Spoiler I Want to Be You, Just For A Day

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by lazynoodles, Nov 9, 2019.

  1. PossaSimon

    PossaSimon Well-Known Member

    Apr 10, 2020
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    we want the unpredictable, every time doesn't Medea win? in all the challenges and fights?, she only lost the crown princess contest but the rest... you have to give things to win something more important (that the public empathizes with the suffering of your character), I know about tower of god everyone is tired of Bam blah blah blah they want to see another character (wangnan?) or the return of rachel with a power up...
    nobody complains about Edward Elric why? if you have seen fma he did not always win or manage to solve everything and even in the end he did not achieve everything completely, to become an alchemist we saw him try harder than anyone and when he became one we realized that there were better than him (this).
    Kubera is good because it focuses on multiple characters and Leez you never knows if she's going to win or lose.
    for example,
    We can see that psyche has potential but they always hide their powers when they show them it will be something like the power up situation without arguments for Kuhn and rak from tower of god (they only did it because they are Bam's friends and not leave them behind)
    KeyJay, Nagisa11, zoefleyl and 4 others like this.
  2. Priyanka14

    Priyanka14 Well-Known Member

    Nov 1, 2021
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    Medea's recent actions make me wonder something: why did she purposely reveal her skills to Eros even though she knew that the outcome wouldn't be good? Medea is a far sighted person so I am pretty sure she assumed that something like this (Eros thinking that Medea saved Psyche on his bday) might happen too right? Or was it beyond her calculation? There are ways by which she could've avoided revealing her capabilities, since she's a smart person but she didn't. I mean she knows that Eros is pretty intuitive about these matters too and since he specifically warned her, isn't she risking her life by revealing her skills? Or does she have a better plan for it to change the situation to her advantage? Her revelation now will jeopardize Psyche's safety especially since she is still under his control (aka engaged to him)
    Nagisa11, aiheli, Rin.rinaaa and 3 others like this.
  3. PossaSimon

    PossaSimon Well-Known Member

    Apr 10, 2020
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    I have followed this manhwa before it became official (in the times when Sam published the first 4 chapters for the contest where she was selected for serialization), the decadence that is currently hurts me, I remember that before she did not resort so much to fanservice
    now it's cheeky (when we saw Yaros shirtless? or Medea and her harem? or every once in a while sex scenes?, the only thing we saw was yaros abuse psyche "this is no fanservice") That's what the +15 restriction was for(n).
    yourselves and with your comments can see that where the same readers no longer understand how the characters think or what they want... or that the current plot point or conflict is not of much interest and we don't even know if it is important or not, things just happen because if...the only person who changes is Medea (gaining power) but psyche is still in the same situation as always we haven't seen if she is learning swordmaship or getting rid of Yaros's spy,
    she is still the same defenseless daughter of a marquis who won't let her use her powers, Pheron is still the same cardinal but he only helps Medea from time to time we don't know anything else about his relationship with him the pope, helio worse before he had his dignity now he seems like a woman-butler-uke-submissive-immature I mean when a nobleman and even more a war hero makes gloves or bracelets for a woman?? in the context of that time (victorian era?), he would even have rumors of being gay (but they talk trash about women learning swordmaship:blobunsure:), that is the job of the maids and butlers (and not even them). Yaros and nobody understands what he thinks or what he does apart from the fact that he wants to be a god
    KeyJay, Nagisa11, Rheamelody and 4 others like this.
  4. Lili for Tea

    Lili for Tea Well-Known Member

    Dec 7, 2021
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    I write this post just want to ask what is wrong with Psyche’s fans. I am appalled because a part of Psyche’s fans eagerly wants her to kill Eros in every social network. Excuse me? Even that violate her morals? Do you ever genuinely care about who you root for whether she would be happy after killing Eros? Or just because killing him makes you feel satisfied with your despise for him? Yes, people will cheer for you if you kill a villain, but your conscience will torment you for the rest of your life. Don’t you remember when she recalled the memory she accidentally harm those men who kidnapped her, she cried and this is the reason that makes her think she is a monster? And “monster” is also her trauma she struggles to deal with. As a Medea’s fan, I’m happy when she is trying to be kinder and softer although she knows she is never kind as Psyche even if she is reborn a thousand times. But some of Psyche’s fans are trying to turn the purest angel into evil.
    Last edited: Mar 9, 2022
  5. PossaSimon

    PossaSimon Well-Known Member

    Apr 10, 2020
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    I think they got the wrong idea when in her rage (in Medea's body) where she used her powers furiously she said that Yaros was a HYPOCRITE and when she cut her hair. Psyche has never been and will never be a killer.
    She has not sworn revenge against Yaros either, she only made a promise with herself to become stronger and more independent.
    If someone kills Yaros it would be Medea or himself...
    KeyJay, Nagisa11, aiheli and 5 others like this.
  6. CollegeSuck

    CollegeSuck Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2020
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    Yeah, I don't understand why some people wants Psyche to kill Eros either. I mean I want her to get revenge on Eros but in a way that is like he is surprised that Psyche has grown and that she is no longer the naive girl that falls for his lies ( and of course, I need to see his reaction when he found out that the one he kiss is not Medea and is actually Psyche. Just in general I want to see his face when he found out he has been play all along)

    Her killing Eros is something that I cannot see her doing. I agree with you that the action is going against her values/morals. Another reason is that imo death is too easy for him. Eros has done a lot of things and manipulate people in order to reach his goal ( which I assume is to become God?). He is always so confident about his plan and intelligence that it would be so funny to see him just lose it when everything that he has/plan for is taken away from him and for him to realize that he has been played by God and not the other way around.
    KeyJay, Nagisa11, mallekei and 5 others like this.
  7. Manhwa fan

    Manhwa fan Well-Known Member

    Jul 21, 2020
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    Can't wait Eros's reaction when Medea wield her sword and is very strong.
    Nagisa11 likes this.
  8. Lili for Tea

    Lili for Tea Well-Known Member

    Dec 7, 2021
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    I have a friend who is devoted to Psyche and I read many comments through her. Almost all of them draw every scenario which makes Psyche goes berserk and becomes a killer. I know recent chapters make her fans feel more and more despise him but don’t devilize her for that reason. It is an act of disrespect to her. Killing someone means against her morals and she never wants to do. I admire how she never blames her misfortunes on anyone and just sees them as her hardships.

    I think readers will see his reaction soon, maybe even in chapter 121. Medea’s relatives found out about her strange behavior, to me, is just a hint Eros will figure out their bodies swapped. Also, the title of chapter 120 is “Only when the night comes to mind (1)” so chapter 121 will be part 2. If he just doubts Psyche has been deceiving him there won’t have a part 2. There is still the night when he kissed Psyche in Medea’s body, if he figures out, he will know who was that girl.

    And it never had an Eros’s POV regarding Psyche. But the thing makes me notice that the Pope said to her in chapter 91 :”....You purchased 47 books. You sold 12 accessories. You’ve put in the effort. It’s only right that you’re changed.” It sounds like Eros was saying to her. In recent events, he didn’t stop her do what she wants. She sold all his gifts to be a patron of the poor, suddenly acts like a Crown Princess. The old Psyche never did that. How the current Psyche is in his eyes, this is my question.
    Let me tell about he thinks about Medea’s sword skills. He just sits, compares her skill to his knights. Then he put two and two together, he figures out that Medea was the person who defeated his knights at birthday banquet and the fictional savior was a lie.
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2022
  9. nyanbinary

    nyanbinary Well-Known Member

    Mar 7, 2022
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    It's really sad for me to see that most of us are now complaining about the story progression in this thread, not because any criticism of the story is wrong or anything but because before, I think everyone really liked and was excited about it but now it's just become really tiring to follow YT. I myself was such a hardcore fan but I progressively become more and more frustrated with the series and looking back, it already started a little bit after Medea and Psyche returned to their bodies.

    Medea's arc with her father was way too drawn out and could have been much shorter, there was a lot less Psyche, Helio or Eros screentime compared to the beginning but I waited it out because I thought it's just Medea's time to shine right now and later we would get character arcs for the rest of the cast. Plus, there were some chapters with Psyche that were really great (her confrontation with Eros for example or when Medea visited her after meeting Eros).That's why I didn't really complain too much, I thought it was just this arc and afterwards, we would get the other characters and their development. So after the Trial, I got really excited again because I thought it was now Psyche's arc but then... it just didn't happen. Two or three chapters maybe and then back to Medea again... Sigh. Same with Helio. When he lashed out at Medea, I thought his character development will start but ugh, nothing happened again.

    The Solon Branch Family were the worst addition to the story, they're just fodder and take up unnecessary screen time that could be spent on much more interesting characters. I got from time to time excited when for example Perion finally met Psyche or Eros' attack during the Ordination but these happened so quickly and were over way too fast. We then immediately bounced back to Medea and her boring branch family members.

    I'm now too weary to hope again. Every time I got excited, it didn't last long, and the only time I held genuine hope for the story was when I thought SAM would go into hiatus. Now, with Eros starting to suspect Psyche and what happened during the Banquet, it looks like it would be exciting but I won't hold my breath. I was too often let down, which sucks because I used to really have a lot of confidence in SAM's writing.

    The thing is, I still am in love with the characters and the overarching plot and part of me actually hopes I would fall out of love so that I can lower my expectations because then I could enjoy the webtoon much more :/
  10. athyiscuteee

    athyiscuteee Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2022
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    i honestly was like shocked coz 'oh so she finally revealing it'. it made me excited but i was also like thinking of the incidents where eros would find out. but i was re reading some chapters and uh in chapter 89, perion asked medea whether she wasn't playing with the kids because she would mistakenly showcase her skills. medea quickly replies saying she's not and that she no longer needs to and that she was contemplating when to reveal it. so it was in her agenda anyway. besides with medi knowing that eros does 'like' her in his own weird-ish way and now revealing her skills, im expecting things to be exciting tbh
    KeyJay, Nagisa11, Risnee and 2 others like this.
  11. Priyanka14

    Priyanka14 Well-Known Member

    Nov 1, 2021
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    I don't want Psyche to kill Eros coz that will go against her morals. She doesn't want revenge against him even though she hates him. But she has also agreed to help Medea in defeating Eros so I want her to see contributing to his downfall more. I don't know about others but to me, Psyche's vendetta against Eros feels a lot more personal to me compared to Medea. Especially since we were repeatedly shown how he hurt and betrayed her at every point. So now I want him to suffer because of her too and not only Medea. When Medea took revenge against her dad, it was satisfying to watch coz we saw how he wronged her at every step. I don't want Psyche to take revenge but I want her to be the main reason of his downfall (if it happens). I want justice for her.
    Don't think you should hope either coz the swordsmanship competition isn't over yet. By the looks of it, Medea will win the competition so we will definitely see more of her again. We will most probably see more of Eros's POV on Psyche in the next chapter but he cannot instantly take her down so then the plot will focus on the competition again (Medea and the other teams, thankfully not the Solons). I honestly don't care about the competition at this point but a part of me wonders what will Medea ask as a reward. But yes, after this arc, I think we will see more of Psyche with the way things are going. (might be wrong too but I will be very disappointed if it's another Medea arc)
  12. Lili for Tea

    Lili for Tea Well-Known Member

    Dec 7, 2021
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    There are some obvious hints when two girls swapped bodies are waiting for him to connect the dots.

    1/ When Medea in Psyche’s body at the birthday banquet, the necklace did not respond to her.



    2/ Eros wondered why the ring did not respond to Psyche but Medea.

    3/ Eros suspected that Psyche lost her divinity relating to her memory loss. But when she lost her memory? After the Day of Prayer. Medea in Psyche’s body was reading a complicated book, took the book from her. Then he asked why she didn’t answer him she read that book. She explained that because she had lost her memories.

    4/ When Psyche returned to her body, she used her divinity to heal her mommy and the ring was glowing.
    Well, are there enough hints for a smart as him? There are still some subtle hints but I think it’s unnecessary.
  13. hanajoy

    hanajoy Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2021
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    Ok I used to joke about Eros but now I may take my words back. He is scary af now I'm worry for our girls.
    (Just read 121 spoiler)
    KeyJay, Nagisa11, Risnee and 4 others like this.
  14. Priyanka14

    Priyanka14 Well-Known Member

    Nov 1, 2021
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    Eros really figured out the switch. @lilifortea was right. He exactly put two and two together similar to the way she said but he noticed Medea’s behavior. For eg, he realized that Medea’s not somebody who will cry and jump off the balcony and on that when Psyche asked him if he ever loved Psyche. Her immediate declaration of a breakup then. We finally see Eros and the pope talking but the discussion is muted by the piano. Perion and Psyche were eavesdropping on their conversation and Perion accidentally hit the door and Eros opened it.

    Psyche is so dead now, and I honestly don't think Eros's "love" for Medea can save Medea either especially now that Eros has realized that she played him even while pretending to be Psyche. They all are so dead. :notlikeblob:
  15. CollegeSuck

    CollegeSuck Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2020
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    Ahhhhhhh, it's been a while since I feel this excited for the next chapter and the plot development. Pel, you clumsy! and Eros did found out about the body switch. I was hoping that Eros will finally know but I didn't dare to hope but yesss, things finally move along now

    I am really curious about Eros's reaction. Kind of ironic if you think about it because he thinks he likes Medea and Medea likes him too. Turns out, it was actually his fiancee and the object of his interest has absolutely no love for him at all.
    KeyJay, Nagisa11, mallekei and 9 others like this.
  16. PossaSimon

    PossaSimon Well-Known Member

    Apr 10, 2020
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    Best Boi (It's joke) :blobparty::blobparty::blobparty::blobparty::blobparty::blobparty::blobparty::blobparty::blobparty::blobparty::blobparty: please revive the fun again, a cheerish you! :blobhero:
    KeyJay, Nagisa11, Risnee and 3 others like this.
  17. Lili for Tea

    Lili for Tea Well-Known Member

    Dec 7, 2021
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    I think you guys have known what does Eros mean when he threatened Meadea that if she is hiding something from him, he will destroy you at all cost. It’s just a hint. I never think Eros loves Medea and Medea avoids a fight. All my assumptions following hints I can find. Eros doesn't doubt and threaten Psyche, which means he will not harm her. And remember, she has people on her side after donation events. With Medea, he doubted and threatened her many times.
  18. PossaSimon

    PossaSimon Well-Known Member

    Apr 10, 2020
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    now war started, best boi brings destruction burns everything show them that you are the villain of the story and you will do whatever it takes to become a god, now if Medea will have a real challenge and not those annoying relatives that shows why she is so praised
    Nagisa11 and Risnee like this.
  19. hanajoy

    hanajoy Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2021
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    There is a thing in chapter 121, Medea said she had the same feeling when Heli gave her the accessory as when he gave her a knife at Eros bd banquet. Is it a hint for something deathly I'm scared :blobsob:no death pls no. Or did I make mistake cuz I don't really understand what she said...
    VNikaT, KeyJay, Nagisa11 and 2 others like this.
  20. PossaSimon

    PossaSimon Well-Known Member

    Apr 10, 2020
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    Medea is with Dion right? I don't think anything will happen to Helio maybe Medea or Dion (possibly him:blobsalute:) I don't know I saw how much development in chapter 118 about Medea and Dion's relationship (even more than with Helio, no jokes)