Spoiler Free in Dreams / Dream to Freedom / 꿈에서 자유로

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by -NEAR-, Mar 9, 2022.

  1. celosia_xx

    celosia_xx Well-Known Member

    Feb 25, 2023
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    i was confused as well that she let nahyeok off easily and didn't try to get her phone back. i think her discomfort around siyoon wasn't because of this specific incident but it was building up over time since he's lost control of himself several times in these past few chapters and it's definitely going to build up into a bigger conflict soon. anyway, i just wish this nahyeok arc would end soon. such a boring and one-dimensional villain. his jealousy of siyoon will never leave and i don't think he'll rest until he gets some sort of written agreement that siyoon won't return to the company even if they ask him to (honestly why would he).

    also i miss juhyun. where is she lately? dreaming freedom doesn't feel the same as when it did back when she was the main villain. this girl carried the thriller in this story so well and now that she gets 0 screentime, it feels like a typical possessive yandere who can't control himself over his girl kind of story.
    Creolenerd, SkyLisette and Khloud2003 like this.
  2. Khloud2003

    Khloud2003 Well-Known Member

    May 26, 2020
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    Yeah I was wondering about the same thing, I mean these past few chapters were pretty meh tbh, there isn’t much going and I can tell that the author IS REALLY TRYING HARD TO CREATE CONFLICT, but it’s really not working after they removed juhyun form the picture what’s more there is to the story?
    Last edited: Apr 30, 2023
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  3. LostRose17

    LostRose17 Well-Known Member

    Sep 9, 2019
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    Honestly if the author wanted conflict, they could just bring back or start with where Jeongmin's dad is cause that seems like something bigger.
  4. Deleted member 215174

    Deleted member 215174 Guest

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    On the contrary, the recent chapters are amazing.

    Jeongmin school bullying is but a child plaything compared to the drama in Siyun’s life.

    I hate Nahyeok and he is by far the worst character. But he was able to manage his idol debut, eliminate Siyun from the competition and ensuring everyone on his side even when they don’t like it. All of this without anyone suspecting or pointing a finger at him

    So it would be interesting to see how things turn up for him
  5. Lulubilly

    Lulubilly New Member

    Apr 26, 2023
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    Spoilers pour les trois derniers chapitres?
  6. celosia_xx

    celosia_xx Well-Known Member

    Feb 25, 2023
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    i think the idol company asked siyoon to come back and debut as an idol with them? siyoon didn't give them an answer though. he got the phone back from nahyeok who started telling him that jeongmin will leave him one day too and meet other people which makes siyoon really mad. we left off with a boy talking to jeongmin and siyoon rushing over and putting his arm around her.
  7. Pathetic Angels

    Pathetic Angels Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2022
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    I really hope Siyoon will never return to be an idol tbh forced or not
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  8. celosia_xx

    celosia_xx Well-Known Member

    Feb 25, 2023
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    i feel like he will definitely refuse to do it bc he doesn't want to lose jeongmin plus he realized the whole thing was just him wanting to be loved by people. also there's a lot of trauma associated with that period in his life. the only way i see him possibly being an idol is if his relationship with jeongmin sours and they end up breaking up and he also realizes he's running out of time and needs a job before the ceo kicks him out of the house. i could see him being an idol as a FU to nahyeok if his manipulations were what fueled the hypothetical breakup.
  9. Pathetic Angels

    Pathetic Angels Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2022
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    This is what I'm afraid of, the CEO forcing him and giving him no choice but to be an idol (event tho I know Siyoon gonna mess that up and just to spite on nahyeok somehow I believe in his cunning mind ) because yknow that fossil keep eyeing Siyoon like he's the prettiest diamond he ever seen. Even that short period will affect jeongmin ig, you know the usual stalker stuff people had when being an idol. I don't want her to be harassed again by some random weirdo (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠)

    If somehow that cliche scenario ever happened, I wish for Siyoon using his dream ability to terrorize the hell out of the CEOs mind so that he will never think of making Siyoon an idol again without kicking him out from his current house until at least he got a job lol. I mean what he gonna do? Tell people that he's been dreaming about Siyoon torturing him in dreams? The least he will get is being sent to psych ward¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
    Lookingforspoliers likes this.
  10. Deleted member 215174

    Deleted member 215174 Guest

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    well the CEO offered him actor or model spot if he ever decided to comeback. I’m leaning more that Siyun choosing a modeling career. The guy has no emotional energy left for any human interaction.

    But the plot is heading to Siyun choosing a career path. Like there is a huge emphasis on that from the CEO side and Indirectly with Jeongmin mother taking night shifts
  11. celosia_xx

    celosia_xx Well-Known Member

    Feb 25, 2023
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    yeah there's def going to be a plot about him being forced to become an idol again whether he wants to bother nahyeok or appease the ceo to keep his apartment (for the time being). i just don't want jeongmin dragged into it bc she gets enough crap in her daily life and doesn't need more from his.
  12. Deleted member 215174

    Deleted member 215174 Guest

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    Jeongmin is at the center of it whether she wants it or not: With the CEO using her as an excuse for Siyun to peruse a career in entertainment or Nahyeok using her as a way to send Siyun further into despair and self-destruction.

    Again those “dark night of soul” were the defining moments in Jeongmin character. And how she emerged from her ordeals is what cemented her as my favorite character.

    It would be interesting to once again see what she will choose to do in these dire moments. Because Nahyeok will not be at peace till he brings everything and everyone down.

    And boy Jeongmin has a lot coming in her direction:
    1. Nahyeok
    2. Her dad ( whether dead or alive both outcome are bad for her)
    3. (Possible) Return of school bullying
    4. (Possible) Siyun being emotionally unavailable with the Nahyeok and career drama going on in his life

    So yeah the coming chapters may not be kind to her :)
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 30, 2023
  13. celosia_xx

    celosia_xx Well-Known Member

    Feb 25, 2023
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    very true, even being siyun's girlfriend whether he returns to being an idol or not is bad for her bc she's still dating a public figure and the people from siyun's past are already dragging her into this mess. i think we're right at the tipping point before all hell breaks loose. we've been in a fairly peaceful period now but people from siyun's idol days and fans are going to give her hell as well as whatever is going on with her dad. plus we still don't know what favor juhyeon asked of her mother and whether her relationship with jeongmin will get better or worse. and of course her classmates suck and can't handle not having someone to target for too long.

    plus nahyeok found out about jeongmin through a crazy fan who sent her details and her school to every member in the group. i'm assuming it's jo yeonji, the girl who was a huge fan of siyun. i bet she'll cause more trouble later on too.

    i just don't want jeongmin to sit back and have to take it. lucid dreaming is an important part of this story and now that she knows how to travel to others' dreams (even though she only did it with siyun), i hope she wields it to her advantage cause lord knows she needs to defend herself from these crazy people.
  14. Deleted member 215174

    Deleted member 215174 Guest

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    Jeongmin has been taken things in hand since episode 5. Setting back and taking it is no longer a trait in Jeongmin.

    But the return of Lucid dreaming may signal the return of violence and manipulation in Jeongmin’s life and as an active participant if not a willing one.

    It will be interesting to see how things will turn out.
  15. celosia_xx

    celosia_xx Well-Known Member

    Feb 25, 2023
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    has anyone seen the author's spoiler on twitter for tomorrow's episode? gosh i'm already getting chills...
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  16. celosia_xx

    celosia_xx Well-Known Member

    Feb 25, 2023
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    that... was so much darker than i expected. basically siyoon started choking the guy (who turned out to be her friend) and only stopped after jeongmin repeatedly pleaded him to. they went home and he's in a really unstable mood but he's acting like everything's fine. jeongmin says she's tired of him acting like this which activates his fear because nahyeok told him earlier she'd get tired of him. then he starts acting really crazy and he lifts her up and pins her to the door pretty roughly and he's sort of talking to her and himself at the same time. he started saying jeongmin didn't really mean it blah blah blah all couples fight. jeongmin looks terrified during all of this but she manages to kiss him to calm him down. she sleeps over and siyoon apologizes while he's half asleep. jeongmin seems really conflicted about him but concludes she still likes him and doesn't want to end the relationship yet.

    honestly i don't feel too good about them at this point. his expressions were terrifying and the way he talked to jeongmin throughout the whole chapter screamed abuse and gaslighting to me. jeongmin looked so scared and i don't want her to deal with all of that anymore.
  17. Khloud2003

    Khloud2003 Well-Known Member

    May 26, 2020
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    NO BECAUSE I COULDNT FINISH THIS CHAPTER IN ONE GO LMAO, I had to stand up and move around my room between every panel but it’s really good chapter though this is definitely the turning point for their relationship
    Last edited: May 3, 2023
  18. celosia_xx

    celosia_xx Well-Known Member

    Feb 25, 2023
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    it really was stressful! i felt so nervous while reading it. props to author for creating a really mind wracking atmosphere.
  19. Deleted member 215174

    Deleted member 215174 Guest

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    Episode 88 is the best. I kept holding my breath while reading it and the author did a great job in emotionally conveying the severity of the situation. Great job author.

    Siyun was expecting support from Jeongmin, but how Jeongmin pushed him and called him out for his behavior was amazing. Though Siyun took it the wrong way and started to spill his insecurities and act on them.

    But honestly it’s a good thing that they fought, because it gives Jeongmin a glimpse of what Siyun is hiding and finally a chance for Siyun get to confront some of his issues

    Jeongmin was the star of this episode. She absolutely transcended. While Siyun lost his grip on reality she maintained her grip firmly.

    Jeongmin like Siyun and wants to preserve their relationship. However, She is aware that Siyun has to do his part in order for this relationship to work
  20. Deleted member 215174

    Deleted member 215174 Guest

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    So any thoughts or speculation?

    I just love Jeongmin inner monologue in Ep88 where she is reflecting on how despite her attentiveness and care, things isn’t improving and Siyun is getting more out of control.

    What Jeongmin really need to do is throwaway the passive feminine role for a partner and take more power into her hand. Because ever since the relationship started Jeongmin handled the steering wheel to Siyun and Siyun is going to crush them both.

    If she didn’t start drawing out boundary and be more assertive things will go down the hill for both of them.

    Siyun really F**** up this episode. But he needed to see the ugliness of his action. And I hope the realization of his action crush his soul. Because if it didn’t then he is heading straightforward to the bad ending.

    And the interesting thing with Siyun is he has these opposite personas who constantly at war for control.
    if he didn’t take the path of healing. He will end up morphing into this ugly being whom we have have seen glimpses emerges in Siyun when he flashes a sickly satisfying smiling:
    1-when he criticize Jeongmin for talking to the boy and she yield to him apologizing
    2- when he pinned Jeongmin
    The alarming thing Siyun has previously rejected all offers for amendment or reconciliation

    I know I said this before, but episode 88 is a killer episode ::bloblove::