Spoiler Shadow queen (manhwa)

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by ChuChi, Jun 8, 2020.

  1. NohrNeir

    NohrNeir rereading frenzy

    Apr 28, 2020
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    ALL CREDIT GOES TO @mijikado

    "You did it?"

    Veronica glared at Ciel vilely.

    "I ask, is it your fault?" Ciel’s eyes sank. "I'll ask again"

    Beyond the mask of the golden eagle, Ciel’s eyes flashed.

    The eyes of the predator made her tremble enough to wonder how she had been holding his breath. Veronica swallowed a dry saliva.

    She kept shaking and her upper and lower teeth collided. Her hair stood on end and she couldn't breathe. Fear eroded from tiptoe to toe.

    "You think this will scare me? Kill me if you're confident. Kill me." Despite her pale face, Veronica threw him into evil. No, as time went by, her eyes became more intense like a poisoned snake. "We've seen each other since we were kids. I'm confident I know enough about you. You can never kill me."

    "You don't sound That confident ."

    Ciel asked back and took a threatening step forward.

    Veronica grabbed hold of her shaky arm and stretched her waist.

    Ciel was not so emotional as to kill her in such an open place.

    « It's me, Veronica von Friedrich. The only heir to the great duchy. »Veronica dismissed Ciel as bluffing.

    It was because it was obvious that he couldn’t scratch her, if not, he would turn the Grand duke into an enemy.

    But why? She had an inexplicable sense of anxiety and fear.

    "There's one thing you didn't know either," said Ciel’s low voice, which was colder than frost. « There was someone who could heat my heart, which I thought was cold, hotter than lava. And you tried to touch her. »

    (Wait wait is it a public confession? [​IMG][​IMG])

    As Ciel approached one more step threateningly, Veronica backed away unknowingly.

    His expressionless face and a ferocious spirit from beyond the mask made her suddenly terrified.

    For Veronica, Ciel was just a pedigree husband. A good-spoken husband, it was an accessory that would make her look better.

    But now she saw it wasn't. This man was dangerous.

    Veronica, who was backing down, bumped into someone.

    Someone caught her off balance and reeling from the high heel.

    "Are you all right, Your Highness?" the assisted Looked at Veronica reflectively.

    « L. »

    « You don't look well, » raised L's lips, which were not covered by a mask. It was an obvious sneer. "You must be very annoyed. The woman who should have died by now is alive."

    "You!" Veronica glared as if to kill L.

    "Did you think I'd fall for such a sloppy plan? It's not a threat. To compare with Liv."

    When the unexpected name popped out, Veronica's eyes were tightened.

    « Liv? » Liv is a nickname for Leabrick. Veronica's recollection was that she was the only one in the Grand Duchy that Leabrick allowed to nickname.

    "Oups, without me knowing. Habits are scary. I've been calling her that for years, and you come out like this."

    « Who are you? » asked Veronica in a cold voice.

    « Do you want to know? »

    « Don't play games. Before I rip that mouth off, »

    Elena smiled silently, despite the threat.

    "Don't get too excited. I was going to show you now. Look who I am."

    Elena reached out and grabbed the knot that had the mask fixed. How long had she been waiting for today? It was time to be rewarded for the days when she died after being used miserably.

    When she untied the knot, Elena's face, which was hidden behind the mask, was revealed.

    "You, you!" stammered Veronica, facing Elena in the face of the earth.

    Elena's face, which resembled her as if looking in a mirror, seems to have been hit on the head with a hammer.

    "Okay? Who I am, what I was to you. "What I am looking at you in my own way."

    Elena's full-blown smile filled with resentment over the years.

    The visitors were also astonished.

    « Oh, my God. »

    « There’s not something wrong with my eyes? »

    « L and the Princess seem so alike. »

    « Do you think twins? »

    « I've never heard of that. How can 2 person be so alike? »

    The visitors around Elena and Veronica looked alternately at the faces of the two, shrieking.

    Many people visited Salon because they were curious about L's beauty. Expectations were high.

    But Elena's face, which was revealed, was surprisingly similar to Veronica. As they stood facing each other, their similar appearances drew attention.

    « But you know, the atmosphere is strangely different. »

    « L seems more modern and elegant. »

    « Can I say this? L looks like a real princess. It looks like they've changed. Oh, you didn't hear me, did you? »

    « How do you feel? Even if you pretend you don't know, it's true. The air is different. »

    Each of them purged in a small voice, but some of the words were clearly heard in Veronica's ears.

    "Yi, yi." Veronica's hand trembled like an aspen tree.

    There was no more severe insult than being compared to Elena, a vulgar and baseless woman to her noble birth.

    Veronica's eyes went up in mere appearance, giving a more fierce impression.

    On the other hand, Elena's slightly drooping eyes.

    That alone was not enough to judge who was superior.

    However, the image that has been instilled in the public had determined superiority.

    Veronica had lived an authoritative life based on her title as a princess and her great-great-grandfather.

    In particular, the recent visit to the salon and the obstruction was an act of disrespect.

    And as Elena, who played the fake Veronica, did not participate in the final competition for the Crown Princess, Veronica had to bear the damage.

    They pointed out, "No matter how great it is, it is a reckless move to ignore the imperial family."

    The social reputation for Veronica was not good because of the overlap of such deeds.

    Conversely, the public assessment of L was different from Veronica. Her intellectual, quiet and refined dignity was so noble that it was hard to find her when they looked back on the history of the empire. She was well-received by society, and was even honored by Prince Ciel- the Crown Prince.

    Considering that women have received less than five titles in the history of the Empire, they could guess how much L's public confidence and reputation were.

    Furthermore, it has been revealed that she has a close relationship with Prince Ciel by saying,

    "Today, the royal family will offer champagne for congratulations and even offer a cultural commendation."

    Aside from the background of the Grand Duke, there was no lack of Elena compared to Veronica.

    The heat loss compared to twin-like looks made Veronica even more crazy and jumpy. It was a humiliation for her to be treated like this.

    "As of today, people will remember this." Elena smiled as the winner. Then she said in a triumphant voice. « I don't look like you, you look like me. »

    « What? » Veronica's eyes were turned upside down.

    Elena's words, which are provocative enough to provoke an accident, broke the pride of a strand that kept Veronica afloat.

    "How dare you insult me you fake?" Veronica's lips trembled. « You’re just a double dummy! A rootless b!tch! »

    This moment was unbearably humiliating.

    "Fake? Where in the world is the real thing and where is the fake thing? It's not your Highness who judges it."

    Elena responded politely, but only picking out words that scratched Veronica’s stomach.

    Unaware of the unknown circumstances and old feelings of the two, visitors thought that Veronica was arguing because she didn’t like L's face, which resembled her for no reason.

    « That mask, you should have been wearing it to the death. You must have taken it off for no reason, right? »

    Veronica gnawed her teeth.

    If she could, she would have to pour the champagne she was holding onto Elena's face, break the glass, and smash her face with shrapnel to relieve her anger. She couldn't even imagine what kind of accident she would have caused if a strand of reason hadn't caught her. `

    Veronica thought it was better. Elena was a b!tch whom she should have killed. Months has passed since Leabrick failed to handle her work properly, but she should not let her live any longer.

    « 'll see until when you can still make that face,turned Veronica, biting her lips.

    ‘I'll rip that bitch to death and then crush the body with my feet.

    The fact that she was the one who laughed last never changes.

    In spite of the shivering threat, Elena burst into laughter.

    « Ah. »

    Elena felt as if her heart had been pierced. As the emotional goal that had been kept silent was resolved at once, the excitement penetrated the whole body.

    « I don't know if I can afford to care, » said Elena, with a meaningful smile. There would be nothing in Veronica's eyes now.

    She thought she could wring Elena's neck right now with the Grand Duke on her back. Soon, however, she would find it difficult. It is regrettable that Veronica’s distorted face could not be seen.

    I actually pity him/her a little bit thought, he didn’t do anything much except following Veronica’s orders but still receive harsh karma, but oh well [​IMG]

    After the Grand Duke knew about the failed poisoning attempt, he was furious and decided put Ashelas in a corporal punishment:

    He was put in a leather bag and was hit repeatedly by a knight with a metal bat.

    Blood stained all over the bag as the knight continued to swing his bat. Ashelas struggled Without screaming. The hitting sound only stopped when he couldn’t move anymore

    The Grand Duke was mad at Veronica, not because she attempted to mass murder all the people in the Salon, but because she wasn’t careful enough [​IMG]

    He was still confident enough about his influence. For him, even if they committed felonies, they would always be exonerated because they were of noble descent. Nobody would even dare to hold them accountable anyways, he thought [​IMG][​IMG]

    Veronica, humiliated by L, was hostile and pledged her father to get rid of her, but the Grand Duke refused, saying that « It’s not the time. She’s still too big to touch », as L’s reputation in society was very good and she was supported by the Imperial family.

    The news of the Imperial Guards reforms added to his shook:

    Only last night, Ciel seized the control of the Guard’s headquarters and stripped them of all their titles. New guards were selected by the Emperor himself, and the Crown Prince was appointed to be their new Captain.

    The Imperial Guards stood for the power of the Imperial family. That’s why they were the first thing that the Duke had touched to neutralize Ciel and the Emperor. He took in every incompetent aristocratic children into the position to weaken their power and loyalty.

    However, now that the old Imperial Guard was disbanded and the new one was established, it was clear that it was a Will to strengthen the Royal family’s power, and implicitly a declaration of war against the Grand Duke [​IMG]

    « I must have misread him », said the Duke.

    Indeed, Richard was a weak emperor. Not very wise, no determination and had a genetic chronic disease which weaken his body. For decades, he was obedient enough to follow the Grand Duke’s decisions. But recently, he gradually began to show signs of disobedience and eventually revealed his hidden fangs.

    Emperor Richard’s declaration of war had awakened the Grand Duke’s real nature, as the worst man of the Empire, which had been languishing for decades.

    Elena at her « Fake » Veronica days, had been making a deal with 2 Barons and a Count about the Noblesse Street. She asked for their investment, and promised that she would share the profits of the Noblesse Street to them [​IMG]

    So one day, the 3 nobles came for Veronica (the Real one lol) and asked for the shares.

    Veronica was like « WTH I never did that and I’ll never give you the shares » [​IMG]. (Her profit was close to none (yeah more like a deficit) anyway [​IMG])

    The nobles knew she would say that so they gave her a writing certificate, written by « her » (Elena). Veronica even doubted her own eyes: L/the fake one was able to imitate so well her handwriting that even she was confused if she had really wrote it (good job Elena! [​IMG])

    Veronica asked them to stop and warned them.

    However, the nobles was furious as they had invested an astronomical amount of money. They interrogated Veronica about where she had put their money into and asked her to take responsibility [​IMG]

    (I skipped this part in the 4th volume but I’m pretty sure that Elena had given all their money to Ciel in order to reform the Imperial Guards haha [​IMG])

    Veronica refused of course. The 3 nobles warned that she would regret, in which Veronica just laughed.

    When the 3 of them left, Veronica was unable to overcome her temper: she threw away all the things on her desk and suddenly grabbed the scissors and stabbed the sofa frantically (poor sofa...you didn’t deserve it)

    « L! DIE! DIE! DIE! DIE! DIE »

    She checked out the investment bill, and discovered that most of the investment disappeared without a trace right after it came.

    Back to the poor 3 nobles. They were robbed of their money, and were trying to find out a way to get revenge.

    First, they would stopped every transaction with the Grand Duke family

    Then, they would gather public opinion about this matter to other local nobles. They were sure they were not the only one who was used by the Grand Duke.

    Finally, they would deduct the amount that the other nobles had to pay in order to gain their support in their actions.

    ⇒ The Grand Duke would then suffer from severe financial difficulties. It was the most effective way to diminish the Grand Duke’s influence in such a short time.

    « Soon, the funds of the Grand Park will dry out. »

    « The thirsty man will have no choice but to reach out to us for their well being »

    A terrible rumor was going around the capital: Len, the heir of the influential Bastache family was killed by a blind arrow.

    It brought the Bastache family into shook.

    Elena profited of this situation to aim at all the people and employees in the family that were bought-off by the Grand Duke.

    Len was still unconscious. The doctor warned Elena that it would be dangerous if the coma continued.

    « Look, it’s L ! » The aristocrats who were visiting the Basilica found Elena standing in front of the Imperial Wagon chatted

    « I don’t know why she had been covering her face with that beauty »

    « I heard it was because she was afraid of her ressemblance with Princess Veronica »

    « It’s impossible. She is too elegant. I don’t think you can buy that with money »

    « People say you’re born with it, but I guess it’s true »

    « But why did the Imperial family send her a carriage? »

    « Did you not know? Today, the Emperor, his majesty praised L for her contribution to the development of the Empire’s culture and offered her a cultural’s medal »

    Elena climbed on the carriage and went to the Imperial Palace.

    As the carriage’s door opened, Ciel came personally and escorted her. Elena was embarrassed.

    Entering the main palace, she bowed down to greet the Emperor. Ciel stepped aside and introduced Elena to his father.

    Richard couldn’t take his eyes of Elena’s manners. It was more arduous and excellent than anyone he had ever seen in his life. When he looked at her face, it reminded him of the Grand Duke of Frances.

    ‘I can’t believe it. You look alike, but also so different ’

    Contrary to the Grand Duke, the brillance in Elena’s eyes was enough to illuminate even the darkness with light. It was also warm and soft. But like the duke, they both had the dignity of a giant.

    « Our Prince ows you a lot »

    « What do you mean? It’s not true. I’ve always been help by his Highness the Crown Prince »

    « Huh, you’re even modest ». The Emperor’s eyes warmed up.

    The emperor asked Elena if she wanted something, in which she refused, saying that the title and the medal were already enough.

    Richard then asked Ciel to go out to bring some object, leaving Elena alone with him.

    At that moment, the atmosphere became serious.

    «The Grand Duke is a dangerous man »

    « I know »

    « He’s aiming for the Bastache family »

    Elena showed signs of surprise at the unexpected topic.

    « Len, I’ve heard from Ciel. He is unconscious, isn’t he? »

    « Yes, the wounds are completely healed, and I believe he will soon wake up »

    Elena believed that Len would soon wake up and laughed at her as if nothing had happened.

    « He would need to wake up in a hurry »

    « What do you mean? »

    It seems that The Grand Duke was planning to kill off one important person from the Bastache family.

    « I have a trick to catch the Grand Duke, will you listen? »

    Elena was surprised as she did never thought about the Emperor who brought up a proposal to bring down the Grand Duke first.

    « I’ll listen. Please allow me to have a word before that. »

    « ? »

    « I’m just the owner of a salon, and I’m only a baroness. I don’t have any knight to take control of the Grand Duke. I wonder what are your intentions to say that to me. Even without his Royal highness the Crown Prince »

    The emperor had intentionally ruled out Ciel from the discussion, as if he had nothing to say to him.

    « I’ll tell you the plan » the Emperor opened his mouth as if he had opened his mind.

    Elena’s eyes grew as big as full moon at the plan of the Emperor. It was such a bold and unconventional schema, and only with Elena’s absolute consent could it be realized.

    « This is it. »

    « Now do you understand? »

    « But your Majesty,... »

    This scheme inevitably forced the sacrifice of the Emperor Richard. And it would be none other than Ciel who would grieve the most at his sacrifice. Elena didn’t want to see him grieving.

    Looking at Elena hesitating, the Emperor called for an answer

    « As a father, I have done nothing for my son. I’d like to act as a father. Will you help me? »

    Elena suddenly had an idea. There was a way to avoid sacrifice!

    « I’ll obey your will. Instead, please make a pact with me »

    « A promise? »

    Emperor Richard was later surprised by Elena’s plan. It was because Elena knew the secret of the palace that only a member of the Imperial family should know.

    Ciel soon came back with a box.

    « Give it to L »

    Elena took the box and Ciel opened it.

    It was a brooch, used as a gift only to the members of the royal family. Elena knew it well. She had seen it several times on the Empress Cecilia.

    « It’s a brooch that’s been handed down to the imperial family for generations. I hope you will continue to be the light of the Royal Family » said Richard, who secretly expressed his innermost thoughts.

    « It’s not something I deserve » She would have accepted it with a happy heart before, but not anymore. Elena no longer had any lingering attachment to the brooch. Rather it became a burden to know the long meaning and weight of the jewel

    « Thank you, Your Majesty, but the brooch need to be with someone else. It’s too precious for me to dare to accept »

    « How can it be that precious compared to my heart that values you? Take it »

    Elena was in a great hesitation when Emperor Richard recommended it again. She hesitated because it seemed to cold to turn away from the Emperor

    « I’m grateful that your Majesty thinks I’m precious. I’ll keep it safe »

    « Huh. » The emperor laughed in vain. When she said that she would keep it without wearing, it meant that she still didn’t accept to become a member of the imperial family [​IMG]

    It might be vulgar but it was the best answer that Elena could give in.

    She glanced at Ciel who gave her a gentle smile.

    ‘Ah. Was he always such a warm-hearted person?’

    Elena’s deep seated feeling of pressure and sorry melted away

    « That’s enough. I’m glad to have a meaningful moment after a long time. I’d also like to have a cup of tea, but I’ll put it off next time, » the Emperor coughed and his complexion turned bad.

    Elena prayed for him before leaving. Ciel also stayed away so that his father could rest.




    « It's your first time in the palace, would you like a cup of tea? »

    « First time? » Elena opened her eyes round and blinked at Ciel's suggestion.

    She had visited the palace several times as Veronica to participate in the selection ceremony for the Crown Princess.

    « This is your first official visit to the palace as L. »

    « Oh. »

    « So I'd like you to allow me to have the first tea time with you in the palace. »

    Elena burst into laughter.

    "I didn’t knew you had this kind of eloquence."

    "Because I'm in front of you and I'm afraid you'll refuse."

    "It can't be rejected"

    Elena's favorable answer softened Ciel’s expression.

    « His majesty didn’t even think of me. If you feel burdened, I apologize on his behalf » said Xian, looking at Elena, who took a sip of tea and laid down her glass.

    "Please don’t Apologize, It was His Majesty's sincerity » Elena touched the teacup with a tearful glance. « I'm just careful because it might not be me. »

    « Sure. » Ciel brooded and spared her words. It wasn't because he wasn't curious. He just didn't want to put it on her head. All along as he has so far chosen was to wait.

    "Was it uncomfortable?"

    "No. he was not difficult. He’s a good man,"

    Ciel took the teacup to his mouth without a word. There was a faint smile hanging around his mouth, hidden in the teacup.

    His father was the emperor who leads the empire. Ciel couldn't help but liking a woman who told him that such an emperor was not difficult and that he was a good person.

    « That's enough. »

    « Your Grace. »

    « I won't ask you anything. I don't want you to be in trouble. If it's something I need, I'll tell you first. »

    Elena was still unadjusted. She had seen that look in Ciel all along, but it was still awkward.


    "Yes, Your Highness."

    "It's not because of that I asked you for tea time. I wanted to put aside complicated stories and let you rest here for a while."

    As she always felt, Ciel thought of Elena before himself. The sincerity was enough to convey a small vibration to Elena's mind, which was rigid with tension.
    Last edited: Oct 11, 2020
  2. NohrNeir

    NohrNeir rereading frenzy

    Apr 28, 2020
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    Reading List:
    ALL CREDIT GOES TO @mijikado

    All-out war part 1

    Veronica rushed at Her father’s office, pushed the maids, and opened the door

    « What’s going on here?! »

    Grand Duke Frances sighed low as he looked at Veronica

    « I’m sure I told you to be careful »

    « It’s my job! The torn-down b!tch dared to do a terrible thing with MY name and identity, but how could you keep quiet?! »

    « Veronica. »

    « Do you know my reputation in the social world now? L, she is a snob and shameless b!tch, why do I have to be humiliated by her??! » Veronica was so nervous that she couldn’t control herself. She, who had been clinging to pride in her bloodline and sense of authority, was criticized for what L had done (fake agreement with the 3 nobles), which made her feel bitter and angry.

    « It’s not just you. Our situation is not good right now. »

    With the handwritten certificate as evidence, 3 nobles had protested to not pay the Grand Duke while gathering public opinion of the aristocrats in each region. It even led to complains about the indiscriminate tax raise.

    Veronica tried to justify that the certificate was a forgery, and there was no evidence of the astronomical amount of money.

    However, it was already useless. Many aristocrates said that they couldn’t believe the words of the Grand Duke.

    When the payment was cut of, the finance of the Grand Duke family became worse.

    After the opium project collapsed due to the loss of the plantation, the Noblesse Street was considered as the last hope, but even that was not good, due to the blossoming L’s Basilica.

    It was the first time that the Grand Duke family was pushed into such a wall.

    « How long are you going to wait?!! If you can’t do it, I’ll do it! »

    « Wait. »

    « Until when?!!! » demanded the impatient Veronica

    « Until we get hold of the Bastache family »

    Veronica’s eyes grew wide at his father’s words.

    What kind of family was the Bastache?

    The Bastaches were an emerging aristocratic family led by Spencer Bastache, a former member of the Grand Duke’s.

    Although the family’s history might be short, but its political position, finance and even armed forces were solid enough to be called the Head of the emerging aristocraty.

    « It’s true that Len is dead? »

    « According to the investigation, yes. No one has ever lived after being injured by Lord Stein(the assassin)’s arrow »

    Veronica’s face lit up

    « What about the Imperial side? »

    « I’ve done a lot of thing. I don’t know if the Emperor will break his stubbornness » Attil responded

    « I, The Grand Duke of Frances, don’t have to ask for anyone’s permission » the Grand Duke said arrogantly, as if he had the Emperor at his feet.

    Attil was dressed neatly, while the woman trapped behind steel bars was smiling like a madman

    « Are you alright? » Attil’s attitude towards Leabrick was still polite

    « L was the b!tch. Why didn’t I know this before.... You were a moron... you were truck in her trap » Leabrick still talked to herself with a face that remained smiling. It was a habit developed after being alone in the dungeon for too long.

    «You sent back the Bastache’s leader? »

    « Yes. I’ve brainwashed him, and now Len’s death has become aN accomplished fact, and master thinks he doesn’t need to do anything else anymore »

    Attil told Liv everything that had happened in order to ask for advice.

    « Then, it’s over. »

    « What? It’s over? »

    « There’s nothing you can do »

    Attil blinked since it was Leabrick who taught him that one should be prepared for 2 or 3 times, and now she was irresponsible enough to counter her own beliefs.

    « There’s nothing you can do as long as the Grand Duke has moved »

    « What do you mean? »

    Leabrick smiled meaningfully at Attil, who couldn’t understand.

    « There is not much time left. The day when the Empire’s sun will change. »

    Edit: Liv knew how cruel would the Grand Duke be, and she knew what was he going to do (changing the Empire's sun which would be detailled in the next spoilers)

    Back to Elena’s side.

    She asked Emilio and Hurelbad to hire mercenaries. Both of them were surprised, but soon agreed.

    « Please check and select them yourself »

    « So, how many would you like to pick? »

    « About 50 »

    It was twice as much as the regular number of knights

    « May I ask what are you going to do with all those mercenaries? »

    « I’m going to use them as bait »

    Emilio was lost in thought [​IMG]

    « What the hell are you trying to bait with? »

    A significant smile rose around Elena’s mouth

    « The Grand Duke of Franche »

    « Huuuuh!!! » [​IMG][​IMG]

    Emilio was burst into consternation, while Hurelbad’s puppils shook [​IMG]

    « The Grand Duke is already isolated. Their options are limited now. I’m going to put an end to this with a victory »

    The big framework and foundation of the plan was provided by Emperor Richard. It was Elena’s job to respond to the changing situation and adapt it, but without the idea of the Emperor, it would have been a long way to devise such a scheme and act.

    What was she going to do?

    She was going to dressed up those 50 mercenaries into bandits. Like, the most formidable bandits near the capital.

    The rumor would be: The top merchants were attacked by bandits near the empire’s capital. The guard resisted fiercely, but eventually lost to the bandits who took away all the items.

    With that, the Imperial family would be « forced » to set up a massive punitive force into the capital

    Emilio was confused:

    « Bandits are allies, and the Guards, headed by the crown Prince, are on our side.... oh my head hurts » [​IMG]

    Elena asked Hurelbad to become....the bandits’ leader [​IMG]. She asked him to disguise himself to look like a real one: puffy hair, beard,...

    There was a small twitch in Hurelbad’s lips, he who rarely changed facial expression. He was ready to handle anything, but he never thought about dressing up as a bandit boss [​IMG] But he immediately agreed anyway [​IMG]

    Everything was to pull the enemy - the Grand Duke, out

    Len was still asleep in the quiet room bed when Elena arrived. Compared to the last time, he had a better complexion, but he had no appetite and no activity, so his skin had dried up.

    « Stop sleeping, why do you sleep for so long? Do you want to see me die while feeling guilty? » Her eyes at Len looked sad.

    Len was still silent.

    Elena even held the thin hand tightly

    « Please, open your eyes. If you’re teasing me, you can take a break now »

    Len’s hand were suddenly strained. Len was smiling weakly as he turned his head in surprise

    « Nagging....can you do more? »

    « LEN!! »

    Elena, who couldn’t overcome the overwhelming feeling, rushed at Len. She hugged him tightly, as if she was still doubtful that this moment was a dream.

    « Why do you only wake up now! Do you know how long I’ve been waiting for you to open your eyes?! » Elena’s eyes moistened

    « Did you miss me? » It was a silly joke, but why did she miss that grinning smile so much?

    « Who said that? »

    « It’s written on your face »

    « Don’t say anything weird. It was because of me.. »

    « Why it was because of you? It’s because I want to protect you »

    « Why would you? You should have just left me. Why did you steeping up? »

    « No, that’s not possible. I can’t watch you get hurt. It’s better for me to get hurt even in the same situation »

    Elena’s heart dropped with a thump as she looked at the smiling Len. The sincerity caused a stir in her heart.

    ‘That’s why I can’t hate you anymore even though I hated you so much in my past life’ It was the same for Ciel too.

    « Don’t do that. » She cried




    « Go to sleep, so you can get better soon. »

    It was time for Elena to pull up the blanket and cover him up again.

    Len, who gently closed his eyes, called her low.

    « Elena »

    « Don’t talk to me. Sleep »

    « Sorry. »

    Elena starred at Len’s sudden Apology.

    « What are you sorry about? »

    « I bullied you. »

    The conversation didn’t last as Len soon went back to his sleep.

    Elena starred down at such Len with a complex glance. The current apology came out as a big deal. It erased the remnants of bad memories that remained like crumbs and allowed Elena to see this current Len, just as she did with Ciel.

    « Thank you for your for your apology. By the way, Len. »

    Elena reached out and touched his bang

    « I’ve forgiven you already. »

    When rumors about Len’s death began to spread, suddenly the head of the family and his father, Spencer, disappeared.

    (Turned out he was kept by the Grand Duke). When news about Spencer who came back home spread to Elena’s ears, May asked to visit him secretly in order to see if it was a trap by the Grand Duke and reported later to Elena.

    (May was in an intelligence operatives workings’ organization underground but also worked under Spencer too I think)

    Only after the 4th day that May succeeded in infiltrating Spencer’s bedroom

    « Lord, this is May. I have some good news. Len is alive »

    May reported in a rousing tone, straining her voice.

    « Len..Len...Len »

    Contrary to the expectation that he’d be pleased, Spencer murmured Len’s name repeatdly

    « Len is dead. Len is not is this world »

    « Lord? » Mel’s eyes shook violently. She had a hunch that something was wrong with his behaviour.

    She turned his chair around and was stunned when she saw Spencer sitting like a doll in the chair.

    He was alive, but was an indescribable skeleton.

    « Len is dead...Len is dead.. » Spencer mumbled the same thing like a parrot with a hollow face.

    May tried to wake him up, but it was useless.

    « Len is dead. There is no successor. May Grand Duke Frances lead the family. The House of Bastache »

    (Omg. Franches what have you done [​IMG][​IMG])

    « Lord » May bit her lips hard.

    Seeing her master brainwashed by the Grand Duke was a pain to him, and his eyes were filled with tears.

    But Spencer’s physical condition was the worst. The body was thinly dried, and the red-blooded eyes made us assume that he had been awake for several days. In this conditions, he would die sonner or later.

    (Ps: the MTL said her/his name was « Mel » but I think she/he was May but It could also be 2 different people So please take it with a grain of salt)

    Mel reported everything to Len and Elena. Len decided to infiltrated secretly into his father bedroom. He was still weak, but was assisted by May.

    Len faced Spencer himself

    « Father. »

    Despite the call, Spencer was silent as if he was not there. He just stared blankly at his son, who was known as dead.

    « Len is dead. Len is dead. Leave the Bastache family to Grand Duke Franches. The House of Bastache... »

    Len’s eyes were filled with tears when he saw Spencer as good as a dead man.

    « What is this?.. Why did you end up like this? At least slap my cheek. That’s how I know you ».

    « ... »

    « What is this ? » Len bit his lips hard. He couldn’t bear the fact that his father had become such a weak creature.

    « Len...Len »

    The murmur of Spencer drew closer to Len. There was an indescribable warmth in his voice repeating Len’s name.

    « Father? »

    « Len...Len...Len » Hot tears flowed down his eyes

    « Yes, it’s me, here it is » Len took his hand.

    « Len....the....family..the grand duke... Urhhhhhhh » His loose pupil shook and his body trembled.

    « Do you recognize me? »

    The more Len spoke, the worse the symptoms became

    « Len....the house... »

    « Okay, I’ll protect the family. So.... »

    Len’s Words didn’t last to the end. Spencer gasped for breath, and his head dropped.

    Len denied the reality but May just shook her head

    « He’s gone »

    « This is cheating. Open your eyes. Open your eyes »

    The dead didn’t talk. There was no movements in Spencer’s hand.

    Len swallowed his anger. He was not hasty enough to do something irrevocable under the emotion of the moment. He knew that Elena’s plan was the only way to appease his father’s death.

    « Let’s go back ». He turned coldly, after looking at his father’s face for the last time.

    All-out war part 2

    The funeral of Spencer was held in great measure. His tomb was placed beside Len’s tomb (although no body was found, a tomb was made because everybody already convinced of his death)

    The death of Spencer Bastache, head and centerpiece of the emerging aristocracy, was a fatal blow to the emerging aristocrats who had been forming power. With Len’s « death », the one who supposed to lead the Bastache family’s revival, the family was in the verge of collapsing

    Aristocrats were speaking about the inheritance’s matter

    « In the near future, the Bastache family will be absorbed into the Grand Duke »

    « Spencer himself left a will: to hand it over to the Grand Duke »

    « Oh? Look at that carriage »

    « I know. That’s L’s wagon. »

    « Did L and Spencer know each other? »

    « I didn’t hear any of that »

    Since Len couldn’t come, it was Elena who went to the funeral in his stead. Soon, Ciel also arrived and stood beside Elena.

    After the funeral, rumors began to spread between L and Ciel

    « They’re in a relationship, right? »

    « I think so. They whispered to each other earlier »

    « L and the Crown Prince »

    « It’s a great match ».

    L and Ciel left the cemetery in their own carriages. While Elena’s one led her directly to the Salon, Ciel changed carriage while dressing up in plain clothes in other to hide his Salon’s visit.

    With Len, they had a reunion inside the building.

    Elena finally brought up the final plan to destroy the Grand Duke family.

    The longer Elena spoke, the more the faces of the 2 changed from moment to moment: surprise, shock, astonishment.

    Elena was able to see through the psychology of the Grand Duke but also moved one step ahead him.

    Len clapped his hand:

    « Wow, genius »

    « I didn’t do it alone. It’s all thanks to him. »

    « It couldn’t be then... » Ciel reacted reflexively when Elena mentioned Emperor Richard.

    « Yes, his majesty didn’t give up. He had been holding it in »

    Elena told Ciel and Len the revised plan and not the original one (the one with Richard as a sacrifice)

    « The 3 of us have to work together to make the plan work. If not, we’ll be eaten. »

    May interrupted their conversation as a royal family member in the Kalona Kingdom wanted to meet Elena in person. As the owner, she was obliged to accept this formal visit.

    Elena left the drawing room, leaving Ciel and Len. [​IMG]

    When the only 2 were left, an awkward silence followed. It had always been the case since the days of the academy, but they were on awkward and sharp terms, as the 2 men hearts were both taken by Elena (Elena you got 3 swordmasters for yourself [​IMG])

    Surprisingly, it was Ciel who broke the silence and opened his mouth first.

    "You look fine. Shouldn't you start looking for a place to live?" Ciel gave a hint as if he didn't like Len's stay in the salon. He was childish when he thought about it, but he was true.

    "Oh, I was going to, but she’s going to owe me more. Elena said so, too," replied Len with a grin. His mouth was smiling, but his eyes were not laughing.

    « You're not very shy. »

    « You're asking me to stay longer, aren't you? »

    There was a spark between the two. Len collected his laughter and spoke meaningfully.

    "You must have forgotten what I said to you. Don't like her. »

    "You can't keep her."

    "Even though the situation has changed a little, it seems to be still valid, Your Royal Highness."

    Len purposely gave the Prince a boost. L en, who noticed Elena's secret when she was a student at the academy, warned Ciel.

    The crown prince's position put responsibility before a woman's happiness. Even more so if he became an emperor who ruled vast territories.

    The splendor and happiness enjoyed by the emperor is not even a tenth of the rain of life to be young.

    "I was once shaken by your words. Because I couldn't refute it."

    "How come it sounds like you want to refute it now?" Ren's eyebrows wriggled with the strange margins contained in Ciel's words.

    "To me now, the words of that time no longer touch me," Ciel's eyes showed a deep affection for Elena. "To me, she is so precious that she transcends duty and responsibility."

    The unthinkable confession of Ciel put strength into Ren's eyes. The Crown Prince is a position of duty and responsibility. There's no way Ciel didn't know that, and yet he valued Elena more than his duties and responsibilities.

    The meaning of those words was never light...but Elena was so precious to Ciel that he really could put everything down.

    « You've changed, » said Len, in Ciel’s determined gaze.

    Len kept smiling. Why not? He didn't hate to hear that remark from Ciel, who was like a rival. Not only Ciek, but also Len.

    Elena was a worthy Woman to the point where he could risk his life.

    "Oh, my God, we're not good friends."

    « It sounds like you're not giving up. »

    There was a fiery war of nerves between Ciel and Ren.

    "More than you, I'm not less. And wouldn't my life the proof for my determination?" Len grinned.

    Protecting Elena at the risk of his life. Len had no more medal than this. If Elena had heard it, she would have gone wild.

    What's clear is that he feels more ahead of Ciel.

    "I can't believe you're trying to take on that. Me too......"

    It was when he was about to hit back in an unsympathetic rage. The closed door opened and Elena, who had been away for a while, returned.

    She looked very tired of the reception of unwanted visitors.

    « I'm here, »

    Ciel and Len, despite her coming, gazed at each other without giving her a glance.

    Elena, who felt a different atmosphere than before, asked.

    "What happened while I was gone?"

    « Nothing happened."Ciel answered calmly.

    But looking at the two men growling at each other, it was discredited.

    « Did you two fight? »

    « No fight, we are not children. » Len shrugged.

    « Then what did you do? »

    « Dialogue, gentlemanly. » [​IMG]

    Elena's eyes narrowed. This was because they had a gentlemanly conversation, that the atmosphere between the two became that harsh?

    "What did you say?"

    « About you. » Len summoned Elena casually.

    Surprised Elena opened her eyes wide and looked at Ciel.

    Ciel was silent and not particularly negative.

    « What did you say about me? »

    « You'll be hurt if you hear me. »

    Only then did Len, who turned his head, laugh playfully.

    « Was it risky? »

    « No. »

    « What did you do then? I won't be angry, so tell me. »

    Len turned a blind eye to Elena's questioning. When he looked at Ciel with a frown on his forehead, he also avoided looking into her eyes and gave no answer.

    "What the hell did you talk about?" Elena asked again, but the two kept their mouths shut as if they had made a promise. [​IMG]

    Neither Ciel nor Ren were too childish to bring up the subject.

    "Are you really not going to tell me at the end? Neither Ren nor Your Highness?"

    Elena shook her head as she saw the two men who had not opened their mouths.

    When Elena woke up, she was surprised to see Hurelbad in the mirror

    « Is that really you? »

    The cold, smooth skin became rough, and the unshaved rich beard looked wild. He also wore clothing worn mostly by hunters.

    « I can’t recognize you at all »

    Despite Elena’s admiration, Hurelbad couldn’t laugh, because he felt so awkward and unfamiliar in the mirror

    « You look strangely naive »

    « ...don’t tease me » Hurelbad blushed (omg I want to see that scene in the manhwa [​IMG][​IMG])

    After that, Elena was told that the Grand Duke had put up his properties for sale (smthing like 2 mansions and 6 estates)

    Some aristocrats were interested, but there was no buyers

    Elena then asked Emilio to announce their intentions to buy his properties. They could later made a down payment in cash (so that the offer could not be turned down) and ultimately delayed the final payment as much as possible in order to prolong the financial difficulties of the Grand Duchy [​IMG]




    Mount Kazbegi, which surrounded the northern part of the capital.

    The place was unusually infested with bandits.

    Bandits in the capital, which was a symbol of the empire. They raided the capital’s Center, which was well-known, and stole all the items.

    Rumor said that the bandits were so strong that the knights were helplessly defeated, even though they fiercely resisted.

    A few days later, the bandits confronted the Castol Chamber of Commerce.

    People didn't think they would survive against the superior knights corps. The bandit's evil deeds were expected to end.

    However, the captain of the Knights Corps, who was known in the northern part of the country, was defeated in vain by the captain of the bandit.

    At first, no one believed it, but it turned out to be true when the sightings of the surviving knights were reported.

    It has been said that the leader of the bandits was a strong man who exceeds most of the knights, and he had been recognized by the public as someone who couldn’t be reckoned with.

    His notoriety vibrated in all the Empire’s the capital. [​IMG][​IMG]

    In the Imperial Palace, Emperor Richard was coerced by the nobles

    « Your majesty, how long are you going to leave the Bastache family behind? «

    « It’s a great loss for the nation. We must proceed with the inheritance »

    « I can’t understand why you keep putting this off »

    « Grand Duke Franches is obviously the number 1 heir to the Bastache family »

    Despite the aristocrats’ voices, Richard did not readily allow inheritance

    « There still has something to investigate. Wait. »

    The nobleman raised his voice as if to eat him up

    « Didn’t you already set up an investigation team and now you want to check it again? What else do you want to investigate? »

    « Spencer Bastache has been fince since he returned to his family. »

    « Have you seen the doctor’s autopsy report clear? »

    « What do you doubt, Your Majesty? »

    The storm of resistance from the aristocrats turned Richard’s face upside down. And the Grand Duke did not show sign of disapproval

    « I believe that everything should be done according to the law »

    « Huh » Richard laughed as if he was dumb.

    « Okay then, let’s follow the order of the Grand Duke »

    « Your majesty! »

    « Good Judgment! »

    The aristocrats’ faces brightened up.

    But soon the Emperor added:

    « But, fin the body of Len Bastache first. Or bring the proof. Because that’s the law. » [​IMG]

    Joy was briefly distorted by the stubbornness of Emperor Richard.

    Just a few months ago, he had accepted most of the nobles’ wills unless it was an excessive demand. But after the reform of the Imperial Guards, he changed, and began to antagonize the nobility.

    There were still aristocrats who defended the Imperial family. The representative example was Count Lyndon - a neutral aristocrat (the father of Cecilia if you remember [​IMG])

    « Are you really going to be stubborn? »

    For the first time, Grand Duke Franches expressed his feelings about this. His low but chilly voice caused the nobles to gulp.

    Emperor Richard retorted:

    « Stubbornness. Don’t you think you’re the one being stubborn? »

    « It can’t be delayed until you-know-when »

    « It’s not delayed. It’s just a confirmation process. Or just wait half a year until Len’s life or death is confirmed. I wouldn’t be stubborn at that time. »

    « Surely... »

    Grand Duke Franches stared at the Emperor. Half a year. It was not that long, but it was not good enough to wait half a year.

    The Bastache family would be a very profitable business for the Grand Duke.

    Although not to be to the point of collapse overnight, the Grand Duke’s financial situation deteriorated rapidly over the course of the day. It could not only lead to fiscal austerity but also to downsizing the Knights.

    As soon as he tightened his belt, the Grand Duchy would be over.

    The nobles were like hyenas. The moment they smelled that he had weakened, they would turn their backs to him.

    The 3 nobles (who lended ‘Veronica’ money) already showed their intention to do so. Soon, other powerful families would also make their moves.

    If the collapse occured, it might take decides or even hundreds of years for the Grand Duchy to reach its peak again.

    « Half a year is too long. Let’s make it 3 months » Grand Duke offered a compromise, but the Emperor refused

    « Half a year ». He made it clear that compromise was impossible.

    Several aristocrats were upset by his declaration, but no one stepped forward. It was because even the Grand Duke bowed his head and acted in accordance with his will.

    Emperor Richard Skilfully changed the subject, as the Bastache’s family case was only a preface to him. Now it was time to get to the point:

    « Recently, bandits are invading near the capital. »

    « Yes, Your Majesty. Even the Castol Society is said to have suffered great damage »

    « Huh. Even the top knights? »

    « The Bandit boss’ skill is great. Most of the knights were no match for him. »

    The nobles pushed back the earlier complaints and discussed about the pending issues. It was because they might be robbed of donations or taxes from local areas. As they were sensitive to losses, they showed solidarity as if they had never done this before.

    « I can’t let let it go any further. Is there anyone who would lead the Bandit Conquest for the Empire? »

    As the Emperor looked around the noble, the audience became as silent as death.

    To them, the Knights were a kind of asset.

    If a member was injured or killed while trying to destroy bandits, the damage would be severe. That’s why they didn’t take it easily.

    « How come there are no answers? So how about this? Each family has a knighthood to build a punitive force. I think it’s very fair. »

    A middle aged aristocrat then stood up and opened his mouth.

    « Your Majesty. The capital of the Empire is a symbol of the Imperial family. With such bandit in the capital, it seems that the Imperial Guard should be sent to destroy them in order to build up the dignity of the Imperial family » (BINGO [​IMG])

    « The Imperial Guards? » The voice of the Emperor showed disapproval (lol good job at acting Richard [​IMG])

    « Your Majesty, his words make sense »

    « Wasn’t the Imperial Guards in charge of the security of the Capital for generations? »

    « Show us the dignity of the Imperial Guard and his Majesty the Crown Prince »

    The nobles exchanged glances and agreed, so that they wouldn’t suffer any loss haha

    « So I’ll let the Imperial Guards take charge of that matter. »

    « You are a wise man » The nobles bowed their heads in unison [​IMG]

    Back to the Grand duke mansion. Franches had decided to make a grave decision and called out for Veronica.

    Veronica suffered from extreme stress. Her hatred for Elena grew uncontrollably. Her personality became more violent, and her bizarre and sadistic acts had increased.

    « I heard about it. The Emperor again blocked the inheritance of the Bastache family? »

    « Yes. »

    « Ha! I’m telling you! Are you going to stay quiet? Say something. Noblesse Street is going to be ruined! » Veronica’s voice, which failed to overcome the frustration, was quenched.

    The Noblesse Street had accumulated enormous damage. If Emperor Richard continued to delay the inheritance of the Bastache family, the finance of the Grand Duchy would be at their worst. »

    « Veronica, stay down in the territory for a while. »

    Veronica’s eyes shook. That’s because it sounded like the situation was bad.

    « What’s the reason? Are we really going to collapse to the point where it’s impossible to revive? »

    « No. »

    « Then what’s the reason? I have to know why! »

    The eyes of the Grand Duke were appalled.

    « I must change the Emperor »

    For a moment Veronica was surprised, and despite his remark that he was going to turn the sky upside down, an indelible smile spread over her face.

    « Did you finally make up your mind? »

    « Yes »

    « You should have made up your mind sonner. You can’t let a dog bite its owner. Bad manners » Laughed Veronica, while covering her mouth with her hands.

    For her, the center of the Empire was the Grand Duke and not the Imperial Family (again with that megalomania [​IMG])

    It was the Grand Duke who appointed Richard as the Emperor. It was ridiculous to have forgotten such a situation and showed his teeth against them.

    « I’m not going to the territory. »

    « Veronica. » He called her name low. They were not considering failure, but he wanted to send Veronica to the land just in case.

    But Veronica refused

    « I’m going to the Imperial family, too »

    « You... »

    « I want to go and see with my own eyes the sight of such an Emperor with his knees boiling ».

    Veronica expressed her firm determination. She didn’t want to miss the moment when she put the Emperor under her feet, and wanted to see the power of the Grand Duke, which trampled on the Imperial family and changed even the emperor.

    « After the Emperor is the Crown Prince, right? »

    « Because there’s no reason to keep him alive. We’ll execute them as soon as we return to the capital ».

    Veronica nodded

    « He insulted me. If you kill him, kill him in the most vicious way. Oh! It’ll be okay to tear his limbs and pull his neck out. »

    « I will » Grand Duke Franches accepted the request without a hitch.

    If the treason was successful, It would be enough to put a plausible charge on Ciel. It was not a difficult request.

    « You’ll have to kill L too, right? »

    « That’s the case. »

    « If you’re going to kill her anyway, give her to me. »

    « To you? »

    There was a deep-seated hatred in Veronica’s eyes.

    « It’s just plain to just kill, isn’t it? I’m thinking of destroying her until my anger is released »

    «Okay. »

    « Oh, and give me the Salon. It seemed useful » (Do you think your father is Santa Claus or what Veronica? [​IMG])

    Grand Duke Franches promised to do so. After killing L, he would seized her property with a good cause, and ordered a newly established emperor to offer him a tribute.

    He could then form a monastery, starting from Noblesse Street, leading to Salon and Basilica.

    « Then I’ll follow my father. »

    Franches allowed Veronica to accompany him. Because there were no failure possible in his calculation.
    colk, eroxaz, evanesco99211 and 22 others like this.
  3. NohrNeir

    NohrNeir rereading frenzy

    Apr 28, 2020
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    ALL CREDIT GOES TO @mijikado

    The Rebellion part 1

    Elena calmly explained the situation.

    Rumors had spread widely that the newly reformed Imperial Guard, leaded by the Crown Prince, would launch a massive attack against the bandits, in order the revive the status of the Imperial Guards.

    The remaining challenge was whether the Grand Duke Franches would take the bait.

    « Will Grand Duke Franches move? I was wondering if he’d try to change the Emperor again this time »

    « He’ll be moving. The Grand Duke knows better that if he doesn’t move now, he will dry up ».

    Elena showed strong confidence. The financial situation of the Grand Duke was heading for the worst, and the inheritance of the Bastache family was blocked, due to Emperor Richard’s opposition.

    Under these circumstances, there were not many options for him to choose from.

    « Is there any news about Sir Hurelbad? » Elena asked Emilio

    « Yes. Don’t worry. Sir Hurelbad has already been ready to meet the Imperial Guards near the living quarters. »

    Elena’s faith in those 2 people was absolute.

    She then asked Caliph and Emilio to leave the Salon.

    « I want you to stay out of the capital until the work is done. The Salon will also be the target of the Grand Duke. In worst-case scenarios, I will need both of you, the main pillars of the salon, to live. You don’t have to take risks. »

    « Wait, then are you coming? »

    « I’ll stay in the Salon »

    « You stay and we go? »

    « I know it may sound sad. But if I stay away, Grand Duke Franches will doubt me ».

    Elena must remain in the Salon at any cost. Salon was L, and L was Salon.

    Her mere appearance in the Salon would only contribute to the decency of the Grand Duke

    But Caliph and Emilio stubbornly refused to go. Elena felt sorry for those 2 people, and she felt so grateful that she thought she could never repay them.

    « I know what you mean. I won’t bring this up anymore. Let’s all live together. »

    The plan had to be successful.

    Elena headed to Len's room.

    "Good timing. I was actually going to see you," Len grinned as soon as he saw Elena.

    But Elena's expression was somehow dark.

    « Are you going? »

    « I'm going. There's a lot to sort out. » Len said as if it wasn't a big deal, but it was.

    It couldn't be easy to find and deal with traitors who were still in the Bastache family.

    The possibility of armed conflict could not be ruled out because the order of the knights had to be done in a short time.

    « Don’t get hurt again, take care of yourself. »

    « Why, will you take care of me? »

    « Are you crazy? »

    « I thought I'd get hurt again and you’ll take care of me, but I’ll listen to you »

    Elena looked at him hatefully, with her eyes glaring.

    « That's exactly how you say you'll be careful. »

    « I'm going. »

    « Don't overdo it. If you think you can't do it, run away. Do you understand me? »

    Len waved his hand instead of looking back and disappeared with Mel. Elena felt an unknown emptiness as she entered the empty room after the sound of his presence disappeared.

    This is because the warmth that had been felt in the drawing room for nearly several months had cooled down.

    « You must live, Len » said Elena, muttering with the wind. She shut the door.

    "Let's Go work."

    Everyone had works to do in their respective positions. It was useless to Worry. She was just doing her best for what she could do now.

    Elena decided to concentrate on the present matters.

    The Royal Guard, which stood in line with the heat and line, held theirs swords high up in the sky.

    Emperor Richard stepped in front of the royal guards, checking their condition and equipment to boost morale.

    Ciel, the leader of the Imperial Guards, advanced on his white. More than 50 guards also followed suit in line.

    The gate was opened to the sound of a flute ringing from the castle wall, and the Imperial Guard left the palace.

    The procession of the Imperial Guard across the streets of the capital caught the eyes of the people of the Empire.

    "His Majesty has replaced the Guard. I guess it's true."

    "I know. The real knights look good."

    "The mood is different for those rascals. My teeth are divided when I think about the nearly death of a quarrel."

    "Well, the Crown Prince is in charge so they are not going to be sloppy"

    The eyes of the people in the country were filled with anticipation when they saw the march of the Royal Guard.

    It was the common people who had become tired with the influence of the nobles.

    The aristocrats unjustly deprived of their property and exploited them, and they were unable to speak a word properly.

    They could only hope that Emperor Richard and Ciel, who had restored the imperial power, would make a world a little better place to live.

    There was a carriage watching the procession of the Imperial Guard at the north gate.

    "Don't get hurt."

    Inside the carriage, Elena looked at the Imperial Guard and took a long view of Ciel leaving the northern gate.

    This plan won't allow any mistakes. Only when they moved closely and clicked like cogwheels could they succeed.

    Elena was the one who designed the grand plan, but was up to Ren, Xian, and Hurelbad.

    There was no middle. To die or to live. It was all about eating or being eaten.

    "Let's go back to the salon," Elena said to the horseman, and the wheels of the stationary carriage began to roll.

    As the three men had things to do, Elena had work to do. To keep a salon as usual.

    That was the only thing Elena could do now.

    At that time, the Imperial Guard, which left the north gate, set foot at the foot on the Mount Kazbegi, which surrounded the north side of the capital.

    Ciel got off the horse. Except for the road, the mountain was so rugged that it was too much to ride on a horse.

    "You have to go another half-day. Hurry up,"

    Ciel took the lead through the forest path. It was embarrassing to even say it was a road because of the thick forest and the rugged mountain terrain.

    Although the path was lost, Ciel stepped forward without hesitation.

    « Here to the left. » In Ciel’s head, there was a map Which was acting as a compass.

    The road leading to the forest was newly paved by Hurelbad. May drew a map of the mountain path and delivered it to Elena, who then handed the map back to Ciel.

    The reason why they had to endure this hassle was to get rid of the watchmen of the Grand Duke.

    Quite a hard and long march followed.

    Some places were so precarious that they could fall if they tripped due to the rough mountain terrain.

    However, no one was left behind, as Ciel was elected as the leader.

    « Here it is, » He saw a living house. Ciel walked alone toward the mountain quarters.

    As if there had been a prior statement, the guards did not fret or feel uneasy about Xi'an's dangerous behavior.

    It's about time that Ciel arrived alive.

    "I see the Crown Prince."

    A man with a beard walked out through the wooden fence and was courteous. Having a wild, plain-looking pupil unlike his wild, rugged appearance, he was the notorious bandit boss, or Hurelbad. [​IMG]

    Ciel nodded and looked back. Whiggin, the captain of the neighborhood guard, who noticed his intentions just by looking at his eyes, led his subordinates and entered the room alive.

    There were mercenaries waiting as if they knew the Guards would arrive.

    « From now on, I pair up with bandits. » Then Ciel took off his uniform and changed into his daily clothes.

    The Imperial guards exchanged clothes with the mercenaries. They became ordinary enough to believe that they were only passersby if people didn't pay attention.

    However, Ciel, who has black eyes and black hair symbolizing the royal family, decided to use a robe because he could not hide his nobility and elegance.

    "We're running out of time. Let's move on. » Hurelbad led the Royal Guard.

    As they came down the middle of the mountain, they saw horses and carts tied to a tree.

    These items were taken from nobles while posing as bandits, including Castol.

    It was kept here to infiltrate the capital without being suspected.

    Under Whiggin's leadership, the guards moved in perfect order. Someone rode a horse, someone pulled a cart, and other walked down the mountain with a time difference.

    Ciel, who got on the horse, looked down at Hurelbad. A strong man recognized a strong man. Although they had never fight, he could see that his swordmanship was not much different from him.

    Hurrelbad’s help was absolutely necessary to fight against the Grand Duke, given that the Imperial power was inferior to His.

    "There's still work left that my master asked me. I'll join you later."

    Ciel answered with a nod and drove down the horse.

    There must be a good reason for what Elena ordered. He had no doubt that he would arrive on time.



    Without time to waste, Hurrelbad also had a burning desire to go to the capital right away. However, he could not leave because he still had some work to deal with.

    "I'm sure there's a watchman of the Grand Duke’s. It's not too late to move after deceiving them First," Elena had said so several times.

    They should make the Grand Duke believe that mercenaries disguised as the Imperial Guards were staying in the mountains.

    As soon as the Grand Duke Franches heard that the Crown Prince's Guards disappeared, all the plans would be ruined.

    « She's perfect in everything. » When he thought of Elena, the corners of Hurelbad's mouth crept up.

    Elena, who seemed infinitely soft, was wiser and stronger than anyone else.

    « I want to follow you to the end of my life. That's my dream. » (aww Hurrelbad ma boi [​IMG])

    Elena was a great person who would change the world.

    If he could devote the rest of his life to such Elena, Hurelbad Couldn’t be more glorious and honorable as a knight.

    The plan had to be successful.

    "Is it today?"

    Inside the steel bar, Leabrick, leaning her back against the cool wall, murmured as she looked up at the ceiling.

    When you were here without a speck of sunlight, the concept of day and night disappeared.

    Just a few days ago, if Attil hadn't been there, she wouldn't have even been able to tell how much time had passed.

    "L, no, Elena. I'll admit you're superior to me. I couldn't get past you. That's why I'm stuck here." She admitted defeat, her pride might be hurt, but she couldn't stop laughing.

    "But the world is wide. You’ll die. This doesn't change," Liabrick quipped.

    "Maybe you're expecting it all. You've always been above common sense," Leabrick put back her loose bangs like a madman.

    She couldn't even eat properly, so she was all skin and bones, but her eyes didn't die.

    "You know what? There's one thing you don't know."

    There was meaning in Leabrick's voice as if Elena was next to her.

    "You and I can never cross road with the Great Duke of Frances with only our brains. The man..." said Leabrick, whispering to an imagining Elena

    « ....is a real monster » laughed Leabrick with a gruesome smile.

    "It's the beginning of a long night. » Grand Duke Franche spoke to himself.

    He had nothing to fear, but today, ahead of the event, there was a subtle tension.

    "This is a report. Owls have confirmed that they are camping in Mount Kazbegi."

    Attil picked up the information coming up from time to time and delivered it to Grand Duke Franches.

    "The remaining Imperial Guard in the palace is a total of four people. There are 30 other left around the palace"

    "A big ball is organizing in Salon. The majority of the capital's aristocrats are believed to have participated."

    Grand Duke Frances listened silently, with his hands on his back, and there was no response.

    He stared out of the window with an indifferent glance.

    "Oh my, the sky must be helping us. Isn't that right?" laughed Veronica, who was sitting arrogant on the sofa, twisting her lips.

    Rather than only her usual mamade dress, even horseback riding car was all set to accompany her to the event.

    « Don't let your guard down. »

    « Is there anything to be careless about? If they knew about our plan, they wouldn't have moved so restlessly. They left half the guards in the palace, right? »

    Grand Duke Franche remained silent and did not answer back. There was nothing wrong with Veronica's words.

    If the Emperor had noticed the rebellion, he would not have left the palace empty to be close to being defenseless.

    Am I overreacting? I feel like someone is encouraging me.' Emperor Richard and Ciel's handling of the situation was strange.

    It was a very different move like when the Imperial Guard was reformed.

    "Is there any other report related to the Royal Guard?"

    Even Grand Duke Frances had to be cautious.

    "No, there was no particular suspicion."

    Veronica frowned at the Duke of Franches, who remained vigilant despite Attil's report.

    « You're overreacting, aren't you? »

    « I'm overreacting. Maybe. » Grand Duke Franche laughed off. Even if he thought about it a little rationally, there was no chance that the event would fail.

    The Imperial Palace was empty, and the Imperial Guards were stationed on Mount Kazbegi, a half-day from the capital.

    Even if they hear the news and rush to the palace, the rebellion would already be over.

    ‘I'm old, too.’

    In his youth, Grand Duke Frances had nothing to go through. Actions preceded words. When he made a decision, he did not hesitate to change the emperor of the empire. As he got older, I saved himself in difficult situations.

    Apart from being cautious, the spirit of youth has faded.


    "Yes, Grand Duke."

    "Gather the Knights."

    When the Grand Duke Franches' words fell, the eyes of Attil were awakened.

    He finally made a decision. Grand Duke FrancheS, who sent Attil out, walked to the closet.


    This was the name of his favorite sword since he was young.

    "Every time I took this sword out, the world changed. Today will be the same."

    Grand Duke FrancheS, who had swept the sword with his fingertips, put the sword in the scabbard and put it in the waist.

    "Let's go."

    "Yes, Father."

    He headed to the parade ground With Veronica.

    The 1st and 2nd Knights, excluding the members of the Knights who are on overseas missions, were all standing in line. Including unofficial knights, the number was close to a hundred.

    In line with the appearance of Grand Duke Franches, the entire Order of the Knights was courteous, drawing swords and putting them on their foreheads.

    Grand Duke Franches on the podium spoke solemnly, looking down at them.

    "Tonight, I will go with you to the Imperial Palace."

    Despite the shocking remarks, no one in the Knighthood was agitated.

    It was neither the emperor nor the state they swore allegiance to. It was only Grand Duke Franches.

    "Occupy the imperial palace and Dispose of the incompetent emperor. We will retain a competent emperor for the position."

    The knights were solemn. Lived under the command of the Lord; died under the command of the Lord. That was the honor, loyalty, and life of the knight.

    "Let's go, knights of the Grand Duke. Let us write a new history of the Empire."

    "The name of the Empire." The Knights raised their swords diagonally and held a ceremony of victory at the declaration of the Grand Duke of Franches.

    Grand Duke Franche, who came down the platform, finished all preparations by inspecting the knights.

    Soon after, under the cover of darkness, a group of knights left the palace quickly through the back gate.

    The destination was the Imperial Palace, and the goal was Emperor Richard.

    "Your Grace, look over there. The Grand Duke has moved," reported Whiggin, who was hiding at a nearby inn.

    The Grand Duke of Frances and the Knights, sneaked out through the back gate, were moving swiftly toward the palace.

    « Are you ready? »

    « I can move at any time. » The Imperial Guards, disguised as commoners and came down Mount Kazubegi, were hiding themselves in inns and buildings near the mansion of the Grand Duke.

    When as many as 50 healthy men gathered, they could be suspected, but they did not get caught.

    Elena bought several inns and buildings near the Grand Duke mansion in advance, providing room for the Imperial Guards to hide themselves.

    Ciel was amazed at Elena's foresight. He couldn't even follow how many steps ahead she was looking.

    "Let's make a raid In the Grand Duke palace and use it as evidence of treason."

    In the meantime, Richard, the emperor who was be left alone in the palace, could run away through a secret passage.

    "We move, too." As soon as Ciel order fell,

    Whiggin beckoned.

    Then, the guards, who were waiting, came out of the building in unison.

    Ciel, who came down from the rooftop and stood in front of the Imperial Guard, took off his robe.

    The pitch-black hair and eyes went well with the night that seemed to devour the world.


    There was no need for a long talk. Ciel pulled a sword from his waist. The sword bore a symbol of the imperial family headed for the Grand Duke Palace.

    "Delete the Grand Duke from the Empire."

    It was the grandest ball since the opening of the Salon.

    « I hope it was not too late », said Elena, muttering to herself.

    Hurelbad had to arrive on time to counteract the Knights of the Grand Duke, considered stronger than the Imperial Guard.

    Len had to remove the traitors and taking control of his family.

    Grand Duke of Franches was moving to the Imperial Palace. Assumed to be a hundred knights.

    Prince Ciel was launching an attack on the Grand Duke.

    Earl Lyndon, accompanied by a fleet of knights, was on the way to the Bastache family.

    Elena, with a calm look, devoured the information collected by the Majesty’s informant. She analyzed every little detail. She watched the changing situation from moment to time and was keen to respond in time.

    She was a control tower. It was a trick to stay in the salon and participate in the ball.

    Every single one of these urgent events taking place in the capital was reported to her

    "You can't miss a single thing. The moment I miss it, it's over."

    Just in time a pigeon flew in through the wide open window.

    This is Was a bird used by the Emperor. Elena reached out and checked the note that had been tied to both legs of the pigeon.

    « Oh, why! » Elena's voice trembled as she read.

    The swaying eyes gave her an idea of how agitated she was now.

    "Why didn't you listen to me? You even made an appointment with me. Why?"

    Her eyes moistened. She told him how to live and even got his promise to do so, but he didn't keep his promise.

    Once, he was her father-in-law, who was more than sweet to her.

    « Why did you do that? Your Majesty » Elena, who could not overcome the overflowing grief, grew up headlong.

    As if she had lost her strength, the note Elena had let go of her hand said:

    ‘Emperor Richard, waiting for the Great Battle inside the Imperial Palace Refuses to flee.’

    The rebellion part 2

    Emperor Richard was sitting on the throne.

    Knowing what was about to happen, he looked as if he had lost his life.

    The door of the palace opened roughly.

    Knights of the armed Grand Duke poured in.

    Veronica, dressed in tight-fitting clothes, followed with a mocking smile.

    "I see you," said Grand Duke Frances.

    "Have you come?" The voice of Emperor Richard was serene despite the threatening situation.

    "I think you've been waiting for me."

    "Why not?" Emperor Richard smiled. "Thirty and three years. It's been a long time. Knowing you,"

    The eyebrows of Grand Duke Frances wriggled.

    "I know. If your Majesty had respected me, our company could have been longer."

    "Isn't this because you don't like it?"

    "You've gained your tongue, Your Majesty."

    "How long do I have left to live? You have to say what you have to say. The times have changed, Grand Duke. Old people like you and I have to step down.m Is it the basis of what you said when you dragged the knights into the palace and persecuted the emperor?"

    "To subjugate a new emperor who will take the throne of an old emperor and lead the holy life of the empire. That's my role as the loyalist of the Empire and the head of the nobility."

    "Ha-ha. That's the best sophistry I've ever heard of this year. I didn't know you had a knack for making people laugh."

    What could it be? Franches had a strong feeling that there was something hiding something from the words and deeds of Emperor Richard.

    "Your Majesty, the Crown Prince and the Royal Guard are not coming."


    "Even if the sun rises, the nobles will not stand by your side."

    "I know that. Don't you see that I rose to the emperor for your treason?"

    On that day 33 years ago, the great Duke of Frances, who caused the rebellion, forced the current emperor to overthrow the ex- emperor who was trying to regulate the nobles.

    After that, the emperor, who was the only member of the royal family, took the throne.

    He didn't want to be an emperor, but he had no veto.

    "You must be quick to know. I had hoped you became a faithful dog until you are deposed." Grand Duke Franches openly expressed his ambition.

    "We're going to take care of what we've put off here today."

    "It must be the inheritance of the Bastasch family." Emperor Richard glared at him with a cold look. "That not the end. Wouldn't you force the Royal Guard to disband and bring the crown prince into custody, saying it was my Imperial Edict too? And before long, you will put him on death row."

    Then Veronica, standing next to Grand Duke Frances, came in.

    "You should kill L too. Why did you keep the b!tch who insulted the foundation of the Empire with her impure ideas alive? Also, Give me the salon and the basilica in appreciation of my father and my services."

    If Veronica had been elected Crown Princess and had become the companion of Ciel, it would have led to an irreversible situation. Maybe that's why Elena kept on looking at Veronica, who was so low in class that the Emperor felt sorry for even comparing her.

    'It would be a relief if she stayed by Ciel's side......'

    He even gave her a brooch to make a connection with Elena. But that's all he could do.

    " Veronica, is that you?"

    "You remember me, Your Majesty." Veronica made a mockery of the Emperor, looking straight at him.

    It was funny to see him still pretending to be the emperor when he was about to be deposed.

    "You must want a salon. By the way, what can I do? You're not up to L, so even if you get a salon, it won't last long."

    "What, what?" [​IMG] Veronica's face blushed with shame at the unannounced comment of the emperor Richard.

    The emperor's words were felt as unbearable humiliation for Veronica, who was already feeling a sense of inferiority toward L.

    "What do you know about that?!"

    "I just say what I feel. If L is a peacock, Veronica, you're nothing but a wild duck who doesn't know its subject." (Baaam Veronica [​IMG])

    "Da, you!" Veronica, whose eyes were turned upside down, breathed out as if she were going to commit a mutiny at once in a while.

    "Calm down, Veronica." Grand Duke Franche stretched out his arm and controlled Veronica, unable to hold his powder.

    Then he looked up at the emperor sitting on the throne.

    "The nights aren't so long, Your Majesty. This is the size of a small talk."

    "Can I warn you, Grand Duke?"

    "Only the powerful can warn. Unfortunately, you are not."

    "No matter what you want, nothing will go your way."

    "You don't really touch me, Your Majesty."

    "Oh, you're the emperor," said sarcastically Veronica, as soon as Grand Duke Franche's words came to an end. For Veronica, the sole heir to the Grand Duke who even replaced the emperor, Richard's warning sounded ridiculous.

    "Take the emperor and bring him to a boil," said Grand Duke Franche

    The plan was to capture Emperor Richard and force him to stamp his seal on the documents to seize both the cause and the practical benefits.

    It was time for the knights to walk to the podium where the throne was placed.

    Emperor Richard pulled up the sword had left next to him.

    "Throw away the sword, Your Majesty. Now you know that resistance is meaningless, don't you? I'd like to be considerate of you so that your Majesty's prison system doesn't go bad."

    The voice of Grand Duke Frances, who pretended to be polite, contained irresistible coercion.

    "I saw it. What happened to the emperor who was deposed. It was a humiliating day when I couldn't die and had no choice but to live." Emperor Richard clasped the sword and brought it to his throat.

    The knights, who were approaching his unexpected behavior, hesitated.

    The eyes of Grand Duke Frances also shook. Although he showed his teeth recently, he did not expect Richard to do such a thing after decades of bated breath.

    "Your Majesty, don't do anything useless."

    "Do you really think so, Grand Duke? The stigma of entering the Imperial Palace at night and killing the Emperor won't be easy for you either. Because it would be treason, not a revolt."

    "You should stop..." The Great Duke Frances tried to stop the seriousness of the situation, but the Emperor Richard's movements were faster.

    "No!" a blood fountain spewed from the throat of Emperor Richard at the same time as the cry of Grand Duke Frances.

    The emperor staggered and smiled at the victory with his collapsing body. "Gee, in hell…"

    There was not a trace of regret or regret left in his slowly closing eyes. If it could help Ciel like this, that would be enough.

    He was a ashamed and incompetent father and emperor, but at the end, he made a choice not to shame the lines and emperors painted on ceiling murals.

    Grand Duke Franches gritted his teeth while watching the scene.

    "Why do you care so much about? It was the one who had to be killed anyway."

    Veronica acted as if it was nothing, but the expression of Grand Duke Frances was hardly unfolded.

    The situation is more serious than expected.

    "The emperor might be a scarecrow, but his symbolism isn't small."

    "So? Now the dead emperor doesn't even come to life, does he?"

    Veronica climbed the red-tinted podium of Richard's blood casually. Even the stinging blood scent seemed to be a nostalgia for her.

    Veronica, standing on the podium and in front of the body of Emperor Richard, grumbled.

    "Why are you making fun of my mouth?" Veronica raised her foot and beat the face of the dead Richard. It's payback for insulting her by comparing her with L earlier.

    Veronica kicked the body so hard that it wouldn't release the lugo.

    In the meantime, Grand Duke Franches had a serious look on his face and struggled to clean up the mess.

    As Veronica said, they couldn't revive the dead Richard. It would be better to move as planned.

    "Bring the Emperor's seal,"

    The knights who were ordered, moved in perfect order, searching through the Palace. But nowhere could a seal be found.

    There was anger on the face of Grand Duke Frances. The fact that there is no seal where it is supposed to be meant that it was taken away in advance.

    Grand Duke Franche hurriedly handled the document with a stamp on the death of Emperor Richard.

    "There's no time to delay. We go straight to the Bastache family."

    Now the most important task is to make a profit. If they could absorb the Bastasch family and show the health of the Great Dukedom, then people wouldn't be able to criticize him for the death of Emperor Richard.

    When he was about to go out to war, a knight came running.

    "Your Highness, we are in trouble!"

    "Why are you here when you're supposed to be in the Grand Duke mansion?"

    "Well, the Imperial Guard led by the Crown Prince has raided the Grand Duchy."

    "What nonsense is that?! I heard that the Imperial Guard is now in Mount Kazbegi. What do you mean they're raiding the Grand Duchy? Do you think that makes sense!"

    He was reported that the Royal Guard was camping at Mount Kazbegi until sunset.

    It takes half a day to ride a horse from Mount Kazubegi to the Grand Duchy.

    It was nonsense in common sense.

    "I don't know what's going on. It was obvious that they were Crown Prince and the Royal Guard Commander, Sir Whiggin. I saw it with my own eyes."

    "Haha." The low laughter of Grand Duke Franches spread through the palace.


    "You're a good man, Your Majesty?" Grand Duke Franches looked up on the podium at the cold body of Emperor Richard. "I never dreamed you'd attack the Grand Duchy with the Crown Prince. I've had a proper blow to the king. By the way, Your Majesty. I guess heaven is not on your side."

    Veronica's patience has reached its limit because of the incomprehensible story.

    "Not on your side? I don't understand a word of what you're saying."

    "The noble blood of the Grand Duchy is only you and me in the world."

    "Ah!" Veronica, who had noticed the words of the Grand Duke of Franches, quipped.

    If Veronica had remained in the Great Duchy without taking part in the treason, she would have been held hostage by Ciel and the Imperial Guard.

    Because there's no worse situation than Veronica, the heir to the Great Duchy, being taken hostage. It was safe to say that luck followed.

    "Maybe heaven is helping us."

    The anxiety on Veronica's face melted away, and a smile spread around her mouth.

    "The Emperor was the one who wanted to kill us first."

    In the end, history is used in the hands of the victors. The Emperor and the Crown Prince drew their swords first, and Grand Duke Francves was forced to kill Richard in order to live.

    "There's no further delay. Absorb the Bastache family as planned.Now that we have lost the great duchy, we need to take control of the Bastache family and make it a temporary home. Only the Crown Prince needs to be dealt with."

    This revolution would be a success if the Crown Prince Ciel and the Royal Guard lost control of the Bastache family and the Palace.

    “We have to make sure we don't miss anything."

    Elena, who couldn't overcome her anxiety, sat down at her desk again. She constantly devoured the notes she received through the informants.

    She reached out and checked the note that had been tied to the pigeon’s leg.

    ‘Ciel occupied the Grand Duchy.

    Veronica absent. Went to the palace with Grand Duke Franches.’

    A groan flowed through Elena's lips.

    The plan to take Veronica hostage while overpowering the Great Depression went awry.

    "Let's not be disappointed. You predicted this kind of variable, didn't you?"

    Elena calmly checked the other note.

    "There's nothing to think complicated. All we have to do is catch the Grand Duke as planned. Then it's over."

    Although it was regrettable that Veronica could not be secured, Grand Duke Frances was also at risk as Emperor Richard died.

    Win or lose.

    It was safe to say that depends on whether or not to overpower the Great Frances.

    A series of new infos arrived:

    'Grand Duke Frances, leading the Knights to the House of Bastache. '

    'Len, completed the control of the House of Bastache. '

    'Count Lyndon, moving with a fleet of knights to the Bastache family. '

    'Hurrelbad, arriving near the capital's north gate. '

    There were variables, but from the big picture, the plan was going smoothly.

    "Fortunately, I won't be late to join you."

    Elena was a little relieved. Elena wanted to concentrate her energies in one place, as the Bastache family was expected to have a final showdown.

    Given the size of the Knights Corps, she judged that it was important to gather manpowers as she was inferior to the Grand Duke of Frances.

    Another note flew in.

    Elena's face turned white after checking the note. The pupil shook as if it had been an earthquake.

    It was shocking enough to turn all the plans into nothing in a moment, to the point where they could not be compared to the previous news:

    'Count Lyndon, in battle with the Knights led by Duke of Wheat. The overwhelming power gap. A potential annihilation.'

    "No, the Duke of Wheat was in league with the Grand Duke?"

    Elena put half of her head in an unexpected situation far beyond her expectations.

    Not another family, but a Duke of the four major families of the Empire.

    "Powerful to annihilate," quivered Elena's voice muttering the last sentence on the note.

    The Knights, led by Count Lyndon, are Hidden Cards to Catch Duke Franches.

    Len took control of his family.

    The Imperial Guards and the Bastache's knight joined forces to subdue the Knights of the Grand Duchy.

    However, the Duke of Wheat's involvement turned things upside down.

    Count Lyndon has a strong knighthood. The opponent is the Knights of Wheat, one of the four largest families.

    Even if the duke's skills were inferior, the Count would be inferior in numbers.

    "It's my mistake. I haven't figured it out at all."

    Elena bit her lips. On the desk, a rolled fist shook.

    It was the first time she felt so lethargic while preparing for revenge step by step.

    "If...... really if Count Lyndon gets hit..."

    Elena closed her eyes to the worst situation she didn't want to imagine.

    Len, Hurelbad and Ciel are known as the Three Swords of the Empire, but there was no way to avoid numerical inferiority.

    As soon as the Knights led by Grand Duke Franches and the Knights of the Duke of Wheat join, the power would double or even triple.

    "We need to save Count Lyndon and stop the power loss. But to do that, first of all... "

    Elena, who regained her composure, hurriedly came up with a solution.

    Because that was what Elena, who is in charge of the control tower, would do.

    At this point, she might want to move Hurelbad to get Count Lyndon.

    However, Len and Cied had to hold out

    At this rate, the joining of Count Lyndon's Knights and Hurelbad would inevitably be delayed.

    The slower the attack, the more likely Ciel and Len would be in danger.

    Despite the conflict, Elena did not think long. For now, she had no choice but to believe in Len and Ciel.

    Elena chose to move on her own. No matter how skilled an informant was, he would not be more accurate than Elena, who was drawing every picture in her head.

    Every minute and second was urgent.

    In the midst of this, the life and death of Count Lyndon and other knights are probably going back and forth.

    After using an emergency exit to escape the spotlight, she drove her horse out of the salon and reached to Hurelbad




    "Sir Hurelebard! It's me, sir!" exclaimed Elena, showing her face.

    Hurrelbad, who was speeding, pulled the reins of the horse, slowed down, approached Elena and bowed his head.

    "Why is Miss here?" Hurelbad sensed something was wrong with Elena's dark expression.

    "Sir, I don't have time for this. We need to save Count Lyndon before we go to the Bastache family."

    "Where should we go?" Hurelbad did not ask long.

    Elena's urgent-looking voice and face explained a lot.

    "West-northwest, the Arc de Triomphe Street."

    "I'll be right there."

    Hurrelbad, who turned the horse's head without hesitation, led the mercenaries to support him.

    "Sir Hurelbad, please." She had done all she could. All that was left now was to believe in Hurelbad.

    The Duke and his knights arrived at the Bastache family.

    Veronica entered the mansion while covering her smiling mouth.

    The gate was wide open because most of the household personals were bought in advance.

    "Didn't you say you took control of the family? Why isn't anyone there?"

    Grand Duke Franches gave no answer to Veronica's question.

    After clearing the interior, the deputy commander and knights bought by the Grand Duke were supposed to greet the Duke of Franches with a seal.

    But what's wrong with this?

    "Look over there." By the time he reached the mansion, the eyes of Grand Duke Franches and Veronica were strengthened.

    The lamp outside the mansion lit up, illuminating everywhere.

    Twenty people were seen sitting with their hands and mouths wrapped and boiling knees at the entrance of the mansion. A masked man walked out of the mansion.

    He stood behind Fellin, the commander of the Bucci Division, who was struggling under siege, and pulled out a sword from his waist.

    "Crime, disloyalty," the masked man, who left an unknown remark, swung the sword as it was.

    The blade, which was flashing under the light, hit Felin's neck

    "Cuck." Fellin died, screaming deathly.

    Those who were frightened by his death struggled. However, not only their wrists but also their ankles were tightly packed, making their body flinch and unable to resist.

    But that was only the beginning.The masked man cut off nearly twenty men. It happened so quickly that they had no time to stop him.

    The masked man created twenty dead bodies in the blink of an eye. Blood dripping down his sword wet the ground.

    "Punishment, summary execution." The low and small voice of the masked man was heard clearly by all, including the Great Prince Frances.

    "Who is it, how dare you do this and be safe?"

    "Oh, again," the masked man turned his head and looked at the Duke of Franches. His eyes were burning like a wolf that was not domesticated, and he was about to tear up the Duke of Franches.

    "The sinners: Grand Duke Franches and Veronica. The sin, the treason."

    The eyes of the Grand Duke Franches narrowed. It was the same with Veronica. It was a familiar voice.

    "Death penalty for everyone."

    The masked man threw off his mask as soon as the horse was finished. Redder eyes than blood and half curly hair. unbroken rebellious eyes Like the teeth of a wolf that chews its prey and bleeds its blood, a man whose blood-stained sword fits perfectly.

    "Len Bastache," the Grand Duke of Franches polished low. He didn't expecthis nephew, Len, who was reportedly missing, to appear in front of him alive.

    "Why... ...didn't you die?" Veronica seemed quite surprised.

    Because Len, a cousin who she thought was dead, was alive.

    But it was only for a moment, and the surprise soon turned to a note of ridicule.

    "You're really hopeless, aren't you? If you're alive, you should live like a rat. Why are you showing up here? Are you wearing your hair as a decoration?"

    Len laughed at Veronica's sarcasm

    “Do you know that?”

    “I don't want to know”

    “No, you should know. How I feel. I want to dig out my eyes that I couldn't distinguish you from a woman who is so good that you couldn't keep up with."


    When he was a student at the academy, he believed Elena, who he first met as ‘Veronica’, was Veronica. Len wanted to pluck out the memory. It was disgusting to think that such a vulgar and lunatic person and Elena were the same person.

    "You're crazy, aren't you? How dare you compare me to that baseless bitch?" Veronica wasn't stupid enough to not understand Len's figurative expression.

    It was Veronica who was already blinded by the inferiority complex towards Elena. In the meantime, Len's insulting remarks scratched her nerves.

    "You're the only one who doesn't know everything. Why don't you grab anyone in the capital and ask them? Who has no foundation."

    "Shut that mouth! Before I cut out your lips and cut off your ears."

    “You can try it” laughed Len and shrugged.

    Veronica's hand, which held the reins in shame and insult, trembled thinly.

    “Father.” Veronica drove out and stood beside the Duke of Frances. However, her hateful eyes did not fall from Ren. "Give me Len. It's known that he's dead anyway, so it doesn't matter if I play with him and kill him?"

    "No." Grand Duke Frances promised to do so.

    After receiving the Bastache family and replacing them, it doesn't matter that Len was alive or dead.

    "Hey, uncle. I'm a bad son. But I'm not a son of a b!tch enough to ignore my father's death, so I can't let it go." Len's whole body was full of life.

    "A tearful filial piety," said Grand Duke Frances, surprised twice that Len was alive, and that he took over the family and killed the knights before his eyes.

    " Apologize to Spencer in hell. I'm going to take that neck up and say hello to my father."

    Then a group of knights waiting inside the mansion rushed out and gathered.

    Originally, the size of the Knights was close to 30, but only about 15 were left after dealing with the traitors who were bought off by the Grand Duke.

    By comparison, the number of the 1st and 2nd Knights led by Grand Duke Frances seemed to be a hundred by estimate. It was an overwhelming difference in power.

    Even with such inferiority, Len was not discouraged. Rather, his eyes glistened like a hungry beast.

    Grand Duke Franche called out James, the commander of the 2nd Infantry Division

    “Clean up.”

    “Yes, Grand Duke!” was when James, under orders, glared as if to kill Len and pulled the sword out.

    "Your Highness, look over there!" Grand Duke Franches and Veronica, who were confronting Len at the cry of the rear knight, turned around.

    The sound of horses' hooves, which had been heard with vibrations ringing the ground, gradually grew, and a group of swords jumped out and blocked the retreat.

    "What the hell!"

    The mysterious enemies were dressed mostly by ordinary people, but they were not ordinary people based on their sword posture. They were also unmoved against the Knights of the Grand Duke - "greatest group of armed forces" of the Empire.

    In other words, they were trained mentally.

    At that time, a man riding a white horse among the armed groups drove out.

    Black hair that seems to swallow even a pitch-black night. The deep, serene gaze of the vast sea made them watch with amazement. But the heat hidden in the stillness was hotter than lava.

    "The Crown Prince!"

    Ciel lifted his chin slightly and stared at Grand Duke Franches, who was confronting Len.

    Grand Duke Franche twitched his cheeks as if dumbfounded.

    The number of Imperial Guard troops brought by Ciel was approximately fifty.

    The Bastasche family, led by Len, had less than seventy members combined with the Imperial Knights.

    “I see you.”

    “Great Duke.” Ciel still kept his eyes on him.

    “I was going to visit you anyway, but now that you’re here, I'm relieved of the trouble. Did you enjoy the house? Why didn't you tell me if you were curious about the Grand Duchy? I was always willing to show you around," a leisurely smile spread around the mouth of Grand Duke Frances. Oh, aren't you worried about what your Majesty is like?" Grand Duke Franche provoked with a meaningful smile.

    Silent Ciel's lips opened little by little. "His Majesty.”

    On his way to the House of Bastache, he heard from Elena. The emperor, who refused to escape, remained in the Palace and was hit by Franches. Ciel knew better than anyone what it meant. Sacrifice.

    By death, Emperor Richard has chosen to serve as the foundation for a new empire that Ciel wants to unfold.

    He clenched his teeth and swallowed his tears.

    "I will never make my father's death futile. I will live up to the results as valuable as the noble sacrifice."

    "What about you? Do you want me to tell you for you? He's dead. He's covered in blood. It was hideous."

    "Veronica." Ciel looked at her at the insult to the deceased.

    A vortex of rage, rather than a torrent of torrents, surged beneath the calm waves of calm eyes.

    Veronica said:

    "Why did you do that? If you'd been holding your breath next to me, you wouldn't have had a rough time. You were so possessed by a woman who had no foundation that you couldn't even sense your own value. I personally liked you, but if that's all you could see... you'd have to die. What can you do?"

    There was not even a trace of regret toward Ciel in Veronica's cruel smile. It was still vivid in the salon that he insulted her by siding with Elena.

    "If it weren't for L, I might be talking you”

    “She changed me. The result is this."

    "Really to the end." Veronica's corners of mouth twisted. In the midst of this, Ciel, who still defended that woman, made her felt like she wanted to cut off his bones and flesh.

    "That's why you die. In misery," further conversation was meaningless.



    "Get rid of it."

    When the order of Grand Duke Frances was issued again, the 1st Division Commander Feline rushed to kill Xian, and the 2nd Division Commander James rushed to kill Len.

    "As of today, I rewrite the history of the empire. I stand at the vanguard. Follow me," Ciel clasped the sword with determined eyes and led the Imperial Guard to face the enemy.

    "Come on, shall we play?" Len grinned as he fixed the bloody sword. The angry Beast was on the rampage.

    Arc de Triomphe Street, located northwest of the capital.

    "I am ashamed to see you." The full face of Count Lyndon, who wielded his sword without a moment to rest, was filled with deep despair.

    The plan to join Ciel, who attacked the grand duchy, and hit the great Franches had long been shattered.

    This was because he was attacked unexpectedly on his way to the Bastache family.

    It was the Duke of Wheat, the patriarch of Wheat, one of the four great families.

    "Stay strong. If you die here, Your Highness will be in trouble. Vera, you must live, Beggo!" Count Lyndon wielded his sword, encouraging knights.

    Inspired by Count Lyndon's courage, knights also fought back against their enemies with all their might. But there was a limit to overcoming the overwhelming power gap with solemnity.

    The four great families have a tradition worthy of their reputation and have a strong order of knights. Individuals' martial arts were never low either. The gap could not be narrowed even if Count Lyndon was in a bad mood. As time went by, Count Lyndon and the knights were exhausted.

    Feeling that he had the chance to win, the Duke of Wheat dragged his horse forward.

    "Long time no see, Count."

    "The Duke of Wheat."

    “ Why are you on the side of the imperial family?"

    "Why did such a Duke claim to be the dog of the great duchy?" Count Lyndon responded in return.

    In spite of his insulting remarks, the Duke of Wheatt, let alone his anger, smoothed his beard leisurely.

    "Huh. I don't like the tone, but it's not wrong. It can be seen that way. Let me tell you one thing. Count. Before you were born, long before your grandfather's grandfather led the family, can you believe that my family and the Grand Duke were on the same boat?"


    That meant the two families have had close relationships for hundreds of years. When a person changed, the relationship between the families changed, but he couldn't believe they joined hands.

    "It's all like that, Count. We've been the real owners of the Empire for a long time now. I'm sure this was enough to solve the mystery. I guess this is the end of our relationship. Goodbye, Count,"

    Somehow we had to get rid of these people and go help Ciel. Otherwise, even Ciel is likely to be in danger.




    Then there was a loud clatter of horses' hooves somewhere.

    Count Lyndon's face darkened. If even the enemy's reinforcements had come, they would have to give up their lives.

    The leading man's horse came running, crying loudly.

    Count Lyndon's eyes were energized when he saw the face of the man gradually getting closer. He looked familiar, he was the knight who was accompanying Elena at the late-night masquerade meeting that followed Ciel.

    Although he was pleased, Count Lyndon's hard face did not unfold. Less than ten people were far from enough to turn things around.

    "Come on, hold on. Stop!" cried Count Lyndon urgently toward Hurelbad, who did not slow down.

    Hurelbad rushed to his enemies like a moth to the fire.

    If he continued to rush like this, he would be in the middle of the enemy camp and die.

    The Duke of Wheat smacked his tongue, touching his beard. "He is reckless and ignorant. Kill the horse first.”

    "Here! Can't you hear me to stop!” cried Count Lyndon, but it was useless. No, even if it was stopped, it was a position where he was forced to be attacked by enemies.

    Hurrelbad kicked the horse's butt with a reins in one hand and a sword in the other. The act was tantamount to suicide, but there was no hesitation in his face.

    The leaping Hurelbad's stallion soared like a bird, high enough to jump over an adult man's head. The knights opened their mouths wide.

    It was truly a marvellous equestrian. Knights was trained horseback riding, but that leap was impossible if horses were not treated like parts of their bodies.

    Tadak, Tadak, Tadak.

    The leopard-like leaping power of the horse's back.

    Beyond the blocked knights, Hurelbad, who was over the Duke of Wheat's, turned his crouching body and lowered his sword.

    "Hyuk!" It was an uncontrollable situation, but Hurelbad's sword split the top of his head with amazing sophistication, starting from the forehead of the Duke of Wheat.

    "Duke!" when the knights looked back, the Duke of Wheat had already died with his eyes open. (Lol that was fast [​IMG])

    The knights were half-way through and out. It happened in the blink of an eye. Without a break, the knights suffered the worst disgrace of losing their master.

    Hurelbad, who landed on the other side, looked down at the Duke of Wheat, who had become a corpse.

    The Duke’s knights surrounded Hurelbad with bloodshot eyes. They were determined to kill the original evil that killed their master.

    The heart cried out for revenge, but the overwhelming ignorance shown by Hurelbad hardened their bodies.

    "It's not the time to be like this. We must save Hurelbad. Come on!" moved the knights and mercenaries, shouting urgently.

    He succeeded in killing the Duke of Wheat, but that's why Hurelbad went deep into enemy territory. Now that dozens of knights have taken the siege, even Hurelbad has no resources to endure.

    Hurrelbad watched Count Lyndon heading this way to save him. Everything was as planned. By killing the Duke of Wheat and taking his place in the middle of the enemy camp, he was able to tie the feet of many knights.

    Hurelbad did not consider his own safety. He only thought of Elena's order to rescue Count Lyndon.

    Hurelbad ruffled his prayers, shaking the blood from the sword. 'Don't let the girl feel uncomfortable.'

    Elena would soon reach the battlefield.

    Hurelbad did not want to show Elena the bloody battlefield if possible.

    From Duke Wheat to Knight and Deputy Commander, Hurelbad persistently aimed only at the ennemies.

    Count Lyndon, knights and mercenaries, who were on the momentum, launched indiscriminate attacks in the rear, destroying the ranks.

    The remaining number of enemies combined was more than twenty.

    Count Lyndon feels like he wants to slaughter all his enemies. But the important thing now was to hurry to the Crown Prince.

    It was already behind schedule to join. Considering the difference in the overpowering power of the elite Knights led by Grand Duke Frances, the first thing to do was to finish the situation here as soon as possible and go to help Ciel.




    "Count Lyndon." Count Lyndon's head turned to a slender voice that did not match the bloodstained scene.

    "L." The woman on the white horse was Elena. Her face was gloomy when she took time to visit the scene, fearing that she might interfere with the battle.

    "By my mistake, many people…” bit Elena hard on her lips.

    "Lady," approached Hurelbad, covered with blood, and courteous. "As ordered, I saved Count Lyndon."

    "Good work, sir."

    Hurrelbad bowed his head. That one word is enough.

    Elena's word was worth it.

    "I'm glad he wasn't late."

    "I know." Count Lyndon nodded.

    It was surprising for him that the superman, who used to move the battlefield, is so obedient in front of her.

    "You have a great article with you."

    "That's too much for me. I'm grateful to the Lord who always stood by me," Elena smiled faintly. "I don't have time for this. We must hurry up and go to your Highness."

    For a moment, Elena returned to reality and urged Count.

    Count Lyndon, who was aware of the urgency of the situation, also sympathized.

    "Let's move right away," he said without a second's hesitation, and drove off the streets of Arc de Triomphe.

    'I hope it's not too late.’ Elena swallowed up her concerns and increased the speed of her horse.

    The Rebellion part 3

    Bastache Mansion.

    "I've heard he's strong, but I didn't know he was this strong.” James, the commander of the 2nd Infantry Division, still shook his hands at the vibration that had been reported at the moment he hit the sword. Len was a wild beast who was not tamed.

    Regardless of the type and size of the sword, the sword was wielded with an animal feel. It was very tricky.

    "Kuck." No, I'm glad it's tricky. The Duke knights were helpless against the unpredictable sword.

    The knights were killed by Len's sword to the point where even his reputation as the best knight in the Empire was overshadowed.

    It was the leader of the 2nd Infantry Division, James, who was in a difficult situation to overcome even a single Len.

    The situation in the rear was not much different.

    "The Imperial Guards were this strong?" Fellin, commander of the 1st Division, spoke out unexpectedly against strong enemy resistance.

    Little has been known to the public about the strength of the newly established Imperial Guard.

    "No, the sword work of the Imperial Guard isn't that great. The great thing is, the Crown Prince.” Fellin, commander of the 1st Division, calmly grasped the situation. Objectively speaking, the sword of the Imperial Guard is not very good. Nevertheless, the first knights of the Grand Park were losing ground. It was Ciel who made the difference.

    If Len was being supported to play his best in the military, Ciel, on the contrary, focused on doubling the potential of the Royal Guard based on his sword skills.

    He sought the emergency situation of the members of the Imperial Guard.

    Ciel adopted his outstanding leadership and cared not to let the siege collapse.

    "It's like maggots wriggling." Veronica twisted her lips with an unwell look. She was surprised by the performance of Ciel and Len against the Knights of the Grand Duke.



    Then Len ran out at a tremendous speed, kicking the ground.

    In an instant, the distance narrowed, and the blade of Len's sword, which flew like a flying hawk, was falling to the point of breaking Veronica in two.

    It was a perfect surprise. There were two knights escorting Veronica, but they couldn't even respond.

    Len grinned at Veronica, who was gripped by the fear of death. The tip of Len's sword touched her collar as if it had pierced Veronica’s heart like a skewer.

    Veronica instinctively closed her eyes tightly.

    The heavy tremor that came up on the edge of the sword rang heavily over Len's whole body. The tip of the sword, which should have blossomed into the heart, was struck by something unfamiliar and lost its direction.

    Len's body, which had been floating in the air, also twitched out.

    Near Veronica, there was a sword with a symbol of the great Dychy. This was the famous sword of the Empire, known as the Flanderge of the Duke of Franches.

    "It was a decent surprise." Grand Duke Franches evaluated Len's sword as if to teach.

    "What is this development? I thought you were an old man in the back room, but that's not it?" Len used the sword as a support and raised himself elastically.

    So far, he had been engaged in numerous articles and battles, but he had never seen such a heavy sword.

    Veronica reacted more furiously, perhaps ashamed of her intimidated appearance.

    "You're crazy, aren't you? How dare you try to kill me?"

    “Crazy b!tch is you.” Len retorted with a shrug. At the same time, his eyes did not fall from Grand Duke Franches.

    The strength of the Grand Duke of Franche was real.

    'I can't guarantee a win,' said Ren, who had the sword in his hands.

    "You're such a bugger... ...daddy, please do something about him. I can't stand it anymore," said Veronica, who had been struggling, grumbled at the Duke of Frances.

    "I was about to," said Grand Duke Franche, getting off the horse and stepping on the ground.



    "Handle," said Xian, who led the Imperial Guard in the rear of the palace and was fighting fiercely, suddenly stood beside Len. “Can I?”

    “I'm good enough by myself. Why are you coming in so suddenly? I want to vent my anger on my uncle."

    "I agree with you."

    Len and Ciel looked directly at the Grand Duke of Frances as if they had promised.

    Pellin, the 1st Division commander, and James, the 2nd Division commander, stood on both sides of Grand Duke Frances, who previously faced Ciel and Len and recognized that they were formidable opponents.

    “Stay away. Get away from me” the two knighthoods, swallowing their concerns, backed away with the irrevocable authority of the Grand Duke of Franches.

    They began to move to exterminate the Imperial palace guard battalion and the Bastache family, whose balance had been broken with the absence of Len and Ciel.

    "We need to get the Duke fast." Len growled as he was coming at the Grand Duke of Franches.

    Grand Duke Frances provoked with his arms wide open.

    "Your Highness, what are you standing still for? If you kill me, isn't that the game over? Come."

    "If you want." Ciel rushed.

    “'Let's go together.” Len kicked his teeth.

    They narrowed the distance at once, followed by a series of collisions.

    Despite being the first time to work together today, Len and Ciel pushed the Grand Duke of Franches like a long-time collaborator.

    When Len used animal senses and instinct to drive the Sword Storm, Ciel's pursuit of the traditional Imperial swords mastering by aiming at loopholes with minimal movement.

    But there was something else. It was a marvellous swordsmanship by the Duke of Franches, who responded in spite of a remarkable level of inspection.

    "What, this monster?" Len and Ciel were amazed as the fight continued.

    Strangely, the burden and overload felt by the body were greatly increased in Ciel’s and Len’s.

    "I'll admit it. They're both pretty good," Grand Duke Franches calmly took the two men's onslaught without a change of expression.

    "Where's the evaluation? You're about to die."

    "Your swordsmanship relies on instinct."

    "What should I do?"

    As soon as Len's blow was blocked, Ciel pushed the sword into the side. It was a stabbing without any lumps to the point where it was believed to be a movement. However, Grand Duke Frances turned and attacked.

    "The Prince's black standard," said Grand Duke Franche, spinning his body and kicking it with his weight. Surprised by the unexpected attack, Ciel reflexively blocked both arms.


    Ciel's body was pushed back with a dull sound.

    After shaking off Ciel, Grand Duke Franche did not stop and struck the sword like a thunderbolt at Len.

    "Uh," groans flowed out of Len's mouth.

    The force caused the legs to wobble. If he hadn't laid down the blade with both hands, he might have been cut off by half.

    The moment he thought he had managed to stop it, Grand Duke Franches kicked Ren in the abdomen, who was exposed. The internal pain almost made him dizzy.

    In the meantime, they would have been killed if they didn't keep their distance instinctively. Len spat out the blood stuck in his mouth.

    Grand Duke Frances looked down on Ciel and Len, who stared at them as if he was going to kill them.

    "Prayer to the heavens. You met me before your talents blossomed."

    Grand Duke Franches, which had so far focused on defense, has changed.

    The unrefined flesh was as sharp as to cut off everything without leaving any shape.

    Ciel and Len took a deep breath and posed. There was no place to retreat. It was a death-or-live struggle.

    "Support Your Majesty! Kill the Great Duke that caused the Rebellion!" The Knights led by Count Lyndon joined in a timely manner.

    Under his brilliant tactics, the Imperial Guard, which had been concentrated in inferiority, revived its momentum.

    The 1st Knights faltered and casualties began to increase.

    “Hurelbard?!” The knights of the Grand Duke opened their eyes when they found Hurrelbad running.

    “That loser!”

    “A traitor who doesn't even know the honor of the knight. You will be killed with my own hands,"

    Hurrelbad ran forward without hesitation, as if he had not even felt the need for a reply.

    With hostility, he rejected the knights who blocked him without hesitation.

    It was in front of Ciel and Len who exchanged a battle with Grand Duke Frances where Hurelbad, who broke through the center with a marvelous technique, stopped

    "I'm sorry. I've stopped splashing blood when I care."

    "Don't say that. This is a battlefield."

    A slender woman, on a saddle that was supposed to be empty, covered in a robe, hugged Hurelbad's back and hid herself.

    When she reached out her white hand and leaned back her robe, she revealed her tight red feet and bare face.

    "This is how I see you, Father, no, Grand Duke Franches."

    "You." The eyes of Grand Duke Frances, who faced a great woman who once lived as her daughter on behalf of Veronica, became thin.

    She was the one who shook the Grand Duchy. It was Elena, the hostess of Salon, who now enjoyed her reputation on the continent as well as the empire.

    Elena's eyes curled like a crescent moon. Her heart shook uncontrollably. In the past life, the eyes of them looking at Elena came back to mind.

    The cold touch that stole Ian, the contemptuous look of the bug.

    “Would you believe me if I said I wanted you to be my biological father?”

    Only then did she realize it. She was on the same page as him. She no longer struggled to look up at them.

    Grand Duke Franches spread out his arms and acted like a caring father.

    "So am I. Then, would you embrace your father?"

    "I might stab you in the heart. Would that be okay?" Elena grinned as she pulled the dagger out of the leather sheath on her thigh.

    Grand Duke Franches burst into a low laugh, and soon his face hardened.

    "Is the Duke of Wheat dead?"

    "It's the Imperial Law to rule against treason." Elena smiled and hardened his mind.

    Leaving Grand Duke Franches behind, Veronica drove forward.

    "Welcome. You've saved me the trouble of visiting."


    "You, the Crown Prince, Len. I'm not just gonna kill you. I'll make you feel how terrible it is to live." Veronica smiled gruesomely as she alternated with Elena, Ciel and Len with hateful eyes.

    The mere imagination of pulling three people's fingernails, crushing bones, and cutting off the limbs made her spine ache.

    “Amazing,” said Grand Duke Franches calmly. "The Crown Prince or Len was born with more than what was seen. Identity, lineage, person. They made me stand up to them."

    But the two eyes of Grand Duke Frances were fixed to Elena.

    "Unlike those two, you were empty-handed. a mere fringe of no connection Then you struck out Leabrick and drove me all the way here."

    “Because you were desperate,” Elena retorted.

    'Because you took Ian away.'

    "Fear that you were born in the same era as me." Grand Duke Franches, who made eye contact with Elena, has changed. An intangible life resembling the storm of the blade swirled toward Elena.

    Elena's face turned white. She was suffocated. Although she suffered from labor pains, her weak physical limitations were beyond his control.

    "I think you'd better stand back.”

    “Hey, this is cheating.”

    “Are you all right, miss?”

    Elena's breathing regained stability. In a moment,Ciel, Len, and Hurelbad stepped up and blocked her with their lives, regardless of who was first. [​IMG][​IMG]

    She didn't know exactly what had happened, but she could tell that the three men had protected her from the Grand Duke.

    “Thank you,” said Elena, with a faint smile hanging around her mouth. "All three of you, thank you for trusting me and following me. You've made it this far."

    “'What, that pessimistic sentiment? It's like we're going to have to die." Despite Len's slickness, Elena didn't lose her smile.

    “There won't be such an end.”

    “Of course,” said Xian firmly, as if he didn't need a grain of consideration.

    With a serene glance, Hurelbad expressed his loyalty towards Elena. Elena gave her last words of encouragement to the three.

    "It's the turning point of the times. Will it change or continue. It's in the hands of three people."

    “I'll prove it.”

    “She keeps putting pressure on me. I want to do my best.”

    “Yes, miss.”

    Ciel, Len and Hurelbad went forward, fixing the sword.

    It was a final battle. Elena's palm, which had no choice but to watch from afar, was damp with sweat. Trust in the three was absolute, but she couldn't help but feel nervous about it.



    First Division Commander Felin was having a hard time dealing with Count Lyndon.

    In the meantime, Ciel and Len attacked and pressed Duke Franches. They weren't overwhelmed by the monster dance, but they weren't pushed back.

    Grand Duke Franches' unorthodox, monstrous strength transcended Elena's common sense. It was also understandable why May's surprise assassination failed.

    His power, which is equivalent to Len, the wilderness wolf, and Ciel, the crown prince. She didn't want to admit it, but Grand Duke Franches was clearly the superhuman born of heaven.

    Back to Hurelbad, he pushed mercilessly, gaining the upper hand against James, the 2nd Division Commander. James, seemed embarrassed by the swordsmanship that overwhelmed him.

    Elena's faith gradually became a reality. A sword stuck in James' chest, who was struggling to defend against Hurelbad's onslaught.

    "I can't believe it." The eyes of the Duke of Frances were awakened. The commander of the 2nd Infantry Division was not just a title that can be attached. James was killed in vain.

    By a knight of the common people.

    "I'm tired of it. It's worth Leabrick." The gaze of Grand Duke Frances did not fall from Elena. It was amazing how Eleena, who recognized the potential of Hurelbad, who he had not even noticed, appointed him as a knight.

    "I'll help you."

    When Hurelbad, who overpowered James, joined the attack, the lead quickly changed.

    With the addition of animal and instinctive Ren's swordsmanship, the complete swordsmanship of Ciel, and the practical swordsmanship of Hurelbad, who was aiming for the core, even the Great Duke Franches, who was close tosuperman, had no resources to endure.

    In addition, the three men's cooperation was so perfect that it was doubtful whether they had been working together for decades.

    "Your Highness!" Several knights jumped in to help the defensive Grand Duke of Frances, but they were not enough.

    It was rather cumbersome and unhelpful to see the confrontation between those of different levels of strength.

    "Father," Veronica bit her fingernails hard as Grand Duke Franches was pushed back. Her lips dried with extreme nervousness.

    She was worried that the worst ending she had never thought about would come true.

    The Grand Duke Franches’ face had lost its composure. It was a miscalculation. He did not expect that there would be an even a strong man, as Ciel and Len, who was hard to be born in one era.

    The desperation to lose everything made Grand Duke Frances keep fretting. It would be all over when he died.

    They concentrated on defense and waited for the Grand Duke to lose his strength, rather than onslaughting him.

    "Ha, ha." Grand Duke Franches' breath ran out of breath.

    As he lost my physical strength, the sword tips were piling up a little by little.

    The evidence was that small wounds increased.

    "Kirsten, Farrell! Help me, come on!" Urgent Grand Duke Franches summoned knights fighting.

    Even if the difference in skills was not a big help, it might bought a moment of time.

    But the three did not even allow it.

    A final blow was made.

    Ciel's sword pierced the left breast of Grand Duke Franches.

    Len's sword cut his back diagonally, drawing a trajectory.

    Hurrelbad, who was aiming for a crack, cut the blood vessels in his neck.

    "Ah, Father!" A fountain of blood sprang from the body of Grand Duke Franches at the same time as Veronica's cry.

    Grand Duke Franches staggered, grabbing himself by the nape. He struggled to stop the blood flow between his hands.

    It was a lingering struggle.

    The look of death.

    Despite the pathetic gesture to live, the sobbing body collapsed and was thrown out.

    Grand Duke Franches' fingers, stretched out on the ground, wriggled.

    As if he could not die like this, his body, which was staring at Elena, was drained.

    He died with his bloodshot eyes open.

    "The Grand Duke," Elena did not take her eyes off him until the last breath of his life. "You're no different. That's what it's like to die,"

    Elena, with a calm look, looked at him in the eyes.

    Death was not a long story. Because everyone was the same.

    Furthermore, Grand Duke Franches was the head of the Grand Duchy, which was called the heaven of the Empire.

    The more you had to lose, the stronger your attachment to life.

    It was only a few seconds before he lost his breath, but the despair he would have felt at that moment would have been too great to be expressed in words.

    "No. It can't be. Does this make sense? Wake up. What are you doing? Come on, get up and kill the ashes!" Veronica, who got off the horse, screamed as if to deny reality.

    Even as she approached his father with slow steps, Grand Duke Franches did not budge.

    "Grand, Grand Duke!"

    Felin, the 1st Division Commander, belatedly recognized the death of the Lord, turned his back on Count Lyndon. The latter did not miss the gap and drew the sword diagonally from Felin's shoulder to his side.

    Fellin, who was reeling from a ragged body, fell to his side and died.

    The Knights of the Grand Duke were shaken as if they had lost their fighting will when the Fellin and James were all dead.

    "Rebel, I will cut you if you resist."

    When Ciel came forward and threatened them, the knights of the Grand Duchy, who had lost their will, surrendered, throwing away the sword.

    Veronica shouted as she watched the scene.

    "Are you crazy? What are you doing! Raise your sword again! I'm Veronica von Friedrich. I’m alive. Look. I'm the new Grand Duke. So grab the sword. Come on!"

    "Hey, sister. That's enough, isn't it? You’re really ugly right now." Veronica trembled as Len giggled sarcastically.

    "Can't you hear me!" Despite Veronica's orders, the knights kept their heads down and did not hold the sword again.

    Veronica had never given them any trust. They didn't want to risk their lives just because she was the same blood at the Grand Duke.

    "I'm sorry. Her Highness the Princess."

    "There is no point in any more fighting."

    The knights turned away.

    Veronica was beset at the sight.

    "Those bastards! You're putting the sword on the ground when the Lord is dead? You guys are still knights? Can you say the Knights of the Friedrich family?"

    "Stop it, will you? Don't be so nasty."

    "Shut up." Veronica glared at Len as if to kill him. There is nothing but evil left for her now.

    Even the Grand Duke of Franches, who had been firmly guarding her, and the Knights, who had been her junior, turned around, and the solitude as she was being left alone in the vast sea was eating her.

    "It's because of L. It's because of you." Veronica pulled out the Dagger from her waist and glared as if she were going to kill Elena.

    It was a sword that was close to decoration, but it was threatening enough because the blade was standing.

    "Veronica," Elena got off the horse, calling her low.

    Hurrelbad, who had brushed the blood off the sword, was right behind her to prepare for Veronica's unexpected situation.

    "I should have killed you. This wouldn't have happened if I'd killed you four years before!"

    “You couldn't have." Elena's sarcastic voice was colder than the ice.

    Things had changed.

    The devil laughed at Elena, who died after being exploited, and even mentioned Ian's death.

    This devil was now in front of Elena in the opposite situation.

    “Don't talk as if you could have.”

    “You!” Veronica's eyes were turned upside down by the insulting disregard.

    She picked up a sword when she couldn’t even hold it properly, and then ran towards Elena.

    Len, who was ahead of Hurelbad in the back, crept in and poked out his foot.

    Veronica, who had been rushing forward, tripped on her feet and fell unseen. (Idk about you but I laughed so much [​IMG])

    She turned her head and stared at Len as if she were going to kill him.

    "Yee, yee!"

    As Len shrugged, the gruff Veronica picked up the sword again and went on.

    Only hatred remained for Elena, the culprit behind all this. But it wasn't Len to watch it still. He turned quickly and walked off again before Veronica even noticed.

    This time, she fell in front of the dead body and was soaked with blood.

    "Would you mind? Why do you keep getting stuck in my feet?"

    “Argh!” cried Veronica, who couldn't overcome her temper. Despite such contempt, she could not even respond to such a situation, which made her angry.

    Elena approached such Veronica. Hurelbad tried to step forward as if she were in danger, but Elena smiled and said it was okay.

    "It had been four years. I'll make you struggle in despair enough to feel like death is a luxury.” The deep sorrow in Elena's voice was colder than the frost in the middle of winter.

    She did everything to see their destruction.

    "Lord, kill... ...Hyuk!" A heavy shock came from behind Veronica's neck, which was coming at Elena.

    In a moment's notice, Len knocked out her vital points, which were almost defenseless.

    “She was so noisy.”

    “Good job.” Elena had nothing more to do with Veronica.

    Ciel commanded the Imperial Guards and covered the Knights of the Grand Palace. Although the Grand Duchy lost its central point, he couldn't relax because he didn't know how the remnants of the Grand Duke would turn.

    "I must go to the Imperial Palace." Ciel was thinking of reclaiming the palace that had been swept away by the Grand Duke before sunrise.

    The Body of the Emperor Richard, who chose to make a noble sacrifice, was also there. He had to patch it up.

    They should hold a meeting of the nobility to publicize the Duke activities and regain the initiative of the political situation.

    “Your Grace, wait a moment!” Elena hurriedly called up Ciel

    “What's wrong?”

    “You got a stop to make before you go to the palace.”

    “'Where..? Aah!”

    Elena nodded as Xian responded as if something had come to mind.

    "Go to the Duke of Wheat.” He didn't have to hesitate as long as he was sure of his treason.

    Breaking the centuries-old balance between the Great Duchy and the four largest families.

    "You're really....." Even in this situation, Ciel was speechless at Elena's vision of reading the Empire with a cool and rational judgment.

    The thought flashed across his mind.

    If she became a member of the imperial family and performed her capacity, wouldn't the empire enjoy a peaceful era? (Hmmm [​IMG])

    Ciel, without hesitating, took command of the Imperial Guard and set off at the Duke of Wheat’s mansion.

    Len grinned at Elena

    “She's so smart.”

    “Are you drunk?”

    “That's what you call smart.”

    “I don't have the power to play with words. Go ahead and clean up the mess up. I'm going back to the saloon... ..."

    At the moment Elena stumbled as if she had felt dizzy. When surprised Hurelbad was about to help, Len burst in and hugged Elena's waist.

    No matter how shrewd and fast he was, Hurrelbad couldn't even afford to do anything.

    “What's wrong? Are you sick?”

    “I'm a little dizzy. I guess I'm relaxed."

    She was smiling faintly, but Elena's face was pale.

    It was a life that came only for revenge. She seemed rational and perfectly calm, but she had always lived narrowly through limits.

    Therefore, it was natural that tension was relieved and mental exhaustion came.

    "I'm sorry, but I'm going to sleep a little.”

    It was not easy for a healthy person to maintain the war’s spirit, which was full of blood and flesh and was full of death.

    It was a miracle that she’d endured so far.

    "Where is she sleeping?" Unlike his words, Len was careful that Elena might wake up.

    But Hurelbad didn't listen.

    “I'll take her to the salon.”

    But Len hugged Elena if he didn’t have any intention of handing her over. In the most amiable manner.

    Len grinned at Elena, who was fast asleep. The empire's sky was turned upside down.

    It was the first time that Grand Duke Franches attacked the palace and killed the emperor. Although she failed to stop the death of Emperor Richard, the response of Crown Prince Ciel and the Imperial Guard was dazzling.



    'Ciel and the Imperial Guard, who returned to the capital in a hurry after receiving information that a rebellion was being plotted, occupied the grand palace and succeeded in killing Grand Duke Franches. In addition, he killed the Duke of Wheat and even overpowered the Wheat family. '

    The nobles were astonished. The collapse of the Great Duchy since the founding of the Empire suggested a lot to the nobles.

    The axis of the empire, which used to be centered on aristocrats, was transferred to the imperial power.

    The shocking news continued.

    Len Bastache, who was buried due to his disappearance, returned and took control of the family.

    As rumors turned out to be true that Len helped to bring down the Grand Duchy in line with Ciel, his position as the next generation of emerging aristocrats had also been solidified.

    Everything else went according to the rules. Ciel dispatched the Imperial Guard to seize the Great Duchy and the Wheat’s dukedom.

    He also searched the mansion thoroughly and seized the assets by using his own method. Ciel wrapped up what was related to the treason and held the funeral of Emperor Richard.

    In the meantime, the government had to tighten its belt due to the poor finances of the imperial family, but it was not unreasonable to return the assets of the families who committed treason to the State Coffers.

    Veronica was imprisoned in a dungeon of the Imperial palace.

    Her death after Franches’ treason became a foregone conclusion. However, it was only possible to assume that she would be executed after the Emperor Richard’s funeral.
  4. NohrNeir

    NohrNeir rereading frenzy

    Apr 28, 2020
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    ALL CREDIT GOES TO @mijikado

    Last bunch of spoilers for the main story!

    Some times after the death of the Grand Duke, Elena was escorted to the Imperial Palace.

    People all began to gather around the carriage and became curious as it was a special carriage, usually only decicated to the Royal Family [​IMG]

    "The Crown Prince must have sent L to be brought in"


    "Do you think L would be the Empress?"

    "I'm with her. Honestly, is there any aristocrat who think of us as much as L?"

    "That's true, thanks to her, poor people can study for free."

    "She's a saint!"

    Elena was invited into the Garden, where Ciel was waiting.

    He brewed tea, and Elena noticed his excellent skill

    "I practiced because I wanted to treat you with my own hands, even though I'm still not up to you"


    "Yes." Ciel smiled faintly

    Elena was pretty surprised as Ciel was very busy but he still found times to practice tea ceremony to treat Elena (Aww [​IMG])


    - Len became Count and became officially heir to his family

    - Ciel wanted to give Elena rewards like honor or title, but Elena refused. She prefered the lowest aristocrat's rank (baroness) because it would help her blend in anywhere between the nobles and the commoners.

    - Instead, Elena asked Ciel to honor Hurelbad for his distinguished services in supressing treason. Actually, Ciel was already intended to give him the title of Knight of the Empire to wash away his disgrace, a medal and a Baron's title.

    And, if Hurelbad allowed, he could also be the Leader of the Imperial Guards. Of course, Hurelbad didn't accept the offer, as he only wanted to stay by Elena's side as her knight (my baby [​IMG])

    They talked for a long time, and Elena told Ciel that she was going to meet her parents in the North. Ciel looked sad because he couldn't come with her (Lol he really wants to meet his futur in-laws [​IMG]). Nonetheless, he promised to only proceed to Veronica's execution after she came back.

    The head of Grand Duke's Franches, who committed treason, was hanged on the Arc de Triomphe of the Capital.

    It was the symbol of Ciel's desire and determination to open a new Empire

    Elena went to the Prison to visit Leabrick.

    Elena's stop was in the last room on the third basement floor.

    The dark darkness and the fungus that pierced the tip of the nose cannot be removed . It was a terrible place to suffocate for most people who were trapped here.


    Beyond the bars, the woman's head, which had been drooping like a corpse, slowly became visible.

    "If I had known you were locked up here, I should have come earlier."

    "You must have come to laugh at me?" Leabrick's voice cracked.

    There was no previous confidence. Only in despair and misery.

    "Yes, I'm here to."

    "You're being childish. Yeah, laugh as much as you want. Why, why don't you spit? Isn't that why you came here?"

    Leabrick burst into cynicism.

    "Yes, it's broken. But am I the only one who's broken? That's not true. The Grand Duke also failed," said Leabrick, who was pouring out self-help words, gasped as if exhausted.

    The murky air in the unventilated underground prison was priceless against her lungs.

    "I shouldn't have brought you back then.... " Leabrick regretted the day when she came up with a plan to put up a substitute.

    There were many opportunities to stop. Elena had no choice but to obey her.

    "I'm the one who brought down the Great Duke. It's me,"

    Leabrick, who was struggling with despair and stained with regret, suddenly pulled up her body and grabbed the bars.

    Then she screamed and shook.

    "What are you doing? I'm here. Why don't you slap me in the face? Wouldn't that make you feel better? Why would you look at me like that! Look, I can't resist. You want to bully me, don't you? Unlock it. Unlock it all."

    Elena looked at Leabrick, who forced sadism.

    That look in Elena's eyes made her more miserable than a hundred-word insult, than any contempt that shattered dignity.

    "No, I don't want to."


    "Go back, sir." Elena turned coldly.

    The current Leabrick is broken. Not worth laughing at.

    It was enough to see her so broken.

    "It's not worth the competition."

    She'd never see her again.

    Leabrick had no value left to feel superior and enjoy the joy of revenge.

    "Wait! Stand there!" cried Leabrick, clasping at the bars.

    A strand of pride supporting her was trampled upon.

    She hoped Elena would abuse and harass her as much as she did (Leabrick are you ok? [​IMG]). It would mean that Elena admitted her existence.

    But Elena did not.

    Leabrick couldn't stand the moment.


    Elena's head turned reflexively at the dull sound of the underground prison to ring.

    Leabrick's body sagged as hard as her skull crushed against the wall.

    Her pupils became blurred and her forehead sank.

    Leabrick laughed curiously.

    "Now that you see me... "

    LeaBrick was speechless to the end. But her face, who did not die down i, was saying: 'Don't forget me until you die.'

    Leabrick, who was holding the wall, fell and died.

    Unlike her bloody hair, her eyes and mouth were grinning horribly.

    "That's your exit,"

    Elena looked down at the dead Leah Brick with a dry look.

    She wanted to be recognized as an opponent by Elena until the moment she died.

    There was pride that she was the only one that could stand up to Elena.

    "At one time, I respected you," she said, watching Leabrick's witty plot. She wanted to be a woman like her who was as broad and as smart as she was.

    She was the one who put Elena at the height of her misfortune, and the woman who hated her enough to crush her to pieces, but also the woman who made her the present Elena.

    "Good-bye, Liv."

    Elena left the best farewell.

    Was it an illusion?

    Leabrick's body trembled as if she were responding to Elena's praise. She was already a cold dead body, but...

    "Sir, let's go back," turned Elena, who looked at Leabrick's body.

    There was no reason to stay here any longer.

    The destination is the Kingdom of Dian among the Three Nations, located in the northern part of the empire. It was where her parents, Baron Fredrick and Chesana, were staying. It took a month and 5 days to arrive there.

    Elena came into the popular wine store, where were her parents.

    "Would you like it wrapped?"

    "Yes," Elena replied, holding back her pent-up feelings.

    Chesana, who took out a small box and was packing wine, spoke to her in a friendly manner.

    "Looking at you reminds me of my daughter."


    "I think she's your age by now. She was a little old-fashioned and pretty-handed." With a bitter smile, blurred Chesana held out the wine that had been wrapped. "That's it. Calculation...... Madam?"

    Elena, who was clenching her lips, managed to open her mouth.

    "It's me."


    "It's me, Mom."

    It was a voice so small that you couldn't hear it if you didn't listen, but Chesana didn't miss it.

    "E.. Elena. Are you really Elena?"

    Elena took off her hat, swallowing a cry that was about to burst. After the girl, it was time for Chesana's eyes to moisten when she faced Elena, who had become a decent woman.

    "Can't you see the person waiting behind you? Instead of calculating it quickly...."" When the man saw Elena standing in front of the checkout counter, he dropped the books.

    "Elena? Right, honey? You're my daughter Elena, right?"

    Elena swallowed her tears as she looked at her parents. She was so happy and she wanted to smile but why do she kept getting choked up?

    "I'm glad to hear that. Stay healthy, look good, get along well, so I wanted to see you more. I wasn't going to cry. It's so good, but why do I keep crying?"

    "Elena!" Baron Fredrick and Chesana rushed out and hugged her.

    Elena also stretched out her arms and hugged her parents tightly.

    Body temperature surrounding her, familiar body odor. Everything was healing and restlessness for her. "Goddess Gaia, thank you. For allowing me to see my daughter again."

    Unaware of even the attention of our customers, the three of them didn't expect to fall for a while.

    After the lingering emotion had passed, the three person moved into the room. It was a cozy room that was small but warm enough to dispel the cold in the north.

    Chesana carried warm milk

    "'If it's a miracle, it'll be a miracle."

    "I promised. I'll see you again for sure,"

    Elena laughed, wrapping her warm glass of milk in her hands.

    "I don't know how much I regretted after I let you go. Your father had a terrible time."

    "Don't say that. I said it was okay,"

    Baron Frederick looked sorry. "Even if you're all right, we're not good parents. Because my incompetence drove you to the ground."

    "It was unavoidable."

    "Even so, I couldn't do anything."

    "Father..." Elena choked. The sight was so pitiful and pitiful that Elena couldn't bear it.

    "Now put it down. I've grown up so well, haven't I?"

    "I know. It's relaxing to see you."

    There was a comfortable smile at the mouth of Baron Frederick

    "Is it true that Grand Duke Friedrich's was destroyed after causing treason?"

    "It's true."

    "Then you came here..."

    "I didn't run away. He came on his own. I have a lot to talk about. Not enough for three nights and nights."

    When Elena smiled and said, Chesana gently stroked her daughter's forehead.

    "Tell me everything. Don't leave anything out. Good things, bad things. Okay?"

    "Yes, I'd like to introduce you first.''


    Elena smiled brightly and nodded. "They are the most precious people to me"

    Elena stayed in the Kingdom of Diane for nearly a month. The family dined and spent time together as if they were compensated for their years apart. It was a daily routine for other people, but for them, it was a series of precious days fhat could not be exchanged for gold.



    Elena recruted a wine expert to take care of her parents' store, then with her parents, they came back to the Empire.

    When news of Elena and her parents reached Ciel, the latter immediately invited all the 3 of them to the Imperial Palace.

    As Elena and her parents arrived to the Palace, Empress Florence (Richard's wife) immediately requested for her presence.

    After asking for her parents' permission, Elena went straight to the West Palace.

    "I see the Empress."

    "Sit down."

    Elena sat down on one of the sofa, with her head down.

    "Hold your head,"

    Empress Florence stared at Elena.

    "You look alike."

    "What do you mean?"

    Empress Florence did not clearly indicate who Elena looked like.

    It was against etiquette to mention Veronica, who is about to be executed for treason.

    "You look like it. Why the Crown Prince is so into you? Why did the king, who had locked his heart, give you a brooch?"

    Elena's expression was slightly hardened by the brooch's reference. At the same time, she wondered why she was telling her this.

    "I asked you to come for this."

    It was a small box that Empress Florence offered. The dragon's symbol was inscribed with a seal symbolizing the imperial family, and it was assumed that it contained a noble object at a glance.

    "It's the Seal,"

    Elena's eyes opened wide.

    Seal? It was an omnipotent object symbolizing the emperor's authority. It was said that the Seal, which only the emperor of the Empire could have, had disappeared.

    However, she never dreamed that Empress Florence would keep it.

    "Please bring it to the Crown Prince. It's his coronation soon, so he'll need this jade seal."

    Elena looked up and stared at Empress Florence. She couldn't understand why she gave it to him through her.

    "Why do you give it to me instead of giving it yourself?"

    "Because I don't want to be embarrassed." Empress Florence laughed fitfully. "It's ugly for me to be his mother, who never loved and never hugged him."

    "Emperor..." Elena clouded the end of her speech.

    Empress Florence gave a wistful look with her eyes shaking. It was something Elena had never seen before.

    "His Majesty gave you a brooch, right?"

    "Yes? Yes, I did get it, but..."

    "I don't know what that means. Even so, L should return the seal to the Crown Prince."

    Elena was surprised that Empress Florence knew all about the brooch, and was surprised once again to discuss the meaning and qualifications of the brooch.

    "I'm sorry, but I can't do that." It was a flat refusal.

    "L." Empress Florence raised her eyes slightly and called her name low.

    "I think it's right for you to personnaly return it, Your Majesty."

    "Are you sure you want to see me miserable?"

    There was a chill in the voice of Empress Florence.

    In the past, she was so harsh that she called in Elena, the queen, whenever she had time to make her cry. At one point, that glint crouched, but the present Elena had long been free from the remnants of the past.

    "May I say a word, if you'll excuse me?" said Elena, who carefully sought the permission of Empress Florence, with her eyes on her chin, according to imperial etiquette.

    "I don't think a parent's relationship is a result of having a stomachache."

    "Are you teaching me now?" Empress Florence's face turned red. She allowed her, but she didn't expect her to say such arrogant things.

    "Even a child born not born from the womb is a child."

    (if you remember Florence was the 2nd Empress after the first one (Ciel's mother) died. So she was not Ciel's birth mother)

    "I'm afraid I can't hear any more. Get out,"

    Empress Florence must have felt insulted, and she got up.

    But Elena kept her words clean. Once, she was a mother, too.

    "Your Highness the Crown Prince won't show up, but he'll be lonely."

    The Empress Florence, who was turning away with a cold wind, stood in her place as she felt that she had been left alone in the world after her Majesty's death.

    For her, who was only trying to escape, Ciel's mind was not something to consider. That's why Elena's words caused a stir.

    "Stay behind the Prince. Just like you've been. The Empress is an adult. You are the mother of the Crown Prince."


    Elena bowed politely. so that her heart can be delivered to her at least a little. Because it was the only way to convey her true feelings.

    The coldness disappeared from the face of Empress Florence, who was only as cold as an ice sheet.

    "What a strange woman. You don't have to do this. I think I know a little bit why he gave you the brooch." Empress Florence turned her head.

    She looked out the window and was filled with longing. Elena didn't know if she was thinking of the dead Richard, or if she was thinking of Ciel as a child who she had hurt, but she was clearly regretting something.

    "I'll deliver the Seal."

    "Your Royal Highness the Crown Prince will be pleased."

    Elena looked up with a feisty smile, as if she had been relieved.

    The emperor's position is solitary. Even if they didn't have the same blood, even though she did not give love..

    The Empress, who was still looking out of the window, spoke out abruptly when Elena, who had finished the conversation, took the courtesy of taking her place and believed her presence would give Ciel a great boost just by standing there and supporting him.

    "Maybe I could welcome you." (Yeah even the Empress want you to became her daughter in law [​IMG])


    There was no answer back to Elena's reply. With further questions vague, Elena left the palace, leaving a greeting as she looked at the back of the Empress Florence.



    "Your Royal Highness, the Crown Prince."

    "There's an urgent matter to be dealt with, and I've neglected you. I apologize."

    He was worried that he wouldn't be able to see her, but he was glad to see her.

    Elena is more polite than usual.

    "I heard you went to see The Empress..." Ciel mysteriously clouded the end of his words.

    He was worried that she might have been hurt because he knew the nature of Empress Florence well.

    "Her Highness has served me tea."


    "Yes, I am coming out with words of blessing on my chest."

    Elena kept quiet about the Seal. She wanted to wait for Empress Florence to return the Seal by herself.

    "I see," Ciel asked no more frivolously.

    As always, he trusted Elena's words and would not try to know if they were hidden. If she didn't tell him, she must have a good reason.

    "Your parents are in the East Palace. I'll go with you."

    "Your Highness, I have a request before that."

    "Tell me."

    As Elena hesitated without opening her mouth, Ciel quickly requested her. Only then did Elena remove her lips.

    "I want to see Veronica."



    Imperial dungeon. This place, which concentrated a collection of high-profile criminals who committed profane crimes against the imperial family, was famous as a place where escape was impossible.

    As the imperial power weakened and the aristocracy gained power, it became difficult to find prisoners, but recently there were so many sinners that there were not enough rooms. This was because even who committed illegal acts in the process were being investigated for their involvement.

    "Take me to Veronica."

    "Yes, Your Highness." The Imperial Guard, ordered by Ciel, took the lead.

    "That's the room."

    "Stay away," Said Ciel, and the Imperial Guard fell far away with polite courtesy.

    "I'll wait here. Come and look."

    "Thanks for your consideration, Your Highness."

    Ciel insisted that he would wait without Elena (so considerate [​IMG]).

    There was no place for him to intervene in the conversation between Veronica, who was about to be executed, and Elena, who had lived as Veronica's substitute.

    As Elena's footsteps reached the end room, candles floated over the lamp in the hallway.

    Beyond the empty iron-barrel, a woman with her hair loose popped out, and her hands extended out of the iron-barrel.

    "Veronica." Elena calmly called her.

    Veronica's struggle to harm Elena by reaching out from beyond the iron window with poison in her eyes ended in vain.

    "Dog b!tch! I'll kill you! I'll kill you!" The hateful Veronica clenched her teeth and screamed. "It's because of your b!tch! If it weren't for four years, neither would I, nor my father, nor the Grand Duchy!"

    There was blood in Veronica's eyes. She was filled with resentment, as if she would tear Elena to death if she had touched her hand.

    Elena laughed at Veronica, saying,

    "I know. Fake has thrown away the real thing?"

    "What? A b!tch like you, a, a bugger!"

    The evil Veronica grabbed the cage and shook it like a crazy woman. But the hard-fixed iron spear didn't budge at her struggle.

    "I'll never let you go. I'm going to take off your scalp and pull out all your teeth. I'm going to break your knuckles and make you cry out in pain!"

    "And while you're stuck, your delusions grow."

    "Shut up! Soon the Great Duke will come. Do you think he'll leave you alone then??!"

    Elena laughed at Veronica for never giving up her lingering feelings. The Grand Duke had long since disappeared from the Imperial Land.

    The royal palace had reclaimed the territory, and the allied families had fled or been captured and imprisoned in the imperial prison for questioning.

    It was pathetic to deny such a reality.

    "I'm relieved. I was worried you might have been broken like Leabrick."


    "Stay as you are now. More evil, crying, exasperating, screaming. Don't lose hope. Until the moment you die. That way, it's fun to watch you, isn't it?"

    Elena's remarks, which seemed to play with interesting toys, were sincere.

    The deeper her hatred and the more she can't let go of her lingering feelings, the greater her despair would grow.

    "What and what?! Open this cage! I'll kill you I'll kill you!"

    Veronica shook the cage with her whole body. She'd run out of here right now, put her fingernails in Elena's throat, strangle her, and kill her.

    Elena's smile deepened. Like Veronica, laughing at Elena dying.

    "Okay. Then I'll let you know one thing in consideration."

    Elena took a step closer to the bars. Then she whispered like a demon. Just like Veronica did.

    "You're about to die. You will be executed before the people of your country."

    Veronica, who had been fighting back, shrugged at the words of execution. That whispering death shattered even her slender hopes.

    "So wait. For somebody open that cage and come find me. Because that will be your execution day."

    Elena looked at Veronica with a sneering smile and turned around.

    Veronica, who was staring vacantly at Elena's back as she was moving away, realized that she had insulted her, but only after Elena left.

    "Yi, yi! Ki, wait! Stand there. Stand there before I kill you!" Veronica's resplendent scream roared in the prison, but Elena didn't turn around.

    She let Veronica struggle with that despair. Not only that, it made her suffer from the fear of death.

    Fear of dying at any time, nothing makes a man so dear and psychologically painful.

    "Let's go," said Ciel, nodding his head as Elena returned.

    Elena learnt painting from Raphael, under the identity of Lucia.

    "Will the class be okay from today, sir?"

    "It doesn't matter," Raphael responded gladly.



    "Is this the right place?"

    Elena and Raphael's head turned at the same time to the unfamiliar voice.

    “...!!!!” Elena, surprised at the moment, opened her eyes wide.

    The identity of the voice is none other than the Crown Prince Ciel.

    Embarrassment was just a passing emotion, and Elena's body was bowing to him with instinctive discipline. Ciel, who had been eyeing her etiquette that would only be seen in the imperial palace, turned his eyes.

    "Did you say Raphael?"

    "It's an honor to see you again, Your Majesty." Raphael bowed his head.

    “Is this your drawing room?”


    “I'm here to see Cecilia, but she's not here."

    Ciel looked around the studio and said he was here because of Cecilia.

    Presumably Ciel was somehow looking for her, and Cecilia was avoiding him.

    "The Empress is a very blessed person." She thought it was all in the past, but Elena felt bitter again.

    "I haven't seen Cecilia either."


    Ciel, with his unique expressionless face, looked carefully at Raphael's paintings, the humain proportionality, under study, anatomy, and so on.

    "Cecilia lavished praise on you, saying that you would be a painter to represent the times."

    “There's still a lot of room for improvement.”

    “I think what she said is true. I can feel your geniusness in my own eyes."

    Despite Ciel - the future emperor's reviews, Raphael bowed his head and was not very happy. He was not satisfied with his paintings, even if the Crown Prince complimented him.

    Elena looked at Ciel and inwardly hoped he would leave the studio quickly. It was still inconvenient for Elena to face the past.

    Ciel's visit to the painting studio stopped at one painting.

    "Did you draw this picture, too?"

    Elena's breath was near. The painting that Ciel pointed out was a portrait drawn by Elena.

    Inside the gallery, there were ten paintings by Raphael that were enough to rise to the rank of masterpieces, but since Ciel put all those aside and pointed to Ian's portrait, Elena entered the party.

    "No, it's not. It's a painting by Miss Lucia here."

    "You?" Ciel responded with surprise, glancing at Elena and then looking back to the painting.

    She wanted to turn back time so that Ciel could not see the portrait of Ian if she could. Leaving Raphael, who was good at painting, Ciel's eyes kept looking at Ian with a young look, and kept making her suffer.

    She hoped he wouldn't say anything.

    Despite her wishes, Ciel didn't leave his eyes out of Ian’s portrait.

    Why? Why? Of all things, you're so interested in Ian's portrait.’

    Elena was just eager to see him leave here quickly.

    "What a mystery."

    Ciel's expression, which broke the long silence and opened his mouth, seemed so complicated that he couldn't help but wonder:

    "It's the smiling face of this angelic child. I don't know why it's so touching."

    Elena got choked up. A little while ago, Ciel's words lingered in her ears and did not leave. All these moments seem like lies. He didn't know who Ian was. There's no way he knew.

    Nevertheless, it's late, it's too late, but now Ian could catch the warm eyes of Ciel.

    "What's his relationship with you?"

    "It's your son." Elena swallowed her words with a great deal of pent-up emotion. She knew it was the truth that no one in the world could believe.

    She was sorry to Ian, but she had no choice but to borrow a younger brother who didn't exist in the world.

    "Okay," said Xian, with a small murmur, then he retook the portrait in his eyes. "Please, I hope you grow up well."

    Elena was now in the cold with Ciel saying such things.

    You've never said that in your life. Why were you so mean back then?

    Many words that could not be poured out were caught at the end of her neck.

    'Don't say anything.'

    There was no Ian anywhere in the world.

    'Why didn't you look for Ian a little earlier?'

    She could not bear to hate and resent him for saying such a warm word now.

    Elena eventually collapsed. Tears welled down from the side of Elena's eyes, who had let go of everything. There was a burst of emotion.

    Raphael and Ciel were quite embarrassed by Elena's tears.

    Especially, the embarrassment felt by Ciel, who first saw her tears, was great.

    "Why are you crying? Did I make a mistake?" Ciel said, "I don't know what to do in this case."

    If he knew the reason, he would do anything up there, but he couldn't guess why she cried.

    "No." Elena forced a smile.

    Tears didn't stop because she couldn't get rid of her emotions, but she still laughed.

    "Thank you. Your Majesty's congratulatory remarks were very grateful to me that I cried"

    The relationship between parents and children was called Heavenly Law in the East. Even without a face-to-face encounter, Ciel paid attention and said a warm word to Ian, who lived only in Elena's memory.

    "He'll grow up well. Because he was blessed by his Majesty. Happy. Stronger than anyone else."

    Elena smiled happy and hurtfully.

    It was a little late, no, it was a lot late. She sincerely hoped that Ciel's sincere words would have reached Ian.

    Elena was alone in Raphael's workshop. She decided to make some tea while waiting for Raphael to come. She was still in Lucia's disguise (glasses, wig,..)

    When the water stopped, Elena, who was looking at the silver kettle, turned to the sound of the feet.

    "Hello, sir?"

    Elena's face froze as she greeted with a smile. This was because Ciel, not Rafael, stood with a unique expressionless face.

    "I'm seeing the Crown Prince," Elena was quite embarrassed, but she still greeted Ciel with polite manners.

    "You come here often."

    "I'm learning painting from Raphael."



    Elena was uncomfortable with this conversation. Even when they were married, they rarely asked each other how they were doing.

    He was not here to see Cecilia. Then why... Elena was speechless because there was no reason for the noble prince to come to the studio.

    "I came to see you."

    "Me?" Elena looked back at herself as a fool. Ciel's interest was not welcome. "Can you tell me why you came to see me?"

    Ciel stared at Elena silently. His eyes, which were filled with grief, showed no emotion then or now.

    "Let's pretend I came here today to drink the tea you're making." [​IMG]


    Ciel's gaze passed Elena to the kettle. Elena was speechless because she didn't expect such an answer.

    It was an impromptu answer that she had never heard of from Ciel in the past.

    "The water is boiling."

    "Yes? Ow!" Elena, surprised, tried to catch the silver kettle reflexively, took her hand in surprise by the heat that was passed on to her fingertips.

    "Are you all right?"

    "Fortunately, it doesn't burn.'"

    "I'll do it,"

    Ciel rolled the silver kettle round the canvas on the desk and put it down under the fire.

    "I'll do it now. You asked me to give you a cup of tea, didn't you?"

    Elena, who was embarrassed by a mistake she had never made in her life, quickly took over the silver pot and put boiling water into the tea tube.

    'What an irony. I can't believe I made you tea after I became a stranger.'

    Elena had prepared tea for Ciel in the past. She tried hard to express her sincerity toward him. Those who tasted Elena's tea made by herself praised each other in unison.

    But Ciel didn't even look at it. He even despised speaking.

    But now that the couple's relationship had been cut off and they were completely strangers, she couldn't believe they were making the first step.

    She wondered if there would be any more inconsistencies

    "Did you learn formally?"

    "Because it's the basic skill a Lady should have."

    Ciel sat silently in his chair and watched Elena pull out of the kettle.

    "Here you are," Elena put out tea water in a glass filled with clear and deep incense.

    Ciel, who elegantly filled the cup, first enjoyed the tea with incense, and savored the depth of the tea water.

    'What is this?' Elena looked at Ciel's reaction with a little long eyes.


    "Do you like it?"

    "Did you say tea ceremony was the basic skill?"

    "Yes? Yes, it was."

    "What a humble remark. It's a deep taste that I've never tasted in the palace before."


    Ciel lavished praise whenever he tasted tea. He quickly put out an empty teacup, as evidenced by the fact that it was not ostentatious.

    "Can you give me another drink?"

    Elena filled the empty teacup with a half-baked face. Ciel continued to savor tea in an elegant manner according to tea ceremony.

    Elena could see that he enjoyed black tea that much.

    'You were lying, weren't you?' Elena couldn't believe what was going on. She was frantic to attract Ciel's attention in her past life. But he didn't give a glance.

    Such her past life was a lie, Ciel praised her while drinking tea that Elena had made.

    As Elena blanked out, Ciel asked.

    "Don't you drink?"

    "Oh! I'm going to drink now."

    Elena poured tea water into a teacup and sipped.

    'This is enough. If there is a God, thank you.'

    By serving Ciel this hand-made tea, she was able to put down my lingering feelings.


    Elena, feeling relieved, raised her chin.

    She had the courage to look into Ciel's eyes, which she had never done before.

    'Please be happy with the empress.' (So sad she still wish for Ciel and Cecilia happiness though [​IMG])



    'Until when will you be here?'

    Ciel did not leave.

    The awkward silence lengthened as there was no proper subject to continue the conversation.

    Ciel wanted to take a leisurely look around the studio with his hands behind his back.

    "You're very late."

    "I see."

    Elena shut her mouth to the silence that came again. It was not easy to continue the conversation

    "I can't stay any longer. I'm afraid I'd rather go back today. I don't think I'll be able to see master today, so I'll come back next time."

    Elena wanted to get rid of this awkwardness as soon as possible, so she hurriedly arranged tea leaves in a basket and prepared to go back.

    "Your Grace, I'll go first."

    "Where are we going?" asked Ciel, looking at Raphael's canvas hanging on the wall.

    " The Library. I need to stop by for a moment. "

    "I'm just about to go to the library. I'll come with you." (Lol Ciel you try so hard [​IMG])

    "...Your Highness?" Elena asked back.

    "Is there a problem? "

    Ciel embarrassed Elena with an insensitive look and speech. This is because he kept acting out of common sense. "Are you going to stand still?"


    Elena clouded her words. She didn't want to go with him if she could. It was uncomfortable and she wanted to stay quiet while dressing up as Lucia.

    'If you go outside like this, you'll get attention.' Ciel was the crown prince who would become emperor in the future and lead the empire. Of course, the woman he talked to had no choice but to be the talk of the people. Elena didn't want that.

    "What's wrong? Do you have anything to say? Or I'll go."

    At Ciel's urging, Elena followed suit and left the studio.

    As the two person who left the annex walked side by side, the lines of students, regardless of gender, were concentrated.

    "Look, it's the Crown Prince."

    "Who's the woman next to him?"

    "First time seeing her?"

    "What are those glasses?"

    The situation Elena was worried about quickly became a reality. Unlike boys who just stop out of curiosity, girls were eager to undermine whoever it was if they couldn't get the attention to become the empress.

    'That's it, but the problem is Len. Please don't run into him.'

    The chances of encountering Len were bound to increase.

    (FYI, Len didn't know that Lucia was Elena, but he became rather curious about Lucia since she appeared from nowhere in the academy.)

    "Your tea tasted very deep."

    "Thank you for the compliment."

    While walking toward the library, Ciel lavished praise on Elena as if the deep taste of tea had not gone away.

    "So I say."

    "Yes, Your Highness."

    "Can I have your tea again next time?" [​IMG]

    Elena stared at Ciel, and wondered how to answer. Everything Ciel said and did now was confused with his image in her memory. In the end, Elena couldn't answer Ciel's request until she arrived at the library.

    "Then, Your Highness, ...."

    It was time for Elena, who wanted to wrap up this uncomfortable companion as soon as possible, to say goodbye.

    "What kind of combination is this?" The worst man stood there. It was Len. "Our freshman has a knack. bite our king like astray"

    "Yo," Len sarcastically looked alternately at Ciel and Elena with a double-faced face. It wasn't something to do in front of Ciel, who would succeed the throne in the future.

    And the worst situation that had been feared became a reality, Elena's mouth was burning.

    "Hello, Len."

    "What are you?"


    "It's so hard to see you. Oh, it's kind of weird, isn't it?"

    'What should I do?' Len alone was too much, but Ciel was next to her. Somehow she had to pass the situation wisely, but there was no way.

    Under such circumstances, Ciel finally spoke up, defended "Lucia" and asked Len to go away [​IMG]. Len was not so happy but he couldn't not listen to the Crown Prince [​IMG]



    Elena was dumbfounded

    'Cause you're worried about me? But you're not that kind of man.'

    Ciel wasn't a man who easily expressed his feelings. He had to live with a great sense of duty and responsibility. He was always forced to kill his emotions and live coldly and rationally.

    "Thank you for your help." What was clear is that Elena owed him today.

    "You look a little comfortable now."

    "Did it show a lot? It's actually a little hard to deal with." Elena smiled awkwardly.

    It was so bad. After sharing tea in a friendly manner earlier, they were now talking like close seniors and juniors.

    "How strange you are."


    Ciel suddenly changed the subject and stared at Elena. His eyes almost pierced through her "you fell at the first meeting."

    "That, ····."

    "You cried in the studio."

    Elena bowed to embarrassment. It was not too strange, but at a glance, she could only think of it as a disgrace. He must think she was weird, too.

    Maybe Ciel knew that Elena wanted to hide in a rat hole, but he couldn't take his eyes off Elena.

    He spoke calmly.

    "Is it bad if I'm worried about you?"


    Elena's heart sank.
    colk, eroxaz, evanesco99211 and 22 others like this.
  5. NohrNeir

    NohrNeir rereading frenzy

    Apr 28, 2020
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    ALL CREDIT GOES TO @mijikado

    the not-so-short summary of the first half of the volume 2!

    (Ciel and Elena's 2nd encounter also happened in the Vol 2)

    There are 2 quite important characters that @mijikado briefly mentioned in her previous spoilers:

    - Caliph: an art broker, but also Lucia/Elena's senior in the Academy

    - Emilio: the top state of the Castol Commercial Chamber (a man with high reputation)

    Both of them were the first persons who helped Elena in making her plans and building her Salon.

    At this point, Elena, with Emilio and Caliph, were buying all the cheap lands near the soon-to-be-build L's Salon.

    Leabrick still had no doubt about Elena, and she actually thought that the Academy was a necessary means for her to earn all the credits that the Real Veronica couldn’t earn due to her absence and delayed graduation.

    Times passed, and the Salon was slowly being built. Convinced of the success, Elena began investing more aggressively in the areas around the Salon.

    Not-so-coincidentally, these lands were also what Leabrick intented to buy in order to build the Noblesse Street. You can pretty imagine how angry was she when she found out that a woman named L, whose identity was unknown, already bought everything :blobrofl: .

    Liv thought that there were spys in the Grand Duchy, so she ordered Lorentz to kill everyone who left the Estate.

    Len was very curious about the new student, Lucias as she appeared from nowhere, and he couldn’t find any information about her background.

    After being ‘chased off’ by Ciel in front of the Library (Cf. Ciel and Elena’s 2nd encounter), he managed to confront Lucia (Elena in her disguise) again and tried to question her.

    At the right moment, Emilio arrived and pretended that Lucia was her daughter so that Len couldn’t do anything more.

    Len, even with the top state of the Castol Chamber protected Lucia, still wasn’t convinced.

    After some brainstorming, he suddenly had a hunch that Lucia was actually “Veronica”, but he couldn’t understand why the daughter of the most powerful family would hide her identity in the Academy.

    He then began to stalk Lucia :blobxd:. However, each time, Lucia disappeared without a trace, as if she evapored, making the tailing impossible, even for such Len.

    It's Raphael!!

    Raphael began falling in love with Lucia as they spent more time together.

    One day, when Raphael was helping Lucia with her painting (they were very close physically :blobxd:), he felt his heart beating fast, and couldn't keep his eyes off her (while Elena was only concentrated on her painting :blobxd:).

    He accidentally complimented Lucia as an "Angel" which made Elena very surprised since her appearance as Lucia was very sloppy :blobxd:. Raphael insisted that he wanted to paint a portrait of Lucia.

    Elena pondered for a moment, and accepted with the condition that when the portrait was completed, he would display it the Art Festival. It was a means to break his shell and make the world finally discover the Genius painter.

    Caliph and Elena talked about their plan about the Salon.

    When the conversation was over, Caliph opened the door, prepared to leave when he saw the famous Crown Prince, with his expressionless face, standing in the other side of the door :blobrofl:.

    Turned out that Ciel saw Lucia walking into the room far away and decided to come over to visit her:blobjoy:

    He then invited both Lucia and Caliph to dinner in his dormitory

    Caliph was really really confused : Wait what you didn't tell me that you're acquaintanced with the Crown Prince???! :blobdizzy:

    When Elena was about to refuse Ciel's offer, the excited Caliph immediately interruped her and told Ciel that they were free and they accepted his invitation :blobjoy:

    Well, so they went to Ciel's dormitory, much to the Elena's disappointment because of Caliph :blobjoy:.

    Elena realized that where Ciel lived was not that different from her room: old furnitures, there wasn't even a painting on the wall, even the food was not especially good either.

    She immediately knew that the Imperial Family, just like in the past, was facing serious financial problems.

    When they arrived in the living room, when Elena was lost in her thoughts, Ciel asked her for a cup of tea "like that time". The request made Elena quite a bit embarrassed.

    Ciel also coughed, as if it was embarassing for him to say it :blobrofl::

    "I can't easily forget the scent and deep taste. Is it a difficult request?"


    Then Ciel immediately ordered for hot water and tea leaves as if everything was already prepared in advance (this part made me smile so much I didn't know that Ciel was so awkwardly cute :blobmelt:)

    During dinner, Ciel was very amazed about Elena's manners and he couldn't help but to compliment her.

    They then began to talk about politics, about the Imperial Family had lost their influence while the nobility's power increased.

    Elena looked as such Ciel, who dreamed of strengthening the imperial power and attempting reforms.

    He failed in the first timeline, and was about to make the same mistakes.

    As they once lived as a married couple, her love and hatred for Ciel still remained. Elena wanted to helped Ciel, just a little.

    At their 2nd encounter, she didn't dare to give him any advice, but now, as Ciel granted her permission, Elena decided to speak up:

    It was not the Nobility that he should concentrate on, but the commoners. The nobles were rotten and corrupt, but in the Commoners' eyes, Imperial Family and Nobility were the same thing.

    If Ciel managed to show that the Imperial Family was different from the Nobles' tyranny, that on the contrary, he was trying to help the common people, he would undoubtly gain a lot of influence.

    "It's the only way to achieve what your Majesty wants in the changing area"

    Elena respected whatever choice Ciel was about to make.

    Don't forget that Caliph was here too :blobxd:. He was really uneasy at the silence which followed and cold sweat formed on his forehead. :blobjoy:

    "You surprise me everytime". Contrary to Caliph's worries, Ciel's first words were admiration in seeing the world at such a different perspective :aww:.

    Anyway, dinner was finally over (the finally relieved Caliph :blobjoy:)

    Ciel called back Elena before she left:

    "Today was a really beneficial time. Can you often spend time like this with me?" :blobpats:

    "Yes, Your Majesty." Elena replief reluctanly that she would. Even if she didn't want it, she couldn't just cut in front of Ciel and reject it.

    When Elena was heading to her studio, she overheard a conversation between 2 people: Cecilia and Ciel.

    Elena's heart sank, as for her, in the past life and even now, his Majesty only wanted "the Empress" aka Cecilia, the daughter of Count Lyndon, an undiscutable ally of the Imperial Family/

    It was undoubtly a surprise for her to discover that Ciel was breaking his engagement. Even more to know that Cecilia too, also wanted to withdraw from this political marriage and left with a joyful tone.

    Elena questioned her ears :blobsleepless:

    "Maybe....it's me?" Because Elena was the only variable that violated the original story, but she didn't know what did she do.


    At that moment, the door opened, and Elena faced Ciel.

    She blamed herself and urgently bowed her head, that's why she couldn't see Ciel's expression.

    "I made a mistake."

    "I know."

    Obviously, overhearing was against etiquette and was a hardly forgiven fault, but facing Ciel like that was so painful that Elena couldn't stand it.

    Ultimately, only after Ciel left that Elena raised her head and stared at his back.

    Volume 2 summary (2/2)

    A few days latter, Elena received a letter from the Grand Duchy with the proposal to buy her recently purchased lands with 10x its original prices.

    Of course, contrary to Leabrick's expectation, L refused, and even added:

    "So think well and behave, Leabrick"

    That made Leabrick so angry "Ha, how you dare to eat me?"

    The lands purchased by L were intended to be the central area of the Noblesse Street, and enormous external investments had been made.

    While suppressing her anger, Liv decided to close the negociation in order to prevent any more damage.

    "L. I won't forget this humiliation."

    Meanwhile, Elena as Lucia had been meeting up secretly with Caliph and Emilio to continue the projects:

    - She asked to pay 4x the original amount in order to have the exclusivity of the Marble stones' market for her buildings. Marbles were pretty rare and symbol of luxury.

    By having this exclusivity, Elena prevented Leabrick to have any access to the precious stones for the Noblesse Street. That made Liv even more enraged at Elena's provocation.

    - The purchasing of the slum lands near the Salon under contruction to expand the area in order to compete later on with the Noblesse Street.

    - Building a giant cathedral (Basilica) inside the area to attract views and curiosity of the visitors. At the same time, it would also be a place to display and sell art works.

    For the construction, Elena hired Randol, a still unknown architect who would soon be revealed as the most brilliant architect of that time.

    Leabrick, hearing the news that L had hired a man with unknown skills to design the building, laughed with satisfaction. She was convinced that soon L would suffered a severe loss from that "idiotic" decision, and without any backup, the project would be a failure anyway :blobxd:

    Abella, the daughter of one of the 4 major families of the Aristocracy, had a crush on Ciel. When she saw Lucia, a commoner without any backgrounds, managed to get near of the Crown Prince, Abella couldn't overcome her jealousy and began to harrass Lucia

    Of course, Elena wasn't the type of person who didn't do anything, even in her first life, so each time she retorted back and left Abella even more angrier.

    One day, the situation escalated. Lucia was surrounded by Abella's girls.

    They forced her to kneel down while Abella prepared to hit Lucia.

    At that moment, Abella's hand was stopped by someone.

    "What are you doing?"

    Abella turned her head and was white in fear. It was Ciel. She was in an embarassing moment when her ugly side was exposed to her crush :blob_coffee:

    He repeated: "What are you doing?" and looked back at Lucia "Are you okay?"

    Anyway, Abella made some excuses that Ciel didn't accept, then run away with the girl.

    When they were finally both alone.

    Ciel was expresionless as usual, but Elena could read the worries and concerns contained within.

    "It's all thanks to your Grace. Thank you."

    "Good thing. It's yours." Ciel put the glasses he had in his hand on Elena's face.

    With a gentle touch that Elena had never felt before.

    Not sure how to accept those alien feelings, Elena turned away.

    "Thank you for saving me " Elena politely bowed her head and expressed her gratitude.

    If Ciel hadn't helped her, she would have been quite embarrassed

    "I want to ask you."


    " Did you hear all the conversations in the studio that day?"

    Elena had no time to deal with, and Ciel came in while pulling out the past.

    'What, what should I say?'

    Elena, who hesitated, decided to be honest.

    She confessed that she had overheard everything from the beginning. She wanted to be honest with him, who saved her and was worried sincerely.

    "I see. But why don't you ask anything?"

    Elena, who could not grasp the point of the conversation, questioned, wondering... :blobdizzy:

    It was a very unfamiliar reaction for Elena, who had never seen his composure break.

    Ciel made a strange expression as if something didn't go as he intended, and then hesitated and then opened his mouth.

    "I wanted to go to the studio but I couldn't. Because of you."

    "Because of me?" Elena didn't understand what Ciel was talking about.

    It was Elena who overheard the conversation without permission. This kind of behavior or words was very embarrassed for Elena.

    “I'm not sure. What your Majesty is talking about, why are you doing this right now?”

    Ciel didn't reply, but instead made eye contact with Elena. His look up close seemed complicated.

    "I'm sorry that you don't know, and I'm glad,"

    "Your Majesty."

    "I thought a lot, but I don't think about anything right now."

    Was it Elena's mistake? What she saw was that the tail of Ciel's mouth went up very slightly.

    “It's nice to see your face. ”

    Elena' heart pounded.

    Lucia now came to the Studio as a muse to Raphael's painting.

    It was with much disapointments that she discovered that Len began to snuck in during the session.

    While watching Raphael paintings, Len, always with the hunch that Lucia was Veronica, began to provoke her (like "the glasses would hide her eyes, so she would need to take them off", this and that).

    There was a funny part where Len looked at Raphael painting and was confused because he didn't understand the artistic means behind it. :blobxd:

    Raphael was tired of Len while Elena just snapped back "You'll need to grow up in order to understand". That made Len shut up :blobrofl:

    One day, someone also entered the studio: it was Ciel :blobxd:. He noticed Len and immediately expressed hostility directed at him.

    Soon after, Cecilia also joined, with a basket of sandwichs in her hand.

    Len, began to sarcastically praise Ciel and Cecilia as looking good together. Cecilia wanted to talk back but decided to keep silent.

    Seeing the tension inside the room, Elena then took the basket and asked everyone to eat together :blobsweat_2:.

    Ciel took a look at Lucia's painting, and Raphael noticed the affection in his eyes while looking at it.

    "Maybe...." maybe the Crown Prince also had the same feeling towards Lucia as him?

    But Lucia was only a commoner, and the Ciel, as the Crown Prince, had responsibilities of leading the country. Raphael implicitly told Ciel about this, in which Ciel sadly agreed to his words and left :blobcry:.

    During the Academy Art Festival, Elena decided to use her "Veronica" appareance in order to promote Raphael's work.

    As the daughter of the most powerful noble family, whatever took her interest during that day would become a trend and the center of gossips.

    As expected, as soon as "Veronica" got out of her carriage, people began to gather and admired her

    "Look at this, it's Princess Veronica!"

    "Wow! She's so beautiful and Elegant!!"

    With Hurelbad, Elena took a tour around the stands, looked and gave her opinion on diverse paintings and arts.

    When she finally arrived at Raphael's stand, she was surprised at the person who was looking at the painting. It was Ciel.

    When Ciel saw "Veronica", he was pretty confused as he somehow saw Lucia in her.

    "Veronica" greeted the Crown Prince, which made him confused even more.

    "Even the voice....."

    But, Ciel soon ignored and left without questioning "Veronica", as he despised the Grand Duke family.

    Elena felt a little bit sad, at it was her first meeting with Ciel as "Veronica", and she received almost the same treatments as in her first life :blobcry:

    (My poor 3rd ML his love was so short and so sad :blobcry:)

    Raphael intended to confessed his love to Lucia after the painting was complete.

    However, when he saw "Veronica" admiring the painting, his heart shook. It was Lucia.

    He was convinced, since he had spent numerious hours observing her, from her eyes, nose, lips, bone structures,... even heavy makeups couldn't hide it.

    Raphael ran away and fell desperate. The woman he fell in love was "Veronica", one of the highest noble in the continent. It was impossible for him to reach her.

    With all his turbulent emotions, he decided to made another painting.

    After the painting was complete (after the Art competition), he decided to show it to Lucia.

    It was a mythical painting about humain who venerate the goddess far away. The humans tried to reach the goddess, but couldn't.

    "It was something that one can't reach and grab it, but only look at it" :blobcry:

    Elena was still completely obvious to Raphael's feelings, and asked excitely if he wanted to work for her soon-to-be salon.

    First, Raphael was surprised (like since when she had build a salon :blobxd:), but soon smiled and accepted Elena's proposal.

    Anyways that's all from first 10 pages from @mijikado . As we can tell, there's a lot of mtl-ing and it took over a long period of time while she is also busy with real life tasks. Translating isn't an easy task and I commend her for sharing all this with us despite the extra effort and time she has to reap from her personal time. Hence why I can get quite defensive when people don't read properly and then make opinions based on wrong info. Someone is taking their time to translate and share with us. Please be courteous of the work spent on this. It's fine to form opinions, but when making opinions from wrong info and then spreading the wrong info... it makes me disappointed.

    I hope future readers can come in here and form proper opinions from correct info. Us readers have preferences and it's fine to like or dislike a work, but give yourself valid reasons to defend your opinions. Wrong info does not equate valid reasons. They can't be deemed as actual reasoning when there's no reason for them to exist in the first place.
    colk, evanesco99211, Naant and 22 others like this.
  6. Ainonai

    Ainonai Active Member

    Oct 10, 2020
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    Thank you.
    mijikado likes this.
  7. tharrinne

    tharrinne Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2020
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    Lol I was just not updated with this thread for a while and a lot has happened.. thanks @NohrNeir for the compilation of @mijikado 's spoilers..
    We should just thanks people who do some good deeds taking their time to spoil this... and it is even whole freakin book.. should not get lazy reading from page 1 to 13.. it is just even 13 pages yet some failed to check it out.. some threads reach upto a hundred pages and I never miss any thread page to make sure that I will not miss any spoiler lols.. lets us not be lazy guys.. lets be greatful cause MTL is no easy feat... it makes your brain cells explode... hahaha.... so lets be thankful...
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2020
  8. Dian.dd

    Dian.dd New Member

    Aug 27, 2020
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    Thank you @mijikado for your hard work, and @NohrNeir for the summary. I like to re-read this novel spoiler ^.^, it help me alot.
  9. tharrinne

    tharrinne Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2020
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    Clearly the one who is saying such things with the novel without reading.. and doesn't even have a clear point of his/ argument.. he says it's better for veronica and ciel to end up on the 1st tl... wut... hahaha... veronica is the black lotus not Elena.. 2nd timeline is different from first timeline.. and I didn't read any post here that says Ciel is a victim or Elena is a victim too... clearly someone that is lazy to even just read a spoiler and judge the novel of it's own point of view.. don't even know why the pointless argument is being posted here if are hating the novel
    Elena didn't do wrong though... he must not know the word supporting characters lol.. Ciel is the love interest... besides that we have supporting characters like the villains and the friends of the MC. Everyone is vital for the growth of the MC. Love rival or not.. they contribute to the feelings and growth of MC.. and it is not abnormal for many people to get attracted to one person... if you are so likable it's not being bitching as long as you are not involve with all of them romantically. The harmonious spoiler thread was ruined lol..I don't see the point of putting your ideas.. and hating the novel... I think someone is lost, if you hate the novel no need to push it with others if that is clearly one's opinion cause others like it, we have no way to judge... if hate it just write something on your own atleast you got to express yourself with your own characters and own... genre if you dislike harems or what you can come up on your own with 2nd ml is the main lead so no need to impose such opinion which is irrelevant to the subject.
  10. Leilacus

    Leilacus Zzzzz

    Jan 22, 2017
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    I haven’t been updated with the thread and this happened lol! Thank you @mijikado for the spoilers!
    Dont bother with those hating the novel. I believe they are trolls. Just dont mind them. Ghost them lol. Such kind of thinking isnt normal.

    I agree with you regarding the right circumstances and the egg and the right wiggly guy meeting but hey, its already a miracle that Elena got reborn, why not Ian, right? I’m positive the little angel will come back.

    I would suggest to read the spoiler page from page 1. It’s only 13 pages. It’s not that hard. It’s fun looking through the pages since the people are so kind to fill us up with spoilers page by page c/o mijikado, mostly.
  11. tharrinne

    tharrinne Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2020
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    Lol if I was a member of the Frederich probably I will graduate peacefully without any effort.. lol
    I was confused for a while why would she be not there... but so that's the reason why they bought her diploma lels... piece of cake...
    Leilacus and Kuryoma like this.
  12. the-rolling-stoltzer

    the-rolling-stoltzer Well-Known Member

    Oct 13, 2020
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    Thanks @mijikado, you are a gratifying hero for all your spoilers! These have been a blast to read. You are so generous - thanks again! I'm looking forward to learning how Elena revealed herself as a fake to Ciel and Ren, and the side stories coming up! :blob_grin:

    I have some clarification questions from page 5 of the forum, detailed below:
    Veronica = real Veronica
    "Veronica" = fake Veronica (Elena)
    From what I understand, once Veronica was awake, Ciel and Elena wanted to delay her return, so Ciel announced the princess contest in three trials. The duke and Liv decided it would be better to use Elena for these trials because she is more charming and Veronica wouldn't be prepared to re-enter society so soon. "Veronica" easily passes the first two princess trials, but "Veronica" can't attend the 3rd one because of Liv's final assassination attempt. During the assassination, Lorentz dies, Elena escapes and hides in the Secret Salon, and Veronica retakes her name.

    My questions:
    1. Was the duke suspicious of Elena's sudden disappearance? Was Elena hunted at all?
    2. What happened to the outcome of the Princess trials? They just shrugged and dropped it since Elena didn't make it?
    3. What about Veronica retaking her name? Was there any suspicions by the sudden change in behaviour?
    a. All we've seen of Veronica is her making a fool of herself in public. Did the relationships that "Veronica" build change once Veronica was back?

    As an aside, i thought it was fine to go through each page to piece together the story. Newcomers can do the same. :blobtongue:
  13. mijikado

    mijikado [Unorganized Member]

    Jul 27, 2020
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    Aww you're very welcome :blobhug:
    I have some night shifts to do this week consequently I'll only be able to post new spoilers again in the WE :blobsweat_2:

    Aaand for your questions:
    It wasn't very explicit but the Duke knew that Liv was trying to kill Elena, that's why the latter was able to deploy the 1st and 2nd infantry division.

    With one of his best knight, aka Lorentz's sudden disappearance, of course he was suspicious, but since they still didn't know that L = Elena, thus Elena's whereabouts (hiding in her salon), he couldn't do much.
    It was only after Elena and Veronica's face-to face that he really tried to kill her (and burn the Salon in the same time).

    The failed assassination (when Ciel "coincidentally passed by the scene:blobxd:) had provoked a major controversy to the Grand Duchy.
    Rumors had spread that the mysterious accident might be a confrontation between the families involved in the election of the Crown Princess, that's why they decided to drop it.

    Moreover, since Elena didn't compete for the 3rd round, Asselas (Liv's replacement) made an excuse that the princess couldn't come due to her poor health.
    Therefore, groundless rumors spread that Veronica gave up the final competition because she had an affair, not because her illness had worsened.

    The first persons who realized the behaviour change were the maids, as suddenly the princess became crueler and imprisoned them when things didn't go her ways, but nobody really thought that there were 2 persons with the same face (and well, the Grand Duke killed everyone who left the grand duchy anyway :blobsweat_2:)

    In this 2nd timeline, Elena didn't really try to build up Veronica's reputation (I mean, why helping your ennemy? :blobsweat:), just enough to deceive Leabrick and the Grand Duke.
    As we already know, Veronica's reputation was very bad, it did go better with Elena as her substitute but after the Crown Princess' polemics things really went down the hill for Veronica

    Hope that clarifies everything! :blobsmilehappyeyes:
  14. the-rolling-stoltzer

    the-rolling-stoltzer Well-Known Member

    Oct 13, 2020
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    it does! Thanks for such a quick reply!
    mijikado likes this.
  15. enenauch

    enenauch New Member

    Oct 16, 2020
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    Reading this thread convinced me and I finally made a novelupdates account after months of scrolling through the website haha. Thank you greatly to @mijikado for your translations! They were so well written and detailed with solid grammar. It was such a pleasant experience to read them! Usually spoilers are not this stellar. I also enjoyed the little reaction emoticons you added along the way ^^
    Dvenger, ARTEMI5, Tobbit and 4 others like this.
  16. enenauch

    enenauch New Member

    Oct 16, 2020
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    Also, I have a question! Sorry it's irrelevant to this thread, I'm not sure how to use the site. How do I create blogs on here and communicate to other site members? ><
    ARTEMI5 likes this.