Spoiler My Beloved Oppressor

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by Rin.rinaaa, Apr 18, 2023.

  1. arwax

    arwax Well-Known Member

    Apr 24, 2024
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  2. ardills

    ardills Well-Known Member

    Apr 30, 2019
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    Me: here to read spoiler for the groveling part..

    Meticulously reading 17 pages..

    Didn't find one.

    Oh well
  3. darkcrystal

    darkcrystal Well-Known Member

    Nov 18, 2017
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    Me too I'm so happy to meet someone who thinks similarly as me I don't like naruto either but his fans especially fanboys are really so toxic, delulu and disgusting I ended up disliking naruto as a show mostly because of them and sp for me the naruto's character was totally destroyed in the last movie I don't watch it anymore.
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  4. ajix

    ajix Well-Known Member

    Oct 25, 2023
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    I wish I didn't started watching Boruto :cry:

    Yes, sadly. The FL ends up suffering until she dies basically.
    Personally don't see why author would not make ML suffer even a bit for his wrong doings, unless they think that unrelated suffering during his childhood was enough and justifies committing mass slaughter and torturing a person simply because they can.
    They write nice, but their sense of justice is a bit... Yea...

    Usually, there would be a message or a conclusion of you to learn something good out of reading novels/books. The only thing I got from this is: "If you are born privileged u deserve to suffer for the rest of your life."

    I don't agree with this, there for characters, story and conclusion r all crap. No matter of their writing skills, crap is still a crap even if you decorate it :3
  5. eskedes774

    eskedes774 Member

    Oct 18, 2023
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    FL already signed the divorce paper on the latest update and i think we will finally get the backstory of ML… what’s going to happen to fl after this?:meowpuffytears:
  6. Sora27

    Sora27 Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2022
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    I lost it when MC apologized to the sister of the man who killed her child. This wasn't fair for her at all.
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  7. DOHere

    DOHere Well-Known Member

    Apr 15, 2016
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    I'm confused by the spoilers. Some people say Anette didn't know anything about her father's deeds, others say she's at fault for refusing to believe?

    That being said. Up to what I read in the manhwa:
    1. Anette's father was not wrong for killing a revolutionary. It is customary to kill those opposing the monarchy in those ancient times and even if it was known, he would not have been reprimanded. It was unethical for modern standards, yes, but it was the norm back then.
    2. He was indeed a villain for hosting literal hunger games for orphans.
    3. Anette didn't know anything. If people are referencing the time when she saw that woman protest: she had no reason not to trust her father who was a kind benevolent image to her. And, again, I think he gave a normal response to that incident. Let's see if there were more instances that should make her suspicious of her father, that she maybe ignored. But up until now, I haven't seen that
  8. yuki_Castillo

    yuki_Castillo Member

    Sep 21, 2023
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    Jajaja, solo leyendo los spoilers me entro un odio hacia el ML.
    Quería leer esta historia, pero valoro más mi salud, no es necesario hacer corajes de a gratis
  9. CUEBEE5566

    CUEBEE5566 Well-Known Member

    Mar 29, 2022
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    IMO Annette wasn't at fault. Her situation was similar to a rich girl being hated by the poor just because she is rich.

    It is not her fault that she was born rich and loved by her parent. It is not her fault that her parent sheltered her. If she was a "son" and raised knowing what's going around but still did nothing - that's when it becomes her fault. But Annette was raised sheltered and completely protected by her father.

    ML knew that. Catherine knew that. Almost everyone knew of it. But then again, it was a time where the oppressed and abused finally had the chance to release all of their pent up anger. It wasn't Annette's fault but she was the reminder of the nobles that they hated.

    It reminds me of that Spanish count in Tiktok - who gets bashed every time she posts something because her riches came from "blood money" - it wasn't even her fault and her ancestors were long dead but there are still people who blame her and hating on her.
  10. fishini

    fishini Member

    Jun 30, 2023
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    Does anyone have any spoilers on FL and ML’s interactions when they meet in the battlefield?:whistle: Is it bittersweet? Does ML get on his knees and beg for forgiveness? :sneaky:
  11. Shrilaraune

    Shrilaraune New Member

    Mar 24, 2024
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    You're entitled to your opinion. But uhhh, apathy implies knowledge. That's why it's something someone can and should feel guilty about.

    Ignorance--which what's actually going on--isn't something one should be judged for. It's once that ignorance becomes apathy--via knowledge--that the judgement becomes justified.

    Of course that's rarely the way it works out in real life. People want scapegoats and objects to pour their grievance and hatred into, which is what this story is about. But that's at best morally grey.

    Edited to add the following:
    I think they're both imperfect tragic figures. But only one of them was an abuser when they had power. And it wasn't the MC. Even at her most spoiled and ignorant. Even in her darkest moments.

    Oooh this is a really good point. The whole collectivist perspective does put this in a new light

    I think Kill the Villianess does this. But uhhh it's sad for other reasons

    Oh my God at actually cackled at this
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2024
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  12. fax3982

    fax3982 Well-Known Member

    Jan 17, 2023
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    Well said. I agree that it is that moral grayness that the story seeks to explore.

    Do I think that anyone in their right minds would seek to condemn her for what she said? No. Do I think that if I put myself in the Heiner's shoes at that moment, I might be able to justify eradicating her and her entire family? I think yes. This is something that I can say I have experience with, being affiliated to the military, and having seen people "justify" pointless military deaths with "hey that's what they get paid to do anyways xD" (No I don't want to do anything to these people irl. They are just bystanders, and I am very much sane. There are however some politicians who I think absolutely deserve to be tried as war criminals).
    While Annette doesn't have that perspective, perhaps a basic humane understanding of the impact of having people close to you die is something she should have been equipped with? If not, I would question her humanity. Assuming that she has that understanding, I would still classify that moment as apathy. And I am absolutely sure that this is what Heiner felt in that moment

    The perverseness/mental abuse is something I can't justify either to be fair. I cannot comprehend a situation where you can love someone like that after what you've just been through. I think it would have been more interesting and perhaps more "clean" if he just wiped out the family and if this story had been about that entire arc, and the moral dilemmas and challenges along the way.
    I suppose Heiner's attitude towards Annette is grounded in reality somewhere, but I personally can't figure it out. BUT, assuming that this is something that just "happens", I would say the rest of the story is rock solid. The characters behave as they might reasonably expected to given the circumstances. Most events are pretty well foreshadowed and all characters are generally active players instead of passive bystanders.

    I genuinely cannot understand why people think this story is propagating some kind of agenda against females. The story is not about woman empowerment or disempowerment, as it were. It is simply an exploration of these morally gray aspects, some of which you described above, with romance and action elements added into the mix. That doesn't make it somehow demeaning for women. This is why I am more than happy to switch the genders of the protagonists around. The story would remain equally valid, and I'd still love to read it. It would also pacify these "agenda-peddlers", so that this thread wouldn't be in the state it is right now. But hey, it is what it is
    Arechu_Nana30, Po_201 and nancevv like this.
  13. Liho

    Liho Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2021
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    Um … so the story is really sad and im about to cry like I don’t know how to feel right now and i want to know the ending so bad
    Can someone spoil me ? Thanks
    And also about fl .. is she really infertile? Cause i don’t know if it’s the bad translation or I’ve just skipped reading but I think she had a miscarriage?
  14. Selene830

    Selene830 Well-Known Member

    Dec 23, 2021
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    What chapter from the novel is where she divorces him and leaves ?
  15. PsychologyToday09

    PsychologyToday09 New Member

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    Here's what I can read from the ML's actions so far.
    Just a reminder that we are entitled to our own opinion as we have different perspectives and experience.

    The ML seems to have developed split personality disorder as well as obsessiveness
    And considering the era they live in, it seems there is an old culture here that people tend to put blame on the children of the perpetrator as well.
    Similar to the culture of attack on titan.

    I'll make a bullet point of facts so it's easy to write:
    • Started of as him having a long time crush for the FL. Was so madly infatuated with her from afar.
    • Obsessed in trying to find a way to reach FL, become closer to her status and make it possible to pursue her.
    • Fl doesn't know about his existence which might've contributed to the development of being obsessed because he doesn't know what to do with his feelings.
    • FL became his refuge at first. FL's piano playing and her existence gave ML the relaxation, peacefulness and comfort that he was looking for through out his miserable life of constant struggles and suffering.
    • He was drugged and brainwashed on a regular basis that eventually resulted to his change of demeanor and personality. Remember he was a bit innocent and cute at first? He had this crush at first sight for FL. His eyes was bright and full of expression. And eventually it turned to frustration, jealousy, anger and resentment.
    • Frustration because he likes FL so much but their lives are way too different, there's no way he could just say hi to her and not get away with the consequences.
    • Jealousy because FL had this perfect, privileged life, she had it all, power, beauty, peace(in oblivion) etc. Things he couldn't have.
    • Anger because as the brainwashing and drugs continue, it had side effects that affected his brain, his thinking, thoughts, perspective, rationalization. Basically his whole personality is in shambles because of how aware he is with the harsh situation, the corruption, everything in the dark world.
    • Resentment, because He started to realize everything was truly unfair. Why only the nobles have the privilege to be happy. And of course, since he is obsessed with FL, he tends to project all his negative thoughts onto her because where else can he let it out aside from FL's father? He isn't acquainted to any other nobles so. And the fact that FL was not aware of the situation and is living a blissful life in the world full of darkness is not helping. How unfair is that?
    Yes, I know. FL didn't do anything wrong. She is innocent. She was brought up to be a child who is meant to live in a fairytale set up by her father. She was pure and the only thing she worries about is her piano lessons, which is a big enough problem for her. And she has no idea, that there are much muuuch more big heavy problems other than that.

    If I was a commoner in this story, i would probably also have resented nobles including her, regardless if they were innocent or not. Because it's unfair. Because If everyday I struggle to survive by trying to find something to eat, and someone just kidnaps me and brings me to a hunger games system where I need to kill other children in order to survive, and I experience multiple betrayals, beatings, hunger, being drugged and tortured and emotional pain through out my whole life. How could I still think clearly and say, "she is the most beautiful thing in the world, i love her so much. I can forgive anything!". (I'm a woman btw, just trying to put myself in ML's shoes)

    Nope, I can't anymore, that's when he has possibly developed split personality. If you see in the manwha that sometimes, he refers to himself as "we". Saying things like "we cannot let her go", "she will fall with us". And that time where he is conversing with his other self. Oh yes, pretty similar to my friend who has split personality. My friend developed other personalities that enables her mind to separate resentment and love. She loved her husband but then things were unfair because husband had to work as someone related to serving God. Basically He no longer could give her the quality time that she needs which is her love language, she was depressed and kind of developed resentment for both God and her husband deep inside her heart and mind. Of course she knows it's wrong, God is not to blame, and the whole blaming thing is obviously wrong. but then sometimes our brain needed an outlet where we have to let it out somehow. And she couldn't let go of the feeling that's why it became another personality that activates whenever she needed to cope with the depression. In order to survive.
    Going back in ML's case, he was obviously extremely infatuated with FL at first, and it probably never faded even when it came to the point that he projects all his resentment to her. And once he had the opportunity to meet and woo her, he might've come to truly love her.

    That's where his brain split the two emotions. Love and resentment. Brain separated it into two personalities because it contradicts with each other too much. Since he's obsessive, he couldn't let go of both. He couldn't let go of his hatred because there was no opportunity to heal amidst the romantic situation. But then his love and affection also grew. FL was just too charming. She was beautiful and innocent. I could say his inlove phase in that moment was real. Love and inlove has a difference by the way.

    But he had to wake up from this beautiful dream because the revolution was still going to happen, and he was a spy that contributed to make it work. There was no going back and his resentful personality was still there. It never disappeared.

    • Was ML right to blame FL? Of course not. But since he wasn't right in the head either, his brain does the unspeakable and unjustifiable.:facepalm:
    • Did his back story justify his actions? No, ML was wrong on every aspect. Supposedly, there was always a better way of revenge that doesn't have to let the FL suffer too much in a way that 'could be justifiable'. :meowtihihi:
    • He could just have let the FL know of the whole harsh situation in detail similar to what the pregnant commoner woman did. That way Fl can grasp the situation and feel sorry for all the people who suffered. That way it's up to her how she'll react and do what she can to compensate them on behalf of what her father did. But since ML is, again, not right in the head, he chooses anger and resentment to take charge of how he does his revenge. Make FL suffer. And she did.
    • Of course FL didn't do anything wrong and everything should be blamed on the father. But as his daughter, she also had the right to decide what she can do to pay for whatever her father did, considering that she had a kind personality. She wouldn't just let that be if she did happen to know the details earlier than the time frame suggested. She would obviously try to make amends bec of the fact that she lived a life oblivious to every suffering that happened to the victims killed by his father. She could have had the courage to do that with the support of the ML.
    • But then again. ML isn't right in the head, so he doesn't know what to do. It was portrayed several times in the story that he seems to be lost onto what he's supposed to do with the FL after the revolution.
    His back story doesn't justify his actions, yes. But then we have to remember all the drug and brainwashing that he experienced since he was young. The constant torture and suffering is not a minor experience where he could still maintain that good and positive personality. Considering that the human brain only fully develops at the age of 25 means all those negative aspect in his life clearly affected his whole thinking process.
    It is not justifiable. But it 'could be' realistic, enough that we can grasp 'why' he was able to do all the unforgivable things.
    As a person with psychology background, I'm used to accepting the realistic fact that people will always have the ability to do stupid things if driven to a corner. Even the ones that we think is so kind and caring. There will always be the not so perfect side. There's not much our brain could handle. It's rare for people to remain sane when there's so much suffering they had to go through.
    I've seen so many commenters who are so critical whenever they see flaws on character novels. Not all novels are fairytales might I remind you. Most authors are artists who has a broken side that have the ability to create novels out of their culture, background, experience and suffering. You cannot demand perfect characters for all the novels that you want to read. Learn to embrace that authors sometimes want to portray brokenness through those characters. They'd want to write realistic situations.

    Honestly speaking, I find the FL to be more unrealistic than the ML. Why? Because she remained to be too kind and loving despite everything that happened.
    I believed she still loves the ML despite what he has done. That's why it was too painful for her to the point of wanting to die. Remember when she expressed she has no more use for the ML. Means that she was willing to give her all in order to get his affection back. Even to the point of trying to get pregnant with him. She had all the opportunity be angry and hate the ML but she didn't.

    I'm not saying i dislike FL. I actually really love her character. It's the kind of unrealistic character that I wouldn't mind reading.
    I have cried a lot putting myself in FL's shoes. She grew up too innocent to grasp the whole situation right away. She might have heard of how bad his father was through the news, but she didn't really have the opportunity to know the details until the pregnant commoner woman told her about the brother that FL's father killed.
    That was the moment she truly, deeply felt sorry for what happened. It was the moment she realized the gravity of what happened. And since she wasn't tough enough to handle the suffering of guilt, attempting to end her life was the first option, given how weak she was brought up into.

    I have so many "if only" imaginations in my head that wishes this story to have multiverse dimensions where both ML and FL didn't go through all this suffering.
    1. If only FL met ML the first time he saw her playing piano
    2. If only they have been friends since they were young and ML didn't have to go through all that brainwash, drugs and torture
    3. If only FL had been more aware of the real situation that gave her a chance to correct his father's wrong doings
    They could have been perfect.
    I really loved ML's younger character. His eyes was so bright and innocent. He had a lot of potential to be a great character. But of course, author is trying to make a realistic story of corruption and darkness.
    And wanted the attack on titan resentment blaming theme poured out onto our one and only FL.

    Still, i appreciated the writing and angst in this novel.

    I hope people could stop insulting other commenters and call other opinions as trash just because they don't agree with you.
    Let's learn how to see the bigger picture of every story. How not all novels have a fairytale setting with perfect MLs and FLs with no flaws at all.

    If you don't like the story. Sure you can express it in spoilers for the sake of letting people know that ML is trash and they'd have the opportunity to decide if they have to continue reading or not. But insulting other's opinions is not a good personality. Okay?! :blobpoliceangry:
    Move on and find the novel that you can be happy on reading. Stop practicing hate and just look for the things that can make you enjoy life instead of finding faults in others.

    :meowpuffymelt: less hate and more peace everyone.

    -from your psychology doctor who still loves manwha :blobcozy::blobloveread:
    Last edited: Jul 1, 2024 at 1:27 AM
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  16. Hautetoast

    Hautetoast Well-Known Member

    Mar 2, 2024
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    This sounds just like any other heterosexual misogynistic man to me; they hate women but won't hesitate to date, marry and sleep with women. Only in this case ML's target is FL.
  17. vela.99

    vela.99 Well-Known Member

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  18. asagisora

    asagisora Well-Known Member

    Feb 25, 2022
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    Despite hating Heiner, I love how the story ends.
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