Spoiler Olgami (K webtoon)

Discussion in 'Manga Discussion' started by MariL, Nov 18, 2020.

  1. hhh_017

    hhh_017 Well-Known Member

    Jul 1, 2022
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    Wohooo thank you so much for doing this!!!! I’m so excited.
  2. oofitsme

    oofitsme Well-Known Member

    Oct 14, 2022
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    192 took way too long lol. Thanks for waiting! I'll upload the rest as I finish them.

    From CA's POV: The last day we were together, I thought we understood each other completely. But you suddenly disappeared in front of me. For one year, you didn't even ask how I was doing. In order for me to not forget those memories, I began to write down what happened between you and I.


    CA: "You want to change...the main character?"

    Person 1 (I’ll refer to them as Editor): “Yes, the work you suggested has some mixed reviews within the editorial department:

    The realistic and witty portrayal is good, but the character’s charm is a bit lacking.

    I think it would be better if the male lead type was better suited to today’s current needs.

    In a vampire story, usually the vampire takes on an attractive character, but this male protagonist in particular is just so rude.

    Writer, do you happen to have any feelings of pity towards this character?

    Chae Ah flinches in surprise. “What?”

    Editor: “When you describe this Park Yoon Soo character, the expression tends to be one of a negative nature…for example in this section here: “I tricked you, Park Yoon Soo, didn’t I” [reference to when CA stabbed her leg when they were both plotting to get rid of her ex]

    The editor begins to read aloud CA’s memories of that incident.

    “Park Yoon Soo slowly lifted his head to look at Nam Hae Won, then looked at my thighs, which were soaked in blood. His expression was as if, an angry sloth that had his food taken away from him.”

    The editor sits in silence for a few seconds, then continues on.

    “I wonder how long I fell asleep on top of the ocean. I awoke to a cool sensation on my face, and saw in front of me a pile of burned seaweed standing there.”

    The editor pauses for a few seconds, and chuckles nervously.

    “Haha…for him to expressed in such a way like this…is there really a need to be this negative? In addition to all that, Park Yoon Soo is also unsightly, and looks like a moth.”

    CA: Was it really like that?

    Editor: “Anyways, the other parts have good reviews so all I think we need to do here is just change the style of the male character. Oh and! The ending was a little unclear, so what exactly do you have in mind, writer?

    CA: “The ending?”

    Editor: “Yes, the last line of the ending is always important. What happens between the two of you? Is it a happy ending?”

    CA: “Yes, well…I guess so, since she’s free….?”

    Editor: “No, no, not that, did you two….”

    CA: “Ah…” Does she mean if we broke up? “Well…I’m sure they’re doing good?”


    The castle in England.

    A white cat is sleeping on top of a small table. It opens its eyes, and jumps off, walking towards a man with a cane. It rubs its head on the cane and meows.

    A servant suddenly runs towards that cat, and grabs it.

    Servant: “Gotcha!”

    The cat meows.

    Servant: “Nabi, are you going to keep blocking people’s ways? Are you glaring at me?”

    The man walks past them.

    The girl follows after him.

    Servant: “Sir Grey, your guest is waiting at the office.”

    Man: “I thought I told you not to call me that.”

    Servant: “You also told me that you didn’t like me calling you ‘Master.’”

    Man: “That’s because I’m not the master here.”

    Servant: “But this castle is the Grey Castle, and weren’t you the last surviving Grey? And weren’t you given authority as a Grey to make final decisions in this castle?”

    Man: …it seems like everyone’s trying to throw all their problems onto me here.

    Servant: “So anyways, there’s a bunch of documents that you need to look over and make your final decisions on….”

    Man: ….I hate it. I hate it. I hate it!!! I came all the way here just to avoid an uncomfortable and threatening situation, but this place is even more annoying! [the man is revealed to be Gemino]

    Gemino: …ok…just another year of this…one year….

    The girl continues to talk. “We’ll start off with what you want to do about that accident…there was an incident in Birmingham that requires your attention…the vampires in America are requesting a visit from you…


    He sighs deeply.

    “Just bring them to my room.”

    Servant: “Yes sir!” She disappears.

    Gemino: “Ha…..” A guest…I guess someone who I’ll be happy to see in my next life is here? Well, I need this to happen anyway.

    He opens the door. A figure inside the room stands there, drenched with water. He turns his head to look at him; it’s YS.

    YS: “You’re still alive aren’t you? Mudfish —“

    Gemino: “What? You look more like a mudfish. This room was cleaned two hours ago and it’s already been dirtied again by a mudfish that came in here?”

    YS: “Can you not see because of your blurred vision? The window is open, dummy.”

    Gemino shut the window in annoyance.

    YS: “I came here because I heard a blind vampire was looking into the future and ruling this castle, but for it to be you. You know why I’m here, right?”

    Gemino: “….yes. You’re here to find Leo, and Geurim, aren’t you? You looked everywhere for them, and you ultimately decided to approach me for help? But I’m sure we’re not that close enough to be asking for favors from each other. How shameless.”

    YS: “Am I the only one who is shameless here? You acting like you’re the ruler of this castle after Father’s death?”

    Gemino: “Do you want to do it?”

    YS: “NO.”

    Gemino sighs deeply. “Fine, I’ll tell you. In return, you need to be on the run for a bit. As a Grey assassin —“

    YS: “What?”

    Gemino: “You know, don’t you? There’s tension between the Grey faction and the opposing side. Even though there original intent was to fight to obtain Gray’s vacant position, but they’re really pointing fingers at each other who really killed Grey. What they ultimately want is the sacrifice of someone.”

    YS: “You want me to do that?”

    Gemino: “Correct. That might ultimately be what can solve this war between the vampires. Also…what I said isn’t wrong at all, right? The Grey assassin, Han Chae Ah. And her accomplice, Park Yoon Soo. How’s that? Won’t that be better than hunting her down? Wait for one year. When time passes, everything will fade. Their real intent is to fight over the empty position anyway, so they’ll forget about that for sure. When the pursuers get sick and tired of chasing you, and look elsewhere as time passes, that’s when you go look for her.”


    Back to Han Chae Ah and her meeting with the editor.

    Editor: “So did you two break up? Then that won’t be a happy ending…But didn’t you both acknowledge your feelings for one another?”

    CA: “Well, that’s right?”

    Editor: “So, you must like each other at least, isn’t that so?”

    CA’s eyes widen, and she sits stunned.

    Editor: “Umm….writer? You like him, don’t you?”

    CA: “What?”

    A fork from the editor’s side suddenly drops to the ground.

    Editor: “Oh, please excuse me for a second.”

    CA: What was that? That fork just…

    She looks at the space in front of her and sees YS sitting, drinking from a mug behind the editor.

    Her jaws drop to the floor.

    YS begins mouthing a few words: SAY. IT.

    He looks at her, waiting for her response.

    CA jump up from her seat.


    The editor looks up at her. “What?”

    CA shuts her mouth.

    Editor: “Park Yoon Soo?”

    CA: That crazy bastard…

    Editor: “Anyways, please make sure to wrap this up properly. Even though the readers won’t be aware, for the writer it is essential that they pick the correct line. In your last moments when you looked at each other in the eyes and laughed, your recognize that they both like each other, right?”

    CA thinks about what YS said to her just a few seconds ago.

    CA: “At the time….I did?”

    She watches as YS’s smile disappears.

    Editor: “Aw come on~ don’t give me a vague answer like that~ I’m talking whether you guys kissed or something —“

    CA’s face grows incredibly red as she tries to stop the editor from continuing on any further.

    CA: “Ok, I got it. So I pretty much have to fix the ending and yes, why don’t we just get rid of the male lead? He’s not that impressive anyways.”

    Editor: “Oh no~ I didn’t mean it like that. Yoon Soo really is charming~ You really are that indecisive with the male character, aren’t you? We just need you to make him look less like a psychopath, and more in a human way…”

    The fork suddenly falls off the table again.

    Editor: “Geez, why does this fork keep…” She bends down again to pick up the fork.

    CA sees YS behind the editor’s seat again and glares at him.


    YS shrugs his shoulders.

    CA gives him the ultimate death stare. AREN’T YOU GOING TO FUC* OFF!!!!!

    The editor suddenly sits up in her seat. “Ummm….writer?”

    CA tries to regain her composure. Shi*!!

    Editor: “Did you just…curse me…?”

    CA: “NO, TH- THAT’S!”

    Editor: “Is this because I spoke badly amount Yoon Soo? It’s….frankly a little too much…”

    CA: “NONONO!!”

    She sees YS laughing silently behind her.

    CA: What? In a humane way? That friggin psycho over there?!!

    Editor: “Anyways, the reason we are continuing to make these suggestions is because this part was favored the most by the readers so far. The second umbrella scene where the main character fell for Park Yoon Soo.”

    CA: Please stop… “I just realized I dislike him.”

    Editor: “Alright writer, we’ll conclude this meeting here and I’ll email you the details of what we just discussed today.”

    CA simply nods in agreement.

    Editor: “Writer, why don’t we make our way back?”

    CA: “…Yes.”

    Wait. If I leave PD nim like this, then Park Yoon Soo…

    She looks behind the editor and sees that the seat is now empty.

    Huh? What…he’s….gone?


    The elevator dings at the 18th floor.

    Chae Ah looks to her left and right before exiting the elevator.

    Is he not here? Where on earth did that bastard run off to? Is he like this so he can show up suddenly and tease me again?

    She opens the door to her home and looks inside the vast, empty space.

    CA: “Park Yoon Soo…? Hey…come out now. Are you here?”

    She opens all the doors to the rooms inside her house, but is greeted by silence.

    CA frowns. …Again…well this isn’t surprising. What am I even depending on him for? From the beginning to the end, he’s always been like this.

    She hops in the shower and begins to wash up.

    What? Say it? What a joke!!!! Does he still think that I like him, or what? FUC*FUCK*FUCK*!!!

    I even opened up my feelings to him…

    She steps out of the shower and puts a robe on, then walks out into her room. She hears the sound of papers shuffling and looks to her right. She sees YS on the couch, wearing a robe, reading something.

    YS: “Are you done showering?”

    CA: “You, you…when were you…!”

    YS: “This ‘novel’ is quite fun? You were talking about me like that earlier, and it was because of this?”


    YS: “But, Han Chae Ah. Is this really our story?”

    Her begins to turn red.

    YS: “For this to be our story, the level of steaminess is quite low?” He looks back at her with yellow eyes.

    CA starts to shake with anger as her face gets incredibly red.

    “You….You’d better…..give that….. HEEYYYYY!!!”

    CA runs towards him and tries to snatch the papers away.


    He suddenly disappears and reappears behind her.

    YS: “You really did write things as they happened. But aren’t you a little mean towards me?”

    CA turns her head. “How, how far along did you read?!”

    YS: “Hmmm~ the second umbrella scene where you kissed me?”

    CA gets red again. “AISSH, I DIDN’T PUT THAT PART IN???”

    YS laughs out loud. “Did you really miss me that much? To the point where you wrote a novel about me — “

    CA climbs on top of the sofa to punch him in the face. The papers scatter in the air.

    CA: “You were such a jerk that I actually wanted to cuss you out! I wanted to talk about you as much as I could so I could make money off of it, so what!”

    YS looks at her with yellow eyes. “You were upset.”

    CA’s eyes widen.

    YS: “Did you wait long?”

    CA: “Think whatever you want—“

    YS: “I, MISSED YOU. You know that too. That I will never leave you. For all this time I’ve only ever thought about reaching out to you…”

    He takes off the towel around her neck and it falls to the ground.

    CA mutters to him, “Son of a bitc*” as they both kiss each other. YS begins to take off her robe when suddenly, CA’s phone rings. She looks behind her but he yanks her head back towards him. She tries to say something but his kisses block out her words.

    YS opens his eyes and they turn yellow at the sight of a name that appears on the screen: Kim Sun Woo. He breaks away from the kiss and walks to her phone, and picks it up. “….Who is…Kim Sun Woo?”

    CA: “Ah, it’s nobody. So just put it down!”

    YS mutters to himself. “If he’s no one then why is he calling….?”

    He looks up at her and asks, “You don’t talk to just anyone though.” He tosses the phone to her.
    CA: “Well, that’s…”

    YS: “Answer it. I won’t bother.”

    She looks at him and her phone, which is still ringing. She answers it. “….Hello?”

    SW: “Ah, Miss Chae Ah! I called since you didn’t respond to my message. You must be quite busy.”

    CA: “Ah~ yes~ Someone was bothering me.”

    SW: “I just wanted to ask you about tomorrow’s plans for dinner. Something urgent came up and I was wondering if we could move it to 7 instead?”

    CA: “Oh, if you’re busy tomorrow then we don’t have to meet up —“

    YS comes up next to her and says, “Why not? Just see him. I think it’ll be fun?”

    CA turns and looks at him. “Hey, why are you—“

    But, what’s this? Why’s he getting all mad?

    She looks at him staring back at her with yellow eyes, stroking her hair.

    It’s not like we’re anything— so taking that into account, who is he to be getting mad?!

    SW: “Ah, it’s not that I’m really busy~ Instead I’ll buy you something really delicious. Is there something that you really like?”

    CA: “Ah, well…as long as it’s not steak then it’ll be fine with me. I’ve eaten steak so much because of someone that I’m sick of it~”

    SW: “Ah, is that so? I’ll keep that in mind.”

    CA: “Yes~ I’ll see you tomorrow then, Sun Woo-sshi.”

    She hangs up the call.

    They both look at each other, arms crossed, in silence.

    YS: “You write about me but meet another man? You were living quite the busy life, weren’t you?”

    CA: “You really thought I was going to wait for you for one whole year? There’s plenty of other men to meet besides you~”

    YS: “Ha— “ He moves to stand in front of her and holds her waist, caressing it slowly. “Let’s have fun then. Though I don’t know if it will be like that.”

    He walks away from her and disappears.

    CA: What?

    The dinner date has finally arrived. The restaurant is bustling with activity. Someone can be seen slicing a steak.


    “Chae Ah-sshi.”

    She snaps back to reality. “Ah, yes…!”

    SW: “What would you like for dessert?”
    CA: “Ah…! Please give me a cup of coffee.”

    Waiter: “Yes, got it.”

    CA: Park Yoon Soo, didn’t even come? Last night he definitely made it sound like he was going to be here…He acted like he didn’t care but it seemed like he was going to do something —

    SW: “…Chae Ah-sshi? What are you in such deep thought about? Haha.”

    CA: “Ah…I’m sorry…I didn’t sleep so well last night…”

    SW: “Oh no…How did that happen…”

    CA: I was up all night wondering how Park Yoon Soo was going to mess up this dinner.

    She yawns. I want to go home…If Park Yoon Soo interfered and took me home, that would be nice…although the aftermath would be a bit of a pain….But it’s really strange. The so-so everyday life I was living just until yesterday…became boring.

    Some time later, the pair are making their way out of the restaurant.

    SW: “Oh. Didn’t you say you were writing a book? How is that going?”
    CA: “Ah…! I was going to call it quits on that.”

    SW: “Oh no, why?”

    CA: “That book...” Was a book that I wrote to bring Park Yoon Soo out into the open. If I wrote a book about him, he would be so embarrassed that he would have no choice but to reveal himself to me.

    She thinks about what he said to her last night: “Did you perhaps…miss me?” “….You waited.”

    That’s right....as one year passed, the feelings of resentment, trust, and the anger of the longing that burned so brightly, left a scorching hole. Ultimately, even though we went through so much together, we just became strangers with good memories together. We became complete strangers that had no reason to find each other — after that, I became so accustomed to living a normal life, was there really a reason to seek out Park Yoon Soo again? Why?

    She walks past Park Yoon Soo sitting at a table. She looks at back and they both make eye contact. He smiles at her, a little dangerously.

    YS: So, what was it like living a normal life without me? Be honest. Wasn’t it boring? Did you think of me after trying so hard to get by? But look at your expression.

    His eyes begin to turn yellow.

    You look like I just read your mind. Just come here. Keep playing with me —

    CA stumbles as she is walking and SW grabs her hand to steady her.
    SW: “Are you alright?”

    CA: “Ah, yes…”

    SW: “You don’t seem to be feeling well so I will be taking you home.”

    CA: “Oh, no…I also…”

    She turns around to where YS was last sitting, and see a half-full glass of wine on the table, and an empty seat.

    “Brought…my car with me…”

    CA: He’s not here again…

    She lets out a sigh.

    He seriously couldn’t wait? Why is he always so conflicted?


    Chae Ah is in her car, driving home.

    CA: If he’s going to end up leaving why did he even bother showing up? Is her perhaps thinking that things are going well with me and that person? Is he that stupid? No, for him to disappear for one year straight and suddenly show up without telling me anything,

    “Who does he think he is to follow me around on a date? He’s not even my boyfriend!”

    The more I think about it, the more he pisses me off. What on earth is he plotting?

    That, crazy psychopath pervert bastard….”

    YS: “Did you call for me?”

    CA: “Ehh?”

    She looks in her rearview mirror and sees YS sitting behind her. The car screeches to a stop. “ACCCKKKK”

    YS laughs out loud.


    YS reaches out with his hand and turns her head to face forward. His eyes turn yellow as he leans forward to tell her, “You should drive.”

    The car accelerates forward.

    YS: “Was your date fun? The atmosphere seemed nice.”

    CA: “Ahh~ so you saw? Did you see how good his manners were?”

    His eyes quickly lose their yellow color as he rolls his eyes.

    YS: “Well?”

    CA: “Well~? He’s polite, doesn’t shock me like SOMEONE does, doesn’t do anything crazy — you saw right? When I tripped earlier he held my hand too.”

    YS grabs her hand. “I also hold your hand.”

    CA: “NOT NOW!!! Anyways you —“

    YS: “Now it’s my turn.”

    CA turns around. “What?”

    YS’s eyes turn yellow again. “Let’s stop this. Stop talking about that person.”

    CA stops the car at a curb.

    YS puts his arm around her seat and tells her: “Don’t you find it amazing how I was able to control myself during your date?”

    CA: “WHAT?”

    YS: “It’s my turn now, right?”

    CA: “Ha….this is ridiculous.. You came back even more crazy, didn’t you?”

    YS: “Haha….Han Chae Ah, I came back to take you with me.”

    CA: “….What?”

    YS: “Let’s leave with me. To find Geurim!”

    All done! Enjoy :)
  3. LostRose17

    LostRose17 Well-Known Member

    Sep 9, 2019
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    Lol. They never change. I expect Yoonsoo was dealing with any enemies that might come after Chaeah and Geurim later on that's why he ghosted Chaeah
    Elisee and oofitsme like this.
  4. rannnchan

    rannnchan Active Member

    Jul 10, 2022
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    Woww TYSM:love:
    oofitsme likes this.
  5. NotMeeelissa

    NotMeeelissa Well-Known Member

    Apr 25, 2023
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    I love you so much this is a lifesaver I am very very thankful for this and this is a very amazing piece of text that touches my heart badump badump and everything I love you I really appreciate this I really love this I really enjoy this I really thankful for this I really admire this I Will remember this forever I will dream about this I will tatoo this in my brain I will eat this I will dream and speak this forever and ever and ever and ever I love you:):):):):oops::oops::oops::oops::giggle:(y)(y)(y)(y)(y)(y)(y)(y)(y):sleep::X3::X3::X3::X3::X3:;););):):):)
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2024
    oofitsme likes this.
  6. heheimevil

    heheimevil Member

    Mar 26, 2024
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  7. oofitsme

    oofitsme Well-Known Member

    Oct 14, 2022
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    I wished that they would both have a good start to the epilogue but I was bummed out that they reverted back to their old ways. I like the witty wordplay but ngl I think literally EVERYONE wanted to see some more couple-y type scenes.

    Yup there's more! I'm hoping the author is going to at least make this a 30+ chapter epilogue.
  8. _devourer_of_books_

    _devourer_of_books_ Active Member

    Nov 28, 2022
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    Firstly, as usual, thank you very much for the translations, I know you work hard to get them here as soon as possible and I hope you know we really appreciate it.

    I’m so excited for the side stories still to come, hopefully you’ll be right and we’ll get to have 30+ but even if we don’t I can’t say I’m disappointed with what we got so far. I’m probably one of the few people that had actually been hoping for a similar scenario in which we would get a time skip after the last chapter before they got together in the side stories though the no contact thing totally got me by surprise. I guess we’ll see more of that in future chapters, but I’m glad we got an overall ‘fresh start’. It’s very satisfying to see ChaeAh be the one to take a step to reach out. Like she doesn’t actually, because YoonSoo comes to see her before the book even came out, but I think her epiphany in chapter 195 is such a big development for her character: she wrote the book in hopes YoonSoo would come see her, even though she already has everything she thought she wanted: a normal dignified life free from vampires. A manifestation of the fact that she’s truly choosing him. It’s something we never quite got to see in the main story because of the constant danger she was in and their power imbalance. I also just think it’s very sweet even if she bad mouthed him haha

    I’m a fan of ChaeAh being a creative soul (her drawings always made me laugh) and it’s also nice payoff from that one scene where ChaeAh got praised for her writing in school, I did wonder what she might have ended up chosing as a career path had her life not been hijacked by poverty. Surely not an illustrator haha

    I can’t wait for more chapters to come out!
    oofitsme and rannnchan like this.
  9. oofitsme

    oofitsme Well-Known Member

    Oct 14, 2022
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    Just got off work guys, gonna head home, eat something and get started on the TL. Heads up though, there is a MAJOR plot twist happening. And I don't like it

    CA: "That's right, Geurim!! Now that I think about it he was really hurt back then. Is he okay now?"

    YS: “Ah~you didn’t even ask me once if I was okay.”

    CA: “What, you seemed like you were totally fine —“

    YS gets closer to her so that her arms are around his neck. His eyes turn yellow as he gazes at her.

    CA: “Uh, what? Hey!!”

    He grabs her so that he is sitting in the driver’s seat while she is in his lap.

    YS: “I was really hurt, should I show you?”

    CA: “No, that’s fine! What do you mean you got hurt….what were you doing all this time?”

    YS: “Are you worried?”

    CA: “Would I be?”

    YS: “You’re going to find Geurim with me, right?”

    CA sits in silence and looks at YS.

    YS: “Geurim is really injured. He said he really misses you.”

    CA: “Yeesh, it’s lies every time you open your mouth!!!”

    She looks at him warily.

    CA: Me and Park Yoon Soo again…? But, what if he leaves without telling me? Then I’ll also…

    He leans in towards her.

    YS: “Again, don’t swallow your words.”

    CA: “Are you going to tell the truth?”

    YS: “I’ll do that.”

    CA: “Why did you disappear for a whole year? You didn’t even contact me. I waited for you all along…But for you to suddenly turn up and ask me to leave with you to find Geurim…did you by any chance, come and find me just because of Geurim?”

    He sits silently and looks at her.

    CA: “What, why aren’t you saying anything? Are you for real? SO, IF IT WASN’T FOR GEURIM WOULD YOU HAVE NEVER COME BACK FOR ME?”

    YS sits up straight, silent once again. CA looks at him wide-eyed.

    CA: “What….you really…”

    She bits her lip as her ears turn red.

    CA: He really didn’t plan on coming back?


    Her eyes well up with tears as she angrily looks at him.

    CA: “WHY WEREN’T YOU GOING TO COME BACK? YOU REALLY ARE SUCH A JERK, YOU KNOW THAT? You fu**! I didn’t like a guy like you…maybe waiting for you was….

    YS: Ah — it’s been a while, seeing that face. It’s thrilling. His eyes turn yellow as he looks at her crying face, with a slight smile.

    She’s crying because of me. Should I enjoy this a little more?

    YS: “If you cry a little more I’ll tell you.” He leans forward and grabs her chin.


    YS: Ah…I can’t control myself anymore…

    He kisses her, and suddenly presses his palm against the car window.

    YS: “Ha….Han Chae Ah…! You can’t….DO THIS!!”

    He pushes her face away from him.

    YS: “Spit it out.”

    CA spits out his blood onto his palm.

    YS: “You can’t just eat my blood.”

    CA: “Just tell me —“

    YS: “Your impulsiveness is the same as ever, isn’t it?

    CA: “You’re also a pervert like always!”

    YS: Wow, her temper….

    He sighs as he gets ready to speak.

    YS: “Han Chae Ah…we killed Father. You killed the center of our world. Do you really think that was all?”

    CA: “…What?”

    YS: “Right now”

    A large truck heads towards the car at a high rate of speed.

    YS: “Do you really think you’re safe?”

    The truck makes impact with her car, and it flips in the air.


    Geurim: Leo….Are we….going to live? Say goodbye….! Park Yoon Soo! This time, I’ll come find you!

    Geurim is in a hospital bed, his hair much longer than it normally was. He opens his eyes and sees a male figure sitting in front of him.

    “Fa….ther? You’re less handsome….”

    Leo: “WHAT~~DID YOU SAY~~”

    Geurim’s eyes widen as Leo comes into focus.


    Ahhh....just when we think it's going to be a happy family, someone gets hurt again. I hope those two will be alright. 100% that accident was definitely intentional, and I wouldn't be surprised if someone was keeping tabs on our girl.
  10. koalatime

    koalatime Member

    Apr 2, 2024
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    Made an account just to say thank you so much for always posting translations!!!! You are truly an angel on earth.

    I'm dumb but I'm wondering why he's mad she tried to drink his blood? Would she become a vampire again if she went through with it?
    oofitsme, Elisee and rannnchan like this.
  11. oofitsme

    oofitsme Well-Known Member

    Oct 14, 2022
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    Thank you! Sorry for the late reply :blob_grin:
    That would be the most likely reason why he made her spit out his blood (onto his bare palm too). He knows she despises being a vampire, but honestly I would not be surprised if the epilogue ended with her becoming a vampire again -- and this time just accepting that fact and living the rest of her life with him, hopefully happily!
    koalatime likes this.
  12. oofitsme

    oofitsme Well-Known Member

    Oct 14, 2022
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    Hey guys, just got home from work! Will be getting to work on the TL immediately.

    No Chae Ah/Yoon Soo for this episode. Only Leo and Geurim.

    Geurim: “Leo? Where is this place…”

    He recognizes where he is instantly and clutches the bedsheets.

    Geurim: “What….why are we…still at the castle?”

    Leo: “What bullsh** are you spewing out now? Hurry and get up. Did you forget that promise I made with Rose?”

    Geurim: “Rose…?”

    Leo: “That’s right — she’s waiting outside. SO HURRY UP AND LET’S GO — “

    His hand reaches out towards Geurim.

    Geurim sits in silence as he observes him.

    Geurim: “Leo….you seem…a little older — “

    Leo: “Oh, do I?”

    Geurim: “Yeah. Your hands are pretty wrinkly. Your sunken eyes make you seem like a human — Oh?”

    Geurim suddenly freezes as his eyes turn yellow. He feels his vision fading into blackness.

    This is a dream…! The fact that Rose is alive and that I’m still in the castle, and that Leo’s arm is totally fine —

    Flashback to the moments right before Leo and Geurim teleported away from a very angry Father:

    Geurim grabs Leo’s arm. “Let’s go!”

    Father lunges towards them, a moment too late.

    Leo and Geurim reappear in the middle of a field. Leo pants heavily and looks up.

    I did it! We made it out of the castle.

    He reaches inside his jacket pocket and takes out a pouch of blood, which he throws next to Geurim, who is lying on the ground.

    Leo: “This is animal blood that I took from Rose’s room. Drink that and run away from here.”

    Geurim: “What? Then you’ll — what’s wrong with your arm since earlier?”

    Leo: “Wow, you’re so quick to notice~ This is from that time you stabbed me in the guts. The wound rotted and that’s why I’m like this, you bastard!”

    Geurim: “Well, that….”

    Leo: “….never mind. There’s nothing you can do. I’ve made too many promises in my lifetime and it was only a matter of time before I ended up dying.”

    Geurim: So that’s what it was. A promise. If you break a promise, you die. A vampire, that is….

    He sits up and puts his face in his hands as he contemplates the situation at hand.

    Geurim: I know now. There’s not that much blood left in my body. That’s right….

    He reaches for the blood pouch.

    This is definitely a dangerous thought. It will never be a normal accident —

    He gulps down the entire pouch and tosses the empty piece of plastic onto the ground. He walks towards Leo and holds out his arm.

    “Drink it.”

    Leo sits wide-eyed, stunned.

    Geurim: “If you become human, you won’t die even if you break a promise. Drink my blood and become human. Hurry up! Or what, do you want to die?”

    Leo freezes at the question.

    Leo: “What? Well that’s…”

    Do I want to die? Did I really think of that? What kind of resolution did I have in my mind walking out of that room? With what intentions did I burn the letter? I just…the strands of hair that tickled my face. A weak voice that hesitates. That was you, right? That was you, wasn’t it, Rose?

    Leo’s eyes well up with tears, and they fall down his face.

    Leo: “I miss you.”

    Geurim: “No matter what happens, you have to live for now. Hurry up.”

    Leo hesitates for a moment, and takes his hand. He drinks his blood.

    Geurim loses consciousness and faints.

    Some time later.

    Geurim: “Hukkk!”

    He jolts awake from his sleep in another bed.

    Where am I? Is this another dream again?! Ah, it’s not the castle. So what is this place…?

    He turns his head to his right and sees that he is inside a small wooden cabin. One of the windows are wide open. He gets up from his bed and walks towards the door. He opens it and flinches briefly from the bright light. As his eyes adjust to the brightness, he sees Leo sitting on the grass not far from him. The light breeze makes the right sleeve of Leo’s shirt flutter in the wind.
  13. heheimevil

    heheimevil Member

    Mar 26, 2024
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    thank you for the translation. honestly, i think everyone is here for the romance or as u said more couple-y things between Chaeah and yunsu but we're not quite getting that and then this chapter like we wait for a whole week and get a chapter without them is just unfair, no hate to the writer of course, and why is webtoon not translating it !!!???
    oofitsme likes this.
  14. rannnchan

    rannnchan Active Member

    Jul 10, 2022
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    Halooo, i'm waiting spoilers here :giggle: :love:
    oofitsme likes this.
  15. oofitsme

    oofitsme Well-Known Member

    Oct 14, 2022
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    Hey everyone! I have a long work shift today so I won't be able to get to the TL until like....maybe 8-9 hours later. Totally depends on if I get to leave work on time or not.

    And just to save you guys some time, this week's episode is mainly about Leo and Geurim again, with a few scenes towards the end about our couple (nothing too out of the ordinary).

    Geurim: “Leo?”

    Leo turns around. “Well look who’s finally awake? Little one — “

    Geurim: “You!…” He begins to walk towards Leo but stumbles and braces himself against a nearby tree.

    Leo: “Oh no~ look at the way you’re walking. Did you forget how to walk while you were asleep for more than a year?”

    Geurim: “What?…I was asleep…for one year?”

    Leo: “That’s right. When you gave me your blood and fainted, I found a place where no one could find us and waited like this for you to wake up — “

    Leo’s words echo in Geurim’s head. He walks over and sits down next to Leo.

    Geurim: “So does that mean you looked after me for the whole year?”

    Leo playfully slaps his back hard. “Wow~~~ now you’re understanding everything?! Don’t you see my face? Because I was taking care of you, there’s wrinkles all over, you little idiot! How are you going to take responsibility for this? By taking care of me when I get old — “

    Geurim punches Leo in the face. “What a load of bullsh**.”

    Leo: “It hurts…”

    Geurim turns to look at him, and sees that he has a nosebleed.

    Leo: “If I get hit I get injured as bad as the punch was…”

    Geurim: “Ah, that’s right. You’re a human now? You should have told me so earlier!”

    Leo: “WHEN??? Before I got hit??”

    Geurim: “Well use this to stop the bleeding at least!”

    Leo: “It’s grass!”

    Some time later:

    Leo: “Ha~~ and violence what I get in return for looking after a sick patient for a year.”

    Geurim: “I’m..I’m sorry. But, what happened after this? The castle? What about Father?”

    Leo: “I don’t know — I don’t really have much news of what’s going on outside.”

    Geurim: “Nothing? Then what about Rose — “

    His eyes turn yellow. Ah. I made a mistake without realizing. Father said that for sure. Rose is —

    Leo: “She’s dead.”

    The two sit in silence for a brief moment.

    Geurim: “Oh, sorry. It’s been a while…”

    Leo: “I’m fine now. A year has passed already anyways.”

    Geurim looks at Leo, who’s smiling. “Are you really…okay?”

    Leo: “Of course~” He falls back onto the grass. “Honestly, does it even make sense for a handsome man like me to trip up over one woman? I’m sexier now cause I’m older~

    Geurim sighs. I guess he really is doing fine.

    Leo: “Ah — apparently she said I looked a lot like Father…am I looking more like him now? I want to ask her that…but now…I can’t even ask her that…”

    Geurim looks at him and turns his head away. Did I do good? Running away after a sacrifice — Will our decision of offering up someone as a sacrifice the best that we could do?

    Geurim: “Father…is probably dead, right?”

    Leo: “Probably?”

    Geurim: “So doesn’t that mean we can leave now?”

    Leo: “Why?”

    Geurim: “Park Yoon Soo. I need to find him.”

    Leo: “What? How are you going to do that?”

    Geurim: “I know how. Getting in touch with Han Chae Ah —“

    Back to the car accident scene. Chae Ah’s car flips into the air.

    Chae Ah suddenly finds herself outside of the burning car, in Yoon Son’s arms. He’s holding onto her while running away from the burning wreck.

    CA: “What?” She looks over her shoulder and her eyes widen as she takes in the sight of her car, which is a total wreck. “MY CAR!!!! THAT FUC**** PIECE OF SH**”

    YS: “Calm down! You can just buy another one anyway!”

    CA: “Who are those bastards! Did you bring them here? Was this the price I had to pay for killing Father?”

    YS: “Well…that wasn’t the event I had prepared.”

    She grabs hold of his collar and seethes with rage.


    YS: “Let’s go.” He holds her tight in his arms as he begins to sprint.


    YS: “I made a promise with someone, you see. Now it’s time for me to get my reward.”

    He disappears into thin air.

    A loud thud is heard.


    “What is this…”

    “Hey! MOVE!”

    “Stay still…”


    “You both…”

    “Ha….you really…”

    “You annoying idiots!!”

    An annoyed Gemino glares at YS and CA, who have teleported onto his bed.
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2024
  16. rannnchan

    rannnchan Active Member

    Jul 10, 2022
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    Thanks for spoilers :love::love:
    oofitsme likes this.
  17. oofitsme

    oofitsme Well-Known Member

    Oct 14, 2022
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    I'll post a quick spoiler here in the meantime:
    Leo and Geurim are talking together outside the cabin. Turns out, Geurim has been asleep for over a year since he gave his blood to Leo to drink (which means Leo is now a human). They talk for a bit about Rose, whom Leo still seems to have a longing for, even past her death. Geurim mentions that he is going to find YS by contacting CA.

    Back to our couple --> YS holds CA in his arms as he teleports out of her car at the last second. Her car is up in flames and she spews out a bunch of curses. She asks if this was the doing of Father's henchmen. YS
    You're welcome!

    Full TL is now up. Thanks for waiting!
  18. oofitsme

    oofitsme Well-Known Member

    Oct 14, 2022
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    The plot just keeps getting better and better...honestly when is she gonna say yes?

    YS: “What did you say?”

    CA: “Why is that guy here?”

    Gemino looks at her in horror.


    Gemino: “AREN’T YOU GOING TO HURRY UP AND GET OUT OF HERE — ?!” He kicks them both off his bed.

    YS and CA both tumble to the ground.

    CA: “Park Yoon Soo, where did you take me to just now? And this little bastard right here — is actually alive, huh?”

    Gemino: “Ahah~ yeah yeah, nice to meet you? But how come you two say the exact same things when you see me? Did Park Yoon Son’s personality rub off on you?”

    YS: “Her personality was always this bad.”

    CA: “HEY!!”

    Gemino: “Ha….looks like I’ll have to wash my blankets…Every time you come here this place gets dirty! You’re honestly doing this on purpose, aren’t you?”

    Yoon Soo gets up and dusts off his pants.

    YS: “Let’s pause our greetings here for now —“ I didn’t meet anyone and kept my silence while being pursued for a whole year. “Now give me information about Geurim. After all, you should keep your promises too, right?”

    Gemino: That’s right. Since I kicked him out under the guise of being an assassin, all of the small, chaotic disputes inside and outside the castle started to disappear slowly. “Sure, as a gesture of thanks I should keep my promise. Han Chae Ah, you brought your phone, right?”

    CA: “Huh?” She reaches inside her pockets. “Yeah.”

    Gemino: “In the evening you’ll receive contact from Geurim.”

    CA: “What? Geurim doesn’t know that I changed my number…”

    Gemino: “There’s always a way though, isn’t there? Think carefully. The messenger site that you both used in the past — “

    Cut to a PC bang (room).

    Leo: “OWW!!”

    Geurim: “Did you die again? Stop dying. I might lose this game because of you.”

    Leo: “But why is this game so difficult? Are you sure I can play this with one hand?”

    Gemino: “I told you you couldn’t~ but you wanted to try.”


    Gemino: “Your father really was someone worth cussing out though.:

    Leo: This bastard really just — !! “Hey. How old are you. I bet you aren’t even thirty.”

    Gemino: “Well? I’m sure I’m more older than you? I turned thirty a long time ago.”

    Leo puts his around around Gemino as he starts trembling with anger.

    Leo: “You don’t seem to know for sure either so let’s just take it at face value.:

    Geurim: “What the hell are you saying?!”

    Leo: “Call me Hyung.”

    Geurim: “Why should I! No!”

    Leo: “Then stop making me get mad.”

    Geurim: “Why don’t you play games better then!”

    Leo: Oww, this is so childish!!! Why do I keep getting mad when I’m around this kid? I’m turning into a kid myself! Even though I rescued him because Rose told me to, at this point I think I’ve done all I could, no? I should hurry up and send him to Park Yoon Soo…!

    Some time later….

    Leo: “Are you sure you sent it correctly to Han Chae Ah?”

    Geurim: “Yes.”

    Leo: “How come you still haven’t gotten a response yet even after playing several rounds?”

    Geurim: “I don’t know…she should have checked it by now…” Did I get the ID wrong? No….it’s the same ID from back then…she shouldn’t have forgotten about it —

    Cut to CA and YS.

    CA sits in a chair tapping away at her phone. YS watches her from across the table in silence.

    CA: “It’s supposed to be here by evening, but when exactly is it coming? That bastard Gemino, did he mess up? He betrayed me last time too — “

    YS: “Han Chae Ah.”

    She looks up from her phone.

    YS: “You’re going to go with me, right?”

    CA: “To where? To find Geurim?”

    YS: “Wherever.”

    CA: “What do you mean wherever…for how long?”

    He leans forward.

    YS: “Until, you die.”

    CA: “What~?! What are you saying now? Every time you open your mouth—“

    YS: “Ah…would this be what humans call, a proposal?”

    CA: What….

    She stares at him in shock and her phone accidentally drops next to her.


    The sound of her phone buzzing interrupts the two. She grabs it quickly to check the screen.

    CA: Whew, what a relief. It almost got awkward after what Park Yoon Soo said…Huh?

    CA: “Hey, this is…!”

    YS stares at her quizzically.

    CA shows her phone to him. “It’s here! Geurim’s message —“

    The phone shows an alert from CAFE Vampire (this alludes to the earlier episodes where CA finds a message forum when she first discovers that YS is a vampire and does that “ketchup” initiation creed and sends it to the moderator, who was actually Geurim).

    Spoiler is up!

    In the future there is no need to make posts containing phrases like "Any spoilers?" or "Spoilers pls". Chances are I am already working on spoilers or am at work/school. Every Monday, spoilers are my first priority so I won't be forgetting to upload them!

    I no longer get email notifications every time someone makes a post or replies to, or likes my posts.

    Spoilers will always be uploaded by end of day Monday PST unless something happens to me or there is a power outage in the area (which may happen here in the summertime), in that case I will give everyone a heads up the day before or as soon as possible when to expect spoilers to be updated.
  19. _devourer_of_books_

    _devourer_of_books_ Active Member

    Nov 28, 2022
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    Park YoonSoo and Mr. Darcy battling out here for who has the worst timing and proposal in fiction hm ksbsksjssksksk Very on brand for him tho, I respect it

    I’m so happy the author is bringing back these old plot points from the main story, the ketchup/forum debacle being mentioned made me laugh for real, it was iconic and we as a society have moved on too fast from it!
    oofitsme and koalatime like this.
  20. oofitsme

    oofitsme Well-Known Member

    Oct 14, 2022
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    As a heads up for next week's TL, I will be working pretty much all day. If I am back home on time I expect to have it up by Monday 9PM PST. However, there is always the possibility that I might be staying later, so if you still do not see anything posted by Monday evening please check back the next day.
    rannnchan and koalatime like this.