Spoiler Shini Yasui Kōshaku Reijō to Nana-ri no Kikōshi

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by Aquaa, May 17, 2018.

  1. aceclover95

    aceclover95 『Starry Night Translator』『Ruler of Sloth』

    Mar 1, 2016
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    The author hadn't update the story since she is currently writing the detailed plot for the fifth arc (she said so in the activity report). While she didn't specifically mentioned it, I think in the story Erica said that she still have 5 more death flags while in arc 2, and since we're in the fourth arc now, I'm guessing there will be 3 more arcs. I'm not sure though.
  2. pinkmagnolia

    pinkmagnolia Member

    Jul 26, 2018
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    Thanks for clarifying! I'm guessing after all the death flags are cleared, the story will end (?)
  3. Eristol

    Eristol Well-Known Member

    Apr 18, 2017
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    So, are they planning to release the light novels of the next 2 arcs? The illustrations are so gorgeous and the story itself is so amazingly thrilling that I'm looking forward to it. But I'm glad the author is taking her time to write details. I love her detail oriented writing style and considering how fulfilling the story has been so far, it would be a shame if the quality dropped halfway.
    Yukari_me and lazynoodles like this.
  4. aceclover95

    aceclover95 『Starry Night Translator』『Ruler of Sloth』

    Mar 1, 2016
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    Someone actually asked her that in her author profile in syosetu. She said that it depends on when she finished the fifth arc. So I guess that she will publish the third arc, but that will happen after she posts the fifth one. She almost finish, though, just needs a little bit more time.
    FunSmiles and lazynoodles like this.
  5. Eristol

    Eristol Well-Known Member

    Apr 18, 2017
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    Cool! I don't care how long she takes as long as the series is continued. It's one rare gem.
    Dragon_Reader and lazynoodles like this.
  6. lazynoodles

    lazynoodles Softie for Villainess & BL

    Dec 24, 2015
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    Doesn't anyone just love Tirnanog's character? I mean he was vengeful because he thought his best friend betrayed him and held on to that grudge for a long time. When he finally learned that his best friend never had betrayed him and was instead betrayed himself - he let go of that grudge as if unloading a burden. Then became both Erica's voice of reason and greatest cheerleader. I mean this latest chapter put out - he calls out Erica, unironically that her ideas are pretty shitty. Even Erica admits that he's right, and that she is not omniscient. She truly cannot do much on a lot of things. Even when went to save Klaus no matter how prepared she was and how well she navigated the labyrinth. Things kinda blew up in her face.
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2018
  7. Eristol

    Eristol Well-Known Member

    Apr 18, 2017
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    Tirnanog's the type of best friend in life who will throw your faults right at your face yet defend you in every danger. I absolutely love this guy, especially when he cried for his former friend in the final chapter of arc 1. By the way, anyone knows whether Cain has made any direct appearance in the raws yet?
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  8. Disaresta

    Disaresta Well-Known Member

    Feb 16, 2016
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    AFAIK Cain doesn't appear on Arc 3 and 4. 4th Arc antagonist is a vampire yet it act alone without connection to Cain.
  9. pinkmagnolia

    pinkmagnolia Member

    Jul 26, 2018
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    @aceclover95 so I just finished MTL-ing until the beginning of book 4. I don't quite understand the part when Erica gave Klaus a bottle of love perfume. What is the effect?
    (Assuming the perfume works)
    Will a girl who has a secret crush on Klaus get to date Klaus, or will Klaus get to date the girl he crushes on??
  10. Disaresta

    Disaresta Well-Known Member

    Feb 16, 2016
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    Isn't that the perfume bought from a perfumer called Bell on Knot Leed as a gift for Ann and Klaus? They use poetic name for it, the one for Klaus is "Sweet Melody of Lover" if I not mistranslate, but the content should be normal.
    lazynoodles likes this.
  11. pinkmagnolia

    pinkmagnolia Member

    Jul 26, 2018
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    Oh so the content was normal? I was confused because Erica said " If someone is secretly thinking of Klaus... " and something about dreams coming true? The MTL was particularly horrible that chapter so I can barely understand lol
  12. Disaresta

    Disaresta Well-Known Member

    Feb 16, 2016
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    It should be normal. I use PC to MTL so I can cut the sentences to make it more intelligible.I tried to translate a part of that chapter. Maybe it's more clear now.

    Erika took two kind of beautiful perfume bottles from a small box stacked on a long table. Ordered via Harold, it was the popular perfume in Knot Reed.

    "I was planning of giving these perfume as a gift for Ann-sama and Klaus-sama. Since you are here, may I hand it over now?"
    "Ah, there is one for me too?"
    "Recently, it seems men too had interest in perfume, you know."
    "Is that how it's going now?"

    Klaus took the bottle with his hand. It looks doubtful on the surface but he couldn't find dissatisfaction on the appearance.

    "They really into the bottle. The blue of the glass is pretty deep."
    "As expected of Klaus-sama, your eyes is good."

    The bottle was vibrant blue glass with elegant silver to complete as quality goods. With that, even Klaus who grow accustomed to polished Harvan culture can't help but admit the craftsmanship.

    "First is for Ann-sama, [Sweet Song of Angels] for women. And the next one is for Klaus-sama, [Sweet Melody of Lover] for men, please take it."
    "Angel? Sweet? Lover? What's with setting your teeth on edge lackadasical name?"
    "There there, aren't they sound pleasant? Charming, right?"

    Even with Klaus' sharp tongue, Erika didn't mind and kept explaining.

    "In Northwestern area where this 2 perfume is popular, there's a rumor that secret love will come true for them.
    If, there is someone that Klaus-sama always thinking of---"
    "D, Don't get the wrong idea! I..!"

    Klaus unintentionally interrupted with loud voice. He immediately recognized that and close his mouth. Erika stared at Klaus with slightly surprised look.

    "I...., that, there is none, that I secretly thinking of.
    My creed is to be fair and square. I won't run and I won't hide....so there's none."
    "Really, Klaus-sama, please do not get mad all of a sudden. Isn't this just what if story?"
    "I-, Is that so, I'm sorry. That's right, yes."
    "Then, while we at it, please try the scent. It's the one for women, since it's the one that already been opened"

    Erika opened another bottle and ran a drop to a white silk handkerchief. When she flapped handkerchief in the air, a sweet scent spread between the two. It's a gorgeus and sweet scent of flowers mainly composed of roses, along with it there's also mystical scent of Edelweiss and sandalwood.

    "This is..."

    Klaus' heart unexpectedly throbbed similar to mysterious sensation he remembered. The saturation of the world rises, everything that appears in his eyes vividly changes. It feels like there's a pleasant tranquil heavenly melody, like a light rain drizzle gently.

    "What do you think?"

    When he quickly raised his head, there was a golden shining sparkling fairy princess standing there. To the extent that it felt, the beauty of the girl in front of Klaus was brilliant. He shoke his head in a hurry and deflected his eyes from Erika. Until the moment he was called out, Klaus didn't realize he had blank expression.

    "I don't think it's just a perfume. It's comparable to charm magic."
    "I am pleased that you like it."

    Suddenly, Klaus became aware that he was alone with Erika. [Secret love will become true], these word spread quietly like a ripple in his consciousness. Being swept away by the atmosphere, Klaus felt a sense of crisis and desperately seek unrelated topic in his head.
  13. pinkmagnolia

    pinkmagnolia Member

    Jul 26, 2018
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    Omg thanks a lot!!
    lazynoodles likes this.
  14. lazynoodles

    lazynoodles Softie for Villainess & BL

    Dec 24, 2015
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    Anyone think this most recent arc is boring?? I think it’s mad boring.

    EDIT: Tirnanog and Palug trash talking to each other is the best though.
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2018
  15. aceclover95

    aceclover95 『Starry Night Translator』『Ruler of Sloth』

    Mar 1, 2016
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    That's only because the exciting part hasn't happened. We're building up the characters and plot right now.

    Also, advanced notice, the fifth arc will be posted somewhere between this week and next week. And will be updated once or twice every week. I can't wait!!

    Edit: can @Aquabunnyyy change this thread's title to Shini Yasui Kōshaku Reijō to Nana-ri no Kikōshi just so it's easier to find by other readers? Thank you!
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2018
    Aquaa, Dragon_Reader and lazynoodles like this.
  16. aceclover95

    aceclover95 『Starry Night Translator』『Ruler of Sloth』

    Mar 1, 2016
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    Aahhh, looking at the teaser for the fifth arc, it seems that the romance part will finally be more pronounced!!

    Here is the link:

    Here is the translation!
    “Did you know about love fortune telling?”

    “Haah, Erica-sama is enviable. Right, Marquia-san.”

    “You have to understand, there are lots of wonderful choices and it is difficult to decide. But even so, I know, right?

    Hmm, what are the choices……?”


    【Tactless but earnest and a genius, versatile mage---Klaus Hafan】

    “I have to make sure about your costume, because you’re hard to locate from within the crowd.”

    “Aah~~~, I see……but, why? Did I promise you something?”

    “Are you bribing me?”

    “Isn’t it fine, Klaus-sama. If you do a favor for me, I will pay you back someday.”

    “What if something happened to you.”

    “What are you talking about, being next to Klaus-sama is one of the safest place in the world.”

    “The mystery that should have been solved by you are still going on.”

    “Perhaps, that is……”

    “Please come along, Erica. About such mystery, you are the most reliable.”


    【Acting as the perfect prince, actually a mischievous dragon knight---Auguste Ignitia】

    “Is Erica the captain of a privateer in the West? Aurelia is indeed very flashy.”

    “Yes, I tried to arrange the clothing of their era in contemporary style.”

    “It’s a problem if widespread fears of the body spread. But, even if I investigate, the number of people is insufficient.”

    “No, no, no, I already know about the cause here.”

    “If you are being chased by something, then I have to help you, right?”

    “Your intention is certainly appreciated, but……”

    “Yes, Auguste-sama. When you get tired, please eat this chocolate.”

    “Ooh, this is delicious. Aah----……somehow I have calmed down.”


    【A cowardly but reliable partner, the rare alchemist genius---Harold Nibelheim】

    “Eeh, why are you in my room!?”

    “Chloe was troubled about the storage area, so I thought I might put it here.”

    “Because, you thought that this wandering golem is pitiful, right?”

    “You know me well.”

    “Seriously, It’s because of you that I came in like this!”

    “I always appreciate it.”

    “……Seriously, you---……well, I’m sorry ladies, I will borrow this person~.”


    【A black dragon, the Philosopher’s Stone, and a reliable partner---Tirnanog】

    『Then, we have to protect humans from them even more.』

    “Thank you, Tir.”

    『Good grief, humans are so reckless. This was probably the past capital city.』

    “That’s not it. It seems that in the past, it was important to remember the taboos~~!”

    『Let me protect you with my life.』

    『Me too, I will definitely protect you!』


    【A researcher of phantom beasts with a deep wound in his body and heart---Elric Actorius】

    “Wah! What kind of visual type is this? Sounds interesting!”

    “I developed a demonic eye of bird’s eye view from above---in addition, the developer is competent, so this can also see through walls.”

    “So you found out with that. I wonder if the developer is more amazing than Eduart.”

    “See, Brad is also laughing.”

    “I will firmly deny that.”

    “It’s dangerous, Actorius-sensei!”

    “Don’t come here!! Absolutely!!”



    【The man who holds her brother’s secret, a visitor from the North---Jack Citrouille】

    “This is Jack Citrouille who has been dispatched as an insurance doctor at the school.”

    “Nice to meet you, I am Jack Citrouille. It is my duty to monitor mainly so that Sir Eduart doesn’t overdo it.”

    “It, it’s confidential. If my affiliation is exposed, it will be difficult to move……!”

    “That matter, my older brother has already acknowledged it.”

    “I don’t know about the people who are working on other duties, but at least I am on the side of Sir Eduart.”

    “But, well, the East is quite different from the North, huh.”

    “Do you not decorate them like this in the North?”

    “Yes, the festival is more violent, the evil spirit’s boss will snatch the bad child. To tell you the truth, the adults who look like ghost are more threatening, though.”


    【The teacher who wavers in the threshold between fate, friendship, and distrust---Brad Clochydd】

    “I have a principle to not trust others easily. Otherwise, I do not intend to deepen friendship with anyone.”

    “Ah---, um……I see.”

    “That’s too awful! Y-you were such a kind-hearted boy……!”

    “That’s why I told you it was just an illusion. I have been very mediocre and normal since long ago!”

    “I’d like to instruct you to retreat, but you guys seem to want to advance.”

    “Yes, of course, Clochydd-sensei.”

    “Erica Aurelia.”

    “Hiih, w-what is it……!?”

    “Never trust the man named Jack Citrouille.”


    【His close friend seems to be close to his beloved sister---Eduart Aurelia】

    “Hey, it’s been a long time, my precious students. I guess you were fine while I was away?”

    With Onii-sama’s appearance, the classroom burst into cheers suddenly.

    Our eyes met, Onii-sama who was on the stage was smiling.

    “I couldn’t meet my lovely students, so I was about to die of loneliness.”


    “My favorite type……I guess……a person who is stronger than me.”

    Chloe had a pretty looking expression that was suitable for an otome game heroine.

    However, the content was regretful.

    “Chloe-chan, aren’t favorite types normally seen from their personality or appearance?”

    “Is that so, but it’s the easiest to understand, though?”

    “I dare say, that Onii-sama is more impregnable than me.”

    “More than Erica-san? That’s great! Someday I would like to fight with him!”

    Chloe’s eyes shone brilliantly.

    Oops, this wasn’t a romance flag, I wondered if I had set up another kind of flag.

    Onii-sama, I’m sorry!
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2018
  17. runes

    runes Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2018
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    Wow~ I’m all aboard the Tir x Erica ship lol
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  18. Eristol

    Eristol Well-Known Member

    Apr 18, 2017
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    Yaaaaaa, 5th Arc!!! Yay! Hang on...why am I getting excited? I haven't even read the other arcs yet...I wanted to savour the excitement hence had to excercise intense self control to not mtl ahead. But I'm happy nonetheless!
  19. Eristol

    Eristol Well-Known Member

    Apr 18, 2017
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    By the way, what's Edward's secret that was mentioned in the trailer? @aceclover95 ?
  20. aceclover95

    aceclover95 『Starry Night Translator』『Ruler of Sloth』

    Mar 1, 2016
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    I think that will be revealed in the fifth arc, although from the first chapter of the fifth arc, I think it has something to do with the North Government and Eduart's many, many secret investigations.