Resolved For some Novels, Some Tags are Missing

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Bug Reports' started by animefan4004, Jun 30, 2020.

  1. LaDyViL

    LaDyViL New Member Staff Member

    Nov 9, 2015
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  2. animefan4004

    animefan4004 Well-Known Member

    May 25, 2019
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    Link소설 속 엑스트라/등장인물#s-2.7

    It's regarded as a harem even by the KOREAN WIKI

    I got this info from the Korean wiki, this is literally copypasted from the Korean wiki:

    Rachel: After meeting with Evangelist to form a mother-daughter relationship, she doesn't say anything. She considers Evangel to be the daughter of herself and Hajin. When she thinks that Hajin is getting along with a woman other than herself, she is also caught in jealousy and anxiety.

    Yeonha: Comes out. Although he gave up on the new Jong Hak, Kim Ha-jin had his own heart, but it seems that Rachel was intertwined with Kim Ha-jin and the object of jealousy changed to Rachel. Then she asks Rachel a rude question about whether she slept with Hajin Kim.

    Sakyuk: And she feels sorry for Kim Ha-jin, and she is afraid that she cannot live with the same sky with him and promises to return to Frillion by himself.
    It's the only thing I remember while the people around me forgot Kim Ha-jin.

    Not from the Korean wiki

    Chae Nayun: Her entire arc in the novel is, "I love Kim Hajin" to I hate "Kim Hajin" to "I found out why he killed my brother and I love him again." She also literally goes to a parallel universe in hopes of having a life with "Kim Hajin"

    Boss: The one he ends up with. Nothing more needs to be said

    That's 5 people who love him, that's harem.

    If this wasn't harem, why would the author have to come out to say that there would not be a harem ending?
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2020
  3. Ral

    Ral Not a Well-Known Member ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    Dec 5, 2016
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    1. Put that in a spoiler. Don't ruin it for somebody who hasn't read it yet.
    2. If you wanna quote that wiki... Look at the actual place where it specifies genres. There's no harem.
    3. When did the author say that? And to answer your question: Could a novel that hasn't been a harem for most of the story possibly not change towards the end and have a harem ending?
    4. You do realize that the 3 or more rule is based on what a single fan once said in an article (2009) and it was copied from there into other places, right? If you go to the English wiki page, it links to the fuller Japanese page. There is no numbers there.
    All it mentions is being surrounded by "many" girls (well the opposite sex, for the most part)/having a following.

    Female characters don't follow him around. Meeting one or another female character every now and then does not make it a harem.
  4. animefan4004

    animefan4004 Well-Known Member

    May 25, 2019
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    There are multiple harem novels that are not marked harem on that wiki.
    Proof:템빨(소설)탐식의 재림

    For the harem Definition, As far as NU cares, Harem means "Multiple Love Interests." This novel is a harem by that definition.

    For the whole "Meeting one or another female character every now and then does not make it a harem." is not true. If we go by that logic novels like Overgeared, Regressor Instruction Manual, Running Away from the Hero, The Silly Alchemist and God of Music are also not harems. A harem has always been 3 or more major side characters are in love with the MC, that is the definition that most people go by for harem.

    Author saying no harem:
    "However, it seems that the artist has thought about distributing the face, as he said that 8 years have passed since the 256th episode. Said that there was no harem ending" -Korean Wiki
    This was one of the reasons that most Korean readers were pissed at this author, he has a problem of setting up a bunch of love interests and always goes for the single-girl ending.
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2020
  5. animefan4004

    animefan4004 Well-Known Member

    May 25, 2019
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    I see you haven't even responded to my reply
  6. Ral

    Ral Not a Well-Known Member ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    Dec 5, 2016
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    Yea, I don't know any of these series. The only reason I made the claim that is doesn't have a harem genre on there is because you quoted that wiki as proof.
    Actually, NU's the definition is:
    There is more than a single male character in the series. There are many female characters, yes, but I wouldn't say they are all attracted to him.
    Yea, I know you think otherwise...
    Haven't read any of these, so your explanation means nothing to me.

    I didn't see a point. Your posts clearly show you think you're not willing to compromise. And I've got better things to do than to argue over stuff I don't really care about.

    Harem is a made up fan genre that was first created to differentiate between love triangles and stories with more love interests. That's where the "3 or more" comes from.
    Nobody wanted to say love square, love pentagon, love hexagon, love heptagon, etc...