Spoiler Matchmaking Baby Sister

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by Deleted member 262282, Sep 14, 2020.

  1. AnimeHuntress

    AnimeHuntress Well-Known Member

    Nov 6, 2017
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    I'm camping here for some spoilers!
  2. aienmoon

    aienmoon Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2019
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    • "BbaBba! BbaBba!" Erys babbled and Alex realized she wants to see the emperor. Alex replied thaat during that time Tessa usually takes a break at Erys palace' garden so he will take her there. (its so cute how they seem to understand her words lol)
    • Erys was surprised, why is he in her garden and not his?! She's not ready yet! (She assumed that it was not that easy to meet the emperor and that it will take a while)
    • She still doesnt know how to face Tessa because she knows he'll be a terrifying tyrant though in the novel he will become like that after knowing that Erys died. She thought that the reason for him becoming a tyrant can also be changed. Like she is Lloyd daughter but she doesnt look like him at all.
    • Alex took her away, when they went out, maids followed them and the attendants on the hallway bowed to her as a greeting. It seems that after Raphael gave her the ring and bowed to her their treatment changed.
    • They arrived at the garden and found Tessa sleeping. Seems like Luci is also at the garden and called Erys. Erys looking at her aunt and uncle realized that they do looked good together. However, she cannot accept it. In the novel Tessa has lack of affection and endlessly doubts her aunt while her delicate aunt was constantly shaken/swayed. So, her, a 1 yr old who has a lot of spare time, decided to be a matchmaker and find partners for her uncle and aunt. (lol)
    • As she was being held by Alex, when they sat, she was at his lap. She noticed her uncle looking at her frowning and looking dissatisfied. She got confused and scared, she forgot her reason in meeting Tessa.
    • Luci noticed her and asked if she was uncomfortable. Tessa who was listening to them saidin a cold voice, "Isnt it because the arms of the person holding her are uncomfortable?" (which is not because erys said she's so comfortable she feel like she's sitting on a massage chair with a heating function lol. It's because of you, uncle!)
    • Erys made a disagreeing sound and when she looked at her uncle's creepy eyes she shuddered and clung to Alex's arms.
    • (Erys mono and interaction are funny and cute so I'll just put the MTL here:
    "Did I hug you uncomfortably, princess? You want me to fix my hand?"
    "kkeueung" 끄응*seems to be a sound made expressing being troubled
    Alexander's arms were perfect.
    He's hugging me better than Lucinda. What's there to fix?!
    However, if the emperor said it's uncomfortable, the servant would not say anything. So, Alexander changed position.
    "Is it alright now, princess?"
    It's okay, so you don't have to fix it. But my babbling is not open to interpretation.
    Tessa flicked his tongue.
    "You can't even hold a baby properly."
    " I'm sorry."
    Alexander bowed his head to Tessa's reprimand. I pouted my lips and puffed my cheeks.
    'Alexander is perfect! Don't say anything, you bad uncle!'
    Alexander was the son of the villain grandpa, although I still don't know about him since we've just met, I already wanted to take sides.
    'This hot massage chair (?) is not common.'
    It was then.
    Tessa, who distorted my protest, lifted her upper body slightly and pulled herself away from the back of the chair.
    "It can't be helped."
    Tessa reached out to me with his hand, showing his scars secretly.
    It was when I blinked because I wondered if I was going to do it.
    I heard something I couldn't even imagine.
    "I'll hug you."
    What are you saying now? You want to hug me?
    "Dad. Daddy, Dad......."
    'I can't just stay here.'
    But Tessa didn't back down.
    Green eyes of the same color as me were fluttering.
    'Another.' I blinked.
    'I don't know what it is, emotion.'
    I knew Tessa.
    A man who stands by and hurts everyone around him because he doesn't know how to fill the vacancy of his lost family.
    No one will mean anything to him except Lloyd, who is dead.
    Being nice to me is just to protect Lloyd's will.
    He stared at me like that when we first met.
    'Are you expecting something from me?'
    I don't know what you're expecting, but I'd say let's look forward to it.
    I'm a year old who can't even take care of myself.
    Tessa's eyebrows wriggled as I hesitated across.
    "Not so long."
    'Hey! I'm scared!'
    It's hard to know how to hang on to a man's leg that exudes such a sense of pressure.
    'I guess I really hated eating oatmeal.'
    As I pouted my lips, Alexander lifted me with an awkward smile.
    "Come on, your majesty, let's go up."
    'hate! You're my escort knight! Protect me!'
    However, neither Lucinda nor Alexander looked at me with strangely happy expressions as I went to Tessa's arms, rather than bringing me into their arms.
    'Yeah, it's because it's not you huh"
    I'll see you both later.
    I cried and put myself in Tessa's hand.
    • Tessa held Erys on his arms but she felt uncomfortable. Luci commented that Erys seems to like it (not lol). Tessa seems to be pleased (baka uncle lol)
    • Alexander asked if they usually refer to the princess by nickname. Luci froze then apologize to Tessa and Alex.
    • Alex feeling embarassed, said that she's not trying to criticize he understands that she's like a mother to Erys and it's natural to closed. Tessa agreed and said that she just needs to love Erys.
    • Luci was in tears coz she was always scolded by Mrs. Fenril for calling Erys by her nickname.
    • Erys realized that Alex brought it up to get official permission from Tessa. She was so impressed with Alexander's personality and way of speaking that she cant believe he's the eldest son of the villain general. (Seems like she found her uncle candidate#1 lol) As alex spoke to Luci sweetly, he's now solidifying her 'uncle's position'. As she's making her plans on how to make them meet as much as possible she remembered the general. If Alex is going to be her uncle, doesnt that means she's going to be inlaws with the villain grandpa? A very fatal disqualification.
    • As she was deliberating on how to solve this problem, Tessa called out to her and said not to say that the palace is not her home. Hearing this Lucinda expressed her doubts on Tessa Finding Erys. Erys though that that isnt really unfounded since Tessa is a young healthy unmarried emperor why would he look for the illegitimate daughter of the previous emperor that could take his throne.
    • With that, Tessa also expressed his doubt on Luci just pretending to care for Erys. Hearing this Erys got mad for her aunt and shouted without realizing: "Dad, bad!"
    • T: "Jim.... is bad?" *jim referring to emperor. Tessa seemed showed and showed puppylike expression. Erys, felt moved, tried to express to him that her, Tessa and Luci are family with baby talk. unfortunately, no one seems to understand her baby talk.
    • Tessa smiled at her and said thank you.
    • Feeling suddenly tired, she reached her hands toward Luci. When Luci took her Tessa said that even though her parenting style is not polite he thinks it's right. As he got up he turned lightly and said to her to take care of Erys and she's now a Baron.
    • Erys and Luci got shocked. Alex explained that Tessa seemed to give her a title so that she can stay with the princess
    • ******
    • Currently there are 2 factions in the palace. Mrs. Ricardo who was Lloyd's etiquette teacher and Countess Fenril, Tessa's nanny. The truth is, Mrs Ricardo was the former mistress of the older emperor, lloyd and tessa's dad. When that emperor passed away, she she attached a good time to Lloyd (idk what that means) and settled completely in the palace. Not because she justs want to continue to be a tutor but to seduce Lloyd and be empress (eww). Well, she failed and got pregnant by an unknown man. She's now living with her son, Sika Ricardo, at the palace's annex.

    • Cica Ricardo, a 5 yr old, is a clever kid. He is described as always expressionless, having chocolate colored hair, red ruby eyes and white skin. He knows that even if they're living in the palace, they could be kicked out anytime. He thinks that who would treat them kindly when he doesnt even know who his father is.
    • As Cica walked in the annex, he heard his mom throwing a fit. Looks like she has just learned about Eris and now harassing the servants inside. Cica went in and as soon as his mom saw him, she began to blame him for being born and told him to give back what he stole.. her youth and beauty. This delusional b*tch thinks she can seduce Tessa if she didnt have Cica. (it's not the kid's fault you're a h*e ok?!). Sika went out again.
    • Recently, he learned that the princess was brought back and Countess Fenril was appointed to her. It meant that Mrs. Ricardo's position in the palace would be narrowed(lowered?). He began to ponder if they're going to be kicked out.
    • Though he's fed up with everything, mom blaming him and their situation in the castle, he still loves his mom. :(
    • He began thinking that he wants to die and that no one loves him. (poor baby :'() As he sits in the bushes where he always hide, Erys found him.
    • ********
    • Erys started planning to have Luci meet a guy. However, a week passed and nothing happened (how can a baby be a matchmaker??lol). Erys was frustrated.
    • At Tessa's order, Luci is now officially Erys' nanny. She's not staying with Erys 24/7 though because she has to study. Mrs. Fenril said she needs the right knowledge coz as a nanny she will be Erys first teacher.
    • Erys continues to plan for her aunt and ucles matchmaking. She plan to look for people on her welcoming ceremony three weeks later.
    • Erys decided to look for her uncle and aunt so she tried to escape Mrs Fenril by crawling fast. She was caught by Alex and he decided to take her out. As Erys was looking around trying to figure out which palace is the emperor in, Alex noticed and explained to her that the emerald palace was Erys' and the light purple one is for the empress which is empty now.
    • Seems like Alex figured out that she was looking for the emperor. Erys was impressed by him and raised his uncle candidate score. x)) It was then that Alex brought out a small colorful wrapper.
    This was so cute:
    The moment I saw it, I lost my reason. How can you not lose it?
    "Choco! Choco!" It was chocolate!
    Alex blinked in confusion when I screamed as soon as I saw it.
    "Uh? Princess, do you know what this is?"
    How can I not know! That sweet and delicious thing!
    'Chocolate! I want to eat it!'
    Alexander took chocolate out of his pocket with a grim look on his face. Looking at the colorful wrappers, it was clear that they were given as gifts by maids.
    'Since I've possesed this body, I've never had any sweets.'
    At best, all I ate were sweet milk powder and bland oatmeal porridge.
    'Let me have a bite, huh? Give me the crumbs!'
    The sweet taste that I already knew lingered in my mouth. I anxiously clung to alexander.
    "Choco! Choco!"
    "Because the princess is a baby, you shouldn't eat it...""
    "Choco!! Choco!!!"
    Isn't my desperate plea working?! Alex carefully offered me a chocolate with a very embarassed look on his face.
    "It's a secret to Mrs. Fenril."
    "Ahhhhh!" 'Alexander!'
    After all there is only you! I cant believe that I've been complaining about this great man not understanding me!.
    'Ahhhh, can I call you uncle? He's already my uncle.'
    • When Alex gave her the chocolate, BbuBbu appeared and got curious because she's being loud from too much excitement. He then tried to snatch the chocolate. When he got successfull in stealing, Erys grabbed his tail. BB flew up taking Erys with him. As they reached a tree, BB threw the chocolate and shook off his tail. Erys fell on a garden tree that was rounded like a bird's nest. The place she fell on felt like a trampoline so she didnt get hurt. The chocolate also fell on her head so she got hold of it. BB got annoyed coz his tail got hurt so he told her he's not playing with her again then disappeared.
    • As she looked around, Erys realized that she got far from Penokid palace. She decided to ask Tessa for help so she climbed down the tree and look for her uncle by crawling. She eventually got tire and lay down the grass. she thought 'Let's see about going to see uncle after I turn 10.' (hahaha)
    • She can't walk nor run. As she was contemplating to shout or cry to get people's attention, she noticed a pair of shoes. She got closer and saw a boy. She tried to figure out if he's a character from the book. As she looked she noticed that the boy's face looked too dry. 'You're still a baby but why do you look so tired of life?'
    • She tried to talk to the kid. She noticed that the boy's eyes changed color depending on angle, she was amazed and told him he's pretty. Then she noticed blood on his cheeks. He has a scratch mark. As she tried to touch his cheeks, the told her to get away and squeezed out her hand. Erys saw that his eyes changed color again and told him he's pretty. As he got annoyed again, Erys pushed the choco into the boy's mouth. She tried touching his cheeks again, this time although the boy told her off, he didnt budge.
    • Looks like the scratch is deeper than she thought. She doesnt have a bandaid or medicine with her.. So she grabbed the boy's face and blow on his wound. when she's done,<another banter>.
    • When she tried to leave the boy told her his name(Sika). She wasnt able to say his name properly so she tried calling him several time. As soon as she was able to say it, the boy turned pale. She tried reaching out to him but he suddenly sprang to his feet and told her to keep away from him and started running.
    • As Eryl got confused she hear Luci's voice calling out to her. Luci found her and afterwards Alex showed up, too, also in tears. Erys got busy soothing Alex, who said he'll take responsibility with his life, so she forgot about the boy who hid in the shaded area.
    • ******
    • Though Amelia quickly forgot about Sika, it was different for the boy. He was bothered by this kid who cared about his wound. No one ever did that for him, not the maids not even his own mother. When she tried blowing his wound, tears welled up his eyes. No one had ever given him kindness like that. :( And when he heard her calling his name correctly, its as if he heard his heart falling. (awww.. is he really a 5 yr old? lol) and just at the moment he realized his locked heart is opening, he woke up and started running away from Amelia. He ran back to the annex and when the servants saw him, they were all surprised. It was then that Sika realized, he was crying.
    Last edited: May 9, 2021
  3. aienmoon

    aienmoon Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2019
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    • The general, on his office, has a lot on his mind right now. Alexander, Tessa, aristocrats who are only cares about their own interests, and even neighboring countries aiming for the empire. Then princess Amelia. Alex was to be promoted as captain but he gave up on it and put him to be an escort guard.
    • The general does not like to gamble. He's always careful when planning and doesnt move unless he was sure. So, Amelia's sudden appearance left him no time to calculate. If only he had known in advance, how easy it would be to have 2 commoner girls be in an accident. But without giving him time, Amelia entered the palace and became the biggest variable.
    • Nico, alex' eldest sister came. She questioned Raphael about making a hasty decision in siding with the princess. He replied that it's still too early to know if it will be good but they should make it so it will be profitable. Raphael family only ties with the person who will inherit the throne (tessa is an exception). Nico still worries that if the emperor has his own child, the princess would be useless(?) especially since she has a commoner background. Raphael ended the conversation but deep inside he agrees with his daughter. Amelia's was born out of wedlock and her being mixed with commoner's blood, it's going to a problem all through out her life.
    • His youngest daughter also came together with his baby grandson, Lian. As he looked at his grandson, he remembered Amelia again. he thought, "Whether that sprout grows large or is stepped to kill, Alexander has work to do." :blobastonished:
    • ***
    • Meanwhile, Alex is still kneeling in front of Erys apologizing. Saying he's going to take his life for not protecting the princess. :D
    • Erys wasnt able to sooth Alex so she called BbuBbu and told him to apologize. BB initially didnt want to but was bribed with chocolate. So he showed himself and apologized. Alex finally calmed down. Luci, on the other hand, who seemed to be too shocked remained motionless no matter how much Erys called out. Erys got scared and worried though she didnt want to cry, she wasnt able to help herself. When she saw a little reaction from her aunt, she cried louder. This woke up Luci. <a little drama here>. Then they decided to go back.
    • As Erys was about to sleep. Luci told her childhood story. Back when she was 7 her sister 10, their dad abandoned them. Their dad was drunk everyday. One day, he got clean and sober and gave them 100 derk. He said he was sorry and told them to buy something delicious. She and her sister got excited but when they got home, their dad's gone. (so erys being gone triggered her trauma)
    • A few days later. Erys couldn't forget her nonresponsive aunt that so she's been behaving well and just staying in the palace. Eventually boredom got to her. Because she was staying in the palace she cant even find a bridegroom for her aunt!:blobupset: she was so bored that she even thinks that it would be nice if her uncle comes and visit her. She was always been afraid of tessa and now she wants to see that scary face.:blobexpressionless: as she was flailing around the floor her human taxi (alex)arrived and hugged her. He offered to carry her on his shoulders and bring her to the garden. As they were leaving Luci caught up with them.
    • Luci commented on how Alex was good with children. Then alex opened up that it was because of his nephew then the conversation turned up to him being single and now ready to get married but just waiting for a 'chance meeting'. With this our baby mc's matchmaking senses tingled and got her super excited lol. Then Alex asked Luci if she also has plans of getting married. This made mc more excited:blobnosebleed:. In her head, the two are already married and had babies and done everything! She really prefers this ending for her aunt rather than Tessa.
    • Luci replied that she doesnt have any plans. this dampened mc's mood and began to wonder if Alex is not her aunt's type. She realized that just because she likes the uncle candidate her aunt will like it too. MC strengthened her resolve again and now more determined to find a husband for her aunt. Still, Alex is not off the uncle list. Why? Because human minds can change! <( ̄︶ ̄)>
    • Luci took Erys from Alex. While Alex was looking at Erys, he blurted out that she also needs a friend. Erys positively reacted so Alex smiled and said that he will ask permision to his majesty to bring his nephew(i think it's Lian). That made Erys happy and thought, 'Alexander is the only one!' (yay another score for our candidate#1! \(≧▽≦)/)
    • Erys happily waited for 3 days for Alex's nephew but he never came. Another person did come though. Who you ask? ...it was Tessa. -_-
    • "Bba-Bba."
      I was so bored that I thought it was nice Tessa came.
      When I faced Tessa in front of me, I regretted why I thought that way.
      'Great, look at those poisonous eyes. I think I caught another one.'
      His sharp eyes looked fierce. As I was staring, our eyes met, and I hurriedly turned to Lucinda's arms.
      It was Mrs Fenrill who took the lead and proudly greeted Tessa.
      "What brings you here? If you'd like to hear about her educational situation..."
      "Do I need a reason to meet my niece?"
      "My words were unreasonable."
      She bowed her head deeply in front of Tessa.
      I glanced at the figure and heard loud footsteps slowly approaching.
      Tessa stopped exactly in front of Lucinda, who was holding me.
      And then he didn't say anything.
      "Bba, bba...?"
      Why are you looking at me like that?
      "Yo-your majesty?"
      It was again Mrs Penrill who broke this strange silence.
      She spoke in a very embarassed tone.
      "I'm very sorry to bring it up before you ask."
      "If you have anything you want to say, say it."
      "Are you really here for no reason?"
      "Do you need a reason?"
      Tessa's blunt retort was answered by Mrs Penrill, fixing her glasses.
      "It's not like that, it's just that you're staring at her."
      He called my nickname a little slower. He seemed to be hesitating. But that disappeared in an instant then he spoke confidently.
      "Because Erys is lonely."
      what? Σ(°ロ°)

    I think this chapter is funny and thought you should read it as is. so here's the MTL :blobmelt:
    I'm having a very awkward time right now.
    E: ‘Oh, my God, I'm suffocating.’
    In the drawing room attached to the Penokid Palace, there were three people sitting at the round table. Uncle Tessa, Aunt Lucinda, and me. I glared at the man who was the main culprit of this situation. It was Alexander.
    E: ‘Alexander, you said you'd make me a friend.’
    Who the hell did you say was supposed to come? It’s you’re nephew, not my uncle! Alexander grinned at me when he noticed my gaze.
    A: "Ahaha."
    E: ‘Don't laugh! Listen!’
    It was when I exchanged glances with Alexander, Tessa spoke to me.
    Tessa talked to me.
    T: "Last time you flew in the sky?"
    E: " keol!"
    It was my least favorite subject. I suddenly felt a shiver and coughed violently.
    E: "Cough! Cough! Cough!"
    L: "Oh, my God, Erys."
    Lucinda hurried and received a milk bottle filled with lukewarm water from her maid then she put it in my hands. As I was sucking the milk bottle, I felt relieved again. Lucinda rubbed my back gently. It was Alexander who answered.
    A: "It's all my fault. Please kill me."
    It's back again. His please kill me remarks. That was when I pulled out my milk bottle and looked back at Alexander with fright. Tessa cut Alexander words in a calm voice.
    T: "I heard it was because of her familiar spirit. The child's familiar flies in the sky, so she might have accidentally floated together. Even if you were a great knight, there would have been nothing you could do."
    A: "Your Majesty."
    Alexander looked at Tessa with moving eyes. It was an accurate analysis. As expected, he is a person who worked with his familiar.
    E: ‘It's all because of Bbu Bbu. Hurry up and come out, bboo bboo!’

    B: - I don't like it. I don't like it when he's around.

    E: ‘Traitor, are you not listening to your master?'

    B: - I don't know!
    Pu Pu betrayed me and didn't answer my call. I sucked the milk bottle harder and harder with a burning heart.
    It was then I felt a piercing gaze on my cheek, and found Tessa staring at me with his eyes narrowed!
    ‘What, what, what? Are you going to scold me? Alexander's fine, and I'm in trouble?'
    I was stabbed for nothing and pressed my nervous heart hard.
    Looking at my face like that, Tessa asked in a slow tone.
    The question was also unexpected.

    T: “….am I scary?"

    E: “……!!”
    It was fortunate that I was sucking on my milk bottle. If I wasn’t, I'd definitely cough again.
    E: 'Oh, no, why would you suddenly ask such a question?’

    Tessa's green eyes pointed at me. It felt a little strange because it was a very similar color to mine. I blinked my eyes. Tessa, who was sitting still and staring at me with his mouth closed for a moment, got up from his seat. Then he turned around and said.
    T: "I'll be back tomorrow."
    What? For what? Of course, the answer to my question didn't come back.


    The next day, Tessa visited my palace again.
    Unfortunately, Lucinda went to a dance class ahead of my ballroom ball, so this time Alexander, I, and Mrs. Fenril were sitting.

    E: ‘Ahh it's more like sitting on pins and needle than last time.'

    It was difficult just to have Mrs. Fenrill, but Tessa kept looking at me, which made me feel uneasy.
    E: ‘What's the change of mind’
    Only once did Tessa find me after I entered the palace as a princess. It was only when I was ill with a fever. Then I found him in the garden.
    E: ‘But why are you coming to me suddenly?’
    I looked back at Alexander to hide my embarrassment.
    I should avoid eye contact, but there was no one to look at.

    A: “…….?”

    Alexander tilted his head and smiled tenderly at me. I let out a sigh.
    E: ‘You look comfortable inside.’
    Why are you so bright when you’re the main culprit that made Tessa come everyday? I pouted my lips. Then a heavy voice rang behind my back.
    T: "Do you want Sir Alexander to sit here, too?"
    A: "What? You don't have to. Your Majesty."
    At Tessa's words Alexander shook his hand visibly embarassed. Thanks to you, I realized.
    E: 'Oh, you were so peaceful because you just had to watch from a distance!'
    E: "aal~! anjaanja!"
    I patted my side and loudly urged Alexander to sit down. Tessa's eyebrows wriggled at my words.
    T: " Aal?"
    MF: “She is very clever, and that’s what she calls him.”
    Mrs. Fenrill explained my developmental stage to see if this was the case.
    Tessa asked, this time, frowning to the other eyebrow.
    T: “Does she call everyone apart?”

    MF: “Of course not. She seem to distinguish only a few friendly people."


    What are you dissatisfied again. Tessa stared at me with a blunt face. I just puffed up my cheeks.
    E: ‘What, what, why, why?’
    I'm only one year old, so why should I call everyone? I can't even walk on my own two feet yet!
    E: ‘Tell me what you're complaining about! Tell me! Tell me!’
    As I was glaring, I crumpled up when I saw the light green eyes staring at me without moving.
    E: ‘Complaint… Please don't tell me if there is. I was wrong.'
    Look at those scary eyes. Completely becoming a squashed squid, I ended up calling Tessa in a small voice.

    E: "Bba-Bba."
    Don't I even call your name? That's what I meant. Tessa replied with a blunt face.

    That was more punishing. What do you want me to say when I call you?
    E: 'No, shouldn't an adult facing a baby bring something to talk about?'

    Everyone says, “Baby, look here.” Adults are talking first, what kind of baby gets luck first? But I was out of luck.

    E: "abubu, abubububu." (When the hell are you going?)
    T:"What the hell are you talking about?"
    MF:"Well, I don't know. Babies at this age babble meaningless things."
    Mrs Fenril answered Tessa's question, fixing her glasses.

    E: ‘Not really? Am I completely meaningful?’
    E: "bappa, abuba byebye!" (Uncle, please go now!)

    Tessa Illuminas. The man who rose to the throne when Lloyd, the previous emperor, suddenly died.
    He was only twenty-five now. People have called him a lucky man, but he's never been lucky in his life.
    Born out of illegitimate children, there were many half brothers.
    The only thing that made him special, the guardian spirit, was not a blessing to him either.

    -Don't hold it in. Let's burn it all down.
    The fire guardian spirit has always made young Tessa excited and angry.
    The guardian’s spirit favorite was to destroy what he cared for and watch Tessa in despair.
    - That's your destiny, master. Breaking and trampling everything that is precious and living lonely and sad forever.

    T: ‘Stop it!' That nine-tailed fox was awful. To the point where I'd like to hand him over to jealous brothers if I could. But a contract that comes down with blood. It could not be handed over to someone or destroyed by itself. So Tessa began to use the power to protect himself.

    ‘Monster! Stop it!’
    ‘To burn me down! If you want to try it, try it!
    ‘I didn't do anything. Forgive me.'
    All sorts of reactions poured out. But Tessa closed his mind to protect himself.

    T: ‘Begging or resentment will only weaken me.’
    And the more his heart ate, the more this crafty spirit dug into the cracks of his mind.

    T: ‘This is better.'

    Building a high wall between yourself and others.It was the only law that could protect Tessa himself and others. And it was Amelia's father, Emperor Lloyd, who first jumped over the wall.

    Lloyd: ‘Tessa, that's a strong name:'
    Lloyd's presence was refreshing to Tessa in itself.
    The only other person who is not affected by Tessa's familiar by equally dealing with it.
    The only one who shares blood with him who tells him he's family.
    So when he lost him, Tessa felt as if he had lost the world.
    Lloyd: -Tessa... my child.
    If it weren't for the shattered will, Tessa would have burned the empire and burned himself. But he still had one more family left. That's Lloyd's beloved child. He didn't realize it, but this hope lay in the corner of his heart.

    T: ‘Will that child be a family to me, too?'
    Just as Lloyd reached out in the dark, the child might miraculously recognize Tessa.But that hope was shattered on the first meeting with Amelia.
    E: " abu."

    The little child, who could be held with one hand, was clearly having difficulty with Tessa. At a glance, she was distinctly different from Lloyd, who had found Tessa among numerous brothers.

    T: ‘After all, Lloyd's not in the world. No one can replace him.'

    But the disappointing child gave hope at the same time.
    E: "Daddy!"

    T: “…..!!”
    As soon as I saw a child shouting at him the word "dad" that Lloyd should have heard, a corner of his heart rang.
    T: ‘Yeah, this kid doesn't have a family anymore.'
    Lloyd, who valued the child, was no longer in the world. Instead, he asked for the role. To Tessa.
    T: ‘But what am I supposed to do with the baby?’
    For Teusa, who had no memory of being loved, Amelia was in trouble.
    I think that's why I postponed the day I met with her. When you talk, you go, when you can walk, you go. It was thanks to Alexander who suddenly came to the office that I found out that I was wrong.
    A: "Your Majesty, I would like to plead with you regarding Princess Amelia."
    T: "What is it?"
    Raphael, who he doesn't want to be see. Normally, it would have been rejected without hearing, but I couldn't help but hear since it was about Amelia. Tessa stared at Alexander with a look of discontent. Alexander said with gentle smile.
    A: "I'd like to have my nephew enter the palace if you would allow me. As Princess Amelia's playmate."
    T: "Playmate?"
    A: "Yes. She especially bored this days, I think she wants a friend."
    T: "Bored?"
    Tessa frowned. In fact, he didn't know the feeling of being bored. When he was young, he was busy dealing with his familiar, Langrisa, then defeating his brothers, and then learning unfamiliar things after becoming emperor.
    T: ‘But Sir Alexander has a point.'

    Only one year old. How boring it must be to be with just her aunt and maids in the palace.
    T: "But why do you have to put your nephew in the palace?"
    A: "Yes? I think the princess needs a friend."
    T:"What do you need a friend for?"
    A: "Chi, a friend is someone who feels intimate and interacts with emotions?"
    Alexander looked puzzled at why he was being asked this question, but gave an excellent response. Tessa touched her chin again.
    T: ‘A person who feels intimate and interacts with emotions?’
    Isn't it like a family?

    T: ‘But I'm in her family.’
    I can't even call her nickname very often, anyways, she’s always been our Erys in our heart.

    So you need friends even though you have a family.
    T: ‘….Does that mean I'm not the subject of emotional will?'
    A rather radical conclusion has been reached. Instinctively, there was a sense of resistance to the conclusion, but I couldn't refute it myself, so I shut up. He didn't even go to see Amelia. It was arrogant to expect the other person to recognize his or her mind without telling him or her words and showing his or her actions.
    T: ‘Then what can I do to be the object of the will?'
    Disappointed that Amelia wasn't like Lloyd, yet again his desire to be close to the child spread like ink.
    A: "Uh, Your Majesty?"
    With the emperor silent for a moment, Alexander called Tessa cautiously, not knowing what to do. Tessa calmly ordered.
    T: "I'll think about it. Go and pickup the baron."
    The Baron, it was Lucinda's new position.

    Lucinda, whom I haven't seen in a long time, had a much brighter face and fair skin than when she was in the hut.
    It was natural to have a better complexion after entering the palace and eating enough rest and good food.
    L: "Did you call, Your Majesty?"
    It was quite aristocratic to see him holding the hem of his skirt and greeting each other. It was the effect of taking several etiquette classes ahead of the Bongjak ball. Tessa's deeply sunken eyes directed at Lucinda. Lucinda strained herself and put pressure on her shoulders.

    L: ‘What the hell is this about?'
    There was no explanation. Is he going to ask for words and actions ahead of the volunteer ball? Lucinda waited a little nervously for Tessa's lips to open. Tessa hesitated for a moment, and eventually took off her slow tone.
    T: "...how can I get close to my baby?"
    The emperor of the country, that was a bit of an ambiguous question for an unmarried man to ask.
  4. Rose Nightingale

    Rose Nightingale Well-Known Member

    Sep 6, 2020
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    I am loving this! Thanks for the spoilers! :aww:

    What I really love about this story is that there is a good, maternal figure ALIVE! It's not just a paternal figure. And this paternal figure will actually end up with someone, instead of being a single man for the rest of his life despite being the Emperor/King. Because we all know how a young 20s something year old emperor/king staying single is so realistic. I was wanting to see a baby story like this where the mother is still alive or the father remarries. While it's her uncle and aunt instead of father and mother, that's close enough! And the uncle and aunt will actually get together! :bloblove:
  5. DOHere

    DOHere Well-Known Member

    Apr 15, 2016
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    Thank you for the summaries! It's a fluffy novel:bloblove: tho poor Sika
    Archiey and aienmoon like this.
  6. Akki19

    Akki19 Well-Known Member

    Oct 12, 2020
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    So emperor and aunt end up together?
  7. aienmoon

    aienmoon Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2019
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    I think so.. someone mentioned here, on ch60+ they kissed. Havent read far yet so idk if author have other plans.
    Bella94 and lazynoodles like this.
  8. Rose Nightingale

    Rose Nightingale Well-Known Member

    Sep 6, 2020
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    Poor Eryl, setting up all these uncle candidates to avoid the Tessa route, but it'll all be for naught. :blob_patpat:

    Thanks for the spoilers!
    cjburaira, Bella94 and aienmoon like this.
  9. lmorm

    lmorm Active Member

    May 21, 2018
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    Can anyone spoiler about cica? The poor little boy is hurting so much... suffering child abuse.. it so sad that all the people at the castle he is living knows and do nothing.. please tell me the "mother" will be punish
    Bella94 and lazynoodles like this.
  10. Rose Nightingale

    Rose Nightingale Well-Known Member

    Sep 6, 2020
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    That chocolate conversation was hilarious! Poor Tessa comes after chocolate. :blobrofl:
  11. Aestheronyxx

    Aestheronyxx Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2021
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    Soo.. this is not focusing at our MC rather its her aunt and da emperor's love adventure(itsss bcoz our MC is a MATCHMAKERR) so, who's our MC 's ML? is there anyone? Did she become a crown Princess/Empress bcoz shes first in line to the throne??
  12. lazykitty_99

    lazykitty_99 Well-Known Member

    Mar 6, 2020
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    Who is mc cp??
  13. The Blue Moon

    The Blue Moon Well-Known Member

    Jun 7, 2021
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