Spoiler Return of the Mount Hua Sect (화산귀환)

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by Aoi Alice, Jul 6, 2021.

  1. IsekaidtoslaptoxicML

    IsekaidtoslaptoxicML Well-Known Member

    Jul 1, 2023
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    Is that so then my bad since the five swords always present in meetings so I naturally thought they know. Yeah as long as there is option Dongryong's dantian definitely get fixed even if Magyo has the elixir Chung Myung will get it because he is that type of guy. Still I wish they apologize tho. I will catch up to the latest chapter eventually since I'm at 1300+ now.

    May I ask how do you get those spoilers since even bookt0k! only has 1723 chapters and how many chapters released per week? Appreciate the answer and thank you in advance.
    I still don't know where to read 1650+ chapters onward since I'm reading on we3novel
    GimmeAnswersNotSleep likes this.
  2. Reiii_shin

    Reiii_shin Member

    Apr 21, 2024
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    In bookt0k1 it's only up to chapter 1722, only the cover says it's chapter 1723 (look at the chapter title).

    I accessed the novel myself directly from the Naver/Series app. I use cookies to buy the chapters, and they are released 3 times a week, on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
    About this, even BC not really know it's an 'elixir'. Geumryong just said there is a way to heal BC. And that conversation is happening privately (BC even doesn't want to be seen by Geumryong or anyone after all). It's ch 1724, I think u should reread the spoiler if u still confused.
  3. IsekaidtoslaptoxicML

    IsekaidtoslaptoxicML Well-Known Member

    Jul 1, 2023
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    This is the problem the reason why they can lash on him because he is a sajil and sajae but on the other hand they want him to fix everything because he is the commander. Tfw gramps never catch a break. Mount Hua has become arrogant tbh they haven't got any casualties yet because of this old man. Because this old stubborn elder love them so much that he'd rather turn his body into rag to save even one life. They aren't going to be lucky forever and the one who will be the most devastated of their deaths is Chung Myung. Since he raised them like his grandkids.

    Im Sobyeong should just kidnap him to Nokrim lol. Even Nokrim would've opened 10 days and nights feast for Chung Myung. Even Sol Sobaek will treat CM like VVIP in North Sea.
  4. ooreoow

    ooreoow Active Member

    Aug 23, 2023
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    Tbh any other sect will treat him like a VVIP lol. Even Shaolin knows how important he is to the righteous faction, like they literally proposed a way that can lessen his burden and protect his life:facepalm:(I still hate bopjeong)

  5. dioakx

    dioakx New Member

    May 26, 2024
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    Hello! I'm here to point out everything you got wrong here.

    [QUOTE="Almost 2k chapters and yet they still took granted of CM.[/QUOTE]

    I hope I'm using this thing right but first of all they did NOT EVER take Cheong Myeong for granted, they have said how grateful they are to him, that they wouldn't be where they are if it weren't for Cheong Myeong. They have said this multiple times before in the novel and in the Webtoon! Season 1! Yoon Jong and Jo Geol talks about him and says that! The other disciples obviously also have mentioned it before.

    Quote: "What's the point hanging with descendants that only complaints if you lose your breathe for a second. They already get clothed, fed and taught martial arts by him. It's one thing to be physical burden but it's worse that they're also become a mental burden to CM."

    Second of all, Cheong Myeong has always been the person that the disciples look up to, he's also been made into the commander, that's a big figure if you ask me, IF he loses his focus or even makes the SMALLEST miscalculation then everything will basically fall, he makes the orders, the disciples follow it BUT! They also have the right to voice their opinion out because Surprise! they act like Human beings! And the commander isn't ALWAYS right. What Cheong Myeong does is choose the most logical and smartest move so that they won't fall apart, but that doesn't mean that the people who's following him will MINDLESSLY do everything he says like puppets. It's true that they get clothed, fed and taught by him, but guess what? BEFORE him, Un Geom and Baek Cheon were the ones who were teaching them and Hyun Jong and Hyun Young were the people who were FEEDING AND CLOTHING THEM. Yu Iseol and Yoon Jong was taken in by Hyun Jong, Baek Cheon ran away from Zhongnan to Mount Hua and Hyun Jong took him in. But that doesn't mean that they are just arrogantly walking around and throwing insults at him. They CAN'T DO MUCH for Cheong Myeong because HE'S THE ONE TAKING ALL THE RESPONSIBILITY AND THEY KNOW IT! so BECAUSE OF THAT they are always Training so hard without complaining and protecting him from serious threats on the battlefield BECAUSE THAT IS ALL THEY CAN DO. At first they WERE a physical burden to Cheong Myeong because they weren't as strong as him and they KNEW that, that's why they started training so hard because they wanted to NOT BE A BURDEN to him, so that Cheong Myeong WON'T BE ALONE AND SO THAT HE COULD SHARE HIS BURDEN WITH THEM, They are training hard so that THEY, THE DISCIPLES will also be able to carry the burden WITH HIM. Baek Cheon have said this in the novel, the other disciples may not have OUTRIGHT said it but their ACTIONS are enough to prove it. As for the mental burden thing? They are in WAR. Wars can mess you up so fucking badly and I don't have to participate in it to say and know how fucking bad it is, it can cause depression, PTSD MULTIPLE OTHER MENTAL ILLNESSES. It messes with your emotions, you get both mentally AND physically tired, you get easily mad, prone to committing impulsive decisions because of that exhaustion, so I'm sorry if they don't act like mindless puppets who are perfect and instead has human emotions and acts like them, they are also trying their best.

    Quote: "Yoo Iseol? Really her? Goshh she is one of the new gen that understand him yet still criticized him."

    She does understand him! Not fully but at least more than the others do because she have also shared a similar pain to his. She also has the right to criticize him, on the field and off field, but she BARELY does so ON the battlefield. As far as I remember she has mostly done so OFF field, criticizing his CRAZY ACTIONS, for doing something so bold.

    Quote: "If even Baek Cheon does this... ( I wish not he needs to endure this ordeal for the sake of his character development). I'm even more disappointed towards Yoon Jong & Jo gul. They spent the longest time with CM, half a year earlier than Baek disciples. I thought they would've been some sort of bestfriend characters afterall they are from same class."

    Third of all, spending longer time with Cheong Myeong doesn't mean that you're not allowed to criticize him and his crazy ass actions (BTW I'm saying all this AS A CHEONG MYEONG STAN MYSELF) not only that THEY HAVE MORE OF A FAMILY DYNAMIC. THEY ARE LIKE SIBLINGS and you cannot prove me wrong on this, do you know what siblings do? They fight, they quarrel with each other on a daily basis and they STILL LOVE EACH OTHER AND THAT IS NORMAL (I'm saying this as a person who has a sibling) Cheong Myeong views the disciples as his children/grandchildren and the Disciples view Cheong Myeong as their JUNIOR, THEIR YOUNGER BROTHER AND A PERSON THEY LOOK UP TO, ALSO A 15 YEAR OLD KID WHO HAS TOO MUCH RESPONSIBILITY! They KNOW that he has gone through TOO MUCH, something a kid shouldn't go through, they remind themselves that even though he is incredibly strong, he is still human. They have the strong need to PROTECT Cheong Myeong, NOT BECAUSE THEY THINK CHEONG MYEONG IS WEAK, BUT BECAUSE THEY KNOW THAT HE CANT DO THIS ALONE, THAT HE MUST NOT DO THIS ALONE, THEY KNOW HOW MUCH IT STRESSES HIM OUT THAT IS WHY THEY DO THAT. IT HAS BEEN SHOWN THROUGH THEIR DAMN ACTIONS AND WORDS MULTIPLE TIMES THAT THEY ALL CARE FOR EACH OTHER.

    Quote: "They criticized CM the most esp YJ. I liked his character before the war arc but lately it's unbearable once he brought up about Tao this and that. Ultimately the burden of saving others still fall on CM's shoulders."

    By the way, criticism is something that you say to a person who needs improvement on something they do. You liked Yoon Jong BEFORE THE WAR ARC? the WAR, like I said can mess you up so badly, badly to the point the others AND you can't recognize your own self. Just because Yoon Jong isn't the commander doesn't mean that he isn't getting stressed out and exhausted, in middle of a fucking war where you can get killed at any moment it you mess up, a place where dozens, hundreds and THOUSANDS of people can die. The Taoism thing? Dude. THE MAJORITY OF THE CHARACTERS ARE TAOISTS...YOON JONG IS A TAOIST, so I do think that he does have the right to bring those points out. To HIM, taoists should SAVE PEOPLE, should help the common, innocent people out as much as possible, he used to be an orphan, a beggar who was starving, he understands the pain of being vulnerable and not being able to protect himself or live in piece, he did before Mount Hua, so that's why he has the strong need to help people. He gave up on saying that a Taoist shouldn't drink or say vulgar stuff.

    Quote: "Really none of the five swords try to lessen CM's burden properly only become baggages. "

    I've said it before, they train all the time, they protect him as much as they can on the battlefield. They try so fucking hard to NOT be burdens to Cheong Myeong and it was working! It is! But now they're in war, a VERY serious one at that.

    Quote: "CM thought highly of them and feel dearly deep down... Eventhough his training is harsh but it's for their own good and he never tried to rob their position only focusing on how to bring benefit for Mount Hua to strengthen them. Be it wealth and martial prowess. Yet this is what he got after 8 years there. Sometimes I wonder do they even like Chung Myung?"

    The disciples KNOW that the trainings are for their own good, did THEY ever try to rob HIS POSITION? They know that EVERYTHING or just MOST OF THE STUFF HE DOES ARE ALL FOR MOUNT HUA. Cheong Myeong knows that the disciples are also doing their best, that they care for him, HE IS AFRAID OF LOSING THEM AND THEY ARE ALSO AFRAID OF LOSING HIM TOO. THEY CONSIDER CHEONG MYEONG AS THEIR FAMILY, A PART OF MOUNT HUA. THEY CARE SO FUCKING MUCH FIR CHEONG MYEONG! Baek Cheon literally went out to save Cheong Myeong after he made himself bait and look where that got him. BAEK CHEON IS LITERALLY SUFFERING SO FUCKING MUCH because he WANTED to save Cheong Myeong.

    quote: "They have to learn appreciating him first before anything else as they've spent time with him for almost a decade already. Despite all that CM still feel lonely, indulges in alcohol while isolating himself and says a lot of death flag dialogues.. If death give him solace so that he can reunited back with his Sahyung & Sajaes tbh not bad..."

    And also, one of the MAIN reasons why he is such an alcoholic is because he is still stuck in the PAST, he doesn't know how to deal with grieving. He keeps all his emotions and secrets to himself because he doesn't want his disciples to worry about him. AND the disciples KNOW that he is hiding something BUT they DON'T PUSH HIM TO REVEAL IT, they're waiting patiently because whatever that he is holding in, they know that it is something big and a secret he DOESN'T WANT THEM KNOWING. They are waiting for him to tell them that secret so that he could be free of the pressure of having to hold it in, so that THEY will be able to SHARE more of his burden, to hopefully lessen his pain.

    the disciples would do ANYTHING to save Cheong Myeong, and their actions and words throughout the WHOLE ongoing novel and Webtoon confirms that.

    you know, only two sentences in to your comment, I already could tell that EVERYTHING you have read so far, every selfless acts the DISCIPLES have done for the common people, each other And Cheong Myeong just goes right in and out of your damn ear. Please, if you could, reread the whole novel and try understanding it this time.
    I also apologize for being so aggressive in my reply but because of how absurd your comment was and the fact that I've been holding this in for months, I had to. I hope this comment was informative!
  6. IsekaidtoslaptoxicML

    IsekaidtoslaptoxicML Well-Known Member

    Jul 1, 2023
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    Their past has nothing to do what they are doing now. Precisely why they have hard past they should understand Chung Myung even more. It's fine to vent in your frustration and I won't be emotional over it.
    I think you've missed the latest spoiler few comments back. Yoo Iseol said something about being 'adult'. Her words are lowblow towards CM who is already fatigued by war. He get drunk and blame himself for every little thing the descendants said and do which pained him. He even got drunk from what Bop Jeong said and it's hard since he is desperate to get his former strenght back. He has to be stronger than anybody else so Mount Hua will survive.
    They 'were' grateful. Maybe they still are but the main point here is how they treat CM now. Whenever he finally catch a few breathe he got press over Baek Cheon's dantian issue. The Hyun generation aren't dead yet and the current Un generation that occupy elders seat also there. Why not be civil and actually open a discussion among them instead of chirping like hungry chicks to their mother bird (CM).
    4 generation of Sect Leaders none of them dead yet. Precisely this, none of the Mount Hua's disciples died and they're way too angry over dantian break. Both Un Geom & Baek Cheon never speak ill of CM when they're the one who suffered. I was very touched when none of them blame Chung Myung for Un Geom losing his arm but now.... Like I said imagine what reaction they'll have if someone really DIED. Expel or kill Chung Myung for being a little weaker? If one of the 13th generation get revived they would've slap the descendants for being unruly.
    Chung Mun sent Chung Myung over and over again to frontline but he never once blame CM for the lose of his comrades because as the sword wielder he is the one who bear the blame. Just like Baek Cheon did which Yoon Jong still lacking.
    It's not that I'm mocking them being Taoist it's just they still don't understand their action will come with consequences. Justice and whatnot casualties follow. See Baek Cheon get injured. That's casualty so why being irrational in time of war. Sure they react like human beings but Chung Myung isn't one without feeling and heart either.
    They are directing anger to the wrong person. Why not go cross Yangzte river and hang Jang Ilso upside down as revenge. Burn his house down and rob his treasures while they are at it. I'll applaud them for doing that instead of being immature.
    Sure be critical and do what they want but can't they not blame Chung Myung over fickles stuffs since he is already so busy. When will they said 'Ah this is (my decision) so if I failed it's (my fault)'. More than 100 heads in Mount Hua and none try to use it for thinking. Are their heads purpose only to get broken in training?
    Chung Myung is a commander like you said so his main job is to fight but now they keep on seeking him like he is the Sect Leader, the medic, the genie etc etc. He already has so much on his plates so this is the arc where all Mount Hua should learn how to think. None of them here are kids anymore. Remember CM's initial plan is to revive Mount Hua that can stand tall even without him. Ultimately he is still a man who died century ago so he feels alienated and doesn't fit in sometimes. He assigned roles for the descendants based on his evaluation. Position isn't something for him to compete over lol afterall he is their ancestor what's the point of that but if they keep going on saying 'Chung Myung this' 'Chung Myung that' even after the Chung disciples grow beard, they'll never grow up.

    Once the arc over those who ridicule Chung Myung should apologize and reflect on their action tbh. Then they all can roll down the mountains get trained to death by him like usual. I love the characters but being a mental burden to CM what kill their development. I'm curious what Baek Cheon will say in the next chapter.... Every single of them need to cool their head down. Honestly rebuking CM is the same as disrespecting Baek Cheon's decision to jump in & protect Chung Myung. To each and their own this is just my opinion let's just call a truce.
    Last edited: May 26, 2024
  7. GimmeAnswersNotSleep

    GimmeAnswersNotSleep 7 months away from having Nostalgia PTSD Memory

    Jun 14, 2023
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    Yeah we know they love him so much, didn't take for granted, appreciate him, but there emotional stability and their actions are not following along their pervious thoughts. They just want to somehow want BC hands back to how they were, and now they see no hope the three of them are just going to CM now. They want, trust and are so hope deprived they naturally fucking NATURALLY relying on him. They don't see what are they doing right now. Why do you think CM will be Appreciated wherever he goes? Because he can do what others can't. And had always been doing. He's like beacon of light to everyone. So yeah let's leave them be now and wait.

    They will apologize.

    I am just gonna go read some fluffy, rainbow and sunshine things.
  8. aumi_huga

    aumi_huga New Member

    May 26, 2024
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    Hey guys, I'm new here. I created this account specifically to say a few things. 1/ Some of you think that Baekchun was wrong in rejecting the Shaolin's offer to join the Ten Sects, but I don't believe that. The evidence is that the Shaolin leader was trying to exploit this alliance to control Chungmyeong. Through Hyun Joong (which means he would not have agreed with Chung Myung's views), also the Shaolin leader's thinking is based on sacrifice (and I think he sacrificed a lot) in order to achieve his goal of becoming a hero and nothing more (he) sacrificed Namjoong first and then the South Island last , he sacrificed the Yumi Sect and another sect whose name I forgot (however, he couldn't even defeat Jang Ilsu, which would have been possible if he had thought of regrouping instead of rushing in recklessly, unlike Baek Cheon, who became vice president by insisting on sacrificing the hope of saving... South Island and lost his bond there, but he still tried to follow his path and the path of his ancestors and help Chung Myung as well (I think because of this he has become mature and also Baekcheon's decision to go to South Island was based on the fact that the evil sect would not move at that time (no His plan was not to go and fight with ten people, but it was a logical plan. They planned to find a solution and establish communication between the sects, but things went in an unexpected direction and as a result, they made a quick plan to save the sect, and they all agreed on this plan ( The South Island Sect is now fighting with the Heavenly Comrade Alliance.)

    2/ Everyone sees that the Five of Swords is very reckless, but I think that they are trying to find the best solution that does not conflict with their principle of righteousness. (Some also think that they are pushing Chung Myung harshly, but didn’t our grandfather do the same to them as well?) At the beginning of the novel, he was putting them in a situation. Dangerous situations (when they fought against the bishop, who fortunately for them turned out to be weaker than usual. However, Chung Myung couldn't fight him alone and lost consciousness for a few minutes. At that time, the Five Swordsmen could have died) I don't blame our grandfather. What I'm saying is that they were looking at How Chung Myung, despite his weakness at times, does not give up and finds solutions, so in a way, the grandchildren became just like their grandfather, and unwittingly they began to see him as a great person.

    ٣/Everyone also thinks that the Five Swords are being cruel to Chung Myung but if we look at it from their side, doesn't it seem like Chung Myung doesn't really care about Baekchun (since he was injured Chung Myung hasn't mentioned it to them or talked to them) We all know that's not true and that he feels guilty But our grandfather never showed it. Instead, he acts cruel to Yoon Jung (who tells him that he only came to him to grieve together. Chung Myung also knows that Yoon Jung can't take advantage of him to say something he can't say, but he just feels guilty). We mentioned earlier that the Five of Swords among them see Chung Myung as someone who can solve everything. They were not like this in the beginning, but they became like this as a result of our great-grandfather's actions in finding a solution to everything (he even found a cure for Im Soobing). So seeing Chung Myung, who was walking around all the time and always coming up with solutions, acting coldly. Regarding the Baekshun issue, they were a little upset, and I'm sure they will realize their mistake and apologize in the end.
    4/ In conclusion, I think the purpose of this novel is to tell us that people who do good, even though it is difficult, are rewarded in the end (starting with the return of Mount Hua, and the rescue of Baekcheon Lace). ) And that people who abandon goodness for the sake of their desires will get what they deserve (since all the sects that were the cause of the destruction of Mount Hua are now receiving the same cruel fate)

    English is not my mother tongue, I apologize for the mistakes
  9. Reiii_shin

    Reiii_shin Member

    Apr 21, 2024
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    fuh... I never thought there would be a day where I acted like I was defending Beopjeong. It wasn't that he sacrificed Namgung, it was Namgung's own choice for entering the plum island. I also regret seeing Shaolin not moving to help them, even though it was right before their eyes, but I wouldn't call that "sacrifice".
    Regarding the South Island, they were trapped in the Gangnam area because of Heo Dojin's decision. I do regret that Shaolin and the other ten great sects really didn't prepare anything during the 3 year agreement other than just 'practicing'. (Maybe someone will argue with me by saying that nothing can be done because there is an 'agreement', but I'm sure they should still find a way. That's their responsibility).

    Indeed, the shaolin simply abandoned the southern island sect. During the conversation between BC and Shaolin, there was really nothing that Shaolin could do and just left it like that (I was also annoyed why they didn't prepare themselves beforehand, but when it happened, what could they do?)
    Then, it wasn't shaolin that sacrificed the Emei and Qingcheng sects. They were destroyed due to the actions of 10 people from the alliance, who went to the southern island. They caused a commotion in Gangnam and caused Jang Ilso to move secretly. HCA, which focused on picking up 10 people + the southern island, also caused Sapaeryeon to move more freely, while Shaolin was tied to the Yangtze because there were still Sapaeryeon members, not bcs they don't want to regrouping, they don't even do something reckless that time.

    I was also annoyed because Bangjang was angry at Hyun Jong, bcs HJ allowing his people to go to the southern island and causing successive events to destroy 3 sects in a row (Qingcheng and Emei in Sichuan, then Diancang in Yunnan). But that's what happened, they couldn't predict that.
    And you draw the conclusion "south island sects join HCA". fuh... I mean... I do feel sorry for those who were almost abandoned, and I understand BC's words that life cannot be measured and all lives have the same weight. But, try to think about it. Their actions only saved 100 people from the southern island sect, but caused the complete destruction of 3 sects + the burning of the Tang family's house and the death of several of their members.

    What I don't like about Bangjang is that he wants himself to be looked up to by the world (even though he himself once told CM that he wasn't as brilliant as CM and his thoughts weren't as far as CM). I don't like him because I think those words are unacceptable if he still wants himself to be considered by the world to be more than CM. (I like to think that "ignorance is a sin"). He who cannot know the thoughts of the enemy he is fighting, cannot counter attack his opponent, of course... well, you understand what I mean.
    Wow... I didn't expect to see this conversation about Yoon Jong and Iseol being linked to Magyo at Ice Palace. I think you are using an inappropriate comparison. Why do you even say "he was putting them in a situation. Dangerous situation". Was it CM who brought them there? From the start, CM actually didn't want anything to do with them anymore, right? (CM's words when in Shaolin).

    But the circumstances at that time really encouraged them to go there. (ugh, I'm also annoyed why Shaolin themselves didn't go there even though they reasoned that they didn't have a good relationship with the Ice Palace, but yeah! It's the same as 5 Swords even fighting with 1000 Ice Palace soldiers first).

    AND! if you say CM brought them into danger it was because the 5 swords had forced CM to go home, and he didn't want to..... phew... do you remember the reason? At that time he had a theory that CHEON MA, the heavenly demon, would be resurrected. If he doesn't stop it? What if Cheonma did rise there? .... the point is, the CM's actions took into account further results. Not just acting recklessly without thinking about the consequences. And of course, everyone should not blame CM for that. (and yeah, actually there's no one do that, i just point that out bcs u talk about that).
    This... this is the problem itself. They have been with CM for a long time, they know that CM always hides his feelings, they have seen CM cry until they themselves couldn't bear to see him and didn't understand why he was crying like that.

    So basically, if you say "they don't know because CM didn't show or say anything". so... what the fuc do they see in this entire 6-7 years? Iseol must know, she saw his vulnerable side the most. She knows how he gets fucked up every time. I wrote more details about Iseol in the previous post.

    And yeah, it's true that CM was too rude when talking to YJ when his personal training was disturbed. (I differentiated YJ's actions at that time from YJ's insistence on going to Anhui).
    As for the medicine Im Sobyeong, that's clearly a different thing. He clearly had a problem with his yin meridians, by giving him 'jasodan', he didn't die (but his body remained weak).

    And as for BC, Tang Gun'ak had explained in front of all the 5 swords that jasodan would have no effect on BC, because his body had already absorbed such pills to a high level.

    but yeah, I think it's best not to hate a character too much, but just talking about their motives and frustration because of their actions seem just fine. I also hope that they all straighten out this problem, there are too many mental problems piling up at the moment.

    ------ edited
    uhh, u delete that? i was typing for answer www
    i'll just send it to u read.

    I don't say it was the 'fault' of that 10 people. I said that it was a series of events that started with the 10 of them going to the south island.
    And this, of course Bangjang tries to keep his face (he's 'shaolin'). Indeed, it's said that the reason for their stay at the Yangtze was just a pretext. But it is also said that Bangjang and Jang Ilso threaten each other - binding their existence to stay there. If Shaolin really withdrew, Sapaeryeon would cross the Yangtze and enter Gangbuk. That would only hurt Shaolin's pride even more. And definitely more victims. But then again, it turned out that JIS had secretly gone to Sichuan.
    Last edited: May 26, 2024
  10. aumi_huga

    aumi_huga New Member

    May 26, 2024
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    No, I'm just struggling with this site:cry:
    GimmeAnswersNotSleep likes this.
  11. Reiii_shin

    Reiii_shin Member

    Apr 21, 2024
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    hope u can figure it out wwww. i'll cheering for u here::bloblove::
  12. aumi_huga

    aumi_huga New Member

    May 26, 2024
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    Well, you are right here, it cannot be said that it is a sacrifice, but Bobjeong is still wrong here, and this is due to his lack of authority as the leader of the alliance, as he was unable to prevent Namjoong from going, but he also was not able to gather the alliance to help Namjoong escape, and then how did he want to include the heavenly companion and control Alliance, no matter how much I think about it, I find that it is not possible

    This comparison is just to say that Chung Myung also acts rashly sometimes in order to achieve a goal (Chung Myung at that time was not even strong as a Plum Blossom Saint but in order to save the Ice Palace and the citizens, he ran to check the presence of the demon even knowing that it was dangerous and she saw Swords, and there are also many situations similar to Chung Myung rushing towards danger in order to save someone.(n)

    Thank you ❤️

    Well, in the end, I think that every reader has his own point of view. What I only hope is that we do not read the story from one perspective and try to understand the point of view of the other characters as well.:meowinlove:
  13. Reiii_shin

    Reiii_shin Member

    Apr 21, 2024
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    Yeah, he is. I don't like him too (but don't hate him). But this means there is a problem with his 'incompetence'. It's not that he is wrong or right in doing something.

    'lack of authority'. This was first triggered because Shaolin was humiliated by CM during a tournament, right? and various subsequent events. Maybe that's why Bangjang wants to attract CM to his side. Selfish indeed, he even wanted to enter an alliance under the 10 great sects. But actually it was also logical because at that time the CM was carrying too much of the burden (until now it is even more). That's why the CM himself didn't refuse at that time, right? BC made the decision to bear the weight of this choice.
    About this, this is BC's point of view who said that CM did all this because he wanted to save the ice palace. I would argue a little, that CM still wants to fight Magyo to prevent the rise of Cheon Ma because.... if he retreats at that time, he himself will have difficulty fighting him (even after the timeskip he had difficulty fighting Bishop even though he had JIS by his side).

    Kangho was much weaker, and people nowadays don't know how scary Cheon Ma is. Even if CM comes back, if Cheon Ma really resurrect.... yeah... All Kangho will be doomed, even Mount Hua.
    and yes, I agree that as time goes by, CM is always trying to help other people, he himself is still learning about those 'feelings'. Because PBSS doesn't really try to think about things like that
  14. aumi_huga

    aumi_huga New Member

    May 26, 2024
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    Inefficiency is a big problem. A leader who they do not listen to is not a good leader. Shaolin was initially powerful, but the foolish actions of its leaders led to the downfall of many sects. It is true that Shaolin lost in that contest, but the reason why Leader Shaolin lost his power was because of his actions (he is the type of person who only makes plans and strategies that suit his situation, raise his status, and achieve maximum gains). . ). To do good, he is not fit to be the leader of a sect whose goal is supposed to be to protect the weak. He is only fit to be an emperor, as they previously pointed out.) Because the emperor only seeks power
  15. GimmeAnswersNotSleep

    GimmeAnswersNotSleep 7 months away from having Nostalgia PTSD Memory

    Jun 14, 2023
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    I finally can welcome a member after gods knows how long! Welcome to this thread with multiple active theories going here and there andddd have some cookies :cookie:
    If you had come at least 5-6 months earlier we would've had some head bashing with some other 2 people(where art thy?) But bcuz of latest chaps it's pure chaos so please excuse us.
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  16. aumi_huga

    aumi_huga New Member

    May 26, 2024
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  17. GallantWhale

    GallantWhale Active Member

    Mar 17, 2023
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    I thought this wouldn't happen again this far in the story but here we are. I always find it weird that after so many chapters, Biga is still unwilling to develop Yoon Jong, Jo Gol, and Iseol more. Those 3 are still the same characters ever since the war in maehwa island. I'm talking in terms of their mindset obviously, not their martial arts. They're adults but they don't act like it, knowing all the shit they've been through. Chung Myung specifically told them to think for themselves but so far Baek Cheon is the only one who's done it. Even Dowi has had more growth as a character, that's crazy.

    For people comparing Iseol conversation to Yoon Jong back then, all I can say is they both came to vent to the wrong person. Sure, ask CM if he knows something the others don't. But after being told no, they could've just gone and ask Gunak about it but what does he know about healing people, right?

    I really hope this doesn't get swept under the rug like with YJ and resolve it properly but I wouldn't hold my breath.
    Last edited: May 29, 2024
  18. GimmeAnswersNotSleep

    GimmeAnswersNotSleep 7 months away from having Nostalgia PTSD Memory

    Jun 14, 2023
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    They will apologize at some time~ ofc our grandpa mental state is not okay they will have to pay
    They will apologize. And develop at some time knowing biga we don't know what he has in surprise, might kill one of them soon-
    plantyne and Eva832 like this.
  19. GallantWhale

    GallantWhale Active Member

    Mar 17, 2023
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    I don't know about that but I'd love to be wrong.

    If Biga can develop Dowi, then he would've done it with the three I mentioned. But he's holding them back for whatever reason. It's even funnier now that I remember (someone correct me if I'm wrong), Soso is not with them because she's on her own organizing the medical unit as she decided herself a long time ago lmao I miss her
  20. GimmeAnswersNotSleep

    GimmeAnswersNotSleep 7 months away from having Nostalgia PTSD Memory

    Jun 14, 2023
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    Whoops I totally didn't and questioned why her and Hye Yeon weren't there.. And our trusted little slave rascal baek.. Is he with soso?
    The three of them would be very surprised with those three(YI, JG and YJ) and do they (TS,HY, Baek) know abt BC condition? Since it happened recently recently I don't think they do.
    Eva832 likes this.