Roymond was still a toddler.

    Roymond was slowly losing his sanity as he has to live with risk of dying at anytime by Queen or her son. In first life, he was ready to be a player and bed as many women he can, he said he doesn't even care that he would get STD. He just wants to show that he is an irresponsible rake and very incompetant for throne. His grandfather who initially planned to make him look like a fool and make him heir also gave up on him and called him useless. His plan to live almost worked but one day Kalena rebellion striked. No one took the rebellion seriously, but she was very competant emperor and took over easily. The tyrant ran away in servent clothes, the queen and her son were dragged on the streets and killed. All the illegitimate children were then gathered and killed including Roymond. Either Ludente or Kadric killed him.

    In his 2nd life, he tried to use the knowledge of his 1st life to survive. He started sucking up to Queen's son. Where ever he would go he would praise him and tell everyone how great he was. People started calling him the Prince's Rattle. This plan worked so well that even Queen and prince started trusted him. Roymond felt proud of his plan and thought this is what he should have done in the past as well. He become so trusted by Prince that he gave him a seat next to him replacing some other nobleman. However, this time Kalena rebellion striked 2 years early because the nobleman whose place Roymond took started increasing taxes by using royal family's name and Kalena and Ruby decided to strike early to end this tyranny. People again didn't take it seriously but a panicked Roymond packed his stuff and left the palace. This guy is so innocent that he used romance novels as a source for perfect disguise. He used the methods used by female protagonists in romance to hide from male lead :facepalm: He died his hair, covered his face in mud. But still one of the Duke found him and Roymond asked how did he knew who he was. The Duke looked at him like he was joking and said there is no way one would not recognize that noble face of his.

    His other lives weren't explained. But in his 7th life, Roymond managed to live longer than previous lives. From the very start he ran away from home and disguised himself in women clothing. He somehow end up in hands of traffickers and was ready to be sold as slave. Anything to get out of his country. The traffickers thought he was a pervert for cross dressing. He ended up being sold to a nobleman in other country and became a maid there. This nobleman had fetish for man dressing up as woman but he was disabled so he didn't do anything than just watch them from distance. Roymond was often bullied by other maids cause of his beauty but he endured and kept doing the hard household chores. During this life, he heard about blood oath from fellow maids and found out that Ruby was looking for a husband. He didn't give it much thought, he just wanted to survive and die of old age even if it meant living like a crossdressing maid.

    But a few days later, this plan also failed. The nobleman who bought him, dared to send a proposal to Ruby and said he fell in love at first sight. Of course, people would have idea of his taste and he might be implying that he is attracted to Ruby cause of her manly stature. That night, his house was attacked by Duke Kadric, he killed the nobleman and said "How dare you look at my Ruby". After that, it wasn't enough for him, ordered to kill all the maids as well including Roymond and that's how his 7th life end.

    Roymond stopped caring in his 8th life. All his life started at age of 15 where he was about to get assaulted by an old countess. He always let her have her way but this time he pushed her off. He warned her that if she touched him he would tell about her assault to everyone, the woman said who would believe him. Then he said she can try, but he will bring her to royal court and if that happen who would take a countess side againt the tyrants son. This scared her off for good. Roymond also slowly start to realize that all his servents were not loyal to him, they were the ones who planned this thing with countess. He refused to be naive this life time but he still wanted to escape his maternal family and Royal family so he joined the scholar tower and lived there peacefully till Kalena took over again. The scholar tower was taked over as well but Roymond wasn't killed this time. He still had trauma when he saw Duke Ludente and passed out.

    His scheming grandpa's plan was to make Roymond seduce the emperor now. Roymond didn't want it cause he was scared of the whole Kalena Rebellion. His grandpa took him to palace and thought he could make emperor fall in love at first sight with Roymond cause of his beauty. But Kalena didn't show any kind of interest. The grandpa also wanted to push him into emperor's chamber but Roymond rebelled by locking himself in home. He was a scholar and emperor was gathering scholars, Roymond not showing up would mean treason so grandpa gave up on his plan finally and only then Roymond left his room. But grandpa's new plan was to marry him to that blue haired girl and start a rebellion again emperor :facepalm:

    Skipping after the part where he proposed and they had their first night together. Roymond is a considerate lover, the manhwa didn't show it but he showed so much affection and care for Ruby the next day as it was her first as well. He helped her in the bath and also brushed her hair. After this we next scene was Kalena and Ruby's conversation.

    Again the novel showed better bond between Kalena and Ruby.They both are team and stick together. The novel show them as normal sister, even Emperor lose her strict mask when she is alone with Ruby. They discuss about rumors that might spread if Ruby married Roymond and both come up with different plans. The scene also described that Ruby and Kalena just have to look at each other's face and they can tell what the other is thinking. They gave each other a knowing smile when they came up with a plan.

    Kadric is kinda scary with his obsession for Ruby. Kalena had conversation with Ruby about marriage only few hours ago and he showed up immediately. Even Kalena asked how he found out. Anyway, Kadric fell in love with Ruby the moment he saw her fighting and killing his people :confusedcatblob: But Kalena has never let him court Ruby. She says that she doesn't want a one eyes brother in law but in reality she still hates the fact that Duke Kadric gave Kalena a scar on her shoulder. You guys think that Kalena have sis con but she is a very cunning and perceptive emperor. She does realize the kind of obsession Kadric have for Kalena and thinks that he is the kind 'If I can't be her husband no one can be her husband.' Him killing innocents in Roymond's 7th life is also proof of his madness. Compare to him she doesn't see Roymond as a threat. Kadric will keep showing open bitterness for Roymond till the end, I don't know about Kalena but she probably won't interfere. I peeked at the last chapters, he will still say why Ruby choose a illegitimate tyrant son instead of him and Ruby will say even if she didn't met Roymond, she would never Marry Kadric.

    It was explained in his 8th life when he finally had the realization that no one is loyal to him. In the past, in all his life he would be assaulted by a countess who had a son older than Roymond. Roymond was 15 when she assaulted him and whenever he regress he wake up to her feeling him up on his bed. When she did it in 1st life, he hid in the bushes and cried. The servents came to find him and told him that it is okay and he should stay quiet about the whole thing. Roymond thought they were worried for him, but in reality they were in on countess' plan to assault him and told innocent Roymond to hold his tongue. As a result when he grew up the word spread that Roymond attacked countess when he was young. Many married women started approaching him and so began his 1st life as playboy. But in later lives, he didn't go down playboy path and in 8th life he completely throw away the countess. So both Roymond and Ruby were virgin in this life.

    You guys know that 90% of your questions can be answered by just reading the novel right? All your answers can be found on the thread, slowly read the whole novel and you would know the answer. It is much better than leaving so long debates and if anything it would make harder for future readers to find specific spoilers. You guys are all seeing Kalena as bad but as Roymond explained these two sisters succeed eight times in their rebellion. It was all because of Kalena's brain and Ruby's brawn. They both are capable and a strong team. If anything, the long rants make it seems that readers have no faith in Ruby's abilities. She is a pro not a noob at fighting. Also, even in history, emperor used to send their own sons to wars because of their skills. If one have a powerful resource on their side, they have to use those skills. It would only make the whole rebellion weak if Kalena just sat there and never used Ruby's skills and Ruby would also hate it since she wants to overthrow tyrant as well.

    (P.S: The books Roymond used in 2nd life to escape had so funny titles like, Handling the wold Duke's Child, The cold blooded emperor and Baron's daughter who fled, The young lady runs away today, I bounced with the child of an obsessive emperor :blobjoy::blobjoy: Seems like author was throwing shades at regular isekai tropes.)
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2022
  11. I_am_the_two

    I_am_the_two Active Member

    Jan 2, 2022
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    Or not intentionally anyway.
    Alright, so to start with by my own admittance, this is a bit of a hate boner what-if scenario. I say this because I do feel it us overly harsh on the female lead. I’m also just gonna say there are issues with the scenario such as the firstborn deciding to kill her parents instead of find and question them. There’ll probably be more issues too as I haven’t read all the spoilers so I could definitely portray characters wrongly. Anyway so here’s the idea: [IT IS STILL ALL HEADCANON AND NOT REAL]

    The setting would mostly take place at ML and FML’s mansion with the exception of the prologue and scenes between the mother and daughter whom are returning from either a hunt or training vacation.[LIKE SERIOUSLY, NONE OF THIS IS A PART OF THE ACTUAL STORY]

    The prologue would take place around when the firstborn is 18. It would feature her coming to a decision that she will kill her parents out of hatred for seemingly abandoning her.[I SWEAR TO GOD IT ISN’T]

    The main story starts with a shadow lurking around the mansion. The shadow would see a window and while peering through see a figure in the room. The figure, revealed to be ML, would be anticipating the return of his secondborn and FML as well the fact that he will be able to see his firstborn soon after being forced to have her stay in the temple and fulfill the oath her mother made. The shadow would break in and immediately go for the kill, slitting his neck. The reasoning being she believes her father forced into the monastery, not her mother. We would shift to the father view lying on the floor as the shadow stares at him in disgust. ML would realize who the shadow is upon seeing her eyes and try to call out her name. Alas he is unable to do so because of the cut she inflicted. Moments later she would hear a carriage arriving from outside the mansion. While peering outside she would see her mother and sister exiting seemingly happy. This would infuriate her as she sees her sister having everything she wanted, a warm family, a nice home, and servants who loved her. She would then sneakily move out of scene. We would then cut to FML who has just found ML’s dead body. Realizing something’s wrong, she rushes to her daughters room to check on her only to see a figure standing above her daughter with blood coming down her clothes. FML would easily defeat and kill the figure but be too late as the wound on her second child is fatal and she’s bleeding out. She would then unmask the figure only to realize the perpetrator was her first born daughter. She would then fall to the ground on her knees and break down crying. The camera then shifts to the a background of the new moon with a time stamp showing there was only a day left before her oath ended and she could retrieve the daughter.[I LITERALLY DON’T KNOW HOW TO MAKE IT ANY CLEARER. THIS IS NOT A PART OF THE STORY. IT ALL THEORETICAL HEADCANON. THE ACTUAL AUTHOR-WRITTEN ENDING IS HAPPY]

    (Also I just noticed that there is a plot hole of how the father wouldn’t have found out she had left the temple since he especially cared for his firstborn and would’ve kept tabs on it) [LIKE DEADASS JUST READ THE POSTS BY OTHER USERS AFTER THIS THEY TALK ABOUT THE ACTUAL ENDING]

    (Also, also how do I turn text into spoilers so that I don’t have to post these walls of irrelevant text)[OH AND IGNORE THE POSTS THAT GOT CONFUSED AND THOUGHT THIS WAS A PART OF THE ACTUAL STORY]
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2022
  12. hongmeowpanda

    hongmeowpanda Well-Known Member

    Jul 17, 2021
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    Reading the novel mtl chapters, and "iced coffee" has to be one of the funniest swear words/cursing phrases :blob_grin:
    Manhwakrazy, its0k and seemanta like this.
  13. Akki19

    Akki19 Well-Known Member

    Oct 12, 2020
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    What happens to the child at last .
    Will the child be with parents or go to temple ?
    And if the child is with parents , will fls sister do anything to child to keep tha vow?
    Thank you
    Tt123 likes this.
  14. blindpig05

    blindpig05 Well-Known Member

    Nov 30, 2017
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    wow, glad the sister didnt kill the ml
    but did she try to kill him and ordeing the fl to kill ml?
    Dobokan likes this.
  15. WoonaOnTheMoon

    WoonaOnTheMoon Well-Known Member

    Aug 10, 2020
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    FL funds the building of a monastery next to the duke's estate in the capital. The faction of the church that runs it is the people she made connections when she was lying low (when she gave her sister the heir position. Therefore, the parents can pretty much walk next door to see the child.
    She plans to build another branch in the north when the child is old enough.
    FL tried to push it a little to put the building on her estate itself but it would be too obvious so they settled for next door.

    Source: chastity098's posts earlier in thread
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2022