Spoiler I tamed a tyrant and ran away

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by Hadriney, Aug 28, 2019.

  1. kisskissme

    kisskissme Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2021
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    i get that this is your opinion but holy heaven, this comment makes me so angry. just because he fed her & gave her clothes, he’s not that bad ? that’s literally the SUPER bare minimum & no child should be grateful for something that parents should’ve done anyway. this dude literally encouraged servants to mistreat mc & didn’t even care when mc was tortured & experimented on.
  2. Desperate

    Desperate Desperate for spoilers <( °-° )>

    Mar 13, 2021
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    It's almost like that person forgot how she's literally getting mistreated by literally mentally abusing her, telling her she killed her mom, and legit almost got her killed because that idiot father didn't want the fact that she's allergic to a specific flower to be known. The audacity of that person I can't... :facepalm:
  3. greenmochi

    greenmochi Member

    Jun 15, 2021
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    Guys they’ve finally kissed in the manhwa :X3:
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  4. Bibidia

    Bibidia Well-Known Member

    Feb 19, 2022
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    Next is first night? her wrapping things up with the emperor and finally running away with the long haired guy as promised in the title :blob_teary:
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  5. Auroralx

    Auroralx Member

    Jan 11, 2022
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    She should have gotten married before doing the deed:blobwhistle:
  6. Celebrianna

    Celebrianna ❤️‍Solo Leveling❣️

    Nov 26, 2020
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    Thanks for this information. Now reading the novel, the foreshadowing was ominous when Charlize said the only fear she had is Dylan’s death. I’m glad she was able to save him. It’s sad that they lose their transcendence but it’s probably better that they can stop living so crazy and dangerously. I also want to see Dylan fulfill his contributions to society from the past like his art, architecture, and other inventions that flows from his brains. I think that’s a pretty awesome side of him.
    Did they? When? I know he proposed to her in a cave but they didn’t have sex. Dylan wanted to but they didn’t. I’m curious about this scene you mentioned.
    Yeah but the time skip makes it bearable. I like that the runaway changes the dynamic in their relationship. Dylan used to be the one who followed Charlize with full trust but after she betrayed that trust, he started looking for answers, wasn’t blindly devoted to her anymore, starts to manipulate her (like she used to manipulate him) and unearthed so many answers himself to who Charlize really is. To Charlize, he also felt more manly. So good and bad things followed but, imo, Charlize and Dylan always seem like they’re living in world different to everyone else when they’re together.
    Last edited: May 1, 2022
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  7. Celebrianna

    Celebrianna ❤️‍Solo Leveling❣️

    Nov 26, 2020
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    Charlize was turned into a sword around 17 years in the first timeline. She was engaged to Kahu but it sounds like it was actually via discussion between both families so they didn’t actually have a relationship and hardly knew each other. Her first and only romantic love and sexual experience is during the second timeline.

    As to Dylan, it seems that he never loved anyone or had sexual experience in the first timeline as well. His personality is unusual anyway. Before he met Charlize, he lived his life indifferently so it’s easy enough to imagine that he lived his first lifetime without engaging in sexual activity or love. He knew he was the god piece so he knew he was different and accepted that he was different from everyone else. It’s only Charlize who was the exception for him because she is like him in that she became transcendent. That’s why when they’re together, other people can’t keep up with them.
    There’s a scene where Dylan wanted to kill the child of the wizard that spear-headed Charlize torture into the sword Kiera. Baden, Dylan and Charlize’s son, stumbled upon the girl, helped her and decided to make her his first talented person. Only, Baden didn’t know that the girl is the daughter of his mother’s enemy. Baden is currently 6 years old in this incident and he snuck out of the palace without his parents knowing. He wanted to achieve experience to get strong since his parents are so exceptional.

    Anyway, Dylan and his shadow knights were tracking down the girl and they also found out that Baden left the palace without permission. Well, Dylan and his knight find them in an alley and he orders his knights to kill the 9 years old girl. Baden stands before the knight to prevent it. The knight tells the little crown prince that disobeying the emperor’s order is treason. Baden pleads with his father but he does so by quoting from the books that teaches how a monarch should rule.

    What’s so cute about it is that Baden is making his points through quotes and references of the chapter and page and sometimes the page number is off a bit (like 327 instead of 328) and Dylan corrects him. Nevertheless, he keeps on quoting various text to support his position and the last page reference he makes is correct. Dylan compliments him. Father and son are still at odds and Dylan is thinking that the crown prince made good points and how he should answer him. Enter Charlize, in the alley, and she greets her husband with a kiss and then her son with a kiss. She makes the decision for them by sweeping up the girl in her arms. Her answer goes more to the point that the child didn’t commit any sin. It’s the parents. This resonates because Charlize was treated as a child who committed a sin because her mother died giving birth to her. Still, Charlize understands why her husband is so sensitive about the offspring of the secret magic tower that tortured her and turned her into a sword. It’s so weird that these two are exchanging “I love you” right there in the alley in a situation where the shadow knights, Payne and wizards can hear their conversation as plain as ever. But it’s so hilarious how Charlize then tell her son if he ever leaves the palace again without their permission, she will make sure to spank his bottom. Little Baden apologizes and hangs his head.
    The first thing to understand about Dylan is that he is unusual. He was unusual since he was small. Even his mother was a little afraid of him but his mother was practically a saint so she never shunned her child. Instead, she tried her best, when she had strength, to guide her unusual son. However, Dylan was always wary of everyone including his father and to some extent his mother. Like, with his mother, after he sees how she reacted to some things he said, he realized that he should hide his thoughts. So, he is an unusual person which, ironically, geniuses seem to mostly have odd personalities anyway.

    Charlize understood from the beginning that Dylan has a propensity to grow obsessed or stay indifferent. He only has two extremes. However, the moment Charlize presented herself to Dylan, he was galvanized. On an instinctive level, he felt that she was like him. Uncannily, when he first met her, he thought her essence was like that of a cold, steel sword. He was spot on because she is Kiera but he doesn’t really focus on this first initial impression until much later. But back to Charlize, she already knew Dylan will become obsessed with her because she knew his personality from the first timeline. She even told him that he can become obsessed with her. She accepts this right to the end even in the epilogue. Quite frankly, both Charlize and Dylan are odd and unusual. Charlize, herself, forged her fate with her own hands to become a god. The two of them are just unusual.

    To Dylan’s credit, he does control himself a lot. The gloves only came off after Charlize didn’t return after two years. That’s when he took off the restraints. However, even later, he begins to control himself again. Like there’s this time when he hears Charlize laughing with Lucy and the others in Kahu’s room and he didn’t enter the room because he felt like he would ruin the moment. He was even a little happy that Charlize was chatting happily with her friends like family.
    I agree so much with your post on Kahu. I was actually shocked when I read the novel and found out that he barely knew Charlize in the first timeline. Maybe his constant search for her and looking into her life caused him to be obsessed with her. What’s remarkable though is that the Charlize he thinks he knows and the Charlize in the second timeline are different. Like he himself knows that there are times when he gets scared of Charlize just like he gets scared of Dylan. I think maybe he also fell for Charlize’s beauty.

    In any case, in the end, he couldn’t influence Charlize anyway. Instead, Charlize is the one who ends up saving him and in a way, pay off the debt of him looking for her in the first timeline. Meanwhile, when Charlize found out that he was the evil god, and he’s been corrupting Dylan all along, she almost killed him with her rampage. It’s Lucy who had to stop her.
    He becomes Baden’s tutor but still lives his life pining over Charlize instead of putting effort into moving on. However, on the night before Baden snuck out of the palace, he gets drunk and wakes up in his bed with Lucy, the female assassin guild leader.
    Kahu got back his memories of the first timeline and in them he had traced Charlize’s disappearance to the secret magic tower. I can’t remember if he discovered Charlize was turned into a sword before he got caught or when he got caught by the wizards. He was extremely close to the truth before the wizards caught him so he probably found out everything after being caught.

    When Charlize appeared as Dylan’s tutor, he immediately thought her essence was that of a cold steel sword. After Charlize ran away and refuse to tell Dylan the truth about why she ran away, Dylan is forced to figure out the truth himself and he does so scarily perfectly. All the time he simply closed his eyes when things didn’t make sense about Charlize but after she betrayed his trust, he decided to open his eyes. This is when he threw away common sense and rightly figured out that either Charlize knew the future or came back in time. Kahu’s action also gave him some clue especially when Kahu was interfering in their business. Therefore, Dylan starts with testing his theory on Kahu without expecting any answers from his mouth but more from his reactions. After that, it was even smoother sailing that led right to Charlize being the sword Kiera.
    Last edited: May 1, 2022
  8. Khadz

    Khadz Well-Known Member

    Dec 16, 2020
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    I really like how Dylan and Charlize are a perfect couple. In most novels, we often see either ML or FL overshadowing their partner. Sometimes ML was too perfect which FL was a but dumb. Other times, FL is really powerful but ML is a simp.

    But, in this novel, their talents, beauty, status are all equals + they accomplished everything with their own hard work. When they are together, they are in sync. Even with their character faults like obsession and paranoia, they still fit each other perfectly. Their faults embellish the story and themselves which makes this novel very well written.
  9. Celebrianna

    Celebrianna ❤️‍Solo Leveling❣️

    Nov 26, 2020
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    I agree. One thing I honestly loved although on some level I probably should be uncomfortable is when Dylan started manipulating Charlize’s weakness to his tears after he tried to get her not to runaway the second time. I thought that was a great development because it demonstrates that he was no longer willing to just close his eyes and follow her with full devotion. (Well, she manipulated him before too) Anyway, I finally felt that they were truly equal at this point of the story and I enjoyed the cat and mouse game they were engaged in leading up to her second attempt to runaway. I also enjoyed how they knew each other so well that they can play each other. lol

    And there’s a time when they were engaged in a war game before Charlize ran away the first time and the shadow guards felt that Charlize and Dylan lived in a world of their own different from anyone else. They couldn’t keep up with the couple’s conversation. It’s cute that Baden can probably understand his parents as he grows older because he seems like a brilliant child as well.
  10. Fearless_Sten

    Fearless_Sten Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2019
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    Can someone spoil Dylan’s reaction when Charlize ran away ?
  11. Khadz

    Khadz Well-Known Member

    Dec 16, 2020
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    Yes, Baden will definitely turn exactly like his parents but it's a bit of a pity that he won't have a partner who is his equal. Humans won't be able to keep up with him. Likewise, all descendants of Dylan and Charlize might have great intelligence and power because of the Eherit pieces. But, none of their partners will be their equal. It's like Dylan and Charlize are not only writing history but also a legend that belongs solely to them.
  12. Celebrianna

    Celebrianna ❤️‍Solo Leveling❣️

    Nov 26, 2020
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    Surprisingly, he waited for two years for her to return. I can’t remember every detail but he must have had his people look for her during the two years. However, in the third year, he realized that she didn’t intend to come back. That’s when he laid a trap which surprisingly, Charlize fell for. The only way I can read this is that Charlize’s desire for revenge was greater than her fear of walking into Dylan’s trap. That’s because the trap was basically Dylan supposedly joining hands with the tower of magicians to fund their work. Charlize, Payne and their organization were moving around another country killing off the magicians. Dylan recognize the pattern and knew it was Charlize. He also knows that Charlize has antipathy against the magicians and would probably come out to slaughter them.

    Anyway, he shows up with his shadow knights that Charlize trained. lol The shadow knights take the guys in Charlize’s organization as hostages. Charlize is forced to go back with them although she does think of abandoning them. In any case, during those three years, Dylan is known as a tyrant. He unified the continent so the continent is under his rule but he allows the kingdoms to keep their rulers who then reports to him.

    Well, during this time, these two weren’t loving like old times. They, of course, did the deed wildly but were wary of each other. I guess three years of neither of them indulging in the act was too much. This is when they start playing cat and mouse because Charlize won’t tell Dylan why she left in the first place. Charlize make her moves to deceive Dylan, Dylan makes his moves to deceive Charlize and well, everything comes to a head when she tries to runaway for the second time. It’s seriously a good thing that she didn’t run away a second time because what she didn’t know is that she’s not the evil god and it’s Kahu who was turning Dylan black all along because he has the evil god within him. If she didn’t stay and Payne hadn’t stayed, they wouldn’t have found out until it’s too late. Well, technically it was too late anyway because Kahu stained Dylan so much that his black stain is irreversible. Fortunately, it all works out in the end when Charlize brought Dylan back to life by sacrificing her god power. Anyway, Dylan is no longer known as a tyrant after he begins his new reign as Dylan I. He changed the name of the empire and also moved the palace. He built it in the south. His new surname means “Devotion to the sword” and both him and Charlize took the surname and the empire is renamed to that name as well.
    Charlize and Dylan are working hard on another child so hopefully Baden will have a sibling and companion. They mention having a child twice in the epilogue so I guess eventually Baden will have an equal. I think Dylan wants a girl who looks like Charlize.
    Last edited: May 7, 2022
  13. Khadz

    Khadz Well-Known Member

    Dec 16, 2020
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    I meant a life partner, an empress. All future empresses won't make history with Dylan & Charlize descendents being so good at ruling (unlike Charlize). It's good that Baden gets a sibling so he won't be lonely in his childhood. I would personally prefer it to be a boy since the 2nd child could then inherit a dukedom and be a real support to Baden. (aka his shadows) With a girl, once of age, it's off u go and she will end up empowering the in - laws. (especially with the amt of power the current Royal family holds) For long term plans, I smell political troubles due to greed of the throne.

    Wait, Charlize no longer has her powers? I thought they still had it till the end. Damn! And Kahu obviously didn't get punished for anything. How did Kahu stain Dylan?
  14. Celebrianna

    Celebrianna ❤️‍Solo Leveling❣️

    Nov 26, 2020
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    A girl is fine too since the guy can marry into her family. Since Charlize is an example of a woman who can be a ruler, her daughter can be raised to support her brother as well and have her potential mate marry her as a duchess. I just prefer to think of a little Charlize since they already have a boy. It’s cute how Baden was designated as crown prince when he was only two years old. It’s unheard of but he already showed potential.
    No, Charlize is no longer a god. However, she still kept her intelligence and perhaps even her sword skills. Same with Dylan. He’s no longer transcendent. However, he still seems to be a genius. The god who revived Dylan warned Charlize that both of them “may” lose their special abilities. She even understood that to mean that Dylan would no longer be a genius in various fields. However, in the face of all that, life is more precious so she chose for Dylan to live again. If we think about it, I hardly see how her hard earned skills would just disappear and her vast knowledge. Dylan, on the other hand, would be revived and could lose his all around genius. However, it seems that he still retains his genius. Obviously a price had to be paid for his revival so Charlize gave up her “perfect” revenge and her transcendence. Nevertheless, she still killed the dark magicians and the other magicians.
    It probably isn’t right for him to get punished after suffering so much by the hands of the wizards who turned him into the evil god. It only happened because he was looking for Charlize all those years and almost found out what happened to her. I’m glad Charlize was able to save him because in that way, she repaid him for looking for her so adamantly. Now she can live her life without guilt.

    Regarding him corrupting Dylan, it’s really the evil god in him. Just his presence near Dylan corrodes Dylan because Dylan is the god piece. I wonder if that’s why Charlize saw the temple after her first night with Dylan after they did the deed. She was sleeping beside him when she saw the temple in her dreams. It’s depicted in manhwa chapter 59 or 60.
    Last edited: May 7, 2022
  15. Khadz

    Khadz Well-Known Member

    Dec 16, 2020
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    I see. Thank you. It's clearer now. Somehow, it feels that they still are transcendents as they retained all their skills. (Maybe sacrificing her revenge allowed them to keep their genius minds and abilities. In side stories especially when their kid dabates with Dylan on the ways of ruling, Dylan still seems to remember things perfectly. Judging from the way they are perceived by the child, it does not feel like they are no longer Gods.

    I just prefer boys in Mangas and novels especially Chinese novels coz the Chinese authors does a better job with male characters over female ones. I have read too many novels with female characters that have wasted potential and not so good personality. That's why I prefer male characters. (especially in historical novels as they have less restrictions and doesn't have to abide at women's conduct)
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  16. luliibunny

    luliibunny Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2021
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    Its a son actually.
    Though I would prefer a daughter that is a copy of CharlizeXD
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  17. radical6

    radical6 Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2020
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    Hey so I'm confused about Keira, Deva, and Ethyrite or whatever its called.

    So Charlize was Keira, the sword.
    Kahu is Deva, and Dylan is the Ethyrite piece. But how is Charlize a god? Isn't Kahu the evil god? Charlize was just the sword, but Kahu was the actual vessel who became the god correct? Also I hope he and Lucy do get together in the end because I feel bad he got sucked into this because he was curious about what happened to Charlize. He was probably the only one in the first timeline who cared about her..
  18. Celebrianna

    Celebrianna ❤️‍Solo Leveling❣️

    Nov 26, 2020
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    Charlize overcame the evil of the sword process and became transcendent. If she hadn’t possessed the will power, she would have become the evil god. However, her will was that strong that she could not be corrupted and instead became a god. She even said she didn’t want to judge Kahu because everybody has their own breaking point and it’s not his fault that he couldn’t overcome the process but instead became the evil god. That’s another reason she used to justify not killing him for corrupting Dylan. She also considered the fact that he was the only one who looked for her in the first timeline despite their almost nonexistent acquaintance. She felt grateful and sorry for him especially knowing the pain of the process. Therefore, she promised him that she will save him and she does save him in the end.
    As to him and Lucy, it seems open-ended or inconclusive. That doesn’t mean he ends alone though. We just don’t know. And sure he was asked by Charlize’s brother in the first timeline to help find Charlize but in the second timeline, he seem to deliberately get involved with Charlize and Dylan even when Charlize didn’t want him to get involved.
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2022
  19. radical6

    radical6 Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2020
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    Ohh I see.
    So they took Kahu after they realized Charlize was too pure and just turned her into a sword.

    thanks for answering!
  20. Celebrianna

    Celebrianna ❤️‍Solo Leveling❣️

    Nov 26, 2020
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    They realized that Charlize did not turn into the evil god after they did their religious ritual. Then they found out Kahu was getting close to the truth and they captured him and did the same process on him and they were successful in turning him into the evil god. Then time turned back and they began to look for the evil god they created but the magician didn’t remember who it was because his memory of the first timeline wasn’t clear.