Spoiler Serena / 세레나

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by dunnoperson_, Oct 22, 2022.


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  1. Jo_al7

    Jo_al7 Well-Known Member

    Mar 27, 2020
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    I just saw someone edit and assume that his father give him the scar. But that’s really crazy
  2. Montanaa

    Montanaa Well-Known Member

    Feb 9, 2024
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    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
  3. Myri25061996

    Myri25061996 Active Member

    Dec 29, 2023
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    Yeah Eiser himself scarred Victor, I would have done the same Victor was trash since day one and Eiser seems to have not stand that wicked traumatizing smirk of Victor ( that wasn’t the only reason though.).
    The father did a lot of shady stuff and put the blame on his wife , so when the police came to arrest the mum, Eiser urgently hid his mum in a room only he and Victor could enter have the keys for , bc he didn’t want his mum to pay for something his dad did. But Victor opened that room and the mum got arrested. So when Eiser confronted his father about this Victor was smiling wickedly.. that’s when Eiser scarred him bc he thought that way his father would call the police and he could go to where his mum is . He said he would rather be with mum than to be educated by his father.
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2024
  4. SeethAndCope

    SeethAndCope Well-Known Member

    Jul 14, 2023
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    Is Louis telling this to Serena or we don't know?
  5. Myri25061996

    Myri25061996 Active Member

    Dec 29, 2023
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    We don’t know cuz the chapter just began and ended as a continuation of Eiser’s story.
    Maybe there is even a part 3 of this and we’ll see Serena’s reaction , bc part 2 still doesn’t feel like the end to Eiser’s backstory.
  6. llaladeriver

    llaladeriver Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2021
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    Seeing how psychotic Eirser's family is (I feel bad for him and his mom), I came up with a ridiculous assumption. What if the accident of Serena's family isn't an accident? They could be in the loop of someone's scheme, which would be wild if the accident is somewhat linked to Victor or the other Grayan family. Don't we have enough drama already tho,,
    mariefrance1993, livius and Ang3Blue like this.
  7. Festekgg

    Festekgg Member

    Jan 5, 2024
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    Didn’t Frederick allude to foul play on Serena’s family’s accidental death ( because he initially hated the serenity name and then changed his opinion when he met Serena). Maybe his higher ups and the Grayan family were involved in some bs and Serena’s family was collateral
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2024
    KOOJUNGMO and Ang3Blue like this.
  8. Ochin7

    Ochin7 Active Member

    Feb 24, 2024
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    Everything finally makes sense. The Flo marina hotel scheme that Eiser did. Revenge for Victor. Aww the only thing Eiser never expected was falling for Serena. Now he has to proceed with his revenge and ensure Serena’s safety. Although she ain’t a hoe like diah, Serena can be impulsive sometimes. But I hope she is safe till the end of season 1
  9. mushishinature

    mushishinature Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2023
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    I think someone here already said last week that Victor was jealous of Eiser because Eiser was smarter ( Stil is) As we saw in this chapter father recognised that. But I think most of us didn't expect that Victor was so indifferent to his mother. Scar well deserved indeed.
    Ang3Blue likes this.
  10. Evrada23

    Evrada23 Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2021
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    Author is hitting us with feels right after their long awaited kiss. Not gonna lie, I cried a little at the end of the chapter when his mom came back looking like a shadow of her past self:cry:
    I'm guessing in subsequent chapters Jeffrick will be k*lled and we were told his mom committed s**cide which looks very likely from her present state.
    All in all, Eiser turned out so good despite the traumatic child
  11. Fru

    Fru Well-Known Member

    Oct 6, 2020
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    Why do you think there will be a break soon? Talk of the Devil, and he is bound to appear. So we better not talk about a break.

    Esier had a tough childhood. It's good that his mother was caring, so he learned what love was at a young age. And it was good that he had Jeffrick who listened to him and gave him wise advice.
    Victor is a psychopath. It's hard to believe what he did. I think he will die eventually.
    Well, I'm curious how this will go. Eiser still has to go to school, where he meets Harper. Who knows, maybe Harper and Lovis showed how important friendship is. I think they were not indifferent to Eiser. And Eiser's reaction to Harper's death is also interesting. But a little more to find out. I think 2 or 3 chapters might cover Eiser's past. I'm also curious about Serena's reaction to his past.
    Ang3Blue and Fairy987 like this.
  12. witchy_shuo

    witchy_shuo Well-Known Member

    Jun 23, 2023
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    My only feeling is that we get back to Serena, she says something to Eiser like, “Let’s be like a married couple for real,” and then S1 ends lmao

    Otherwise, I hope they both heal from their trauma. I think it’s good that Serena learns about Victor’s weakness from Eiser’s story as well so the next time they meet, she can hit him where it hurts.
    scarhadil and Ang3Blue like this.
  13. Fru

    Fru Well-Known Member

    Oct 6, 2020
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    It's probably too early for her to say that. She'd rather hug him or say something like that they can "defeat" him together. Even though she feel something for him, it's probably too early for them to be "real" married. We don't know yet what kind of deal Eiser has with Iansa. Eiser is also not sure about the situation with Serena yet. In the previous chapter he himself said that their kiss was something troublesome.

    Yes, that would definitely fit Serena's behavior. But I hope that she will not be kidnapped again, and if something happens, she will confront him directly, like a businessman with a businessman.
    Ang3Blue likes this.
  14. witchy_shuo

    witchy_shuo Well-Known Member

    Jun 23, 2023
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    I mean it as Serena saying a suggestion. It doesn’t mean that they become lovey dovey etc. real quick. I mean that Serena will suggest that they try and give it a chance. They’re already married, but it’s more emotional development between them that needs work. She’s already interested in him but he’s still uncommitted. She can also make it like a deal if it comes to that. If they work out then they continue to be married, if not, then it’s divorcing time after Eiser gets his own bargain w/ his deal w/ Iansa. I think Serena can be straightforward at times, so it’s not impossible.

    Yeah, I don’t wish for her to get kidnapped again. It’s time for Serena to learn some self-defense lol (Eiser, teach her please lol).
    KOOJUNGMO, Ang3Blue and Fairy987 like this.

    KOOJUNGMO Well-Known Member

    Oct 31, 2022
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    Yes, that’s literally what I had been saying and thinking this whole time. Serenity family’s accident was definitely a set up, it’s most probably done by Victor or Dustin Grayan. I’m also curious about the death of that ugly old hag, Dustin Grayan. I also need the detailed backstory of how Eiser met Dia, and how that bish did schemes and fell for Victor. Frederick is probably a spy sent by Grayan family to ruin serenity or keep an eye on Eiser. But I think later he’ll help Eiser and Serena and turn his back on Victor. Or maybe he also wanted to revenge on Victor since I highly doubt Fred’s elder sister’s death was connected with it, one of the two girls from Serena’s ballet academy was Frederick’s sister, right? One of the girls committed suicide, and the other’s future was ruined too. Victor you deserve a painful death
    And finally, the way our daddy Eiser put a scar on your shitty face was satisfying
  16. Asmur

    Asmur New Member

    Jan 16, 2024
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    I know that everyone might have got tired of this discussion already but I still don’t understand why the author decided to drop this V-bomb. I mean S being a virgin does not bring any value to the story rather it makes it look a bit non-sensical because it’s nothing more than a technical virginity at this point. S and F touched each other however they liked, kissed each other allegedly wherever they liked and did not have any bother in the world about how others perceived them. Furthermore, F was her source of comfort and solace at one point and she indulged herself in pleasing themselves to cope with her worries. That’s why I don’t understand why she is behaving so naive and childish about “firsts” and not knowing what comes next. She must have seen everything there’s to see and vice versa, and it was alluded to by F directly, and it’s very unrealistic for them to not want to go further.
    In this sense, the author should have rather showed S and F as a true fake couple not going further than hugs and face kisses, for example, or just have left them go all the way. Otherwise it looks far-fetched and wishful. As if the author wanted to leave the V card specifically for her one and only “true love” which is strange for everyone (ML and readers included).
  17. Saloni

    Saloni Member

    Jun 5, 2023
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    Exactly my thoughts!:rolleyes:
  18. Asmur

    Asmur New Member

    Jan 16, 2024
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    Also, please excuse me my rant but I don’t understand this move of the esteemed author also in terms of the target reader audience that this move should appease.
    It’s not a secret that our FL is not exactly what you would call a fan favorite. So making her a pure maiden out of the blue might be perceived as an attempt to redeem her cheating in a way.
    At the same time, such a technical and “formal” virginity is nothing but a half-baked approach at this juncture. Those who were looking for some fluff left this title after the first couple of chapters and those who stayed do not care about her past life with F anymore.
    On the reverse, I guess many should be confused by the completely degraded and abandoned dynamics between S and F that existed before. Because if we say that S did not feel anything towards F or even more so she did not see him as a man, then all their interactions should be perceived as her indulging him in his desires which make their relationship very ugly and one-sided like he was blatantly subjecting her to relieving his urges. Whilst I reckon she definitely had a desire in him as well otherwise why allow all kisses, hugs and nakes touches (i.e. ref. Ch. 21, what he was doing completely crossed any boundaries of a fake “chaste” love affair).
    So, the question is again what was the whole point of this declaration? The author could have shown the difference between real love (E) and simple lust (F). But decided to put us somewhere in between and totally confused what S and F had before.

    Also, on the side note, I believe that it would be premature to have any real progress between S and E until there’s a complete closure for S-F affair. I mean, unlike S-E paper marriage forced out of her will (hence a debate on whether she cheated or not), S and F really had something going on between each other for 2 years or so, and she is now jumping to another relationship.
    Saloni likes this.
  19. shu0929

    shu0929 Member

    Jan 20, 2024
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    Most of the "issues" you stated here are issues to you based on your perception, I can see it from that POV too, and you can also see it from many other POVs.
    The author is known for her trick-full writing, so it is obvious she intended to make Serena a virgin from the start, and very much she isn't trying to appease anyone here. Many insightful readers knew that she didn't cross the line with Fred, and the rest were tricked (like Eiser, who also thought that she had done it with Fred and did not mind at all!)

    To answer your question about the "declaration" it is to show you that Serena's life stopped in time, she was depressed, isolated, and had NO social interactions (social interactions means people you can be yourself with, title aside so it does not include Sui or the staff).
    You can think she was "stuck" in the same place for a long time.
    The issue here isn't about being a virgin but about how impacted her life and made it stagnant; how the loss of her family meant she had no one to rely on anymore.
    Serena not imploring further on this topic is also something that shows you that this topic is a reminder of how she lost her family, who were the ones supposed to teach her.

    As for Fred, I don't think he took advantage of Serena, he actually went as far as Serena allowed him to. The thing to remember here is from Serena's POV she gave him "everything" (this is based on her limited understanding of what a full relationship entails)
    And Fred did not go any further, if he did without her knowledge of the topic then that would have been disturbing.
  20. scarhadil

    scarhadil Well-Known Member

    Sep 4, 2023
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    I'm one of the people who was sure that Serena and Fred's relationship didn't include any sexual interactions so i wasn't surprised at all .

    Serena doesn’t see Fredrick as a lover; he is like a stress reliever for her, like throughout the story, whenever she gets emotional, she goes to Frederick, while Fredrick is using his affection for ulterior motives, but he has shown to have a bit of feelings towards her, but she doesn’t see them as lover's. and they weren't officially together. Their relationship started when Serena wanted to protect herself, and she told him on the very first day that he would leave when she wouldn't need him anymore, and he was aware of it the whole time; it was his job; he was paid for it; and she, at some point, believed that she gave Fred all her heart and body (which is true from her perspective because she simply wasn't aware of relationships emotionally and physically), so she was comfortable around him, like she mentioned once.

    The full picture of her relationship with Fred made it look fragile, unlike the way it was pictured in the beginning of the story.

    The sure thing is that this won't change anything in her relationship with Eiser, but it will change a lot in her future relationship with Fred. He definitely has good intentions to protect her, so they might work together against X, and maybe he would help Eiser at some point. and that would make it more comfortable for all of them, especially if Serena and Eiser were officially together, because two people who had sex and two who haven't aren't the same.(maybe it's just me who feel that way Idk)

    and we still don't know the secret that Fred is hiding, which Serena won't handle. Sometimes I feel like that's why Fred decided not to go further; we need Fred's pov of course.

    and making a judgment or a theory in this story is just a waste of time. I was rereading the chapters, and I read her previous works too. I noticed how she was writing in a misleading way , So I am not thinking much about why and how, and am just enjoying the current chapters.