Spoiler I Want to Be You, Just For A Day

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by lazynoodles, Nov 9, 2019.

  1. PossaSimon

    PossaSimon Well-Known Member

    Apr 10, 2020
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    :blobcat_rawr::derpyblob::blobcat_rawr::blobcat_rawr::blobcat_rawr::blobcat_rawr:Am I blind or what? Can you confirm this manhwa reminds me a lot of Sam's drawing style, I just saw it and the main character is almost a copy and paste of Psyche hahahahahahahaha :blobReach:psyche what are you doing here??? XD
    The artist will be Sam's friend? you know between friends they share like Orka with her friend...
    name: How to Hide the Emperor's Child
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  2. Celly RIvers

    Celly RIvers Well-Known Member

    Dec 14, 2020
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    Someone mentioned before that the artist for this story worked as a assistent on Your Throne. (Just don't remember who was)
    Nagisa11 and boom2424 like this.
  3. PossaSimon

    PossaSimon Well-Known Member

    Apr 10, 2020
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    Ah, I understand, I didn't know this manhwa, I just saw it and the drawing seemed the same as Sam's, I thought it would be like this, Orka type with her friend who have similar drawings.
    Nagisa11, Rin.rinaaa and Celly RIvers like this.
  4. PossaSimon

    PossaSimon Well-Known Member

    Apr 10, 2020
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    I think the same about this, I think that knowing the characters it would have been better to say that Medea wants to overthrow Eros because she thinks she is better than him, instead of giving her the justification that it is for personal revenge or personal reasons.
    The same when Medea to save people seems to me a silly justification that is because she wants to be a hero, Eros does the same but he does say that he does it to become a god (like the first time where Medea disguised herself as Psyche and eros I found the human traffickers)
    Obviously I'm not saying that Medea's character can't be developed and she wants to be a heroine but a better construction is needed to make it feel genuine like you save these people because you really like them because you saw the injustices they suffered and not because you want to look cool and the acclamation of others, as what Pheron does is what she needs, Medea detracts a lot from the fact of what she said to Psyche after the massacre as: Psyche, let it go, that doesn't matter, doesn't it is so important that those people died (that is incoherent with what they now show us and there is not much distance between those chapters)
    Nagisa11, Iris Astria Li and K12340 like this.
  5. Lili for Tea

    Lili for Tea Well-Known Member

    Dec 7, 2021
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    I feel a little sad about the stereotype of Medea that she is a villainess so she can’t be a hero. Medea was asking herself why she felt bitter when seeing how the commoners admire and socialize with Perion (besides being identified as the Cardinal, he is also known as “hero of the people”). She has never had the commoners giving warmth and cheer like they did with him. So I think her inner urges her to do heroic things in order to earn people's recognition and admiration.
  6. Khloud2003

    Khloud2003 Well-Known Member

    May 26, 2020
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    Chapter 122 spoiler:

    Hey guys! First really sorry for not being able to share a preview of last week chapter, last week was a real mess.. so I didn’t have any time for it, so a lot happened in this chapter but it pretty much end with eros rejecting to announce his separation with psyche + this will probably the last chapter I will share with you guys for a while u guys so until then bye
  7. CollegeSuck

    CollegeSuck Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2020
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    If what Twitter is saying is true….. the wtf Medea
    Girl had sex with Eros when she was in Psyche’s body


    Edit: and now that I see the picture, yeah I guess it’s true now? Even though I don’t want to believe it

    “eros rejecting to announce his separation with psyche + this will probably the last chapter I will share with you guys for a while u guys so until then bye”

    Annnnnnd there goes the whole 100 days agreement and stuff. I’m speechless with this development rn like of all the possibilities, I’m sure as hell didn’t think about this plot

    Ok now that I calm down a bit… I need to hear about Medea’s side of the story like was she “ forced” into doing the deed when she was Psyche or did Eros just did something that make her assume they already done it before so she have to do it with Eros in order for her not to
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2022
  8. Priyanka14

    Priyanka14 Well-Known Member

    Nov 1, 2021
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    I heard he accepted to announce their breakup in public? And why did Medea do it? I cannot believe it. In Psyche's body with EROS out of all people. The man she hates the most and the man who's a villain in her life. She lost her virginity to him and did Medea even inform her about it?? Does she know? Honestly, I am getting more and more disappointed in Medea.

    Edit: it was revealed that the OG Psyche slept with him too. That calms me down.
    P. S- if he really declares their breakup in public, Psyche will be free to move now. But the story might solely become Eros vs Medea now. Also Eros sleeping with og Psyche makes his betrayal 100 times worse than it already is. And now he's side lining psyche after all this. I am not liking where this is heading.
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2022
  9. CollegeSuck

    CollegeSuck Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2020
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    Oh I quote that from Khloud2003. I also heard about that Twitter Spoiler and now I’m not too sure what he wants to do

    Oh ok so Medea have to do it because she have to keep up with the change. I was very disappointed with Medea for a moment but thank god it’s not like that :blob_grin:

    I think someone on here ( or on another forum) said that there is a possibility that Psyche may have slept with Eros too after that chapter where Medea and Helio have sex. Most of the people didn’t believe them but my oh my, how things have changed:blobwoah::blobwoah::blobwoah:
  10. aiheli

    aiheli Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2021
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    So medea in psyche's body slept with eros?girl i i cant process this rn what a way to ruin my night geez i feel disgusted with this, when they kiss i thought she was disgusted wait omg I can't process things looking at that panel makes me want to vomit honestly no hate to medea but I'm a little disappointed that she did that with eros ugh :blobtired::blobastonished:honestly i just feel disgusted can i still read your throne after thiss?:cry:i dont think i can read it the same anymore.
    Nagisa11, KeyJay, Wapdyne and 7 others like this.
  11. Janu123

    Janu123 Well-Known Member

    Jul 28, 2021
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    Ok wtf:blobdizzy: also i really want to kill eros now:blob_catflip: i had my doubts that he might had slept with psyche but i thought maybe he didnt bcz he despises psyche. But eros is really a big trash :blobcat_knife: he touched my baby psyche, not only played with her feelings also slept with her ughhhh:blobangery:.And medea really come on she could've just avoid it, its not like he's gonna force her(maybe if its eros i guess its possible). :blob_teary: i didnt like the fact that she slept with eros(evn tho its in Psyche's body). Suddenly i remembered when psyche kissed eros in medea's body, back then everyone was so mad at psyche. Now i would like to see what's everyone's reaction:blobpopcorn_two:. Imagine if psyche done it in medea's body, everyone will just bash her. Bruh the scratches on eros's body:blobsleepless:
    When heli medea chp released i literally couldnt get it out my mind for a whole week. Now this i dont think i can digest it evn after yt ends:notlikeblob:
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2022
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  12. medeiameddie

    medeiameddie Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2021
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    Lol, i'm kinda a little wonder how people will react. but i can guess it. Why must disappointed with Medea? Is the same case when psyche kissing with Iaros when she is in Medea's body in chap 34 without telling her. And i bet, Iaros and psyche is probably already slept before 'Medea' did it with him. Incase y'all people forget how psyche and Iaros was skinship in the early series. Better this site should change the tittle, it's already isn't fun anymore since people only discussing about ONE character lmao
    Nagisa11, Reifu and your crush like this.
  13. Khloud2003

    Khloud2003 Well-Known Member

    May 26, 2020
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    Uhm how about we don’t compare a single kiss to sex? Plus the circumstances to each of the girls were completely different psyche had a kiss forced on her while Medea did it willingly according to the spoilers
  14. Yukinahime21

    Yukinahime21 Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2020
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    Holy shit! Please tell me this is not true that this is just an illusion: My fave character Medea on Psyche’s body was sleeping with that piece of garbage of a prince! I cannot digest this, this is too much. Why Author-Nim are u messing up my mind!? Should I still reading this after this chapter? :notlikeblob::blobastonished:

    Honestly, I Wanted to quit reading this if it confirms that OG Psyche or Medea in Psyche’s body is sleeping with Eros. Shit. I can’t believe this chapter. :blobsob::blobdevil::blobangery:
  15. hanajoy

    hanajoy Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2021
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    So it means Medea've never slept with Eros before or...? (in Medea's body) :cry: Idk I feel betrayed :cry::cry:
    Anyway, I think Medea can't avoid it in Psyche's body.
    Nagisa11 and aiheli like this.
  16. PossaSimon

    PossaSimon Well-Known Member

    Apr 10, 2020
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    no baby, that doesn't change the fact that Medea had sex with psyche's body even though psyche wasn't a virgin doesn't change that... that reminds me of the plot of a Chinese manhua to this one (I don't remember the name but I know this completed in Webcomicsapp):
    where a crazy woman cheated on by her ex-boyfriend swaps bodies with a millionaire ceo, and the crazy woman used the ceo's body without his permission to have sex and humiliate her ex-boyfriend
  17. InAnonymous

    InAnonymous Member

    Dec 2, 2021
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    Jesus Christ. I am speechless. While it is interesting, I wonder what the purpose of showing us the scene with Medea (in Psyche's body) and Eros sleeping together (yikes), is for? Like is this building up to something or just plain ol' fan service (Ew.)? Also I wonder who the one remembering that scene was. Was it Medea or Eros?

    Either way.... I truly pity Psyche.
    She felt so, so bad when she kissed Eros in Medea's body (in her mind doing smth disrespectful to Medea) while Medea straight up slept with Eros? Medea probably had reasons to do so but... Man I just feel bad for Psyche. Also I hope she is not cast aside from the story after all of this happened.

    And I sincerely hope this scene is not done to prepare us mentally for Medea and Eros sleeping together in the future. I hope I didn't jinx it.
    Nagisa11, VNikaT, KeyJay and 9 others like this.
  18. PossaSimon

    PossaSimon Well-Known Member

    Apr 10, 2020
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    I'm just saying it, I didn't write it because it gave me something (shame or this is not the place for it) this Thursday-Friday I dreamed that Medea had sex with Eros...:unsure:I don't know why I dreamed that if I had my mind full of math for an exam
    Nagisa11 and zoefleyl like this.
  19. nyanbinary

    nyanbinary Well-Known Member

    Mar 7, 2022
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    Gosh, I really hope Medea in Psyche's body never actually slept with Eros, this would be such a disgusting and violating thing to do and it would irrevocably ruin her character for me.

    I don't care whether Psyche herself has already slept with Eros before or not - it is HER body after all, she has the right to decide what to do with it.

    Medea taking that consent away, sleeping with Eros of all people is inexcusable no matter which point of the timeline it was.

    If before the banquet - she knew Eros was the person Psyche loves and yet sleeps with him anyway, an incredibly intimate act using a body of someone who is unaware and definitely not consenting.

    If after banquet - she knew Psyche is innocent and that Eros is her abuser, yet still chooses to break Psyche's trust in such a disgusting way.

    Not to mention Eros too had been tricked and fooled into having sex with a different person than the one he thought to be.
    Yes, he's a villain, yes, he's a disgusting abuser who sexually assaulted both girls - this still does not make this okay in any way because it is still rape by deception, the definition does not change even if the victim is a terrible piece of shit. And no matter how evil/morally grey Medea had shown to be, rape is a line that never should be crossed and in my personal opinion, will make a character completely and utterly irredeemable. None of the parties in such a scenario (Psyche because it's her body and Eros because he's, well, participating) were willingly or knowingly consenting.

    It's not even the same case than with Psyche because with her, we know the kiss with Eros was forced on her against her will (hence Eros being a horrid asshole who sexually assaulted her) and people blaming her for that is just plain victim blaming. Plus, she came clean to Medea and even tried to beg for forgiveness. I do not think Eros would have forced himself on Psyche because he would want to maintain the savior image she has on him, so when he came onto Medea in Psyche's body, Medea must have been aware she could've refused. (She also wasn't traumatized or abused for years by Eros, so she would not be frozen in fear or be able to be manipulated by him)

    So I'm just silently hoping that it wasn't Medea in that panel because I don't want her character completely ruined for me.

    I don't like this twist, plain and simple. Not only that, IMO it came out of nowhere and for me, it feels more like a retcon than something SAM planned from the start but that's just my point of view.
  20. Janu123

    Janu123 Well-Known Member

    Jul 28, 2021
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    So would you say the same if psyche done in medea's body due to circumstances? Just because psyche done with eros (before)that doesnt mean medea had to do it. She could've avoided it unless eros literally forced her. Most ppl are also disappointed when psyche (in medea's) kissed eros, she was literally forced & ppl blamed her evn tho it wasnt her fault tho. Psyche was in her vulnerable state at that time, still she stopped him but why didnt medea. Its not like everyone is hating medea but just disappointed with her actions. I dont see anything wrng abt it, like there're times when we're disappointed with other characters too. Just bcz she's main/fav character that doesn't mean everything she had done/does is justified. We fans are ok to be disappointed with a character unless someone bashes a character with stupid reasons. I'm sry but ppl here discuss abt every character, it just depends upon the newly released chp every week.