Spoiler Olgami (K webtoon)

Discussion in 'Manga Discussion' started by MariL, Nov 18, 2020.

  1. oofitsme

    oofitsme Well-Known Member

    Oct 14, 2022
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    Looks like April might be the "return time"! Someone knock me out for three months :blobdizzy:
    hhh_017 likes this.
  2. hhh_017

    hhh_017 Well-Known Member

    Jul 1, 2022
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    I don't know how i'm gonna survive Mondays for the next 3 months, so time for re-reading and overanalyzing every single detail haha
  3. alqariyah

    alqariyah Well-Known Member

    Aug 13, 2020
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    author saying on twitter that she’s drawing a morning background for the chapter after this chapter even though it’s night (or something like that) and now I’m like omg morning sex… maybe they do go all the way but also! but author also said that she loves the HATE aspect of this enemies to lovers and wants them to fight a bit still so I’m thinking hate sex their first time (which would make sense based on their dynamic) but hate only from CA since we know YS is obsessed with her (love or not) so hehe I’m really looking forward to it
    RoseR likes this.
  4. Animefan649

    Animefan649 Well-Known Member

    Jan 2, 2020
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    I'd rather have a hiatus than a rushed ending. Hopefully the author gets a good rest and recovers her health. If olgami gets a paper version I'm so buying all volumes omg ❤️❤️

    Well the ending of chapter 158 has me like what a chemistry these two have wowww. It kinda became hotter now that she's a vampire too. I'm hoping this gets a happy ending for everyone, really they deserve it. These characters are always miserable, please let them be happy together author

    Looking forward to the next chapter! I can wait!
  5. alqariyah

    alqariyah Well-Known Member

    Aug 13, 2020
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    Can someone explain what happened recently after the most recent chapter publishing that made the author apologize profusely on twitter?? Did n@ver post the nsfw/uncensored manhwa panels and people complained about it? (the author she was going to post the uncensored panels of chaeha and yoonsoo’s intimate scene somewhere else but only afterwards) and that’s what I’m getting because I see people really getting on her case about it which sucks, especially since she’s suppose to be resting right now :(
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2023
    oofitsme likes this.
  6. shiromony

    shiromony Active Member

    Apr 11, 2022
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    Wait what nooo don’t tell me she’s gonna censor her next chapters and my hopes for nsfw contents are about to go down in vain
  7. oofitsme

    oofitsme Well-Known Member

    Oct 14, 2022
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    So basically Haemuri got backlash because the scenes from Ch. 158 were "too inappropriate." Imo it looks like a bunch of sensitive snowflakes who saw their own kids reading the episode and started freaking out. First of all, Haemuri literally writes on ep. 1 that the series is recommended for individuals 15 and up. Logically speaking, what kind of thriller/romance webtoon is suitable for kids? Most webtoons on Naver are pretty much geared towards adults, like you got violence, romance, language, etc. By reading them, you UNDERSTAND and know that the stuff you are reading may contain such material. It's snowflakes like them who take it to the next level and start cussing out the author for putting so-called "inappropriate" content. I was pissed af when I read her tweet. First of all I don't think she should have apologized, but then again she'll receive even more backlash for not apologizing.

    Bottom line is, webtoon is a form of art imo. If you don't like it, you have a right to not like it. (Agree to disagree). What I don't get is people who make it their life purpose to sh** on the author for making their story like that. I hope Haemuri didn't take this too personally and that it won't affect the future trajectory of the story later on. She did say that she'll make sure to be more considerate later when producing future content, but I'm not too sure if she'll have to lean towards making very conservative romantic scenes and omitting any snusnu parts or if she'll heavily censor those (aka bed + dark room, and then the next panel showing bright morning skies).

    This is one of the times when I wish the author had a Patreon

    It sucks because she's supposed to be resting but instead she has to take in all these negative comments from people who've probably never even read the series from the very beginning. I hope she is not taking those comments personally and letting them make her second-guess herself and alter the quality of the work.
  8. parttimebroccoli

    parttimebroccoli Well-Known Member

    Jan 10, 2023
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    Omg i didn't know about her twitter apology thank you so much for sharing! One of the reason I love Olgami is the sexual tension drawn in a way that does not cross 19+ but still so so intense and tasteful. Maybe author should do a 19+ version on some chapters (like Marriage of Convenience) so kids who complain can stfu. :meowknife:
  9. oofitsme

    oofitsme Well-Known Member

    Oct 14, 2022
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    Hey everyone!
    Mark your calendars; we have an official return date for the Korean version of Olgami: 03/27/23 evening.

    roseO, RedRuchi, marklees and 5 others like this.
  10. marklees

    marklees Active Member

    Aug 18, 2020
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    Do you think the author will really take the route where both YS and CA become human through the blood, or stay as vampires? Honestly the vampire aspect is kinda hot so I mean I hope not despite all the trauma the vampires have regarding their lives I wonder how many vampires would immediately be willing to drink GR’s blood and become human right away…
  11. randomUser01

    randomUser01 Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2021
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    Honestly I am hoping they stay vampires and can fix some of the toxicity in their relationship. And wouldn’t it be weird if YS turns back into a human lol because he would be a shrivelled up grandpa
  12. _devourer_of_books_

    _devourer_of_books_ Active Member

    Nov 28, 2022
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    ...Im not sure how to announce this, but, hm, if anyone ever wondered what might have happened if Chae-Ah had her period back at the beach house when she had still been human and is hoping for a NSFW answer... I might be able to help?

    I just dropped a new fic with this premise on AO3, which you can find under the name of 'a matter of taste' (I would link it here but novel updates won't let me for some reason, it's under the Olgami tag, again, not many works there, fairly easy to find )
    It's explicit, so I kindly ask that minors stay away from it and advise anyone interested to read the tags first. Stay safe kids!

    I've been working on a longer fic that kind of tackles my take on vampire!Chae-Ah, sort of canon divergent from ch145, but it might be a while before I finish. Hopefully we'll get some more of that once Olgami comes back. Were less than two weeks away from the return date!
    shiromony and ISTP23 like this.
  13. shiromony

    shiromony Active Member

    Apr 11, 2022
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    I really liked your pervious work and waiting for you to make a new one. Will definitely give it a read!
  14. oofitsme

    oofitsme Well-Known Member

    Oct 14, 2022
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    Hey guys,

    The author has decided to extend her hiatus due to a wrist injury. So she'll be back April 10 with 5 episodes, 1 for free and 4 paid.
    Makakaron and RedRuchi like this.
  15. oofitsme

    oofitsme Well-Known Member

    Oct 14, 2022
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    Hi everyone!

    Olgami is now back from hiatus.
    FYI the newly released chapters have nothing to do with the continuation of the bed scene; instead these are more of a deep dive into the past of YS and leads up to the moments of when he and CA have their first interaction.

    Will be posting spoilers for each through today!
    LostRose17, roseO, gnyaa and 2 others like this.
  16. oofitsme

    oofitsme Well-Known Member

    Oct 14, 2022
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    Here's 159!
    I swear these chapters are even longer than what I'm used to (not complaining lol)

    *This is a flashback of YS’s childhood*

    YS: Trips and falls to the ground. Has a flashback of the day the building burned and his mother died. His eyes turn yellow as he looks at the sky.

    It’s red. Just like the day the mansion burned.

    After that day, my throat burned all the time. Maybe it’s because I’m hungry.

    He walks past a barking dog. He then looks back at it.

    But it’s weird…no matter how much I fill up my stomach again and again…I’m still hungry.

    He stoops down and starts eating the scrap food in the dog bowl. The dog continues to bark fiercely. He stops chewing and looks at the dog.

    That’s weird…why does that look more delicious?

    YS is overcome with a wave of dizziness and collapses onto the ground. He wakes up on a bed of straw in a small building. He quickly gets up.

    YS: “What is this?”

    Woman (not sure what exactly her role is): “Are you awake?”

    YS: “Who are you?”

    Woman: “Shhh! You can’t be caught here. If the madam finds out – “

    Person 1: “MOTHER!" (this translation may be inaccurate; I am not that familiar with the older Korean dialect seen in the sageuk dramas)

    Woman: “Yes, Madam – I’m going now – !”

    She turns around.

    “Hey, go hide in the corner…”

    Huh? Where did he go?

    Person 1: “Mother, have you heard. There is a strange rumor going around the village.”

    Woman: “Yes….?”

    Person 1: “Whether it’s a mountain animal or a wild beast, a ferocious beast that harms you regardless of how big you are has come down to the village. From what I’ve heard they’ve discovered corpses with all the blood sucked out from them…So from now on when you go out at night don’t go alone, and let the children know about this too.”

    Woman: “ Yes, madam.”

    Person 1: “Furthermore, in the rumors it even eats humans–”

    After the chat, the woman goes back inside the building.

    Whew…What a relief.

    YS: “You didn’t get caught, right?”

    Woman: Turns around. “YOU, HOW…? Hurry and leave. You need to go home–”

    YS: “I don’t have a home.”

    Woman: “.....What about your parents….”

    YS: “They died. Not too long ago. So…can’t I stay here? I won’t get caught…can’t I just hide here quietly?”

    Woman: Looks at YS pitifully and notices how his hand is shaking as he is grabbing onto to her cloak.

    Some time later…..

    Woman: “What are you going to do if you get caught!!”

    YS: “It’s ok, I won’t get caught!”

    Woman: He’s right….it’s interesting how he really has managed to stay hidden for the past few days without getting caught. But I’m sharing my dinner with him every night, yet I don’t know why he is becoming more thinner.

    YS sees a young boy and an older woman outside the window.

    YS: “Ahjumma, how old is the young master?”

    Woman: “Well….I’m not too sure…since the young master has no close friends his age, I can’t seem to say. Since his body is too frail, he’s never been outside since he was a young child.”

    YS: “So that’s why….”

    Woman: “But he must be getting better. In the past he would always beg our Jin Soo to go on walks every night…if Jin Soo was still alive it would have been nice for them to walk in the yard…oh my….I’m saying all this nonsense…You, what was your name?

    YS: “It’s Park Yoon Soo.”

    Woman: “...Okay. I’ll tell the Madam tomorrow so you can eat and sleep here while working.”

    YS: “...Here?”

    Woman: “Are you going to be in hiding forever? Listen to me. You don’t have a mother to teach you anymore so instead of her, listen to me while you live.”

    YS: Stares into the fire and remembers his mother calling out his name. He stares at the woman who is tending to the fire.

    Woman: “Let’s see, the firewood…” She breaks a stick in half and accidentally hurts her finger, drawing blood. “Ah!! Geez, how unlucky…” She wipes the blood on her sleeves. “The cut must be deep…the blood keeps…”

    YS: Rushes out in a panic and covers his mouth with his hand.


    YS: I will never eat the blood of a human. No matter how hungry I am, I will never eat a human’s blood!!

    YS finds himself once again, in front of the dog. He is panting heavily and looks up at the dog with yellow eyes. The dog cowers in fear and slowly steps back. He kills the dog and starts drinking its blood.

    Woman: “Yoon Soo?”

    YS flinches.

    Woman: “You…what are you doing over there? What on earth exactly is…What are you eating? OH MY!!”

    YS: “Uh….this is…wait, let me explain”

    Woman: “SOMEONE SAVE ME!!!” Turns around and runs away.

    YS: No…I’m not ‘that’!! I’m not a monster….

    He comes back to the building and opens the entrance door.

    YS: “Ahjumma…please forgive me…I did wrong….”

    He sees the woman along with a large crowd of the village men gathered with torches.

    YS: Ah…I’m now…No, we are no longer the same “people.”

    YS’s eyes turn yellow and he rushes inside the building.

    Some time later….

    Man 1: “Did you hear about Daegum’s house? They killed the entire family and their servants. But apparently only one of their sons survived.

    Man 2: “Haha. What a poor little thing.”

    Man 1: “Exactly…how did he end up surviving by himself?”

    Man 2: “Wasn’t he the child who was too weak to even go outside?”

    Man 1: “That’s right, it was my first time seeing his face.”

    Man 2: “Anyways, what a pity…he barely survived…I don’t think he’s going to live long.”

    Seasons pass and YS has grown into an adult. He is smoking a pipe in the rain.

    YS was laughing at what CA said, I thought it was quite funny too haha! He was laughing to the point where he was crying
    LostRose17, roseO and twi11i like this.
  17. oofitsme

    oofitsme Well-Known Member

    Oct 14, 2022
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    A man and woman are running in the night.

    Woman: “Geez, brother!! Are you sure we need to follow this path? Even goblins refuse to walk this path….”

    Man: “Huh, are you really going to believe the rumors about ghosts? Whether it’s a goblin or a ghost, you really do believe such pointless rumors so easily.”

    Woman: “It’s not a pointless rumor! Last month a few merchants who passed by this town died.”

    Man: “On top of that, the fact that this town has been inhabited by people for the past 20 years but now no one lives here–”

    They both see YS standing in front of them, looking at them.

    Man: “....is not the case?”

    YS: “Where are you off to in such a hurry?”

    Man: “Ahh…I apologize for being too noisy. We have business to tend to in the town past these mountains…”

    YS: “Past the mountains…it’s very late at night but will you be alright? There are more beasts than humans in this town, there are often people who return injured. For you to cross these mountains at this time of the evening, it may be very dangerous…”

    Man: “EEK!!”

    Woman: “Huh, and you’ve been acting like there’s nothing in the world that would scare you!!”

    YS: “Haha!! If it’s alright with you, stay here for the night.” He opens the door to invite them in.

    Some time later…

    YS: “I see…I did not know you two were brother and sister.”

    Man: “Haha, we’re only brothers and sisters in name, but there’s no other bigger enemy! But please tell us more about you. How can you live in such a dreary place all on your own? I’m sure that I’ve heard that no one lives here in this town…”

    YS: “I live here proudly without fear.”

    Man: “Haha! That’s why I’m a bit surprised. I heard that in this town, a family went through a disaster, and that after that people left one by one…”

    YS: “Hmm…how do you know of these things?”

    Man: “Although this happened when I was a child, these rumors were widespread. Whether some bandits did it, or a bloodsucking vampire did it—Ah! There was another household that was annihilated…what was it again…a Westerner’s mansion suddenly caught on fire and killed everyone inside?”

    YS: “...You must be talking about the mansion that a Westerner lived in that disappeared after a fire.”

    Man: “Yes. From what I’ve heard it may have been the Westerner who set fire to the mansion himself…or it could be a woman…but then again, these are all rumors…” He looks up and see’s YS’s crazed expression.

    YS: “Nothing else? Any stories related to the burning of the mansion…Or should I tell you a fun story?”

    Man: “Huh? What do you…”

    The woman notices something in YS’s room.

    Woman: Nudges her brother’s arm. “Brother!! That vase…wasn’t that the thing that Mr. Jang of the workshop cherished greatly….or not? He brought it out of the burning mansion…”

    Man: “Huh? You’re right! But Mr. Jang said he would never sell it…”

    Woman: “Brother, didn’t you say that Mr. Jang died with the blood drained out of his body?”

    Man: “You’re right…Now that I remember, before he died, he said that there was someone going around asking about the mansion that burned down, and he felt that that person was looking for him…”

    YS: Comes closer and speaks in the man’s ear. “Perhaps….you would like to hear my story? What would you do if I was that vampire?”

    Man: Freaks out and knocks over the candle that was lighting the room. “WHAT….WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT???”

    YS: Laughs out loud. His eyes turn yellow. “WHAT’S WRONG, DIDN’T YOU SAY YOU WERE CURIOUS?” He slowly starts walking closer to the brother and sister. “Now, it’s your turn to speak. Do you not have any other stories about the Westerner and the mansion?”

    Man: “I…I don’t know! It’s been an old story so it’s rare that anyone would remember it…but…why are you…why are you going around asking about it?”

    YS: “Ahh…. oh no….”

    YS kills them both. One can hear a scream.

    YS is outside smoking from his pipe. He remembers what the man had said about the town he was staying alone in. Father is seen approaching him.

    Father: “Why am I hearing news of a crazy man all the way across the ocean.”

    YS: He’s here. The one whom I have been waiting decades for.

    Father: “I save you but yet you’re living like a beast.”

    YS: Smiles. “Are you going to send me to rehab.”

    Father: “Rehabilitation seems impossible, but I can no longer stand idly by. Follow me. From now on, call me Father.”

    YS: I was getting sick of this lifestyle anyway. He drops the pipe on the ground and begins to walk. And I have been curious for a while. On that day, the day that mansion burned, –

    “Yes, Father.”

    what exactly happened.

    Yes I'm Korean! Not super fluent to the point where I understand every thing lol. I do need to use a translator here and there haha!

    A fork is thrown at YS’s face. YS is cutting a steak with a fork and knife.

    Father: “Hold the knife properly.” Sips tea.

    YS: mumbles to himself – “Fu**”

    Father: “Curse in English.”

    YS: “...asshole.” What kind of ulterior motive does he have…that he takes me here and there to places, and teaches me how to eat, what to wear, and even how to walk. There’s no opportunity for me to find out anything about the burned-down mansion. If he really is the one who burned down the mansion, then I’ll…

    YS tightens the grip on his knife.

    Father: “Relax your hand.”

    YS looks up.

    Father: “Do you remember what I told you when I brought you here. That I’ll make you useful. Use that hostility somewhere else. I will give you work to do. From now on you’ll be – “

    Flash forward to sometime in the future. A man takes a sip of “wine” from a glass. His eyes turn yellow as he looks at YS, and he screams “YOUUUUUU!!!!” before dropping dead. YS watches him.

    *Continuation of Father’s statement* “a vampire assassinator.”

    YS: “Ha….” What the heck…you can kill a vampire with vampire blood? He’s giving me information like this so easily? This person lying down here…can easily be you, Father. Sh**...does he think I’m a joke? He is about to walk away.

    Crowd: “WAIT! Look over there!”


    “What the…!!”

    YS looks at the crowd and his eyes turn yellow.

    Crowd: “HE’S…HE’S DISAPPEARING!!!”

    The body of the dead vampire can be seen slowly crumbling away into nothingness.

    Flashback to the time when YS and Father were having a meal together.

    YS: “What should I do with the body, Father.”

    Father: “You don’t have to worry about that.”

    Flashback to the present.

    YS: “Vampires don’t leave behind a trace?”

    Some time later…

    Father: “Good job. He died so easily it’s stupid.”

    YS: “Is there a reason why you have to kill one of your own? Did he make a big mistake?”

    Father: “Well…in the distant past there were other vampires who came to existence from drinking only my blood. But…those vampires made other vampires with their own blood, and then…the number of vampires increased. Too many…to the point where humans became aware of our existence. Those who are not alert will ultimately become the seeds that will expose our identities. So that’s why I need to fix things. “A vampire kills another vampire.” When these kinds of rumors go out, it will make them become more distant from each other. And then they could end up destroying each other, haha! So that’s why – you can’t leave a trace. Even when we leave, we can’t leave behind a single trace.”

    YS: “That phrase…that we can’t leave anything behind…didn’t you say that when we were leaving the Joseon mansion? When I was holding onto your pants you said for sure, that when we leave –”

    Father: “We cannot leave behind a single trace. Was that what I said?”

    YS realizes that Father was indeed the one who had set fire to the mansion.

    YS: “Was it you? The one who set fire to the mansion and killed everyone inside…was it you?”

    Father: “....You already knew.”

    YS’s eyes turn yellow as he remembers what the man he had met in the past told him, about the rumors of the Westerner setting fire to the mansion himself.

    Some time later, YS is sitting by a window and crying.

    YS: …I knew. Even though I knew, did I not wish that were true? If it was true, then I….if that truth was right then I…He has flashbacks of the time the mansion burned.

    A vampire’s blood is poison to another vampire.

    The next day…

    Father: “You’re here first.”

    YS: “I woke up early.”

    Father: “Alright…” He sits down at the table.

    YS: The fragrant black tea that Father drinks every morning. Even its color is red. Even you, Father, are not that alert. For you to tell me how to kill another vampire….
    LostRose17, roseO and twi11i like this.
  18. Keikofleurs

    Keikofleurs Member

    Dec 30, 2022
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    Tysm for your hard work and for giving us all the chapter spoiler!

    This is the first time I write here and I still don't know how to use novel update
    oofitsme likes this.
  19. oofitsme

    oofitsme Well-Known Member

    Oct 14, 2022
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    A fork is thrown at YS’s face. YS is cutting a steak with a fork and knife.

    Father: “Hold the knife properly.” Sips tea.

    YS: mumbles to himself – “Fu**”

    Father: “Curse in English.”

    YS: “...asshole.” What kind of ulterior motive does he have…that he takes me here and there to places, and teaches me how to eat, what to wear, and even how to walk. There’s no opportunity for me to find out anything about the burned-down mansion. If he really is the one who burned down the mansion, then I’ll…

    YS tightens the grip on his knife.

    Father: “Relax your hand.”

    YS looks up.

    Father: “Do you remember what I told you when I brought you here. That I’ll make you useful. Use that hostility somewhere else. I will give you work to do. From now on you’ll be – “

    Flash forward to sometime in the future. A man takes a sip of “wine” from a glass. His eyes turn yellow as he looks at YS, and he screams “YOUUUUUU!!!!” before dropping dead. YS watches him.

    *Continuation of Father’s statement* “a vampire assassinator.”

    YS: “Ha….” What the heck…you can kill a vampire with vampire blood? He’s giving me information like this so easily? This person lying down here…can easily be you, Father. Sh**...does he think I’m a joke? He is about to walk away.

    Crowd: “WAIT! Look over there!”


    “What the…!!”

    YS looks at the crowd and his eyes turn yellow.

    Crowd: “HE’S…HE’S DISAPPEARING!!!”

    The body of the dead vampire can be seen slowly crumbling away into nothingness.

    Flashback to the time when YS and Father were having a meal together.

    YS: “What should I do with the body, Father.”

    Father: “You don’t have to worry about that.”

    Flashback to the present.

    YS: “Vampires don’t leave behind a trace?”

    Some time later…

    Father: “Good job. He died so easily it’s stupid.”

    YS: “Is there a reason why you have to kill one of your own? Did he make a big mistake?”

    Father: “Well…in the distant past there were other vampires who came to existence from drinking only my blood. But…those vampires made other vampires with their own blood, and then…the number of vampires increased. Too many…to the point where humans became aware of our existence. Those who are not alert will ultimately become the seeds that will expose our identities. So that’s why I need to fix things. “A vampire kills another vampire.” When these kinds of rumors go out, it will make them become more distant from each other. And then they could end up destroying each other, haha! So that’s why – you can’t leave a trace. Even when we leave, we can’t leave behind a single trace.”

    YS: “That phrase…that we can’t leave anything behind…didn’t you say that when we were leaving the Joseon mansion? When I was holding onto your pants you said for sure, that when we leave –”

    Father: “We cannot leave behind a single trace. Was that what I said?”

    YS realizes that Father was indeed the one who had set fire to the mansion.

    YS: “Was it you? The one who set fire to the mansion and killed everyone inside…was it you?”

    Father: “....You already knew.”

    YS’s eyes turn yellow as he remembers what the man he had met in the past told him, about the rumors of the Westerner setting fire to the mansion himself.

    Some time later, YS is sitting by a window and crying.

    YS: …I knew. Even though I knew, did I not wish that were true? If it was true, then I….if that truth was right then I…He has flashbacks of the time the mansion burned.

    A vampire’s blood is poison to another vampire.

    The next day…

    Father: “You’re here first.”

    YS: “I woke up early.”

    Father: “Alright…” He sits down at the table.

    YS: The fragrant black tea that Father drinks every morning. Even its color is red. Even you, Father, are not that alert. For you to tell me how to kill another vampire….
    You're welcome! :D

    Father gulps down the tea.

    YS: That’s weird. Last time 3 sips was enough to kill that vampire.

    Father: Puts down the tea cup. ”Today’s black tea is quite strong, YOON SOO.” His eyes turn yellow.

    YS: His eyes turn yellow as well.

    Father: “I granted a beast like you the appearance of a human, but I didn’t know that you would pay me back like this. Should I praise you, or scold you?”

    YS: What’s this? Why is Father…not dying?

    Father teleports behind YS and smacks down YS’s head on the table.

    Father: “Cheeky bastard – did you think I would die from the blood of someone like you?”

    YS: “You’re right…you’re not dying somehow…? Then you should have told me earlier–”

    Father smacks YS’s head down on the table again.

    Father: “What made this hostility that you’ve been holding in so well for all this time, finally explode. Is it perhaps…the burning mansion that we talked about yesterday?”


    Father: “Fun?” Punches YS. “Who do you think you are? I forgot that I killed your mother…that I set fire to the mansion, killed everyone inside – however, all this is already in the past. I only look at the past and present. Looking back at the past, there is no vampire that won’t go crazy over past regrets or the present. (rough tl of this last sentence, may not be accurate)

    Father lets go of YS and he drops to the ground.

    YS: “Oof!”

    Father: Walks away. “How dare you try to kill me…there is no way to kill me. Even I cannot kill myself…."

    The scene cuts to a large ship in the ocean. YS has a flashback of a dialogue he had with Father.

    Father: “The reason why I saved you is because I heard Rose had saved you. There will be a day where you will need to pay back that kindness. However, I cannot keep an ungrateful fool like you by my side. I will send you back to Joseon again, under my watch. So, make sure you live like a corpse without drawing any attention.

    The following scenes cover events that were mentioned in earlier episodes of Olgami, such as him staying over at a “gisaeng” type house (brothel-ish place) and killing the lady who ushered him inside, to him finding Seon, and his surroundings changing to modern-day South Korea.

    YS: Be numb. Be numb. Be numb to the boundless time that I will have to spend here.

    Some time later…

    Grimm: “Are you going to church?”

    YS: “Yeah, do you want to go too? Why don’t you hang out with the kids there? Last time, who was it, Ji-Hye?”

    Grimm: “DON’T TREAT ME LIKE A KID!! Also I don’t think she’ll play with me again?”

    YS: “Why?”

    Grimm: “Apparently I’m scary~? I’m like an old man or something.”

    YS: Chuckles. “I’ll be back~”

    Church: You shall say to all the descendants of Israel. You must be holy, for I, the Lord your God, am holy. You shall not steal. You shall not deceive. You shall not bear contempt for your brothers in your heart. You shall not avenge your fellow people, nor hate them.

    YS: Has a flashback and remembers Seon standing next to him during Mass. In the present, he sees that the seat next to him is empty.

    I became very detached, Father. I am now able to see all events as things that happened in the past. My fluctuating emotions have now calmed, and my feelings of revenge against you, and my feelings of regret of killing my friend have quite paled. But why is it? I still cannot escape this place [the burning mansion]. The fire needs to go out in order for me to shake it off. That fire needs to go out in order for me to escape the past…the wind will not be enough to extinguish the fire. A wave big enough to drown me needs to cover it.

    Chae Ah comes into view as YS looks behind him.

    YS: Huh? This woman, she…. [flashback of the time when CA stabbed her ex bf and YS saw the commotion]. Ah….this is quite fun? He quickly turns his head around.


    Flashback to when CA was in prison.

    Inmate 1: “Hey, isn’t she about to be released?”

    Inmate 2: “Lucky~ some people are out of breath counting the days.”

    Inmate 1: “But if she leaves does she have any family to see?”

    Inmate 2: “Didn’t she not have a single visit?”

    Inmate 1: “Anyway, was it attempted murder?”

    Inmate 2: “If it was me, I would have lost my hand–”

    Inmate 1: “Hey, shut up! Don’t bother her. You haven’t been here long so you wouldn’t know. She’s a freaking crazy bit**--”

    Inmate 2 looks up and sees CA about to smack her face with a pillow.

    CA: I will no longer *SMACK* hold back.

    CA is released from prison.

    CA: Prison time is done. I filled up all my days. Others got bailed or were on parole for exemplary behavior….well, everything has to go my way.

    She arrives in front of a door inside an apartment building.

    CA: So they moved here…She starts biting her nails furiously, then rings the doorbell. She taps her feet as she waits for the door to open. Ha….I came here for no reason–

    The door opens. Grandma recognizes CA and shuts the door.



    CA: “Ugh…I DIDN’T DO IT!! WA, WAIT! I DID DO IT…BUT HOW COULD YOU DO THIS?! DO YOU THINK IGNORING ME WILL BE ENOUGH!!! She pounds on the door with her fist as tears form. How…how do you expect me to live….”

    The door opens again.

    CA: “Sister…?”

    CA’s uncle stares at her with cold eyes.

    Chae Ah, I don’t want anyone around us to know that we have someone in our family who served time for attempted murder. As you know, that can prevent your sister from moving forward in her life. I’ll find a place for you to stay and a job, so I hope that you would live quietly outside.”

    CA steps out of a taxi and looks at the people around her while sipping iced coffee. She noises a group of friends talking and laughing with each other, and a couple looking after their dog. She looks down and kicks an empty can down the sidewalk. She looks up and sees a church in the distance.

    CA sits in the church during Mass.

    CA: Please, let everything burn and die. Nam Hae-Won, my family, and also those who are happier than me – all of them. It’s so annoying. If, I were to take out my heart and look at it, it would probably be in hideous shape. So what! No one will find out anyways. From now on I won’t show off to anyone. Like my feelings…to anyone– Looks up and sees YS turning around to look at her. What the? He looks so FUUUUC**ing annoying!! Do you think life would be so comfortable having cuties (this word may be an inaccurate tl) going in and out of your life? His personality probably oozes of someone who got a lot of love growing up from good parents. He definitely has lived a different life than I have. Is it jealousy….

    Mass has ended. We ask that you get up from your seats.

    CA: Since I can sleep in tomorrow morning (may be an inaccurate tl), I’ll just go home and do the laundry and some cleaning and then after… “UGGH…” slumps forward in the seat. I don’t wanna go home…why is that small place getting dirtier no matter how much I clean it? Seriously…nothing is easy…continues to sit and pray.

    Some time later…CA has a dream about her past with Grandma and her sister ignoring her at the dinner table. CA jolts awake.

    CA: “Geez, it’s night!! Don’t they wake someone who’s sleeping here…”

    CA notices a light.

    Confession…? The light is on at this hour…

    She starts walking out of the building, but stops and turns around to go into the confessional. She sits down and looks around.

    YS (she doesn’t know it’s him inside there): “Did you come?”

    CA: “Uh…ah, yes!”

    YS: “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen”

    CA: “Amen”

    YS: “Please confess your sins.”

    CA: “Ah…” Confessing my sins…where do I begin? Where do I stop? Wait, wait. Why am I even here? I even said that I would never empty out my feelings to anyone, ever!!

    YS: “Please speak comfortably.”

    CA: “....hate people.”

    YS: “What kind of people do you hate?”

    CA: “Just…I hate normal people. I hate it when people look at each and laugh, are intimate, and are overly affectionate with each other. I hate it so much because it looks like they are living in a different world than me. Father, you probably won’t understand me, right? Hating someone who isn’t even involved with me…And earlier I made eye contact with a man in front of me…but he was so annoyingly good-looking, you know?”

    YS: Tries to hold back in his laughter.

    CA: Looks at the figure across the screen.

    YS: Laughs so much to the point where he is crying “Ah…I apologize…I feel very sympathetic, that’s all…!”
    gnyaa, LostRose17 and twi11i like this.
  20. oofitsme

    oofitsme Well-Known Member

    Oct 14, 2022
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    Reading List:
    Flashback to when CA was in prison.

    Inmate 1: “Hey, isn’t she about to be released?”

    Inmate 2: “Lucky~ some people are out of breath counting the days.”

    Inmate 1: “But if she leaves does she have any family to see?”

    Inmate 2: “Didn’t she not have a single visit?”

    Inmate 1: “Anyway, was it attempted murder?”

    Inmate 2: “If it was me, I would have lost my hand–”

    Inmate 1: “Hey, shut up! Don’t bother her. You haven’t been here long so you wouldn’t know. She’s a freaking crazy bit**--”

    Inmate 2 looks up and sees CA about to smack her face with a pillow.

    CA: I will no longer *SMACK* hold back.

    CA is released from prison.

    CA: Prison time is done. I filled up all my days. Others got bailed or were on parole for exemplary behavior….well, everything has to go my way.

    She arrives in front of a door inside an apartment building.

    CA: So they moved here…She starts biting her nails furiously, then rings the doorbell. She taps her feet as she waits for the door to open. Ha….I came here for no reason–

    The door opens. Grandma recognizes CA and shuts the door.



    CA: “Ugh…I DIDN’T DO IT!! WA, WAIT! I DID DO IT…BUT HOW COULD YOU DO THIS?! DO YOU THINK IGNORING ME WILL BE ENOUGH!!! She pounds on the door with her fist as tears form. How…how do you expect me to live….”

    The door opens again.

    CA: “Sister…?”

    CA’s uncle stares at her with cold eyes.

    Chae Ah, I don’t want anyone around us to know that we have someone in our family who served time for attempted murder. As you know, that can prevent your sister from moving forward in her life. I’ll find a place for you to stay and a job, so I hope that you would live quietly outside.”

    CA steps out of a taxi and looks at the people around her while sipping iced coffee. She noises a group of friends talking and laughing with each other, and a couple looking after their dog. She looks down and kicks an empty can down the sidewalk. She looks up and sees a church in the distance.

    CA sits in the church during Mass.

    CA: Please, let everything burn and die. Nam Hae-Won, my family, and also those who are happier than me – all of them. It’s so annoying. If, I were to take out my heart and look at it, it would probably be in hideous shape. So what! No one will find out anyways. From now on I won’t show off to anyone. Like my feelings…to anyone– Looks up and sees YS turning around to look at her. What the? He looks so FUUUUC**ing annoying!! Do you think life would be so comfortable having cuties (this word may be an inaccurate tl) going in and out of your life? His personality probably oozes of someone who got a lot of love growing up from good parents. He definitely has lived a different life than I have. Is it jealousy….

    Mass has ended. We ask that you get up from your seats.

    CA: Since I can sleep in tomorrow morning (may be an inaccurate tl), I’ll just go home and do the laundry and some cleaning and then after… “UGGH…” slumps forward in the seat. I don’t wanna go home…why is that small place getting dirtier no matter how much I clean it? Seriously…nothing is easy…continues to sit and pray.

    Some time later…CA has a dream about her past with Grandma and her sister ignoring her at the dinner table. CA jolts awake.

    CA: “Geez, it’s night!! Don’t they wake someone who’s sleeping here…”

    CA notices a light.

    Confession…? The light is on at this hour…

    She starts walking out of the building, but stops and turns around to go into the confessional. She sits down and looks around.

    YS (she doesn’t know it’s him inside there): “Did you come?”

    CA: “Uh…ah, yes!”

    YS: “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen”

    CA: “Amen”

    YS: “Please confess your sins.”

    CA: “Ah…” Confessing my sins…where do I begin? Where do I stop? Wait, wait. Why am I even here? I even said that I would never empty out my feelings to anyone, ever!!

    YS: “Please speak comfortably.”

    CA: “....hate people.”

    YS: “What kind of people do you hate?”

    CA: “Just…I hate normal people. I hate it when people look at each and laugh, are intimate, and are overly affectionate with each other. I hate it so much because it looks like they are living in a different world than me. Father, you probably won’t understand me, right? Hating someone who isn’t even involved with me…And earlier I made eye contact with a man in front of me…but he was so annoyingly good-looking?”

    YS: Tries to hold back in his laughter.

    CA: Looks at the figure across the screen.

    YS: Laughing so much to the point where he is crying “Ah…I apologize…I feel very sympathetic, that’s all…!”
    I think PYS most likely does know that CA is on the other side of the confessional lol.

    I liked that last part too, I'm sure girls throw themselves at YS but maybe CA was the first one who straight up said that about his looks. Like how handsome does someone have to be in order for you to find them annoying :blobsmilehappyeyes:
    LostRose17 likes this.