Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by lostross, Jan 11, 2023.

  1. vesperia

    vesperia Well-Known Member

    Oct 1, 2018
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    I'm a big fan of the Shakespeare plays and I'm excited to read a wildly different adaptation of Romeo and Juliet.

    I've seen many iterations of Rosaline and I am liking how this story is a what-if she didn't rebuff Romeo's affection. Rosaline was only talked about as someone who was Romeo's first love and rejected him but we never actually see her. I'm not fond of the iterations of her as a villain, though. She seemed like she was used by Shakespeare as a catalyst for the main characters to meet.

    While Romeo looks to be much older or probably more mature. I guess the author took creative liberties in aging Paris down and aging Romeo up (Romeo is age coded 16 and Paris between 25 and 29?). They look to be the same age. Then again, the story is as old as Mino but he doesn't look like he's in his early 20s more like he's in his mid to late 20s.

    I am hoping that Juliet is portrayed as more than just the white lotus character. The way I see it, aside from the familiarity of the source material, readers will assume that she loves Romeo. I'm hoping there is more to that, which is hinted in Paris' flashback of his discussion with Juliet on marriage.

    They kinda get bashed (the townspeople got rowdy) when they go to the town square.
  2. EvilSavior

    EvilSavior Active Member

    Oct 6, 2022
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    Hey guys i just saw a tiktok spoiler of chapter 32 of Go away Romeo. Romeo get slap by Rosaline but there is more that she deed. I don't know what.. Someone pls.. Spoil as of what's happening is chaptet 32.. Thanks...
  3. Heyer

    Heyer Member

    May 20, 2023
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    Well...Honestly I read some chapters from a Spanish manhwa site, so I use Google Lens because I'm Italian so I hope I will explain in the right way (for this I apologize in advance, but I'm doing this because I love this manhwa!)
    Rosaline is not happy to dance with Romeo who keeps touching her, being too close (even looking into the neckline of her dress). Suddenly Romeo asks her if she was angry because he had chosen Juliet instead of her. Romeo, in fact doesn't want to believe that Rosaline no longer has feelings for him, (even having the cheek to assert that Rosaline is still tied to him reminding her how much she loved him) but Rosaline instead replies that she feels relieved because she no longer has relations with a petty man who uses people for own planes, feeling sorry for Juliet.
    Romeo makes fun of her courage, telling her that at the moment he leaves her their son. At this point Rosaline slaps Romeo.
    At the first moment she pretends to be sorry ,talking about an insect sitting on his cheek, then she becomes serious and threatens him to not touch her son (meanwhile the Prince watches and worries about his red hand from the slap)

    Meanwhile Juliet is chatting with Paris apologizing for what happened between them. Paris appears conciliator towards Juliet but when she (happily) pities him, sorry because( about her own opinion) Paris has not found anyone to replace her, he gently corrects Juliet (thinking about Rosaline), then he also warning her that if she and Romeo were involved with the church against the prince he would do something against, but in response she says something likes "we'll see!"

    (at least I understand on that way Sorry for mistakes!)
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2023
  4. EvilSavior

    EvilSavior Active Member

    Oct 6, 2022
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    Wow.. The audicity of Romeo assuming Rosaline is still in-love with him. Well sir, you just lit a fire that's going to burn you in the end. And to Juliet ha.. Never realizing she's nothing but a pawn to his jackass of a cassanova in the end... Ha, i hope this two will have the most disastrous ending because honestly death is too easy for them to be honest. I like them to suffer more while there still alive in the story.
    Asheza, lostross, Kyhle and 2 others like this.
  5. Aiko_Tachibana

    Aiko_Tachibana Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2021
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    Good grief. That audacity he has is absolutely irritating. You think you'll wrong people and they will keep on loving you. WOW. I hated him before but I loathe him now.
    That slap was excellent. You go girl. Get yourself a better man.
  6. Deleted member 475588

    Deleted member 475588 Guest

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    I am invested so far however, if she goes back to Romeo, I will completely drop it. Because I’ve read novels were stuff like this have happened. Also, that would be contradicting to the title of the story “ GO AWAY, ROMEO “ .
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 19, 2023
  7. Heyer

    Heyer Member

    May 20, 2023
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    A Spanish manhwa site( that I am following) has published two more chapters.

    Now I will try to explain what happens using google translate (Spanish-Italian-English) so forgive me if you find imperfections or (when you will read those chapters) you discover about my mistakes.

    In this chapter Rosaline is reminding about her past, her loneliness because she was, ignored isolated by members of entire Capuleti family ignoring that she too lives and suffers (as Rosaline herself says).Rosaline admits that for this reason she was been deceived by love's words of Romeo. However she doesn't repent because thanks to Romeo's decive she has her beloved son who loves her so much. Indeed thanks to Mino Rosaline no longer considers herself a weak girl, so faces everyone with courage for to get the best for her son. When she wondering if what was done is enough Mino calls her because wants told a fairy invented by himself using drawings also.
    Mino's tale is about a strong queen (Rosaline) who lives in a tower with her son(Mino) for to fend off a dragon on the roof. When the queen managing to keep dragon away but she did become weak just a brave knight arrives and helps the queen defeat the dragon .at the end they lived happily ever after.

    Rosaline is happy and moved, and asks to Mino what present he would like for his birthday,so Mino replies that she would like a cub. Rosaline is amazed because she expected him to ask for a dad, but she promises him that she will grant this wish him.

    Personal opinion:
    Mino considers Paris as an ideal candidate to be his dad because there are many clues on this fairytall and its drawings in favor of Paris( in fact he no longer asks for a dad but for a dog maybe because he has just find what he was desire)Mino even wears the Viking headdress given to him by Paris!

    The chapter begins showing Tybalt Capulet, Mercutio and Ben (all of them are masquerade)while welcome a devoted supporter of the Capulets who enters with a mysterious chest (weapons? ) convinced that it can be used to defeat the Montagues (he isn't aware that he is in front of two of them), and I believe to understand that Mercutio pays him using church money.
    At this point there is the introspection of Tybalt that (using his usual irony ) observes amused:

    Years earlier Tybalt had discovered Romeo under Rosaline's balcony . He confronted Romeo but was amazed by Romeo's tranquility ,indeed he wasn't scared. Tybalt (I think) almost admired him and decided to pretend he didn't know what happened because of to enjoy observing his family's members deceived. He began to feel guilty when Romeo started an affair with Juliet also. I think that Tybalt confronted Romeo for this reason (however I'm not sure) but him about answer asks him to stay by his side because being an orphan he (Tybalt ) was always been treated badly by the Capulets.
    When Tybalt witnessed Romeo and Juliet escape, he felt himself guilty towards Rosaline so he confessed everything to the matriarch Luciana.
    Rosaline's grandmother scolded a sorryfull Tybalt but did give him the opportunity to make up by continuing to be close to Romeo and his followers as spy. No one, Romeo included, suspects that Tybalt has repented since he had masked his pain and the desire to redeem himself and they certainly do not expect that Tybalt communicate immediately to Luciana what just happened. Luciana is not surprised at all but when Tybalt asks her how they should act she replies that he and herself will do nothing but they would let another person to do something about this matter.
    This chapter ends with the image of Rosaline cradling Mino asleep in their bedroom.

    Last edited: Aug 15, 2023
  8. Aiko_Tachibana

    Aiko_Tachibana Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2021
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    Gahhh!! I knew I loved Tybalt's character. So, the Head of the family knows whose child Mino is and is aware Romeo is plotting something against her family. This spices things up. I feel like she will support Rosaline when the time comes.

    Also, I really love how the prince is portrayed in this series. He is very human, isn't a tyrant( shocking) and is a good friend. Also, has sense of humour and is hot. I like him too!
  9. Aiko_Tachibana

    Aiko_Tachibana Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2021
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    chapter 36 just came out and in case you guys haven't read it yet, here's a summary for you!

    This scene opens up with Paris's butler pointing out how Paris has changed and is working harder than before. They talk something and Paris comments that his father never had anything he wanted to fight for. (I saw a blush y'all). He then said he wanted to work hard to alleviate some burden from the Prince and Rosaline. Then the scene shifts to the Prince barging into the Church, I believe, and shouting that he wanted to meet the one who was responsible for that place. So, enter the old pope that was with Romeo a few chapters before. The Prince was drunk and the pope said that the place reeked of alcohol. Prince then told him off and said he will not let him of the hook as he has been receiving reports on him. The pope smirked and said his plan was already in motion and enunciated that he will be destroyed soon. When the prince got angry, he denied having said anything and told him not to have a drunken fit. Now the prince stood outside and murmured "She should be here by now" then Rosaline popped up from the bushes showing him a thumbs up with a "Mission successful!".

    I hope that was clear enough. English isn't my first language so please ignore if any mistakes were made.
  10. DIJ28

    DIJ28 Well-Known Member

    Dec 13, 2020
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    And here we can see after getting notifications that the spoilers are from already released free chapters :blobwoah:.
    Let me tell you what happens in chapter 37 and 38
    Our mc went to get some documents from the temple with the prince, got caught by Romio (yeah I know your blood will boil next week) then she kinda reprimanded him and went out(38) and that sh*t priest got gist of something between Romeo and Rosaline. And after coming back we see Paris being worried for her and kinda angry with the crown prince. If I could I would've given more detailed spoiler but sorry I am unable to do that due to lack of time.
    Plus I haven't read chapter 39 yet so I can't spoil that as well. (Your blood may boil after reading the post but idc):blobsmile:
  11. whitequeen

    whitequeen Well-Known Member

    May 30, 2020
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    Someone tries to kidnap little Mino, but they don't succeed. Rosaline and Paris go to the dinner with the grandmother only to find out that Romeo and Juliet are also there
  12. whitequeen

    whitequeen Well-Known Member

    May 30, 2020
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    The grandmother apologizes to Paris saying that Rosaline didn't know that the others were also coming. Then they started to eat and Paris keep adding things to Rosaline's plate making Romeo have a bad face. During the dinner, Juliet recalled some bad memories, it seems like her nurse was fired because she was spoiling her (something like that) At the end of the chapter, Romeo told the grandmother that they should be happy to have obtained three years of peace and that Juliet is pregnant. Everyone was very surprised , including Juliet (I'll just leave it there)
  13. ZhaZha

    ZhaZha Just random wanderer ƪ(‾_‾)ʃ

    Mar 29, 2022
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    I'm not willing if that Romeo the Casanova asshole becomes the second or third ML, and he tries to get close to FL again after she's close to another man :blobthumbsdown::blobcurse:
  14. nobodybruh

    nobodybruh Active Member

    Oct 12, 2022
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    I should've wait a lot lot more chapter before reading this and now the anticipation of the next chapters in killing meeeeeeee. It doesn't even have a novel
  15. Cookiemonster_007isback

    Cookiemonster_007isback I need them cookies

    Jun 30, 2022
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    I think he's lying about that, someone mentioned that even Juliette was shocked, most probably he's planning something by lying like that.
  16. Aqua_the_idiot

    Aqua_the_idiot my decisions are justified by my name

    Dec 24, 2021
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    I am glad Juliet was also surprised because that gives us hope that the pregnancy is made-up because I DO NOT WANT ANOTHER CHILD SUFFER IN ADULT FIGHTS! Mino is already enough! That as*hole Romeo needs to have his di*k cut off so that he can never reproduce again!
  17. CreativeCriticalThinker

    CreativeCriticalThinker Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2022
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    Romeo & Juliet (painted by Ford Madox Brown)

    Tristan & Iseult/Isolde (painted by Edmund Blair Leighton)
    Who wants to bet that Tristan & Isolde will also get the K Drama Webtoon Treatment? :giggle:
    This old tale also has an ridiculous love triangle with dumb characters.

    Maybe the jealous wife who is also strangely named Iseult/Isolde and is depicted as less fairer prettier than the Heroine will be the enlightened clever protagonist in a webtoon adaptation.:)

    From what I know William Shakespeare was influenced/inspired by this medieval chivalric romance tragedy romance legend.
    Aqua_the_idiot likes this.
  18. lostross

    lostross Well-Known Member

    Jun 22, 2020
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    We should stop with triangle love story, or victim FL, Or revenge plot, manipulate sisters/cousins.
  19. ZhaZha

    ZhaZha Just random wanderer ƪ(‾_‾)ʃ

    Mar 29, 2022
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    It would be great if the title were like ‘Get lost! Romeo!’ or ‘Go to hell! Romeo!’ :blob_grin::blob3cevil:
  20. whitequeen

    whitequeen Well-Known Member

    May 30, 2020
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    Although Juliet was shocked, when they questioned about it, she confirmed that she was indeed pregnant and her son would be the heir of the Montague. There's a fight between Paris and Romeo, like Paris questioned about his motives for coming back. At the end of the chapter, while Juliet was going to talk alone with the grandmother, Tybalt brings Mino and she has a really ugly face when she sees Romeo looking at Rosaline and Mino (don't know whether she finally realized the similarities between Romeo and Mino)

    (It's unclear whether Juliet is actually pregnant or not. "She(Rosaline) has her own son ... why can't I?", thought Juliet)