Spoiler Olgami (K webtoon)

Discussion in 'Manga Discussion' started by MariL, Nov 18, 2020.

  1. oofitsme

    oofitsme Well-Known Member

    Oct 14, 2022
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    LOL I can literally picture Chae Ah cussing out Yoon Soo if he ever did propose to her, going like "WHAT THE F*** you bastard are you out of your mind? Why tf would I marry an annoying stag beetle like you, you think I'd be that crazy to do that after you made my life an utter hell?" And then she slaps him a few times....but ultimately she says yes :blob_grin:

    ngl I never once thought of Grimm as hot until I saw that last panel. Reminds of the time when YS was licking the chocolate off his finger during that cafe scene with Chae Ah.

    Also why does Father get more ripped every time we see him


    My heart is reserved for YS but Grimm is starting to make his way in :blobreachdrool: he's turning out to be handsome just like his dad
    rubyizek likes this.
  2. rubyizek

    rubyizek Well-Known Member

    Jul 19, 2022
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    After years of living with YS, Geurim inherited some of YS's hotness. For a split second, I thought that was Yoon Soo, and he likes stabbing Leo, exactly like YS too.
  3. oofitsme

    oofitsme Well-Known Member

    Oct 14, 2022
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    Hi everyone! Hope you had a great weekend and are staying warm and dry. Will be working on 156 spoilers soon. As a heads up, we get a short glimpse of Chae Ah but still no Yunsu.
    RoseR and ISTP23 like this.
  4. hhh_017

    hhh_017 Well-Known Member

    Jul 1, 2022
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    Gosh, they all get a glow up wohooo. CA looks all badass sitting on the window:blobnosebleed:. Now go meet your hubby.
    So the Father missing his wife? and did he kill her? I'm getting CA/YS vibe here...:blobpopcorn_cool:
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2022
  5. oofitsme

    oofitsme Well-Known Member

    Oct 14, 2022
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    Leo has a flashback of him saying “I came here after killing PYS…” (to Father) and “I killed PYS” (to Grimm).

    *He is standing on the dock breathing heavily*

    Grimm: Looks good. I should have stabbed him one more time — UGH *clutches his stomach*

    Flashback of Rose and Grimm in the holding cell:

    Grimm: “Ahh….”

    Rose: “Hang in there for a little bit”

    Grimm: “Haaa….” *holds up the knife*

    Rose: “Take it.” *ties the bandage around Grimm’s stomach tight* “Silver makes a vampire weak. Protect yourself with that.”

    Grimm: …..I told her to help me, but for her to help me like this….it always felt like she was observing me one step from behind…

    Flashback to when Rose approached him in the cell:

    Rose: “You’re not Grimm”

    Grimm: What’s on her mind? Does she really want to help me?

    ——back to the present——

    Grimm: “…Rose, you still didn’t hear anything about my blood yet, right?”

    Rose: “…your blood?”

    Grimm: “That’s right….listen carefully. My blood…can turn a vampire into a human.”

    Rose: “What?!” It can turn a vampire into a human? Grimm’s blood…? *leans forward* “Grimm. Can you give me a little bit of your blood?”

    Rose is now sitting alone in her room.

    Rose: *stares at the vial of Grimm’s blood on the table* For Grimm’s blood to have that ability…even so, drinking that blood also brings forth the aging of the years you have lived? But why is Father obsessing so much over this blood? It’s not like he wanted to become a human…why does he keep experimenting…

    *leans forward suddenly and clutches her head* “UGH!!!”

    What is this? My head feels like it’s going to split apart…!

    We have a flashback to when Grimm stabs Leo.

    Leo: No…the last hallucination I did..!!

    Back to Rose:

    she has a bunch of flashbacks (here’s a list):
    • her dropping the paintbrush and falling to the floor, then Leo coming to her aid
    • a “younger” version of Rose grabbing onto Leo
    • a child version of herself with blood smeared on her lips, chin, and hands
    • a “younger” version of herself crying out to Leo in tears, and Leo hugging her
    • another panel where Leo is hugging her
    • a painting of Rose’s mom
    Rose: “Ah. Father can never become a human…!!”

    The painting of Rose’s mom slowly morphed into the image of her mother who is covered in blood and holding a knife in her hands.

    Rose’s mom approaches Father. Father reaches out and touches her hair. She slowly crumbles away into dust.

    Father: *closes his eyes* “Diana…”

    Back to Chae Ah (yayyyyy!!!!!):

    She has teleported in front of a hospital.

    Chae Ah: “Huh…?” What is this place? Wait….this place is….

    Has a flashback of her seeing that she has a bunch of missed calls from her sister, and then a text from her (text has been blurred and cut off but this is what I could make out: “Chae Ah, Grandma fainted. Hurry up and come, her condition is not very good. Sungshim Hospital. The room number is….”)

    Chae Ah: “Fu**…” Why on earth am I here…. *turns around and walks away, but stops*

    Cut to inside the hospital:

    Chae Sun has fallen asleep outside the room that Grandma is in.

    Grandma is hooked up to a ventilator and is breathing heavily. She slowly opens her eyes and looks to her right and sees a figure sitting in the dark. She becomes startled and starts mumbling out loud while she fumbles with her left hand for something (maybe she thinks that Chae Sun is right besides her?)

    Chae Ah: “SHHHHH!!!!! Be quiet, Grandma. You’re interrupting my appreciation.”

    End of episode.

    I’m attaching an image below of how Chae Ah looks while she saying that….SHE’S SO SAVAGE I LOVE HER SO MUCH

    • Grimm should really have some blood if he wants to make it to see his parents again. He's on a boat so getting rid of the evidence should be easy.
    • Finally FINALLY FINALLY Grandma is getting the karma she deserves...imagine Chae Ah kills her to have some blood lmao
    • Also we need more flashbacks of Father's past!! Maybe this can explain why he's such a douche to everyone.
    • Can we also pray that we see our handsome YS next week? We are being deprived :blobupset:
  6. LostRose17

    LostRose17 Well-Known Member

    Sep 9, 2019
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    Chae ah kinda reminds me of Yoon soo a bit in the end especially in the picture
  7. rubyizek

    rubyizek Well-Known Member

    Jul 19, 2022
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    I hope Chae Ah remains cold and indifferent to her grandma's illness. But the earlier panel showed that she seemed worried and wondered herself why she rushed over to the hospital the moment she received her sis's message.
    Her sister really need to stop bothering Chae Ah!!

    Now we got a glimpse of Father's love story. Pretty much all the vampires have the predicament where their human lovers rejected them. Father is not immune to this too.
    oofitsme likes this.
  8. oofitsme

    oofitsme Well-Known Member

    Oct 14, 2022
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    *Grandma starts trembling in fear*

    Chae Ah: "the way I see it - you probably collapsed because you got angry with how I screwed up that day? That's too bad. I didn't see you like that...unfortunately I was also very busy. There were...a lot of things. Things I couldn't tell anyone...very difficult things. You know that right? That I don't have any friends. But there was that one time...when I emptied out my heart and feelings towards someone but the end result was not very good...I showed him my weak side and that ended up turning into a weakness. But, the person who is going to die soon is actually here? "

    *Grandma becomes alarmed and starts to breathe heavily*

    Chae Ah: "that's good. No matter what I say, when you die that's going to be the end of it. Right?"

    *Chae Ah approaches the bed*

    Chae Ah: "you know...should I tell you a secret? I am no longer a human anymore."

    *Grandma's eye go wide and she starts freaking out.*

    Chae Ah: "Why? Do you have something to say? Oh, is it difficult to talk?"

    *Chae Ah lifts the ventilator mask (whatever it's called) that grandma has on*

    Grandma: "you mon...monster bit**!"

    Chae Ah: "HA!!!" *puts the mask back on and is laughing to the point where she's crying* "monster? Hahaha...what....that's what I...told Park Yoon Soo! HAHAHA!!! You know, Grandma. Now I'm not scared of you. Back then that hand was so violent and scary (flashback to when Grandma tried to choke Chae Ah as a kid). Grandma, why did you hate me so much? Was there a reason why you hated a young child so much to the point where you wanted to kill her? No, right? Just hating was more comfortable right?"

    *Grandma starts breathing heavily again*

    "You weren't satisfied with your son and cut off a 10 year long relationship, then when he came home dead, you regretted your stubbornness, but to blame yourself was painful....so you decided to hate my mom and myself, who resembled her appearance....doing that was more comfortable right?

    *Chae Ah is crying*

    "if that's not it there's no way to explain. What did I do to wrong you...I wanted to eat candy too...every Sunday, me looking back at you was so annoying that instead of being entrusted to the church, I also wanted to follow you—you thought that little thing was trivial right? You're right, it might have been a trivial thing, who knows...but the problem is that trivial hatred, grew one by one....and became me. Grandma...now I....am a fool who can only hate other people. People pray for others to be happy, but I alone, was always cursing others. However, Grandma....you know that there's one other person besides you who I also hate? To the point where I wanted to kill him....actually, he's someone who I may kill at some point....to like him…what do I do? If I were to love him...what do I need to do?

    *Grandma also starts crying*

    *Chae Ah starts violently shaking Grandma*

    Chae Ah: "Teach me that before you go!! Tell me before you die!!! If you die like this is that going to be it? Is that it after you made me into a fool like this!!!! WHY WERE YOU LIKE THAT TO ME? WHY WERE YOU LIKE THAT!!!! WHY!!!!"

    *Grandma slowly closes her eyes. The machine can be heard beeping*

    Chae Ah: "Ha....you're going to die?"

    *Chae Ah walks over to the machine and takes out the power cord*

    Chae Ah: "no one is going to come here. Only I, someone who won't even feel sad when you die, will be the only one to witness your final moments."

    The night passes into morning. Chae Ah is still standing near the bed, watching Grandma, who has now passed.

    Chae Sun: "who's there?"

    Chae Ah: sister!

    Chae Sun: "is that you, Chae Ah? Chae Ah...it's not even visiting hours but how did you get inside....did you come to see Grandma? She's probably sleeping...huh? Why are the machines turned off?

    Chae Ah: shit!!

    Chae Sun: "Why are the cords all...Chae Ah...what's going on here?"

    *a dark figure slowly approaches behind Chae Sun*

    Yoon Soo: "what should I do Han Chae Ah?" *he puts his hands on Chae Sun's shoulders*

    Chae Ah: *is surprised*

    (flashback to when Chae Ah told Grandma that there is someone who she hates)

    Grandma, that person is always by my side.

    Yoon Soo: "it seems like you've been caught playing a bad joke..."

    Chae Ah: that person knows me better than I know myself.

    Yoon Soo: "should i erase her memory? Or, "

    Chae Ah: that person, seems to have come from Hell to test me.

    Yoon Soo: "should I kill her?"

    End of episode.

    Chae Ah, you know what you gotta do. No looking back, Grandma is gone now and you have your own life to live! Choose your husband please


    Sooooo just wanted to bring your attention this tweet in case you didn't see it yet. It seems like Haemuri wanted to wrap up Olgami by the end of this year due to health reasons but she still hasn't yet. She has scheduled to take a break soon for health reasons. I'm so sad now but hopefully things will end on a good note! Hopefully with them getting married and running away with Grimm to another big house like they did in ep. 74.

    Finally we get a short glimpse of YS guys! Although he's in the last few panels lol.
  9. joellie

    joellie Well-Known Member

    Nov 9, 2021
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    When is next update of chapter 158?
    oofitsme likes this.
  10. citrusyuzu

    citrusyuzu Active Member

    Jul 6, 2020
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    you are the best thank you so much for this!!
    oofitsme likes this.
  11. rubyizek

    rubyizek Well-Known Member

    Jul 19, 2022
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    Finally seeing Yoon Soo's beautiful face back after weeks. I am glad that Chae Ah seeks revenge on her grandma on her last moments. To be honest, her sadistic level is quite well matched with Yoon Soo.

    Oh gosh, i hope the creator will make a comeback soon. So, is this the last chapter before hiatus? I think this manhwa still has some way to go before it can be finalized. The loose end of Yoon Soo X Chae Ah, Rose's background, Rose X Leo, Geurim and the final battle with Father? There's too much to cover.
    oofitsme and joellie like this.
  12. oofitsme

    oofitsme Well-Known Member

    Oct 14, 2022
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    I'm assuming things will follow as scheduled and episodes will be released weekly until the author says so that they will be taking a break. It seems like she usually takes a few months for her breaks, as she did before releasing ep. 74.

    You're welcome!!

    With Grandma finally out of the picture, I hope that can give Chae Ah a newfound courage to live as a new being again.

    I also feel like there's way too much to cover before the author finally declares that this is the end for Olgami. It seemed like she was in a rush to end things so it may be possible that she might kill off some characters? Or maybe rush the story (hopefully this will not be the route she takes). But every character is essential, even Gemino. I'm not too sure if Chae Ah's sister should be kept in the storyline though. If Chae Ah chooses to save her sister (who has messed with her emotions plenty of times) and reveal her true identity as a vampire, her sister can either accept that and move on, or she could end up being a total ass like her Grandma and call her a monster --> which can trigger Chae Ah and give YS permission to kill her sister. Speaking of ending things, I thought her and her sister cut off their ties after the restaurant scene? Or maybe something happened behind the scenes?

    I ship Rose and Leo; those two should be together. I think Leo is an essential part of Rose's life. She's lonely and has no friends just like Chae Ah, except she has to live with the guilt of knowing that countless innocent people have died because of her father. As for Geurim....maybe someone else might come along whom we can ship him with?? Though I highly doubt it at this point.

    That reminds me, I hope the author hasn't forgotten about Father's birthday celebration! It doesn't seem like that much time has passed by since Leo first mentioned Father's birthday.

    I feel like Olgami isn't exactly something that could be wrapped up before ep. 200, but who knows...I'm hoping that Haemuri is going to be consistent and not rush plot lines, cause that is something that many readers will be able to recognize and dislike.
    shiromony and joellie like this.
  13. oofitsme

    oofitsme Well-Known Member

    Oct 14, 2022
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    Hi everyone! Hope you had a great Christmas weekend. FYI the author tweeted that she was not feeling very well and that there's going to be a delay in uploading ch. 158 (will be published 12/27) so spoilers will be up some time later tomorrow.
  14. oofitsme

    oofitsme Well-Known Member

    Oct 14, 2022
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    I lied, Haemuri just uploaded 158 not too long ago! Finally these guys get to snusnu. I'm gonna throw in a few screenshots from the raw version. I'm so happy that these two finally get to spend some quality time together. :blobpopcorn_cool:

    Chae Sun: “Who are you? Chae Ah, who is this? Is it maybe…someone you know? Huh….? Chae Ah….Why….are your eyes like that?….”

    *Yunsu grabs Chae Sun’s throat*

    Yunsu: “Please stay quiet. We’re in the middle of talking.”

    Chae Sun: Chae Ah, her boyfriend…?

    Yunsu: “How is it, Chae Ah? I’ll do whatever you want. Or, do you want to kill her yourself?”

    Chae Ah: Park Yunsu….he would show up whenever I’m having a hard time, pretending to do it for me while skillfully leading me wherever he wanted to go. Does he want me to be like him?

    “Park Yunsu. I am not you.” *walks towards her sister*

    “I am not going to kill my sister, nor erase her memory.”

    Chae Sun: “Chae— Chae Ah?” *walks backward until she touches the wall*

    Yunsu: “She found out who you are. What if she goes around spreading rumors?”

    Chae Ah: “Rumors?” *smiles* “My sister is not going to say anything. Right? As always, in regards to my affairs, like another person, she knows everything but pretends not to know — just like that, she’ll pretend to not know anything until the very end. (FYI the prior sentence was difficult to translate and does not make sense, apologies in advance!) Isn’t that right, sister?"

    *Chae Sun starts to cry and a tear runs down her face*

    Chae Sun: “Alright.”

    Chae Ah: “Stay well, and try to forget everything.” *walks away from her* “Whether it’s my appearance…or how in hell Grandma died — those thoughts.”

    *Chae Sun is visibly shaking in tears*

    Chae Ah: “Let’s go Yunsu.” *Yunsu and Chae Ah are both gently hugging each other*

    Yunsu: “Alright, let’s go home.”

    They teleported to Chae Ah’s house (or apartment, whatever you wanna call it).

    *Chae Ah takes off her jacket and it drops to the ground. She then turns around.*

    Chae Ah: “Aren’t you gonna go?”

    *Yunsu walks towards her and observes her neck. She is also crying. He grabs her arm*

    Yunsu: “Come with me.”

    Chae Ah: “…what?”

    Yunsu: “I told you. After I end everything I would come to take you.”

    *Chae Ah is now sitting on top of her bed with Yunsu looming over her. Chae Ah panics internally*

    Chae Ah: This smell that was coming from Yunsu earlier...the smell of blood!!!! “You killed him, huh..?? Gemino…”

    *Yunsu smirks. Chae Ah grabs him*


    *Yunsu lunges forward and kisses her*

    Chae Ah: “You little devil…”

    Yunsu: “You’re not formidable either, Chae Ah? Watching people die for a hobby…”

    *Chae Ah gets visibly angry and pushes Yunsu down on the bed so that she is now on top*

    Chae Ah: “YOU DESTROYED ME!! You...Me…!!”

    Yunsu: “Do you still want to turn back into a human?”

    Chae Ah: “I told you that already—“

    Yunsu: “Then, love me.”

    Chae Ah: “…what?”

    Yunsu: “Then I’ll make you become human. Why, you can’t do it? Even though you want to become human, for you to do that…”

    Chae Ah: “How do I do that?”

    *Yunsu is surprised*

    Chae Ah: “I’m saying this because I really don’t know..” *has flashbacks of the dialogue she had with her Grandma on her deathbed —> What do I do in order to like someone? What do I do in order to love someone?* “WHAT ON EARTH — DO I NEED TO DO?”

    Yunsu: *smirks* “What…you want to do that in order to turn back? Then, I’ll show you. *grabs Chae Ah by the hips and sits her down on his…uh….groin area*

    *Chae Ah gets flustered*

    Chae Ah: “What are you doing, you crazy…!”

    Yunsu: “Should I tell you more?”

    Chae Ah: “Crazy bastard…” Can I love Park Yunsu?…it doesn’t matter. I’m using him to turn back into a human.

    *Chae Ah reaches towards his belt, and Yunsu flinches. She puts her hand up his shirt, and Yunsu is starting to breathe heavily*

    Chae Ah: *her eyes turn yellow* Yunsu’s heart, and also my insignificant heart

    End of episode.

    :blobpopcorn_cool: WOW that was good. I can finally rest in peace now.

    Also wanted to add a short memo from Haemuri at the end of 158:

    "Hello, this is Haemuri. I was thinking of completing Olgami without a break but due to my worsening health, out of necessity I have decided to take a break. I have decided to take a 3 month-long break, and on behalf of completing the series, I will return with good health and more manuscripts (that word is a little unclear but it is a rough translation).

    And on behalf of those who are waiting, here is a little happy news: I have gotten an opportunity for an Olgami monograph. I'll give out more information throughout the break!! Thank you for staying with Olgami this year! Next year I will return with a more fun Olgami. Happy New Year!"

    Sooo.....I'm guessing that she might publish this into a book? Imma grab 2 copies of it then lol
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2022
  15. _devourer_of_books_

    _devourer_of_books_ Active Member

    Nov 28, 2022
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    Well, I surely didn't see this one coming that's for sure sjsnsksnsksnsks

    I thought it would be a while before we got back into spicy sexual tension but I'm not complaining, tho the news of the break does make me sad.
    Let's hope the author makes a full recovery and comes back with more amazing chapters. I'm also very excited for the printed version, if it does end up happening!

    I think what Chae-Ah meant on that confusing sentence is that her sister won't say anything because that's what she always does. She probably means it like "you always knew what was going on with me, you knew that woman despised me, you knew I went to jail unfairly, but you pretended not to know, so you shouldn't start to run your mouth now". At least that's what I got from it.
    But I'm still a bit confused as to why she's agreeing to sleep with Yoon-Soo all of a sudden because she hasn't really made him promise to tell her about the human thing? Or does he mean become human, like metaphorically? I mean, I'm always down for NSFW, but how did we get here sksnskaksmsl

    In other news, would anyone be interested in reading NSFW olgami content? I'm thinking about writing another PYS/Chae-Ah fic but Im not sure what angle to take. Do I write a continuation from this chapter, do I go for an Alternative Universe, do I re-imagine a previous chapter? What do you guys think?
    LostRose17, shiromony and oofitsme like this.
  16. ISTP23

    ISTP23 Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2022
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    I loved your piece on ao3, I would love a au where chae ah is enjoying being a vampire with pys and just the two of them being in love and being a menace to society
  17. shiromony

    shiromony Active Member

    Apr 11, 2022
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    Your previous fic was amazing, I thoroughly enjoyed it so I’m looking forward to whichever angle you go for. However, if i were to suggest then I’d say a continuation of this chapter would be great ^^
  18. rubyizek

    rubyizek Well-Known Member

    Jul 19, 2022
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    I hate how Chapter 158 literally left us hanging upside down! But the scenes are hot. Yoon Soo's eyes turned yellow just from Chae Ah touching his belt.

    CHae Ah was right about her sister. She is a bystander and always good at pretending not to know. Chae Ah was so badass here, basically giving her sister a punishment. She won't erase her memory and her sister will be tormented with the truth but have to pretend knowing nothing.
    oofitsme likes this.
  19. alqariyah

    alqariyah Well-Known Member

    Aug 13, 2020
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    thank you so much!!! ending the year on this sexual cliffhanger hehe :blobnosebleed::blob_grin::blobsmilehappyeyes:
    oofitsme likes this.
  20. hhh_017

    hhh_017 Well-Known Member

    Jul 1, 2022
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    I swear they will get interrupted somehow. :blobpopcorn_cool: And I loveeeee how they kinda hug each other before teleporting home. I didn't expect CA to hug him back. It's so cute *I died*
    Does that mean the author will be back in April?
    oofitsme likes this.