Spoiler I’m Ready for Divorce/이혼당할 준비 완료했습니다

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by flamingorangesoof, Jul 7, 2020.

  1. elparis

    elparis [Panda Warrior]

    Dec 15, 2016
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    i dont get it, how cant they see that what they are doing is wrong.
    that they are trying to be a homewrecker to the couple!!!
    like how would they feel if someone did that to them.
    i want them to gravel.
  2. seabreezemojito

    seabreezemojito Well-Known Member

    Apr 19, 2019
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    Well mm Birds of a feather, flock together, maybe they look at the princess the same way they look at themselves In front of the mirror, dumb & dumber.... so they dont exactly like the rational responsible strong Duchess :p:p:whistle::whistle:

    Thats what i imagine as well, thats why im offering that punishment hehehe

    yes agree he is dumb, even if he got the plan of concluded everything in one move, he should atleast pronounce his feelings towards the world
    Scapezz, Hiura, Laluna2021 and 9 others like this.
  3. marteenee

    marteenee Well-Known Member

    Apr 12, 2020
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    not a spoiler sorry.. MC tried her best to be a better leader for everyone, resurrecting their almost dead fortress, never acted bad to anyone, and continuously supporting and funding those ungrateful soldiers and her people but they would still repay her with shit???? And I think it’s way too early to express my annoyance to the ML on why is he letting them trample his woman without slicing their neck off bc I still haven’t read everything yet so yea.
    I can’t believe Brien.. he’s with them from when they were younger he should have known better. And why they gotta bring the princess with them, I mean she can stay cute and rainbows and unicorns in her ruined kingdom for all she wantw. And last but not the least, fuck the TEMPLE. The root of all this shit.
    TrinaAngel, Scapezz, Hiura and 34 others like this.
  4. OtomeAddict

    OtomeAddict Well-Known Member

    Jun 10, 2019
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    This reminds me of “I’ll Become a Villainess That Will Go Down in History” which I dropped for almost this exact reason.
    The people who condemn the MCs in both cases have seen the MC grow up and yet they still hate on them and accuse them. This novel is even worse because the other MC at least pretended to be a villainess while Elody has been nothing but wonderful.
    I wished that at least the commoners would side with MC seeing that the territory and its people prospered under the 7 year guidance of MC.
    I liked this novel alot too...
    Screw Brian... I hope he got dumped. All these idiots don’t deserve Elody. Even Ml doesn’t. He should’ve BEGONE THOT’ed the princess right away.

    I just wanna skip the whole ML returns from war arc and go directly to the princess gets ruined chapter. Someone please let me know when that is.
    Please and thank you spoiler gods! I’m off to cleanse my soul with fluff oneshot stories!
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2020
    TrinaAngel, Scapezz, Hiura and 46 others like this.
  5. Ellavader6666

    Ellavader6666 Well-Known Member

    May 13, 2020
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    i'm REALLY REALLY wanting to see everything go to shit if MC were to get the divorce, let's see just how much they like the princess who's got nothing but her face.:blobthinkingsmirk::blobhyperthink:
  6. SamSam

    SamSam class' ...pas class' !

    Nov 5, 2018
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    so they divorce or not ? and will she be sick like the villain in the novel ?
    Veene likes this.
  7. elparis

    elparis [Panda Warrior]

    Dec 15, 2016
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    What I want to happen is for her to run away to do her thing! I want to watch castle n stuff crumble so they can see how valuable the mc is! Let them see how much of an asset mc is!
  8. ketchupblood

    ketchupblood Well-Known Member

    Apr 26, 2020
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    Wait so why doesn't the temple deliver the messages?
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  9. sjmcc13

    sjmcc13 Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2017
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    That is the real question, well tat and why were they going through the temple in the first place instead of the military.
    Mitsuki000 likes this.
  10. magical_al00

    magical_al00 ✧・゚:*( ͡ꈍ ͜ʖ̫ ͡ꈍ )*:・゚✧

    Apr 12, 2020
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    She know trying to cure her disease by medicine she found it but she is spitting blood after drink it so she trying to hide it and the servants when they found out about the blood thought she is dying of course MC doesn’t know that they know ..
    They have secret meeting talking about MC and how hard for her she deal with it alone

    When the truth found out everyone shocked
    The princess in heartbroken,, the soldiers doesn’t say a word ,, MC say to Priest to go to Guests room ,, ML wants to kill them but MC said it’s not the right time
    Marie the MC maid is crying because how many medicine MC sends and expensive ,, Brien tried to be closer to Marie but she refused and push him
    One of the soldiers his name is Heinz he is a leader of mercenary knights he know about MC spitting blood but MC told him to keep it secret , he thought it’s like his sister disease and she is dying and he is OK with it because he want ML to marry the princess
    But after the truth Marie found him crying and said nothing to her

    Marie and other servants had been eagerly explaining to the knights who misunderstood the Duchess. In fact, the last story wasn't of interest to them, especially the mercenary knights who were just saying it wasn't enough, and were busy showing off the duchess
    I swear they are not worth it ML should fired them

    Mercenary knights those who the ML saved them in the war

    In the novel I read that it’s there job to deliver it

    There is knight leader came with the priest his name is Theodor I think he is interested in our MC
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2020
    toleneram, TrinaAngel, its0k and 74 others like this.
  11. Pansy25

    Pansy25 Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2018
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    Is he the 2nd ML?
    Volublekoala965, nyxxx and Mitsuki000 like this.
  12. magical_al00

    magical_al00 ✧・゚:*( ͡ꈍ ͜ʖ̫ ͡ꈍ )*:・゚✧

    Apr 12, 2020
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    I don’t know he just appear in the last two chapters I read But I hope he is I want to see ML jealous :blobsmirk:
    Guide1410, Elphin and Pansy25 like this.
  13. Kiriari

    Kiriari Well-Known Member

    May 29, 2019
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    I thought the story was really cute before, but after reading the spoilers so far, I think I'd be really mad if I read about how MC gets treated like sh*t while the princess gets the heroine halo.... also sounds like MC just accepts the everything because she's a "villainess"... Which is also a trope I'm not fond of... She changed the story already, geez why can't these MC's just be more confident and be like F off b***h to someone who tries to seduce a married man!!
    Pardon my language

    Please spoil more about if the knights, mercenaries and princess will get karma coming to them!
    salty25, Scapezz, Hiura and 22 others like this.
  14. Ellavader6666

    Ellavader6666 Well-Known Member

    May 13, 2020
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    Recap: so you don't have to scramble for all the spoilers said so far:

    MC took care of ML in a motherly type of way, since she is sort of an adult, reincarnation transmigration constipation mumbo jumbo
    She helps him overcome his fear of abuse, helps him become an intellectual (not that it helped much later apparently, he's a dense mothatrucker:facepalm:), got him some sword training to hone his talent gives him love and affection so that he can once again learn to trust and love.
    ML went to war, when he returned he brought back a bitch and some soldier bastards:blobhyperthink:, more things to burden their household BUT
    it's all okay cuz our MC is amazing and made the household prosperous with her intelligence in making medicine and stuff:blobphone:
    Now however, the household is in disarray as everyone but the servants want ML to divorce MC and marry the bitch he brought back:blob_catflip:
    While the bitch is acting like she owns the damn place that MC worked so hard to restore back to its former glory, status quo hasn't changed and everyone still supports the princess bitCH FUCKFACE CUNT! ahem...
    we also discovered that our MC is dying , she's coughing blood, she's tryna keep it incognito but the servants found out anyway:blobspy:.
    She's also shouldering the rumors and shit talk about her as well, however, she's keeping her cool, trying to find her cure, and ML?
    oh, he's off scratching his balls somewhere, doesn't matter that the woman he supposedly loves is having a real fucking hard time:blob_thor:
    oh but wait! ML comes through and exposes the phony ass temple:blobhero:, who have been taking the medicine and letters MC sent to ML. why? well, why the fuck not, everyone but the servants have proven to be complete shitheads, oh and remember the guy who trained ML as a kid, yup, probably not, but he ALSO supports the princess hoe, doesn't matter that he witnessed MC care for ML, he was busy trying to get it on with a maid:blobpopcorn_two:, no the maid is not into him, since she's not happy that he supports the hoe.
    Now that the temple was exposed everyone's feeling a little bad about all their misconception of MC, just a little:blobhyperthink:
    Thanks to our newer spoilers, courtesy of you wonderful people:blobhug:, we now know that some other knight dude has his eye on MC:blobthinkingsmirk: not sure what will happen, although i am hoping to see a 2ML, cuz damn the one we got is only good on the eyes.
    In short: be careful if you have high blood pressure.
    TrinaAngel, Kiriari, Scapezz and 65 others like this.
  15. elparis

    elparis [Panda Warrior]

    Dec 15, 2016
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    Everyone in this novel now all disappoint me including the MC. Thought it would be a cute story for my sweet time , instead it just make my high blood pressure rise!
  16. Pansy25

    Pansy25 Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2018
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    We should just wait for more spoilers. We aren't half way through the story yet. Maybe the ML would redeem himself and finally saves his wife. I think the author is still stockpiling all the schemes or crimes the temple and the princess is doing before it leads to the ultimate downfall and climax of the story. .
  17. magical_al00

    magical_al00 ✧・゚:*( ͡ꈍ ͜ʖ̫ ͡ꈍ )*:・゚✧

    Apr 12, 2020
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    The story is good but the problem is the princess and mercenary knights and the temple :blobpeek:
  18. marteenee

    marteenee Well-Known Member

    Apr 12, 2020
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    wait the potential 2nd ML came with the priest from the same TEMPLE that caused all of this or I'm just missing something? so that’s like kinda making him as a candidate for MC’s future headache or??

    thank you for providing spoilers :aww:
    Lykalee likes this.
  19. Migrad

    Migrad Well-Known Member

    Apr 14, 2020
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    thank you so much for spoiler!

    oh no elody is still dying? poor elody... :blobcry:
    so ML want to kill the priest or the soldier? i assume he want to kill the one who responsible which is the temple..
    the princess is heartbroken because now her "rival" is actually not a bad woman? or because she cant drive her out anymore?

    and of course brien and the mercenary still continue to be pathetic, i mean the notion to ask their employer to divorce is mind blowing...
    heinz or whatever already knew that elody is sick but its okay with all that because he support the divorce??? non recyclable garbage.
    i dont even wish them to punished, i want ML to replaced all of the soldier involved with someone decent and be at peace
    Scapezz, Tjanie, Hiura and 10 others like this.
  20. SoShy

    SoShy Well-Known Member

    Jul 26, 2017
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    Wtf is with this ML??? Like seriously.
    I'm ok with princess bitch because it's her role to get hated by the audience, same goes for soldiers. But what about ML? Are we supposed to like him? I mean, if you're a real man you ought to protect the woman you love, whether it maybe from physical abuse or verbal abuse.

    But apparently, this guy has his own agenda and let's MC suck it up all the nasty bs spreading about her, mostly by his own damned people, all by herself. And after some time, which would take a normal human to be either heart broken and traumatized, he shows up with some huge fiasco.

    IMO wouldn't it have been better if you would hug her to sleep at every night and reassure her saying, no matter these fktards say I believe you my love. Or just SHOW the goddamn people that he LOVES her and they're in a HAPPY MARRIAGE already! A third party wouldn't even have the chance to squeeze themselves in if there's no gaps in the relationship to begin with.

    It's so retarded that these people take their sweet little time to clear up a single fking misunderstanding in a relationship. Fking SPEAK UP and reassure her, tell her that you LOVE HER and not some bs princess and most of all, stop giving the third party a CHANCE. Ugh my blood pressure...
    I hope MC fake her death and run away...
    Hiura, blahblah123, feng nao and 26 others like this.