Spoiler I Thought It Was A Common Possession

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by Naenia, Apr 4, 2023.

  1. Juju48

    Juju48 Well-Known Member

    Feb 11, 2019
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    I found the family to be down right bone chilling. The father was horrible. he clearly only acted for his own benefit, Used everyone around him, while constantly protected cliff from any possible reprisal. The mother seemed abused, frightened, and silenced. Cliff did anything rise wanted, no need for morality at all. Even murdering a servant, or his own brother wife for no reason was no problem for him as long as it was what she wanted. Rize strolled around this abuse ridden hell and acted like it was a heaven sent garden blooming just for her. Frightening!

    The ml biggest sin was his blindness to his families true nature. Only by loving Edith was he able to begin to see them for what they truly were. No loving father, no happy mother, no perfect brother, no innocent and lovely first love. He had to face head on that everyone he loved and tried to support and protect was just putting on an act to keep him in his place.

    Every one of them had used him for their own betterment at his detriment. In every timeline his father handed Edith's life or death to the ml because he wanted her to die, but wanted the ml to bear the consequences. that was the fathers plan right from the beginning. The ml would be labeled a wife killer instead of the family having to bear the blame of killing their daughter-in-law. The ml bore the weight of everyone's bad decisions just as a 2ml does...

    the brain washing never even seemed like a factor for anyone else but the ml. No one else changed no matter how much control the author lost. Maybe because he was the only one who wanted to be good, right, or even cared about anything. It was like Edith had been sent to save him specifically. he was the only family member she could sway at all.

    The book talks about how the ml could never beat cliff at anything. How much of that was because cliff was 1. Older and physically larger 2. Everyone always covered up his mistakes. (The duke shows obvious signs of this throughout, cliff was always treated as above reproach even when it was obvious he had done something) I suspect the younger brother was always getting the blame. He took the fall so the heir always looked perfect. That's a seriously abusive environment. Anyone would be messed up in the head after that.

    About the other Edith's, there wasn't much our Edith could do besides bringing the horror to an end. It was not her decision how to punish rize, cliff or anyone else. I thought their endings were realistic. Often the only pushiment many receive is having to live with themselves. I hope the other Edith's reincarnated somewhere nice and are living well now. Even so, Edith should stay away from the family, they've got serious problems.

    The only punishment cliff received in the entire book was having to live with rize. He did the most and all the worst things. Karma was all that came for him. He spent days and nights alone with the undeniable realization that the woman he loved never cared for him. That all he did was for nothing. My only wish was that he had never been freed from her. They deserved each other. They should have just stayed together and made each other miserable forever.
    Last edited: May 22, 2024
  2. Priyyaa

    Priyyaa Well-Known Member

    Sep 3, 2021
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    Exactly. The family never changed. Even after the author lost authority the family remained the same. They even accepted rize in their family. Y? She tried to harm someone to that extent and u just leave it like that? They only abandoned her after she didnt suit their taste. Only wheen she wasnt that likable to them did they abandon her. It doesn't matter what she does to their 2nd daughter in law or anyone else as a matter of fact because they can just uk cover it up. This is exactly what I hate about this story. The entire family acts righteous and all but in reality they aren't a righteous family. They r the exact same carbon copy of ediths family. The only difference Is that ediths family physically abused her and MLs family mentally abused her. That's the only difference.

    Though I don't agree with ML getting a happy ending just like that. He should at least have nightmares just like I had said in one of my past posts. He should have the guilt of having murdered innocent girls who did nothing wrong.

    And I dislike FL. For what exactly did she just forgive the family for? I don't get it and d9nt want to understand. Cliff gets to marry the one he loves but ML should be married for benefits that don't belong to him but rather cliff, the heir of the family? I hate the family so much that I want to kill them all and be done with it.

    They just forgive the family and redeem them of their crime. The so called happy family never never never existed.
  3. Ocefossa

    Ocefossa Well-Known Member

    Oct 28, 2019
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    To address both commenters, both of your assumptions are incorrect and flat out wrong. What you are imagining and are outraged about is the fanfiction scenario you fantasized took place in the novel, the Original Work by the author, and not what actually happened.

    Firstly, this will be a hard concept to understand unless you actually read the novel, but No Character outside of Edith and Lize has autonomy. They could not think independently. They cannot act independently. They are essentially NPCs, or moving toys, that the "Game Master" can move according to her will, ie. LIZE.

    Secondly, this story is a layered story:
    • Layer 1: Edith's Story - surviving in a lethal situation where she doesn't know the rules until she breaks them.
    • Layer 2: Edith vs Lize (L) - a survivor vs a 'god-complex' Narcissist.
    • Layer 3: Edith's personal journey and character arc in dealing with her current situation, her old life, and choosing to survive or not. She is in control of her life, she chooses her own happiness, and everything that happens to her after Lize's role end (and all the good that she is doing) is what Edith wants and what means the most to Edith.
    • Layer 4: Lize - her descent from the paragon of perfection and heroine of the story into what she really is: a narcissistic murderer with a 'god-complex' and the story revealing her to be everything Edith was accused of (dialed up to 11)
    • Layer 5: Killian arc - from unthinking automaton to a actualized person who suffers from the consequences of breaking from his programing and the Lize's control. He deals with the consequences of his (automaton) actions against Edith from the beginning of their marriage and spends the rest of their marriage trying to make up for what happened. He is forever trying to earn her trust and be someone she can lean on.
    • Layer 6: The Orginal Plot of the story and how it changes as the two 'Players' duel and counter each other through the process and the outcomes of the choices.
    • Layer 7: The butterfly effect of the conflict and how the NPCs go from Doll-State/automatons to individuals with free wills. They are unaware that they had no autonomy but they also live with and bear the consequences from those actions for the rest of the story.
    • Layer 8: Conclusions -Endings/Consequences for each character that strikes surgically at what hurts/matters to them most.
    Edith forgives and moves on. Forgiveness is not soft or weak. It is not lip-service saying "sorry". It is an acknowledgement and acceptance of what happened and removing the power those actions and people would have had over her.

    Edith actually forgiving and moving past everything is the sign of a Strong Person. It shows that no one can control her through the past and her trauma attached to those memories. The actions she demonstrates after she leaves the Duchy showcase her character strength to its best.

    Watching someone grovel for forgiveness and then acting magnanimous to accept their complete subordination to your will is not forgiveness. That is an abuse of power and the sign of a Toxic, weak person. This false forgiveness mentality is why Lize fell so hard from grace after the end of the OG storyline.

    The Duchy (ie Duke, Duchess, Cliff, Lize) suffer Consequences that strike at the very heart of what matters the most to each character and the author is very crafty and unforgiving. What happens to those characters is very fitting and very machiavellian. It requires an understanding of the world building and the nuances of human social interactions and behaviors to pick up though. A casual reader from the spoiler thread would, of course miss this.

    The consequences to Edith's earth family are just as cruel. To understand just how cold and ruthless that ending is, you have to understand Korean culture. If the reader only looks at the shallow, surface level of the situation, they will not be satisfied and miss social and societal context.

    To clarify some points:
    • The Duchess is not abused. She is not cowed and she is not a fragile Gothic heroine. She is an aristocrat with actual power. She is quiet and soft spoken because a woman in her position doesn't need to speak loudly or action like the Tomboy Princess to weild her power. Women like her, with real power, would have have their disagreements with their husband's in private. Her blindspot would be Lize and what she Values as an Duchess. Her failing was partially from the Storyline Programming, but also from her lack of authority over Lize. She is the positional superior, Lize should have been disciplined and stopped by the Duchess when she started acting out. The Duchess is also the positional superior to Cliff (the heir) and if she so chose to act, there was nothing he could do. Because she failed her duty as a duchess and a surrogate mother, she reaps the rewards. The Duchess is equally punished and betrayed (in the eyes of her society) for Lize's behavior after the OG storyline ends.
    • The Duke is both acting according to his programming and is also a largely uninvolved figure in the story. The times he interacts with Edith directly all involve him bring pulled into the situation by Cliff and Lize. He leaves Edith alone unless the situation forces him to act and usually he leaves it to Killian to deal with. His actions are ruthless and appropriate for a ruler with his level of authority. His primary failure (outside of his atomaton programming) is his blindness to Killian and the failing of his relationship with his younger son. The consequences of this blindspot leave him with a damaged Duchy, a weakened heir apparent, and no real alternative without making Killian completely hostile to him (and the duchy). Also because the way to a relationship with his estranged son is through his wife (who was poorly treated), a woman he did not evem try to build a relationship with at all, this leaves him at a loss as to how to breach the divide between himself and Killian. It all culminates in the Duke being caught between everyone with no way to correct the damage to his immediate family (the Duchess also bears responsibility in this). Lize compounds his problems when she turns his peaceful household upside down, causes turmoil in his marriage, and puts him in political trouble with the Crown. He shouldn't have to deal with the interpersonal drama caused between the women as that should have been squashed by the duchess (who has the authority and jurisdiction over the household). *When Lize runs to the Duke, she is disrespecting the Duchess by going over her head to a higher authority. He might have final say, but he shouldn't have to settle domestic disputes.
    • Cliff ends up like a drug addict. This is a humble pie compounded by him still having to deal with the duchy and the consequences of Lize's and His actions during the time of the story because he is the heir apparent. Also of all the characters, Cliff is the most complicated because he is self-aware to some degree AND he is the most controlled character by Lize before, during, and after the events of the main storyline. It was through outside forces that he was forcefully divorced from Lize. By the time this happened in the storyline, he was little more than a living puppet and it took years after the divorce and then his Second marriage before he could function enough to do his duties (this also meant the the Duke and Duchess had to carry his and Lize's workload on top of their own). Cliff was a hollowed out shell of himself after all was said and done.
    • The Dukedom and the Family name overall have taken a near politically crippling hit as a result of Lize's actions. Cliff when he inherits the dukedom will have diminished influence and a harsher political arena because Lize pretty much near caused the family to be considered hostile to the Crown, challenge imperial authority, and strained the relationship between the Dukedom and the Palace. Because of this, everything the duchy does is now suspect and has ruthless consequences socially. The ducal family will have to live with the consequences of this, even after Lize is shipped off (hence why Cliff tries to pawn the duchy off on Killian later on)
    It's delicious irony, and the karma that is visited on the Duchy through their own choices (with or without the programming) is long reaching beyond the end of then novel. Long term punishment for the short term gratification.

    Comparatively speaking, Edith and Killian dodged a bullet when they left.

    As for the ML, Killian's ties with his family are irrevocably damaged after this entire situation. He literally grabs Edith and runs off to their territory the first moment he gets. They stay there and established themselves. It is actually Edith who tries to at least maintain an amicable relationship with the duchess, Killian wants nothing to do with his family. Edith is probably the only one keeping him from being a hostile and bitter person post 'Lise' and how his family handled his wife during and post kidnapping. He only travels to the duchy when he absolutely HAS to. Quite literally, he only interacts with them as a subordinate peer of the realm (quite the estrangement). This hurts his parents terribly especially after they start having children and the grandparents can't even see the grandchildren unless the family has to fulfill an aristocratic duty (at this point Lize and Cliff are tearing the duchy apart and all of the familial relationships of the main branch members are damaged). He is only focused on his territory and his wife and their life.

    *Killian only ever offers sometype of olive-branch after Cliff is a humbled, hollow shell of himself and is mentally broken down. That also only comes after Cliff apologizes of his own accord (years after). The Ducal couple does apologize in their own indirect ways, but it doesn’t make a iota difference to Killian. He wanted Edith out of there and safe in their own territory. Killian's grace is conditional on Edith's treatment.

    Its quite the nuanced story. The writer is very careful and layered with how she goes through the story. Nothing is simple and nothing is straightforward. It take a skill level and a deep understanding of human nature to do what she did in the story. I would encourage actually reading the work. It's rather brilliant and why her veteran and mature audience here respect the story and author.​
    Last edited: May 26, 2024
  4. Priyyaa

    Priyyaa Well-Known Member

    Sep 3, 2021
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    Firstly to the commentor, I think u r mistaken about something. Just like how rize's hold on ML started to loosen, and his autonomy slowly came back, the exact same happened with the other characters as well. Don't tell me that he started to suspect rize however no one else did.? Does it make sense? Even rize was surprised when she realized that cliff was helping her kill ediths[ the drowning incident] bcz her autonomy on all characters had already loosened alot. She had already lost most of her powers during the 12-13 retakes she did in her life with those girls. And FLs actions loosened them even more. So as a matter of fact all the other characters started to have autonomy.

    Secondly, the talk was about rize being accepted in the family even after she lost all the authority, meaning she was accepted in the family as a daughter in law which means they knew about her attempt to murder their daughter in law but they accepted a murderer in family which is unacceptable.

    Thirdly, the punishments u mentioned about, let me be clear since it seems like people don't understand, but bringing people to justice is a whole different thing than this. They have their honor, their wealth and everything with them. Nothings lost. The so calledf family peace? And harm to the immediate family? They did it waaaaaaaaaaay before all this bullshit when Killian was young. Comparing their children and outright insulting one of your child is something they did way bfr rize entered the picture. So the so called family peace didn't exist. They had their autonomy at that time otherwise how exactly did they know what exactly Killian liked bfr rize entered the picture. They mentioned it many times that Killian was like this like that in his childhood but he changed and blah blah blah. Anyways the point is they didn't exactly get punished for anything.

    Fourth point is that forgiving is done by strong people and whatnot, let me say this, I said this before, Idc whether she forgives them for what they did to her, I have never considered FLs in angst stories who forgive their husband's or lovers or whatever to be wrong after all they have the right to forgive and forget something that's done to them. Many people have it easy to say that they shouldn't forgive and forget and whatnot but the same people very easily forgive their lovers and such when they cheat on them in real life. [ not blaming anyone, i was the same. I used to think y were people unable to ask for help when they were sexually harassed but when it happened to me in a public place, even i couldnt musterr up the strength to shout and ask for help and i realised that saying is always easier than actually doing it. i still regret not speaking about it at that time. Although i wasnt raped, sexual harrassment isnt a small matter either. Now I dislike others touching me to the point of annoyance. Not even girls Or my mother is allowed to touch me. ] So of course they also have the right to forgive them sure, but does she, as a third party, have the right to forgive the preparators who harmed so many victims? This is between the victims and preparators, and she as the third party doesn't have the so called right to forgive and forget and be a strong person. Just cz no one is demanding for justice for them since this happened in a different timeline or bcz they don't have their close ones or relatives with them cz they r in a different world doesn't mean they don't deserve justice right? Is this moral?

    Fifth point about Killian and Edith. Everyone is going on and on about autonomy and being under control and such. Let me ask u, will u forgive a terrorist who harms your family members? They were also brainwashed since young and didn't have the so called autonomy of their own. So do they not deserve punishment? Everyone is biased towards Killian but tell me, what exactly was the fault of those innocent girls? Bcz they weren't as lucky as this Edith? Bcz they entered a villains body even though they didn't want it? Y exactly r people not talking about their lives and giving excuses for Killians family?. If suppose ur own family member dies in a car accident bcz of someone else, will everyone forgive the driver? Afterall it was an accident and wasn't done on purpose right? Y exactly does law punish even such people? They also didn't want to murder someone right? So by everyone's logic I also get the right as a third party to forgive and demand innocence for the driver right? Just cz this didn't happen to u doesn't mean u as a third party get the right to forgive and forget. It's the same thing I've been saying since the begginning. Killian can't be punished by law bcz this happened in a different timeline, but he deserves to get some if not much. The same goes with killians family. They didn't get punished for anything. Killian at least saved one Edith, however what about them? They accepted rize as a family even after everything.

    This is a straight outright slap to their lives. They died bcz of her and she didn't get any punishment.

    I am tired of saying the same thing again and again. It's annoying at this point. I couldn't ignore this one that's y I replied but please this is a request to everyone, don't just forgive everyone and insult the lives of those innocent girls. They were also innocent and did nothing wrong. I am not trying to start a fight over this. I hope people don't just brush it off as a fictional story or a fake story, bcz even if it's a fictional story, we r talking about lives.
    Nah, Free Ocean and CUEBEE5566 like this.
  5. Ocefossa

    Ocefossa Well-Known Member

    Oct 28, 2019
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    Thank you for the reply. It seems you took my reply personally rather than the specifically application to this story.

    Very well.

    I will reply with this only, you speak from a point of emotion and the luxury of the theoretical, hence why you took this personally. What you think you know and what actually, viscerally is are two different points all together.

    My post is made more valid, because it is written with real-world knowledge from both a historical and present day, real time, developing situations, and supplemented by actual real life experience. Please reread my post in the context I wrote it: a response addressing to both yours and the previous poster's assumptions of what is in the actual text.

    All of my points are backed by actual text within the Original story. As well as the actions of said characters in the story and positioned in relation to world building the author presented.

    Please take the actual time to respect the author and the actual story by reading it and considering the context of each character as they are in the text and as they are written.
    Aguni_Erina and Zarrutz like this.
  6. Juju48

    Juju48 Well-Known Member

    Feb 11, 2019
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    I just think it's funny that you've decided you're to only one that read the book.
    Nah and yona24chan like this.
  7. Serphinalily

    Serphinalily Well-Known Member

    Apr 2, 2019
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    You know you can just ignore them right? These two individuals have been bashing the story's characters for a few pages now so I don't think arguing with them and giving counterexamples will help change their minds.

    Also, to the people claiming other people should suspect Lize too, I'm not sure if the manhwa makes it as clear as the novel, but the author loses control of Killian at a faster rate than any other character.

    Also, for the people who are doing so... please stop assuming the Duchess is some poor abused wife. She's very much in a loving relationship with her husband (as is expected from the creation of an author who loves obsessive love between couples). She is just too passive about what is going on outside of what she views to be her own domain and is blind to Lize's faults.

    As for the marriage... Cliff literally promised before the end that he'd marry Lize and never ask for a divorce. At this point, the Duke and Duchess don't like Lize anymore but Cliff was unwilling to break his promise and Lize would never willingly ask for a divorce so they were stuck in a whole toxic dynamic. This is in no way excusing their behavior, but it also shows that the Duke and Duchess aren't as proactive about letting Lize into the family as it is being portrayed by the people who are complaining about it.
  8. Priyyaa

    Priyyaa Well-Known Member

    Sep 3, 2021
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    I have read the story as well. It's been long so i don't remember everything perfectly but yes I've read it. I am not saying I don't respect the work or anything. As an art lover, every writer deserves a praise. For me, literature is a form of an art in itself. So I don't disrespect the artists. I dislike this story, to an extent, yes. I didn't exactly like this story bcz many important facts r just brushed off but disliking the story and disrespecting the author r two completely different things. what I came to dislike is that everyone is tagging my post replying logically how the characters weren't wrong and so on. Well life isn't all about logic and context. There r many factors like emotions and such involved. And also, I never said the duchess was abused. She had an arranged marriage so yeah it comes with its own issues so u can't exactly say she was abused and such. Also she had a fair share in killians childhood abuse so ofcourse I never considered her an abused character. What I am saying is that the ending makes absolutely no sense to me. This is y I said that I dislike the story.

    As for taking it personal, I didn't exactly want to, but look at how many people r quoting it. I also have my own share of opinion. People can think logically sure, but don't talk like emotions aren't important. For me the duke's family were characters who didn't deserve such an end. Yeah the family can't be punished by law for sure but cliff and rize r two people who got it easy the most. Logically speaking, ediths family also didn't deserve such an end afterall they physically abused edith bcz she wasn't their own immediately family member and used her for benefits, but isn't it the same as what killians family did? They didn't abuse him physically but rather mentally bcz he is an immediate family member and used him for benefits too. The difference? None .

    I can understand that not all endings are perfect. Many endings are imperfect and exactly bcz it's imperfect that I am saying these things. People express their opinion and I did mine as well. Just cz my opinion is different from majority doesn't mean I need to hear mean words. [I am not talking about u. U definitely weren't rude. It was just me taking it a bit personally at that time bcz it was making me annoyed to see it like that]

    If it sounded rude, I apologize after all u were also just expressing ur own opinion. Also, I would still say this, although I didn't exactly like the story, I don't disrespect the artists or art itself. I am only criticising the characters behaviour. It has nothing to do with the author.
    Nah, ursweetalksx and Juju48 like this.
  9. ursweetalksx

    ursweetalksx Well-Known Member

    May 21, 2023
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    Not my cup of tea, I prefer this to be a revenge story. But I admit the plot is unique. I like ML character development, but this is painful to read because the amount of harassment Edith has to endure is insane. She is a saint to still forgive the villain. I don't like how the author deals with the villain; she is still alive, and the ML's family still gets happiness, especially Cliff. I want them to get consequences. And thanks for the summary save my time to decide to read or not
    Juju48, Free Ocean, Tasnuva and 2 others like this.
  10. Viki1995

    Viki1995 Member

    Dec 23, 2023
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    What conditions were set on OgML and how did he break through from the influence of OgFL?
  11. WhiteCoffee

    WhiteCoffee Well-Known Member

    May 11, 2021
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    I binged the manhwa and i really hate how powerless is MC for most of the time. The connection that she made with many barely matter. Only the ML is the one who worth the salt that actively bailed MC out for many times.

    It seems that the only way to deal with simp is to make the said simp yours by having sex with the simp. Even the authority is nothing in front of succubus. No wonder the Chinese wuxia love to say "even the great heroes can't pass thru the beauty stage"

    And it will be painful to read the manhwa when it reached the part where she got kidnapped, tortured and about to get excuted.

    I already hate and disgusted when the Sophia abused her in the beginning and i sure it will be 100x worse about everything that lead to the execution part.

    Even those evil doers were punished, it won't make me feel any better after learning what the MC went thru.
    Juju48 and Free Ocean like this.
  12. Free Ocean

    Free Ocean Well-Known Member

    May 10, 2023
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    I agree with you 100% also I will never accept Killian as MI. In my opinion, he is a jerk who can treat Fl as he pleases with the cliché excuse of brainwashing. I would like this to be a story where FL survives by taking revenge on everyone, where she doesn't have to solve her brainwashing restrictions, and with a sensible, kind man. Many people identify Killian with Izek in "How to Get My Husband on My Side", but in my opinion, Izek, unlike Killian, is an acceptable character. First of all, Izek wasn't prejudiced against Ruby and wasn't an outright jerk. Yes, he was rude and not someone everyone wanted to be friends with, but her rudeness wasn't specific to Ruby; he was rude and cold to everyone around him. You could say that in the first timeline, Izek killed the original Ruby, but Ruby killed him sister and he had to do it. Ruby's plan was for Izek to kill her. He was miserable doing it because he truly loved Ruby. He also realized his mistakes early and never looked for fault in others. He really tried to understand Ruby, and above all, he didn't use excuses like brainwashing or author control for his mistakes.
    Azka Anees and Juju48 like this.
  13. WhiteCoffee

    WhiteCoffee Well-Known Member

    May 11, 2021
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    Is the manhwa went different route than the novel?

    I read the manhwa part where the princess warmed up to Edith extremely early compared to novel where she tried to harass her in royal event due to author's manipulation.

    And in manhwa, she simply acknowledged Edith as Ludwig family in royal event.
  14. Sagamasa

    Sagamasa Well-Known Member

    May 16, 2023
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    Idk for me Killian is still acceptable as Edith pointed out early on, the world where she transmigrated follow certain rule of plot especially people who are close with Lizzie, the novel protagonist. Since Killian is 2nd ML in the novel, the influence of the plot is strong for him. That's why when Edith breaks the first restriction, that's when the influence is getting weaker. Edith knows that, and that's why she tries to break the remaining restriction because if she can make Killian free, he can lessen Lizzie's influence and the possibility of her surviving increased. I find this story interesting because most transmigrated manhwa stories are like MC got into the novel world then proceed to adapted there or MC thought it is a novel world but apparently no, the so called novel is their past lives. Where in this story, the readers are shown that MC truly got into the novel, where there's predetermined storyline so she can't do what she wants without finding the rule of the world, the restriction. So if she wants to be free she needs to free other characters from their predetermined storyline. So I think it's not like brainwashing but they can't do anything freely as long as the restriction is there. I think Killian also questioning himself why did he has negative impression on Edith and why did he listen every Lizzie's words, so from this Killian clearly has his own thought but can't act upon it because he was bind with restrictions made by the author.
  15. WhiteCoffee

    WhiteCoffee Well-Known Member

    May 11, 2021
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    There is nothing wrong about Killian as ML IMO. Far better than those ML who confined MC in a "bird cage" and thought there is nothing wrong with his action and were proud of it.

    First he got brainwashed like others but you need to aware that even with the brainwashing effect is activated, he still can't stop himself from lusting/loving Edith. He is tsundere in a certain sense or else he won't do it with Edith under the brainwashing effect. Once they did the deed, whether the brainwashing was there or not, he already at that time decided to open himself to Edith and wanted her desperately.

    His action in the beginning makes sense even if we exclude the brainwashing part. Edith is a rumored slut and her family is the enemy of his family. Even the most stupid people can see that Edith's family is sending/using Edith to steal their intel. So hostile treatment towards Edith is totally makes sense. But even so, it doesn't change the fact that Killian had impure thoughts about Edith the first time he met her. He just chose to hide it well thru acting cool. He even admitted that he is the same as those men who always looking Edith with lecherous eyes. So basically, even the system restriction and brainwashing can't suppress his urge+love for Edith.

    And I don't think he ever physically assaulted her due to hatred and rage unless it is in bed which is driven by lust and love. This alone made him a better ML than most ML who were under brainwashing from other manhwas..

    Plus, Killian, even in a brainwashing state, already shows some suspicion (and doubt) towards Lize very fast or sees through Lize's sugar-coated words that are a "knife" trying to assassinate Edith's character. And when the brainwashing was weakened in stage 2, Killian was already trying his best to prevent Edith and Lize meet or staying together in one place. For someone who is still under the influence of the system, he sure acting extremely efficiently to protect Edith.
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2024
  16. CosmicGhost

    CosmicGhost Well-Known Member

    Apr 16, 2023
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    This was beautiful lmao I appreciate the quick and concise plot arcs along with the super detailed stuff
  17. mzpnyqt

    mzpnyqt New Member

    Jun 26, 2024
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    I’m trying to post the link for the webnovel but I guess I have to make 5 regular posts before I could post links or images.

    So let’s have a conversation.

    What do you think about the MC?
  18. Nah

    Nah Well-Known Member

    Apr 22, 2020
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    Nah. Gonna skip this one. I could never be able to read this by not being frustrated. My main problems are;
    1. Edith is ridiculously acting nice.
    Forgiveness is indeed a strong move anyone who was hurt ever done. Forgiveness is not only accepting 'sorry', but how it bring acceptance of the pain and decide to welcome the pain it self. Then it forms a peace within the victim's. Edith however, didn't just 'forgive' her abuser. She has the idea to have that by being benevolent. Yes, she didn't mean to be called saintly but she did so by not realizing it. She may forgive and be nice to them, but she's has no right to force others do the same thing, like how she force the relationship to Killian and his family. Killian has his own pain injured by them, who is she to determine how he need to handle his pain and hurt?

    2. The villains didn't get their deserved punishment.
    There is a comment up there said that those duchy members get their punishments by being ripped off from what they care the most. Lize to lose her glory, Cliff for being mentally unstable heir, Duchess for being failed to control the adopted daughter she raise, Duke for having his household in turmoil. They said, the understanding of this punishment is the most cruel only can be taken by mature audience. If this is the logic, then we should let the terrorist be free as long they're failed to bring terror, despite how much damage they caused. We should let go attempted to murder suspect, as their target is still breathing and living. Oh! Maybe we also shall not touch those pedophile as long they only buy and keep the gruesome videos or objects, as long they didn't directly harm children. Because those criminals didn't get to have what matter for them. So its all fine and good!
    Whew.. all those existed law and punishment irl are being ridiculous, aren't they?
    Failed crime or neglect shouldn't be punished because karma will rip off what matter for them ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
    Last edited: Jul 2, 2024 at 3:47 AM
    Free Ocean, Juju48 and Tasnuva like this.
  19. Juju48

    Juju48 Well-Known Member

    Feb 11, 2019
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    I put this novel in the abuse the protagonist type. The vibe is different but it follows the layout perfectly
    The Mc is forced into marriage
    She is treated terribly by everyone
    The misunderstandings keep piling up even with the Mc best efforts
    Suddenly, even after all this bad treatment she in love with the ml
    He suddenly has all these excuses for treating her badly
    The abuse continues the the point she must run away
    But ofcourse, she returns because she loves the ml
    Abuse hits a high point then is suddenly resolved
    She forgives everyone even those who were openly trying to kill her
    Happy ever after

    as much as I would have liked for things to be different, the mc never broke free from her saintly role. She was portrayed as the logical calm type yet ended up being no different from the weak stupid type these novels usually portray.

    as a piece of work designed as abuse type from the beginning it was well done. Excluding the side stories (they didn't add anything beneficial to the work, just leaving even more people frustrated at the lack of real consequences for the perpetrators) I found the work Unique and engaging unlike most novels in this genre. It was not something I would read again. I don't like books that leave one feeling so powerless.

    it would be great if someone would write a fanfic where the Mc manipulates everything from behind killing all her original family and everyone in The duke's household as well. Then she takes over both territory's as a grand duchess and marries a younger and loyal puppy that only has eye for her. That would be well worth a read.
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2024 at 6:06 AM
    Free Ocean, Nah and Tasnuva like this.