Spoiler I Became A Maid In A Teen's Love Novel

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by Hypothon, May 30, 2020.

  1. Nuzlocke

    Nuzlocke Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2020
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    It doesn't actually take that much effort to change a timeline. The butterfly effect is a thing that's actually stupid easy to be invoked. From what I've noticed, most of the people on these forms tend to forget that or not really understand the full scope of what it would mean.

    Heartless murderers in one timeline can become part of the main protagonists party in another all because Character B talked to them at a Starbucks one day.

    Seems like the only differince was Nina herself. The first timeline made it pretty clear that she was manipulated by those around her, then died for the sake of her bff saint-sama.

    This one, knowing what's coming, decided that she'd do her job and NOT help saint-sama break the law.

    Also, when the choice comes down to a single maid and the king of a nation, 9/10 people are going to off the single maid. It's selfish sure, he wanted to stop hurting, but at the end of the day he's a king in charge of millions. His death will matter, and be felt by everyone living there. Nina's will not. TL 1 Nina's fate sucks, but the King and co. aren't really in the wrong.

    Sorry if this last bit is a bit off topic, but people calling them selfish always bugged me. The one's being selfish are the ones making the argument. Don't forget the story, in universe this is really the best option.

    Doesn't help that TL1 Nina WAS a traitor...

    Tho, did the kings brother get off with a slap on the wrist? He was also part of that little scheme lol
  2. Piglove

    Piglove Well-Known Member

    Jul 19, 2021
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    Hi, thank you for answering, I don't mean to offend you, just sharing my feeling there and also some question..

    Maybe i missed it, but will the king's life threatened if he dont touch the holy power (in Nina or Seraphie)? I thought he will only feel pain?

    So in the 1st timeline Nina got manipulated by people around her? I thought she was just close to the saint and tried to escape?
    Was in the 1st timeline she did not become the subject of research by Dio? Did she not meet with Leo personally? Because in 2nd timeline she was just as simply as meet them and has a conversation, yet they get attracted to her.
    And in the 2nd timeline the King also started to get attracted to her when he touch her and felt cool? Just wondered why in the first timeline he did not get attracted too? Was not in the first timeline she close to Saintess whose supposed to close with the king physically? I thought it will natural for the king to accidentally or not to touch nina at least once too in the 1st timeline?
    I just wondering whether the novel explain that much of detail, so that's why I ask..
    But if there are no explanation with that much detail, I agree that maybe it is just as you say, the differences was just because she choose not to help Seraphie escape..

    I fully understand that we can't always stay good and we sometimes need to do bad things for good things to happen, but I think we need to do that as a last option. But can't he try to search for another option without sacrificing Nina? Because his case is similar to the first King, sacrifice one while saving the other 99 person. And when Beato ask Nina's opinion about the story, Nina said that maybe it will be better to save the 99 person and still try to save the other 1 person, the answer hit me hard lol. That's why i'm really wondering about this, was sacrificing Nina really the only option available? I would say no.

    Why I said he was selfish because he want both, seraphie + her power and for him to not feel pain anymore. If he was not that selfish, he can just choose one :
    1. Overcome the curse
    Eexample : taking Nina as concubine maybe? Isn't it a normal choice if we talk about middle age story? Or he can forget marrying Seraphie, and marry Nina instead. Here, he will sacrifice his love for his curse.
    2. Keeping his love
    Example : he can choose seraphie, not marrying Nina. Here, he will be in pain because he can't overcome the curse, but he will get his love.
    3. If he want both, really need both.
    Cmiiw he only feel pain after he used magic? Or only feel pain at night? He only hold hand with Seraphie at night, right?
    Example : He can marry Seraphie, and when he was in pain he can touch Nina (literally just touch, holding hands). I know it will be uncomfortable, but it is doable, and he can safe another life.. Or maybe another option that i haven't think of.

    Hmm, about a king position, can't he just, i dont know, tried to make a heir, choose him/her as crown prince/princess so at least the royal position is not in danger? Make a group that truly care for the kingdom, or chose another to act as king's regent (example : his brother aka the duke). This is more reason why i called him selfish, he want all of his to be in best option, didn't want sacrifice a thing about himself whether his power as a king, his love interest, and his curse, while sacrificed the other so he can live in best way possible..

    I agree that Nina was a traitor and a criminal for trying to escape with Seraphie, and I already said that I may understand the action of executing Nina if that was the reason to kill her. But it was not the reason for the execution. Moreover, if we talk with this logic, Seraphie also a criminal because she also tried to run away, but she had uses for the king..

    Even the life is repeated because God realize that the king's decision is wrong right? I thought that mean there was actually a better option?

    Chill baby, I'm sorry but in my opinion I don't think you can call the other selfish just because we have different opinion :blobfearful: we just simply had different way of thinking, and selfish is when we do everything for ourself :blobwoah: But here we talk about the story and not ourself..

    And above all that, I know this is just a story, and those backstory (first timeline) is needed to make this story more interersting and have more up and down. I am fully aware that every human makes mistakes. I just want to tell you that i don't hate this story, i dont even hate the first timeline. Just angry with the king, pope, and the other in the first timeline.
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2021
  3. Nuzlocke

    Nuzlocke Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2020
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    Pretty sure she mentions it at some point in the webtoon that Nina in TL1 was working with the grand duke* (kings brother) to help the saint escape, but they got caught. Not sure what happened with the Grand Duke tho.
    Um no, it's a pretty appropriate call out all things considered.
  4. StrawberryShin

    StrawberryShin Well-Known Member

    May 18, 2021
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    hello(◍•ᴗ•◍) can someone spoil me about what happen after the saintess fainted. did they put nina in jail? and is it the freckled brat who did that? I'm dying of curiosity ಥ‿ಥ
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  5. Boopbup

    Boopbup Well-Known Member

    Dec 10, 2020
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    Same ! I just saw that chapter and came here to ask!!
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  6. karls

    karls Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2020
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  7. Itsl

    Itsl Well-Known Member

    Apr 21, 2020
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    Ok so I saw chapter 46 and I have to clarify… the saint is sexually active with the king?? Like that’s she heals him?
  8. Aron Dare

    Aron Dare Well-Known Member

    May 5, 2020
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    No that's definitely a mis-translation. Her presence, or maybe touching hands is sufficient for the king.

    I just saw the latest manga chapter and can anyone tell me if it means that Nina thinks that the king is using her as a substitute to hide the saintess' importance to him, and if he ACTUALLY is doing this or not? If this IS his intention, then I don't see how the story can even develop to Nina loving him at any point :blobfearful:
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  9. BhaiBandara

    BhaiBandara New Member

    Apr 6, 2021
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    I just read the raws and it seems like the saintess faint after being pricked by a needle and the palace guards pointed their Spear to Nina. What will happen after? Will they arrest her?
  10. isekaimanwhaLover23

    isekaimanwhaLover23 Active Member

    Dec 11, 2020
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    Where are the raws?
  11. rock.doll

    rock.doll Well-Known Member

    Oct 22, 2018
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  12. Fayfay

    Fayfay Well-Known Member

    Aug 24, 2020
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    I read the latest raw. From the convensation the frekles' maid was the real culprit. It seem that the needle contain Nina's blood. The red haired guy said that Nina's blood was poisonous one and had something hallucinogen-like effect (but in different way?).
    Last edited: Sep 13, 2021
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  13. LazuliBean

    LazuliBean Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2020
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    Aha! I had a suspicion it was her! I hope Nina gets out of there fast.
    karls likes this.
  14. WhiteCoffee

    WhiteCoffee Well-Known Member

    May 11, 2021
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    The translation in manhwa chapter 46 is confusing as hell, at least for me.

    What does the King mean by "addiction". The whole conversation feels out of place for me. Can someone clear it for me what does the King actually meant?
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  15. Overthinking04

    Overthinking04 Member

    Jul 14, 2020
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    I believe he means that he’s attracted to her since she’s always on his mind and want more :oops:
    But Nina cannot accept it and takes it the wrong way thinking he’s using her as a decoy/shield for seraphie since she’s “precious” to him :blobunsure:
    Elisee, anvollo, karls and 2 others like this.
  16. isekaimanwhaLover23

    isekaimanwhaLover23 Active Member

    Dec 11, 2020
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    Thank you!!
  17. karls

    karls Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2020
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    spoilers please!!!
  18. karls

    karls Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2020
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    im confused bc how the emperor is dealing with the situation????? he doesn't look worried at all???? what's happening!!!!
  19. Nuzlocke

    Nuzlocke Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2020
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    The grand duke is EVEN worse lol
    Considering the fact that you people are taking the actions their counterparts did into account, Alex is the one responsible for killing Nina in TL1. She was basically expendable. The others at least had a reason. He just wanted his brother's woman for himself, and Nina was his ticket in.
  20. Bluejay7

    Bluejay7 Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2019
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    The raw Link is here Chapter 55 this is the latest chapter. I really hope that someone can translate the recent chapters because it seems like the previous translating team stopped translating and I'm curious what's happening right now. Like why was the Saintess in maids clothing and what did the King say to Nina. I hope someone can pick this manhwa up!:aww:
    Elphin and noah21 like this.