Spoiler Serena / 세레나

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by dunnoperson_, Oct 22, 2022.


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  1. Ochin7

    Ochin7 Active Member

    Feb 24, 2024
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    There is a lot to unpack in this episode. One thing for sure Eiser needs stability and therapy. Most importantly Love. Serena sis pls go after that diah first and then demonic Victor.
    Also is anyone piecing things together like me. Victor shooting that guy when Serena was 14. Due to the collaboration with diah. Diah lying her ass off but all she cares about his drugs and money. She also needs rehab at this point.
    I feel so bad for Eiser like tears where in my eyes.

    I feel they are each other’s true love.
    shung90, Ang3Blue and saxoxomiah like this.
  2. parttimebroccoli

    parttimebroccoli Well-Known Member

    Jan 10, 2023
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    Gosh I absolutely LOVE Eiser’s dark past. Especially knowing his more unhinged side, so so satisfying to see how he was covered in dirt but still never fully gave in to become the man he is now. It’s the same satisfaction seeing how far Serena has come in comparison to her earlier days.

    Imo EiserDia is the darker version but on the same premise of SerenaFrederick. Relationship out of necessity, using the comfort of another when you’re the most vulnerable = Fake Love!! And I’m glad they both learned to realize that themselves. Dark or not I’m still glad E had D at the time just like how S had F because even though there were a lot of grey areas, they were bandaids solutions allowing them to come out stronger. Their past, mistakes, and decisions are all relatable and the common enemy is like the cherry on top for them to bond. My man really has no reason to not join hand with the wifey now. She’s not only his current addiction emotionally (+ his newfound weakness) but also the perfect partner for his grand scheme of taking Grayon down. Why deny such convenience anymore my good sir.

    My prediction for next chapter is the death of lawyer J being Eiser final motivation to cut ties with Grayon completely, Dia & Victor’s whole ordeal, Eiser entering Serenity then back to present days with Serena’s reaction. I hope we don’t get Eiser’s deak w Iansa yet bcuz I believe the backstory so far is from Lovis to Serena so Iansa’s part may be too personal for Lovis to know? I also want Eiser to personally tell Serena the deal with Iansa and it can wait if he’s not ready. Also because I miss some fluff already.. enough backstory for now lol.
    livius, Saloni, shung90 and 9 others like this.
  3. Montanaa

    Montanaa Well-Known Member

    Feb 9, 2024
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    Eiser's past is truly painful, and if we later learn that it was his family who arranged for him to be the one to kill the person he considered his father, I can't imagine the pain...
    The worst part is that his only comfort is Diah, and he will see her cheating with his despised brother. I never imagined things like this, really. It's also very surprising to see him hide a past like this as if nothing happened. He's truly a mentally strong character.
    I think there will be a certain parallel between Eiser wanting to see her face when she cries and Serena wanting to find his weakness to destroy him. Eiser and Serena are meant to be together; they can heal each other.
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2024
    shung90, Fairy.Land, Fairy987 and 2 others like this.
  4. Evrada23

    Evrada23 Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2021
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    When we thought it couldn't get any darker, we learn Eiser unknowingly killed Jeffrick during shooting practice cause of his dad:cry::cry:.
    I'm hurting so bad for him. Bro is a saint for turning out so good despite all he's been through
  5. Festekgg

    Festekgg Member

    Jan 5, 2024
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    Where does it say this?
  6. Iamrose

    Iamrose Member

    Mar 22, 2024
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    I made an account just to answer this, no it wasn’t epilepsy. Diah started doing heroin, that’s why she’s lying on the bed like that. In the next scene they show her being surrounded by syringes. Eiser found her like that and said he would take Diah and asked the staff to clean up the scene. He felt like he had a responsibly towards her because they made a promise to each other. But soon he started to compare how she was more like his father as time went by and he was growing tired of her lies and how she would handles things.
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2024
    Ang3Blue, roseO and mushishinature like this.
  7. Fru

    Fru Well-Known Member

    Oct 6, 2020
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    Wahh, Father Grayan is crazy. This is the devil in human skin. Victor is the same, but next week it will be even more confirmed. Diah, on the other hand, is a selfish woman. I understand she had a hard life, but she was very selfish towards Eiser. ML was right that she should turn to him for help and trust him. And I don't really see any love between them, just attachment that made their lives a little easier. I guess Eiser is a virgin too then. I don't think he had s*x with Diah. It's also praiseworthy that he managed to stick with them and not become such a monster. He's mentally strong too. He may not fight openly like Serena, but he has his own way. He is quiet in actions, but also determined. It's just that he and she fight for themselves differently. Besides, Eiser had a slightly more complicated family situation than Serena, so it's not surprising that he does everything secretly.

    I hope that after these flashbacks he will trust Serena and they will fight together. I hope that he will open up to her and that Serena will openly and honestly approach him.
  8. shung90

    shung90 Well-Known Member

    Mar 2, 2021
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    When Eisers father told him that he is allowed to get engaged to Dia but not married until the “all clear” given by him I think this was the final test. Although Eiser is clearly smarter and more capable, I think the father saw through him knowing that he wants to end the family. Instead he would rather name Victor his heir because he wants to maintain and strengthened the grayan name. Eisers father has been always testing him and Victor and pitting them against each other. I feel dia is also a big pawn used by the father to see how each react. Wouldn’t be surprised if eiser father is the one who got her addicted to drugs. Honestly seeing the situation I kind of felt bad dia, I didn’t think I would be able to sympathize with her character. It seems her family is deep in the grayans family debt and either way her father and by extension her has to do the grayans bidding. At that time eisers father is still the head. Because unlike eiser she still wants to be a part of her family. Eiser and dia’s father mentions she still craves her fathers approval and in the end that seemed to be the reason she betrayed Eiser. So far to me she choose what her father and her family wants more than Eiser the man she claimed to “love”. Which seems ironic because Eiser saw her as older and an adult he leaned on and looked up to. Likely it will be the biggest mistake of her life when Eiser brings down his family and basically hers too because they are so tied together. He was willing to do everything for her even with the drug addiction. But instead she went to his worst enemy which also showed she didn’t believe in him and found him weak. Just ouch, there is no coming back from that.
    Reem007, Fairy987 and Ang3Blue like this.
  9. SeethAndCope

    SeethAndCope Well-Known Member

    Jul 14, 2023
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    Now that we know how messed-up Eiser's family is a lot of his actions fall into place like from the very beginning his behavior makes so much sense. I feel like he could be so much more messed-up. The way he completely suppresses his emotions is so on point based on what he went through. It is not that he didn't care about Serena but rather he didn't let himself entertain the idea of a normal life/relationship. I guess he just accepted the fact that he is f**ed up and has to stick with f**ed up crowd because he is unworthy.

    Dia has a messed up life too but unlike Eiser she made bad decisions which pushed her further down the ditch. She made her choices. I really like the contrast between these two relationships, one where the two furthers each others bad habits and misery and one where the two strengthen and better each other.

    @Fru I had the exact same thought (that he is a virgin too) but to be honest he didn't really come through as one when the situation escalated between them. I promise tho I won't lose it on the forum if he is. Everything is possible so we will see. He might teach Serena about that stuff but Serena will teach him something so much more important, about how to accept love and how to express it and that is so cute. Can't wait to see that since she is such an expressive person when it comes to her emotions.

    I think the deal will be revealed later. Maybe by Eiser or Iansa herself. To be honest I think the deal really is about to save Serenity but Iansa might have had an ulterior motive... like hooking them up together for real. I am curious but I also want to see Serena and Eiser again. There is a lot to reveal when it comes to Eiser's past because he didn't reveal anything so far. Wow this is long. :D
    Reem007, livius, Fru and 3 others like this.
  10. taeyong27

    taeyong27 Active Member

    Jul 17, 2022
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    Like everone is saying here, there’s a lot to unpack with Eiser’s backstory.

    But first off, I think that the reason why Eiser always mentions that “the time is coming” might be because he hasn’t totally cut his ties with his family yet and might return to their family to inherit everything. The fact that Eiser revealed to Serena that his call (during the early days of their marriage) was about his “supposedly missing brother” with his relative is a big hint.

    Now, about his relationship with Dia, i have to agree with Myri25061996; Eiser and Serena might be each other’s first love. As his relationship with Dia is obviously not love. Which is a bit surprising to me, as it seems like they had a lovely and supportive relationship when Dia was mentioned by Lovis (how she is Eiser’s achilles heel). I thought that their psycho families make them sweet to one another. But it turns out that they pretty much just stayed with one another due to shared trauma rather than love. Eiser wants her company because he felt responsible for her (as a good man that he is) and Dia needs because she felt like Eiser is the only one who truly loved her (delulu). When in fact, their dynamic is one of the worsts as no one is really there to correct each other’s bad decisions because they both see it reasonable and valid. Hence, the never ending cycle of frustrations and negative outcomes.

    But with Serena, who grew up with so much love, she knows how to deal with positive emotions. See how she treats Eiser once she realized that she is indeed in loved with him. Like you can see, how she tries to learn about Eiser directly from him and not from others. And she also puts effort in deepening their relationship healthily by not trying to change him but to simply spend more time with him and knowing more about him.

    I usually stops or gets bored once the couple from “enemies to lovers” trope becomes affectionate towards one other but not this one. I’m really eager to see them in their lovers era so bad
  11. Ochin7

    Ochin7 Active Member

    Feb 24, 2024
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    I believe Eiser is not a virgin . He looked perplexed when he found out Serena was still a virgin.
    I do believe he slept with that hoe diah. Because she said she was pregnant with Eiser’s child at some point. That was not true. Eiser has definitely had some experience.
    Also I just want to point out that Serena took down Victor with the art sale without knowing about Eiser’s revenge. That’s true queen behavior
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2024
    shung90 and Ang3Blue like this.
  12. SeethAndCope

    SeethAndCope Well-Known Member

    Jul 14, 2023
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    Oh, yeah, right. I completely forgot about the pregnancy thing. Lol
  13. taeyong27

    taeyong27 Active Member

    Jul 17, 2022
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    I see a few readers asking about Eiser’s mom’s face. I think the reason why the author hasn’t showed her face yet is because it’s some sort of symbolism. Remember that we’re seeing this backstory in Eiser’s POV and as per Eiser, he regrets not being able to save his mom from his evil father and brother.

    This sort of symbolism reminds me of the anime movie <A Silent Voice> where the MC cannot see the faces of other people due to embarrassment and regrets he has. So maybe we will only see his mom’s face once he finally forgives himself and let go of all resentments he has towards his family to live a happy life in the future.

    Still can’t predict if we’ll have a happy ending for this story but I hope that regardless of whether E and S ends up together, they will be happy and in peace in the future
    Reem007, livius, Ang3Blue and 2 others like this.
  14. seddy_2

    seddy_2 Active Member

    Jan 30, 2024
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    i just realized when eiser was 22, he was still supposed to marry dia. Then, one year later when he was 23, he got married to Serena. idk but i really wonder what eiser and Serena's grandma's deal was and his reaction to marriage when he heard first.
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2024
    Ang3Blue and shung90 like this.
  15. shung90

    shung90 Well-Known Member

    Mar 2, 2021
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    I was just going to ask for clarification about the age time line with Dia’s engagement and Serena’s marriage. Thank you for the info. So 22 he is engaged to Dia. I think based on what we know she dumped him and married Victor instead. We can also presumed the marriage between Victor and Dia also solidified Victor as heir. So probably around that time of the Grayan marriage, Eiser leaves the family and approaches grandma Isana to forge a marriage of convenience. Isana to leave the management of the hotel to someone she trust with her health being poor and Serena too young. Eiser as a means to bring down Grayan from the outside but he needs resources and power that are outside the Grayan control. Now we know Isana choose Eiser partly because of the fact that she knew Serena’s crush was Eiser due to the broken high heel. When did Serena’s family die in the accident again? How long was the period of business struggle by the grandma between the carriage accident and marriage to Eiser?
    Reem007 and Ang3Blue like this.
  16. Fru

    Fru Well-Known Member

    Oct 6, 2020
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    You may be right too, because it's actually a bit like that. However, Eiser is surprised that Serena is a virgin because she was with Frederick, with whom she had some physical relations, i.e. kisses and some cuddling. Secondly, at the age of 18, young people learned about sexual intercourse and drinking alcohol. Due to a family accident, Serena avoided these teachings. Eiser, on the other hand, may have found out about these things at the age of 18. So he knew what s*x was, etc., but he didn't necessarily have to have it. Maybe he just had some education in this topic, so he knows what and how to do it. Plus, maybe he kissed and cuddled with Diah, too. And that was his experience. And just because Diah said she had a child with him doesn't mean she ever slept with him. She's a liar. Eiser himself called her shameless when she told him about it. Which suggests that she took advantage of their engagement period to make them seem really close. She finally wanted to get something for herself.
    Eiser seems to be a very wary man. After all, he was planning revenge on his family, so he really had to calculate what would be profitable for him. Sleeping with someone who says one thing and does another is the opposite of being prudent. He probably had some trust in Diah, but I don't think he trusted her enough to have s*x with her. At least his personality doesn't indicate that. But I could of course be wrong.

    Well, it could have been that Diah simply cheated on him. She didn't necessarily marry VIctor. It would be strange that she was engaged to Eiser for 3 years and last year she suddenly changed her mind about Victor. I would see more of a affair in this case. And when Eiser found out about it, he obviously couldn't trust her anymore. He decided to destroy the Grayans in a different way, that is, by disowning them.
    However, if Diah has been planning to marry Vicotor behind Eiser's back for any length of time, she is a terrible pig. There are no words for this woman.
    I'm just wondering if Iansa chose Eiser because Serena liked him and she saw it as a chance to make her granddaughter happy, or maybe because Harper was friends with him, or maybe he really made Iansa an offer she couldn't refuse. At the beginning of the manhwa, Serena's grandmother mentioned that they don't have to have feelings for each other. So that sort of rules out the possibility that she saw him as a great candidate to take care of her granddaughter.
    And the accident that killed Serena's family probably happened when he was 22, which is the age he left his family. I am afraid that his family could have been involved in this, i.e. be an accomplice in committing such a crime. If so, I think he might have also told Iansa that he wanted to get revenge on them. After all, he was Harper's friend. His death must have hurt Eiser. And Iansa, due to the fact that he was her grandson's friend and the fact that he presented himself well to her family, allowed herself to trust him.
    Besides, if it turned out that the Grayan family killed Serenity's family, and Grayan's son himself wanted to destroy his own family, then in some way (a small one, after all, it was the death of her child and grandson) Iansa would feel justice that they would be ruined.

    However, I wish that Eiser's family would not cause this accident this time. Because otherwise it might be too painful for Serena. I don't know if she could bear it (In the chapter where they kiss, she mentions that she might regret it one day. I'm afraid that these are not just empty words. Rather, the author gave a hint that this would happen). After all, Eiser didn't plan to fall in love with Serena. It would be a real problem for their relationship if his family was complicit in the death of Serenity's family.

    Or maybe I'm overthinking. :hmm::blobdizzy:
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2024
    Reem007, Ang3Blue and shung90 like this.
  17. PossaSimon

    PossaSimon Well-Known Member

    Apr 10, 2020
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    It may be a theory, Dustin sent Izer to take time away to do a business abroad before that, Izer and Diah would have promised to quit drugs and rehabilitate themselves, but during Izer's withdrawal, she went into crisis and Victor came into play and offered her drugs in exchange for sex
    Ang3Blue likes this.
  18. shung90

    shung90 Well-Known Member

    Mar 2, 2021
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    Yea you’re right. It wasn’t confirmed they got married when I looked back. It was only confirmed by Dia that she and Victor were engaged. She broke the engagement by telling them she was pregnant with Eisers baby which was fake (Chapter 58). But seeing that Dia and Victor still have close interactions since she came back makes me wonder what is their true relationship. Victor told Dia that she is coming home with him and also before the inauguration he had a close meeting with her.

    I definitely agree that Iansa choosing Eiser has many factors. I think it’s still a business deal between Iansa and Eiser. The need each other for their goals. I think Iansa main goal at that time was have someone take over the business and get them out of trouble. If Eiser is able to do that and build up the serenity family fortunes I think Iansa agree to have him be able to use those resources to bring down his family which he wants. Him being harpers friend is definitely a consideration and I too have felt his family may be involved with Serena family’s death. I don’t think Serena would care that Eiser family was behind her family’s death because now she knows why he has a lot of reasons to hate them. She experienced a lot of love growing up so to know he experienced such brutality at the hands of his family I think she will understand and sympathize with him. In the beginning of the story I definitely felt angry at grandma for marrying her to a stranger and one with a Grayan notorious name. I saw that grandma cared a lot for her so it didn’t make sense for her to marry Serena to a man she hates. Although Iansa could not know where their relationship would go, she was aware of Serena’s crush that it was Eiser. So she felt that truth when found out in the end would affect Serena positively.

    I wonder how Lovis knows everything. Eiser doesn’t seem like the type to spill his family secrets? Also I quickly noticed Jefferick has similar coloured eyes and a mole under his eye similar location to Serena. Might have no relation to each other but the mole location especially I thought it was similar.
  19. Myri25061996

    Myri25061996 Active Member

    Dec 29, 2023
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    I agree, Serena wouldn’t start distancing herself from Eiser, should the Grayans have been involved with carriage accident of her family. It was enough for her to hear that Eiser despises his family too, to start trusting him and now hearing from Lovis how he had been treated by his family would only make her hate his family more, but not Eiser himself who shares the same hatred as her and who has almost nothing to do with them besides his surname . In fact she she would pity him, be empathetic try to be a pillar and confidant rather someone who pushes him away. Then again I don’t think the Grayan’s were behind the carriage accident of her family.
    It seems like Frederick has something to do with it, thus him saying something similar like him being afraid the secret/truth is something Serena won’t take well in her current situation. He was keeping himself from revealing it but after he got demoted and thrown from Serena’s personal space he was wondering when his time is up aka when he needs to leave completely. Before that he seemed to have wished to tell Serena the truth .
    And as a reminder at that time Eiser x Serena weren’t that close for Frederick to reference these words to Eiser x Serena bonding while Eiser’s family is apparently at fault for the tragedy. Also if so Frederick could have reveled it long ago when Serena felt nothing but hatred for Eiser and would have taken it rather as a justification for her hatred to take down Eiser. But yeah it didn’t happen cuz it’s most likely not the case.
    Yet Frederick for some instance but more over that X person are certainly more responsible to whatever happened to Serena’s family.
    Ang3Blue and scarhadil like this.
  20. parttimebroccoli

    parttimebroccoli Well-Known Member

    Jan 10, 2023
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    I don’t think Grayon had to do with Serenity’s accident. When Victor first heard about Eiser getting married into Serenity he didnt pay too much attention to it. If it were the Grayon’s that wouldnt be his reaction. But again, maybe it was something the dad did not Victor. But i feel like that’s too much of a plot convenience to make Grayon the culprit. The story as is is already enough to make then the main enemy.

    I do believe the main culprit is with whoever behind Frederick. They caused the accident to obtain something back then but failed so now they’re making F act as a spy to obtain it?
    Ang3Blue, Fru and scarhadil like this.