Spoiler Sister, In This Life, I’ve Become The Queen

Discussion in 'Spoilers' started by Rin.rinaaa, Aug 11, 2022.

  1. Starlight900

    Starlight900 Member

    Mar 23, 2024
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    Is it serious? Really? I thought it was obvious that i was joking, that I was making fun of Isabella. I know she's no longer a virgin and I'm sure everyone here knows it too. What I said about Isabella's virginity was because both the author and the king refer to her as the king's pure mistress. And I can't help but laugh at that hahaha:blob_grin::blob_grin:

    So it's a haunted island? Oh shit, how can she leave them there.?!! :blobfearful: And now what will she do to the viscount? She already forgot about the Duke of Mirelle.
    Wait, wait, wait..... She pretended to faint!!
    Did she faint like a Victorian heroine? Ha ha ha. I'm already imagining it.!! :blobjoy:
    Thanks for your spoilers. Tell more, please!!

    I think the same. For this reason, I hope August betrays Isabella. From what I read both August of the first timeline and August of the second timeline had different opinions on Isabella before they merged. One adored her, considered her the goal of his life, the woman of his destiny. But the second August he didn't like Isabella. Which made their fusion difficult. And the first Agosto take the control.
    In his interactions I felt in him a kind of romantic and at the same time twisted interest in Isabella.:hmm:
    But, I want that he betray her.:blobsmilehappy:
    I hope this August realizes that helping Isabella use magic doesn't mean she'll see him as anything more than an object.
    Then, Isabella will be the same "paper Villain" again. And she will be easier to crush.

    As the owner of high society, she will cause even more economic damage due to her way of spending. And the national treasury is already in bad conditions. But using magic she will do more atrocious things!!! :blobexpressionless:

    I was going to say that he cried because he almost lost his beauty!!! Hahaha:blob_grin:
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2024
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  2. seaurchin

    seaurchin Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2024
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    Don't get trapped in his cry; the author calls it a swamp. It stems from his obsessive suffering. Juliana will be drawn deeper, like Ari from the first timeline, eventually experiencing the same suffering. He will become more toxic, wanting Ari at any cost. Both Juliana and Ari are likely to become his victims in this timeline. Cesare lacks good friends who can help him understand his issues, change him and he also lacks bad friends who could push him into darker territory.Now he have Juliana.

    Controlling noble society is crucial for Ari. She was able to thrive in De Mare because she exerted control over the environment and achieved financial independence. Managing Isabella's spending habits helped her assert even greater control over her. If Ari aims to control Isabella in the Palace, she must first navigate the complexities of noble society and prove herself. I believe she should now reveal how she saved San Carlo, how Greta sacrificed herself, and even disclose Syphilis's attempt to make her his second wife, along with her entrapment in engagement with Cesare.

    Augusto remains a significant enigma. Rule of regression how work between Ari and him are still unclear, but it seems that Augusto's ultimate goal may be immortality.He just use Isabella to degrees back

    In the future, Cesare is likely to attempt a treason. To force him to do this, he must be placed in a position where alternative options, like legitimizing his male child with Juliana as heir to the Etruscan kingdom, are not viable. This could be achieved if Ari is recognized as the princess wife of Alphonso.Even to become powerful she have to become princess.

    But Syphilis is a nasty person,whether he will do it or not, only the author knows. If Ari does not become princess, Syphilis is going to have the most painful last days. Rubina is going to vanish from the novel soon. Whether we like her or not, she cared for Syphilis, but Isabella has no such feelings. So, in the end, he will suffer severely when he gets bedridden in the hands of Isabella. Isabella will become free to ruin everything in the palace.

    I don't think Augusto's real goal is Isabella; she looks like a tool for Augusto to achieve a different goal in life. Perhaps he failed due to the killing of Alfonso in the previous timeline. Augusto could be the main villain, a mysterious character lurking in the shadows with a lot of powers in the form of black magic. He killed an infant, and his sin is transferred to Ari. He can't be just some dark magician madly in love with Isabella. It seems like Augusto has a dark goal that he failed to achieve in the previous timeline. If you analyze Ari's condition, you will find Augusto as the real villain.

    Isabella has become dark due to infant killing, but it is Augusto who is responsible for that. Augusto is already attached to Ari as her half regressor. Maybe he appears to be subordinate to Isabella, but he is the real villain.

    It is a wish-fulfilling island that fulfills wishes in weird ways. We can see it now. Casanova, like Cesare, comforting a woman so warmly for the first time in two lives, is itself very weird.
    But even this gesture has a lot of hidden drakness.
    Last edited: Apr 8, 2024
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  3. seaurchin

    seaurchin Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2024
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    Chapter 566
    Syphilis received a letter from Alphonso informing him about the visit of Terevero representatives. He used to eagerly await letters from Alphonso when he was in Yesak. However, today, upon receiving the letter, instead of praising Alphonso, he showed his anger and threw it away.

    The letter mentioned the situation at the border, with Alfonso devoting a lot of space to the results of reconnaissance on the size of Gallico's troops, types of troops, and their commander. Despite this crucial information, Syphilis fixated on the seemingly insignificant words "our kingdom." Feeling offended, he thought Alphonso was implying they ruled the kingdom together. Delphinosa soothed him, explaining that it's normal to use such language.

    There was no mention of any remittance in the letter, so Syphilis wanted to avoid meeting them. According to Delphinosa's calculations, they would arrive in the evening or late morning the next day, which was a Sunday. Therefore, he decided to avoid them for 36 hours. Lately, he started feeling weak and desired rest, likening it to a woman's need. (He still didn't want to hand over the kingdom to Alphonso.)

    He wanted to go meet Isabella but avoided it as Rubina kept her on the side of the palace where everyone kept their eyes. If he were caught with her while Terevero was visiting, he would face a lot of trouble, so he couldn't call Isabella for that reason either. He instructed Delphinosa to show the Terevero representative around Toranto but not let them go toward Bianaca Palace.

    Viscount Irene tried hard to hire a boat to go to Dolphin Island but failed to do so. She attempted to contact Syphilis, but he went to rest early after receiving the letter. Finding no other option, she is going to Bianca Palace.
  4. seaurchin

    seaurchin Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2024
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    The author has converted the novel into a sitcom drama, She is using various means, including magical wishes to Dolphin Island, to push Cesare towards a more satisfying life. However, the story feels stagnant due to repetitive descriptions of Cesare's POV, seriously it is too much.To be honest there is no big change in 110+ episode.

    The author continually subjects Alphonso and Ari to suffering, with the recent chapters emphasizing the harshness of Sybil's existence. It's time for the author to introduce some relief for Ari, perhaps hinting at the possibility of her living happily with Alphonso until old age naturally sets in.

    With still ten years remaining before Ari's original death date, it seems cruel to delay her happiness until then. Losing ten years of her youth before realizing she could have been happy with Alphonso diminishes the glamour of a truly fulfilling happy ending.
  5. luliibunny

    luliibunny Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2021
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    She still kinda in the same situation as in the past where she had spend her youth being in a long term relationship without getting the ring,while dedicating herself fully to help the man she loves achieve his goals.The difference is that now the man really loves her,even if he is hesitating to do what it takes to give her the seat next to him because of filial piety.
    maymimi and Tad1989 like this.
  6. seaurchin

    seaurchin Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2024
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    He is not hesitating because of his love for syphilis.Actually,In chapter 552-553 when Ari asked Alphonso, "Do you still love your father?" Alphonso showed no such response of love. Instead, he was thinking if he stage a coup or help Terevero independently. He feared that the San Carlo noble society would blame Ari for his actions like always and His action will cause rise of him, Syphilis will never be pleased with that,May be he will took out his grudge Against him on Ari. Alphonso now only wants to protect her, which is why he is avoiding everything. He no longer harbors that love for him. Lately he realised because of Syphilis how Ari future have become insecure on marrying him. Syphilis himself destroyed any remaining love for him after taking Isabella's side, who caused Ari's miscarriage.he just have some respect as his son.

    If Alphonso stages a coup, the San Carlo noble society will react similarly to Ari like her previous life. I also believe a coup is not a good option for Alphonso if he wants to strengthen Ari's position as Queen. You can't maintain a strong position through fear forever. The only way is for the public to revolt against Syphilis, forcing him to hand over everything to Alphonso and Ari.

    The biggest problem for Ari is her judgment day, which has caused a massive decrease in her self-esteem. If Alphonso becomes the king of the Ertuscan kingdom, her judgment day issues will automatically be resolved, which is her main goal. The only remaining issue will be whether she becomes the awakened one or enters reincarnation based on her karma after natural death. problem is Ari don't know it.She is indeed on right path. all her worries about her judgement will be solved with Alphonso becoming king of Ertuscan kingdom.she is just suffering from unnecessary worries and unknowingly punishing herself and Alfonso for that.

    Unlike Cesare of the first timeline, Alphonso has always taken a strong stand for Ari. We can't blame Alphonso here as Alphonso himself is a victim of Syphilis.

    She accumulated bad karma indirectly because of Cesare. If Cesare had not asked for help from Ari, the Golden rule would have never compelled her to help Cesare. Since she helped Cesare with her plan, Filippo got offended by Cesare's tactics taught by Ari, leading him to order his soldiers to annex San Carlo, causing her to spread the plague to save San carlo. If she would have not helped Cesare from beginning ,Gallico Army would have returned after annexing Gaeta region like previous timeline.Syphilis, who was already paranoid against Alphonso due to Rubina's advice, became even more paranoid because Ari used her relationship with Alphonso to threaten him to save Cesare, making him see Alphonso as a threat.

    Even the suffering Ari experiences in this life is largely due to Cesare of this timeline. She also received an obsessive Cesare as a gift for her help, all thanks to the awakened one.ArI also hold a tag of disloyality towards Alphonso because of cesare in her heart. When Ari thought they should never had crossed paths with each other while breaking engagement, she was more than 100 percent right. Whatever Ari and Alphonso are currently facing, Cesare of this timeline is responsible for it to a great extent.It look like Cesare's existence is a curse for Ari in this life as well as in the first timeline.

    Another issue with Ari is that she thinks Alphonso fell in love with her because of her actions. However, in a recent chapter through Alphonso's point of view (POV), it becomes clear that he fell in love with her himself from their first meeting, at his first glance. That's why he approached Ari in Remboult shelter. Subsequent meetings only strengthened his feelings.

    The author has already pushed their relationship to an extreme extent, where both regret marrying each other because they believe they've destroyed each other's lives. Now, the author should begin to dispel their misconceptions and strengthen their relationship. Ari's low self-esteem should not control her, and Alphonso should become more open in expressing how deeply he loves Ari.

    I can only say it's a tragedy of love. Ari sacrificed everything for someone who always used her to receive love from him. She tried everything to win him over. When someone loves her unconditionally, even ready to abandon everything, even after her sacrifices for him, nothing compares to her past timeline. She herself wants to leave him.

    For me, the most painful part was Ari's desperate desire to have a child with Cesare in the first timeline. In this timeline, she did have a child and even experienced a miscarriage, yet she still lacked the expected motherly pain for that loss. It only shows how deep and heavy her guilt is has that she even can't feel basic emotion of mother.May be in future when everything will get better ,she will curse herself for this apathy for her first child,May be during final fight with Isabella when she will enumerate her wrong doing.
    Tad1989, Latarana and luliibunny like this.
  7. seaurchin

    seaurchin Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2024
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    Chapter 567
    Viscount Irene went to meet Bianca. Bianca, who seemed like a new baby in front of Ari, looked as high as the sky in front of Irene. Viscount explained everything to Bianca and asked for her help to save the Princess. Bianca thought about the probability of marrying the princess if her reputation were ruined. Then, she checked the time; it was 4 PM in the evening, and she estimated it would take until 5 PM to prepare. She mentioned there is a colony of fierce wild dogs on Dolphin Island.

    Bianca is still not an official duke, as Syphilis has not officially recognized her. So, Bianca was waiting for Alfonso to inherit the throne so that he could officially recognize her as Duke.

    She thought that rescuing the Princess and sending her back to Machique wouldn't be helpful for Ari and Alphonso. Bianca wasn't sure if the marriage between Juliana and Cesare would be advantageous or disadvantageous for Ari and Alphonso. She thought that if Cesare got married to Juliana, it might shake Alfonso's position. She also considered the idea of Cesare marrying Juliana and then getting rid of him later, as she knew how long Cesare had been following Ari, and it would be better for Alphonso. She believed she could do anything for Ari and Alphonso. Ari have requested Bianca to find Augusto, but she had not been able to achieve this goal.

    Bianca hated Cesare and Rubina. After Cesare became the Duke of Pisano, Syphilis transferred all support and benefits from Toranto to Pisano. She thought about the benefits and losses of Toranto.
    Then, she asked her attendant to prepare the boat.
    Starlight900, rahee, Mkh.97 and 2 others like this.
  8. seaurchin

    seaurchin Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2024
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    Even Bianca is waiting for the death of Syphilis. Syphilis has accumulated so much bad karma. His death would be the biggest celebration in the Ertuscan kingdom. If Alphonso and Ari ascend to the throne, it would be a great blessing for them. I can't believe Rubina threw her son to an island where wild dogs are playing, without a tent, without food. This night is going to be a nightmare for both if Bianca doesn't reach there to save them on time

    Bianca understanding of Cesare is mature .even I don't care about Cesare, how much he has really changed or how much he pretends to change, nothing is good in it because he is still obsessed with Ari. Maybe he is holding onto hope that Ari will help him the way she did in vulnerable times in the past. If he looks pitiful and pretends to change, Ari will leave Alphonso for him.
  9. seaurchin

    seaurchin Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2024
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    Chapter 568
    Bianca thought the second in command must be the Duke of Toranto. She would serve as the right hand of Alphonso. She thought the glory of the south must not pass to Cesare, who is a dog's bone from somewhere.

    After a while, Juliana realized her left ring finger was stiff , charcoal black and not working. She had a third-degree burn on her left ring finger (Surely, it would have to be amputated because of infection, it looked like she faced the fate of Ari from the first timeline). Upon realizing this, Juliana started crying.

    It was early afternoon, and a larger part of the tent was burnt, with the rest falling in the sand, some parts still burning. So, Juliana said she was going to the center of the island to get wood so they could wait until evening for a rescue ship to come. Cesare said they had to return to the mainland. Juliana thought it was because of her finger, but Cesare said it was because he had to get married.
    Suddenly, the howling of dozens of dogs came. He had a club a as syphilis prohibited him from using a sword.

    Juliana said it sounded like a wolf, not a dog, but Cesare took advantage and said, "Let's find the boat." Juliana asked how a novice sailor could drive a boat. Cesare said he was an expert in most boats. Basically, the ship race, Regatta Republica of the Republic of Porto, became popular in San Carlo, and Cesare used to take part in competitions on the Tiber River. Cesare hated rowing. But Juliana complained that you couldn't row if the ship was kept for a long time as it would get worn out. Cesare got angry and complained that she didn't want to get off the island.

    Juliana thought about Isabella's scars and thought she would beg for help from Augusto rather than die.

    She started thinking about her remaining options if she became crippled. Her thoughts crossed with Rubina. She realized her price in the marriage market would decrease as it would leave a permanent scar mark. She started abusing Rubina for scamming her
    Juliana thought Cesare didn't like her and that she is going through all this trouble. She started complaining, and instead of understanding her, Cesare replied, "I saved you first from burning." She started crying. Instead of caring for her, Cesare said he was going to the center of the island. Juliana wanted to spend time with Cesare rather than caring about wild dogs and pirates. Cesare said that would be awesome as wild dogs could eat the pile of food on the sand, but pirates could be a problem. She complained she wanted to stay on the beach; if they sailed, they could lose their path. Cesare said that wouldn't be a big problem as someone would rescue them, but Juliana replied that she didn't want to go out and that she wanted to wait on the beach.cesare feared that they will stay like this he will have to marry juliana

    Cesare held his right hand and started going to the center of the island and said not to complain as he was the guardian now
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2024
    Starlight900, rahee, Tad1989 and 2 others like this.
  10. seaurchin

    seaurchin Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2024
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    To me, it seems like Cesare has taken on the fates of both the past Cesare and the past Alphonso. Juliana has taken on the fates of both the past Ari and Isabella. Juliana is a potential bride-to-be of Alphonso, quite similar to Isabella, and she lost her left ring finger like Ari due to Rubina and Cesare.

    Cesare has become the Grand Duke, which is quite similar to becoming the crown prince, as it can grant him the throne through his son and at the same time create a potential power threat to Alphonso, like the prince regent in the previous timeline.
    Additionally, Dolphin Island fulfills wishes with curses

    Cesare is already not interested in Juliana, and now that she will have her ring finger amputated, Cesare is definitely going to hate her for her body deformity. Whether he likes it or not, he is not attached to Juliana. Juliana's marriage wishes are close to being fulfilled.

    The only wish left is for Cesare to be free
    SweetHela and luliibunny like this.
  11. seaurchin

    seaurchin Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2024
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    In both timelines, Cesare only loved his self-gratification. Even after the author currently showing that he is changing his behavior, what remained unchanged is his love for self-gratification. Through his point of view, the author tried to show how much he cared only about his self-gratification.

    Sometimes, something aligned with his path of getting self-gratification or self gratification itself, and he ended up doing something good.

    He try to compensate love which he can't give through fake promising future promises and various gifts.

    In both timelines, it's not that Cesare changed; rather, his approach to obtaining self-gratification changed as his goals and situations changed.

    That is why I am hopeless about his atonement,even if he free himself from clutches of Rubina.
    8thgradesyndrome, burulima and Mkh.97 like this.
  12. seaurchin

    seaurchin Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2024
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    In the recent chapter, Alfonso is about to say, "You can feel safe in my arms," to Ari, but due to syphilis, he loses confidence and stops mid-way through the statement. Syphilis has accumulated so much bad karma for him.

    That is why he got Isabella as his last courtesan ,Rubina who at least cared for Syphilis probably going to die in few chapters.Isabella will be free to humiliate Syphilis.
  13. seaurchin

    seaurchin Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2024
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    Chapter 569
    Cesare and Juliana walked together to the center of Cursed Dolphin Island through the mountains, but the heel of her shoe broke. She asked Cesare for a piggyback ride, but he thought that he need to save energy to drive the boat. his back was laden with food and drinks collected from a tent.

    A River is flowing from center of island to sea.He took tools and medicine in empty house they found during journey . Cesare tended to Juliana's injured finger with the only available disinfectant, high-quality grappa, and attempted to remove debris.He thought despite of being ugly, useless,not good at anything ,he will do his best to return to the mainland (finaly got some self realisation)

    From the mountain, Cesare spotted a small boat and rejoiced and reach there. He gave his shirt to Juliana to use as a scarf, though she protested it was cold. Cesare, anticipating the warmth from the work of sailing will make him sweat. It was late afternoon..he used his saliva to determine the direction of the wind.

    Bianca arrived with her marvelous ship with two petrol boat. They found the tent burnt and searched for any casualties. Viscount, in despair, began calling Juliana "Baby DORA."

    Bianca has brought 150 trained knight who spread on entire island.Bianca thought of getting political benefits from this.She thought that even if Juliana and Cesare got married, she would never give Pisano family space to rise politically. Either Leo 3 would keep them under his probation or kick them out of the capital to their fief. She believed Cesare to be a man who lived without thinking(Quite matured now). The only problem is Rubina, and it was time to hold her responsible for her actions ( final good bye to her is very near)
  14. seaurchin

    seaurchin Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2024
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    Bianca's rise is politically very important for Ari, especially as a threat to Cesare. Leo III never wanted Bianca's political involvement because it would be disadvantageous for him.
    Syphilis has made Cesare Duke and then Archduke without any accomplishments, while Bianca has gained significant political advantage as they guard the south of the Ertuscan kingdom and control the movement of shipments. It is time to return favors to Ari.

    It has hardly been 8-9 months since misunderstanding was cleared between Ari and Alphonso. I think their relationship has a lot of room to grow and mature citing their age . All those negative feelings they have due to syphilis going to vanish with their bond getting more stronger with time

    If Ari will become Princess,Issue of her low self esteem due to lowly past going to solve permanently

    I believe Bianca's intervention will force Leo III to recognize the marriage of Alphonso and the investiture of Ari as Princess.

    Since Bianca arrived late in the evening, just an hour before the onset of darkness, Juliana and Cesare likely left the island in the late afternoon. Bianca couldn't find them in way upon her arrival here. Most probably, both have already lost their way.

    The Terevero representative is already expected to arrive by tomorrow morning,Juliana and Cesare is out of sight,Bianca making her move against Rubina.Syphilis who wanted to take rest on Sunday going to have severe headache due to comming drama.
  15. seaurchin

    seaurchin Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2024
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    Chapter 570
    Rubina was happy that she would soon declare the marriage of her son. Marchioness Cepinelli informed that Bianca was making a fuss at the dock about everything she found at Dolphin Island. Syphilis had closed himself off as the Terevero representative was visiting Toronto. Rubina thought if she had known, she would have never made plans and considered herself lucky that Bianca was not able to meet Syphilis.

    Rubina believed her plan would only execute if Cesare were alive. She was not worried about Cesare; she was worried that her tool was broken. The Marchioness said since Bianca might create a mess of Rubina.

    She went to the dock and asked Bianca to talk with her politally as she is a member of the royal family. Bianca thought in no way Rubina was a member of the royal family and instead of involving herself in a useless debate, she showed proof of the burning incident and said she had not found any trace of them, asking Rubina to take responsibility and informing her that tomorrow she would inform Syphilis.

    People who gathered there started asking Rubina questions about why she did those things to her own son and the foreign heir, and why the pirates were on a rampage at sea. She thought it was not well known that she was not from the royal family but just a concubine. If rumors spread, it would be greatly disadvantageous for her.Rubina thought pirates can't touch him as she already cleared sea from pirates

    When Queen Margerita died, Gallico wanted the head of Rubina and to hold a trial in Gallico court. But Manchike is a small county, there's no way they would demand Rubina if something happened to Juliana. She was worried more about herself and then her son's life.

    Suddenly, Cesare with Juliana appeared at the port. Cesare was sunburned, and Juliana was covered.. (I think Bianca is going to create massive scene for burnt finger of Juliana in next episode as she is determined to eliminate Rubina)
  16. Aqua_the_idiot

    Aqua_the_idiot my decisions are justified by my name

    Dec 24, 2021
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    I literally cried in the recent 93 chapter bro I can't see them getting hurt anymore:cry:
    seaurchin, Latarana and Jeanpan like this.
  17. seaurchin

    seaurchin Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2024
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    I believe the author has created almost identical conditions for Cesare, but the only difference now is that he understands his mother. Ari always believed Cesare was ruined because of his mother, but is that the real case?
    Life is presenting him with a final opportunity in the form of Julia Helena to seek atonement in this life. Will he genuinely change, or will he become completely messed up?
    Cesare is on trial for those who argue whether his mother is responsible, or if he himself is responsible, and those who say both have cumulative effects. However, during his three years in Pisano, he was free from his mother's influence, yet he spent his time drinking alcohol and sleeping with a black-haired girl.

    Will understanding his mother change him drastically in a positive way? This time, he will have Juliana Helena by his side,hope of emotional support is there.Will he stop giving price tag to body part of others.Is he going to accept Julia Helena with her deformity???

    Personally, I believe what Cesare needs to learn is discipline, taking responsibility, and understanding the sacrifices in life.
    Mkh.97, Tad1989 and Latarana like this.
  18. seaurchin

    seaurchin Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2024
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    It looks so painful because it is pure, innocent, and deep love for each other. They will talk face to face again after 4 years. When they will meet again, things would be totally different.
    Aqua_the_idiot likes this.
  19. Queen of manhwa

    Queen of manhwa Active Member

    Mar 7, 2024
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    Can someone spoil the Ariadne miscarriage scene and how Alfonso reacted ? It was on the forum before but I’m guessing it’s deleted , also does anyone know how to read the actual novel for free that has 550+ ongoing chapters ?
  20. seaurchin

    seaurchin Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2024
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    Chapter 571
    Rubina took superhuman strength to jump to the boat and was received by Cesar, but she ignored him and went to Juliana to tell her it was her last chance to stay in the Etruscan kingdom. Meanwhile, Cesar was telling her that her left ring finger was severely injured and needed a doctor immediately.

    Juliana was furious with Rubina and thought she would protest, will not live in a foreign country relying on such a woman. However, she was also worried about her left ring finger and the possible implications for her future. She thought the only way to rise to the highest height was to accept Rubina's proposal.

    Looking around at the people gossiping about her and Cesare, Juliana thought everyone was mocking her virginity, and if she returned without marrying, everyone would taunt her for life. She thought Cesare had cried for her while saving her (though he cried due to his delusion about Ari). She believed he would be a great husband if he opened his heart, becoming her ally and protecting her for life despite having such a wicked mother-in-law. So she accepted that she slept with Cesare and then got unconscious.Everyone including Bianca astonished on hearing it.

    Cesar screamed, asking her to wake up. He feared people would never believe him if he told the truth, while they praised him for protecting the girl he was going to marry.( It was the first time in the entire novel that I felt bad for Cesare; he tried everything but ultimately became a victim of Rubina.)

    Juliana regain consciousness. Viscount Irene told her that she had informed her father about everything, including her injured left ring finger, and both were nervous. Rubina sent an engagement request to Juliana, and representatives from Terevero arrived. They were taken to the winter palace, where they found chaos.
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2024