Spoiler Serena / 세레나

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by dunnoperson_, Oct 22, 2022.


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  1. jcyy

    jcyy Member

    Dec 1, 2023
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    Eiser looked kinda pissed in the end and the panel stops at Serena being serious and telling sth towards Eiser :( (I only look at the image, I am not sure if I guess the context right)
  2. icandoit

    icandoit Member

    Sep 22, 2023
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    any pic
  3. seddy_2

    seddy_2 Active Member

    Jan 30, 2024
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    well, we have to wait again (im not gonna pretend as if im already not tired for waiting about one and half year
    Ang3Blue and mimi003__ like this.

    RAYRAYOFANGELA Well-Known Member

    Dec 19, 2023
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    Serena starts acting shyly thinking about how it's sudden with Eiser or how different it was with Frederick,or something like that,and she tells him to stop.They didn't do it as Eiser thinks Serena is impulsive/does things on impulse,that she's just curious and he notices her shaking when he was touching her thigh so he pulled away because she might regret it later and he left the room telling her that her clothes are there at the door.She got upset because it looked like nothing happened as everything disappeared.Then later he finds her in the lake deep and he stops her,she says water helps her come to her senses,she was confused,she feels a fish touch her feet and she panics and Eiser tells her its not her private bath,its a lake so of course there will be living things so what did she expect when she walked in it,she was embarrassed because of her overreaction as he lifted her up,her thoughts about her male breast fetish as she touched him,he put her on a rock and she starts talking about his past,she wants to know,his weird actions in the past such as when she overheard him talk about 'wanting to kill someone' in the phone,especially what he meant when he said they have things in common,in the past.Eiser tells her why should he tell her and he doesn't like talking about such things and he tells her sharply that he doesn't have a hobby to talk about family matters and he starts walking away from her telling her that he has nothing else to help her with here and to come back when she's done,she got upset again thinking nothing changed between them,she lashes out that she wants to know everything so maybe they could join forces,Eiser freezes and gets flashbacks from people in the past,a blurred old man,probably his father as he has same blue eyes eyes,his brother and Dia,Dia talking to him during that art gallery event..recollection of his past with cut off parts of words/sentences they said.Basically trauma i guess.He didn't answer or look back so She said that since he likes deals,he should make a deal with her too,a transaction.chap ends

    End of chapter TIP: Serena loves water,especially getting her feet wet,her favorite fairy tale when she was young was the Little Mermaid.
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2024
  5. mimi003__

    mimi003__ Member

    Aug 25, 2023
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    I understand It's a slow burn. But isn’t a year already enough Author wants us to wait another year or what.
    felicitysz, Ang3Blue, Kalui01 and 2 others like this.
  6. seddy_2

    seddy_2 Active Member

    Jan 30, 2024
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    A least they should start dating and confess their feelings for each other. i was excited but now i just feel we are gonna turn back where we were before.
  7. Myri25061996

    Myri25061996 Active Member

    Dec 29, 2023
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    This story has a drama tag …. And it’s slow burn, if we slowly approach and sort out Serena’s trauma then it’s the same for eizer.
    It makes sense .. eizer realized serena is rather impulsive and could regret and that’s why he stopped. It’s right cuz they need to sort out their feelings first. And it’s normal for Eizer to react like this towards a question regarding his family , it has been his coping mechanism to avert questions like these , as it’s a personal trauma.

    I really think those who have high expectations and can’t deal with slow burn, should avoid following this story on a weekly basis as it would disappoint you.
    It was obvious that we won’t get a first kiss and snu in the same chapter /arc.
    They aren’t ready yet .. relationship wise. It’s not a set back, but they’re in the process of sorting out feelings and making things clear between them .. that’s fairly normal .. unless they’re out for one night stands, which they’re not.
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2024
  8. Jibabpjeroli_kitty

    Jibabpjeroli_kitty New Member

    Jan 26, 2024
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    Any pictures ::bloblove::?
    Reem007 and icandoit like this.
  9. Naenia

    Naenia Well-Known Member

    Apr 14, 2022
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  10. Kalui01

    Kalui01 Member

    May 12, 2023
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    I’m sorry but it’s not slow burn at this point but pure milking.
  11. mimi003__

    mimi003__ Member

    Aug 25, 2023
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    I'm not talking about snu snu. I'm talking about a stable relation between them at this point. Like atleast dating without more misunderstanding . From the spoilers it seems like
    It's just not about the snu snu at this point. It’s about finally having a normal relationship, starting to date. All these developments for what? Only to start another misunderstanding, miscommunication at the end of the chapter?
  12. seddy_2

    seddy_2 Active Member

    Jan 30, 2024
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    Ofc they need to communicate first and make things between clear.
    But what bothers me most about the
    slowburn manhwas is that even though they have realized their feelings, they are still standing where they are. If it takes them a few chapters to resolve their misunderstandings, I'd still enjoy it, but I have a feeling we'll have to wait a lot longer. I don't expect a snu snu scene, I just want to see scenes where they look at each other with love and embrace each other, and as someone who has been following this webtoon for 1.5 years, this is my most natural right.
  13. Myri25061996

    Myri25061996 Active Member

    Dec 29, 2023
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    Have you read the chapter ? It’s not a misunderstanding .
    Serena is confronting Eizer asking about his family and he was trying to brush it off as trauma kicked in and he didn’t want to talk and go away , but she proposed him a deal , not letting him have his way. How is that a set back and milking ? Or even less a misunderstanding. How can they start confessing and dating when they haven’t sorted out their feelings and know about each other ? Isn’t this the right approach aka serena asking Eizer everything she doesn’t know aka about his fam and what he meant with them having something in common, his hatred towards Grayans ?

    No need to talk about rights ,as I never said everyone should stop complaining or just accept everything.
    I just meant this is how slow burn works and to spare ones self from disappointment , is to wait until some chapters have piled up and then start binge reading rather than enduring chapters which are not satisfying at all.
  14. mimi003__

    mimi003__ Member

    Aug 25, 2023
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    When did I say it was milking? I'm commenting based on the spoilers here.they said at the end the story took a dark turn. When serena already stated that she liked eiser it would naturally make sense if they start dating. A clam and mature conversation without getting trigged isn’t too much to ask for at this point of story.
    seddy_2 likes this.
  15. Montanaa

    Montanaa Well-Known Member

    Feb 9, 2024
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    I thinks the deals is to make an alliance against their ennemis.
    I think that in the upcoming chapters, we will learn about Eizer's past, his relationship with his family, his father (whom we briefly see in the chapter, I believe), and it seems like someone who has caused him harm. I also hope that he will talk to him about Diah and her betrayal. Serena might even realize that she has done something similar with Fred. They need communication to fully trust each other. Eizer and Serena have many enemies, including Victor, the Grayans, X, and Diah, who is jealous of Serena. It might take another 3-5 chapters before they officially love each other. The author knows what she's doing and is not rushing, which I really like even though as a reader, I would have liked 'the things.' I haven't posted any images; I admit that I don't know which ones to use since a lot is happening i'm sorry
  16. Myri25061996

    Myri25061996 Active Member

    Dec 29, 2023
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    And I never said everyone should stop complaining or just accept everything.
    I just meant this is how slow burn works and to spare ones self from disappointment is to wait until some chapters have piled up and the start binge reading than to endure chapters which are not sat
    I’m just replying generally , as I didn’t want to spam this site with my comments alone , so I have replied to the one who said it feels like milking in one post.
    Serena didn’t really say she liked him , all the translations going around were not accurate even the author herself stated these translations are wrong. It’s not like Eizer rejecting serena after her confessing to him. All Eizer realized is that she wanted him as he wanted her at that moment cuz that’s what was conveyed .
    They haven’t confessed . Serena thought they have somewhat progressed so wanted to knew more about Eizer and his family , but his family is his TRIGGER to trauma , so it’s normal to avoid that topic . You can’t expect a person who is traumatized to have a calm and normal conversation about a topic which makes you feel sick. That’s not how trauma and dealing with it works at all.
    We can only reach the point of Serena and Eizer being comfortable and honest with each other, after each of them has revealed everything about them, which is what is literally happening. Serena wants to know more about Eizer and is eager to find out , that’s how we readers would also get to know about Eizer’s past , which guess what ? we know nothing about. It’s the right order.
  17. seddy_2

    seddy_2 Active Member

    Jan 30, 2024
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    The writer should write scenes where they overcome their traumas together. I want to move on to the era where they heal together and live happily together without looking back and being sad, only focusing on the future. Their relationship will grow stronger as they heal each other. I just wish we were going to see it sooner rather than later. (I feel it will take time. it's just my opinion. )That's my only complaint. I have no other expectations.

    i want a scene like they cry together and share their pain with each other. They both will be connected more in that way and they also have someone to share the pain, happiness and more:( :( :(
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2024
  18. Myri25061996

    Myri25061996 Active Member

    Dec 29, 2023
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    Just trying to explain why Eizer acting like that makes sense :

    Eizer had not a happy and functional family as serena , for him family is trauma ..
    He was always on survival mode the whole time.
    He as well was fighting , similar to Serena , but just without anyone to care for him nor protect him.
    So, he’s not a typical jerk not willing to share anything with Serena out of fun.
    It’s his trauma keeping him from talking about deeply hurtful and sensitive topics and not him simply wishing to hurt or tease Serena.
    That’s exactly why only someone like Serena could confront him and would be able to break his wall he had brought up to protect himself.
    arlovebird, Ang3Blue, Reem007 and 5 others like this.
  19. mushishinature

    mushishinature Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2023
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    I didn't really expect snu snu as people here call it, I think it was good decision by Eiser since both for different reasons are not ready. Still it was like cold shower... :cry:
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2024
    Ang3Blue and Reem007 like this.
  20. sidhasa

    sidhasa Member

    Feb 20, 2023
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    Guys where can we read it?