Spoiler Olgami (K webtoon)

Discussion in 'Manga Discussion' started by MariL, Nov 18, 2020.

  1. MiraLala

    MiraLala Member

    Apr 20, 2023
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    Gosh..what's wrong with all of them..((
    Maybe Gemino can't teleport because of the wine they drank with YS..cz YS back then couldn't teleport as well..
    oofitsme likes this.
  2. hhh_017

    hhh_017 Well-Known Member

    Jul 1, 2022
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    Wait… I’m confused why Rose stabbed Leo? Now she wanted to save father again???

    btw, I feel like the plot is dragging at this point : /
    oofitsme likes this.
  3. oofitsme

    oofitsme Well-Known Member

    Oct 14, 2022
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    Sorry for the late TL, Internet here is wonky cause of the weather here (fire plus some rain and wind, etc.)

    This episode is still about Father, but it looks like everything about his past is starting to wrap up, hopefully next week we'll get right back into the action.

    Father: Rose, I do not trust anyone. Even if you are my biological daughter...

    Cut to the previous episodes when Father was walking through the forest (when he was a war general). He is walking in the forest alone.

    Father: Am I dead? Ever since I left my subordinates, I haven't had a single drop of water, and I am slowly heading towards death...

    He trudges further and looks up in surprise. An old woman with white hair and yellow eyes, dressed in a dark cloak, is glaring at him.

    Father: Is that...a witch...?

    "...are you someone who lives here? I would like to know the way out of this forest..."

    Woman: "You can't leave. You are already dead, you see."

    Father: "What...?" He starts breathing heavily and collapses to the ground. I'm dead...! Standing at the forefront of the battlefield for all this time, I thought that I was accepting of death...but I'm afraid...!!! I'm afraid of leaving behind the people that followed me...as well as my death being decorated with defeat, but most of all, I'm most afraid of the vast empty darkness ahead in the forest...!

    Father stands and approaches the woman, drawing his blade against her neck.

    Father: "You're a witch! Save me however way you can...! By whatever means necessary, it doesn't matter how...!!"

    Woman: "So it doesn't matter? I think you'll regret it."

    Father: "Only if it means that I get to live."

    Woman: "....Fine, but you'll have to promise me. After I save you, do not ever find me again."

    Father: "...Is that all? I was nervous but turns out it was nothing. Fine, I'll promise you...!"

    The blade slightly cuts the woman's neck.

    Woman: "Haha...then I shall give you my strength."

    Blood drips from her neck but the cut suddenly vanishes.

    Woman: "I am so SICK AND TIRED...!" She reaches towards Father and grabs him, then bites down on his neck.

    Father stands speechless in shock.

    Father: "UGH! Ah, AH...AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" His eyes turn yellow as he falls to the ground on his knees. He looks at his hands, then suddenly looks up and sees the forest ahead of him. He drops his sword on the ground and walks forward.

    Father: My strength is slowly rising. Not only does my blood feel like it's boiling, but I keep feeling thirsty...!

    Pierce: "Commander...?"

    Father looks at him with yellow eyes, then turns away.

    Father: No. I cannot eat these people.

    He continues walking forward and encounters a group of enemy soldiers sitting on the ground, resting.

    "WHO ARE YOU!!"

    "IT'S THE ENEMY!!"


    Some time later, Father stands on top of the ground, now seeped with blood and the bodies of dead soldiers. His mouth is covered with blood

    Father: It's not human strength...! The enemy saw me as a monster and became afraid, and the blood was delicious. What kind of strength is this? What if the enemy has this strength...?

    He runs towards the forest again.

    Pierce: "COMMANDER?!"


    Woman: "So you've come again..."

    Father: "What do you have to gain from giving me this strength?"

    Woman: "Peace."

    Father draws his sword and gets ready to swing it.

    Woman: "Peace...as a human being."

    The woman's head falls to the ground. She looks up at him with menacing eyes.

    Woman: "You...I told you not to come look for me again...! You must think promises are trivial. You mustn't do that...Speaking of my blood. I shall curse the one who has spilled my blood. Gray...your immortality has broken. The perfect immortality that I gave you is now unstable due to your carelessness. Your death will come about with the blood of your kin and a promise."

    I also feel like the plot is dragging too much. I get that Father is a fairly important character. I do wish that the author delved more deeper into his past love life with Diana and why he's so obsessed with experimenting on others. Hopefully next week we can find out whether Geurim has escaped!
    MiraLala and gnyaa like this.
  4. MiraLala

    MiraLala Member

    Apr 20, 2023
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    Thank you for translation <3
    oofitsme likes this.
  5. oofitsme

    oofitsme Well-Known Member

    Oct 14, 2022
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    No episode today guys! Author will upload it tomorrow
    MiraLala likes this.
  6. oofitsme

    oofitsme Well-Known Member

    Oct 14, 2022
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    So this episode is still about Father...and man, what an awful plot twist. Lowkey though I do feel bad for Father...
    Father: I lived immortally for a long time in a battlefield where countless deaths took place. There was no time to look back as I was drunk on the victories of battle but suddenly, I felt distant as I looked at dead soldiers. Am I now completely apart from humans? As I began to have questions about who I was and my agony only grew deeper, age stopped. It stopped completely like a painting.

    Father is now standing some time later, in front a painting.

    Father: Paint that has been mixed with oil…That painting will probably not change with time…The fact that a painting contains the vitality of what is living yet also does not change —

    Diana: “It’s heterogenous…”

    Father turns around and sees a red-haired woman gazing at the painting.

    Diana: “…Why are you looking at me like that?”

    Father: “Ah…” He rests his hand on a small table next to the painting and presses down a little too hard, sending the table tumbling to the ground. A vase with roses begins to topple and fall, and shatters into pieces. He holds the roses that he was able to save from the fall and gives it to Diana.

    Father: “Ah, you seemed to like…roses…”

    Fast forward to some years later, where a much younger Rose is dancing while in the company of both of her parents.

    Father: It’s not the joy of victory, but the joy of being human…The sunlight that doesn’t burn. The sound of laughter that is not intrusive. Like, a warm feeling.

    Father embraces Rose and kisses her forehead.

    Some time later….

    Diana stands with Rose in front of the painting of roses where she first met Father.

    Diana: “What do you think?”

    Rose: “It seems…incomplete.”

    Diana: “Really? How so?”

    Rose: “There’s a lot of white space…”

    Diana: “Pfft! Rose, the thing about paintings…When the artist believes that it is finished, then it is finished. Even when the corners have white space, it could be there if there is a meaning to it, and even when a painting is all black, it can still be incomplete. Life is like that. When someone closes their eyes, they may feel that the moment is pleasant, but there are always those who live their lives incomplete.”

    Rose: “So are they lonely?”

    Diana: … “It’s not lonely, but dying incompletely, was a bit lonely…”

    Some time later…

    Father and Diana sit in their bedroom together during the evening hours. Father is licking the blood off of Diana’s arm. Diana takes out a handkerchief and wipes Father’s mouth.

    Father: “Thank you…”

    Diana: “It’s nothing…”

    Father: “Aren’t you afraid? I am…”

    Diana reaches out and caresses Father’s face.

    Diana: “How lonely you must have been. In this endless incompleteness—“

    Father closes his eyes.

    Father: “You…understand me as if you were someone who has also lived with immortality. If I could, in order to match your breathing, I would have become a human — “ He leans in and kisses Diana.

    Diana begins to think about the conversation she had Rose in front of the painting.

    Rose: “What is mother’s completion?”

    Diana: “My completion? My completion is…”

    waiting for your father to love me wholeheartedly. She opens her eyes during their kiss and looks at him slyly.

    Some time later, Father is sleeping on the bed. Voices can be heard.

    Rose: “Mother..!”

    Father opens his eyes.

    Rose: “Father..!”

    Father turns his head, his eyes yellow, and sees Diana holding onto Rose while standing on top of the balcony fence.

    Diana: “How is it? By now I must be the reason that you live. Rose also be someone you can’t live without.”

    Father: “Diana, what….are you doing? Come down from there at once!”

    Diana: “You can’t recognize me?”

    Father: “What?”

    Diana: “I guess you can’t remember since it’s been so long?”

    Father suddenly remembers the witch that he met a long time ago that turned him into a vampire.

    Father: “YOU…!” WITCH…?!

    Diana looks at him with a maniacal expression.
  7. MiraLala

    MiraLala Member

    Apr 20, 2023
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    Well..I guess the author still hasn't come up with the idea how to finish the story haha T_T that's why we're getting more and more of the Father's story.. I don't have anything against this..but..I do wanna know what is happening right now to YS and CA..
    Elisee and oofitsme like this.
  8. oofitsme

    oofitsme Well-Known Member

    Oct 14, 2022
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    That's what I'm thinking too! At this point if we don't get a happy ending I'll be absolutely bummed out. We all deserve a happy ending, just like all webtoons do

    Father: “You are…the witch from before…? That makes no sense…How? Wait, did you approach me from the start knowing everything…?”

    Diana: “Pfft— How futile would it be? Wandering around alone for so long and finally finding someone who understands you, not knowing that this was all planned yet mistaking it as sincerity…!”

    Father: “It was…a misunderstanding…? Diana, did you really not…not even for a single moment…?”

    Diana falls silent.

    Rose: “Mom…?”

    Diana hugs Rose tightly.

    Diana: “Gray…I have never loved you —“ She falls backward off the balcony while holding her daughter. “—Not even for a single moment…!”

    Father quickly reaches for them both and they fall onto the grass below.

    Father: “Tell me, Diana…this life that you’ve lived as a human…was it all a lie? All the emotions that you felt towards Rose and I…were they all lies?”

    Diana: “Gray…seeing that you are not aging it seems like you have acknowledged the face that you yourself are not human. That’s right…I was a monster made of jealously and love that wanted to be a human and thus imitated one, while drinking human blood. But no matter how jealous or covetous I was, I could not become one. So when I gave up all my strength and gave you my powers to become a human, you dared to behead me! After that, my restless soul became blind with revenge and began to reincarnate within your surroundings…But what now? You want to turn back into a human? Ha…GRAY…YOU ARE SELFISH TILL THE VERY END!”

    She grabs Rose (who is unconscious) by the shoulders and lifts her above the ground.

    Diana: “This is not the life I wanted to live as a human.”

    She holds a knife to Rose’s neck.

    Diana: “Now let my soul be guided towards peaceful rest. Through you who loved me and through Rose’s death—“

    Father: “DIANA…!”

    The knife slightly cuts Rose’s neck, and blood is dripping. Rose slowly wakes up after feeling the pain, and sees her mother.

    Rose: “Mom…?”

    Tears begin to form in Rose’s eyes and Diana looks at her in horror. Her hand holding the knife begins to tremble.

    Diana: “Ah…”

    Father runs towards them.

    Father: “DIANA, STOP…!!”

    Diana turns her head and sees him getting closer to her. She raises her hand in the air as Rose shuts her eyes tightly. Father looks at her in horror. His eyes widen as he sees the sight of blood splattering everywhere.

    Diana: “Ah…what a pity...I could have had my revenge…”

    Diana has stabbed herself in the neck, and tears begin to form in her eyes. She falls to the ground on her knees.

    Diana: “Gray…don’t you dare become a human…! YOU WILL NEVER, BECOME A HUMAN—“ Tears begin to fall from her face and she falls over to her side.

    Father falls silent and looks down.

    Father: “Alright…”

    A large bloodied scar begins to form on his stomach.

    Father: I’ll promise you that I will never become a human.

    Back to the present.

    Rose: “Let’s drink together.”

    Father: “Before that — switch glasses with me.”

    Rose: ...! He’s always cautious til the very end. She switches the wine glasses. “Whatever you'd like.”

    Rose: How well does Father know me? We’ve lived together for hundreds of years. During that time, we’ve shared tastes, emotions, thoughts, and values, even saw the world change before us. Thanks to that, we can guess what the other is feeling to a certain extent.

    Rose glances at Father, who is looking at her expectedly, waiting for her.

    Rose: He is waiting. For me to raise my glass and drink so that it can prove to him that there is no poison.

    She raises the glass to her lips and begins to drink. Father sees and later follows suit and gulps it down.
    roseO, gnyaa and MiraLala like this.
  9. MiraLala

    MiraLala Member

    Apr 20, 2023
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    Thank you for translation <3

    Yeah absolutely agree with you :(
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2023
  10. oofitsme

    oofitsme Well-Known Member

    Oct 14, 2022
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    Sorry guys for the late TL! I wasn't feeling too good today, but I will be starting it right now!
    hhh_017 likes this.
  11. hhh_017

    hhh_017 Well-Known Member

    Jul 1, 2022
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    thanks. hope you feel better. also hope to see YS and CA in today's chapter. i feel like they have gone mia like forever :blobsweat_2:.
    oofitsme likes this.
  12. oofitsme

    oofitsme Well-Known Member

    Oct 14, 2022
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    I feel a bit better, thank you! No YS or CA :(
    FYI it is very sad. We lose a character :blobsad:

    Father drinks the entire glass and sets it down on the table. Blood is dripping from his chin onto his lap.

    Father: “Why…is the blood from my eye not stopping?”

    Rose sets down her glass on the table.

    Rose: “Father. You were my forever. It’s been a hundred years since I was born, and we’ve spent so much time together that I’m sure you won’t think our time was short. We’ve been living together for so long, that the fact that I need to love you…is a funny thing. But I’ve always…couldn’t help but love you. Even so, the whole world may not forgive you, but I have chosen to forgive you. So much so that I’ve turned you into the human that you wanted to be so much —“

    Father looks at Rose in shock. He then looks at the empty glass.

    Father: “There’s no way…? I know the smell of Geurim’s blood. But from this glass…I couldn’t smell it at all? Rose…?”

    Rose sits still and remembers a scene from her childhood, when her mother killed herself.

    Rose: “Mo…ther?”

    It’s the first pool of blood I’ve seen since I was born. The thick smell of blood.

    Rose suddenly runs over to her dead mother and begins to drink the blood seeping from her neck.

    Father: “ROSE!!”

    He sees Rose’s small feet becoming bigger.

    Father: “…it grew…?”

    He quickly grabs Rose and yanks her away from Diana. Rose’s legs are flailing and her mouth is covered with blood. He falls backward onto the ground, still hugging Rose.

    Father: “Rose, why…?”

    Rose: “…the smell…it smelled so strong…! I didn’t do it on purpose!”

    She looks back at Father with yellow eyes and begins to cry.

    Father: Yellow eyes…!

    Rose: “I did it because the smell of the blood was so strong…because of the smell…my body just moved on its own…!”

    Father: Rose is the daughter of the human Diana and myself, a vampire.

    Rose is crying uncontrollably.

    Rose: “Please…! Please do something about the smell…”

    Father: How was I so sure of the fact that Rose was a human? How did I not confirm her to be a vampire?

    Rose is still crying and is now covering her mouth and nose.

    Rose: “Someone…PLEASE ERASE THIS SMELL!!”

    Back to the present.

    Rose: Thanks to me, Father knew about the fact that hybrids existed, and since then he has sought out other hybrids to conduct research.

    Rose: “And because of that, you have never touched my blood, not even once. And so, it was painful. I had to harbor your affection and the guilt I had for the children at the same time.”

    Rose: I don’t have a scent.

    *Flashback to when the younger Geurim had his first taste of blood and was hiding in public, until he came across Rose, who did not smell like blood.*

    Rose: I can make others not smell anything. I can also make the smell disappear. Only I can feed you Geurim’s blood.

    Rose: “Father, haven’t we lived so ridiculously long?”

    Father becomes shocked as he sees Rose’s appearance change into a much older woman, with wrinkles on her face and hands. Her purple hair has changed to a light gray color.

    Rose: “I was so curious, Father. About the face that you would make when I’m dying, whether you really did love me —“

    Father stares in horror at the empty glass that Rose drank.

    Rose: “I thought I would find that out when I saw your expression…ah…what a relief…You really did love me…”

    Tears begin to pour down Father's face.

    Rose: My dulled senses awaken at the face of death. My numbed emotions, and a sudden sense of regret.

    Leo is lying unconscious on the floor, with the fireplace poker still sticking out of his stomach.

    Rose walks over to Leo and drops to the ground beside him.

    Rose: We always live remembering the best moments rather than the terrible days.

    Her face slowly approaches Leo’s.

    Rose: Leo, what kind of memory am I to you? If I wanted to hear a good answer, I’ll probably have to kiss you, right?

    She smiles weakly. She has taken off her heels and sits barefoot. Her feet begin to crumble away into dust. She caresses Leo’s cheek and leans in to kiss him.

    Rose: That’s right…I will…kiss you…

    Leo opens his eyes. His eyes widen as he sees dust flowing in the air. He sits up.

    Leo: “Rose…?”
  13. MiraLala

    MiraLala Member

    Apr 20, 2023
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    Thank you so much! Hope you get well soon <3
    Well, I have no words..only emotions.. I was hoping to see Rose and Leo being together after all this nightmare ends.. :(This is unfair! I feel so bad for Leo :(
    oofitsme likes this.
  14. oofitsme

    oofitsme Well-Known Member

    Oct 14, 2022
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    Father drinks the entire glass and sets it down on the table. Blood is dripping from his chin onto his lap.

    Father: “Why…is the blood from my eye not stopping?”

    Rose sets down her glass on the table.

    Rose: “Father. You were my forever. It’s been a hundred years since I was born, and we’ve spent so much time together that I’m sure you won’t think our time was short. We’ve been living together for so long, that the fact that I need to love you…is a funny thing. But I’ve always…couldn’t help but love you. Even so, the whole world may not forgive you, but I have chosen to forgive you. So much so that I’ve turned you into the human that you wanted to be so much —“

    Father looks at Rose in shock. He then looks at the empty glass.

    Father: “There’s no way…? I know the smell of Geurim’s blood. But from this glass…I couldn’t smell it at all? Rose…?”

    Rose sits still and remembers a scene from her childhood, when her mother killed herself.

    Rose: “Mo…ther?”

    It’s the first pool of blood I’ve seen since I was born. The thick smell of blood.

    Rose suddenly runs over to her dead mother and begins to drink the blood seeping from her neck.

    Father: “ROSE!!”

    He sees Rose’s small feet becoming bigger.

    Father: “…it grew…?”

    He quickly grabs Rose and yanks her away from Diana. Rose’s legs are flailing and her mouth is covered with blood. He falls backward onto the ground, still hugging Rose.

    Father: “Rose, why…?”

    Rose: “…the smell…it smelled so strong…! I didn’t do it on purpose!”

    She looks back at Father with yellow eyes and begins to cry.

    Father: Yellow eyes…!

    Rose: “I did it because the smell of the blood was so strong…because of the smell…my body just moved on its own…!”

    Father: Rose is the daughter of the human Diana and myself, a vampire.

    Rose is crying uncontrollably.

    Rose: “Please…! Please do something about the smell…”

    Father: How was I so sure of the fact that Rose was a human? How did I not confirm her to be a vampire?

    Rose is still crying and is now covering her mouth and nose.

    Rose: “Someone…PLEASE ERASE THIS SMELL!!”

    Back to the present.

    Rose: Thanks to me, Father knew about the fact that hybrids existed, and since then he has sought out other hybrids to conduct research.

    Rose: “And because of that, you have never touched my blood, not even once. And so, it was painful. I had to harbor your affection and the guilt I had for the children at the same time.”

    Rose: I don’t have a scent.

    *Flashback to when the younger Geurim had his first taste of blood and was hiding in public, until he came across Rose, who did not smell like blood.*

    Rose: I can make others not smell anything. I can also make the smell disappear. Only I can feed you Geurim’s blood.

    Rose: “Father, haven’t we lived so ridiculously long?”

    Father becomes shocked as he sees Rose’s appearance change into a much older woman, with wrinkles on her face and hands. Her purple hair has changed to a light gray color.

    Rose: “I was so curious, Father. About the face that you would make when I’m dying, whether you really did love me —“

    Father stares in horror at the empty glass that Rose drank.

    Rose: “I thought I would find that out when I saw your expression…ah…what a relief…You really did love me…”

    Father’s tears begin to pour down his face.

    Rose: My dulled senses awaken at the face of death. My numbed emotions, and a sudden sense of regret.

    Leo is lying unconscious on the floor, with the fireplace poker still sticking out of his stomach.

    Rose walks over to Leo and drops to the ground beside him.

    Rose: We always live remembering the best moments rather than the terrible days.

    Her face slowly approaches Leo’s.

    Rose: Leo, what kind of memory am I to you? If I wanted to hear a good answer, I’ll probably have to kiss you, right?

    She smiles weakly. She has taken off her heels and sits barefoot. Her feet begin to crumble away into dust. She caresses Leo’s cheek and leans in to kiss him.

    Rose: That’s right…I will…kiss you…

    Leo opens his eyes. His eyes widen as he sees dust flowing in the air. He sits up.

    Leo: “Rose…?”
    Thank you :)

    I was shipping them both but damn...this just sank the ship. Father and Leo are gonna be having a very awkward moment together in the next episode (if the author chooses to continue writing about them both). Leo's probably gonna be confused as heck since he may have never seen Father cry before.
    Pathetic Angels and MiraLala like this.
  15. MiraLala

    MiraLala Member

    Apr 20, 2023
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    My heart is broken..
    So Father is human now, right? Is he gonna die? Or maybe Leo will kill him..or maybe he will kill himself.. I feel like we'll be crying so much at the end of this..
    oofitsme likes this.
  16. oofitsme

    oofitsme Well-Known Member

    Oct 14, 2022
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    Yep, I think he's human, but I'm confused as to why he didn't age and die. Or maybe he will die in the next episode? I feel like Leo will probably kill Father now that he's in a very vulnerable state. I honestly didn't expect this webtoon to have this sudden dark twist. I was literally waiting for YS and CA's wedding, but who knows with all these sudden twists and turns in the story
    Elisee and MiraLala like this.
  17. Pathetic Angels

    Pathetic Angels Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2022
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    Nooooo I shipped her with Leo :cry::cry::cry::cry::cry:
    but then again I never expect happy ending for all the characters here because of how dark the story was from the start :cry::cry::cry: but still...

    Is this means that the end of the story is approaching?
    oofitsme and MiraLala like this.
  18. MiraLala

    MiraLala Member

    Apr 20, 2023
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    Argh..I can't with that plot :(
    Hoping for the best, but expecting the worst is literally about this webtoon :\
    oofitsme likes this.
  19. oofitsme

    oofitsme Well-Known Member

    Oct 14, 2022
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    From what I remember, the author said she has decided on an ending but we have some ways to go before we reach the finale. I'm guessing probably about 20-30 more episodes? Hopefully more :)

    Leo: “Rose, where did you…UGH!”

    Leo bends forward and sees that the fireplace poker is still inside his stomach. He breathes heavily and remembers Rose stabbing him with it.

    Why…? Rose… Why on earth did you…?

    His eyes suddenly widen as he sees the empty glass on the table. He remembers Geurim telling him about the abilities of his blood.

    Did Rose want to become a human? But, if Rose drinks Geurim’s blood…

    Leo suddenly notices Rose’s shoes and dress lying in front him and the black dust that still lingered in the air. He looks at his hand, which has a few specks of the it.


    Leo: “It’s not true right? Father…!”

    He sees something running down Father’s face.

    Leo: “FATHER…?”

    Father turns his head to look at Leo, tears flowing down. His heart drops as he realizes the truth.

    I can see Father's face filled with aimless anger. Why? Why is he angry? I don’t want to know. It feels like it is something that I should not know. Everything…has to be a lie…!

    Leo’s vision turns blue and blurry as he looks at Father. Father’s eyes suddenly grow wide.

    Father: “Ah…Rose…?”

    He sees Rose looking at him with a smile. She turns and walks out the door. He suddenly gets up from his chair and runs out of the room.

    Father: “ROSE!! ROSE!!”

    HIs foot kicks one of Rose’s heels out of the way.

    Leo: I wanted it to be a lie. So what Father saw…was false…hope. You got caught up in my hallucination…so the hallucination in which Rose was alive was in fact, a lie—! IT MAKES NO SENSE!!

    Leo teleports to the outside of Rose’s room and opens the door.

    Leo: “ROSE!! Rose are you in here?”

    The room is empty.

    Leo: There’s no way…


    She has got to be somewhere.

    He walks inside the room.

    Just like the old days when we used to play hide-and-seek often…

    He stops in front of Rose’s desk and sees a wrinkled letter written for him, buried beneath piles of paper. He picks it up and reads it. His eyes widen and his brows suddenly furrow in anger.


    He crumples up the letter. He slams his fist on to the table.


    If only I never said those words to Rose…

    He breathes heavily as he tries to regain his composure, and remembers Rose telling him that she was going to save everyone.

    Leo: “What is she saying…”

    He fumbles with the paper.

    “You died so how are you going to save all these people…everyone is going to die by Father’s hands…He’s going to take revenge on everyone on behalf of you…”

    Rose again emerges in his mind, telling him that she was going to save everyone.


    Back to the banquet hall, where chaos ensues.

    Chunks of debris fly past Park Yoon Soo’s face.

    Someone teleports, and a man slams into the wall.

    Crowd: “What, what’s that?”

    “Someone just flew out of nowhere…!”

    “Where did they come from?”

    “Over, over there…they came from over there…?”

    A large hole in the wall is present next to Park Yoon Soo.

    He looks inside there as he breathes heavily.

    YS: “Haha….no wonder, I could smell it…!”

    Inside the massive hole in the wall is Chae Ah, who is curled up in a fetal position with her hands protecting the back of her head and neck. She slowly looks up.

    CA: “Park Yoon Soo…?”

    Finally we get back to our main characters :blobparty::blobparty::blobparty::blobparty::blobparty:

    I'm guessing CA got sick and tired of all the hubbub and decided to do something. She really has super strength here. Now if we can please know what happened to our little boy. Did he make it out alive?
    gnyaa and MiraLala like this.
  20. MiraLala

    MiraLala Member

    Apr 20, 2023
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    Right! Although they showed up at the end of the chapter :') but still they're finally back)
    Thank you for translation <3