Spoiler First of All, Let’s Hide My Younger Brother

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by theilikepie, Jul 15, 2020.

  1. Milkcoffee

    Milkcoffee Well-Known Member

    Dec 26, 2021
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    Yes, pls post all of them :)
  2. gnyaa

    gnyaa Well-Known Member

    May 21, 2021
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  3. Iloveu

    Iloveu Member

    Oct 5, 2022
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    does any one had the raw link of the webtoon
  4. Yse

    Yse Well-Known Member

    Jul 30, 2021
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  5. Nada Amore

    Nada Amore Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2021
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    So is Kayla 3 or 4 years older than the Prince and her brother? How long did it take for her to graduate since she entered school late?

    Why'd they give it up?
    mikasaackerman_1 likes this.
  6. MariL

    MariL Well-Known Member

    Oct 21, 2020
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    Does anyone have chapter 48-49 of Manhwa translated in English?
  7. nyxxx

    nyxxx Well-Known Member

    Apr 30, 2020
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    You should check my Novels that I will Never Read list. A$$holes are everywhere
  8. Jkkkie

    Jkkkie Well-Known Member

    Oct 12, 2020
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    A moment in chapter 49/50 webtoon which I think is really good for ur heart
    "You must have been expecting a lot when giving me this present ..."
    "No, this must be real deal. They said they had succeeded in developing blue roses in foreign countries. -right?
    Did I buy the right one sis?"

    I nodded and smelled the roses. It was mixed with the smell of Chinese food, but did not lose its unique fragrance. The blue roses my brother bought me were hung on the wall to dry. Later, I remembered it and searched the Internet, but the blue rose that was developed in a foreign country was not as blue as the one my brother bought. Rather, it was closer to light purple.
    What did they do with the rose my brother gave me? The tape hung the roses on the wall soon fell off so I thrown them away, saw as it disappeared completely after cleaning.

    "Okay, take it. Kayla."

    Astaire picked a rose that was in full bloom in deep blue and gave it to me. The blue rose was much bluer than the fake blue rose my brother had given me.

    " Seriously... It's so blue."

    A lovely blue rose that could not be done with perfect shade by human science and technology. In this world, it was made through magic. I smelled the scent lingered at the tip of my nose. It was also the same rose scent I knew. When I looked at it, my heart broke into pieces again.

    Why didn't I cherish the roses that my brother gave me?
    Why did I inadvertently throw it away?
    Everything was so precious. Those little dried rose petals.
    The time I spent with my little brother who had already left me behind.

    "Do you like blue roses?"

    Astaire's voice brought me back to reality.

    "Yeah, I like it."

    I smiled as brightly as I could and nodded.

    "Then I'll make all the roses in the Lisch Duchy blue."

    "There's no need for that."

    I tried to dissuade him, but Astaire snapped his fingers, and the sparkling light from the fingertips spread all over the place. Even the roses that Astaire hadn't touched all turned blue, and the light leaked through the crack in the glass greenhouse door.

    "Now even the roses outside will all be blue."

    Astaire, who has a confident appearance, is like, 'I did a good job, right? Praise me.' and looked at me with his puppy eyes.

    "Yeah, it'll be really cool when spring comes and the roses bloom."

    I looked outside through the glass.

    "Come over here, Kayla!"

    "Huh? Wait for a moment!"

    Winter is coming now. Will I be able to get out of here before spring comes? Even now, my family must be worried sick, but spring is too far away. I stared down at the pink Lunadmel flowers and blue roses in my hands. The two flowers that Astaire forced to give me felt very heavy. It was somehow burdensome. Astaire pulled the red ribbon tied to my left hand and led me to the white swing. It was like a pet dog being dragged around as Astaire led. But still a thousand luck that it's not a leash. Fluffingly, Astaire sat down on a white swing chair and took my hand to sit next to him.

    "Let's rest for a bit. I was exhausted after exerting myself."

    Then, casually, he rested his head on my lap.

    "What are you doing?"

    "It's way more comfortable this way."

    I was taken aback by Astaire subtly putting a lap pillow, but it wasn't the first time, and I thought about the friction with Ritaus today, so I let him do whatever he wants. It's not like my thighs wear out.

    The greenhouse was warm and the flowers were pretty. Looking around the glass conservatory, I realized there was no stove inside.

    "How is it so warm here?"

    It was strange that there was no heating equipment anywhere.

    "It's magic. The architect built the glasshouse was a wizard. He put a temperature control magic on."

    "Then it will be hot in the summer. "

    "It'll be cool. If it is too hot, the herbs will wither and die."

    The glass making up the greenhouse was clean without a single stain. My image was reflected on the glass surface like a mirror. Long black hair and blue eyes. My face here moderately resembles my parents, the Marquis of Vesta.

    Mother, Father ...

    The faces of the family came to mind one after another.

    Franz ....

    Franz's destiny changed direction because he couldn't get away from the original story. The last time I saw him, he was very affectionate with Marianne. Franz is living a fate that has nothing to do with the original storyline, right?

    My family must have been worried by my disappearance. Franz's wedding is coming soon, can it be held safely? At that moment, Astaire's voice echoes next to me.

    "Are you thinking of your family?"

    Astaire bent his knee and looked up at me, blinking his big purple eyes.

    "Because of my brother's wedding..."

    "Franz Vesta?"


    Astaire's gaze at me drifted elsewhere. He turned his head away from my face and lying straight down. His face, which was not looking at me, was expressionless. I was a little worried that the feeling that had finally been released had gotten worse again.

    "There are always a lot of people around Kayla. "

    "Families? "

    At the sudden noise, I looked down at Astaire. His silky-looking pink hair fell below my knees. In the middle of this, I even thought about touching it.

    "Family, friends, and ..."

    Did I have that many friends? I never thought about it. My standards are just average ...

    "Ritaus also changed after entering Kratie Academy. "

    Whenever Astaire blinked his eyelids, his long eyelashes caught my attention.

    The profile of his face was once again shown out pretty.

    "Kratie Academy ... Did you want to go there too?"


    I had never thought of it that way. But when I thought of Astaire, who secretly entered the academy wearing Ritaus's uniform, I felt that way. Maybe Astaire wanted to be among everyone else. Of course, it's just my own assumption. After a moment of silence, a small voice came from Astaire's mouth.

    "...I'm alone."

    The low voice quickly disappeared like a muttering, so I asked Astaire again.

    "What? "

    Even when I asked, no answer came back. I think he said he was alone.

    "Why are you alone? You have your grandfather and Ritaus."

    As expected, Astaire did not respond. Is he pissed off again? But seeing as he didn't lose his temper, it didn't seem like he was in any danger. I put my fingers between Astaire's hair and gently stroked them. This was something I had never done before, even to my younger brother, Franz.

    "Treasure the person next to you. Because the person who nags you is the person who cares about you."

    Astaire closed his eyes as if he liked me stroking his hair.

    "What's this , are you gonna sleep here?"

    He gave me a small smile, not responding to what I said. I don't think it's a bad feeling. Thank god.

    "....It feels good. "

    Astaire took my hand that wasn't stroking my hair and brought it to his soft cheek. Surprised, I paused for a moment.

    "Keep petting me."

    It's silly. But I continued stroking Astaire's hair the way he wanted. Weird. Why do I keep thinking of my younger brother from my previous life when I am with this child? They don't look alike at all, and their personalities are different, so why?

    "I've never done anything like this to my brother ..."

    Astaire, who hadn't responded to my self-talk, opened his eyes.

    "Which one? Franz Vesta or...?"


    I never did it to Franz cause I didn't have to. Even if it wasn't me, he had parents. So even if I didn't care so much about him, he still would grow up well without wrinkles. But I don't think I've ever patted my younger brother so affectionately or warmed him up when he was lonely. If only I could see my brother again, I would do anything. Not just stroking his hair, but hugging he as tightly as I could.

    "Stop it, Kayla."

    Astaire closed his eyes again and smiled.

    "Somewhere in you has collapsed."

    When I stopped stroking his hair, Astaire's hand gripped mine. Then he held my hand and stroked his hair again. I guess he doesn't mean stop stroking. Not even the cat Hertz raised by Franz, which often climbs on our laps and annoys us was like this.

    I felt like he's a real cat. By the way, does this guy have hands this big? I was amazed at the size of Astaire's hand covering mine. The knuckles of the fingers were long and thin. Come to think of it, if you have big hands, you're tall as well.
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2022
  9. Jian Yue

    Jian Yue Well-Known Member

    Mar 16, 2018
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    I like their interactions. Thank you for sharing this:aww:

    Please spoil us more of their interactions
  10. Jkkkie

    Jkkkie Well-Known Member

    Oct 12, 2020
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    I just trans about 50 chapters and must say [ the storyline pretty good n the ML is not that “jerk” like they said. There are no such things like r*p* or imp****]
    Last edited: Dec 9, 2022
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  11. Jian Yue

    Jian Yue Well-Known Member

    Mar 16, 2018
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    I saw a kiss scene in ch 51 raw:blob_blush:(Kyla was sleeping here tho)

    Ritaus was about to go to aster's room where Kyla is too. He opened a peak through the door was about to leave cause he saw the both of them sleeping(Aster using Kyla's lap as pillow). He stopped on his tracks when he noticed Aster waking up and touching Kyla's face. Ritaus thought Aster would kiss Kyla and Aster only pulled Kyla's hair.

    Ritaus almost breathed a sigh of relief but apparently, Aster only did that to check if Kyla would not wake up and proceeded to give her a peck on the lips. Ritaus was really shocked and Aster sensed him and glared at him.

    The illustration was cute tho.

    Here is the raw link for this chapter
    I hope this site does not get taken down:blobflag:
    its0k, Rainystee and gnyaa like this.
  12. moneytyi

    moneytyi Member

    Jan 16, 2022
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    Hey I just wanna say that season 2 for the manga/manwha came out recently! I've stumbled upon the raws for it but I haven't seen anyone translate it yet ><.

    My Korean is rough and I'm new to this app but here ><

    Chapter 55 spoiler: Astaire, allows her the one minitue to see her brother, he hopes she won't break the wall between the two worlds because then, he will have to keep his promise and let her go. While seeing herself mistreat her brother she constantly hits at the wall. She wishes her sword were made of steel and then it changes from a wooden sword to a steel sword. She then breaks the wall and hugs her brother and tells him to not go to school and to tell his sister and to ask for her and that "The only thing you can save is you" then after this it cuts back to her crying on there ground and telling Astaire to keep his promise.

    Spoiler chapter 50-53

    My Korean is bad but here's another spoiler ><

    She has a dream where she asks Astaire about what he did to Franz and she gets caught in a net .Astaire asks her if she's Ritaus's fiance while she stuck in the net. When she wakes up Astaire says that his grandpa left. Kayla asks him if he wants to go Kite flying. While they go kite flying, Kayla guides his hand and helps he fly the kite. He asks if she ever went kite flying with Franz she says no but that she did go kite flying with her original brother. Awhile later, he tells her to come sit on the porch swing chair thingy, and she listens to Astaire complain about how his grandpa wasn't there when he needed him. Kayla tells him to be grateful and still cherish the moments he has with his grandpa. She also tells him that it was her biggest regret with her OG younger brother, and that she deeply regrets not being able to help him. Asatire lays his head on her lap and listens to her.

    Chapter 51 spoiler: After Kayla falls asleep on the couch Astaire kisses her, Kayla's Ex Fiance (forgot his name) sees this happen while he's eavesdropping.
  13. milano

    milano Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2023
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    Has the author released more of these. While I prefer the new Astaire, I am curious about the previous time line where he still like Kyla. The fragments you gave so far are before he stops crossdressing. So what happened afterwards? If he had her why would he still go after Franz when he when back to being a "man". Did she die in between which made him insane? Did author release rest of fragments and if so could someone translate?
    Screamletter likes this.
  14. Lillynumber2

    Lillynumber2 Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2020
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    Does anyone have the MTL on this? :aww::aww::aww: Just read the latest chapter and i wanna know what happens next. :aww::aww: Thank you
  15. Screamletter

    Screamletter Well-Known Member

    May 2, 2020
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    If the 'mine' words doesn't refer to franz so who ? Is it kyla ?

    So until now there's still no side story about original kyla whereabout ?


    If really there's no story about the OG Kyla, i think Astaire already kill her (whether it's intentional or not). Maybe author didn't write it so we didn't hate current Astaire.

    And i didn't know if my memories serves me right, i think after Franz escaped from dungeon, Astaire behavior to him became severe than before. And r@pe and s3xual torture is started after that not the previous kidnapping where kyla there. So my guess is og kyla already died, maybe kyla find out that franz not in Astaire's hand anymore so she tried to escape and accidentaly died or killed by him.

    And of course, it's logical reason why Franz torture became more s3xual ways cause he sees his dear Kyla through him. It's maybe cause he had hate love relationship with Franz. The reason of hate is already known, and love is because his face who looks like his sister.
    Last edited: Feb 18, 2023
    mikasaackerman_1 likes this.
  16. Screamletter

    Screamletter Well-Known Member

    May 2, 2020
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    Because it's in franz POV not OG kyla's
  17. Screamletter

    Screamletter Well-Known Member

    May 2, 2020
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    It's abduction you know ? Even the moments of rape isn't true, it's still abduction. If you are kidnapped by some stranger psycho man, are you sure you can calm down ?

    And moreover he's a madman who had upper hand than kyla.

    And that injuries comes from aster himself cause he holds kyla and forced her to stay together. I am even surprised that this madman is ml and the fact that kyla still feels sorry for him. And there's story about she informed it to ritaus, so if anything happen it's ritaus fault.

    I'm not the type of person who will always cheers for fl. It just.... this time i think fl not in fault from my perspective.

    And i also hate some fl who killed ml in previous life but still end with happy ending, justlike my dear nemesis webtoon.
    CUEBEE5566 and Creolenerd like this.
  18. Dofu

    Dofu Well-Known Member

    Jul 19, 2021
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    Does anyone know what happened in the end to Ritaus (the ex-fiance)? Tbh, I'm pretty neutral on him. He wasn't a good fiance, but he was a good cousin to the ML. I know his family reputation took a hit, but I was wondering if they made a bounce back after Aster became more powerful
  19. cupboardbee

    cupboardbee Not Well-Known Member

    Jun 26, 2019
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    When will I get to see an adult masculine ml.. I want to see pink hair ml (adult man) naooo

    The real villain here is the ill author's sister, why'd you transform it into such a shitty depressing story ffs
  20. kisskissme

    kisskissme Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2021
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    if you think about it, he’s one having a good time in this novel :LOL:
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