Spoiler I Raised an Obsessive Servant

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by Chizuru, Apr 22, 2019.

  1. Mikaa

    Mikaa 〘༄⚘〙

    Mar 24, 2020
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    Rather,, she's the one that was 'wrongly' picked

    edit: i mean that gurl from "the evil lady's hero"
    Last edited: Apr 9, 2021
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  2. iactuallyfrhateithere

    iactuallyfrhateithere Well-Known Member

    Dec 22, 2020
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    nope, she remembered the novel wrong
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  3. kjpo34

    kjpo34 Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2018
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    Oh okay that makes more sense. I checked that novel last night for any spoilers and didn’t find one like that. Not sure that novel is any kind of comparison to this one.
  4. lifeeee

    lifeeee Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2021
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    if you're referring to ray and charrion, then yes they have the same red eyes. it's been a while since i've read the spoilers so i had to skim them again just to make sure im not misinforming you, but from what ive read and remember, they are really, really similar physically, blonde hair and red eyes. both of them can also change their eye color to purple. maybe they have the same power or something??? im not sure hehe but yes!! They both have red eyes lololol
  5. kjpo34

    kjpo34 Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2018
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    Lol sounds like they’re secret twins XD
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  6. lifeeee

    lifeeee Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2021
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    lololol when i read ur reply i went "TRUE!!! right, why didn't i think of this before" so i skimmed the spoilers again and apparently,
    so maybe, no? it was just a coincidence? im not sure tho hehehe. but if they really were, that will be a big plot twist!!
    Bella94, kjpo34 and Mikaa like this.
  7. kjpo34

    kjpo34 Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2018
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    If this were a comedic manhwa after his revelation she would have a hand on her chest and stagger back a few steps in disbelief for raising the wrong kid up hahaha

    Gah this is so sad for Charrion. So sad!!!
    MLisMyHubby, Klioo, Alniyat and 2 others like this.
  8. Shyrkan

    Shyrkan Well-Known Member

    Dec 15, 2020
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    Uwwaaahhh anyone here who can provide us with chapter 30 and above please heed my plea
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  9. teirrai

    teirrai Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2020
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    I have chapters 30-31 mtl, hope you'll understand.
    When he closes his eyes, a very charming face comes to mind.

    White skin, red cheeks, a thin straight forehead, a beautiful raised nose, red lips, long thin fingers.

    There was no place where you could not find something beautiful, but if you choose the most beautiful among all this, you will see a girl with bright blue eyes that shine like stars instead of them.

    Yurina Kartia.

    "Has she grown much?»

    Reynard lies in bed, imagining her face at the age of 15. But it didn't make sense. The only thing he thinks about all the time is what she looked like when he was 10, but the image was still blurry.

    However, he had firmly drawn her face in his mind. His eyelids drooped a little.

    How tall was she?

    She was a little shorter than him at the time he left home, so five years later she would be much smaller than him.

    Reynard was a little smaller than his peers, but he was also a little younger than them. He thought he wouldn't even be able to reach them with his shoulder, looking at his reflection in the water with wet eyes... red.

    I hear the whisper of my name on her lips.


    In the early morning, in a voice as soft and clear as a bird's bell, when Yurina called him by name, Reynard seemed to have become the most special person in the world.

    In fact, I wanted to be the most special person for her.

    But it was only hope that returned. Ray has only one place to rely on, only her to trust.

    Unlike him, she has a family that cares for her more than anyone else.

    The imagination has become more selfish. A thin white collar, a beautiful dress with a cleavage that shows off her white skin, an arm with a red bracelet that he gave her, worn on the wrist, a white leg that seems to be visible between the hem of the dress.

    And going up a little higher, that white ankle…

    He suddenly came to his senses.

    Reynard quickly got out of bed and went to wash his face. His breathing was rapid, so he waited until he calmed down.

    For a moment, he buried his face in his hands.

    It was obvious that this was the first time he had gone so crazy. He lost his composure for a moment because he couldn't take it anymore, he missed her so much that he wanted to imagine her to remember, but his imagination had gone too far.

    He's always tried to be reasonable without being influenced by emotions, but when he thinks about Yurin, he can't help but feel like a stranger.

    You can't do this, you have to forget about it.

    The words were probably wrong. As time went on, he missed Yurina more and more, so as not to forget her.

    He tried to fight his impatience, telling himself that he was only two and a half years away from seeing her again, but if he neglected it as he had just done, his imagination would explode again when he closed his eyes.

    He tried to forget her for a while, but the more he tried to forget, the more he remembered her face, the way she smiled cleanly, and he had to force himself to forget her for the past five years.

    He felt like he was in a swamp.

    — I'd rather do my homework."

    He got up and turned to his desk to think, but he heard a knock.

    At any other time, it would have been an unpleasant interruption, but now he was very grateful for it.

    Thanks to him, he was able to completely clear his mind.

    When he opened the door, he saw Aiden waving something and smiling.

    Before the official admission ceremony.

    He ran into her in the hallway of the academy, and at the time, he was pretty happy with Reynard.

    Since then, he has been constantly by Reynard's side for the past five years. People say they're close friends, but they don't know it.

    — What's going on?"

    "Hey, Ray. What do you think I brought?"

    Something Aiden's been doing for five years.

    Aiden laughed stupidly with a mischievous face.

    Easily noticing that it was a letter that he was waving all the time, he immediately understood the sender of the letter.

    Yurina and Dave are the only ones who send him letters, but Yurina's letter is the only one that gave off this slight smell.

    "Give it to me now."

    — What's so urgent?" It's amazing that there are people who send you
    a letter every month if you say you don't have a family.

    "Aiden, give me a quick one."

    As he held out his hand with a determined look, Aiden finally handed him the letter with a sweet look.

    "Sorry, here it is. I'll be careful from now on.

    - Good —

    "Who's that?" By the way.

    Aiden smiled at Reynard, who was examining the envelope.

    - Yurina Kartia? I've never heard of a house with that name before, but is it from the Empire? Are you an Imperial citizen? Is it in the Empire? Did you leave them?"

    Aiden of the Grone Kingdom. He is also from the southern part of the country. Although the Carthia family was well-known in the Empire, Aiden wasn't interested enough in the empire to remember the name of a high-ranking noble family from another country.

    "I don't know.

    — So she's the one who writes you letters all the time?"

    "It's nothing.

    Reynard's voice was somewhat mixed.

    He hadn't known Aiden at first, and he was very embarrassed, but now, five years later, he knew it was an expression of his affection.

    But because of his personality, he couldn't treat him gently.

    Reynard looked at the envelope curiously, and looked at the back of the letter. He knew who sent it, but he wanted to check it out for himself.

    [Yurina Kartia]

    He pursed his lips.

    How is Yurina's handwriting so cute now?

    Unlike the refreshing personality, he started laughing as soon as he saw the text.

    As usual, Aiden opened his mouth when he saw that he was smiling without any care for his face.

    "Wow, you look different." When you talk to me, you have to look the same way.

    Reynard, who shrugged his shoulders for an answer, hastily tore off the sealing wax. Then he realized that Aiden was still there, and he shoved the letter behind him.

    Aiden looked at him with a laugh.

    - what? You mean I'm going to read the letter?

    "That's not the point... but why did you bring this letter?"

    — It was stuck in the mailbox in our room, and I thought I was doing something I shouldn't. Shouldn't you be thanking me?

    He grimaced a little, but he couldn't forget that Aiden was an earl.

    "So who is she, Ray?" Who are you laughing at? Is she your lover?" Your girlfriend? Isn't it time to talk?

    "I don't know.

    — Why do you have so many secrets?" I always tell you everything.

    — You talk too much, and how many times do I have to tell you to call me Reynard?"

    "Reynard is too long a name. Why are you asking me to call you by such a long name if you have a shorter nickname? And why don't we call each other by their nicknames? I told you to call me Eddie.

    "No, I don't care. Call me Reynard.

    Reynard shook his head firmly, not pretending to see Aiden's expression of disgust. There is only one person in the world who can call him Ray from the age of five until now.

    He couldn't hear that strange but sweet nickname coming from someone else's mouth.

    "You're weird."

    When it comes out of Aiden's mouth, the name has no inspiration. It has no special meaning and is just a long name called "Reynard".

    Even if you are not close, you can call Katelyn short for Kate or Nathan, - Nate.

    There was nothing unfamiliar or friendly.

    Reynard remembered the nickname he had used for her: Yuri.

    When he thinks of the smiling face with those blue eyes, he feels itchy and confused. As expected, the nickname is familiar.

    Oh, now is not the time.

    He came to his senses when he saw the letter in his hand.

    "Thanks for bringing it."

    "Hey, hey, wait!"

    Reynard led Aiden out of the room and closed the door firmly behind him. Aiden seemed loyal, but he didn't care. What he really cares about right now is the letter in his hand.

    Rubbing the area with Yurin's name on it with his fingertips, he buried his nose and inhaled the smell of the letter. Maybe she still loves those sweet, pleasant scents from her youth, and apparently still loves them.

    I'll remember that.

    The paper, which must have smelled so strongly when it left Yurina's hand because it still smelled faintly, became more and more sad as he realized how far apart the Empire and the Kingdom were.

    "I miss you."…

    The longing that had not been received by the welcome letter surfaced in his mind. In desperation, Reynard began to break the seal and read the letter.

    [Dear Ray:

    Please understand the reason why the letters are difficult to read. I am in a hurry, as I started writing this letter in a trembling carriage.]

    As she said, the letter was written in a slightly less organized handwriting than usual. But Reynard was already distracted by the contents of the letter, and it seemed to him that he didn't care.

    "Where are you from?"

    He could barely think after reading the letter. He was so eager to see her that he kept reading the letter again.

    [By the time you receive this letter, I will have crossed the border of the Crown Kingdom.]

    Are you really coming here?" Really, Yuri? Will you come to my place?

    He jumped up, grabbed his coat, and ran out of the room.

    - Ray! Where are you going?

    Aidan shouted in surprise, as if he'd been waiting outside for a while.

    Reynard quickly left the academy, unable to correct his nickname of "Ray", which sounds in the hallway.

    "We will soon cross the border of the Kingdom of Krona. I think it'll be tomorrow or the day after, " Dave muttered as soon as he looked out.

    He was in his thirties, but he boasted the appearance of a 20-year-old who hadn't changed in the past 5 years.

    Yurina often wondered if he had any cosmetics that he had made and would use on purpose, or if it was a creature like an elf or a dragon that could have appeared out of a fantasy.

    "Really?" How do you know?" No matter how I look, I can only see the plains.

    Unlike the western part of the Empire, where the Texi Mountains were expected, the eastern part of the Empire consisted of vast plains. The border of the Crown Kingdom was bounded by the River Murn, which curved through the fertile land, but no matter how much she looked outside, the river was not visible.

    Dave smiled slightly as Yurina frowned at the dust outside the window.

    "Miss, do you remember when I told you earlier in class that the mana concentration in the Crown Kingdom is higher than in the Empire?"

    "Of course I remember. On the other hand, you said that one of the reasons that the Crown Kingdom, which is far behind the Empire, had much more magic was because of its mana concentration.

    — You remember that well. Like Reynard, you are a worthy student.

    — Don't make me feel special." This is very important for common sense regarding magic, right? You should also stop treating me like a child.

    Yurina repeated it all the time. It was a little rude, even though she knew she looked like a girl in his eyes.

    It wasn't just now that Dave was praising her for her intelligence, even if she knew what everyone knew. Compliments get people excited.

    "How did Dave manage to trick the cunning Reynard and teach him magic? Were his secret compliments? But I'm not a girl."

    His secret, which might have worked for twelve-year-old Reynard, didn't work for her.

    Yurina glanced at Dave, who was smiling happily at her, and then reached for the window.

    "Miss, it's dangerous to hold out your hand like that!"

    Betsy, yawning beside Yurina, gave a startled cry.

    "It's all right. There are no trees, so it's not dangerous to reach out. By the way, Dave, are you saying that the mana concentration in this place is increasing?

    — If you teach one, you know both. Right.

    — I'm not a girl, I don't need that kind of compliment." You don't have to do this.

    Dave laughed and walked over to Yurina, then quickly removed his hand.

    Suddenly she was fifteen years old. Although she wasn't an adult for her age, the situation was different from when she was a 10-year-old girl who could stroke without guilt, even if there was a difference in status. He wasn't old enough, but Yurina had the look of an adult.

    Yurina bitterly took his hand and put it on his head. Dave was surprised, shaking his head and smiling at her as he tried to pull his hand away.

    — No one's watching here, Dave.

    "Oh, miss. Can't you see me? Don't you have eyes?

    "Ah, Betsy's on my side. Isn't that right?

    "It's true.

    Yurina laughed as she looked at Betsy, and then moved Dave's hand to rub her hair as if he were a child.

    "Dave's like an uncle to me. Isn't it normal that instead of calling me boring, you call me Yurina?

    Dave bit his lip for a moment, then ran his hand through her hair. Yurina closed her eyes and felt his hand. His gentle touch made her feel better.

    He had seen Reynard shivering alone before, like an animal in need of a caress, but he thought that perhaps she, too, was the one who really needed a caress.

    "I have no choice but to do this."

    When she came to this place after losing her loved ones, she was lonely and scared, even though she tried to pretend to be calm.

    The people she didn't think of as her family at first have now become her royal family. It was because of their unconditional affection.

    Dave was one of the family members who had shown her such affection, even though their status was different and they weren't of the same blood. He gave her love more than anyone.

    - Ah.

    Her heart sank as she remembered the bright smile she was trying to forget. When she thought of Reynard, who had shown her more ardent affection than anyone else, she suddenly felt sad.

    Yurina quickly closed her mouth, as if the nostalgia that was hermetically sealed in the corner of her heart was overflowing.

    - Do you miss me? What's happening?

    "No, nothing.

    - Do you feel dizzy? Miss, are you feeling ill?

    Yurina shook her head at Betsy and Dave, who looked worried, then took a deep breath. She quickly calmed her trembling heart.

    I'll see you soon anyway.

    Thinking positively, she held out her hand again.

    — In any case, I must continue the previous conversation. Did you say that the mana concentration increased because we are close to the border? How do you feel about it? Like you're breathing, Dave?

    Dave breathed a sigh of relief at Yurina's casual voice.

    — If you don't feel it, you should stop the magic.

    — I don't feel it. Should I stop the magic anyway?

    — If you concentrate enough, you will feel it.


    Yurina closed her eyes and focused all her attention, as Dave had told her. She gathered a small amount of mana and concentrated it on her fingertips, she felt that the amount of mana stuck to her fingers was much higher than in the imperial capital.

    She gathered all her strength to memorize the spell. There was a light floating on the carriage, slightly larger than the one in the mansion.

    "Wow, miss! It's much bigger than I've seen before!

    Betsy blinked in surprise. Dave also nodded in satisfaction.

    Not much magic.

    Somehow Yurina was embarrassed by such a sharp reaction and laughed awkwardly.

    "How are you, lady?" Of course, the mana concentration increases, doesn't it?

    — If that's the case, look at the size of the light sphere. I didn't know I could do something so great.

    — It also consumes less power."

    "Yeah, that's right.

    Yurina was surprised to find that she was breathing comfortably. In the mansion, even if a small sphere was floating in the air, the physical exhaustion was so severe that she was suffocating.

    "It would be good if my initial skills were good enough."

    She sighed, looking at the slight relief around her.

    Five years ago, after Reynard left for the Crown Kingdom, she didn't act as quiet as if she was "Yurina".

    It wasn't that she didn't believe in her own abilities. However, unexpected variables can always happen, and it was always important to predict them and prepare for them.

    Every time she went out, she was always accompanied by an escort, and when Reynard graduated two years later, she was with him, but she couldn't trust them all the time.

    What if they fall due to more force, or if something serious happens until they're ready for a while?

    Therefore, Yurina decided to learn self-defense. It would be useless if someone said they were learning, just hang out and then run away, but it was minimal preparation.

    At first, she was worried about using the dagger to protect herself, but she had to switch from it to magic because the Marquis of Carthia couldn't let her have such a dangerous thing. Yurina agreed with this.

    Even if she learned how to defend herself, she might end up in a dangerous situation if she used the dagger.

    Yurina originally had a talent for magic, but she was very small.

    It was funny, but she didn't regret it because she expected it.

    "You can't give a villain much magic power."

    In this world, you need three things to use magic.

    First, mana is in its natural state.

    Two, mana affinity.

    Three, mana in the wizard's body.

    Although there was a difference in mana concentration, there was natural mana everywhere, so the kinship and mana in the body determined the magic talent.

    Magic can be expressed as artificial mana generated by combining mana with natural mana. Of course, the higher the affinity for mana, the higher the mana in the body and the higher the magic. Yurina had a good affinity for mana, but she didn't have much mana.

    Since the maximum amount of mana that could be stored in the body from the day of birth was determined, no matter how much she tried to increase it, there was a limit. So, the magic that Yurina could do was simple magic that didn't require a lot of mana.

    For example, it was possible to heat iced tea or create a small light, as just now, she could use simple healing magic if she focused and used her mana to the full. However, in this case, she had to sleep all day due to exhaustion.

    She tried to heal the wound on her arm after the blow, but after falling asleep and in a daze, she didn't even dream of using healing magic again.

    "It's understandable that Dave was surprised when he first saw Reynard."

    According to Dave, Reynard's body had the same amount of mana as great wizards, and he instinctively captured it as if he were breathing it, which means that the evolution of mana was also at the highest level.

    It was not good to have a lot of mana in the body, because it was often said that if the affinity for mana was low compared to its natural mana, the mana could not be controlled, and people died of fever.

    Yurina, who was looking at the sphere of light floating in the carriage with a smile like a cute cat, felt it become harder to breathe and waved her hand. The sphere of light disappeared without a trace.

    — So Dave said he graduated from the Royal Crohn's Academy, right?" How does it feel to return to the academy after a long time?

    When asked, Dave wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and smiled gently, closing his mouth to keep quiet instead of giving a good answer like he had done so far.

    — What kind of look is that?" Are you so excited that you can't talk?

    — I never thought I'd go to hell again, miss.
  10. animealover

    animealover New Member

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  11. LeoMink

    LeoMink Member

    Jan 6, 2021
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    I also want to read the full translated novel...if anyone would be so kind to share some info to some poor people
  12. cometothedarkside97

    cometothedarkside97 Unleash Your Imagination

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  13. momee

    momee Member

    Aug 11, 2021
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    Tqm ...
    Really hope they wont dropp it
  14. calladalia

    calladalia Well-Known Member

    May 25, 2021
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    Probably just three?

    - the original where she picked up charrion and he fell in love with her but she married the prince
    - the tl where de flon rewound the time (also same with the novel) and de flon looked for charrion
    - this timeline

    Any spoilers why the prince married Lydia in the second tl? Also was Lydia in love with charrion even in the novel TL?
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2021