Spoiler First of All, Let’s Hide My Younger Brother

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by theilikepie, Jul 15, 2020.

  1. MariL

    MariL Well-Known Member

    Oct 21, 2020
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    Thank you very much for the translation!

    I wonder when the season 3 will start. I keep checking it almost everyday but no answer.
  2. Nimueh

    Nimueh Well-Known Member

    Mar 26, 2023
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    There was this one incident where Aster was waiting for Kayla to get done with work. She does administrative work. He was getting tired of waiting on her and decided to go to Stephan room. Stephan greeted Aster then Aster took the nearest vase and smashed in Stephan's face. Stephan being the creep he was enjoyed it and said he would be honored if Aster kicked him. Aster released a lot of his dark rage on him for about 30 minutes. Stephan put up a sound barrier so no one would know. Stephan only healed himself when Aster left the room. It is implied Aster and Kayla slept together that night.
    Hey I finally figured out how to put a spoil tag.
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2023
  3. joharaujoo1978

    joharaujoo1978 New Member

    Mar 9, 2023
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    R: Perhaps, it only worked because her brother was in another world and not in their same world as their grandfather.
  4. MariL

    MariL Well-Known Member

    Oct 21, 2020
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    Apparently it will resume on 8th May!
    And I guess it will have only 10 chapters? Idk.
  5. Creolenerd

    Creolenerd Well-Known Member

    Sep 19, 2019
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    This story is very unsettling. I'm reading the manwha and it's like seeing someone walk on eggshells and lower themselves to not be abused. Like she's terrified
  6. Elisee

    Elisee Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2021
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    Is the fl older than ml?
  7. Nimueh

    Nimueh Well-Known Member

    Mar 26, 2023
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    Yeah. I would say 1-2 years older.
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  8. MariL

    MariL Well-Known Member

    Oct 21, 2020
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    ML is the same age as Franz iirc.
  9. CUEBEE5566

    CUEBEE5566 Well-Known Member

    Mar 29, 2022
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    Is it allowed to post photos?
    Their children
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  10. Sakku

    Sakku Member

    Sep 6, 2023
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    Hey hey I loved ur spoilers man ::blobcatsmile:: I wanted to ask for a favor :meowpuffytears: u know there's a new manhwa called [ JUST TWILIGHT ] I absolutely love this manhwa so I tried to find some spoilers of it but I didn't find it anywhere :blob_teary: I want u to check a little cause I am not well versed in where to find the novel, raws and mtl...so please help me :blobtorch::blobgift::blob_hands:
    Zahc_v and Emma626 like this.
  11. xxxyoshino

    xxxyoshino Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2021
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    The Season 3 is taking so loooong so I decided to go ahead and read the novel.

    Let me share what takes place.

    The names may change since I’m too lazy to confirm what they were previously translated as.

    So the manhwa ended with Kyla announcing that she’ll stop being a knight to her family since she surmised that Astair is the mysterious strong wizard who suddenly appeared.

    She also revealed that a 4th prince born from Lydiana, the king’s beloved, will soon appear and he is said to be an extremely powerful wizard since he’s the prince of the Spirit kingdom. When question as to how she knows this, Kyla explained to her father that being a high ranking knight, she is informed of such secrets. She also revealed that she will summon all of her relatives to their estate and they will stop supporting the royal family, or mainly the queen to whom their family has been loyal to for generations. Of course, her father was angered by her decisions but cannot do anything since Kyla is now the head of the family and is the master of Schuette (forgive me if the name is wrong).

    Later on, all of their relatives has arrived at the estate. Even the elder ones, since Kyla threatened that she’ll stop providing them their allowance of sort if they fail to follow her orders. Kyla then once again explained the coming situation to their relatives, this including all of them quitting their current jobs and living in the estate. Despite the odds against Astair, the elderly especially still wanted to support the queen due to loyalty, however, Kyla wouldn’t budge. She at least gains the support of some of her cousins.
    The story then skipped to Kyla’s meeting with the King and Queen. She revealed her plans to stop working as a knight and pulling Vesta’s support for the royal family. The king took it pleasantly well thinking it was to solve a family emergency and asked her whether she’ll go back once the situation is solved. Kyla agreed so, knowing that the king will soon face Astair anyway and soon will come his demise. The meeting went well and Kyla was about to leave when the queen said to her that she shouldn’t underestimate the queen’s informants. This worried Kyla, thinking that the queen might know something about her plans. She shrugged it off anyway and went out of the palace.

    While on her way out, Kyla noticed that there weren’t any knights guarding the central palace from the moment she left the audience hall. She mentions this to the attendant escorting her outside who then ran to check the knight’s office at the second floor.

    Kyla then made her way back to the audience hall to check what is happening, however, halfway there she encounter a group in black robes.

    In the muddle of the group was one whose head wasn’t covered. His pink hair was clearly visible and when Kyla looked at his face, she noticed how stunning the man is, as well as an eye patch covering one of his eyes. It was Aster. Kyla was frozen in place. Aster then started walking towards Kyla. Kyla noted that Astair had something in his hands and was further frightened thinking that it might be the king and crown prince’s heads, which he held in his hands in the novel. Someone behind Astair said “Isn’t that Lady Kyla?” Kyla was pulled into present then and met Astair’s eyes. She recognized the voice to be her friend, Ruitte the magician. But despite recognizing her and meeting Astair’s eyes, she suddenly turned around and run as fast as she can.

    Astair was left and was upset.

    He then crumpled the paper which held bouquet of blue roses in his hands. He dropped the bouquet and the flowers then soon wilted due to his mood.

    The magicians behind him noticed the shift in his mood. They know how easily he changes his mood and he can get quite terrifying when it soured so they tried to assuage him. Ruitte revitalized the bouquet whereas one of them, Clause, said “If you wish, I will go and kill that bch [Kyla] right now.” To this, Astair was further angered and brought all of the magician’s to their knees by bringing down a great pressure or gravity on them. As they plead and fight the gravity, Ruitte coughed and with it the pressure disappeared. Astair drew near Ruitte to pick up the revitalized bouquet and thanked her. He was acting like nothing happened, hence magicians then thought that ‘he’s a crazy bastard’, to which Astair said “What bastard?” The magicians then turned meek and bowed. Astair then proceeded to the Audience hall where the king and queen were.
    The Crown Prince Cyrus/Kairus entered the audience hall to greet the King and Queen who haven’t been seen together for quite a while. He was stopped by the magicians by the door but he forced his way inside only to notice that a dashing man was standing in front of the king and queen and the robed men surrounding him.

    The queen was filled with joy when he walked in. To this he proudly walks towards the throne where the king and queen were and stood beside them. After this, something entered his eye sight and his hand on the queen’s shoulder started to shake. He asked the queen who the man was, to which queen said that the men were threatening them and instructed him to go and call the kinghts. However, the crown prince soon fell on his knees. The queen was fazed and looking for the kinght guards. Astair then asnwered her by showing a sphere in his hands which was a dark space which contained the knights.

    He then started speaking his intentions. He said “I am here to reunite with my father.” The queen turned and noticed tears in the king’s eyes. The queen was scorned by the king’s reaction and reflected how she should’ve just killed him on spot instead of being generous and slowly poisoning him. The then approached Astair and asked him to tell him his name. Astair inteoduced himself and claimed he was the son born to Lydiana Litheim 20 years ago. The queen then exploded in anger after hearing Astair’s mother’s surname as it was the same family of the former grand duke who tried to kill her 3 years prior. The name has been a taboo ever since. To this Astair reacted “Then can I take on the name Astair Elvahar?” (The name of the royal family). The king then joyfully agreed saying that it is his right as his son. The queen then claimed that he first have to be ascertained if he is indeed the king’s biological child. However, this process is only done by a selected few masters and would take time to do so. Astair then reacted “First my mother died under mysterious circumstances and later on her family was brought to ruin, now her faithfulness is being questioned.” Thus the king reacted that there was no need for such a confirmation since Astair looks exactly like his mother, thus he is surely his son.

    Astair then gave the bouquet he was holding to the queen as a gift. She was reluctant to accept it but the king forced her to do so.

    The king then expressed that he would through a ball to announce him officially as the 4th prince. He further asked Astair anything that he would like to receive considering it was only after 20 years that they met.

    Astair asked whether it was truly anything that he could ask for. To which the king affirmed.

    Astair then pointed at the king’s throne and said “Then I want that seat.”

    I’ll add more as I read (and if I’m in the mood for storytelling).

    Kairus has a sensitive sense that allows him to sometimes dream of the future and would sometimes see inhuman existence. Unbeknownst to the people around him and Astair, Kairus sees that apart from the hooded men, there were other pink haired people surrounding Astair. However, they had blood all over them. Among them, there was only one who didn’t have a pink hair. It was Duke Litheim, Astair’s grandfather, who appeared to still have a crimson ligature marks around his neck.

    The attendants then entered the audience toom and one drew close to Kairus asking him regarding his condition, however he couldn’t answer due to his fear with the pink-haired people surrounding them.
    Astair’s appearance was then revealed and spread throughout the kingdom. Furthermore, he was rumored to be his handsome according to palace attendants which has greater increased his fame in the social scene. Everyone was looking forward to see him, however, he has yet to make an appearance.

    Among those who were riveted by the appearance of the 4th prince was Kyla’s cousins. They were they fascinated that she has predicted his appearance correctly, yet the female ones wanted to meet the new prince.

    Later on, invitations were sent in. Multiple ones were sent to the Vesta estate since all of the relatives are currently residing within and all have been invited in the celebration ball to come to recognize Astair as an official prince. The celebration was said to last 10 days and a festival will be held even outside the palace. It was a celebration similar to the coronation of a crown prince, which shows the king’s fondness for the prince. Moreover, all family heads are required to attend as an imperial order, thus Kyla also has to attend it whether she likes it or not.

    Kyla’s female cousins were very excited with the upcoming ball and the chance of seeing the famed handsome prince, whereas Kyla is very worried of what’s to come since although she doesn’t fully recall the details of the novel’s second half, Astair was a tyrant and a psychopath ruler. Although relieved that he didn’t kill the king and crown prince just as it was written, this means that she couldn’t accurately predict what’s to come as the future has already changed.

    Later on, Kyla was then dragged into tea with an aunt who has just arrived at the estate.

    As the conversation was flowing, the aunt mentioned a certain rumor surrounding Kyla which has spread recently. The aunt thought that Kyla was already aware of it, but when she noticed Kyla wasn’t, she fell scared when she apparently mentioned something that she shouldn’t have. However, Kyla still forced her to reveal the rumor, thinking it was just one about her and her previous fiancé.

    The aunt spilled the tea wherein the rumor was about her preference for younger males. Apparently this was said by the queen herself who tried setting Kyla up with her relatives, only to be rejected

    Kyla then thought how misunderstood she was when she used such an excuse when she rejected the older men that the queen was trying to set up with her.
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2024
  12. xxxyoshino

    xxxyoshino Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2021
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    • Warned: Posting translations
    So the queen was gathering flowers at the palace garden with his 2 sons, the crown prince and the 3rd prince. Kairus and Lithew (I really don’t know how to translate his name, it’s spelled 리타우 or Ritau/Litau in Korean).

    The queen was enraged with Astair’s appearance and confidence.

    Despite her mood, Kairus pulled up the courage to ask her to just listen to what Astair wished. While the queen ignored him, Lithew looked at his brother pathetically and told him to just do his job as crown prince.

    The queen continued clipping and rearranging the prearranged flowers in the vases. She was arranging red Quincy flowers. (Flowers which weakens those of the Spirit kingdom’s lineage, but didn’t affect Astair)

    She claimed that it is his welcome gift for Astair.

    However, deep in Kairus’ mind, he knew that if they were able to see what he saw surrounding Astair, he doubts that they would have the courage to continue planning against Astair.

    Kyla’s relatives are so excited while on their journey to the Palace. As she listened to their talks, Kyla noted the beautiful blue dress she wore, which was different from her usual plain dresses. She, herself, doesn’t know why she put an effort into her current outfit. However, when asked, she reasoned that it was her mother who would have qualms should she not put any effort into her look for the ball.

    They soon arrived at the palace and escorted into the great hall where the ball was being held.

    Their arrival was announced and for a while the people in the hall turned their heads, but soon brought back their attention at the podium where the royal family will be sat upon their arrival. This was unlike the usual reaction of people who would offer whisper and talk about those who have just arrived in the hall.

    As more attendees arrive, the royal family’s arrival was later on announced. Behind the sickly emperor was a dashing man with pink hair. The heads of the families drew near the podium and went down on one knee as they bowed their heads, including Kyla. The king then officially introduced Astair to the kingdom.

    As Kyla lifted her head, she was worried that she’ll meet Astair’s eyes. However, unlike what she expected, Astair was busy talking to other female royalties including Leodora who belonged to a grand duchy and whom she went to the academy with. However, Leodora, who unlike in the novel where she was supposed to be wedded to a foreign royal family, was currently staying silent and hasn’t attended a social event in 3 years after the event that took place in the academy. Furthermore, she was now sponsoring civilian artists.

    The same Leodora was blushing and talking with Astair. Her beautiful appearance, along with that of the prince was noticed by the other attendees surrounding Kyla. She meant to look for her companions and return to them, however, she can’t take her eyes off the two royals even though she was turning more upset by the moment. Other attendees noted how the two looked good with each other.

    Right then, another royal lady approached Astair and asked to dance with him later on when the orchestra starts playing. Such a dance, held an important meaning towards his dance partner, hence, Leonora glared at the lady for her impertinence not only at interrupting them. However, Astair then said that he already has a partner in mind. He shared a meaningful look with Leonora and smiled at her as Leonora brightened up.

    Kyla then turned her back and looked for her relatives. As she gone back, she talked with Franz and her brother reported to her how relatives of the queen who were also related to the current head of the knights were harassing him into serving the royalty. Kyla felt bad from bringing Franz along with her, but later on, the conversations with their relatives and the opportunity of being able to enter the palace helped bring back the mood up.

    Soon the orchestra started playing and everyone started partnering with the people they had paid attention to when they arrived. This included Kyla’s relatives.

    Kyla then continued sitting back at the sidelines hoping that she’ll soon be able to go home.

    But at that moment, the crowd in front of her started parting. In the middle of it was Astair who was walking towards her.

    Astair then asked Kyla for a dance. His first dance, who is the star of the ball, will start off the dance wherein him and his partner will dance for a minute before other couples are able to join in. Despite so, the other couples will only be able to dance at their surroundings as they remain at the center.

    As all of the people in the hall turn their attention to the two of them, Kyla had no choice but to accept Astair’s hand for a dance.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2024
  13. MariL

    MariL Well-Known Member

    Oct 21, 2020
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    The Artist of Webtoon said they are working on the script of Season 3 and most likely will return mid 2024.
    Lizz_moony890 likes this.
  14. Lizz_moony890

    Lizz_moony890 Member

    Jun 15, 2024
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    I really like Astaire's and Kayla's daughter, Tierra (If I remember correctly that's her name )
    in the side stories, we found out that she has Astaire's pink hair, but Kayla's blue eyes and she is also really good with a sword even though she is sooo little. Her relationship with her older brother, Macius, is so siblings code, especially in the last side story
    i do not know how to put that spoiler thing. Does somebody know? sorry if somebody did not want a spoiler, but I really liked that moment
  15. gnyaa

    gnyaa Well-Known Member

    May 21, 2021
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    You're fine - this is a spoiler thread after all. We're all here for the spoilers.

    But if you want to hide something in the future - you can click on status bar above the space where you write replies and press the plus sign that says insert and then you get an option to choose spoiler.
  16. Lizz_moony890

    Lizz_moony890 Member

    Jun 15, 2024
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    THANKS FOR TELLING ME :justabotheart::justabotheart:
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