Spoiler Free in Dreams / Dream to Freedom / 꿈에서 자유로

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by -NEAR-, Mar 9, 2022.

  1. celosia_xx

    celosia_xx Well-Known Member

    Feb 25, 2023
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    it's basically this. it was a very short chapter.

  2. BRain664

    BRain664 Well-Known Member

    Dec 14, 2022
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    What happened to juhyeon?
  3. celosia_xx

    celosia_xx Well-Known Member

    Feb 25, 2023
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    she tried to stop jeongmin from going to siyun but she gave up once she saw how desperate jeongmin was to see him.
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  4. BRain664

    BRain664 Well-Known Member

    Dec 14, 2022
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    Does she love Jeongmin? Like consider jeongmin as her lover?
  5. celosia_xx

    celosia_xx Well-Known Member

    Feb 25, 2023
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    i don’t think she considers her a lover but i think she does have romantic or possessive feelings for jeongmin that she’s not conscious about. it could explain why siyun felt so threatened by her lmao
    Elisee likes this.
  6. Eetraagnis

    Eetraagnis Member

    Nov 17, 2023
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    Tbh Juhyeon is hypocrite. She herself bullied Jeongmin and now she is like Siyun is not good for her.
    Whatever you say Siyun was the one who helped Jeongmin in times she needed and Juhyeon had no right to talk like that to Siyun.
    All Siyun ever wanted was to be loved. I agree there is some parts where he is too damn toxic but if you think deeply about it Jeogmin is also part of reason for how he behaved. He needed constant reassurance because of his hurtful past and anxious attachment. But even after knowing everything about his past, once everything went well in school for Jeongmin she never took much initiative to reassure him, She became content with all her so called friends who were once bullying her making Siyun feel left behind since Siyun only had Jeongmin while She had her so called friends. They both should have been more vocal about there feelings. And Jeongmin should have been more attentive toward him.
    Well for now I hope they can heal eachother and can have a happy ending. Ps. I hope Siyun can overcome his trauma and live happily, he has already been through a lot.
  7. Tasnuva

    Tasnuva Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2019
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    Agree with you. But I also think Siyun needs some time away from Jeongmin. I am not saying they need to break up or something. But a healthy distance so that Siyun is not triggered in anyway by her. It was her distrust in him that started all this. I am not saying she is to blame here, as we all actually saw something like this coming for a long time. But Siyun is not like Jeongmin, who has a mother she is close to, friends to support her, he is alone and suffered harsher circumstances. I believe for him to properly heal he needs to teake a break from her and everybody related to her.
  8. celosia_xx

    celosia_xx Well-Known Member

    Feb 25, 2023
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    - siyun's parents visited but he was cold to them
    - he claims to have lost his memories of jeongmin but still seems to recognize her and have visible reactions to things she says
    - jeongmin doesn't give up and decides to take care of him at the hospital
    - she's very sweet and siyun is surprised with how determined she is to bring back his memories

    this was a very interesting turn for me and a complete 180 from the depressing aura of the past few chapters. i'm glad that my wish of siyun's parents seeing him and feeling guilty came through. they also know jeongmin is his girlfriend now and it seems like they will like her.i felt so bad seeing jeongmin get distressed when siyun didn't seem to remember her. i don't know if he's in a deep shock or anything, but i doubt he is being for real because he seems very aware of what happened to him and why he's at the hospital but he's pretending to jeongmin that he knows nothing. i think he is trying to convince her to leave him for good, but jeongmin is very determined to stay by his side.

    it was so cute to see her earnestly bring him food and call his parents "eommo-nim" and "abeo-nim." (as that's how people refer to their in-laws). she even talked about marrying siyun once they become adults and using this chance to take care of him and win his parents' approval now itself :giggle: siyun looked so shy and stammered around her a lot. i guess he couldn't believe jeongmin had this determined and flirty side to her :LOL: i'm looking forward to seeing if jeongmin can break through the walls that siyun put up. it's very amusing to see her be the proactive one.
  9. RR-2

    RR-2 Well-Known Member

    Jul 23, 2018
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    wow i cannot wait to see full ch my self thanks for the spoiler T^T
  10. Lulubilly

    Lulubilly New Member

    Apr 26, 2023
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    She has a twin sister, from the beginning?!?
  11. Eetraagnis

    Eetraagnis Member

    Nov 17, 2023
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    Never really heard of her.
  12. celosia_xx

    celosia_xx Well-Known Member

    Feb 25, 2023
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    apparently. it was revealed in this chapter that the girl we thought was siyun's classmate was actually her twin sister. i'm not sure how to feel about this because even if she isn't his fan, she still seems to have taken a liking for him. i'm kind of annoyed that a new love interest or distraction was added onto siyun and jeongmin's many issues. i mean, he won't even talk to her and is pretending to not know her, for crying out loud. on top of convincing siyun to communicate with her, jeongmin has to worry about a girl now.

    i feel like they've had conflict for so long and i'm waiting to see their relationship return to normal again.
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  13. celosia_xx

    celosia_xx Well-Known Member

    Feb 25, 2023
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    not to double post but i feel so annoyed with the current story. what is the point of this current conflict? until now, the story tackled social and mental health issues. but now it feels like the author is determined to show the main characters suffering. i think the break up and suicide attempt were too rushed and i feel really ticked off that it was done in a way that makes jeongmin look bad. even though she acted like anyone would in that situation, readers didn't like to see her choose morals over her relationship. i think this conflict was so unnecessary and makes this story more of a drama than a psychological story. seeing them suddenly have a cat and mouse dynamic right after he almost died feels like a lackluster way to make up for them constantly being in a cold war. also, it doesn't make up for the pain both of them are in.

    and now when their relationship is the worst, a new girl is introduced. i don't want to drop the story after coming so far, i just feel so irked at the direction the story took. also, some readers are annoying me by blaming either jeongmin or siyun for this crazy mess. i want to believe this is the last conflict because i don't know how much more these poor teenagers can take.
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2024
    Mari2121, Elisee and Tasnuva like this.
  14. EPITHE11

    EPITHE11 Well-Known Member

    Jan 13, 2022
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    and now when their relationship is the worst, a new girl is introduced. i don't want to drop the story after coming so far, i just feel so irked at the direction the story took. also, some readers are annoying me by blaming either jeongmin or siyun for this crazy mess. i want to believe this is the last conflict because i don't know how much more these poor teenagers can take.[/QUOTE]

    i don't think this New girl even if she is her twin will do anyting, even if she make a move, the lead couple has already so much in their relationship. I think ML want her to belive that he has a sort of amnesia ?? But i think he will recover soon.
    Tasnuva and celosia_xx like this.
  15. celosia_xx

    celosia_xx Well-Known Member

    Feb 25, 2023
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    i don't think this New girl even if she is her twin will do anyting, even if she make a move, the lead couple has already so much in their relationship. I think ML want her to belive that he has a sort of amnesia ?? But i think he will recover soon.[/QUOTE]

    yeah i can't see siyun being genuinely being swayed by her because he and jeongmin went through so much together. i feel like there's two ways this could go: siyun gives in and stops pretending to have amnesia or he persists and pretends to date the girl to make jeongmin hate him. i know which one i prefer to happen but i'm anxious to see what the author decides :cry:
    Tasnuva likes this.
  16. Baon2219

    Baon2219 Member

    Nov 13, 2023
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    I totall agree with you - the new arc where jeongmin leaves siyoon after finding out that her abusive father passed away and she in the days leading up to the wake never asks anyone the cause of death until she overhears it at the wake really makes the audience dislike her a little bit. We readers know siyoon is messed up in the head but I think we don’t abandon him or dislike him bc he’s so loyal to jeongmin and is going through a lot mentally. At times I see that siyoon’s mental illness is too much for a teenager like jeongmin to deal with and therefore i hope he gets professional help bc it really is more than jeongmin can actually help.
    Then the suicide was also very rushed and just see why he wants jeongmin to be freed of him but I don’t understand why she’s trying so hard to hold onto him after leaving him behind the way that she did. It just seems so out of character for her to leave him after telling him that she cannot live without him. I believe siyoon when he said that and I thought I’d believe jeongmin too but then she did that and I’m like maybe jeongmin is too normal, too conventional to be with siyoon. Maybe it’s better if she give the other guy a chance again. She’s a normie despite being viciously bullied and abused - she’s able to revert back to normalcy. But siyoon - he’s too much for her to handle and deserve someone different than jeongmin. Siyoons suicide was very devastating. Losing jeongmin pushed him over the edge so for jeongmin to want to get back together with him with one foot in the door and one out …she should realize that if she loves him maybe it’s best to let him be. It’s hard to trust after such a betrayal from her and I know siyoon doesn’t see her that way but the author to make her choose to leave him without solid proof shows how fragile her words are….
  17. celosia_xx

    celosia_xx Well-Known Member

    Feb 25, 2023
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    i agree, i don't doubt jeongmin's feelings for him at all. i'm just frustrated that in the chapters where she broke up with him, the writing for her character seemed very inconsistent. it was like the author was trying to make her look unreasonable on purpose. with the way the break up scene was rushed and made jeongmin out to look cruel for leaving siyun over something that was later revealed to be a misunderstanding. i have many complaints about how her character was written after a certain point in the story, it feels like her consistency was gone after a certain point. sometimes when stories become romance centric, female main characters lose their original personality and are molded into whatever suits the current plot. it sucks but what can we do.

    siyun finally admitted that he does recall his memories and he broke up with her against her will. jeongmin kept saying she was okay with everything and she would have gone back to him anyways after breaking up with him for the first time. but he didn't listen to anything she said. jeongmin said she would keep coming back to see him which makes siyun worried. the chapter ends when he agrees to move far away with his parents because of his dad's job.

    i don't really know what to say but i really miss them being happy together :cry:
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2024
  18. lil-ye

    lil-ye New Member

    Jan 10, 2024
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    im so sad and angry cuz of the 124 chapter:meowpuffytears: but i guess its good for them to break up for now, siyun was too scared that he'll hurt jeongmin and if they'd stay together he'd probably become even more unhealthy in this relationship. It's definitely not the end and i just hope the author wont do like 5 years time skip. I think it'll be like 2/3 years when jeong min will still be in school or she'll be just after graduation. I'm so scared of next chapters tho:notlikemeow: Hope siyun will come back to her:meowpuffymelt:
  19. celosia_xx

    celosia_xx Well-Known Member

    Feb 25, 2023
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    i really hope we don't get a timeskip and that his move can be stopped in some way :cry::cry: i really don't like where this is going... just 20 chapters ago we applauded them for being healthy and communicating. and now they both ended the relationship at different points. it makes sense because they are both young and impulsive but i feel so sad for them and miss how they used to be :cry: i'm hoping siyun comes to his senses and decides he can't lose jeongmin.
  20. EPITHE11

    EPITHE11 Well-Known Member

    Jan 13, 2022
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    I agree, when she visites him before, he didn't see her clearly, he was really afraid and also Hurt.
    Maybe a time skip it's what they need. It's just that if he heal without her, i suppose they don't need to be together anymore. It's mixte feeling for me.
    Tasnuva likes this.