Spoiler Honey, I'm Going On A Strike

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by Rin.rinaaa, Sep 19, 2021.

  1. FaranFluffy

    FaranFluffy Well-Known Member

    May 30, 2021
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    Anyone have spoilers of when they confess? They're being very lovey dovey right now. Just wondering how long till they actually say their feelings
  2. zenn114

    zenn114 Well-Known Member

    Sep 15, 2021
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    Oh my, so the 44th chapter of the manhwa where mc and ml visiting Count Ruberno is already in the mid of the story? In which chapter of the novel thats correlated with this to be exact?
    SofiyeJaan likes this.
  3. Peerly

    Peerly Well-Known Member

    Jun 30, 2020
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    I read that her husband and her son helped turn back time and her husband lost his fertility but not completely so the possibility of her getting pregnant is low but possible. BUT there is a chance her son won’t be born again because he helped with the ritual, so my question is, will she have her son again in this life?????? Please someone spoil me
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  4. Plumpuppeach

    Plumpuppeach Well-Known Member

    Nov 7, 2020
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    Lol I just read this chapter of the manhwa but question does he find out who Rael really is later on? Does she tell him and about the time rewind?

    Also were her kids born again too? Idk the MTL confused the shit out of me and I didn't understand it

    ah so I'm guess with the last paragraph Rael is born again and so will their daughter?
    lan2001h and Bonzai like this.
  5. Uruchan2009

    Uruchan2009 Well-Known Member

    Aug 10, 2020
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    For people who curious about Vita,
    I have a few theory about the 1st timeline.
    About the case when FL heard she was talking, I'm sure it's just Vita who was still thinking she was the master of the ML just like in the 2nd timeline, where she asked to choose between her and FL.

    But, about why the ML not chasing Vita (send her off) even after the FL asked him to do it,
    My theory is 1. Maybe he has phsycology like an elephant who got shackle when they were baby so, even though they already were big and stronger they still can't break that shackle. (ML still think of her as his master)
    2. Maybe Vita twisted the story about the FL, so she appeared (in 1st timeline) to be spoiled rich lady and ML (being the couple with no communication at all) will choose his "master" than his "stranger wife", he later chase Vita out because the doctor was advised it for the safety of their children, so it's like wake up call for the ML and realize who is more important and need to be treasured for him.
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2022
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  6. giumatos

    giumatos Well-Known Member

    Dec 19, 2021
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    I don't recall this chapter fully but he does confront her about Rael - it's cute because he is jealous over him and worried she will leave him for Rael - in a very Chester-ish grumpy way that has you DYING but she does tell/imply that Rael is their child and he is handsome like his father. Honestly, THE FLUFF.

    I can't be sure about her telling him about the time rewind, but if she does, it will take a goooood while.

    Yes, she gets to give birth to both her kids again on the second time line as she knows the day they were conceived.

    Chester gives his life as sacrifice to rewind time, but both kids make the sacrifice as well and ML DOESN'T come back (like FL he is returned back on time, but with no memories), only Rael and Lucy come back. Rael to make sure ML and FL get together and have a good life this time, and Lucy wants to keep them apart, but eventually she gives in and helps her parents stay together.

    My theory about the conversation on the first timeline is that: ML wasn't even there and she did on purpose. She was in his room waiting for FL to try and imply an affair.

    On the first timeline I also believe he kept Vita there not because he likes her or whatever but he was born and raised low born. He was a peasant that was good with a sword and rose from that. I don't meant to be cruel but he is a simpleton with no idea how nobility behaves or even the games they play. To him saying no or even not allowing Vita to be there doesn't cross his mind, because she is noble. He doesn't even rationalize it. He doesn't even know he can actually NOT have her around. Poor stupid baby.

    And Vita and her family take advantage of that. He was low born but sending her to him gave her even more "status" and they also knew that she wasn't going to work. All she had to do was.... not work. Who was going to rat her out and ML, the poor thing, would never say a thing because he wasn't going to make a noble girl work. Specifically the one that he was raised to do whatever she wants.

    Other thing is that: FL is a noble lady so to him having another noble lady around his wife would give her a sense of normalcy, like she is still at home surrounded by all the luxury he knew she had and he was struggling to met the standards. Looking from his perspective, Vita was always around FL and FL never said anything, so in his peasant mind, FL was happy to have a peer around her instead of having his brutish and lowly presence.

    He only kicks her out when it becomes know that Vita was distressing his wife... and in the second time line because FL shows him that Vita is annoying her he has no problem kicking her then because he really doesn't care about Vita. If asked he probably won't even know how she got to be there (when he, while made a Baron, was lowborn and wtf does she do at the castle LOL).
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2022
  7. its0k

    its0k Well-Known Member

    Aug 2, 2020
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    Vita wasn’t a noble. She was a commoner from a more or less rich family. MC was annoyed that she, being a commoner, behaves like she is on the same level or higher than ML, dropping honorifics and being all touchy-feely with him. I think because of getting everything easily Vita could have actually become more and more arrogant and started to demand ML to get rid of MC, but I don’t think she was smart enough to scheme. She probably thought that she will live happily ever after just manipulating and exploiting ML, and she didn’t expect him to take his wife’s side.
    Uruchan2009, Aymee and Lady Lullaby like this.
  8. _vouzmevoyez_

    _vouzmevoyez_ Well-Known Member

    Feb 10, 2022
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    Thank you for the spoilers!! I just finished reading the manhwa's latest update. I love both the leads. They were indeed both to blame for their failed marriage in the previous timeline. Glad that they are getting along well now and are both trying to fix things. They are communicating now which they weren't able to do in the previous timeline. THEY SHOULD RAISE THE BUTLER'S SALARY, HE KNOCKED SOME SENSES ON ML'S EMPTY HEAD. F Vita and Viscount Viche. I hate them. And that hottie Count Axios pissed me off!! Zester/Chester begged Cassia to heal him during the war, but the btch even offered the wife of the man who helped him to come to his estate!! Anyways, this is such a good story. I'm actually decaying already waiting for Chartreuse's, Rafaello's, Cassis' and Harry's stories to update. But this story saved me from decaying. Too bad I ignored this story for long. Thank you again.
    Aymee, seabuckthorn and Lady Lullaby like this.
  9. giumatos

    giumatos Well-Known Member

    Dec 19, 2021
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    Humm I guess I misunderstood Vita being from a small noble family, but still I still stand on my overall argument, as she comes from a family with good social and financial standing, specifically if you are looking from ML point of view. Poor baby has some serious self steem issues.

    FL knows and makes the discerniment but our poor puppy Chester didn't. To him it was all the same in a way.

    Yeah, I don't think she is clever enough to scheme, so that is why I believed she walked over ML with his demands and he was used to her having her way, as I mentioned before, not out of favoritism but because he grew up as that being a given.

    And she thought she could bully FL because in the first timeline she never reacted, Vita took this as FL being a pushover that she could take advantage off.
  10. SamV

    SamV Well-Known Member

    Jan 19, 2021
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    Uh, who is that count axios (?).. He bad guy or a mere pest in tbe story?
  11. Clendenin

    Clendenin Active Member

    Jan 18, 2022
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    Can you spoil me, who is sage?
  12. Smile_for_me

    Smile_for_me Isekai enthusiast/ knovel lover

    Feb 12, 2019
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    Is the sage...their son?
  13. reizleigh

    reizleigh Wicked Oni

    May 7, 2021
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  14. I_am_taking_the_FL

    I_am_taking_the_FL Member

    Mar 2, 2022
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    Can someone tell me who is the sage? It feels as if he is their son
  15. Celebrianna

    Celebrianna ❤️‍Solo Leveling❣️

    Nov 26, 2020
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    The sage is their son Rael. It’s quite obvious after yesterday’s chapter. And previous spoilers on this thread mentions he will meet his mom and give her advice on certain things.
    rock.doll, MianneChan, Peerly and 6 others like this.
  16. Narakura

    Narakura Well-Known Member

    Feb 9, 2020
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    I think that sage really is their son. According to the spoiler before about cassia's regression, their son also made himself regress to make sure the couple life well. The name Rael-go gives us the hint.

    Damn, I feel sad for Rael..how was his feeling when he saw his parent? He also made the pill for cassia cause cassia wants to see her children again:blobsob:But he knows it will be hard or impossible. It's so cruel. I hope they can be together in the end and be happy family.
    Peerly, RubySBS and Akunx like this.
  17. KnoxAndme

    KnoxAndme Active Member

    Oct 26, 2020
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    Does Rael and lucy Born again? Or Rael stay as a sage?
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  18. cklaighe

    cklaighe Well-Known Member

    Oct 5, 2018
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    The Sage is named Raelgo
    Rael Go
    The son's name is Rael


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  19. FaranFluffy

    FaranFluffy Well-Known Member

    May 30, 2021
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    Yes. He's their oldest son. I don't remember why his hair isn't red tho. He gave her the pills so she could delay the pregnancy so they will be born again.
    DOHere likes this.
  20. Celebrianna

    Celebrianna ❤️‍Solo Leveling❣️

    Nov 26, 2020
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    Wow, to all the readers who ran here just to ask about Count Axios because he’s drawn like a male lead in the manhwa, according to the comments of some readers, this guy is such a scumbag. I can now understand even more why Cassia finds him repulsive.
    So, apparently, after Cassia nursed this guy back to health in the previous timeline, he actually stayed on in the Grieze estate to sexually harass her frequently about becoming his mistress. Even after he left, he kept sending her proposals to be his mistress.

    Meanwhile, Zester saved this guy from death’s door. The war started because in the north, the lords are accustomed to having territorial wars to check each other. They don’t work together but are instead independent unlike the south where the lords support each other and cooperate with one another. So, this guy Axios was targeted by the count who showed up with him in the war with the Rakans, Barnan, and the viscount Viche. Since Grieze is the territory on the way to the Axios territory, it’s Zester and his men who basically saved Axios’s arse. That’s because Axios was attacked unexpectedly yet Zester and his men beat back Viche and Barnan. In this timeline, when Cassia thinks about it, she realizes even more that her husband is greater than Axios.

    In this timeline, Axios is again coveting Cassia. Despite his request to visit Grieze mainly due to Cassia, there was no response for a long time. However, Cassia realizes that if she wants to minimize any damage to Grieze because of the territorial wars, she needed to do something with her future knowledge. She doesn’t want her precious citizens to suffer from a war fought in their land. She researches a place outside of Grieze where a war can be fought instead. Anyway, this is why she finally consent to a visit from Axios.

    During the visit, this guy Axios becomes even more adamant about coveting Cassia, who hates him though he doesn’t know this. Cassia hates him even more when she found out the man sent Zester with just 50,000 men to fight an army of 150,000. Yet Zester defeated the army. This is why she dislikes it very much when Zester praises Axios and is blinded to his own feats which, in Cassia’s eyes, are far more notable that anything the count ever accomplished.

    What’s truly reprehensible about Axios’s behavior is the way he utterly destroys Zester’s self-esteem in a veneer of friendliness. The more he sees Cassia and admires her united beauty and intelligence, the more he decides that Zester is undeserving of such a wife. He regrets rejecting the emperor’s offer to propose marriage between himself and Cassia. His first slimy attempt at putting the couple at odds is telling the couple that the emperor almost married Cassia to him. He deliberately did this with the intention of creating division between the couple. He also make these polite insults about the Grieze estate and how beneath Cassia the place is. This is all done during lunch on the first day of his arrival. He does this especially because Cassia, expecting him to act like the douchebag he is, made it clear that she loves the people of her territory, the food and most importantly, her husband. Well, Axios couldn’t stand this and that’s when he talked about the marriage with him.

    Needless to say, this is a blow to Zester. I find it quite understandable because all of these people are not from his world and he’s not from their world. Cassia follows Zester out of the room and just like she expected, he looks like he was in shock and his soul had left him. This is because he cannot deny the truth that his estate and capabilities as a lord is far below that of the other northern lords and even more so, Axios, who is considered the king of the north. Cassia is very sorry to see all her hard work shattered just by this one occurrence. She knows Zester has very low self-esteem and has been working on trying to encourage him to be more confident. She knows his value but he doesn’t know it at all. She tries to soothe him by telling him that she loves Grieze. Zester tells her it’s because she hasn’t seen the Axios estate. If she did, she would love it 100 times, no, 1000 times better. Cassia tells him that she likes him 100 times, no, 1000 times better. She also tells him Axios is not her taste so she’s glad she married him. Internally, Cassia sincerely means it when she says she dislikes Count Axios. This is when she thinks of her anxiety as a young 17/18 year old girl in her past life and the man kept harassing her and she couldn’t even tell Zester who revered the man so much. It was a terrible experience and memory for her.

    Cassia still wasn’t getting through to Zester so she kisses him. It’s a peck but he reacts to this. She hugs him to reassure him that she likes her life with him.

    Another time, this Axios guy meets with Zester and the other mercenaries who fought in the war that won Zester the title. The mercenaries are praising Cassia because of the way she takes care of them as the lady of the estate. They gladly follow Zester but since Cassia came, she takes care of them in the sense that she makes sure they are paid and that everything is good for them in Grieze. They even swear their loyalty to her now. Axios is irritated by all this and he keeps looking at Zester. To cowardly attack Zester, he starts to talk about how lonely he is to prompt the mercenaries to tell him to get a wife to help him out. This is the opening he needed to cowardly threaten Zester about his wife. He tells the story of a neighboring king who decided only one woman could be his empress. That woman is intelligent and beautiful who brokered a trade deal between two countries. The problem is, she was already married to a duke. Well, the king took the duke’s wife and she became the queen. This, of course, affects Zester and that night he drinks until he’s drunk. He keeps telling Cassia that he’ll do better and not to leave him. Cassia pretty much already figured out that Axios again succeeded in fueling Zester’s insecurities.

    Oh, but this guy isn’t done yet. Zester has to take care of a criminal case with Cassia’s favorite maid so she ends up having lunch with the creep all along. She uses the opportunity to raise the territorial war issue and she discusses with Axios about it. The guy doesn’t even hide his intentions anymore. He gets up and comes close to Cassia. He lifts her chin and rubs his thumb against her lip and tells her that he will have her and Grieze eventually. Cassia was stunned for a bit then knocks his hand away. When she gets back to her room, she realizes that the guy is even worst now than the humiliation she already suffered from him in her previous life. She feels anxious about it because the man seems more determined now. This is up to what I have read so far....
    Last edited: May 9, 2022